stouffville ontario thursday october 28 1937 the tribune ptfbllbbed every thursday at stouffville ontario yearly subscription rate canada united kingdom 200 united states points j2s0 a v nolan jp- sdltor and publisher a stray bullet strikes horse while working in a field with a team ot horses h h emmerson kincardine farmer suddenly termin ated his task when one ot the ani mals was struck y a bullet from a hunters gun several bullets wniz- zed passed just a moment before the horse was struck the animal now partly paralyzed may die the ironical part ot the affair is that mr emmerson had borrowed the horao from emil ritchie a neighbor possibly it is to guard against such accidents as this that numer ous farmers in markham township posted no hunting or no tros- passing signs on their premises effective during the two day open season now on there for pheasant shooting however as only shot guns are allowed for killing pheasants the danger from shooting is greatly minimized constables seek chicken thieves following numerous raids on hen houses in king township farms within the past few weeks chief constable william martlndale and sergeant sidney barraclough have been assigned to investigate during the past few weeks no fewer than five king township farmers have been victimized one farmer lost 120 chickens another 50 and the others between 25 and 50 in all cases evidence was found that the chickens had been placed in bags and loaded in automobiles farmers ot the district are up in arms and offer full cooperation to the police to clean up the ring from ye olde files sponges from spruce it is hard for the average person to imagine a soft and longwearing sponge made from a spruce tree and yet that js the very thing that the industrial chemist has accomplish ed from wood cellulose has come a sponge which is sorter than cham ois leather and unlike the natural sea sponge when used to remove dirt and grease ojls or acids it can be boiled and cleaned and thorough ly sterilized says a wrjfer in the october issue of cil oval how about these christies soda wafers size b 2 pkgs 25c special red rose tea halloween kisses mixed per lb lb pkg 28c 2 pounds 25c black per m lb pkg 30e bulk corn starch per pound 7c cracked wheat 6 pounds 25c comb honey per section 25c aunt dinah molasses no 1 tins 10c mincemeat 2 pounds 25c cut mixed peel per pound 25c glacier sardines 2 tins 15c ogilvies heather oats per pkg 20c aurora belle flour 24lb bag 85c canned pumpkin 3 tins 25c fresh fillets smoked fillets dried herrings fresh fruits vegetables ratgliffco stouffville ontario november 1923 14 years ago what might have provided a ser ious accident happened last thurs afternoon to little johnnie button sixyearold son of mr and mrs e a button when the lad received a severe electrical shock from a grounded electric wire in front of hannas barber shop this week the roof is being rush ed on the new curling rink so that very soon the building will bo closed in the first heavy snowfall came tuesday night and few cars are on the road there was a loss of 102 on this years markham fair which will be overcome when the rain in surance is received 1922 15 years ago gasoline has dropped to 36 n gallon in markham the ministers wifes new bon net a musical play in four nets was successfully given in ratcllffs hall on friday evening under ausp ices of the garrett mission circlo 1919 is years ago reopening queens court on monday evening nov 24 nothing stronger than two and a half under government restrictions mr allan goudie has gone to mt albert where he will conduct a branch of the stouffville creamery company improvements are now nearly completed to mr huntlys store to be occupied by w h shaw this will be one ot the finest and larg est dry goods stores in the county the packenham pork packing co of stouffville has incorporated with a capital of 100000 1901 30 years ago our council will soon be making arrangements for laying new side walks secondclass vitrified brick will be considered concrete is ex cellent but more expensive the old planks could ibe utilized in making repairs the sutton flyer started on sat urday last on its first trip of this season it arrives here at 230 every saturday a good contingent from stouff ville went to toronto for the circus on monday send the tribune to absent friends noc q o aocaox j0e20i ioexox i0e3oi x0e30z lonoi get ready f colder weat w nuback corsets for comfort and ser vice the nuback foun dation garments have no equal they will not rideup because of the patent telescopic back section that expands and contracts with each movement of the body try one for solid com fort 350 3f5 table oilcloth a very large and complete showing of table oilcloth in plain floral and con ventional patterns and in all shades also 1 yard squares with attractive border all round make your selection here where you have a wide variety to choose fiom 1 te yard width per yard 49c 1 yard width per yard 39c 1 yard squares 79c89c flannelette blankets a new shipment of fine quality flannel ette blankets just in white with pink blue mauve and gold borders double bed size 72x84 double or seperately whipped only 200 to 269 a few specials from the china department still a few of those small bowls left which were on sale at each ry 5c a sturdy nicely decorated bowl in three designs on sale at each 10c tea pots brown earthenware about 5 cup size each 25c green glass bowls with rolled edge in sets of 5 per set 95c large oval shaped bread or cold meat plates in green or crystal glass in a par ticularly attractive design 19c large size glass bowls in green pink and crystal glass each 19c pullovers and sweater coats many attractive styles are shown new and novel weaves and a wide range of shad es in all sizes and at prices to suit every purse come in and see them popular lines of womens underwear featured for fall wear practical undergar ments that will give comfort and satisfac tion at this season of the year medium weight cotton rib knit with short or long sleeves all wool vests bloomers and combinations of fine quality that will prove both comfortable and serviceable cotton vests and bloomers 39c up wool vests and bloomers 100 ur wool combinations each 195 all wool and silk and wool hose you will need these all wool or silk and wool hose for these cold days dependable and serviceable hose the product the best canadian mills silk and wool hose all sizes per oair 79c si 00 all wool hose per pair 89c 1 10 wool and cotton hose two splendid lines of mercurp hose that will command instant approval for every day use these hose will prove entirelv satis factory in all sizes and shades 49c 59c government takes 60c on the dollar socalled christians who claim that people who are hungry ragged diseased and on relief are victims of the will of god were branded as blasphemers one day recently by r- e wemp speaking in foresters hall here before a mass meeting held under the auspices of the br- itishisrealite world federation mr wemp whose subject was the national challenge declared that no nation could have peace prosperity health and happiness it it did not investigate and put into practice the economic and social laws set forth in the holy bible the laws ot god he maintained are simply the laws of nature and operate as surely and effectively as the burnt finger which results from contact with a hot stove thousands of sincere christian people claimed mr wemp have no idea what gods laws are and would ibe hard put to find any bib lical authority for bans against moving pictures cardplaying or smoking he blamed the economic social and monetary system which has been forced on our people for hav ing taught them to obey certain laws of god and transgress others the speaker claimed that the tithe or system of paying 10 per cent of income was not intended as pay ment to the church but as a con tribution to the national treasury to cover the wliole cost of govern ment and public welfare generally instead ot paying only onetenth for government he declared every canadian directly or indirectly pays 60 cents of every dollar of income for government administration cant read or write the w h shaw store when the dominion bureau of statistics starts out in pursuit of a subject it keeps on until there is nothing left to pursue one can even find how many peo ple in the dominion can neither read nor write how many can read and not write and how many can write and not read those who can neither read nor iwrite are classifed as follows prince edward island 4833 nova scotia 35485 new brunswick 40902 quebec 224362 ontario 155628 manitoba 48204 saskatchewan 65456 alberta 46604 british columbia 39825 in the yukon and north west ter ritories the number who cannot read or write runs higher than elsewhere in the country the yukon has a population of 3s69 and 1026 of them can neither read nor write and in the northwest territories with a population of 8399 those who aro listed in the class of illiterates show a total of 5352 there are in the dominion 667- 677 in the nonereading or writing class but the figures may be sub ject to improvement as the first age group given is that of from 5 to 9 years and we take it that mo3t in that age bracket would surely over come the handicap which the bur eau of statistics has fastened upon them fined for defective tires 10e30i loxaoi ioexox 30t question can a person be prose cuted in court for driving a car with a defective tire answer yes if you have any doubt about it we refer you to a case which was heard before magistrate james mc kay in hamilton traffic officer ed jess prosecuted alex iliepic algio ave longbranch and in do ing so said the majority of accidents on highways were caused by defec tive tires we were under tha impression they were caused by de fectivo drivers but it may be tao traffic officer is right after hearing the case the magls trato imposed a fine of 10 and costs if that prosecution could result in a fine at hamilton the same thing could take place elsewhere and there is nothing to indicate the de cision was appealed come to think of it we know of not many reasons why people should be permitted to use poor tires apart from the one which will say they cannot afford good ones at best that is not a substantial reason be cause an accident on the highway is likely to involve two cars and one of them may be equipped with good tires when a driver goes out with a car with poor tires it is quite dif ferent to a man going for a walk where he has onlyjliimselt to look after m this paper is not urging that a roundup be made so that all drivers using poor or wornout tires shall bo brought to court and assessed 10 and costs the money might bet ter bes pent on now tires but it is do uso blinking the fact that a defi nite start has been made and that old or wornout tires have caused one man to bo arrested and fined toronto flashes on a recent sunday the scrlba paid his monthly vtsjt to mr john mccullougb and found hjm looking his best naturally goodwood was uppermost in our talk rne maple leaf hockey team are getting down to practice we hope the goodwood boys are also getting into trim inspired by their success of a year ago farm stock auctions are read with keen interest in the tribune each week some readers would just be lost it they could not see them even our frjend sandy brown gets a kick out ot attending the odd farm sale charles blueman of woodstock visited toronto friends the other day ed pugh was out to see his brother alt at stouffville and re ports that he is getting along very well following his severe illness vaughan blueman was in charge of the service at st lukes silver- thorn last sunday friends wjll be glad to know that william simpson is steadily getting better and hopes to ibe back at work shortly as a member o his majestys service he is a soninlaw of mr george imorganson howard harper delivered a truck load of potatoes jn toronto last week all to the employees ot the ault biburg co employees where the scribe is employed and has been engaged for twentysix years this is a yearly event for howard so he must give the ink boys a good brand of murphies mr and mrs sandy brown attended the johnston sale held east of stouffville we understand it ran over 3000 which is big for a few hours selling misses florence and beatrice davey palmerston visited their uncle at no s stanton avenue on tuesday toronto folk are always interest ed jn turkey and chicken suppers and no doubt some of our clan will swoop down on these happy country functins not overlooking the ballan- trae one advertised last week we are informed that the mccullough property in goodwood which is now up for sale will be dis posed ot in one parcel ot land it consists of residence out buildings and a threecornered field near the cn-r- station the edjtor last week appealed for news items to be sent in toronto flashes does likewise at this time phone hargrave 3012 evenings we were honored by a visit from the secretary of the goodwood womens institute and pleased to be informed that the program pro vided at the reunion was so much appreciated we mght just tip off our readers that there is another important event in the offing save your pennies we know of one more toronto reader of the tribune who has just renewed his paper although it is not yet expired nothing like being paid in advance he says and wo know the editor will have no quarrel with this view point while vv think of it what a grand chrjstmas box the tribune would make one that will last a whole year rate 2 per year anywhere in canada we have a friend anxious to ex change his sixroomed house and lot in the city for a small homo in the country with about three acres of land write w davey 8 stanton avenue toronto and we will put you in touch mrs e j hill returned to new market this week after visiting itj toronto for some time she expects to return to the city ifor the winter we are delighted to see progress made on the road at goodwood no doubt next spring something will be done to complete the piece from stouffville to goodwood so the vill agers will have a good road out in an reasonableness this piece should be completed first how many recall the publjc school of years ago jn goodwood when it was located south of the rail way crossing about where clerk h roach lives now the scribe at one time lived jn the same house as mr roach and the next building north was a carriage and blacksmith shop john mccullough tells us jt was operated by one jacob barkey who was the smithy in those days good wood boasted of sawmills grist mills planing mills drug store har ness and tailor shops and booze em poriums it takes so little it takes so little to make us sad just a slighting word or a doubting sneer just a scornful smile on some lips held dear and our footsteps lag though the goal seemed near and wo lose the courago and hope we had it takes so little to make us glad just tho cheering clasp of a friendly hand just a word from one who can under stand and wo finish tho task wo had long planned and wo lose tho doubt and the fear wo had so little it takes to make us glad coming masquarado dance in community hall at victoria square on friday october 29 the prizes are gouts fancy ladies fancy best couple representative costumes comic spot lance the oat harvesters orchestra admission gents 35 ladles 25 uneh provided a social even of interest to those who play euchre will be the next in tho scries this friday ovon- ing in to oes rooms you aro in- and tho same thing can ibo done else- vited t0 be present and enjoy tho where affair and the luncheon eleven stolen bags of oats found eleven bags of oats he at grahams seed house in alltston awaiting a claimant these oats were stolen by some one unknown and cached in a swanip on w k mcleans farm oft the 7th line of essa as told by the alliston herald tuesday morning keith asnold son of robert arnold 7th line of essa had an hour to spare before dinner and taking his gun went in to the swamp hoping to get a rab bit examining likely places from which a cotton tail might bound ho came upon some bags filled with grain under the shelter of spreading cedar boughs that sloped gracefully to the ground much excited the boy hastily ran home and informed his father who went with his son and took a look at the cache which was clearly the hiding place ot grain which turned out to be oats stolen from some one in the vicinity mr arnold notified provincial officer w b elliot who with chief geo purchase went out to have a look at the find they found the 1 1 bags neatly and snugly placed on an elevation built of logs and so well covered by the cedar boughs that water or snow could not get at them the bass could not be seen by a passing hunter but the fact that the boy was seeking to chase rabbits out of such hiding places was the means of making the discovery the police enquired of farmers in the neighborhood but none of them were aware of having lost any oats and some of these farmers had not threshed as the oats were evidently this years crop a number of bins were surveyed by their owners who could not say that any of their grain had been taken on the contrary they were all quite positive that they had suffered no losses by theft the thief was divested of his spoils when the oats were brought into alliston and deposited in grah ams seed house where it was learn ed they weigh 637 pounds thero are nine bags and two sack but none of them bear any marks cf identification there is no clue for the police to follow and until to owner of the oats is found it 13 diff icult for the provincial officer to decide where to start making a sear ch for the culprit who stole the grain everton smith riugwood teacher is reported to have sighted a wolf on the 9th concession near andy greens e j f i s h e r r o eyesight specialist 575 danforth ave toronto between pape carlaw south side specializing in difficult eye proo- lems scientific diagnosis satis faction assured moderate prices for colds try a neblqi taslfts i- j laxative cascara j rxbromidei quinine compound each containing acetaniud 2 brains for cctds griphrajiche neuralgia si uj boadways drue store amming new bread diet elps to burn up fat keeps up energy while you reduce this new bread diet takes off pounds everyone should know that bread itself is not fattening it is an almost ideal combination of energy giving carbohydrates and a special form of protein that helps burn up fat while you are reducing x unlike extreme diets the bread diet reduces your weight without making you weak and irritable extreme diets often break down vital tissues and should never be taken without a physicians advice the bread diet is absolutely safe for the average overweight person if you want to reduce safely go on the bread diet it gives you bread as the main part of your energy food follow this bread diet plan this diet plan hives about 1600 cal orics a day tho reducing allowance of tho average woman breakfast 1 glass fruit juice small serving meat fish or eggs 2 slices toast i aq butter 1 cup coffee clear 1 tsp sugar lunch or supper moderate serving meat fish or eggs average serving 1 green vegetable 2 slices bread 1 sq butter average serving fruit ealad 1 glass milk dinner h glass fruit or tomato juice gener ous serving meat fish or fowl aver age serving 2 vegetables 1 green small serving simple dessert 2 slices bread 1 sq butter 1 cup coffee or tea clear i tsp sugar the stouffville bakery genuine values 192 chalmers sedan 1920 chevrolet sedan 1929 oakland sedan 1930 dnrant sedan d cg 192s chevrolet coupe 192s ford tudor oa its 1936- 1935- 1937- 1932- 1929- 1929- ford delux touring fordor ford delux touring fordor ford delux touring fordor ford tudor standard 2 ford tudor standard nash coupe rugby 1 ton panel truck itugby 1 ton stake truck intcrnatlon 1 m ton panel new t it u c k s 1934 chov ton panel truck 1930 1910 ford 1 ton truck 1930 192s 2 chov 1 stake trucks 1932 0 36x6 hd tires tubes nearly 2 31x7 hd tires nearly new 1 fordson tractor also a number of other good used cars and trucks d f holden sons ford sales and service phone stouffville 18401 phone markham 120