Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 3, 1938, p. 7

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classified advertising acksts ttantki wan tkii ma with caju to take over profitable itewufffb i tout- k- tablihhcl customer j snu way ui uiim r mut b- paitufi with wuuuj f3 a wek to mart writ- fwlkh ixit ml710tc mirat tnitait itook- am maaim vouit kavocritb macazixes ok- iv r thriltliifr and futrinatiiiis entcr- iviiiiuit vital instruction and help ful iiui ration at niririiiiuly low it- y subscriptions inikc excellent jrtfts too complete list free on re- iiiiist i cott service toronto jo ontario cooks u rttt rauminc ltlt twltmin ikokitaule p-usi- nei fitv hook now 25c kur farms rimishinx o 31 arado lticu ny cattib heuekohd iuijs itklfeits reg- iktcrtd fully accredited year old ly atdon model x tieinral greenly s rpjriitii palermo ont titrriiivr nut sale good pse1j rimilng lowest prices write for catalogue voiirc street clothing ichaiike 502 yonge street toronto ciydksams where to uvy riadekoaiks do- momie and imported f0 head regis tered breeding stock now on band 10 stallions various es- 40 yoontr brood mates and fillies- west point kuril h c mclaughlin owner gait ontario ukap1 bone conduction a new meth- od tbat rives you natural hearing through the nones of the head the lotter hone conduction the smallest made is applied lo the bone behind the ear nothing on nor in the ear the miracle of the aye write to h potter company 40 ryrle building toronto established 1117 leveioprg and printing beautiful enlahgembnt hand colored in oils free with each order roll developed and printed 25c re prints io for 25c rays photo ser vice station j toronto t rom developed and irtnted 25c free glossy enlargement with each order gem photo service box 729 station h toronto ontario articles von sale employment planned employment for all workers send ten cents per copy to dept w canadian placement insti tute 21 dundas snuare toronto employment wanted stenographer dictaphone op erator age 25 7 years experience very good appearance asks twenty chartered accountant b com 8 years financial manufacturing cost work asks three hundred salesman clerk senior ma- iric age 23 mens furnishing gen merchandise what offers young man familiar with huilding materials wants opportunity lending to traffic work- no employment fee send ten cents for copy of planned employment for ah workers to canadian placement institute 21 dundas square toronto feathers wanted ginseng golden seal poultry goose and duek feathers satisfaction guaranteed w heller 147 harrison st toronto films ax1i prints rolls developed printed 1 free enlargement 25c re- prints 10 for 25c photocraft is 114 king e toronto zero prices expert work roll with free enlargement 25c trevanna studios 93 niagara street st cath- arlnes ont free two beautiful enlarge- ments one colored with roll de veloped eight glossy fadeproof prints 28c highest quality machray films winnipeg print our own negatives at home on any surface cloth or paper without skill or darkroom less than cent each miracle foto kit complete with instructions for 160 prints 1 j c williams 5 richmond east to ronto free enlargement with every 25c order roll film developed and 8 prints 25c reprints 3c each bright- ling studio 29 richmond st e to ronto ioil sale electric hand or power meat choppers and bono grinders fully guaranteed a j deer company 158 king st w toronto clip this leftover broken tobaccos mixtures sweet smoke little need to cut 20 lbs hag 250 fob rival cigars tobacco co regd b2i st romuald que dependability special weekend prices 1010 ton genuine pocihontist stove bit screened and treated 1845 ton domestic stove coal rit excellent for hot water 725 ton domestic nut coal bit citywide prompt de livery ontario fuels limited 23 rcoil street klgln s38r fur farming mink raising sample copy magazine 10c book catalog free fur trade journal box 31 toronto on tario crow angora wool clean in- lerestlng profitable free literature ottos angora ranch drawer 2098 colborne ontario hair goods wigs toupes transformations braids curls and all types of finest quality hair goods write for illus trated catalogue toronto human hair supply co 52s buthurst toron- to iiai it dressing schools madame hudson school hair- dressing and beauty culture write for pamphlet 707 yonge st toronto men and ladies learn barrer- ing or halrdressing under new me ier system free information write 590 yonge street toronto r raymar crcb fonm advim on fwo fjbu will wnj oiur d prtoty 0i ttt to ftyh wit wtul km tmi mtiift fr i 911 h mu matlf lo hutii m masons a9 cold remedy d la irtajbit for tabd i owly wfw uxuf m1omj tcburimj ump3 mop taj yo imuiov a iuynw uasom llmtdci umttso 14 mtcajlft totomto canada numtrik lyons february sale of reconditioned furniture every article completely recondi tioned and sanitarily treated torontos largest used furniture market all koods eold on a definite moneyback guarantee if not satisfied 1 1 oc kitchen cabinets in perfect condition 1195 c qc lfrefcser any finish 1 1 kf singer drophad sewing ma- i1 chines q qc 3 or 4 burner cas stoves ousracteed 1 j dc china cabinets any finish 1a 0 c br suite enamel finish assorted colors io qe bed outfits all steel panel liffj beds walnut finish excellent sprinss and brand new mattresses all sizes oo en 3 i walnut mohair chester field suite in perfect condition reversible marshall cushions a won derful bargain p4 ca 3 tc heavy taupe repp covered fful suite with reversible marshall cushions in perfect condition oa oft e solid onk dining room suite larpe round table and buffet with six chairs leather uphol stered completely reconditioned fiq on 9 pe- 2tone walnut dining- suite large buffet glass door china cabinet squaro table with six panm back leather upholstered chairs thi- suite cost over 29000 when new ivioks perfect a real snap 052 5 pe bedroom suite walnut oouu nnlsh iarpc dresser chiffon ier and full size bed with sapless spring and new heavy roll edge all cotton mattress al condition a snap fi7 00 moderne walnut bedroom suite large dreseer chiffonier triple mirror vanity full size bed sag- less spring and new excellent quality rufelt rolledge mattress a real bar gain in fine furniture send money order for complete price of goods any chartered bank our reference money back guarantee lyons chesterfield manufacturers thadritf dept 478 yonge st toronto ioistk- cows hotsteln cows springing and 1 bull ready for service cows bred to son of 37 and guaranteed accredited and bloodtested blanchard bros middle road freeman ontario magazines magazines western detec- tive womens stories etc 5 back numbers 25c postpaid m montgom ery box 505 station f toronto mfoicai 5000 edmonton citizens testify for r and s powder herbal reme dy rheumatism arthritis neuritis stomach troubles etc two weeks 150 one month s two months 5 druggists or j c mclntyre herbal ist edmonton alberta agents ly- mans montreal hepatola relieves stomach liver kidney and bladder troubles symptoms pains in right side under shoulder blades and across hips in digestion gas constipation colic product of german doctor price j5 mrs geo s almas box 10t1x sas katoon sask piles on hkmonrnuins dont suffer needlessly our remedv davis pile treatment will help rid you of the terrible discomfort of bleed ing itching or protruding piles sent postpaid in plain wrapper on receipt of si on money back if not delighted with results address davis pharm- ai company 350 oakwood avenue t onto voykitiks dressed doll easter chicken cow boy doll paper hat balloon dancing monkey blow out and horn nil for rfle postpaid circular free robert harvic 23s king st east toronto office eollpmevr fireproof safes 50 and hp cash rcgisfers credit systems coun ter check books send postcard for illustrated folders mccaskcy sye- tcms limited gait ontario patent attorney roy l knox registered attor- ney information regarding inven tion patents drawings rcglstra- tlons sales 14 metcalfe ottawa patents an offer to every inventor list of inventions and full informa tion sent free the ramsay company registered patent attorneys 273 bank st ottawa can iensoxai marry would you marry if suited hundreds to choose from some with means many farmers daughters and widows with property particulars 10c confidential cana dian correspondence club box 128 calgary alta learn true significance of latent forces in your nature send stamped addressed envelope box 352 new westminster bc quit tobacco snuff drinking easily inexpensively home reme dies testimonials guaranteed ad vice free box 1 winnipeg ark you ruptured relief com fort positive support with our ad vanced method no clastic or tmder- straps or steel write smith manu- facturlng co dept 21g preston out photo finishing 26c beautiful handpaintkd enlargements with every eight prints falcon photo finishers 151 shcrlirnok winnipeg man ioiltltv axi iocitiiv ioiiimit jersey giants white or black plymouth hocks white or barred indian runner ducklings catalogue edzell poultry farm princeton out my very best large bred to iay while leghorn chicks 0- big even barred rocks 10c all blood- tested 100 arrival boh klmhcr- ley box w essex ontario would you like to have bar- red hock pullets laying cock erels weighing to 7 lbs dressed at 4h months leghorn chicks that travelled 2sc0 miles mortality nil pullets laying mir ir you would write for th- twcdrilc chlchloguev its free and let mr kinstead nnil mrs hmhersile tell you the true story f the above mieecss they have had with tweddle iick twcddle chick hatchery limited box 10 fer gus ontario you get high quality goveun- ment approved hicks from bicd- testcd breeders at low prices wheii you order baden chicks send for catalogue nnil pries bad ii bice- trie chick hatchery box 59 baden ontario save fifty cents hundred by ordering brnj chicks thirty days in advance w c for catalogue bray hatchery 1 john st north ham ilton ontario beautification of ottawa proposed farreaching plans tloted french architect says work will require 25 to so years elaborate plans for the bcautisca- tion and development of ottawa as a great and picturesque capita were disclosed last weclf by jacques cre- ber noted french architect and ad viser to the dominion government the work may take 25 to 50 years to complete and involves almost com plete transformation of the centre of the city among the first items to bs under taken in the plan is the placing of the national war memorial opposite the langcvin block on elgin street just south of wellinslon demolition of the former post office building on the plaza erection of a postal station on the northwest corner of sparks and elgin street widening of the plaza and elgin street park area construction of a park area between wellington street and cartier square elgin street and the federal district commission driveway and eventual removal of all buildings in that area is also projected in this area a num ber of public buildings are planned to form a comprehensive composition with the new union station garden and park treatment will be given to many blocks and there will be a number of traffic islands and traffic circles as part of the creation of a mall a bridge will be constructed across the canal from albert street providing an artery to nicholas street which runs in the opposite direction on the other side of the canal tbis will relieve the bottleneck traffic sit uation on the plaza the mall will lead over the canal to the new union station pla2a may start next summer mr greber said his plan for she city itself also took into consideration any future plan which might be con templated for a wider federal district he added he was in complete agree ment with plans that had been pro posed for the gatineau area north of ottawa ho had not yet taken into consideration to the extent of detailed plans for an extended federal district it was understood ills plan has been approved by the dominion govern ment officials of the department of pub lic works said they expected plans would be far enough advanced to call for tenders for the lirst projects by late spring construction they ex pected would be started tbis summer along canadas mining highway barber larder complet ing installation douglas a mutch well known mining engineer states barber larder is completing installation of new electrically driven plant and preparing for shaft sinking to a first objective at 550 ft with four levels to be es tablished at 125 ft intervals as formerly reported very extensive diamond drilling was done here before deciding on shaft sinking with sixty holes completed this drilling indicated a practically con tinuous ore zone for approximate ly 800 ft with average grade es timated at s705 across an average width of 25 ft this average grade was obtained after reduction of numerous high assays it is esti mated that some 475000 tons of ore have been indicated above the 250ff level diamond drilling returned very important ore sec tions with widths up to 100 it some of which carried exception ally high values with one averag ing sm9 across 128 feet a fur ther hole averaged si 060 across 31 ft others returned s950 across 205 ft s860 across 142 ft 1690 across 35 ft s756 across 20 ft 882 across 107 ft etc one hole showed a width of 100 ft averaging 497 in addition to the main ore zone further drilling some 2000 ft west of the shaft returned val ues of 2525 across 12 feet and 806 across 5 ft this indicates important possibilities for the find ing of further ore west of the shaft section along the 3000ff length of favourable structure contained in the companys prop- erf v best pupils sure to be yesmen adult life of the child wliowas teachers pet is certain to be thorny the adult life of the child who always gets as in school may develop into anything but a bed of roses such was the conclusion that some psychologists and educators disclosed in comment on a recent statement by miss eta anchester kindergarten su perintendent in philadelphia who said we must realize the seriousness of a childs always getting as he has a right to get a d once in a while it will do him good for life isnt going to strew as nil around him looking for big sturdy heal- thy fastcrowing chicks the bray xtraprofiohiek does the trick free catalogue bray hatchery 120 john st north hamilton ontario some bray pullets laid 70 during october and november two high price months last year see our 193s catalogue 12 pure breeds also crossbreds bray hatchery 130 john st north hamilton ontario chicks barred rocks and white leghorns all breeders blood- tested and under government ap- sroval i j ardagh strcetsville ntnrlo box e trent iiig hevenii chicks are fast becoming a buyword and standard for superior chicks among poultry minded people because they nulokly turn feed and labor into profits readv now trent elec tric hatchery trenton ont poultry equipment high qua- llty at low cost made in canada for canadians write for our new cata logue model incubators ltd 190 river st toronto goodygoody children describing the pupil who never fails to get an a as likely to be teachers pet dr robert n memurray execu tive secretary of the chicago branch of the psychological corporation said that sort of ew is likely to grow up to be a conformist a person who never blazes new trails the sort of person who accepts what is told him without question the pattern of what teacher sayb is carried over into adult life he is not likely to he a leader or a dynamic individual thats the way i view the future goodjgoody chil dren dr edwin b place chairman of the department of romance languages at northwestern university seized the occasion to criticize what he said was the tendency in many schools to abandon the oldfashioned grading system and to substitute rather ne bulous ratings hard knocks essential thus lie said the child is in the main exempted from having to follow educational patterns which in any way approximate he experiences which are inevitably ahead of him in life no such utopia as is being created for him by progressive educational procedures will be in prospect after he leaves school thus i thoroughly agree that there is nothing so dangerous for a growing child as monotonous and un interrupted success in school achieve ment a few hard knocks are essen tial were buying heavily from united states spectacles eyeglasses 175 up we send ten pair to test your eyes satisfac tion or money refunded glass eyes 400 each assortment sent accur ate optical dept k c7 sussex to- ronto stamps our trade increases more with us than uk collectors teachers coiton- ation souvenir stamps fin different showing who and what its all about 25c gtilloil box 14 station k to- ronto tanning expert tanning of hides for harness lacc and robes bear ietr furs free list and tags towne sons merrilton ontario top them screaming if you merrywith cist ijbccr taut feeling in your tmaefcal9 piiosfeiuneva few tny economical drops end iliy will ielp ficady throo racl rrfrvt imprevp your a io bum upyourclrcngut ac tlruffills toc 1 00 and si w 6s phqsfesinevs issue no 10 38 b d i a 271 per cent rise in the yearly comparison wrs shown in import fig ures covering the nine months ended dec 31 released by the dominion bureau of statistics ottawa the figures showed also that the united states supplied canada with more than half its imported goods while the united kingdom and other km- piie countries supplied a little less than onequarter topping tiie list of countries from which canada bought 037342835 worth of goods ii the first nine months of the 193738 fiscal year the united states provided 380802- 410 worth hoostinp its trade 341 per cent imports from empire countries rose 251 per cent at 19j511c40- and those from the united kingdom worth 115859405 were tip 181 per cent second supplier among nonbrit ish countries was germany which shipped canada goods worth 9499- 747 nn increase of 33 per cent smiles and chuckles there are two kinds of people in the world talkers and doers what we would like to know is just where the nudist camps go in the win ter time a story is told of a woman on holi day at a fishing village who asked an old sailor of the windjammer days why a ship was always spoken of as she old salt slyly mebbee its be cause the rigging costs more than the hull mr brown was interviewing an ap plicant for the position of caretaker mr brown how long were you in your last place applicant a month mr brown thats not long and the place before that applicant two weeks mr brown not so good and the time before that applicant there wasnt no time before that sir i got off with a fine read it or not england as a nation spends about s0000000 annually on laundry work minister to church janitor look here see that carpet you put on the floor of the pulpit janitor yes sir minister well what do you think would happen if i should step on one of those tacks in the middle of my sermon janitor well i reckon that would be one point you would not lin ger on hal a friend of mine named his child carol because she was born on christmas jim sfie i thought a carol was n hymn a lot of folks who are saying they want to make heaven their home will feel mighty out of place if they should happen to get there katberine frank doesnt call on us any more mother said they oouid not agree dorothy did your mother ihink he stayed around too long in the even ings katberine no he thought that mother did funny things sometimes get into want ads here are a few instances wanted a cow giving four gallons of milk daily none other need call then this from an aged negro the podnership resistin between me and mose skinner is herewith resolved dem dat owes dc firm will settle wid me dem what de firm owes will set tle with mose sounds like amos n andy doesnt it finally this lost purse by lady with initials on back we like butter every man woman and child in canada cats 31i lbs of butter a year or more than lb n week canadas yearly consumption of but ter in 193g was nearly 350000000 lbs eggs are off conjurers clowns jugglers in germany have been ord ered not to use ejgs or any other foodstuff in tricks on pain of charges of sabotaging fouryear foodrian i iron and steel mills of czechoslo vakia are breaking production records in filling armament orders stopped in a minute are you tormented with the itchinf tortures of eciema raphes athktsi loot eruptio as or otlier kla afflictions for quick and happy relief use cooling antiseptic liquid o d d prescription its cent nils soothe the irri tated skin clear srrcaselrcs and stainless dries fact step the most intense itcbinc h unity a 35c nisi bonk al druf stores proves it of money wc 30 giant light bulb does him honor thomas edison great inventor would have celebrated his 91st birthday were he still living menlo park ny a siton electric light bulb 14 feet high atop a 130foot tower was started burning in honor of thomas alva edisor over the site of the laboratory where the wizard of menlo park worked on his inventions from 1s7g to 1ssc on the 31st birthday anniversary of the late inventor his old cronies and helpmates who are banded together as the edison pioneers gathered in new york for their 20th annual lunch eon at the hotel astor at wliich william slocuni barstow donor of the memorial tower pressed a button lighting the massive bulb expresident of the edison pioneers and of the thomas alva edison foun dation incorporated barstow had the edison tower built at a cost of 100- 000 to be turned over to the founda tion weasels on the war path seven weasels chased and tried to attack a sixlytiirccyearold man in north wale- he escael them by jumping over a wall into an adjoining field a man in stockport eng has ap pointed himself traffic controller on a busy corner putting in six hours daily and receiving no pay except what motorists give him he is a cripple and grimly reminds the mo torists to drive safely your pots pans kdairy equipment sbw v isfonuracf urfdbv vt n rai corporation of canadv rtp vr3 v hamiltonjcanada v almost a wreck atany folks arc thin and pale theyre weak feel tired logy and dull this condition should not he overlooked dr pierces gold en medical dis covery is n tonic which increases llie appetite eliminates waste from the intestines and toner up the digestive system head thi william iashimkl u3 bayfield ave hamil ton ont said x could not enjoy a meal localise of the ha aftereltecis sour stomach ias and acid indigestion finally i took a lew ifottles of dr pierces golden medical discovery and my digestion- was better i enjoyed my meal no ill effects my appetite improved and 1 felt much better in every way uuy now of your drutfgiit use pidard new and re markable re medy for heaves sat isfaction is guaranteed regardless of the severity dr length of lime your horse has iuffcicd from this disease by mail 100 chs eug uirard ste rotheo laval quebec fighting fog a lyumber of attempts are being made to stop flying blind now that air travel is universal the question of fog is becoming more acute than over and scientists every where are racking their brains for methods of dealing with this worst form of weather more than sixty years ago tyndall showed that a dustfree space wag formed over a hot body working on these lines sir oliver lodge invent ed au electric machine for dispersing fog it was tried in birmingham dur ing a bad fog ou december 22 1904 as hundreds of invisible points got busy the fog turned to cloud the cloud to mist and the surrounding buildings became visible the inven tion worked to perfection but was too costly to be used on a large scale cleared 2000foot path next in 1907 came demetrio mas- gioras air innon or projector it was sixty feet long at the bottom was a chamber in which gas was exploded but when it was tried in bad fog the effect was too local to be of real value at pittsburg more recently a sat urated solution of calcium chloride was sprayed from nozzles by a sys tem of overhead pipes the calcium solution drew the tiny particles of mist into larger drops which fell as rain in this way a path 2000 feet in width was cleared across an aero drome but the expense was great and an aerodrome is rendered useless by a network of pipes tries out fireengine last year m august vcraart a dutchman known in his country as the rain maker who has actually caused rain to fall from clouds by spraying them with a mixture of ice and salt from an aeroplane devised a very simple method of dealing with fog his idea was to hole the fog by forcing water into the mistladen atmosphere at high pressure he does this with a fireengine and has already been so successful that the number of foggy days at amster dam has fallen by almost half fish is basic food of japs quest for sea provender has led them into international complications speak to any japanese about food and he immediately thinks of fish any kind of fish fresh or salt raw or cooked hot or cold for this has been an essential of the diet ot his people from antiquity this nipponese penchant for fish has provided the basis for numerous international jangles some pretty serious the latest revolving at this moment about the salmou fisheries of alaskan waters may exhaust fisheries tiie japanese are charged with so encroaching that they will exhaust the fisheries wliich form the most im portant industry of alaska and the biggest thing of its kind in existence its from these far northern canneries that come the tins which enable the wives of hie united states to do the hatlriek and provide the sunday night supper without standing over hot stoves the specific allegation against hie japanese is that by ignoring united states laws and among other things employing equipment forbidden to alaskan fishermen they are conduct ing a wholesale slaughter of salmon as these princes of fish return from the ocean to therivers to spawn the ever efficient japanese take their floating canneries along with them and lin the fish on the spot similar complaints have been made by russia and other countries most profficient at catching em the japanese are about the most proficient fishermen there are for generations tliey have gone about tho business systematically and scientifi cally their fishery schools study tho subject intensively and the country has the latest thing in fishing equip- mcrt wherever there in a fish even a lit tle one there will he a japanese not far off you will find he eager angler of nippon searching ihe waters of australia canada sakhalin korea china kamchatka alaska the uea of okhotsk and wliero not perilous porcupine a story comes to us of a porcu pine that killed a lion two of its cjuills pierced the lions heart porcu pines nre not dangerous if not mo lested but their weapons nre deadly lo attackers dogs for instance can never hunt the porcupine successful ly for all ir lias to do is lo roll into a ball and present an array of minia ture lances to the enemy in india nnd africa it is common in the jun gle to come across dead animals far larger than the porcupine with quills in their bodies the solo evidence of mortal combat incidentally porcupines make ex cellent food nnd not so very ions ago pies and stews made with their pesh were recognized dishes on many old country tables

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