stouffville ont thursday february 4 1937 f town topics i mr cecil sager of napanee hear the musical saw trio at ontario spent the weekend with the horticultural meeting this fri- mr and mrs blake sanders day eveuiug mr and mrs archie stover and children were in town over sun day motoring from milverton over perfectly bare roads all the way the annual womens day of prayer will be held on friday february 12 at 3 pm in the bap tist church stouffville all ladies of the town and district are invited the final junior olla league game of the season for stouffville comes off here next tuesday night with east york as the visiting team stouffville must win to remain in the play oils and the boys are going their best right now fans will be assured real entertainment in fast hockey if they see this final league fixture ladies admitted free stanley theatre floyd tindall is nursing a fracured bone in one of his heels slipping off the litter carrier he came down heavily with disastrous results thurs fri sat february 456 devils squadron an air thriller starring richard dix karen morley paramount news shorts mon tues wed february 8910 nobodys fool edward everett horton comedy and short subjects one of mr hoy widemans leg horn pullets got behind with the egg laying business last week but the following day the pullet produc ed a sort of double egg one com pletely formed egg inside a second egg but there was noyoke in the larger egg dont forget to hear the musical saw trio at the horticultural meet ing in katclifts hall on friday evening these entertainers have been enthusiastically received at may functions throughout the pro vince and will add pleasing variety to our friday program wait for the- next oes euchre see definite announcement on the front page of this issue lets all attend the horticultural society annual meeting friday evening this week your attendance will be appreciated flu patients are beginning to get around again percy tarr stepped out on saturday after a bad shaking up and he certainly looked like one who had had a big fight but he is improving the town cop h c quibell was another victim hut is again checking up on auto speeders mr tom irskine of the bank of commerce staff stouffville has been transferred to the branch at kirk- land lake and left to assume his new post tliis week mr irskine came to stouffville three years ago and has proved himself an elticient clerk well liked by the banking public the regular meeting of the junior farmers and short course club will convene in the mansion house dining room at s pm on thursday february 11 there will be a demonstration on wool work all members make an effort to at tend please miss l dowswell secretary the unionville junior farmers invite you to their skating party cedarena on 1uesday feb 9th lunch provided admission 25 children 10 the ladies of stouffville christian church will hold a sale of home made baking in turners dairy on saturday february 13th at 230 mr george simpson one of our former citizens is suffering from a serious case of gangrene old friends will be sorry to learn mr simpson is living at mount joy markham at the present time charles d stewart 31yearold reeve of barrie who was elected warden of sinicoe county for 1937 by oue vote at last weeks session of county council is the second youngest warden iu the long history of the county wardeuship dating back to 1s43 the youngest sinicoe county wardeu the late hugh henry hal creswicke reeve of barrie was 29 years of age uev oscar burkholder of bres- leau made a hurried visit to rela tives in town last weekend mr burkholder says the ice storm in the grand river area last week made travelling on country roads almost impossible for a time but like most people he is heartily appreciative of a beautiful mild weather of mid winter thurs fri sat february 111213 heart of the west a western three married men a hilarious comedy paramount news resolved vme will continue to j bake supfror- bread well hav no trouble keeping our new years resolution we have resolved to continue to bake the choicest- bread and pastry and well have no trouble doing so because we know how resolve to write the name of our bread and pastry on your next grocery order a comparatively new family to stouffville living on mill street mr and mrs w h davidson have met witli grave misfortune this winter from which both are still suffering mr davidson has been suffering from a serious bronchial condition but is now on the way to recovery about ten days ago when his con dition was very grave mrs david son rushed to a neighbors telephone to summons a doctor but she fell on a slippery sidewalk and fractured her left shoulder and will be in more or less helpless condi tion for some weeks mr and mrs davidson ocupy part of mrs george taylors home and folks in general will sympathize with them in their double misfortune a public meeting is called for oddfellows hall on friday febru ary 12 to discuss the possibility and advisability of reestablshing the stouffville branch of the loyal orange association this meeting is called for s oclock and will be addressed by the provincial organ izer all orangemen and others interested in the promotion of protestantism are invited the complete text or the address made last week by morgan baker mpp before the ontario legis lature appears in this issue it sets out his attitude on the cancellation ot the hydro contracts which has saved millions ot dollars to the hydro users mr baker contends that the dumping overboard of these iniquitous contracts r was justifiable in order to protect the people against the violation of the trust placed in the legislature which made the deal with the power bar ons few of our readers will have any quarrel with the manner in which the hepburn government has saved the hydro from the clutches or the power barons whose con tracts if in force today would mean much higher hydro rates than now exist xo matter how fine the- weather during this month of february we will still be in love with the weather of january the only preference february could have is that it is one month nearer spningthe thermome ter scarcely tipped zero all last mouth and the abundant rain fall will prove a great blessing to the land here in ontario where much of it remained parched after the drought oi last summer a large owl or the great horned variety held in captivity by dr e s barker has been turned over to the toronto zoo the huge bird with legs as largo around as a childs wrist was captured near mussel- mans lake after being shot by a hunter the wounded owl with one wing broken and shot in side- was found in the yard of a cottager and thus came into possession of dr barker it was nursed back to con dition again but as the poet said the bird with a broken pinion never soared so high again and so the great horned owl will spend his days entertaining the throng of people who visit the zoo many small towns are being an noyed these days by socalled city salesmen virtually racketeers who hearing that money is somewhat more plentiful in rural districts are out to get their share they may be selling some type of stock or they may only be promot ing a card directory of some kind with advertising spaces for mer chants to fill at five to ten dollars a throw they call at the newspaper office to get a price on printing the job and then tell their prospects that the local newspaper is in on the scheme and is doing the print ing upon investigation 90 per cent of these schemes are shown to be downright fakes last summer a gent did up stouffville in this manner under the pretex of issuing a new register for the mansion house the february meeting of the junior institute will be held at the blue bird inn on wednesday feb 10th at 230 pm motto for the month the charm of pleasant speech roll call oue form of politeness 1 especially admire mr harold sanders will give an address to the ladies there will also he a demonstration of home made candy come one come call death wilson at his late residence 62 alton avenue on sunday january 31 1937 william j wilson hus band of the late margaret powers and father of mrs frances good year and mrs ida over formerly of 146 lawlor avenue interment dix on hill cemetery markham tues day february 2 stouffville bakery ambrose stover proprietor west end service station farewell to the teakettle you remember the awful puffing and blowing you did to start that car in winter weather its all past history to day careful checking of the ignition system plus the light oil which you can be assurred of as just correct weight at our service station let us fix you up if you are experiencing trouble starting your car or truck boadways service station opposite the mansion house phone 265 kill that cold e3zed rs m i t4 qj wlaxative cascara zk bromide quinine i i compouflo tch cohtaihwg yvrj- acetaniud 2 grains j 1 farcelds cridhcadachrhtsralqia try xipils for the throat voice and chest joc tin box bo ad iv a ys drug storo w bondwny plunb on february 8th mr frank l stiver expects to be one of the large party gathered together by the purina mills of woodsock who will leave on a four day special tour to the experimental farm and re search laboratries of purina mills at st louis mo the party will con sist of several hundred farmers from all parts of eastern canada and reservation has been made for a special train to cary them direct to st louis the train will be equipped with the delux special coaches at st louis they will visit what is re puted to be the most remarkable experimental farm in the world while in chicago they will visit three great institutions where they will see more in a few hours it is claimed than may he seen on a six months tour around the world mrs boss soden who for some thirteen years has been a resident of stouffville living in the terrace on albert street will move to ux- bridge at the end of this month to be with her daughter miss cora who recently opened a beauty parlor- in the northern town with good success mrs soden is a former resi dent of claremont and with her husband located on a farm on the 10th concession just south of lin- colnville mr soden died from a kick from a horse which struck him while walking in the pasture field shortly after this terrible catastro phe mrs soden and her young daughter located in stouffville and their departure is regretted mrs soden was a kind neighbor and will be keenly missed among her circle of friends crops fair around isabella v feed your hogs the quakes schumacher way faster growth means less time less feed from birthday to market day and the growing hog that gets quaker sugared schumacher gets to market long before hogs raised the ordinary way quaker sugared schumacher is the com plete carbohydrate feed it puts on sound weight and helps to build long stretchy hogs that bring best prices feed your hogs this uptodate way and get the profit your work and time are worth we have it for you quaker sugared schumacher feed quality service stiver bros phone 4501 stouffville about 200 members of the masonic craft including their wives enjoyed the ladies night on friday evening tendered by the officers and members of richardson lodge the party foregathered at the stanley theatre at 8 oclock whore they were entertained to a splendid picture starring jean arthur in adventures in manhattan follow ing the theatre party the gathering repaired to ratcliffs hall where the mens committee served a light banquet mr jos borinsky worshipful master of the local lodge presided over the brief toast list at which mr william griffiths propos ed a toast to the ladies which was responded to by mrs ball and mrs freel mr h c tugwell toronto an honorary member of stouffville lodge also spoke briefly report stouffville public school january after the name denotes honours jr primary audrey good erline paisley roy ward senior primary betty miller roy lintner bert stouffer winifred mcdonald junior 1 beatrice lickorish freddie pugh kathleen barry jr ill a iruth wagg jack harding leatrice nicholson gladys a brooks second class betty jean freel kathleen green audrey jennings junior hi 1 kenneth schell stanley ball alan sanderson d i ross sr ill william kellington jack dais alfred maskell v g tindall jr iv to sr iv joyce ball warren durnin wilbur smalley iv beth kellington eileen carter grace wideman sr c e watson do you know that through the new bank loan plan you can buy a now heating system a nev bathroom a nov galvanized roof for your house or barn and b paying cash you will buy from u at a very attractive figure look into this proposition today 12 month to pay in monthly instalments brathwaite hardware stouffville ontario the stouffville cemetery com mission is now sending out the year ly accounts for care of plots not placed in the perpetual care account it will be noted by those receiving bills that the charge for the care ot a single plot is 1 per year which conforms with the rate in uxbridge sunderland and other places that might be mentioned persons who own lotsat tlie cemetery would be well advised to place their plots under perpetual care thus being assured of proper attention long years after the family or anyone directly interested in their plots have passed away it is much more satisfactory to the commission to have all lots under perpetual care thus eliminating the annual billing and a great deal of bookkeeping obituary notice after about two years in the brierbush hospital stouffville mrs a w baker died on monday january 11 in her s3rd year a daughter ot the late j h steckley one of the first mbc mennonlto ministers her husband predeceased her some years ago while in the west mrs baker had lived a quiet unassuming christian life born at bethcsda she lived after her marriage in toronto for several years also cleveland ohio and a few years on a farm two sons survive f c baker ot scarboro bluffs and o a baker california a b steckley of stouff ville and j h steckley ot texas are surviving brothers three sisters also survive miss mary steckley toronto mrs w l mcgill glen- cairn mrs r coleman gait the funeral took placo from the home of her son f c baker on tho 13th interi 1 1 dicksons hill cemetery markham isabella jan 25 1937 the stouffville tribune dear editor in renewing my subscription i thought i would give you an idea how we are existing in ths wild and wooly west up till christmas the weather was ideal but since then it lias been steady hitting between 30 and 40 below of course thats all right when you get used to it the crops in our district were not too bad this year considering the hot dry weather grain which was on summerfollow was good then the price made it better isabella is stepping into the lime light for hockey again they won most of the local tournaments that were held last fall they have been invited to play against some of the best teams in the province but the transportation is poor in spite of the cold weather they played with neepawa at isabella the game was even till the last when the visitors slipped in the odd goal nevertheless t he boys have entered in the play offs what has happened with the ringwood garage dont see any thing more about it hope it goes through cant get a better drawing card than a fight pro1ably red horner or bill thomas would help out in spare time we had a misfortune the other day our young lad not quite two years old let some dishes fall on the floor and amongst- them was a lemon squeezer which broke we were a little worried for fear an other could not be got but i see by the tribune they are still made yours truly archie t stewart i junior farmers news on january 21st the monthly meetings of the junior farmers and girls short course club were held in the dining room of the mansion house miss anne paisley the girls vice president was in the chair due to the absence of miss jean baker who lias undergone an appendicitis operation in a toronto hospital the meeting opened with the singing of ocanada the motto i would be true was given by miss doris foote the members re sponded to the roll call with a new years resolution misses margaret schmidt and lillian phillips gave splendid reports on the community life conference at pickering college a demonstration was given on the clothes closet project three orange crates a roll of wall paper a few yards of cretonne with a little patience and work make a fine clothes closet and linen shelves an excellent display of handiwork such as linens woollens and art showed splendid workmanship in the joint meeting the main features were ye olde tyme spelling be a contest of wits and the class paper read iby miss marion baxter the next meeting will be held on february 11th for further notice watch the tribune county rate may be cut by one mill proposed rate of 885 mills is tentatively approved -agri- cultural grants determined used cars snaps for quick sale sedans 1926 buick 1929 durant 60 1929 willis knight 1929 durant 40 1931 chrysler cm 1928 chevrolet 1932 durant 618 1929 durant d 40 1936 ford deluxe with 1929 chrysler 60 radio heater 1928 pontiac 1928 buick 1931 cadillac 1928 pontiac 1928 pontiac 1935 oldsmobile s coaches 1928 chevrolet 1933 pontiac trunk 1926 dodge 1929 durant 60 1928 chevrolet 1929 durant 40 1929 chevrolet 1928 pontiac 1935 olds 1927 olds 1927 jewitt coupes 1929 chevrolet 1928 pontiac 1929 chevrolet 1927 ford an 8 so county mill rate proposed by finance chairman dr l w dales was tenatively approved ot last week by york county council for 1937 this proposed rate is a mill under last years figure an attempt of the finance commit tee to cut down on veteran grants was defeated by council after a lively debate in which reeve war ren and reeve w marsh magwood championed the cause of the organ izations as a result the money set aside for such grants was raised from 51500 to 2000 grants approved to the various agricultural societies were as fol lows aurora 150 richmond hill 150 scarboro 150 sutton 400 woodbridge 400 royal winter fair 400 markham 400 miscellaneous grants were de partment of agriculture at new market 500 junior farmers ex tension and stock judging 250 canadian institution for the blind 100york county hospital 2000 salvation army 100 york county municipal association 100 county police matters including the proposed formation ot a metro politan police system were discussed in committee the whole issue will be thorough ly discused at a later date in the session the meats we eat roadster 1928 durant trucks 1931 ford ton panel 1929 1931 ford ton panel 1930 1928 gmc 2 ton 1930 1930 ford 2 ton duals 1929 1931 rugby l ton pickup rugby 1 ton 2 ton dual chevrolet v ton panel chev sedan delivery chas cooper claremont subdealer chas ward stouffville the canadian people are not eat ing somuch as they used to the per capita consumption of beef and veal pork and mutton and lamb in 1935 was 134 pounds this was six pounds less than in 1934 and fifteen pounds less than in 1932 two or three years ago the canadian people were eating very much more pork than beef but that characteristic of the dinner table has disappeared and we are now consuming more beef than pork over 66 pounds of beef last year per capita and less than 62 pounds of pork we use comparatively little mutton only about six pounds per capita it is in the consumption of poul try that we have been making dis tinct advances four years ago the per capita consumption was about twelve pounds this has risen gradu ally to eighteen pounds last year the amount of turkey wis over one and a halt pounds or a total of eighteen and a half million pounds so that most canadians seem- to have dono very well in that respect last christmas our consumption ot cheese is growing but slowly the per capita being about three and a half pounds as a people we eat less cheese than most other countries less even than tho countries from which most of us have sprung tho average canadian consumes twentytwo dozen eggs in a year these figures como from the agricultural branch of tho dominion bureau of statistics department of trade and commerce