had agonising pains in her back free from pain since taking kruschen iike many other sufferers from backache and rheumatic ailments this woman decided to try kruschen salts in a last attempt to obtain re lief from pain to her surprise the pains did grow less and in a few months the backache had disappear ed having made sure of the results she now writes as follows for about four months 1 had agonising pains in my back and could not turn in bed during that time i tried various remedies but obtained no relief and was seri ously considering going into hospi tal however seeing a case similar to mine described in an advertise ment for kruschen 1 thought 1 would try it and was more than surprised to find the pain getting less 1 have been taking kruschen for four months and would not be without it for anything 1 must say i am free from those dreadful pains mrs b c kruschen is an excellent diuretic that is it helps to stimulate kid ney functions when kidneys are re stored to healthy normal action poisonous waste is properly elimin ated the bloodstream is purified arid you get welcome relief from the dragging pains of backache a welsh goldmine v the ogofau goldmine at pump- saint a little carmarthenshire vil- lave near lampeter has justified ex pectations by yielding a profit on its gold workings weekly lorries laden with bags of ore speed to llanelly where the ore is shipped to foreign refineries from the 294 tons despatched to date 260- oz of gold and 150 oz of silver have been extracted this gives a gold con tent of 17 dwt to the ton south africas mill ionsmaking quartz sel dom yields more than 8 penny weights a ton present mining operations cover only 100 acres but the roman deep company has secured a 63years lease from the crown of 3500 acres in all further developments says mr harold edmonds the companys secretary will create a big new em ployment market for south wales about 100 men drawn from dis tressedareas are now employed platinum is suspected in the lower strata 260 feet deep where drill ings have lately begun other work ing levels lie at 100 feet and 1c0 feet radiating from the main shaft ore about 10000 feet of divages and crosscuts pumpsaint is struggling hard to rival the klondike of old i smiles and chuckles we are 10000 years neari r to the permanent peace than were the cave men 10000 years ago carrie chapman catt in appreciation of cooperation re ceived from niagaraonthelake scouts and wolf cubs in various ac tivities the niagara branch of the canadian legion presented the pack and troop with medals to be awarded annually to the cub or scout ranking highest in proficiency the medals will bo awarded at the end of june each week 12 boys of the boys in dustrial home scout troop of saint john nb are given a friday-to- saturdny outing at the wellequipped cen scout falls scout cabin some seven miles from the city scouting activities arc varied with skating and skiing frenchcanadian rover scouts of the college of jean de brebeuf have organized a troop of frenchcanadian post physically handicapped scouts in the childrens ward of st justiens hospital montreal if a bill now before the united states congress becomes law boats seized from rumrunners along the atlantic seaboard may be turned over to sea scout groups of the hoy scouts of america the bill was in troduced by congressman mead of new york chairman of the house post office committee it is estimated that r0 scouts from over twenty different countries of the empire will be in london for the coronation of king george to date representatives have been indi cated from australia barbados brit ish guiana burma bermuda canada ceylon cyprus gambia gibraltar gold coast grenada india kenya malta new zealand nigeria north ern and southern rhodesia st lucia and trinidad sightseeing places along the route of the coronation procession ate being assigned the visiting scouts plans for the resumption of assist ed migration of english and scctch boy scouts to the dominions and col onies are under consideration by im perial headquarters of the boy scouts association prior to term ination of emigration by the world depression upwards of 4000 old coun try scouts of suitable qualifications were assisted overseas the majority to australia as farm learners a number came to canada on agricul tural school scholarships the pre mier of south austrlia will discuss resumption of scout migration to that state during his visit to london for the coronation dont try to save on home remedies ask your doctor there is one point on which prac tically all doctors agree that is dont give your child unknown remedies without asking your doctor first all mothers know this but some times the instinct to save a few pennies by buying something just as good overcomes caution when it comes to the widely used childrens remedy milk of mag nesia many doctors for over half a century have said phillips for phillips milk of magnesia is the standard of the world safe for chil dren keep this in mind and say phil- li ps milk of magnesia when you buy comes now also in tablet form get the form you prefer but sec that what you get is labeled genuine phillips milk of mag nesia 23i for a big box of the tablets nt drug stores auo in tabiet form each tiny tablet is the equiv alent 01 a uaspoonful of genuine phillips milk of magnesia phillips milk of magnesia queer world at the exhibition organized by the smoke abatement society it has been shown that problems of black smoke and soot are not recent origin coal was discovered by joseph of arimothae while out blackbcrrying at glastonbury in the year g87 he found a black lump which he took back to the monas tery but the abbot thinking i to be stone told him to throw it on the fire scacoles were first burnt in london in 1228 and by 1257 the smoke nuisance was so great in the big towns that kleanor queen of henry iii was forced to leave nottingham on account of it by 1300 it had become such a curse that a royal edict forbade artifi cers to use it in their furnaces and a man was executed for causing black smoke the smoke problem is a serious one for sir frank haines late director of h m office of works estimated that his department spent 100000 in one year on the upkeep of public buildings on account of the smoke nuisance the man chester city council estimates that at present the city spends 1210- 000 in excess of what should he spent for household washing were manchester a clean city the fate of humanity depends on angloamerican cooperation stanley baldwin issue no 8 37 b 1 and youll jump out of bed in the morning rarin to go tho liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bilo into your bowels daily 1 f this into is not flowing freely your ood doesnt difiiwt it just decays in the bonds oas bloats up your stomach you get constipated harmful poisons co into tht body and you feel sour sunk and tho world looks punk a mere bowel movement doesnt always cot at tho cause you need something that works on tho liver as well it takes those coed old carters little liver pills to get theso two pounds of bilo flowing freely and make you feet up and up harmless and gentle they mats tho bile flow freely they do the work of calomel but have no calomel or mercury in them ask for carters ijtue liver pills by sml stubbornly refuse anything else zsa i mrs jones was spending a day in l bed with a severe cough and her husband was working in the back yard and hammering nails into some boards presently his neighbor came i over neighbor hows the wife jones not very well neighbor is that her coughin jones no you tathead its a henhouse o dont knock it is well to re member that you cannot climb by dragging others down your progress doesnt depend on other peoples mistakes your fortune on their misfortune success is a positive attainment it is built on what you do not on what others do o blessed is that church whose choir is not a battleground for preferred position and unsoemingly jealousies o stranger 1 came in because i read your advertisement for a man to retail canaries proprietor oh yes are you ex perienced in that line o there isnt going to be much privacy in this old world any rnore- a scientist now claims he can photo graph peoples thoughts o teaching public school forty little urchins coming through the door pushing crowding making a tre mendous roar you must keep more quiet cant you mind the rule bless me this is pleasant teaching public school forty little pilgrims on the road to fame if they fail to reach it who will be to blame high and lowly stations brought together here on a common level meet from year to year dirty little faces loving little heart3 eyes so full of mischief skilled in all the arts half a dozen asking please may i go out but not a pupil knowing what its all about wife its nearly six weeks now since the baby was born have you been to the court house and told the registrars yet husband no if they live within five miles radius of this house they wont need to be told o most women can make a dollar go so far that friend husband never sees it again o visitor is that boy any good in the office business man ive not formed a very good opinion of him sir he spent a good deal of the morning trying to get est 1901 on the telephone o a small boy on being asked how his uncle always won when he play ed cards but lost when he backed horses promptly answered uncle cant shuffle the horses stranger oh no i just wanted to ask how the canaries lost their tails o laugh at youth all you please but dont laugh too loudly you may plan a great years work but youll never get it done un less you do a good job of turning off each days work frank what a shame eve wasnt created first mary what difference would that have made frank eve could have bossed the job of making adam and then man would have been perfect o the hinges of true friendship may never rust sometimes they squeak just a little little bobby weve got a new baby at our house little mable thats nothing we have a brand new daddy at ours top soil loss the detroit free press writes h h bennett chief of the soil con servation services of the department of agriculture estimates that the present flood waters have washed 300000000 tons of rich top soil out of the ohio valley alone in other words tho arable land there has lost 000000000000 pounds of fertility a part of this soil will settle in lfell i 1 f nr tirs the perfect chewing tobacco areas along the mississippi to in crease crop raising power but a very large part will sweep down the river between the embankments some of it eventually finding its way to the bottom of the stream raising the bed and creating new engineer ing problems and part settling along the delta all of it will be lost forever to the thickly inhabited and highly agricultural area that has been de nuded and this in years to come will be the real permanent tragedy left be hind by the flood it is the irrepar able loss it is a loss too that might have been prevented at least in consid erable part had plans for control projects which army engineers com pleted years ago been put to use by the government the sums wasted in boondoggling if properly utilized might have saved the ohio valley from much of the present devastation money not churchs biggest problem many willing to contribute funds but not their personal services writes the port arthur news chron icle not long ago a casual group of our port arthur men were engaged in a discussion of the things men talk all about when they get together it was a saturday one of the group men tioned that he was currently convert ing some of his securities into cash just enough to get a little church collection for tomorrow ventured one of the small gathering no it is not that exactly said the other man but i will say this that i do give regularly to the church it is the most valuable institution we have i think it does more for preser vation of social security and good or der than our laws and our police for ces that probably represents the at titude of a large number of men there is giving to the church the fact is proved by a reference to the reports which have been appearing lately from the several annual meet ings of the different congregations in port arthur almost invariably these reports have shown balanced budgets and generally increased receipts to judge from them alone here is pros perity in the churches of all denomin ations as one minister has already been quoted in this paper he has never know a community where tho money necessary to conduct the ac tivities of the church was so easy to obtain as in port arthur it remains a fact however that ministers are not making boasts about the size of the port arthur congregations it appears that many of those who are willing to give of their money as here referred to are not so willing to contribute their jor- sonal services the difficulty which the ministers and others active in the church work find is not to pro cure the funds but to build up the congregations and to procure tho ac tive interest of the men and the wo men who are necessary to the con duct of the various branches of ac tivity in no respect is this more true than in respect to young peoples work the complaint here is that the people are not merely willing but are anxious that their children go to the sunday schools to tho regular ser vices and to join the groups organiz ed for the various age and sexes but stopped in a minute are you tormented with the itching tortures of eciema rashes athletes foot cruptionsor other skin afflictions for quick and happy relief use cooling antiseptic liquid d d o prescription its gent nils soothe the irri tated skin clear kreaselesa and stainless dries fata stop the most intense itching instantly a jjc trial bottle at drug stores proves it or nosey back 20 y have nerves mo need for girls or women to suffer from peri odic pains head ache or sidcache many find that dr pierces favorite prescription is a very beneficial ton ic this is what mrs l bowman of 145 tark row woodstock ont said i was feeling rundown and outofsorts had frequent headaches and nerves caused me no end of discomfort 1 did not rest well at night but dr pierces favor ite prescription made me feel better in every way it relieved roe of the headaches improved my appetite and helped to over come the other symptoms buy of your druggist nowl new size tab- leu 50 eta large size tabs or liquid sis5 along canadas mining highway day by day brings its mine and oil news british columbia alberta northern saskatchewan manitoba ontario west and east quebec and occasionally nova scotia give news of greater or lesser importance in the development of canadas natural re sources from british columbia comes news that base metals mining corporation will resume work as early as possible in the spring the southerly continu ation of the orebody mentioned in the last quarterly report wa3 located shortly before closing down states j h c waite president but there has not been sufficient work done to esti mate its importance alberta supplied wonderful news this past week with tbebringiug in of the fourth and so far largest well of the turner valley crude oil develop ment this b bwell is named after and largely owned by the two it a- browns senior and junior several wells are now competing for next honours royalites sterling no 4 area newfold westside and dal- housie are scheduled to complete dur ing the next month in the patricia district western ontario albany hivcr adjoining pickle crow according to reports from the north had favourable under ground developments wellinformed mining opinion expects the pickle crow area to be intensively active this year the long lac camp reported little news of importance macleod-cock- shutt declined severely in the market on publication of an unfavourable re- ort on underground values some wellinformed mining people in close touch with this situation are optimis tic on the long range view of this im portant mine federal kirkland in the kirkland lake camp after preliminary difficul ties started drilling with two diamond drill rigs launching the companys important drilling programme news should be continuous from this pro perty during the next six weeks the kerr addison gold mines de velopment at larder lake carries all the signs of a great thiug there are many high grade sections but there is also a great tonnage of medium to low grade it is expected that an ini tial 500ton mill will be erected on kerr addison this summer for opera tion in the fall new ore on the 25u foot level of martin bird was report ed a new incorporation with proper ties close to kerr addison called barber larder mines limited was re ported k s potter wellknown mining man is president a new financing deal on oriole mines some miles to the west of larder lake was reported in the quebec area astoria rouyn oported good values in shaft sinking rouyn reward in the noranda area has drills set up ami drilling com menced further east good under ground results are reported on the uouscadlllac all too few of them are willing to tako over the responsibilities of directing these classes and groups the consequence is that the staffs generally are undermanned there is a surplus of young people looking for help and leadership and a scarcity of leaders and helpers the question which arises from all this is what of the future will the young people who observe this form of neglect on the part of their elders continue as their elders apparently do in these days to value the church as an institution contributing vip the welfare of the state and roclety will they when their day comes not mere ly neglect attendance and personal service but cease as well to give fi nancial support therein is involved the real prob lem of the church in the present day even those who realize the import ance of money in the operation of any institution will add that money alone is not sufficient to the welfare of the cause a la juliet long and loose plus a streamlined glaze this glaze moretta explained is achieved by combing the hair smooth and straight perhaps from the forehead to the nape of the neck and below it a curl or two classified advertising baby chicks i eghorns 9c barred rocks 10c while rocks 12c from blood tetled stock order early guaranteed delivery april prices lower 10 down balance cod box 1 c kent hatchery chatham ont redheads in style seattle jack j morretta new york coiffure stylist who said his job is to make em all softness and fluff and color told 3000 beauty operators he believes the 1937 color is auburn his model at the national beauty congress had auburn hair dressed poisoned kidneys stop getting up nights to harmlessly flush poison3 and acid from kidneys and correct irri tation of bladder so that you can stop getting up nights get a 40- ccnt package of gold medal haar lem oil capsules and take as direct ed other symptoms of kidney and bladder weaknesses ore scant burn ing or smarting passage backache leg cramps puffy eyes investors a n ofker to every inventor list of wanted inventions and full information sent free the ramsay company world patent attorneys 273 bank street ottawa canada pure guaranteed wool wheeling yarn guaranteed v puro canadian wool grey white mot tled 69c colored yams 79c lb plus postage bancroft woollen mills bancroft ontario botanical notes for february the second month of the year is ofteu the coldest when the freshness of the icy air is fiercely attractive the landscape blazes like a sheet of dazzling metal the sun in full glory twines in a sky broken by the lonely purity of the spruces it is against such a scene of superb but indescrib able splendour that the bark of many trees flings bright splashes of colour the beauty is so intense that artists must long to catch it hold it wrap it up and put it away safely a thing of beauty is a joy forever its loveliness increases it will never pass into nothingness bit still will keep a bower quiet for us and a sleep full of sweet dreams and health and quiet breathing keais eudymiom these beautiful barks are asseu- tlally composed of fibrous and ccllu- loso tissue but it is easy to under stand how varied are the forms dis positions and structure of these ele ments when the extraordina variety in the appearance of the hark of tho trees and the diversity of their pro ducts are considered the young stein is invariably cov ered with a thin entitle the epi dermis as the stem grows new bun dles of woody fibres are deposited ia regular layers one in each year tho new layers of bark and wood arc thus formed almost in contact the epidermis covers the bark but its existence is altogether shortlived it is destroyed at an early stage as much by the growth of the tree as by the action of external agents tho peeling of the bark of the buttonwood is a good example the trunk of the ghostly button- wood sycamore or plane as it is also called is easily recognized from a distance the smooth bark is thin and very brittle and has the habit of flaking off in irregular plates leaving while patches like splashes of white wash that contrast sharply with tho dingy olive of the unshod areas this tree may be alio recognized from tho dangling seed balls the spearlike stems of the dog woods illuminate the winter scene with bark of glowing vermilliou and crimson often dazzling against the immaculate whiteness of the now gardeners appreciating the extreme beauty of this radiant haik pant these shrubs with a view to introduc ing colour into the winter landscape the luooth sold and yellow bran ches of the willows when seen glis tening against the more sombro ever greens will provide a gay display of colour the ascending sinuous trunks of the white birch with their fettered silky baric havo inspired artists end poets and prosewriters fci ages ad ded to which it is said thai the white queen of the woods is the source or food meal made from the inner bark drink syrup from the sap transport canoes made from the bark and lodging shingles made from the bark to those who dwell in the forest the most bountiful pro vider of all the trees then it must not be overlooked that the twigs have been and doubtless are still bound together in the form of a stimulus to learning and correct conduct thus economically the birch is of much value and especially in those sterile lands where it flourishes so well and where so much else fs al ways wanting it is said that it ap proaches nearer the polar region than any other tree and that it is the only tree found in greenland at all the beech one of the most magni ficent objects of cods fair creation may be known by its hark which is close uufurrowed gray often almost white and marked witli blotches of a paler hue often nearly round tills smooth bark has for ages attracted wandering lovers who have carved thereon sonnets in shakespeares as you like it orlando says o rosalind these trees shall be my books anil in their barks my thoughts ill character the gorgeous arbutrs of the paci fic coast and vancouver island has what may almost be described as a red version of tho buttonwood bark which exfoliates in the same maimer but with bright green patches against the cinnamonred 1 sympathy for monday personal observation with several mining areas holding real prominence in the canadian mining picture during 1936 wc have maintained a close personal touch with mining in the province of quebec having a member of this firm in this area at regu lar intervals the knowledge gained is available upon request through our statistical department bridgep f m hevenoiu loionto tioclt uoangl 60 king st w toronto arthur guiterman in the new york times j poor monday stepchild of the i week j a cinderella sad and meek is forced to finish what her kin i her lazy sisters wont begin for tuesday balks at dreary chores like beating rugs and scrubbing floors and says theyre more than sho can bear and ought to fall to wednesdays share but wednesday snaps i fail to see why all the others pick on me then thursday is the maids day out and how can friday set about new tasks when foolish fold demur at starting anything with her j and so as saturday must stop at halfpast twelve to shut up short and no one gives a job to sundays the whole weeks work is piled on monday j