her kfiffis swelled with rueu3iatis31 to go upstairs was agony there is uothlug in which rheuma tism is a greater handicap than in do ing ordinary household duties kneel ing stooping running up and down stairs hov to overcome that handi cap and relieve rheumatic aches and pains is the subject of the following letter i ave been taking kruschcn salts for three months when i started i had rheumatism in both knec3 they were very swollen i could not rise from a chair without assistance i could not kneel and to go upstairs was agony now i can run upstairs and kneel us much as i like since i have taken krusehen i can work like a horse mrs us two of the ingredients of krusehen salts are effective solvents of uric acid other ingredients of these salts have a stimulating effect upon the internal organs and assist them to expel the lissolved uric acid from the system rcmp detachment feature at cne the allstar detachment of the royal canadian mounted police vhch was a brilliant feature of the recent coronation parade in london and which thrilled new york at the madison square garden- horse show is being specially prepped for the canadian national exhibition permission has been granted by the federal government for the at tendance of this extraordinarily fine unit of thirtytwo and their careful ly selected horses throughout the en tire period of the exhibition where they will be one of the new attrac tions at the grandstand show thi3 detachment of scarlet riders of the plains with all they represent of romance and traditon unquestion ably is the finest turnout of the fa mous mounties ever presented for public approval the horses alone would be an at traction anywhere only 220 horses are now used by the mounted the expansion of the service anil its duties having result ed in the acquisition of four hun dred and seventyfive motcrears and over one hundred marine vessels and powerboats airplanes too now have entered into the patrol service on the atlantic and pacific seaboards but the unit to be seen at the ex hibition with their magnificent highly trained horses will represent the worldfamous force which was or ganized in 1873 to establish and maintain law and order on the plains of the then northwest territories news parade commentary on the highlights of the weeks news by peter llanclal stuif and nonsense visitor my name is smith and native you have my sympathy of course hut really i dont see how you can blame me lender counting out the money sure lender speaking again as they parted remember thats only for a week borrower turning livi1 red and screnminjryoull get your mon ey ktop bounding me borrower will you lend me 20 for a week some of the men who shape pub- lie opinion are bum sculptors is school teacher your little girl rather backward in her rcadng father backward eh i sup pose she takes that after hoi mother she always reads the iast chapter first when a man comes a long dis tance to make a speech he generally makes the speech as long as the dis tance foolish neighbor do you think- that baby of yours will ever make lis mark fond father make his mark you ougiil to sec the walls of our home mrs rives 1 am very pleased with my new cook mrs bridges how long have you had her mrs rives her day will be up tonight public school pupils at tula rus sia have produced a hardy frostre sisting grain resembling wheat by crossing wheat and rye read myth it or not william tell is blackheads blackheads imply dissolve and dis appear by his one simple safe and sure method jet two ounces of pcroxine powder from any druo store sprinkle it on a hot wet cloth rub the lace oently every blackhead will be none have a hollywood complexion issue no 27 37 d 1 spanish incident buried in the weeks news a very small item announces that 104 am ericans volunteers in the spanish loyalist armies are believed drown ed from the steamship ciudad de barcelona the ship is thought to have been torpedoed in the open mediterranean between barcelona and valencia by a foreign sub marine back in 1015 a similar incident oc curred when the lusitanla was sunk by a german submarine americans lost their lives and a nation which had been wavering in balances weighted for the germans was brought into action against them today the same violation of the laws of the high seas bring nothing but a mention perhaps it is an indication that wars have not always been en tered from a sense of outraged honor but after a cold consideration of the chances for success right now no one wants a war but the feeling per sists that it is not because of honor but rather a desire to live and wait until the guns are ready popular trend spanish political fashions what ever their doubtful popularity at home are beginning to go abroad for a year and fifteen days a mild mannered little man tried to steer france through shoals both foreign and domestic he tried to give the working man a fortyhour week higher wages social security this week he was forced to admit defeat and a deficit of 1800000000 for the past six months apparently the average frenchman doesnt want the things expremier blum tried to give him in any event the little man was turned down by the french senate when he asked for sweeping powers to level the franc and to se- curj fresh revenues by control of foreign trade and taxation now they have a popular front in france a mixture of socialists communists and radical socialists led by camille chautemps as usual chautemrs is optimistic about the future of is government but it remains to be seen whether he can beat a record of one year and fifteen days twice premier before this present summons chautemps last government in 1934 lasted two months share the land germany has a new share the land plan the government has an nounced the redistribution of thou sands of acres including much prop erty formerly belonging to the church small holdings will be laid out holdings grouped into state controlled collectives for use of equip ment and disposal of produce about the only difference existing between the german plan of socialization and the soviet plan of state ownership will be the nominal ownership of the land by the peasants since this ownership will depend entirely upon the use to which they put the land in the opinion of the government it will readily be seen that the differ ence is more in name than in fact soviet achievement great tilings are being achieved by the soviets and not only in the realm you cant blame the doctors if they do sometimes hurry our demise a little about the only way you can collect a doctors bill frcm some peo ple is to collect it from their estate often the trouble with that he wont stay tied beau a rumor is about as hard to spread as butter a wise wife keeps her temper and her looks lets not complain we all want something we cant have thats just the pmn of life why our desires prompt every scheme activity and strife a baby readies up and cried for something it cant touch and all through life things out of reach are those we want so much desires bring forth ambition and ofttimes this means achievement our hope in any aim gives us more pleasure than bereavement so though ouv hearts have guided us toward goals we did not gain in gratitude fof joys wo found in hopes lets not complain im mr pratt im very much in love with miss james do you think she will accept me miss harris dont let that wor ry you she always accepts if you think youre not a clock watcher remove the clock for a few- days clipped ono thing you can al ways get plenty of free help to do is wasting time of economic and political science last week three russian airmen left moscow for san francisco by way of the north pole after sbctyfour hours in the air they landed just 580 miles short of their goal the flight was daringbut more than that it was spectacular in the amount of preparation and careful research be hind it for years soviet airmen and scientists have been studying weather and flying conditions in the arctic bases have been extended until quite recently one was establish ed at the pole itself this last weather observation post located on floating ice at the worlds peak was of invaluable aid in the final plotting of the successful flight the rus sians arc justly proud of the work of their scientists and airmen their achievement marks a new departure in aviation 3 days to europe while the russians arc engaged in the development of a regular air route across the roof of the world plans are going forward rapidly for the testing of regular transatlantic flight simultaneously on july 5th planes will leave ireland and the shores of newfoundland for experi mental flights which it is hoped will result in the establishment of regu lar air schedules across the last great ocean sky conquor and safety at such a time it is interesting to know something of the equipment that is making long distance flight over lano or water such an ordinary part of our lives there is for ex- just brought into service for trans continental flight the new plane will shuttle from new york to los an geles in slightly over fifteen hours carry twentyfive passengers and cruise at 218 miles per hour com fort awake or asleep will be com parable to the best on the ground then there are the new ensign liners fourteen of which are under construction for imperial airways these twentyton fourmotored giants will see service on the european air lanes to egypt and farther afield to calcutta luxury and comfort will be the last word while the safety re serve will be greater than that em bodied in any ship ever built the world is surely shrinking sometimes we think it is shrinking too fast for comfortable living with the neigh bors sky adventuress despite the advance of science there are still adventurous souls on the skyways of the world at this moment somewhere over the pacific ocean a woman is flying to keep a speaking engagement in los angeles on july 28th there may be storms or a hundred and one things to pre vent her arrival but amelia earhart has calmly planned what she vvill do when she reaches the american con tinent miss earhart is expected to keep a radio engagement on monday night lux radio hour at nine amos n andy and speaking of radio children who have beer born during the past eight years will probably remember to the end of their days the antics of amos n andy the famous pair have just announced the end of their long association with the pepsodent company to take place new years day right now they are looking for a now sponsor land of never never in england the creator of peter pan has just taken the last journey into the land of never never sir james barrio is dead but wherever christmas is observed and there are children his memory will bo kept in a little place apart from all the other artists of his day peter pan ranks along with cyrano and hansel and gretel of the childrens christ mas musical world it is interesting to know that children whenever they go to see their favorites peter and wendy will be helping others of their kind some years ago barrie gave the rights to peter pan to the great ormond street hospital for sick children in london england wealth of the farms stiffness plenty of minartt well rubbed in soon sets you right bathe the sore part vrith warm water before you start youll toon umber up i during the long years of the de pression the farmers of the dominion suffered considerable less and dis tress because the prices for farm pro ducts declined greatly and were out of all proport to the cost of the commodities which they had to buy however the agriculturists of can ada while they were somewhat dis couraged kept up their farming ac tivities and accepted its reduced re wards philosophically at last how ever they have witnessed the turn of the tide in their favor the do minion department of agriculture has announced that the gross value of farm production in canada last year exceeded 1000000000 the actual amount as estimated was 1- 0u 024000 and represented an in crease of 112084000 over the pre vious j ear and an advance of 204- 830000 or more than thirtyeight per cent over the yield of the low year of the depression 1932 the gain was spread all over the dominion and benefitced all the pro vinces ontario led with an increase of 40000000 and a total output of 3543so000 it is somewhat grati fying to read that saskatchewan parts of which have suffered so se verely from drouth for a number of jears came second with a gain of 2000000 and third in the total value of products which was 181- 751000 all of the provinces show ed very substantial increases al berta was fourth in the total value of commodities in view of the diffi culties which have beset that pro vince the showing is highly encourag ing if the season is favorable it is expected that as a result of the higher prices the farmers of the do minion will receive still greater re turns in 1937 kingston whig- standard isoeeessss sliced very thin by sixbits no aatter how thin you slice it its still boloney m i 4 hhmw hunt wealth of cuttens in dominion three men from chicago to start at guelph on sunday see eo00c000 chicago a treasure hunt for the fortune of the late arthur w cutten chicago grain speculator re ported to have been hidden in can ada starts when three men leave for guelph his birthplace probate judge john f oconnell has authorized the search the men are attorney dwight green repre senting the estate arthur evans a trust officer for the american na tional bank executor and i j berk- son counsel for harry a ash a creditor with a claim of 158000 cutten died last june 24 ending a dazzling market career during which at one time it was said he controlled a fortune of 100000000 he rose to command the grain pits of the board of trade after starting life as a 7 a week clerk but the liquid assets so far discov erable total only 400000 mr cut- ten left his estate to his widow the former maude boomer of chicago however the federal government has a claim of 1300000 in unpaid income taxes and interest and the claims of other creditors total more than the gross estate soon after his death canadian dispatches reported that the specu lator may have transferred 90000- 000 of his money to canadian secur ities if this is found true ontario stands to collect about twenty mil lion dollars in inheritance taxes ash whose claim concerns a joint market venture with cutten declared that a year before his death cutten told him he had secreted the bulk of his fortune elsewhere for this reason a search is being made among bank and brokerage house records in chicago and new york as well as in canada cutten was born at guelph where his body is buried for many years he contributed generously to the wel fare of that community classified advertising agents wanted we stiix have a few vacancies left you can make good money too selling motor oils tractor oils machine oils greases and roofing cement in your locality write warco grease and oil ltd toronto something new electric iron cord rctracto ends ironing drudgery sample si 30 agents wanted s davis 785 wiseman ave montreal collection service ontario collection agencies ex perienced collection service bailiffs stair bldff toronto inventions unpatented and patented imentlons can be sold write redgrave red grave ant company mccordlck building st catharines ontario machinery and supplies iron and wood working machinery contractors equipment bought and sold latest stock list sent on request h w petrle co limited toronto photography jjl nlargkmfnt free with every j 23 cent order roll films developed and eight prints 25 cents reprints 3 cents each brlghtllng 25 richmond street east toronto for the first time in almost ten years a man who looks like a real fighter is wearing the heavyweight crown for while attempts will un doubtedly be made to belittle joe louis he seems to have what it takes- and when if and as he meets maxie schmeling we dont mind going out on the bough and predicting that joe will take the german like wally took david looking over the champs since gene tunncy deemed that he would rather have a million bucks and his senses than keep on until his eggs got addled it must be admitted that they are a fairly scurvy crew r first of all they elected jack sharkey and max schmeling and said that whichever of the two could win would be declared the boss of the heavies and the aroma of that fight still lingers on like the perfume of a fish and chip emporium on a torrid july day that in case you disremember was the fight where the referee awarded the duke to the german on a foul four minutes after he had been knocked flat on lis sitdown then six months later the same new york athletic commission or percentage which had elected maxie to the title dethroned him because he refused to fight a return bout with sharkey and half a year later nominated the latter as champion m in 1932 this precious pair met again and this time mr- sharkey won a decision in fifteen rounds a year after than came the fight between primo camera and sharkey at the long island bowl when the huge italian was probably the most astonished man present which is saying a lot when he knocked sharkey out with the breeze of a right uppercut by as far as we personally are distant from being solvent three years ago this month maxie baer billed as jack demp- sey the second probably because he had the same number of eyes and ears as the old mauler met big primo for the title the brg boy from mussoliniville was up and down like a penny stock being knocked down or falling down twelve times in eleven rounds a fractured ankle very likely being of little help to him that made mr baer heaven help us holder of the crown for merly worn by corbett fitzsimmons jeffries johnson dompsey and tunney a belly laugh if ever there was one in june 1935 for no good reason jimmy braddock was tossed in against baer and most folks though it was similar to tossing a juicy christian to a starving neronian lion braddock was supposed to be all washed up but he wasnt nearly as thoroughly washed up baer was burned out and at the end of fifteen rounds mr brad dock discovered himself much to his own amazement no doubt the champion- v two years he held the title about as unproductive a two years as a champion ever spent for his management didnt even seem to have sense enough to gather a few pickings in the way of vaudeville moving picture and exhibition ring engagements it is said that the 31000 which braddock earned for beating baer has long gone the way of all dough and that he had bitten into promoter mike jacobs very heavily before tuesdays fight a bite which will naturally have to be plastered out of the takings of the comiskey park brawl so now joe louis no black man will ever again be allowed to hold the title is the boss of the heavyweights and from present in dications should hold that title just as long as he cares to keep in reasonably decent shape as we said before attempts will be made to belittle louis and his abilities and achievements just as was done in the case of jack johnson in the opinion of many including the present commentator the greatest heavyweight who ever drew on a glove but joe is a real fighter make no mistage about that and the way he softened braddock down taking no chances on a stray shot and then lashing out so suddenly when the precise moment came was a real masterpiece defined we do not know if the following anecdote was born in italy or ger many it circulates in both passed from mouth to mouth but only be tween people who know each other well and in great secrecy daddy asks a small boy what is the difference between socialism communism and fascism its like this son we have four cows in our cowhouse socialism will take two away from us for the com munity then we have two left communism takes all four and pays you a wage for the work you do where do the cows go they go to make up a bigger herd well fascism leaves you all your cows but it does all the milk- radios attery radios complete guaranteed jl ji805 to 2350 bums radio 10g7 dov- erccurt toronto a set of be sure you have good safe tires on your car to protect yourself and loved ones when it cost no more to have the best put on firestone tires the kind which have been proved safest by the worlds foremost racing drivers drive in to your local fircstono dealer and let him equip your car now church magazine has a bigdsvkit the new outlook ltrces ravily since chur ca union toronto the toronto confer ence cf the united church approved a resolution of the board of publica tions that church publications be amalgamated to offset heavy deficits the new outlook magazine since union has lost over 300000 de clared rev e a baker in discuss ing the report presented by rev dr george little we should not worry about mak ing money rev salem bland e- clared in maintainng there are oticr things in life besides the making of money rev gerald r cragg editor of the new outlook said for years he had been a backbencher at the confer ence im just giving an account of my stewardship today he said in looking baei over the first five months there are many things that should have been done in the vapcr but were never dene in these days of conflict and troubles the church needs a voice to bring christian opinion to the people lie feared that the church might develop into a loose provincialism and a group of smaller synods instead of being one large strong federation he called upon all churches to unite and develop the voice of the church newspaper man of old school macleans magazine harry n moore is dead in phl- adelphia few of the younger gener ation knew him or perhaps ever heard of him yet he was of that colorful school of newspaper corres pondents who in days past made journalism a career of adventure a son of the rev t albert moore noted canadian divine harry moore was a product of the toronto tele gram went overseas in 1914 as a war correspondent of the montreal star later joined the princess pats won a commission on the field then began a curious phase of his career the old dublin freemans journal declining from its onee great fame wanted somebody to in ject new life in it and its then pro prietor a major fitzgerald meeting moore in france took him to dublin to become the freemans managing editor the freemans journal a nation alists journal was steering a desper ately difficult course between sinn fein and the black and tans night after- night moore sat at his desk with a revolver beside him the freeman refused to lower its colors for cither side the penalty was seized forms of the paper stoned windows smashed presses moore lived in a dublin suburb night after night he drove home through tho streets without the police protection that was offered him lived for months on end with threats against his life eventually the freeman died after which moore acted as correspondent for the british united press lived in paris eventually found his way to the united states he was engaged in newspaper work in philadelphia but mostly in obscurity and in de clining health he was still a young man but some of his years had been long goiters grow on prosperity experts finding says they often lead to heart failure detroit more people develop toxic goiters in times of prosperity and increased activity than in times of economic depression dr nelson m percy president of clio american association for the study of goiter said in his opening address at the an nual convention of the association dr percy based his contention on a study of 5000 cases of toxic goiter op- crated upon between 192g and 1 9 3 1 in the depression following the world war there was a sharp decline in thu number of toxicgoiter cases and ag ain in the late depression there was a decrease in 192420 prosperity per iod dr percy stated thero was on unprecedented rise in the total num ber of goiters there is a definite relationship be tween toxic goiters and heart dutso said dr percy adding that goiter is often tho cause of heart failure plans worlds widest sheet five blocks of buildings in the heart of buenos aires are to be de molished in preparation lor the con struction of a new northsouth ave nue which will be 450 feet wide from pavement to paviront it is asserted that it will be the widest road in the world london times beaver dams were important and helpful in controlling erosion in this country before mans arrival