stouffville ont thursday january 28 1937 town topics tor sale modela ford car good condition wilfred vake lemouville one hundred colored leclrlc light bulbs have been ordered by the village council to replace the brokeu lights strung across main street and which look so attractive utter dark sf they are lighted a splendid oportunity tor the boys and for men to obtain a good felt hat at half prlca is open to them during the january clearing sale at curtis mens store you will pav 250 to 350 tor a new hat later on buy now at 150 stoulfville war veterans are ask ed to meet in the fire hall on mon day feb 1st at s oclock bert lieorish secytreus two of our youngest hospital patients rushed to toronto lor appendicitis operations early in the month are both recovering nicely ai their respective homes they ar miss kdythe grubin and miss helen ralcliff stanley theatre kenneth beu is now pushing tin- erection of his fiveroomed bungalo on baker avenue with favorable weather the studding will soon ht up and the place boarded in wner complete it will be brick clad mrs e palmer of claremont was spending a few days in town at the home of her sister mrs george t lee up in carrick township near walkertou farmers were plowing the land around new years according to the walkertou herald- times mrs john k brown victoria street is making fairly good re covery from a severe attack of pneumonia she is able to sit up in bed hut is naturally very weak mr john turner suffered a severe heart illness last week and has been confined to his bed since at the time he was taken 111 mrs turner was visiting her daughter in toron to thurs fri sat i a x ua is v ax so o jean arthur the star of if you could only cook mr deeds goes to town and many others in adventures in manhattan with joel mccrea short subjects comedy miss jean baker only daughter of mr and mrs ralph baker sth concession whitchurch was rushed to the toronto general hospital on tuesday and immediately under went an operation for appendicitis from which the patient rallied in a splendid way and is doing nicely it is reported from the baker homo e a grubin ro optometrist and optician will be at his ofiice m stoulfville on monday february 1st monday only appointments may be made for monday evening next tuesday is candlemas day when the bears will come out to see if the winter is about over little marguerite grubin was rushed to the hospital on friday where she was operated on for appendicitis but is now making good progress toward recovery only a few days previously eiytb the next eldest in the family returned home from undergoing a similar operatiou in toronto the last few- weeks have been a most anxious period for mrs grubin with two of her daughters undergoing surgical operations i presbyterians hold 76th annual meeting mrs jacob fockler has returned to town and will be at her home here for the remainder of the winter at least mr and mrs wm clark- son east of town are living with her mrs fockler is a most re markable woman for her advanced years she will be 94 her next birth- uav we hope that a goodly number ot stotiffvillo residents will avail them- mitchell selves of the chance to attend the stouffville old boys and girls the seventyfifth annual meeting of st james presbyterian church congregation stouffville showed the condition of the various organiza tions to be vigorous and the church as a whole to be in good con dition the meeting was held iu the church on friday evening at which a supper was enjoyed the church membership the session report showed stands at 54 there was one death during the year in the passing of mrs alex the wms reported progress also the willing helpers group tbi dinner to be held this frldav even- sunday school enrolment is 24 witl a farmer west of town sold 75 bags of potatoes at 175 to a tor onto buyer the other day but other growers hope to receive 2 for their small store of tubers before many weeks the car lot price in toronto on tuesday was quoted at 105 and it looks like better prices which is usually the thing when the grower has little or no potatoes to offer th urs fri s at kkljltahy i a t big double bill love letters to a star starring harry hunter polly bowles boss kidki of gun creek a western montues wed february 4 5 devils squadron an air thriller starring richard dix karen morlcy resolved we will continue to 1 bake t bread mr and mrs ambrose stover and his another mrs ellas stover motor ed to south bend indiana last saturday to attend the golden wedd ing anniversary of mr and mrs melville morris relatives on mr stovers side of the family the canadian guests took along with them the wedding cake they left stouffville at 4 so am on saturday and arrived at south bend at g3u that evening a distance of about 430 miles a toronto man wishes to buy o 150 acre farm in this district and is prepared to put up the cash h- would like a place with some bush and stream or pond thereon hen- is a chance for some farmer wue wishes to unload a large acreage for cash conditions of buildingr not a great consideration for as tb purchaser says they can be re made well hav no trouble keeping our new years resolution we have resolved to continue to bake the choicest bread and pastry and well have no trouble doing so because we know how resolve to write the name of our bread and pastry on your next grocery order stouffville bakery ambrose stover proprietor west end service station old plugs wanted only at glue factory its just the same with your old ear spark plugs theyre a dead loss gas eaters and a pest to good starting of your car in winter season we are specially equipped to test your spark plugs with latest appliances come in to day and we will quickly point out the weak spot in your ignition system with the modern new detector boadways service station opposite the mansion house phone 265 mr george bowers was delighted to receive an express hamper the other day from florida containing a bushel of large luscious oranges a gift from mr charles carruthers now at his orange grove in the south but also a resident on the 10th concession of markham the fruit says mr bowers was not only very large but much more juicy than the store oranges purchased through the usual channel the explanation for this is that private growers allow their fruit to ripen on the tree thus improving the flavor and retaining all the juices the express on the hamper the tribune learned on enquiry at the depot was only 199 mr preston the agent pointed out that there was no duty on this small order and that fruit is expressed as second class again last sunday evening as or- previous sundays this january the church attendance in stoulfville wan definitely down heavy rain and ice storms around is the cause last sunday night the streets were treacherous and unsafe for elderly people with everything a glare of ice all congregations suffered accordingly ing in the walker house toronto the organization is a great advertis teachers messrs wm greeudury and rs mem for stouffville and business chambers were elected to the men should bo interested in its managing board and reeve james success dinner will be served at i rennie as church secretary-treasur- 7 oclock and tickets are available at tribune office they should im procured at once when we will tele phone in your reservation to ml edna hoover secretary or xot many of our citizens could boast of being employed in wheelers grist and saw mill one of stouit- villes earliest industries but we learned from mr jos mcmullen that he was engaged there for years mr mcmullen is still a very active man although he was si years of age last october james thomas bain malcolm who conducted an insurance business at markham village tor the past 20 years died at his home on fri day following a long illness he was a lifelong resident of markham township and village ho is survived by his wife two sons rev w j malcolm three rivers michigan and rev charles a malcolm chatham ontario and a daughter ann malcolm at home he was a member of markham masonic lodge and a past grand stewart of the grand lodge in canada he was also an ardent howler and curler the funeral on monday afternoon was conducted by the pastor of de ceased rev w h fuller presby terian minister and the masonic lodge stoulfville and other neigh boring lodges were represented the financial statement presented read receipts balance from 1935 2s 22 collections per envelope collections per plate willing helpers contributions to shingling mrs cox donation rev w ii fuller supply sunday school coal special contributions 373 29 101 17 s5 00 14s 00 4 00 10 00 9 g5 91 00 axxial meeting postponed because of bad boads use these cold protectives bed f 2l m 2j i c5w- js tablets isrwiaxative cascara w0 bromide quinine i p compouhd each coktawmg k ufisfc acetahiiio grains i v fir coldsgrig vrabebt nrumlqia oyster suppers are to be though of in these modern times but down in markham village the district bail iff edw warm knocks all con ventions aside and stages a sauerkraut party for the entertain ment of his toronto friends whom he invited theres times when the bailiff is very unpopular but it is said on this occasion everybody wa ready to fall on his neck and kiss him edw and sauerkraut were praised to the sky next tuesday evenings hockey match with aurora in the local arena promises to be the most interesting of the season the yonge street gregation are leading the league and are a fast lot but the local kids have struck a winning stride and mean to keep it aurora beat them in aurora by only one goal the ladies and public school children are admitted to these oiia games without charge the annual general meeting of the shareholders of the bethesda stouffville telephone co called for january 25 has been postponed to monday february 1st the icy conditions of all roads made it impossible for most people to venture out thus the necessity for a change in the date of this meeting it is predicted that the company which has been showing an annual deficit each year has just complet ed the most successful year in the last five or more sunday school officers reelected s50 33 expenses mr fuller stipend g00 00 pulpit supply etc 25 00 fuel 14 15 electric light 12 00 shingles and hardware 149 10 envelopes com cards 3 35 caretaking advertising paid budget presbytery synod fund 837 66 balance 12 g7 feed your hogs the quaker schumacher way faster growth means less time less feed from birthday to market day and the growing hog that gets quaker sugared schumacher gets to market long before hogs raised the ordinary way quaker sugared schumacher is the com- plete carbohydrate feed it puts on sound weight and helps to build long stretchy hogs that bring best prices feed your hogs this uptodate way and get the profit your work and time are worth we have it for you quaker sugared schumacher feed quality service stiver bros phone 4501 stouffville 6 00 4 00 20 36 3 70 toronto flashes goodwood and district in particular 1 lasmores bronchial mixture try xipits for the throat voice anil chest 10c tin box bo ad w ays xv drug store bonclwny phmb do you know that through the new bank loan plan you can buy a now heating system a nov bathroom a nev galvanized roof for your house or iiarn and b paying cash you will buy from u at a very attractivo figure look into this proposition today 12 month to pay in montwy instalments brathwa1te hardware stouffville ontario mr telf rennie who has he contract for sanding the main street through stouffville and west as far as the county road system extends beyond ringwood also north along tho sth concession to baker hill has been doing an excellent job for his employers tho toronto york road commission never do we remember a winter with so much ice and the need of so much sand but the local contractor is always right on the job to make his section of the road reasonably safe for motor traffic indeed pedestrians are glad to use it also while the sidewalks are a glare of ice even bachelors should not get the idea that they can do as they like anyway we know one of them who if he thought that has now dis abused his mind of the idea mr frank e rae was ordered by his doctor to lay off work for a week while be battled with a cold follow ing the advice the tailor has been confined to his home for a week or more all the officers of the markham township religious educations education council were reelected by acclamation for 1937 at the 6sth annual convention held at victoria square on thursday rev j l graham gave a very fine and informative address on the effect of the depression on the sunday school at the morning session while the convention was in pro gress in tho united church build ing mrs j j eaton conducted a childrens song and story hour dur ing the afternoon in the community hall rev a winger opened the evening service with prayer and after the report of the nominating committee was heard rev l e atkinson conducted the installa tion while tho congregation was not so jnrgely attended as usual due to the icy condition of the roads en thusiasm and interest ran high said mr ewart stiver secretary of the association the officers are president w s winger 1st vice g l williamson 2nd vice e avison secretarytreasurer e 1 stiver mr and mrs headley hill and son clarke visited mrs e j hill last sunday we are glad to welcome miss dora todd to the city and hope she will like our lovely town mr and mrs jas morris of aurora visited mr and mrs george lee jones ave on sunday last glad to report that mrs r j davey of palmerston is recovering from her illness hope she will soon he well again to the president and officers of the albert bible class at goodwood united church the scribe sends best wishes for a sucessful year mr and mrs harry flummerfelt also miss a davey attended the funeral of mr mcintosh on monday last week mr mcintosh was on the staff of shaws schools mrs donald fines of newmarket has been indisposed with a mild flu we wish speedy recovery for this former goodwood girl despite the changeable damp weather we learn that rev mr luiiau never enjoyed better health this is good news from our old goodwood minister while walking down the veranda steps of her home mrs robert feaster tripped and fell but we are glad to say after resting up a fow days mrs feaster is better to mr and mr john s latcham ot goodwood on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary we in toronto send best wishes for many more years of happy married life time placcgirls and boys ar the following is a statement of tne committee in charge of the village santa claus fund receipts total collections 73 50 expenditures paid jennings bros 3 00 ratcliff co candy bags 28 00 womens institute 26 57 57 57 balance on hand 15 93 the balance on hand has been deposited with tho womens insti tute to form the nucleus of a fund for the same purpose next year the womens instituto prepared and distributed the baskets in ad dition to making a donation to the fund the committee wishes to thank all those who so heartily co operated in making this undertaking a success in bringing good cheer to the children and brightening tho christmas season for needy ones in the community r e brown h w sanders january sale mens winter overcoats to clear at reduced prices dont wait get your coat now while the range of sizes is most complete mens felt hats special clearing of mens winter weight felt hats in the most popular shades of blacks browns and blues sizes 6 to 7 boys overcoats 500 greatly reduced for this clearing sale sizes 6 to 14 years in the lot reg 795 to clear at 500 mens and boys underwear january clearing of all wool wool and cotton and fleece lined combinations and separate garments at prices that will mean a saying to you r e curtis phone 1602 stouffville ontario seven oclock pm at walker house tho house of plenty january 29 bring your friends meet your friends at the stouffville old bovs and girls banquet during last week end mr lang blueman wont on a motor trip to manilla district while his business is transport trucking nothing pleases him better than a trip to the farm yes ho comes from uxbridge the correspondent received a letter last week from mrs h s obrien fort lauderdale florida informing us that she had received our letter after the passing away of mr obrien on january 1st after several weeks illness from chronic myrocarditis and endocarditis howard harper also george lee called on the scribe last thursday while these two agents can not be classsed as knights of the road many a mile have they travelled on the road from the old home village to toronto yes siree we are glad to see you at any time with reeve james and deputy reeve robt ashenhurst on the community park board at good wood this year things should be ok sport fans would do well to use this park goodwood always was well up with football and is now in good standing with hockey let 1937 be a year to be remember ed toronto people were pleased to read of the membership to the childrens aid society of our good friend mrs kendall wife of the well known mr kendall of roseville we have heard of the good deeds done by mr kendall and we can rest assured his good wife will be a model member of this well known society while the weather was very un settled on sunday last ice snow and rain tho scribe was caliing on sick friends and the last call was on our friend mr j mccullough on enter ing the home the writer was sur- surprised to see him all set for his afternoon walk after a little chat the scribe had the pleasure or accompanying mr mccullough and nurse by tho way this young lady lived two years in stouffville miss tremaine no doubt will he well remembered we read in last issuo ot the former methodist parsonage at goodwood in 1ss7 our memory goes back to this time when there stood goodwoods most tiny rest dence how many remember it ye it stood just opposite the centre of mrs s ottowells property we re call some ot the folk who lived thoro miss a woods and mother nlso tho lato male degcer yes i was very small and some ot our old friends in goodwood can toll you the size attention farmers in the classi fied adv column of this paper you will notice gentleman wants to buy a farm no its not the correspon dent who wants a farm but a friend if there are any farmers that have one like the adv calls for and can give lowest cash price and all details just get in touch or write tho correspondent of toronto flash es and if it is what my friend is looking for you will hear from the gentleman direct heres a chance to do business century baptist church on mcpherson ave sometimes called tho homo ot goodwood uxbridge and claremont folk held their annual meeting on wednesday two interesting things happened the renewal of tho pastors former salary before depression also some 300 new hymn books presented as a memorial to mr senior who died a couple of years ago visitors to this church at their services may ho privileged to meet mr and mrs graham formerly our friends george morganson miss o ottowell miss m lewis and others rev c schutt was pastor here twenty six years ago having come from goodwood and uxbridge by w davey s stanton ave vandorf of course bob brown has that very broad smile a number in this vicinity are suffering from colds is this really winter rain rain then a few days of frosty weather and snow and rain again last weeks ice storm put the sutton hydro electric line out ot commission leaving i several homes iu darkness near here for one night mrs gordon carr and miss mabel carr attended the winter- school at barrio last week this was in connection irttti our yps we were pleased to see the splen did crowd out to sunday morning service still there are a few seats vacant mr and mrs robert carr and miss mabel were toronto visitors on sunday mr and mrs russel sproxton and family had sunday dinner with mr and mrs louis brillinger our yps are holding a skating party in aurora arena on the eve of february 2 all those interested please keep this date in mind jack crawford has some beauti ful big cows purchased around listowel and he is offering them for sale these low fares enable you to turn the calendar ahead from winter right into n summer vacation in glorious california play golf beside the blue pacific motor through oiange groves and along inviting highways enjoy glamorous nights in gay hollywood your choice of routes include the picturesque canadian rockies charming vancouver and victoria at no extra coat full information as to round trip first class fare intermediate fare coach fare on application to any agent canadian national