s unday chool lesson vii jesus the good shepherd john 10 142 printed text john 10116 golden text i am the good shepherd tho good bhcpherd layeth down hts life for the sheep john 1011 time tho discourse ou christ as the good shepherd was uttered in october ad 25 tho events recorded jn the last of tho chapter took place in december of that year and in janu ary ad 30 flaco the events recorded iu this chapter took place in jerusalem ex cept tho one found in verses 4042 which is to be located in bethany be yond jordan 1 verily verily i say unto you ho that cntereth not by the door into the fold or the sheep the sheepfold was a walled enclosure with a strong ly barred door through which alone access could be had to the sheep through this door the sheep wero led at night after which the gato was barred a porter slept near tha gate on the inside of the enclosure in the morning tho shepherd knocks on the rate it is opened to him and he calls pis own sheep out but climbeth up jlome other way the same is a thief and a robber a man who had no right to go through the door who would not be allowed to enter the door and who would resort to climb ing over the wall to seize a seep is truly a thief and a robber 2 but ho that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep 3 to him the porter openeth the sheepfold speak of the true church tho body of christ the sheep of course are those who are the true followers of the lord jesus christ the children of god the shepherd is the lord jesus though he has not yet an hounced himself as such professor ilummer says we might take the por ter to be the holy spirit and the sheep head his voice and he cailelh his own bheep by name and leaileth them out frequently three o- four shepherds will lead their sheep into one shecpfod at night it is one of the most amnzins sights in the orient to see a shaphcrd iioproach say seven hundred sheep belonging to four or ave different shepherds and by a pe culiar guttural sound call his own sheep out from amongst the others 4 when he lnth put forth all his own ho gonih before them and the sheep foiow hint for they know his voice the shepherd goes before the sheep because he knows the way in doing so he is the first one to meet prowling beasts and to see places of danger which must be avoided our lord has gone before us in conflict with satan and has defeated him so that we follow in that victory 5 and a stranger will they not fol low but will flee from him for they know not the voice or strangers strangers as far as christians are concerned are thoso false teachers and false prophets who would isad astray the very children of coil 6 this parable spake jesus unto them but they understood not what things they wero which he spake un to them they did not understand christs teachings because they were not sincere they were not really seeking for the truth 7 jesus therefore said unto them again verily vorily l say unto you i am the door of the sheep sir wil fred t grenfell tho famous labrador physician had an experience which remarkably illustrates the meaning of this verse one of our party as we climbed noticed a shepherd driving his sheep into a large kind of cave with an open mouth in reply to her question he said i am puting them away for tho night to be safe from tho jackals and dogs but sho ob jected there is no door to the cave ho replied simply i am tho door it 13 tho eastern shepherds custom to ho down across the doorway of such laves and with his own life to pro tect taa sheep 8 all that came before me are thloves and robbers by thla jesus does not mean that all tho prophets of the old testament and tho true priests of god in israels history were thieves and robbers but that all who in themselves pretended to satisfy the needs of men to provide ia them selves salvation from sin had illegally and falsely assumed such prerogatives and therefore had robbed their fol lowers of the peace joy life and hope which they falsely had promised to bestow but the sheep did not hear them it does not say that no one heard them for great multitudes did but the sheep those who truly belong to god whom cod had called would not follow these false teachers and shepherds 0 i am the door by me if any man enter in he shall be saved and shall go in and go out and shall tlnd pas ture cf matt 714 a man who approaches god by believing in the lord jesus christ i3 a man who will find entrance into the new life here and in the glory to come and h one who certainly will bo saved for no man can come to christ sincerely but that christ will receive him 10 the thief cometh not but that he may steal and kill and destroy satan is the great thief 1 came that they may have life and may have it abundantly to follow christ is to know a richer physical life a clearer stronger mental life a sweeter domes tic life a more honorable social life and preeminently a true eternal spiritual life the very uf of god 11 i an the good shepherd at last christ identifies himself actually as the shepherd of the sheep tho good shepherd layeth down his life for tho sheep it is very significant that al most every passage in the new test ament that speaks of the love of cod or man and the love of christ for man also speaks of the death of the lord jesus christ for man for in- it you are still sighing with regret over helen jepsons departure from the showboat program on the radio you will be delighted to hear that she is going to make a motion picture that ambitious yonng company the grand national tha- went over big with great guy in which they brought tho toolongabseut jimmy cagney back to the screen is going to star her in a musical and victor schertzinger no less who piloted grace moore to screen fame is goin to direct miss jepson movie officials are so jittery about having fred astairo and ginger ro gers careen around on roller bkates for their next pic ture stepping toes they havo taken out one quarter of a mil lion dollars insur ance against pro duction delays due to accidents they know how danger ous it is to give as taire a new toy like that hes likely to 3kate right up walls so they are protect ing themselves from any spurotthe moment antics ho may inulge in fred astairo lull desti is not going to be like other foreign film stars who come to hollywood to make pictures usual ly the newcomers spend about six days in new york seeing nothing of our country but night clubs and the theatres photographers and inter viewers before they rush to holly wood by airplane or fastest train miss desti on her arrival from eng land persuaded paramount officials stance john 316 gal 220 tjohnto let her drive across country in a leisurely ashion so that sho could l2 he that is a hireling and not a early get acquainted with us before hepherd whose own the sheep are starting work in out not the hireling was simply a hired shepherd who himself was not in terested in the flock but was caring for it simply for the money he re ceived beholdeth the wolf coming mil leaveth the sheepand fleeth and ihe woif snatcheth thorn and scatter ed them tho wolf represents any jnemy of christ who at tho same time of course would be an enemy of lie welfare of christs own 13 he fleeth because he is a hire ling and careth not for tho sheep the hireling flees because he is in terested only in himself and his own welfare christ was concerned first with men he came to minister to and to lay down his life a ransom for us 11 i am the good shepherd and i know mine own and mlno own know me the whole exi diience of christ is our shepherd gives him an increas ing knowledge of us 15 even as the 1ather knoweth me and i know the father and i lay down my life for the sheep as the shepherd is always with tho sheep and so deeply interested in them the shepherd comes to know his sheep very intimately 10 and other sheep i have which are not of this fold christ is here referring to the gentiles as a great company distinct from the child en of israel and yet with them equally the sheep of his told them also i must bring literally the verb should read lead and they shall hear my voice millions and millions have heard the voice of christ through the written word and his witnesses down through the ages and they shall be- como one flock one shepherd the church of christ is one indivisible body because it is the body of christ each believer has the same privileges as another we are bound together by a common faith a common hope and ono lord eph 45 in our studios she wont even hazard a guess about how long it will take her because she knows that she will never be able to resist going off her carefullymark ed route to explore side roads london most successful career woman subjecting airplane pilots and equipment to too great pressure miss gordon holmes londons most successful career woman who holds the posts of joint managing director of the national securities corporation ltd director of the guardian socmities co and a directorship on the board of a hungarian bank she started as a clerk government board on wheat suggested stands by stricken cities for 50 hours if good wishes make good pictures steel highway will be one of the best of the year it was rushed into production in order to keep ann na- gel so busy that she could not brood over the tragic death of her husband ross alexander iu this picture she plays a leading role for the first time another good reason why every one is pulling for the success of this picture is that- a newcomer is none other than william hopper son of hedda hopper young players in hollywood have overy reason to be grateful to hedda hopper and they are they flock to her for advice on clothes and for help in studying their lines young brides who grow panicky about playing hos tess at their first big party and who doosnt consult her about refresh ments and decorations how many ex tra servants to get in what entertain ments to offer and all that and then they usually inslstmhat she be the first guest to arrive tho last to go a few years ago every visitor to new york mado a beeline for tho hippodrome just as nowadadys the radio city music hall is number one on any list of sights to be seen bud dy de sylva has been brooding lately over all the young folks who grew up too late to see ono of the thrilling dazzling hippodrome shows and has decided that something must he done about it so ho is going to make a picture called hippodrome for uni versal tho amiable lunacies of the burns and allen pictures and radio program go right on in their moro prlvalo life just now they are having a wonderful timo sending tele grams to tony mar tin signed by the casting director of twentieth century- fox telling him that ho must mend his ways and livo a more quiet lifo and the handsome six- foot tony couldnt ho more proper when burns and allen transfor their broadcasting activities to n b c on april first tony will go right along with them grade allen richard e ncbcl brooklyn ny amateur radio operator who locked himself into his room for 50 hours to relay messages to stricken cities that could not be reached by local stations keeps earphones on as he refreshes himself with a cup of tea odds and ends errol flynn insists that ho is going to borneo a3 soon as he finishes tho princo and tho pauper liu damaita may think otherwise just as sho did the last time ho got all ready to start ro mantic rumors about marlene dlot- rlch and douglas fairbanks jr may bo just rumors but nevertheless when sho arrives in hollywood soon to film angel junior will bo on his way hero when friends borrow books from humphrey bogart and keep them moro than two weeks he charges them five cents a day and gives tho consldorablo sum thus col lected to charity winnipeg doubtful of prac ticability of reviving wheat pools on a contract basis e s law presi dent of united grain growers ltd last week proposed the turgeon royal grain commission consider a government wheat board and ap pointment of a government super visor for the winnipeg grain ex change confusion in the minds of farm ers in western canada as to the best methods of meeting marketing problems was noted by mr law as he summarized activities of the grain trade in all its phases be cause many farmers wanted a means of selling their wheat to obtain the average price of the year the presi dent of the farmerowned grain company said the commission should investigate whether it is feasible for the wheat board to supply such farmers with the type of selling they desire tho board would pay an initial price and interim payments later as warranted through dis posal of the wheat the commission should also con sider advisability of appointment of a supervisor for the winnipeg grain exchange as recommended by the stamp commission in 1901 mr law said the farmers corner conducted by professor henry g bell with the cooperation of tha various departments of the ontario agricultural collego there are 10000000 cyclists in britain she cottons to lace question i have your bulletin no 364 manures and fertilizers of 1931 and observe the mixture design ed to produce a 2126 fertilizer from another source 1 have the following suggestion for the 2126 formula 500 lbs ammophos 104s and 200 lbs muriate of potash to give 700 lbs it is claimed that the 700 lbs can be sown without any filler at the rate of 70 lbs per acre which should give the same results a3 212c sown at tho rate of 200 lbs per acre 1 would be pleased to kuow from you if the latter method and ingredients are more modern than thoso mentioned in your bulletin and also it it would bo quite satisfactory would sawdust reasonably dry make a satisfactory filler to keep mixture from becoming lumpy if it lay some time before be ing used also is it at all successful to mix fertilizer with the grain in the drill box when a fertilizer drill la not available or does the fertilizer run out first instead of coming evenly with the grain h t renfrew county answer in answer to your first question home mixing is not a new practice i saw it used with varying success 25 years ago in new bruns wick and maine the ingredient am monium phoapate 1048 is a compar atively new product it is highly con centrated and contains available ni trogen and phosphorus as guaranteed it has been mixed in the quantity that you quote which closely approximates with tha potash the analysis 2126 as to it being quite satisfactory i am not prepared to say some claim to have gotten good results from it if the mixture has been made carefully and applied evenly i see no reason why it should not glvo results i cer tainly advise adding at least 300 lbs of filler to make the mixture up to the vfc ton quantity since i doubt it you can get a drill that will sow evenly and thoroughly in quantities of even 100 lbs per acre in answer to your question about sawdust 1 would not recommend it is a filler since it takes up moisture ather readily and is very light and mlky the best type of filler is some- thing that is uhout the sama specific jravity as the fertilizer material en gineering tests have shown that the material ts z heaviest flows from the drill more quickly than lighter ipecific gravity material in mixing fertilizer with grain in the drill box this same point is en countered since grain is not the same specific gravity nor the same size ker nel as is the fertilizer 1 doubt if you can get even application of fertilizer through the grain drill box if fertili zer and grain are mixed together es pecially is this the case if there is much moisture in the air or if the grain is at all damp there is also danger of seriously injuring your grala drill if you do sow the mixture through the grain drill box bo sure to clean it out thoroughly imme diately after drilling lias been com pleted mistress of housekeeping is a new degree which german women can earn candidates must be 21 years of age and have had five years experience in housekeeping before they can take the twoyear course qualifying them for this title londons strangest house something new in lace is pre sented by miss dorothy berner as she bosks in old sols beams in tho south this very latest in swimming suits is made of leafy cotton lace and was design ed in frnnce 3 several bad crashes of scheduled air transports within two weeks three of them ending in the fatal and familiar loss of every soul on board have not noticeably diminish ed the throngs crowding the airline ticket offices comments the new york heraldtribune but they ore bound to invite some second thoughts on questions of airline safety and operating practice admittedly they are not easy to deal with safety itself is largely a subjective matter what is safe for one man being hairraising recklessness t another and any attempt to reduce it to objective terms is quickly lost in the meta physical mysteries of probability a hunt for the causes of accidents raises equal difficulty weather conditions apparently played a primary part in all four cf the re cent accidents but it is of course the responsibility of commercial operators of airplanes to avoid or circumvent weather risk in the case of the liner which crashed near port jervis ue j weather not only created the original danger but then put out of action through icing or rain static the radio aids devised to meet it are the companies putting too much reliance on their marvelous radio equipment was tho pilot on the other hand careless in meeting the situation created by the radio fail ure in the case of the transport lost in california there was no ap parent radio failure while the weather conditions appear to have offered no difficulties that could not have been easily avoided was that a case of pilot failure due to carelessness or a slight slip of judg ment or was the pilot flying under a pressure to keep schedules which led him to take chances as for the two ships lost in the rockies it can only be surmised that some sudden snowstorm was their undoing does that mean that the plane3 were sent up under con ditions of too much risk only under technical investigation if ever can any satisfactory answer be given but the foar accidents to gether all of them pointing to the tenuity of tho aids upon which life may hang in certain circumstances to the tremendous responsibility up on the pilot and the appalling price of his slightest failure at a critical moment will inevitably lead in self- questioning by the leaders of the industry as to whether a pressure is not being put upon men and equipment greater than is wise in considering such suggestions aviation men will naturally consult the statistics they are not too satisfactory as evidence tho pas senger miles to a natality for ex ample fluctuate arratically due to the chance circumstance that one wrecked ship may have had all its seats filled and another only two or three passengers on board a similar difficulty appears with other indices over the last six years however it may be said that the scheduled air lines have averaged about 11 fatal accidents resulting in just slightly fewer than 30 deaths a year during the same period tho planemiles flown nearly doubled unfortunately this year will lose most of the ground so gained by increasing the deaths to some 60 if the figures thus do not prove that air travel is growing safer they do not even with tho last ones includ ed reveal any increased reckless ness their indications are still favorable to the air lines bo far as they are of value- neither examination of causes nor study of the figures will entitle one to be dogmatic upon so elusive a question as safety it would seem but both should warn executives and pilots aiike that in the eternal war of all transportation enterprises between safety and schedules they should remember always to err on the side of safety economic index jumps to 1205 ottawa spectacular gains in carloadings and important rises in three of the other six components boosted the economic index from 1173 the first week of the year to 1205 for the week ended january 1c the dominion bureau of sta tistics reports tho economic index base 1926 equals 100 and it3 six components jan 10 jan 0 jan 16 1931 1037 common stocks 1125 1375 car loadings 74fi 84 wholesale prices 72 ft 800 bond yields 1361 15cs bank cleanups 1053 102g shares traded 3279 460c economic index 1045 1 173 1937 1301 dog 817 1555 1012 83 1205 built on the foundations of tho oldest historical monument in london tho roman wall this odd houso no 20 tower hill only nine feet wide and 32 feet high has been marked for demoli tion soon it has three rooms one over the other the floor of the basement is formed by the roman wall itself mink ranching is providing a sub stantial income on many a cattle range in southern alberta provincial game branch officials report on more than 25 ranches the number of animals ranges from a pair to sev- ieral hundred chinas military expenditures in the last fiscal year were 50 per cent greater than iu expenses for civil