summary of trie news i practical arithmetic toronto more practical ques tions in the new public school arith metic were demanded by the ontario ratepayers and trustees association at the annual meeting in toronto this week trustees from school section 10 vestra township in slmcoe county pointed out that the questions used in the present book had no relation to the actual problems in arithmetic the children had to solve in every day life three die in crossing smash gaits worst recent tragedy early friday claimed the lives of a young couple and a friend when a canadian pacille railway passenger train smashed their automobile to wreck age at the hindus street crossing the dead john macey 27 milk truck driver his wife jessie leeds macey 23 whom he married a year ago last november and miss olive moore 51 all of gait coroner ward woolner ayr open ed an inquiry which was adjourned for hearing of evidence at a later date police said a string of freight cars extending to the east cut off maceys viow of the approaching train go feet back from the crossing which was un protected the watchman having gone off duty easter lily demand brampton with the shipping of easter lilies from local conservatories almost completed growers here are re porting a larger demand for their flow ers than was the case last year every day special coaches have been pock ed up here by passenger trains on both railway systems to haul the east er flowers to retailers in points as far west as edmonton and as far east as st johns newfoundland according to growers the volume cf easter lilies this year is much above that of the average year with a tremendous quan tity of stock available 50 newsprint price montreal general manager p m box lias announced lake st john power and paper company will adopt a 50 newsprint contract price for the first half of 1038 wheat boost chicago with european impor tations the heaviest since the great war actual reentry of the united states into world export trade stimu lated farmers hopo3 for prosperity saturday the highest domestic wheat prices in eight years gave the united states wheat crop do be harvested this sum mer its greatest value since 1929 an 800000000bushel crop would he worth more than 1000000000 at pre vailing prices wheat has advanced steadily 5 cents a bushel in the last week 10 cont3ln a month in the face of im proving crop conditions this week the arid northwest whero last years drought cut production drastically re ceived what was described as a sl- 000000000 snow traders said that even a bumper crop might bring high prices because of the unusual demand from european nations chiefly great britain ger- taany and italy hlch have been scouring breadstuffproduction coun tries for importations at the rate of almost 2000000 bushels a day for weeks strike ended peterborough final settle ment of the strike at the plant of the peterborough brinton carpet com pany where 240 employees were out was effected friday the workers agreed to accept a general 10 per cent pay cut restoration which goes into effeot immediately and all hands will return to work the strike resulted from failure of tho company to restore paycuts amounting to 2p per cent made dur ing the depression years and reached a head when flftyslx weavers mem bers of the brussels carpet weavors union asked aid from the national board of the union duke accepts plaque ottawa lionel fosbery ottawa sculptor received a letter from the duko of windsor accepting a plaquo of himself which fosbery executed the plaque of the former king ed ward viii a portrait in relief in bronze is about flvo by six inches in size pigeons disrupt time brantford the march of time was halted for sevonty minutes when pigeons which roost in the postofflce towor hero after being locked out of their homo in city hall tower perch ed on tho hands of the clock and pre vented them from making tho usual turn a dozen pigeons were too much for tho power of tho clock the occur rence was tho second of the kind here and stories of pigeon pie are being hoard around the post ofllce whero the birds arc proving a nuisance coast actor praised vancouver for the second suc cessive night vancouvers strolling players won high pralso from adjudi cator george dc warfaz at the british columbia regional drama festival on thursday an excerpt from rudolph besiers tho barretts of wimpole street waa described by mr de warfai as an absolutely perfect production coupled with credit to the amateur dramatic group which wednesday won praise with vincent godefres tragedy the widow of ephoas was tho ad judicators comment that either gay scrlven leading lady in both strolling player presentations or colin lau rence director of botli plays aud por- trayer of edward moultonbarrett in last nights effort could go to new york or london and win fame with any professional company engineer dies at throttle sudbury with his hand on the throttle engineer edward williams 57 died of a heart attack en routo from sudbury to markstay friday af ternoon fit oman w antler was on the engine with him and rendered aid but he soon learned that williams had died almort instantly williams had had twentyfive years of service with the cpr the heart attack seized him nineteen miles east of sudbury seeding a month early winnipeg about a month ahead of last year wheat seeding has start ed in southern alberta it was an nounced this week by the agricultural department of the canadian pacific railway jack barton a farmer in the taber irrigated district about 25 miles cast of lethbridgo has seeded 40 acres or wheat the announcement said elementary economics toronto elementary economics and sociology were suggested as sub jects for study in the high schools and collegiates of the province in a reso lution from the perth county associa tion presented at tho ratepayers as sociation meeting in toronto at the oea tills week war fuel supply london the recent discovery of new and plentiful oil deposits on tho island of trinidad may make the west indian colony great britains main source of fuel supply in the event of war the sunday chronicle reports british experts tho newspaper said have discovered new oil deposits on the island consdenoestricken saskatoon discussions over money matters by the bedford road collegiate here brought forth a tiny piece of cheerful news the person who carried away tools and books some time ago sent a mon ey order to clear hi3 debt i felt the call and wished to clear the sin away he wrote temperance education more temperance education in the schools of the province was recom mended in a resolution passed by tho ontario ratepayers association car owner pleads for its borrower niagara falls ont bruce biggar manager of the niagara falls cooperative dairy scoured the coun try roads to get his automobile and capture the thief but in magistrates court he made a strong plea for leni ency on behalf of nolan eddy 20 charged with the theft of the car as a result of biggars plea the chargo was reduced to joyriding and eddy was allowed to go on sus pended sentence agricultural training urged for students ontarios primary and secondary schools particularly rural schools should omphasize training in agricul ture and dovoto more time to the study of current affairs and econom ics w g nixon mla for temls- kamlng told a group of friends here youth will bo served plenty of dis appointment it they are taught early tho problems of business mr nixon contondod ho commended tho pro gramme of the department of educa tion under dr j l simpson people aro beginning to realize that tho cur riculum was made for tho pupil not the other way round mr nixon said discussing land settlement schemes of the past fifteen years mr nixon said that while conditions havo chang ed tho pioneer farmor must be wil ling to work and ho must have a love of the soil in his heart it is hoped to include cheeso and butter in tho pasteurization plan but at a more opportune time mayor mitchell whilo favoring pas teurization voted with councillor la- costo against tho resolution death rate soars ottawa births registered in slxtysoven cities and towns having a population of 10000 or more during february numbered 5sd5 a decreaso of 4 per cent compared with c872 in february 1936 tho dominion bureau of statistics reported saturday marriages showed a decreaso of c per cent with 2025 against 2234 while an lncrcaso of 21 per cent was shown in deaths with 6179 compared with 4422 in fobruary last year speed limit up toronto ontarios new motor ing speed limits fifty miles per hour oi the open highway and thirty miles per hour la all incorporated munici palities or built up areas does not come into effect cntil may 24 attor neygeneral roebuck announced over the weekend the bill was given royal assent in t legislature on thursday march 25 ordinarily it would have been op erative forthwith but under legisla tion introduced earlier in the session by the covemmcnt its operation is indirectly held up for sixty days municipalities will just have to put up with the thirtymile limit prescrib ed for them j p bickell registrar of motor vehicles stated saturday they have no power themselves to reduce it he added ever since the legislation was pass ed in the house there has been con siderable contusion regarding its date of effectiveness highways depart ment officials were certain its opera tion commenced at once not until the attorneygeneral had his say was the air clear modern children love their teacher claims oes pres lord tweedsmuir opens ses sions of educationalists in toronto with nearly six thousand delegates present representing all branches of educational activity in tho province of ontario educational association session for 1937 were opened at the university of toronto on monday ev ening by lord tweedsmuir dwelling oi the new attitudes to wards education as compared with the old fashioned ideals in the school h a griflin president of the o e a in his opening address claimed that children no longer disliked school the modern child he declar ed had no dislike of the teacher or the schoolhouso and the old fash ioned truant officer was almost un necessary for the modern school said mr griflin the presidents address as in dicated in the programme hps re solved itself into some comments on education which might be entitled then and now i was prompted in my selection of material by a word- picture given over the radio by our own denton massey in his discourse the young man goes to school the scene we are told took place near boston the facts were that on the week end in question the school burned down and the 300 children stood in the street cheering as tho flames demolished the building alas thought i is this true of our schools if so why in the past perhaps but in this year of grace 1937 decidedly not al though realities have changed the legend persists the facts of tho case today are that instead of being armed with a book and a rod the teacher in your school has been carefully train ed and visualizes what the children of the particular age and back ground need most no longer docs a uniform course of study and sys tem of compulsory examinations keep our students either preparing for or passing these nervewrecking monsters what was once a pro tracted hurdle race is now an all- nbsorbing process where the child participates to the full in expressing his opinions taking part in discus sion and through instructon and suggestion builds up for himself a fund of facts hitherto crammed down his throat and disgorged on the examinations page you say is this so in our school is this the attitude of our teachers yes i am convinced that this 60miieanhour system teach ing and learning is absolete so if you wish to be considered uptodate in the tasks that confront us as ed ucators i hope you have como to this threeday convention in a re- the quints are beginning to talk each of the famous five can say about 15 words in french callender ont each of the dl- onne quiutuplets can now say about 15 words in french dr allan roy dafoe said thi3 week tho babies can ask for a drink of water it they want one aud can also make their wishes in other re gards known dr dafoe said if they want to go outside to play they can get the idea across to their nur ses without trouble but their vo cabularies actually ouly include about 15 words at present although we ex pect to have them talking better when they are three years old the quins will celebrate their third birthday may 2s they speak french only dr dafoe said but when they can use their tongues fluently they will be taught english the babies are well aware of their individual identity and if annette for instance is addressed as cecille by a confused nurse or visitor she will shake her head hard almost shout non uon and point to cecille they are all familiar with their own names and those of their sisters dr dafoe said he said they did not know how to ask for something to cat or how to say they were tired because they are fed at regular times and put to bed at regular hours so they never get hungry or sleepy except at the proper times as far as their talking goes dr defoe said you must remember that children of multiple birth never talk at an earlier age all along wo have been expecting the quins to be able to say quite a few words by their third birthday and they will be able to do that al ready they know the usual good mor ning how do you do and so on and i think by their third birthday they may surprise everyone when he doesnt forget new regulations demand separate beverage rooms from april 1st hotels must have two rooms one for men one for women municipalities given right to set closing hours by bylaw toronto new and farreach ing liquor control board regula tions which require all ontario ho tels with authorities to operate two separate and distinct beverage rooms want province to share half of school costs ratepayers adopt platform at o e a sessions in toronto this week the employer according to wil frid heighington is in danger of becoming the forgotten man work ers generally seem to be satisfied if he turns up once a week to do his stuff on pay day toronto globe and mail ceptive frame of mind prepared to listen prepared to do your own thinking and finally return home and support modern trends in pre sentday education our complex system of living demands a change our boys and girls deserve a break and your teacher should be and is anxious to make the adjustments necessary it is no longer true that half the world does not know how tho other half lives radio the film fastmoving conveyances along with the press and reading material havo made this an evershrinking world until we are neighbours one to an other since standing before you on this platform it has been my priv ilege to attend two allcanadian education association conferences one the national home and school club meeting the other the canadian education association meeting at regina in each the topics ranged from the allprovoking theme of statistical costs on educa tion to the curriculum and to the dynamo of the system the teach er three things were of common interest 1 that the public finally got what it demanded 2 that the course of study must be enriched by meeting the de mands of the times within the spe cified field covered 3 that the public were willing to pay to tho uttermost that the youth of 1937 should receive better broader and more useful instruc tion than had been the heritage of their parents c n develop the school and save de mocracy was the keynote of tho new platform adopted by the ont school trustees and ratepayers as sociation meeting at the oea in toronto this week planks in the platform reflected the emphatic de sire of the association to shape the provincial school system to meet modern needs and conditions high lights in the platform were the proposals that the government should carry fifty per cent of all school costs to equalize tho burden between different municipalities standard diplomas for entrance to business and technical schools in stead of matriculation standards and that a minimum salary of 7t0 a year be guaranteed to rural school teachers the platform adopted by the as sociation was we believi 1 that equal educational oppor tunities should be given to every child in ontario 2 that 50 of school expenditure should be borne by the state 3 that greater cooperation be tween school boards should be fos tered in the interest of boys and girls 4 that a provincewide medical examination should be given at least once each year during the elemen tary and secondary school life of the child 5 that a permanent record should be kept of every school child throughout his elementary and sec ondary school life g that a more practical course should be provided for all primary and secondary schools leading to a standard diploma which would be recognized by business firms agri cultural colleges and the other prac tical professions 7 that our teaching profession be assured of a greater tenure of ser vice and at least a minimum salary of 700000 and greater freedom of citizenship 8 war being the greatest menace to civilization and democracy every effort should be made by teachers to encourage international peace and to teach the truth about war 9 that every effort be made to encourage a better class of moving pictures and that all educational films should be stamped 10 that assistance be given by the federal government to the provin cialgovernments for the vocational training and employment of youth 11 that all real property be based on a provincial equalized assess ment 12 that we make a thorough study of the unit of administration for the purpose of securing tho greatest economy nnd efficiency in our edu cational system 13 that every effort be made to increase interest in education in or der that our citizens may be well prepared for life 14 that there be the greatest pos sible cooperation between our as sociation and the department of education one for men only and the other solely for women except where at tended by bona fide escorts were announced sunday night by liquor commissioner edmond g odette as effective from aoril l these regulations which have been designed to eliminate as far as pos sible mixed drinking with its at tendant abuses of which there has been considerable complaint of late have been mooted for some time actually notification of their pre paration has been for some weeks in the hands of hotel proprietors they all have had ample warning of what we intend to do said mr odette and if on april 1 they have not altered their premises to conform with our requirements there will bo no renewal of their authorities for the forthcoming year may set closing hour a second set of regulations which also come into operation on april 1 vests in the municipalities the right to declare by bylaw whether the beverage rooms in their midst shall close before 12 oclock mid night the hour prescribed by pro vincial regulations there will be no closing of bev erage rooms before 10 oclock at night said mr odette but if any municipality feels that they should be shut by 1030 or 11 or 1130 say all they have to do is to pass a bylaw and submit it to the liquor control board and we will do the rest a municipality rfor instance might desire an earlier than 12 o clock closing on some particular night thats all right with us from the fust of the month they will have the authority to go about getting it inspection tightening up in view of the fact that there were no amendments to the liquor con trol act itself at the recent legis lature session mr odette is taking regulatory action to tighten up on inspection and other angles of the boards administration things aro working yery smooth ly now he said last night and our inspectors are keeping a very close check on conditions at the present time they are looking over the hotels listing any which have made no move to meet our april 1 demands urges womens work for women montreal canadian women are urged by mrs m m cutherland ot tawa of the national employment commission to reorganize their ac tivities and prepare to undertake womens work advocating wom ens work for women mrs suther land told members of montreal wo mens club unless we can get it we shall find ourselves out of occu pations womens responsibilities was to recognize the fields that aro theirs in the past making of textiles nurs- lngand teaching activities when those activities went outside the home women followed along the speaker said it is up to us to reorganize our own work aud got our womon pre pared to undertake women3 work the trouble with house work is that no ono havo been trained for it neither the girl who tries to do it nor the mistress who tries to direct the girl the wonder to me is that more homes are not broken up in the first year or two by inexperienced young wives we need more training for the girls and for the womon smoke covers nest planes of britains naval air arm flying low yit smoke screen being laid by hms crusader attendant destroyer to cover their nest on carrier courageous deck us climate not changing weaaher expert says drought floods only part of cycle washington persona who be lieve the droughts and devastating floods of the last few years indi cate changes in the climate of this country can quite worrying ancient fallacy j b klncer chief of the climate and crop division of the united states weather bureau said this is an ancient popular fallacy persons must distinguish he sail between weather aud climate tho former is tbe day to day or week to week condition but climate is the average weather temperature rain fall and such over a long period say 100 years everyono knows kincer said that weather runs in cycles a few wet days a few cold days several weeks of warm weather or several weeks of cold tho same thing happens in clim ate ho explained tho only dif ference is that wo count the period of times in years instead of days these cycles vary lit length result ing in some periods of light rain fall or droughts lasting longer than others not permanent weather bureau records show a de- cldod tendency to warmer drier win ter in tho last quarter century kin cer said notwithstanding an occa sional flood or severely cold winter he said examination of records for 100 years however indicates that this does not represent a permanent chango of climate but rather a warm dry phase of the normal cli mate to be followed doubtless by a cooler wetter phase when there will be more rain in summer and lower temperatures in winter thomas jefferson was among those who havo contended the american climate was changing a london volume in 1s04 quoted jeffersons weather diary of this country a change in our climate is tak ing place very surely both heat and cold are becoming moderate within the memory of oven the middle aged and snows are less frequent and less deep provinces weds but dominion divorces you one of the many anomalies of the canadian constitution town here are some interesting anomo- lies which the financial post points out in the canadian constitution the province marries you but tho dominion divorces you tho province can take away your capital but it cannot cut your inter est the dominion can toll you what wages you must pay if you make goods outside of canada aud want to sell them here but it cannot tell you what wages you must pay it you make them in canada tho dominion defines what makes you a murderer but the province has to find you guilty and then turn you over to the dominion to hang you citing these as examples tho post expresses the view that it will nover be possible so rigidly to define the respective powers of tho dominion and tho provinces but it does hope that we can arrive at a workable and well understood set of principles and also set up a system of revising them when necessary in tho main says the post every typo of government in canada has been not only jealous of its existing prerogative but ambitious to assumo now ones today wo have ten gov ernments in tho field ot agriculture wo have ten governments in the field of health wo have ten govern ments incorporating companies wo havo ten governments having to do with water power nnd old age pen sions with insurance and labor prob lems we have more than that number of governments in some fields thero aro about 27000 public spending and taxing bodies in canada in unemploy ment relief for example wo seo hun dreds of individual governments seek ing to have as largo as possible con trol over tho expenditure ot tho money nnd as little as possible re sponsibility for raising the money things have como to something ot a crisis the crisis is revealed in tho guarantees and loans ot over 110 mil lions that have had to be made by tho dominion government to tho wes tern provinces to enable them to fin ance themselves through the depres sion it is seen in the financial plight ot tho municipalities they have lit tle but real ostate to tax it has be- coma obvious that they cannot carry all their social responsibilities with the revenue that can bo derived from real estate anyone who owns prop erty knows what this means from onequarter to onethird municipal taxes go to flnanco social relict mea sures and additional educational fa cilities which were not known a gen eration ago adjustment of fields of taxation and of legislation will have to be undertaken some day