lje iiiliia volxlvii no 44 stouffville ont thursday february 4- 1937 a v nolan jjp publisher protect yourself from the flu nyal creophos will fortify the system by increasing strength and re building waste tissues and be cause of its antiseptic proper ties repels disease germs relieves bronchitis and decp- seated coughs church folk appraise past years work financial givings well main tained efforts of all workers praised j m storey druggist the homo of quality drugs doik permanent waves s250 s weekend special shampoo finger wave finger wave haircut 35c 20c east knd beauty shop iviarie brown corner main montreal sts phone 170 dental neil c smith ldsdds ollice over the hank of commerce ollice hours to 2 130 to 530 phone ollice 1011 residence 1015 e s barker lds dds honor xjradtiate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto ollice in grubins block phone 8201 markham every tuesday ollice iu wear block elders d j thomas and were reelected see h o klinck obrien avenue tor your insurance needs in fire life automobile burglary and all casualty lines thomas birkett general insurance agency representing reliable companies including lloyds of london england phone stoultville 25902 a c bukholder insurance canada life assurance co also automobilm and fire mansion house stoultville ontario full course meals 35c doom and dnard by the week 000 tobaccoes chocolates soft drinks sandwiches our speclnlty ladies and gents rest rooms briarbush hospital main street stouffville license xo 23 graduated nurses in attendance private semiprivate and public wards ambulance service phone 191 mrs e it good superintendent the yearly financial report pre sented to the members of the stouff- ville united church at the congre gational meeting held in the church basement on wednesday evening last week was reported on by officials as particularly gratifying during the year the congregation bad called a new minister and open expressions of loyalty and love were conveyed to him from the floor of the meeting in fact the work of every officer was commended from some source the treasurers report indicated that 6024 had been raised for all purposes the summary being rais ed for local church purposes 3276 missionary and maintenance givings 113 wms 4 07 womans association 270 young peoples society 114 evening auxiliary 252 childrens mission band 113 choir 22 while a collection for temperance raised 56 and givings for the lords day alliance 30 added expenses over the past year due to building changes created au overdraft of 1000 half of which had been paid off since the fall season opened three retiring williamson firw garfield kellington while the vacancy caused by the late dr smith was filled with the name of a h williams shadow lake the following six stewards were elected for a two year term clay ton stouffer v e rae a v nolan isaac barkey ormsby lehman h a sanders for one year john hodgins wash paisley r winn j l barrett j ridout walter dickson a nominating committee whose duty it will be to bring in a slate of officers at the congregational meet ing a year hence are f l button robt leslie a c burkholder rev r young and the pastor as chair man the annual financial report was presented and distributed in book form at the meeting while the chairman rev l e atkinson called on a representative of the various organizations to give a ibrief report on the activities of their respective organizations other than the financial statement mrs blake sanders re sponded for the womans associa tion mrs ball for the wms rev r young for the sunday school miss gladys brooks for the young peoples miss eva hoover for the evening auxiliary mrs woodburn for the mission band and mr leslie for the choir these reports were very interesting and gave an insight into the workings of the various groups rev mr atkinson said that he was preparing a membership of the entile congregation which he finds now numbering 325 of which only ten are nonresidents of the dis trict the brief few months in the work here had proved very enjoy able and he looked forward to happy and cordial relationships in the year to come when he would regard himself as well installed in the work at the conclusion of the business of the evening a light lunch was served and a social half hour enjoyed by about one hundred present john p lem0nvs leading citizen of punnichydead in the death of john p lemon vs at pumiichy sask an old stoultville family has been bereav ed deceased was a brother of our mrs william silvester mrs john brown and the misses lemon on church street he was a native of lemonville son of the late george lemon who left this district near ly 50 years ago for western canada the touchwood times published at punnichy says of his passing the death of john p lemon vs marks the passing of a man who had lived here for 30 years coming originally to take charge of the standard elevator as agent and buyer stricken with paralysis about three years ago he put up a wonder ful and determined light but gradu ally became weakei the end coming peacefully at the ripe old age of 77 years doc as he was familiarly known through the district was a great supporter of any movement for the betterment of the community his activities were not confined to any line as he took considerable inter- j est in educational matters being chairman of the board of trustees of punnichy sd in 1916 and for several years thereafter the agri cultural society also received a lot of bis attention he being president of that organization for a year or two and could always be relied up on for advice drawn from his wealth of experience in agriculture and stock raising for the greater part of his lite he was an enthusiastic de votee of curling in his earlier years he played with rinks which were outstanding not only in the west but in eastern canada as well dr lemon was well known and deservedly popular in the district and his demise is very generally re gretted tlie funeral was held on thursday morning and was attended by a large number of friends rev serle conducted the services in the united church and at the graveside in ipunnichy cemetery the casket was covered witli beautiful floral tributes sent by the following mrs o perkins of montreal daughter touchwood lodge af am mr and mrs george constable and mr and mrs james swan diamond jubilee year sixty years ago this winter stouffville became an incorporated village and on the 15th day of january 1s77 its first municipal council assembled the first reeve was james dougherty uncle to the present village clerk and treasurer j s dougherty members of the council were dr s l frecl jess reesor joan gibney and william leaney they were all present and sub scribed to the oath of office the clerk and treasurer was ii w woodgate father of our mrs e j davey there being no bank in the village at that time the clerk and treasurer had to journey to mark- ham village with horse and buggy to make his deposits but he never lost a cent nor was he ever held up for money the sum of money he had to take for deposit was often considerable too as it naturally was not put in the bank every day or so the first meeting place of the council was in freels hall now the baxter home on main street east it stood at that time as today im mediately north of the cemetery and four lots west of the tenth con cession south side such an epoch in our history as the diamond jubilee should not be allowed to pass uunoticed and might properly be marked by a cele bration sponsored perhaps by the council and park commission or solely by the latter body it is suggested that early consideration be given this matter keep walks clean warns co0nc1l council intend to enforce snow bylaw rest room problem revived tonights kuchhi this thursday evening at 8 oclock another of those enjoyable euchres will bo held in the oes rooms ratcllffs block everybody invited a real social evening is assured time s pm safe leave stouffville a 715 am b 925 am c 345 pm b 840 pm oke kings uigluuay direct economical eastern standard time leave toronto b 1100 am c 130 pm e 530 pm c 545 pm b 1015 pm a daily except sun hoi b sun hoi oniy c sat only o dally except sat sun hoi attractive round trip fares toronto 155 buffalo gs0 new york 1735 mansion tickets and in formation at house stouffville phone 161 vegetable market a carload of turnips was shipped from the local depot last week to philadelphia by the shipper r e brown another car is now being loaded and may go to gebrgia or some other usmarketthe shipping has not been so brisk this fall due to stiff competition from eastern canada and it is hard to get a first class product here since the drought last summer affected all crops farmers are receiving around 14c for turnips at the depot old cabbage is finding a heavy market in tor onto with new cabbage coming in fast local truckers reporting sell ing their loads at 25c and 35c per dozen carrots are the one bright spot on the market despite the city market being well supplied with new carrots old ones sell well at 110 a bag your invitation the annual meeting of the stoutfville horticultural society will be held friday evening february 5th at 615 sharp you are cordially invited to spend the evening with your neighbors and friends at rat- cliffs hall bring the necessary dishes and refreshments for a piedepression potluck supper there- will- be the usual elec tion of officers and annual re ports followed by a mixed program including an illu strated lecture by john s hall and a company of musical saw entertainers from toronto h o klinck president miss m mertens secretary the hope of seeing a wigwag in stalled at the cnr crossing in stouffville were dashed to naught on monday night when a letter was read before the regular meeting of the municipal council to the effect that the cnr officials refuse to install such a device county engin eer harvey rose advised in his letter to allow the matter to rest for a time council had offered to pay 250 of the cost totalling 1s00 council is now facing another claim arising out of a serious acci dent which betel mrs davidson mill street as reported in the local happenings the council dragged out the town bylaw governing the cleaning of walks here is something all rate payers should know the occupant of any premises and if unoccupied then the owner must remove all snow ice or dirt from his sidewalk before 10 oclock in the morning failure to do so entails a 10 fine or the constable may proceed to have the snow ice or dirt removed and charge the cost of removal of same against the property last sunday a number of residents were notified by the reeve to get the shovel in operation but the con stable will in future keep a more watchful eye on those who neglect to obey the bylaw regulations said a member of the council give everybody fair warning in the press was the advice of reeve weldon councillor ira rusnell enquired about the possibility of providing a ladies rest room for the convenience of farmers coming to town the council is open for suggestions on this matter and members have one or two ideas they intend to investij gate in the hope of solving this vexatious problem the claim entered by milton for far of ballantrae on behalf of bis son who fell on a slippery sidewalk and suffered a fracture was report ed settled through the insurance company at 4850 this amount covered doctors fees and hospital charges the park commission was grant ed 25 to enable them to balance their accounts for 1936 ireeve arthur weldon presided over the meeting members present were walter brillinger arthur swift ira rusnell geo rodanz buys another farm mr d l stouffer has disposed of his 100 acre farm at ringwood on the sth concession of whitchurch to mr george rodanz who has be come the big land owner of the dis trict the sale price is reported as 9000 the farm is well located it adjoins the present farm lands of the new owner and will now swell his acreage in the township of whit church to 375 acres mr rodanz al so ownes 225 acres on the opposite side of the townline in markham making a total of 600 less a couple of small lots and since acquir ing the five farms which make up this block of land he has highly im proved each premises reconstruct ing barns in the most modern fashion all of which has greatly enhanced the land outlook of the whole ringwood area in selling the old homestead mr stouffer parts with a farm where he had spent nearly all his life for he inherited the place from his father and had lived there since boyhood the lunaus once located on a lemonville farm wed 50 years on monday- couple too busy to quarrel ballantrae a pie social will be held in the ballantrae church on tuesday even ing februarys this social evening is available to all to enjoy brian street is 81 years old to day thursday february 4 and the residents of ballantrae and vicinity heartily congratulate him on his alertness and agailty mr street is as nimble as a lad of 70 he is an englishman coming to canada 53 years ago twice married he is again a widower hence he has tasted of the sorrow of life in his long space of years but mr street is of the sturdy pioneer type who is able to carry on in adversity as well as in pleasure mr and mrs jacob lunau resi dent of richmond hill for the past quarter of a century were hosts to their many friends and relatives on monday the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary both are in their 72nd year born near uxbridge in scott township they spent more than half their mar ried life on the farm and can recall many of the hardships of their early days displaying an alertness which belies their age these hardy pioneers whose forefathers did much in clearing out the laud more than a century ago are still in excellent health and keenly interested in curreut events qur married- life has heen a happy one mrs lunau stated i guess we were too busy to quarrel striving to gain a meagre livelihood from the soil rev a p addison pastor of the old methodist church at uxbridge married us we have attended the methodist and united church ever since after living on a farm near ux bridge for a number of years mr and mrs lunau moved to lemon ville in whitchurch township lat er they lived at victoria square and 23 years ago moved to richmond hill where mr lunau established an agency for the international har vester company their two daughters mrs everett brown of richmond hill and mrs ralph perkins of victoria square were at their home on monday with their nine grandchildren to offer their congratulations milk situation loo bri at the present time the milk situation is looking a little better at least better than it has for a long time says walter reesor press correspondent of the local associa tion although at the time of writ ing a higher price has not actually been secured it looks very favour able he opinions the local executive in coopera tion although at the time of writ- spent considerable time trying to reach this higher price and they now feel that the time was really well spent as a result of such a large trans action of dairy herds the quota system has heen terribly confused and some readjustment will have to be made in the near future on wednesday february 10 at 1 pm a meeting of division no 6 which includes markham town ship and the southern part of whit church township will be held in the townsip hall at unionvlllo to discuss quotas there will bo present some promi nent speakers one or which will be harry tandy a resident of unlon- ville who is the president of the tandy advertising agency of tor onto and montreal every shipper should be present so the executive mny know the feeling of every pro ducer old b ba the toronto organization of stouffville old boys and girls held their annual banquet at the walker house last friday evening there was in attendance from stouffville mrs blake sanders miss ethel sanders miss edith swift bill sanders and mr harry pennock miss a b clark president made a capable toastmaster toast to the organization was proposed by mrs w c taylor and responded to by f w mertens to the ladies pro posed by dr gfr richardson response by mrs blake sanders piano accordian numbers were given by ronald sorley mrs helen warminton and mrs blanche brace led the group songs by request moving pictures were shown by courtesy of the bell telephone co a splendid social evening was enjoyed by the large crowd in attendance village pensioners receive yearly 6960 govt assuming total cost but county council grabes two- thirds of saving for county expenditures among the churches christ church anglican rev p herman rector february 7 1937 quinquagesima sunday evening prayer 3 pm the public are invited to our services dr a j kilg0ur pas sud wn connected with provincial health department for past twelve years death occurred suddenly last week of dr archibald joseph kilgour 44 who tor the past 12 years was connected with the provincial de partment of health in the capacity of staff member of the psychiatric hospital toronto and the ontario hospital kingston dr kilgour re cently returned from a visit to eng land switzerland and germany where he had been pursuing re search work miss mae urquhart received a telegram announcing the sudden death of her nieces husband dr kilgour was a soninlaw of mr charles urquhart formerly of stouffvile tho deceased was born and educated in cornwall surviving are his widow the former mae urquhart port credit one son douglas 13 two sisters mrs j w campbell edmonton and mrs e clary toronto and a brother g f kilgour cornwall the village of stouffville has thirtytwo persons drawing old age pensions twentythree of these pensioners receive the maximur 20 per month seven others receive 15 one is drawing 10 and one 5 the total annual cost for the 23 stands at 6960 ten per cent or 690 of which is borne by direct taxation on the ratepayers of the village the balance is paid by the provincial and federal authorities under most recent legislation of the hepburn government the pro vincial authorities will assume the whole costs of this service also that of mothers allowance only three are drawing mothers allowance in stouffville the total saving to the county of york is 211000 but un fortunately county council demand ed more money this year and in stead of passing on tho whole saving to the taxpayers only 62000 is saved to the municipalities county council finding added avenues of expenditures to consume the re maining 146000 consequently had the entire sav ing created by the government been passed on to the tax payers stouff ville ratepayers would have pocket ed 690 or one mill off local tax rate but with the county taking 65 per cent of it tho immediate saving to the people will not be noticed in their tax bill at all warning owing to the amount of insurance claims we are giving notice through this paper that all tenants or proper ty owners in stouffville will bo held liable for all damage where ice and snow is the cause of accidents by order of council r e brown chairman of streets committee lemonville bloomington ballantrae united churches rev c b jcfferj pastor sunday february 7 1937 1045 am ballantrae 230 pm bloomington 700 pm lemonville tuesday february 9 pie social and good program in basement of ballantrae church all are invited come and worship with us stouffville congregational christian church arthur greer pastor sunday february 7 1937 1000 am sunday school classes for all ages 1100 am morning worship the first of a series of four sermons on tho book of ruth this is one of the neglected books of the bible and yet one of the most eloquent in its beauty and teaching every book that wo do not know is one book less in our bible mr and mrs stafford will sing 700 pm gospel service subj in the cross of christ i glory duet by miss dorothy greer and the pastor in tho cross of christ we glory by edward howe bright song service preceding the evening sorvico you will find a hearty welcome at all our services stouffville united church l e atkinson minister sunday february 7 1937 1100 am morning worship 230 pm sunday school and bible class 700 pm evening worship the young peoples society will have full charge of this service monday february 8 at 8 pm weekly yps six young folk will take part in a debate of which the subject is resolve that a young persons years between the ages of eighteen and twenty three aro more profitably spent in obtaining an academic education than in occupy ing a position wednesday feb 10 8 pm the monthly meeting of tho garret evening auxiliary will meet at tho home of miss mae mowdcr wednesday feb 10 s pm weekly prayer fellowship meet ing you arc cordially invited to como and worship at any or all of theso services stouffville baptist church o s mcgrath pastor sunday february 7 1937 1000 am sunday school 1100 am worship 700 pm preaching stouffville presbyterian rev w h fullerba sunday february 7 1937 20u pm sabbath school 300 pm afternoon worship everybody cordially invited w sixth line baptist church rov w e smalley pastor telephone 1903 wednesday 8 pm prayer meeting sunday february 7 1937 1000 am sunday school 700 pm church service subject the triune god bible thought for this week ex 207 thou shalt not take the name of the lord thy god in vain for the lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain friday february 5 8 pm young peoples meeting in the baker hill church friday february 12 at 230 pm the womens day of prayer will be held in the sixth lina church to which all ladies are invited bloomington and ringwood christian church rov e morton preacher oliver cromwell hit the nail ex actly on the head when lie said to the artist paint me just as i am or i will not give you a shilling what is really needed is less varnish and veneer and more of the natural finish sunday february 7 1937 services noxt lords day 1100 am bloomington 230 pm ringwood 700 pm altona the rich and the poor meet to gether the lord is the maker of them all prov 222 stouffville mennonitb church rev i brnbacker pastor the sunday school at mongolia has been well attended and a good interest shown junior young peoples meeting on saturday 215 pm monday feb s the young peoples meeting will bo held at altona church taking the form of a debate resolve that indifference is a greater hindranco to gods causo than direct opposition everybody welcome services next sunday 1100 am morning service 700 pm evening service wo believe in old time religion to mako men and women happy and useful