classified advertising agents wanted lksman wanted bt the old rb- ible konuitil nurstrie eublisiiea 100 ecxs send fur ontennlal catalogue and cciai line start now exclusive tern ary la tjwn or country liberal terms free utiit stoae and wculogtoo turonta 2 ul sob1ks guaranteed lingerie osiery manufacturers stores eatab- ishcd 25 eara- christmas seller expert- ace unnecessary get details sobies lio arnham ciue weskntat1ve wanted for hos- ry manufacturer or this district only serxtlc man onsldered write lull par- ulars to mr elliott 72 quteo west to- ooto iaz1ng profits agents iouie men eulni stores boines hundreds of big noney makers clothing dry gkds toilet reparations household sfeclalties drug undrles free catalogue write ralco vholesale box hoi montreal ents to sell mens neckties for rhristmas crxd profits write for samples nd price list murgatrold agencies yonge t arcade toronto ell glyco handcleaner ents wanted in all communities o demonstrate and sell glyco the perfect iand cleaner glyco overcomes competition ure repeat sales summer and winter ex- lusive territory glyco company of canada it nicholas building montreal itches blankets sets of s1lver- vare toiletware and many other useful irtlcles given to our agents send for free ratalog royal mall order co ss sherbourne jtrect toronto hair goods wigs toupees transformations liruids turs and all types of finest qual ity uair cjods write fur illustrated cata logue toronto human har supply co 52i baihurst street toronto his back ached for 4 years honey delicious amber honey contains no buckwheat 610s si 2a il d mclntyre bridgeport ont medical why suffer only 35c will convince ou that mazar varicose salve will give permanent relief from ulcers running sores new or old wounds moneyback guarantee mazar mfg 331 flora avenue winnipeg are you sick nature has a remedy for all com- mon aliments no drugs pills capsules or liquids only natural remedy free booklet natures way to health no obligation indian herbal remedy com pany 2000w dundas st west toronto you can be entirely free from army stores ute for christmas catalogue special prices boots blankets etc army stores 33s queen st east toronto barn roofingfence posts r direct factory prices save you noney on supertlte galvanized roofing superior steel fence posts and steel gran- iry lining superior products limited sar- da ont books and magazines ed magazines detective adven- ure western sport love 30 for 100 c harbord stamp store t 4 business opportunities men start a dress and lin- erio business of your own a shop or from our own home excellent profit increasing hislness prices to meet competition and armenta superior tn quality small invest- nent starts you off write canadian dress company 7 a camden street toronto arrets ktwoven into rugs d carpets woven into revers- ble rugs write for price list baker cleaning co toronto 4 asthma hay fever and bronchitis revolu- tlonary discovery of european physician has worked wonders it quickly removes all traces of respiratory troubles however stub born they appear to be write for free in formation rmb laboratories of canada ltd dept 1629 vancouver block van couver bc why suffer when you can get immediate relief from head colds catarrh and deafness by using nameless cold remedy trial will convince by mall 50c a product of the purity chemical co exeter ontario garlic pearles soluble capsules pure essential oil of fresh garlic no disagreeable odor nor aftertaste for arthritis prostate rland ca tarrh and other obstinate disorders they are an internal disinfectant regulating the entire digestive system and are an excellent safeguard against common colds 53 per 100 enough for five weeks r adam po box 374 vancouver bc dr lekevres genuine dehydrated garlic and spinach powder in capsules na tures germ killer and antiseptic odorless tasteless blood builder strengthener antl- catarrbal for men women and children 50c and 2 prepaid address frisco importing cjltd 441 seymour st vancouver prevention is better than opera- tlon beesleys bitters allherb tonic prevents ulcers or ulcerations of the stom ach it you are suffering from internal trouble write for the testimonials we have from living people mrs t van camp manufacturer 107 langley ave toronto kruschen put him right for four years this mans back ached almost continuously- kow at 57 he starts the day fresh as a daisy and his back aches no more head his story i hqd continuous backache for four years i looked on the black side of everything now i write with extreme gratitude for what kruschen salts has done for me the freshness with which i start my days work is perfectly marvellous after seven days of kruschen i felt better and could get up immediately without any special effort i am 57 and my early morning dose of kruschen is my salvation jt the kidneys are the filters of the human machine if they become slug gish impurities find their way into the bloodstream and produce troub lesome symptoms backache rheu matism and depression the numerous salts in kruschen quickly coax your kidneys back to healthy normal action as an im mediate result you experience relief from those old dragging pains h you persevere you lose your pains altogether stamps v v 8 smiles and a i chuckles just being happy just being happy is a fine thing to do look on the bright side rather than the blue sad or sunny musing is largely in your choosing and just being happy is a brave work and true just being happy helps other souls along their burdens may be heavy and they not strong your own skies will lighten it others skies you brighten by just being happy with a heart lull of song 95000 stamp accumulations edwards colonials revenues pictorials cudtng commemoratives samples 1000 fifty cents james shrlmpton wadena sas katchewan taxidermy artificial eyes and skulls tax1- dermlst and furriers supplies as used in our own workshops send for free cata logue oliver spanner and co ltd 28 elm street toronto tanning miscellaneous dogs iglish foxhounds la years eith- x sex 52000 including pedigree walkers ither sex 51500 started pups three nonths 5300 dark silk mink 52500 iugle kennels and fur farm lombardy nt electric welder e tr1ndl electric welder won- lerful new invention operates from 6volt lattery welds solders brazes 5395 de- lve r h and lindsay ont films and prints ills developed printed enlargement 25c reprints 10 ivtocraft 18315 king st b 1 free for 250 toronto i0 prices expert work roll vlth free enlargement 25c trevanna stud- os 03 niagara street st catharines ont drtrait in folder free ith eveky roll perfectly devel- ned and printed 25c coin star snap- snot service 100 kins st west dept y toronto ir1stmas cards from your favour- ite negatives 3 for 25c c a dozen com plete with envelopes enlargements 5x7 in casle frame 39c 2 f r 75c roll films developed and printed 25c reprints 3c each free enlargement with every 25c order brlshtllnk 29 richmond st e toronto jlls developed and eight prints with free enlargement 25c reprints 3c each commercial photo service dept b outrcmont que ec1al offer three 5x7 glossy enlargements 25c send your best negatives everett wees route 3 sarnla learn shorthand accountancy typewriting by mall satisfied students throughout canada write for free prospec tus dcpl c canada business college hamilton ontario 16 lbs very good broken leaf to- bacco 52 7 lbs si c dubois 262 rldeau ottawa choice quality eastern mink r ru ed from best strains of labrador and c bee they have all the fine characteristics of mink from that section 125 breeders smd in 2 years last years pelt average 2775 reasonably priced c btsbee alliston ont fox pelts tanned and made into scarfs animal skins tanned and made into floor rugs deer and moose heads mounted by expert furriers and taxidermists satis faction guaranteed prices reasonable oliver spanner co ltd 23 elmst toronto tobacco lea f burley four tounds s100 fourteen pounds 5300 five pounds virginia leaf cigarette tobacco 200 postpaid with flavoring natural leaf tobacco co lea mington ontario bible readersthe truth of eter- nal life information free write g luard clover bar alberta 20 yards cult reinants 100 washfrst c ttns prints broadcloths skks free v70 quilt patterns collect refund guarantee maritime textiles 8019 degrpe depart wlls montreal men wanted wanted ambitious men 18 years or over to loam detective work big pay rewards interesting homestudy course free information write to morris l jullen box 25 station t montreal ontarios tobacco crop was sold within ten days canadas newest large agricul tural crop unique on this con tinent growers and buyers budget production patent attorney for sale vnning mill kline proof best mill ficlls price new auction sales kline manufacturing islington ontario ectacle frames 150 pltescrip- tlons filled special low prices by mail fchacfer optical lwt yonuc toronto roy i knox registered attorney information regarding invention patents drawings registrations sales 14 metcalfe ottawa patents an offer to every inventor list of inventions and full information eent free the ramsay company registered patent attorneys 273 bank st ottawa can personal are you ruptured relief comfort positive support with our advanced method no elastic or undcrslraps or steel write smith manufacturing co dept 219 pres ton ont personality chart sent free furniture lyons tradein dept the wonderful bargains in our furniture adcln dept have made this the most popu- r in toronto space will not permit us to a more than a few of our specials if you not seo what you want advertised write id let us know your needs every piece of rnlturc is sanitarily treated and completely finished to look like new all orders carc- ly packed for immediate shipment on re- ipt of money order oq beautiful 5plece bedroom suite oiuu t twotone walnut dresser and tnlty with large swing mirrors full size sagless spring and new allfelt roll edge attress new condition cq rr oplcce walnut bedroom suite o juu i dresser triple mirror vanity iffrobe full size bed sagless spring and nd new allfelt mattress completely re- nlshed like new cost over 20000 a real rgaln 4q ilodcnl 9plecc walnut finish dln- wuu ing room suite buffet china cab- et extension table and 6 leather seat chairs impletely reflnlshed a real smart suite hoc dining room suite 8 pieces large buffet extension table and six rong leatherseat chain guaranteed clean d in good condition fa chesterfield outfit 8 pieces in eluding 3plece chesterfield suite bolstered in a good hard wearing brown pp with reversible marshall cushions end ble bridge tamp and shade metal smoking and and silk chesterfield cushion a real itetamtlng value raymar canadas foremost advis- cr on human problems will send a character and personality chart free to anyone who writes him this amazing free offer is made merely to advertise masons 49 cold remedy and is available for a limited time only write today enclosing a selfaddressed stamped envelope nnd your birthdate ad dress raymar care of mason remedies limited 1018 mccaul street toronto ca nada pigeons magpies helmets homers nuns fantalls high class pigeons priced reason ably write perry anderson kincardine ontario properties for sale old established grocery meats modem fixtures apartment garage 1p toronto doing 40000 weekly box 101 wilson publishing co toronto poultry ship to edward wilson regd top market prices paid for dressed poultry and eggs ed wilson regd 44 bonsecours mkt montreal 1 l spkce chesterfield suite xovlu upholstered in brown repp with fig red reversible marshall spring cushions a i good looking and comfortable suite nurry r this offer q qc bed outfit full size steel bed sag c7ilj lmj spring and new roll edge all t mattress large assortment of kitchen mnets sewing machines gas stoves library bles wardrobes beds springs mattresses id dressers chiffoniers studio couches etc amazingly iw prices tradein dept lyons bedding and upholstering co 418 yonge st toronto hairdressing schools ndrews academy op 11irdre33ing government licensed we train you for board examination free prospectus 961 bloor west toronto adame hudson school ha1rdre88- log- and beauty culture writ for paraph- 707 tong stmt toronto purebred bourbon red turkeys bred from prize winning high production ancestors large healthy vigorous birds toma 445 hens 320 stanley barstead douglas ont poultry medic roup colds scratches sores etc quickly relieved with brlggs electric oil many home uses two sizes 79c 3 oz 23c 2 ox makers of brlggs black oh kennedys founder and hoof ointment de pendable over 88 years sold by druggists for free information write c c brlggs a sons toronto guilting patterns free 70 quilting patterns olant waahfast remnants makes five quilts cottons prints silks eiderdowns 1100 collect sample bundle 21c refund guarantee maritime textiles 6019 de- gaspe montreal radios 1838 customquality radios sensational new 1938 mercury cus- toraqualltr rhonola radios delivered dir ect from our laboratories eighteen models automatic tuning battery and vibrator new low prices send for free catalogue mercury radio company 70c college st toronto simcoe ont with the final curtain rung down today on the 1937 tobacco market growers of canadas newest large agricultural crop were able to reckon their profits in excess of 100 per acre this years market which saw 50 million pounds of fluecured tobacco snapped up by buyers in less than ten days realized in excess of fifteen million dollars for the 1700 produc ers who this spring planted 50500 acres to the crop available figures show that tobacco produced a return of approximately 300 per acre chief problem until 1934 was mar keting today ontarios fluecured tobacco growers belong to a market ing association which rigidly controls price and acveage each year with the cooperation of the prospective buyers of the crop the tobacco pro duction is budgeted and the plant ing is done purely on a basis of the available market for that years crop taking into consideration of course growing export prospects the growers who comprise the asso ciation are allotted certain acreages to plant to tobacco growers agreement when the crop is harvested repre sentatives of growers and buyers all joint members of the marketing association meet and agree on an average minimum price for the crop in 193g for instance the average minimum was set at 25 cents per pound but the price actually paid was 29 cents this year the average minimum was 24 cents and the price paid will probably exceed 27 cents with the eooperation of the farm er and the buyer a crop of 5g mil lion pounds more than twice the 193g production was moved this year at a price which sets a new high record for returns today the tobacco industry in canada is unique on the north am erican continent in that growers and buyers budget the annual production months ahead of time amicably agree upon a fixed price which permits a substantial profit for all branches nd work hand in hand for future expansion stzn at noon only cut through the solid rock of the adirondack mountains in new york state is a milelong gorge known as indian pass and the bottom of the gorge is only lit by the sun for n- few minutes every day at noon the walls of th2 gorge arc abso lutely perpend cular and on one side the rock rises sheer to 1300 feet in dian pass is considered to be one of- this continents scenic wonders it wouldnt matter greatly what people did in following the dictation of their consciences it they were not so insistent upon everybody else fol lowing them too it is bad to bo absentminded it is funny i do not remember limping when i left home said the absentminded professor as he walked down the street with one foot on the curb and the other in the gutter a woman who formerly resided here conies back after many years to see her friends finds what to her is an embarrassing condition to wit a few of these friends are not on speaking terms and she has to exercise care in making social engagements that is whats usually termed small town stuff though it can be duplicated ev erywhere since cities are only aggre gations of small burgs nevertheless it is a deplorable condition it can be remedied materially by cultivating a greater toleration and a wider view point trouble with most of us is this our minds are local they dont reach out beyond neighborhood limits and if they did they would be slower in making harsh judgments ou the human units around them high au- woiid and good citizenship consists mainly in being charitable and getting along with imperfect folks like our selves tropical fish fanciers fewer as a hobby the aquarium is on the decline now celloph it factory ribbon lliisisi why asked the pilot because according to my calcula tions we are now inside st pauls cathedral some experiences which appear to be disasters become in retrospect a veritable lifesaver the prosecuting attorney had en countered a rather difficult witness at length exasperated by the mans evasive answers be asked him whe ther he was acquainted with any of the jury yes sir replied the witness more than half of them are you willing to swear that you know more than half cf them de manded the man of the law the other thought quickly if it comes to that he replied i am willing to swear that i know more than all of em put together a manabouttown might be describ ed as a fellow who can be perfectly attired for any occasion without even smelling of moth balls atmosphere the to make conver- were in an unfamiliar professor was tryin sation professor the romans fond of card games sweet young thing oh yes i know wasnt it a man called hora- tius who held the first bridge party a sign in a resturant reads foods these morsels be what colored parson brother jones that was the best chicken ah evah et whereat did you all obtain such a de lectable fowl brother jones pahsoii when yo preaches a good sermon does ah ask whereat yo obtained it ah craves de same fobearanco from you y a young flying officer stationed somewhere in egypt while flying near the great pyramids carrying out ex ercises in navigation and working with a sextant to discover his exact position suddenly turned to the pilot and said take off your hat mrs m my baby is so delicate that i have to let my husband dress it mrs p can he do it better than you mrs m oli yes hes a packer in a china factory australian charm industry flourishes pooular rabbits foot has been replaced to a great extent by lodestone- golden ealb med allions and rings popped quicju eiftf if ft he p i tortured with liver trouble and rheumatic pains there is nothing like decpscatel liver trouble and rheumatic pains to pull you down here is a letter from a man who was enduring pain and misery unnecessarily he writes i have distributed a supply of fynnon salt to a few friends who were suffering from kidney trouble sout etc they have now said jjood- bye to their complaints as for myself 1 was practically born with liver trouble and rheuma tism since taking fynnon salt 1 feel like a new man and my only complaint seems to be a crand appetite and a body full of energy fynnon salt neutralizes the uric acid that causes rheumatic pains gout lumbago sciatica etc fynnon salt brlngsquicic relief from pain- limbs feel supple nnd free once again a 4 teaspoonful of fynnon salt in ft tumblerful of vater every morning equals in medicinal effect three large glasses of the mineral spring waters found at famous british spaa kow in your own home you can obtain similar benefits from a large 75c package cf fynnon salt get it from your druggist today if you have any difficulty getting supplies write laurcnlian acendes st gabriel street montreal 4 leonard ss for thoso who aro hard of hearing loorcrd ear oil is rubbed in 1907 head ra dllilu cio had lnxurd ear oil of lh hiring in very pactece relievos catarrh stops head noites easy to use 1 24 at your drumiita dolributeri in canada t lauretltian aqencies montreal issue no 49 37 more than 250000 lucky charms are sold every year in new south wales nine out of ten people in all walks of life are wearers of charms said the manager of a shop in sydney which supplies these and other novelties they go out of fashion iutf like womens hats he added c 1 new charms are manufactured to take their place many airmen will not fro up with out their rabbits foot rrl many a home hangs holly to cie away tne evil spirits but just rw in sydney there is a great rii on lodestones golden balls medallions and lucky rings moneyback guarantee the sydney shop sells its charms under a guarantee of results or your money back only one cus tomer in 500 ever complains while many testimonials are received from grateful charmwearers a young woman bought a charm and presented it to her fiance who had been out of work for months immediately afterwards she related he obtained a good position both of them got work within a few days s yachtmans luck a yachtman wrote to say that he had won many trophies since he started to wear his charm other users reported better health better luck at the races or whatnot they think the charm possesses some mystic power which gives people more confidence in them selves explained the manager con fidence or magic the result is a flourishing charm industry indicts millions figures recently issued now reveal that the population of india is hear ing 400000000 and it is expected that this total will be exceeded by 3941 there could be no better proof of the efficiency of british medical services in india than the figures given in the latest statistics since 1931 there has been an in crease in population of 5 per cent and this has been achieved in spite of epidemics and outbreaks of malaria i which in 1935 caused 1680000 deaths the total deaths in that year were 0578711 and the births 9098- 794 s married divorced inside two hours eeno famous for speedy divorces will have to look to its laurels in jugoslavia a man has succeeded in being married and divorced all with in two hours the man signed his marriage con tract at nine oclock one morning an hour later he discovered that his bride who was supposed to be 10 years of ago was- only 14 by 11 oclock he had obtained a divorce lie is now suing the brides father for return of the 1e0 he paid to him do you feel sluggish maybe you need more bile when you feel you havent a friend in the world and 11 f e is not worth a red cent thats the time your liver is getting you down dont fall for it make yiur liver bchav e tanol tablets will do the job they act directly on the liver stimulating the livers production or bile comprising a uteilal blend of certain laxatives tanol tablets include a small proportion of calomel probably the most effective liver stimulant known in a day or two your liver is at work again aa well as ever and you feel at friends with the wide wide world all druggists have tanol tab lets 50c c quick easy way to get charm girls who dont attract boy friends wonder why beautiful perfect features are not the reason cleopatra and famous women were often ugly have nice skin plenty of animation and watch out for your figure youll be surprised how popular you are so many girls have poor complexions nojife their figure slipping and dont realize it- take fruitatives and youll soon be amazed how different and how attractive youve become it purifies your blood makes the skin pores work gets rid of waste and poisons gives you new energy prevents flabby tissue from forming fruitatives gives you new charm 25c 50c l1vtr i tablets lipipipi strengthehneryes phosfemne quickly helps jawltok bmp- robbing nerves bin new vitality tben you eleep eoundly and go through th dy with new energy tako just a tow economical drops daily gctpuosfeuinefromyourdruetist soc sloo and 1m ph0seerine thecreat herve tonic tkfjc jhartet tonic solution op diphosphates of lime direct from the monastery to youi will build you up rapidly used suc cessfully for over 150 years for nervous debility diseases of iho brain anaemia diseases of ihe bones especially good fot growing children and the aged gold medals won ai worlds expositions of hv6ieni price 100 at all drug store the tropical fish aquarium as a hobby is 01 the decline in the eastern part of nohh america but on the rise in california and england claims william i inrtes of philadelphia an outstanding authority as a tropical- fish fancier mr innes who is a naturalist a col lector editor of an aquarium maga zine and publisher of standard works on aquarium matter was in toronto for the purpose of judging the exhibit of tropical fish displayed at the royal winter fair addressing the toronto aquarium society mr innes congrat ulated tho members of the organiza tion on the iloyal winter fair exhibit it was one ot the best exhibits he had seen as far as aquarium planting is concerned he stated we find we are able to breed tro pical fish much faster than we can develop fanciers he explained but however the true aquarist will stick to the hobby whether the fish are low or high in price as soon as you start to cutthroat the price you kill a hob by city unemployed will get farms sandy bedfordshire england twenty unemployed families from londons east end are to move to new farms in this district in a ex periment of the land settlement as sociation houses with tferee or four bed rooms equipped with electric lights and bathrooms are being built for them they wnhave four acres for land two greenhouses a piggery pigs and 100 laying hens for 15 months they will pay no rent the stock and seed and plants for their greenhouses will be provid ed free if they make good like the trial settlers on an adjoining estate did they will become tenants of the association and pay a 150 annual rental one man on the original estate a former durham miner made a years profit of 1275 california raises karakul sheep california v industries which al ready include a wide variety have added a ranks karakul sheep rais ing state senator d jack metzger rancher and sheep raiser is proprie tor of the karakul ranch last year he marketed 1600 pelts from new born furbearing lambs ranging in value from 15 to 50 each that is the wholesale price however in terms of a karakul broadtail astra khan or persian lamb coat there is quite a difference metzgers herd descended from a few bokhara sheep spirited out of their country by dr c c young years ago import laws and the av ersion of herdsmen to permitting their sheep to leave bokhara served for a long time as insurmountable barriers finally the sheep were carried across the line on the backs of camels travelling at night ontarios annual accident epidemic has brought total of mishaps in industry to one million since j 1914 6600 fatalities one million accidents have been recorded in the province of ontario since jan 1 1915 with a total of g000 listed as fatal in making this statement t norman dean fop many years statistician of the work mens compensation board of on tario addressing a luncheon meeting of the toronto- york division of th5 industrial accident prevention asso ciation commented that those who stood aghast at the bloodprice of war should also stand aghast at tho bloodprice of accident casualties every year we have an epidemic of accidents which is equal to tho epidemic of polio experienced this year in ontario stated mr dean the speaker struck a more opti mistic note when he said that statis tics indicate a reduction in mechani cal accidents despite the increase in the use of machinery people for hire the two hiring fairs at aberys twyth wales on november 18th and 25th were preceded in the mountain villages by a festival known as tho parting of the ways this terminated the yearly con tracts between farmers and their hired hands and young men and boys dress as girls and girls as men faces were blackened and there was much merrymaking and feasting later at the hiring fairs which aro held beneath the aberystwyth town clock new contracts are entered in to wages are not always based on current coin of the realm but on factors such as porklings swedes and potatoes an old custom which has survived for centuries