christmas fund opening ceremonies in vienna recently is officiated over by dr k1t nigg austrian chancellor who is seen receiving christmas candle fiom white robed angel as he launched drive to obtain funds to supply christmas cheer to austrian needy families during mile season by lewis allen browns outlook bright for dominion economic santa is leaving best business wages since 1930 canadas christmas stocking is the subject of a comment in cana dian business for december a vear ago says the canadian chamber of commerce magazine wo outlined what canadas eco nomic santa claus had in the bag for canada and estimated that that gentleman would have about ten per cent more there this year that estimate has proved to be just about right moreover we have every reason to believe that in 1937 business ac tivity will increase at least that muca again there is a more general sharing of improvement this christ mas season more people have iohs than at any time since 1930 wages have been increased the farmer gets higher prices the stock investor holds more valuable securities most in dustries are working at increased production rates retailers get more volume at a better price railways run more cars and the exporter ships more goods larger and better presents bulge the national stocking to gladden canadians who cart see less difficulty ahead m filling up the spaces left by unbalanced budgets railway finance unemployment and lack of national unity points to women still worse off m salada brown label in a humble car chapter i hello sue hello diet susan morrison re plied but she did not look up until she had completed typing 3 gross xl stoneware cups and saucers then she turned and looked at the young man how was the trip she asked chester hadley travelling sales man on commission for the sithwlck crockery company tried to look cheerful could have been worse i did a little better than last trip is the old man in yet better not let him hear you call him that he thinks he is practically a young adonis chester scowled is he making passes at jou sue mr sithwick of all things chet she laughed then stared out of the window should she tell him that mr sithwick had indeed been showing signs of interest in her for the first time in all the four years she hd worked for him she de cided against it the paper said that spring was in the air this morning i must have missed it sue remarked all i saw was puddles of water a steady driz zle and t pack of human sardines in the subvay after the rain sunshine sue said chester he hesitated a moment then said thought it all over suet dear whats the use chet you know as well as i that it just cant be done it may be years before you can make more than barely enough to support yourself much less two people if i married you we would have to live cooped up in a couple of dismal rooms youd be on th6 road most of the time and two can live as cheaply as one chet put in no chet its out you arc a dear boy and i like you heaps but we have to use a little common sense business will be better here it 5s a whole year since i first asked you and still you arc putting me off not putting you off chet i told you the last time you were in that it was all off for the present any way they heard john sithwick coming through the warehouse heard him speaking to one of the men chet caned over and kissed sue no mntter how long im going to wait for you and im going to make good good morning mr sithwick had ntcred the office they returned his greeting as he opened his oldfashioned rolltop desk susan returned to her list of ialcs chet stared out of the win dow nnd sithwick called him over susan did not try to listen but she caught enough of their conversation to learn that sithwick could not give 3het tno additiol territory that he had hoped to secure when she went out to lunch at the little restaurant across the iftrect chet found her there his liopelcsa expression made her feel sorry for him of course said chet i would nt want him to let old jackson go just to give me that territory sue but its tough if i had that i could make enough so that we could ifford to be married right away he sighed well ill just have to wait they say everything comes to him who waits chet but you can see now cant you how foolish it would be for us to get married thats what hurts sue you are dead right about it im crazy about you and you know it but it would be fooihardj for us to try and set up housekeeping when i can scarcely make a living as it is i have to be out on the toad every minute to eke out the barest existence i cant even stay over tonight to take you to a movie there is a hotel prospect at atlantic city i have to see tonight well nsxt time well have a party sue next time she agreed with a smile that evening when sue started home it was still raining umbrel las dripping down her neck humans wet and tired and smelly packed into the subway then the twoblock walk to the ancient room ing house and the cheerless back room that had been her home ever since her father had died and she had left school to go to work she prtpared her meager supper over a gas plate across a cheerless backyard she could see into the dreary homes of others quite as cheerless a hei own quarters the newspaper had announced the coming of spring susan shiver ed what difference did it make spring r blistering summer or icy winter u was the same dreary rou- vine day after day with not a chance of improving her station in life she thought of chet she was very fond of hiii but he didnt make much more on his commissions than she did as general office girl to john sithwick she was glad that she hadnt let her heart run away with her head to many chet would he idiotic the next morning susan was more depressed than ever the same walk to tho same subway the same jam of morose and harassed work ers and finally the same ugly brick warehouse with grimy aisles leading through the crates of crockery to the dark little office at the rear four years of it and so far as su san could ree her life would remain the same through four times four rrore years just before john sithwick arrived at the office chet telephoned from atlantic city he had contacted the customer but had sold only half the bill of goods that he had expected to tell the boss he says times are too hard to risk spending much but anyway its better than a turn down dear sure it is chet but there was hopelessness in susans voice that afternoon john sithwick came back from lunch late during lunch he had put over a nice deal also he had stopped off at a bar- ber shop and after being spruced up felt that no one could say that he was old or even approaching it he was fortyfive the peterborough examiner writes the humble citizen who drives in a humble car upon our great system of highways is the person who has the preference thereon and that is not the outpouring of this paper but rather the considered statement of none oilier than hon t b mc- questen minister of highways and whats more the minister was speak ing to 1500 transport men at a dinner in toronto what a man he had partaken of their victuals and then stands up and tells these own ers and managers of the giants of the highway that they are second raters we cannot but wonder how the humble itizen driving a humble car is going to give voice and effect to this newfound superiority if he toots his humble horn at one of the great caravans of tht road and re ceives no response what then must he run into the thing to assert his superiority or if it comes to an intersection and the great truck ap pears woud it be all right for the humble man in the humble car to proceed as though he was driving a through express with nothing but green lights ahead of him we wish mr mcquesten had been a little more explicit or had given a few rules and directions he may have kindled a little fire in the mind of the humble driver of the humble car but he has placed in his hand no weapon to his coat or armor if the driver of the humble vehicle be comes bold in his effort to assert these new rights which are outspok enly his can he do so in the firm knowledge and conviction that traf fic officers and courts and all other individuals and agencies will hastily affirm that he is right until there is something more definite we fear the humble fellow has won a hollow victory and the visible and actual importance of the great truck upon the highway cannot be ignored with mpunity mrs roosevelt seeks aid for rural womea new york women of new yorks least privileged groups were urged by mrs f d roosevelt to j stretch their horizon to include an even worse situation the under privileged of rural communities the wife of the president was talking to a group of mothers clubs in gothams east side hitherto she had confined such addresses to more leisured and wealthy groups mrs roosevelt began by telling mothers about rural slums in west virginia where no free clinic was available and a child had to have a tonsilitis operation in a garage i know you here in new york do not know much about farm con ditions she said but they matter to you just as much as to any one because your children and the chil dren from those farms are going to work together to make the united states of the future you women must educate your selves in conditions in other parts of the country and be ready to back up the governments measures that effect the whole nation you here of course are espec ially interested in better housing and if poor housing ever becomes a thing of the past it will be because everybody knows what he is talking about individuals may try very hard but unless wo all work together things wont be changed north vindow is best for fuschia benningon jug gerald raftery in the new york sun molded when george the third was englands king and slow cows grazed on forty- second street this squat new england urn can bravely sing with any grecian jug of cider sweet with frosty apples of new eng land rum of hard spring water cool in har- cst time of bain floors shaking to the frolic some and rattling dance of sleigh- bells clink and chime of hard hands lifting it to tip and drink of golden syrup in the sugar camp perhaps its well the old jug does not think now that it has become a steady lamp if you have a stand or window- room on the north side where you can keep window plants in a room not too warm that will be the best place for ferns and fuschias they require coolness and not too much sun in order to survive the winter change of temperature there are two classes of fuschias the summer flowering varieties will winter safely in a frost proof cellar if they an have light and water the winter varieties will blossom if plac ed in the north window as described household science by susan fletcher darling pajamas delicious noodles good egg noodles boiled in chicken broth noodles flavored through and through an aroma to start mouths watering long before the food reaches the table thats the dish recommended one that will become a primo favorite im mediately with the entire family ingredients 1 qt wellseasoned chicken broth 4 oz egg noodles metliod bring the broth to a boil add the noodles cook over a moderate fire stiring constantly until tender and until broth is almost all absorbed servo plain o with a good sauce and grated chsese a casserole variation as a variation nothing could be bet ter than noodles with chicken in cas serole its so simple no trick at all to do it to a kings or a queens tacte pcur the noodles cooked in broth as above recommended into a butter- 1 baking dish stir into then 2 cups of cooked chickei and a quart of milk top with buttered bread crumbs brown in a moderate oven serve piping hot spaghetti can be substituted for the noodles if desir ed or as a change limas california 2 cups cooked dried limas 2 table spoons butter vz cup hot water 2 hardcooked eggs teaspoon salt 18 teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 egg beaten 1 tablespoon lemon juice heat limas in a double boiler cream butter add salt pepper par sley lemon juice and beaten egg mix well add hot water then pour over limas and cook over hot water until creamy turn into a hot vege table dish and arrange sleed hard- cooked eggs over the top and sprinkle finely chopped parsley in a border ar ound the dish deviled steak flank sceak about 2 lbs i strange world i thought censor now in 22 jap- j anese cites thought surveillance offices have been opened by order of the japanese parliament kegu- lation ef public thinking and sup- j pression of dangerous thoughts sre the niis of the new law twentytwo years after a wounded french poilu went home to visit his parents in august 1914 he was found n the family attic and was arrested as a desciter he had been there in hiding for 22 years o very jagged hare a siberian recently ate a large uncooksd hare fur and all for a bet of five s he followed it with a moslem peasants fez by way of dessert bee masks gas masks for bees not for individual bees but for hives have been patented in czecho slovakia experiments showed that hives exposed to chlorine lost 98 per cent of the bees when exposed to tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons butchloropicrin all the bees perished ter 1 large onion 1 teaspoon mixed dry herbs 1 teaspoon salt vi tea spoon pepper 1s teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon dry mustard lt table- too much for the gangway a 22stone woman passenger had to be disembarked from the liner man- spoons cider vinegar 2 cups canned j chester brigade by crane in an im- pineapple juice cut the steak in pieces 2 by 3 inches and roll in flour melt the but ter in oven and brown the sliced onion and powdered herbs remove onion and brown the steak add re maining flour and dry seasonings brown slightly pour hot vinegar and pineapple juice over steak cover closely and simmer for several hours or until steak is tender 6 servings and here are two delicious des serts try these out during the holi day season theyre sure to result in successful entertainment bavarian cream 1 tablespoon ranulated gelatine cup cold water 2 egg yolks 13 cup sugar 1 cup hot milk 2 whites of eggs 1 cup whipping cream 1 tea spoon vanilla pinch of salt soak gelatine in water using at least twice as much water as gelatine beat egg yolks and combine with su gar and salt gradually add the hot milk and cook in top of double boiler stirring constantly until mixture thickens add gelatine cool and when mixture is partially set fold in lines is the latest method of raisin stiffly beaten egg whites whipped j m0 for charity in hobart las cream and vanilla pour into a mould mania provised sling it was found im possible for her to go ashore in the usual way owing to her size o snake hose bending down to pick up a piece of garden hoso to water a flowerbed an american woman saw the hose wriggle away it was a sixfoot blacksnake o golfers rammed home a ram charged four players on the seventh green of dungannon golf links in the county of tyrone the golfers vainly tried to beat off the animal with their clubs they then took refuge behind a large beech tree o true to type when the bust of lord kelvin the great scottisn scientist was unveiled at washing- tbn a congratulatory cable of 1500 words was sent by representative men of science in england scottish scientists sent a cable containing one word felicitations charity waist measuring waist- or pile in sherbet glasses at the meeting of a club for mothers members agreed to sub scribe a halfpenny to charity for each aople bavariose inch of tneir waist measurement a 1 tablespoon granulated gelatine 3 hundred members raised approxim- tablespoons cold water 2 egg yolks atel 335 about 33 inches a waist shortly after he came in he came over to susrns desk nnd sat down susan he said hesitantly arent you tired of working here was ho going to let her go su sans heart seemed to stop beating why io i i mean arent you tired of working of course you arc you have been here four years you know mo pretty well im a lone some man susan ive been a wid ower six years no children and i have a nice suburban home he paused i i would like for you to j share it with me share it share i want to marry you susan to be continued mummy or aunt will enjoy ev ery stitch she makes in sewing these darling tyrolean pajamas buttons give a doublebreasting effect and emphasize the high- waisted bodice with full shoulder sleeves the bloomer legs are as cunning as can be make it of a flannelette print to keep her cozy and warm plain or printed cottons ns broadcloth chambray challis etc are also lovely for special occasions as visit ing over night with grandma she ll adore it of crepe do chine or of satin crepe a nice suggestion for auntie s to give her the pattern and the material in a christmas box style no 3z84 i3 designed for sizes 2 4 6 and 8 years size 4 requires 2u yards of 30inch ma terial write your name and address plainly giving number and size of pattern wanted en close 15c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully and address your order to wilson pattern ser vice 73 west adelaide st toronto ont vary your flavor sometimes we get into a rut by serving dressings stuffings and other dishes time after time without chang ing the flavor a can of pineapple juice will come in handy in this con nection try the following stuffing and deviled steak and you will ap preciate the possibilities when vary ing the flavor apple stuffing for pork duck or goose 4 large apples 2 cup3 stale bread crumbs 1 teaspoon powdered sage 1 teaspoon salt v teaspoon paprika grated rind of lemon canned pine apple juice pare core and chop the apples un til fine blend with the bread crumbs and seasonings moisten with the pineapple julco place stufling in the cavity made in a shoulder of pork when the bone has been removed or in a bird for roasting sufficient for 1 bird divide in half for small pork roast in the days work sb 13 cup sugar 1 cup hot milk 1 cup apple sauce 1 tablespoon lemon juice cup whipping cream apple champ in the window of his barber shop at hatboro penn soak gelatinein cold water using barber ate 3gg aples in 126 min- at least twice as much water as ut there were 400 spectators geltine beat egg yolks slightly add sugar and hot milk and cook in double boiler stirring constantly until mix ture thickens and coats the spoon dissolve gelatine in hot custard cool and add apple sauce and lemon juice chill when partially set fold in whipped cream serve garnished with fresh berries or nuts n writes the peterborough examin er in the early days in the village printing office wages were s1c0 per week for the first year the boss then used to be very particulai about how the floor was swept any bits of loose type which had beoine wedged in the cracks of the floor had to be pried out and placed back in the case all the spoiled papers on press day had to be sorted out and all the exchanges had to be saved and they were cut up for wrapping the outgo ing papers the government blje books had to be saved nnd cut in two on the office cutter and taken to the village barber shop and the barber used them for wiping off from his razor the whiskers nnd stub ble of his customers and for that slight service the boss got his whis kers trimmed for nothing finances were generally so low that the weeks supply cf paper had to bo paid for in advance and it was considered advisable to have the junior printer bring it from the sta tion in a wheelbarrow to save cart age my nerves are better writes mrs p m peterson r r no 2 strome alberta when 1 was m years old i took six bottles of your vegetable com pound now i am taking it again for painful periods and it is help ing me a lot i am in good spirits and do my work every day my mother used to take your medi cine and always recommended it 98 out of 100 women report benefit wsmmmmi human safe thirteen small keys one frontdoor key one screw one sardine tinopener three cigarette holders one small spoon five foun tainpen caps 13 pieces of pencil two metal pencils four small pen knives a safety razor handle two needles a piece of glass four two- lire pieces one halflira piece and a watchchain were taken out of an italian peasant recently vanishing birds abandoned farms issue no 52 36 b 2 nearly all the diseasecausing bac teria found in milk says a health of ficial are introduced into the milk by man during handling tni transport ing it rabe q action trsl home course with every string instrument new number system- no musio play a purie iu 20 minutes lowest prices ever guitars from 645 violins from 395 cornets from 1695 saxophones from 3900 accordion from 345 6000 instruments to chooao from sen4 toi our aeto bio uusical instrument catalog the finest ever giten freb peate musical co ltd unslss mansfield st montreal pq ladies aprons made ir beautiful patterns ot tub fast prints two coverall styles one pluafort dtyle colours kose blue orecn kcd mauve ellow sizes small medium large o for 100 postpaid lambton textile company lambto1 mills ontato millicent and irene finely in na ture magazine find what seems abundant reason for the disappcar- jance of a part of our wild fowl and also for the abandonment of hun dreds f farms that were never meant for farms they say years ago it was the plume and market hunters that we thought meant the end of the birds this was like a mere visitation of the measles soon cured with the com ing of the land promoter a more insidious disease fell upon the feath ered residents of the lake it was a canker in natures balanced system a schemer who persuades state and i county governments that vacant desert lands could he turned into prosperous farms that pords anil j marches could be drained and would add agricultural wealth to the com- munities i in this period civic organizations chambers of commerce and even the j railroads fell in with hie idea rf during settlers from the middle west and the east to come out and locate jon remaining public lands throughout the dry sagebrush country and cspec- i ially in the submarginal areas com- imon sense would have told even i casual observer that these were not fit to support families j so this promotion fever swept through the western country eating away the feeding and nestling places of the migratory flocks water birds could not live withcut homes this false and promotion was an epi demic the picture that followed this land promotion flurry was one of dcfola- tion deserted shacks with a law starving cattle standing expectantly at the back door deserted school- houses with owls roosting in the bel fries windblown sand sweeping across the bleak spaces lonely lonely it was a pathetic ending of the efforts of misguided ircn to nore homes