Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 4, 1937, p. 4

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stouffville ont thursday february 41937 toronto flashes goodwood and district particular in miss greta hatley visited quaker hill and goodwood the weekend miss beatrice davey of palmer- ston visited toronto on tuesday and wednesday last week mr lang tilueman son visited the port perry district sunday last no doubt the country scenery is again attracting our friend goodwood still leads in hockey keep up the good work and it wont be long before we see the sign board at maple leaf gardens reading maple leafs vs goodwood sorry to report that oswell lee eldest son of mr and mrs george lee was taken to st michaels hospitr1 last friday we hope his operation was a success mr arthur lee of rochester xv motored to toronto last weekend to see the maple leaf and rangers play hockey many happy returns to our friend mrs tobias heywood of mount albert her birthday june 29 was her 75th mrs heyward is the sister of our friend chas minnie and cecil lee of goodwood it is indeed a pleasure to report the reelection of one of goodwoods old boys to the position of rectors warden at st chads anglican church dufferin st our friend ar jones has for more than twenty years held office at this church the old saying a drop of ink makes millions think yes siree its just the same when a small adver tisement is placed in the tribune a farm wanted adv in last weeks paper inside of 4s hours brought 14 letters phone calls and visits ot persons wishing to sell some far some near the result makes us realize the power of a small adv in the home district paper were sorry to hear of the acci dent to mr moore sr who is the father of our friend victor moore and soninlaw of mr and mrs a brown while crossing the road from special bird seed offer 1 package bird gravel 1 package rennies bird seed 1 package cuttlebone tonic seed mixture all 3 for only 20c purity rolled oats quick cooking large pkg per package 25c fresh toasted marshmallows per lb 20c hornes sun dryed coffee per lb 35c pattersons candy fruit baskets to clear 2 15c canterbury cream biscuits per lb 15c heinz oldfashioned fresh cucumber pickle per bottle 25c cooking figs 3 pounds 25c old york cereal per pkg 25c tip top cherry jam per jar 30a aylmer pure chicken soup per tin 10c dried peaches per pound 17c aylmer tomatoes individ ual size tin 6c frozen salmon smoked fillets fresh oysters herring ciscoes fresh fruits fresh vegetables ratgliff co stouffville ontario the moore- bros factory on gerrard st he was struck down by an auto breaking both legs mr mooro is in a serious condition and is in the east general hospital mr chas lee of goodwood visit ed his brother here on thursday how would you like to be called out of bed at night to answer a long distance phone call from a per son wanting to sell a farm this was the case last week when a parts thought the scribe was going farm ing imagine the scribe starting to farm having never worked a day on the land in his life but the owner must have been a subscriber of the tribune and was out to do business so we just had to forget the distur bance to our sleep one day last week a gentleman received an order from the corre spondent for 3 lbs georgian bay herring all cleaned ready for cook ing the fish were delivered the tolowing day all parcelled up to r ake sure of keeping fresh the scribe placed same on the window base till going home twenty minutes to five fish were in the same place five minutes to five the fish had gone yes folks this is a fish story but a true one and we live in tor onto the good well folks the stouffville old girls and boys banquet is past foi another year the writer met mr nolans right hand man who no doubt knew more people than the scribe yes the correspondent and his good wife were there and enjoy ed the evening very much although perfect strangers to the members one would not help but feel at home and welcome may i say the presi dent miss a b clark and all her officers seem to be the right people in the right place one lady stepped up to the scribe and wife who at first sight seemed a stranger but my good lady is much better in re membering and recalled an old acquaintance her name now is mrs carr i hope i have this name correct before her marriage she was olive pugh daughter of our friend mr alf pugh so friends its no matter where you go you meet someone you know your humble servant and lady wish the associa tion best of success there is certainly no reason why our old village of goodwood cannot put the same thing over either here in the city or in the old home morgan baker before the legislature defends hydro cancellations births thomas at the home ol the grand parents mr and mrs 1r williams at lincolnville to mr and mrs melville thomas toronto muriel williams on jan 26 1937 a daughter boc q saomoe locaor opportunities cups and saucers at a new low price just received into stock a shipment of cups and saucers which we are offering at a very low price for quick sale st denis shape cups japanese make cups about 3 high 3diametersaucers about 5 diameter cups nicely decorated for ashort time only we are offering these at the extraordinary low price of cup and saucer 5c scotch ginghams our stock reducing sale continues for a short time and we are offering many money saving opportunities to the careful buyer these ginghams in small checks and assort ed colours are exceedingly attractive 31x32 widths regular 25c 15c chambrays a few lines in desireable colours at a special price regular 25c sale 15c cotton broadcloth 36 wide and in all colours a really excellent quality broadcloth regularly 17c sale 15c rayons plain and figured rayons in desireable colours and paterns a wide range to choose from new price per yard 25c flannelette blankets shoppers have appreciated the outstand ing values we have been offering in flannel ette blankets and there has been a steady demand for these five blankets we are in formed that there is likely to be in the near future a sharp advance in price we suggest that you take advantage of the pre sent low price to provide for your present and future requirements double bed ibex blankets per pair 219 double bed wearbest blankets pair 235 70x90 ibex blankets separately whipped 249 pure all wool blankets full double bed size pink or blue borders reguar 750 sale price 649 down comforters regular at 750 sale price 600 down comforters regular at 450 and 475 sale price 380 tpntr l 7 for the economical shopper chiffon hose pure silk chiffon hose in all the popular shades and in sizes 8 to 10 regular 100 sale price 89c womens winter coats still a few bargains in womens coats which we are clearing out at sacrifice prices all first quality coats with large fur collars only a few left so make your selections early pillow cotton and sheeting we are continuing our clearing sale of pillow cotton iand sheeting at the same low prices 42 circular cotton reg 55c sale 40c 42 circular cotton reg 40c sale 35c 40 circular cotton reg 30c sale 25c sheeting 81 wide reg 75c sale 60c sheeting 81 wide reg 65c sale 52c sheeting 84 wide reg 75c sale 60c unbleached sheeting 76 and 84 wide regular 45c and 50c sale price 40c indian blankets ideal for the couch or car in bright attractive colours and with a deep soft nap each regular 350 sale price 295 interesting values in crettones attractive patterns in a variety of shades and patterns 2627 wide excellent value at per yard 15c sale price- per yard 12c flannelettes sharp reductions in all our flannel ettes plain white blue and peach and in a great variety of striped patterns all flannelettes priced at 32 and 35c for 29c 29c for 25c 25c for 22c 19c and 20cfor 16c 15c for 12c pyjama cloth heavy quality and very attractive patterns regular 35c sale 28c turkish and linen towelling decided reductions in all lines of towell ing our stock is largeand well assortedand you may supply your present and future requirements at a very moderate cost the w h shaw store ioe i0e30x iodoi mr speaker in continuing the debate i wish to say that i have takeu little part in the last two sessions but i have been almost continually in my place listening carefully to the de bates on the various subjects i con fess there were times when it was difficult for me to keep my seat es pecially when charges were made against my leader such as the honourable member for east york made last friday uauiely that the premier had tried to buy east hast ings had the statement been true those who sit opposite should be the last to mention it have they for gotten 1934 sir all over the province of ontario 30 or 40 men were to be found filling one or two little trucks why mr speaker in their anxiety they even bought shovels for school children yes i was down in east hast ings and enjoyed myself mr acres and i had a wonderful time i had tne privilege of meeting some mighty tine peopledown there well the tories won the election and i congratulate the member for east hastings his majority ordinarily should have been 3000 and he got a little over 1000 just enough to cause me to lose a 1000 bet to holly acres we have as good reason to rejoice over east hastings as the tories we held our own aud that is all they did 1 have been surprised at the line of argument used by his majestys loyal opposition whenever the power bill is under discussion their speeches consist of an attempt to justify their own action in buy ing 7 or 8 thousand hp which we did not need and which we could not use and a strong defense of those from whom they bought the power not one word have i heard from the honourable gentlemen opposite defense of the people of this pro vince- those who have to pay their defense of the contracts that they did not know there was going to be a depression when the contracts were made did the government know there was a de pression in 1931 the honourable gentlemen knew full well that the people of this province had never seen or heard tell of a depression such as we went through from 1931 to 1934 they knew then that they had purchased- seven hundred thous and hp that the people could not use yet all these years they were proclaiming from the hilltops that all was well with hydro an organ ized effort was made to deceive the people and make it appear that the liberal leader of that day and the liberal party were the enemies of hydro during all those years not one attempt was made by the government of the day to make any adjustment with those from whom power had been purchased and had the tory government been re turned in 1934 the people would have been made to pay for every horse power that had been con tracted for no mr speaker the power bar ons will not deal with the present attorneygeneral they will pour barrels of money into this province at the next election in the hope of electing their friends the tories across tihe way and then they will get everything they ask for when the power bill was intro duced in 1935 every tory stood in his place reading articles that had been prepared by gaby weldon and the power interests the bogey repudiation was used when the honourable leader of the opposition spoke last friday he made the statement there was not a man in the legislature who would repudi ate a contract may i remind his majestys loyal opposition that there are other contracts besides power and road contracts to nae the words of rosseau government itself is a contract a contract whereby the people concenter all their wills iirone man or a group of men they say we are trusting you with all that we have there is a constitution for your guidance and our protection the individual or group of individuals contract on their part to keep every man in peaceable possession of this proper ty and sacrifice if necessary their own privileges in order to carry out their part of the bargain had the late government been true to than contract had the government been true to the moral obligations placed on them the contracts now under dispute would never have been written they forgot those they were sworn to serve and obligated the people to the tune of 11000- 000 million dollars per year the most vicious repudiation of moral obligation and betrayal of public confidence that the people of ontario have ever seen there isnt a man on the opposition benches that would do business for himself as the late government did for the people if i hire a man to run my farm pay him good money for his services and trust him because he promised to be true then after a little time i am told by a neighbor that ho bought 100 head of cattle which i can neither stajble or feed must i for the sake of the seller be responsible for that contract which would force me into bankruptcy throw my family on the road and also make it impossible for me to pay tho honest debts i owe my neighbor or should i cancel the contract and throw that servant out as a traitor to his mis as the people of ontario in 1934 threw the late government out for doing that very thing the seller has rights but his rights end at pre cisely that point where they infringe on the rights of others i owe some thing to my family and this govern ment owes something to tho peoplo of ontario whose servants we are and wo are going to give them the protection they are entitled to no matter how much the opposiion may dislike it the policy of the present com mission has saved hydro from its enemies that policy has brought a material reduction iu rates enabling many who had ceased using electri cal power to begin using it again thousands of farmers are installing hydro today because of the reduc tion in price sir if more power is being used it is only because the price has been reduced if anyone needs hydro surely it is the farmer two years ago we were paying 253 service charge per month to day wc pay 100 per month this has been made possible through the efforts of this government which action every tory in the house most strenuously opposed i am not going to vote to return to the 255 rate neither anv 1 going to force my neighbor back to the 255 rate the honourable leader of the opposition made the statement the other day that he would be glad to see the cost reduced if it did not interfere with the service judging from his words and actions during the last two sessions and those who sit behind him he should have said if it did not interfere with tho profits of the power barons of quebec the bill now before the house only makes possible the cancellation bill passed two years ago and the success that has attended hydro since that time has justified the action taken it has meant it has made hydro possible to the farmersof ontario it has meant extensions of lines giving work to tho unem ployed it has meant a reduction in the cost of power to industry enabl ing industry to compete more favourably with the nations ot the world it has put back into opera tion our own plants some of which were practically idle it has taken hydro out of the red changing deficits into sur pluses in every part of tlva pro vince ofontario the other side of the picture is to force the people to pay for hundreds of thousands of horse power from quebec interests which they use to increase the price of power to a point where the farmer will not be able to install to force industry out of busi ness or back to steam to close our own plants in or der to absorb power generated in quebec plants to throw men out of work and place them again on relief rolls in fine to wreck the whole hydro enterprise and throw it ibaek into the hands of private interesfs the charge of a shortage of power has been- shown by the attorney- general to he untrue we have one hundred and twenty thousand horse power which we can call on at any time the honourable mr rowe is telling the people there is a shortage i suppose he got this idea from the honourable gentlemen opposite speaking to the albany club he said there was a shortage in toronto it remained for the mayor of toronto and the chairman of the toronto hydro commission to tell him his whole speech was a tissue of false- j hoods i suppose he and his follow ers will continue to tell this for the want of something to talk about the door has never been closed to the quebec companies i deny the statement of the leader of the opposition that they were met with a club satisfactory adjustments were made with those who were willing to be reasonable when others who through their agents sought to intimidate they were met just as they ought to bo met and now mr speaker we are charged even by the globe mall with taking away the power of the courts and they speak or the courts as tho bulwark against arbitrary governments one hundred years ago when the people were fighting againsftho tyranlcal family compact was it the courts that interceded on bohalf of tlje people no mr speaker it was the people them selves led by william lyon mac- kenzle who brought freedom to a people that were enslaved that fin ally resulted in responsible govern ment and liberty was it the courts that brought about confederation was it the courts that gave us provincial atonomy can the mail globo name one single instance where the courts have superceded the parliaments of canada would tho globe and mail mako the courts the sovereign body of this province the judiciary have no power to make laws it is not their function to say whether tho laws are good or bad their only function is to interpret laws made by the legis lature representing the people who are sovereign the bulwark against arbitrary autocratic aud dishonest govern ment rests in the final analysis with the people the legislative assembly is the people if a law is enacted that does not speak the mind of the government that enaced it then the government has the right to amend the law in such a way as to make it speak the minds of the government the bill now before the house only makes possible the act passed two years ago cancelling tho con tracts those who voted for it then will consistently vote for it now in 190c sir james whitney did the very thing that we are now doing the florence mining company had discovered silver in the lied of cobalt lake before the government withdrew that area from prospec tors in 1905 in 1906 the govern ment took away any possible rights the company may have had sold the mine for over a million dollars an appeal was made to the minister of justice at ottawa who decided that the federal authority should not veto the bill the dispute was taken to the courts and justice riddell said that if the plaintiffs had any rights the legislature had pow er to take them away that de cision makes the people supreme and not the courts and i deny most emphatically that we are in any way interfering with the courts of just ice it is a last attempt to scare the members and thwart the will of the people mr speaker the dispute now centered around this bill does not tell naif the story those who are opposed to this bill both inside the house and out are opposed to this government in its attitude towards money they da not like cutting inter est rates they are opposed to refund ing the debt of ontario at a lower rate of interest thev do not like the income tax bill they are opposed to the collec tion of all that is due to the pro vince in succession duties they are opposed to any legis lation that will prevent them from taking their illgotten gains to nassau where they can escape income tax and succession duty let me warn the people that the fight that is going on today is not a fight between the liberals and con servatives it is a battle between the people and certain monied interests who reeoguize that the strangle hold they have had on the people is being broken and are making a desperate attempt to retain their hold i am standing by my leader who says when he must decide between the people and the monied barons he will stand with the people those to the left of you mr speaker can stand tjy mr rowe their leader who says he would have ontario go bankrupt before he would cancel the contracts if we have a prince said pliney it is that he may keep us from hav ing a master the late govern ment became our masters and en slaved the people but ontario has today in the honourable mitchell hepburn a prince who is de termined to make ontario a better place for the masses and when the next election comes we will trust the people r g clendening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000 l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night business phone residence phone dont buy new implements before you look over our which is seed drills disc and hoe popular walking and ridinsr plows like a land rollers 3 drum rak one power tractor binder as new first class shape double tractor dsc fx di used machinery much of like new 11 and 13 disc every make they will do the work just new plow wagons binders and es mccormickdeering good you can save 150 on this cellent also horsedrawn sc benj raxlin we buy hides wool phone 192 and live fowl stouffville ont genuine values ford tudor vs 1935 ford tudor vs 1934 ford tudor 1931 ford tudor 1930 ford spl coupe rumble 1929 ford tudor 1929 oldsmobile sedan 1930 hudson sedan 1929 we are giving away another car absolutely free you have a chance on every purchase of a dollar at our service station 2 pontiac coaches 1928 whippet coach 1929 whippet coupe 1d28 ford 2 ton truck vs 1934 international panel truck 1932 ford 1 ton truck 1930 rugby panel truck 1930 d f holden dealer stouffville phone 18401 markham phone 120 coal grain seed all kinds of coal reading anthracite genuine pokohontas alberta and coke poultry feeds of all kinds on hand at all times hog feeds cattle chop and whole grain wo are in tho market for farm seeds s w hastings phone 1g9 stouffville ontario important to dairy farmers feed prices are very high and the dairy farmer must get every possible cent out of his cream to make the business pay by shipping your cream to us you are assured of getting out the very highest market if you are not a snipper try it now stouffville creamery co phone 186

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