Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 17, 1936, p. 6

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s unday choo duke of norfolk is engaged lessoi xi december 27 the supreme gift of love christmas lesson i john 4 719 printed text 1 john 4 719 golden text glory to god in the highest and on earth peace among men in whom he is well pleased luke 2 14 the lesson in its setting time we do not know the ex act date of the death of the apostle john though it is thought to have been about 98 ad john wrote his first epistle not a great while be fore this place there is no evidence in this epistle as to where john was when writing it it is possiblo that he was at ephesus beloved let us love one another for love is of god and every one that loveth is begotten of god and knoweth god the first word or our lesson reminds us that this en tire passage is not for unbeliev jis but for fellowbelievers an ui sav ed person simply cannot attempt to live the life here portrayed he that loveth not knoweth not god if you find a person who is not characterized by divine love bearing the name of christian you may be reasonably sure that suh a one has never been born again on the other hand he careful about nap judgments lest you yourself fail to manifest divine love for god is love in these words we have one of the most tremendous statements in the bible it is the bible in miniature here is all we want herein was the love of god mani fested in us not simply towards us as the objects to whom the love vas directed hut in us believers as the medium in which it was revealed and in which it was effective the christian shares the life of christ and so becomes himself a secondary sign of cods love that cod hath sent his only be gotten hon this glorious title ony begotten son is found in the greek translation of pslam 22 20 and 35 17 but in the new testa ment is found only in the writings of the apostle john heie and tour times in his gospel 114 18 3 10 18 into the world that we might live through him there was no reason why coil should send christ into the world for is except that he loied us herein love not that we loved god hut that he loved us and sent his son to he the propitiation for our sins the word propitiate means to appease to render favorable and from it our word propitious comes beloved if cod so loved us we aso ought to love one another this is the sixth and last time we have the word beloved in this epistle these woids are almost a duplication of the sixteenth verse of the preced ing chapter the little word if does riot indicate a mere supposition but is to be taken as virtually equivalent to the word since no man hath beheld god at any time if we love one another god abideth in us and his love is perfect ed in us by the phrase his love john means the love which answers to his nature and with which he has endowed us man receives the love of god and makes it his own hereby we know that we abide in him and he in us because he hath given us of his spirit with this verse should be compared 3 14 it is the holy spriit the third person of the trinity in us who makes us aware of our abiding in god and gods abiding in us it is not an intellectual comprehension it is a spiritual apprehension and we have beheld and bear wit ness that the father hath seni the son to be the saviour of the world this wonderful title of christ the saviour of the world is found else where only in john 4 42 if we do not accept him as the saviour we of course shall never know the love of god in our hearts whosoever shall confess that jesus is the son of god god abideth in him and he is god on the be lievers confession of the iord jesus christ see similar expressions in 2 23 and 4 2 the moment we con fess christ as our saviour we are ac cepted in him and we know and have believed the love which god hath in us this is the natural order progres sive knowledge leads up to faith but sometimes faith precedes knowledge john c69 in either case each completes the other sound falli is intellectual sound knowledge is be lieving god is love and he that abideth in love abideth in god and god abideth in him love the hoiy love of god of the father sending the son to he the saviour of the world is now the habitual home of our hearts- we remain we abide we stay in it that we may have boldness in tne day of judgment this does not refer to any one particular day of 24 hours but to that great peiiod of time in which all men will be judged though this judgment is be lieved by many to be broken up into a number of different periods the judgment of the nations the judg ment of believers the judgment of the wicked dead etc because as he is even so are wo in this world the reference is not to any one attribute as love or righteotisnes but to the whole char acter of chrsit as it is made known there is no feai in love but per fect love castcth out fear because fear hath punishment and he that feareth is not made perfect in iove the thought of boldness necessarily calls up that of its opposite fear there is rear in man naturally hut love ever tends to expel it we love because he first loved us the omission of the pronoun him which appears in the auth orized version should be carefully noticed it is not so much that we love god or his son jesus christ as that we love love becomes a part of our nature as it is a part of gods nature the farmers corner conducted by professor henry g bell with the cooperation of the various departments of the ontario agricultural college i question i have been think ing of buying some manure from k lo al abbatoii where i deliver hogi it is the tiaw and hog manure from the pens plus all the blood intestines end some bones from grease lank rotted in the manure i was think ing of trucking it in large piles on the ploughing and spreading hefoc seeding won d this be a balanced fertilizer they suggested one dollar per ton is it worth what they pay for the haled straw they use con sidering the hauling and spreading would 130 pounds 2120 he heltr to use on barley our land is con siiered to be in fair shape if the season is favorable but we never get too much manure usually 25 acres is cover on the 10 acres ach year the land fs good clay loam uk brant co answer it is difficult to arrive at a definite estimate of the p-mt- food content of the tankage which you describe on account of the many variable factors that may enter such ns whether or not all the hlcod is absorbed what amount of extcfs water is added whether the pile is protected from precipitation etc i have tried to arrive at a reasonable estimate basing my figures on 100 hogs 200 pounds each i figure that the mixture of manure blood straw tankage and water would give you a manure carrying approximately to tho ton 10 pounds nitrogen two pounds phosphoric acid p205 and c2 pounds potash k20 at cur rent prices this wpuld bo worth ap proximately 5185 i assume they pay about 000 per ton for haled straw a 100 hog run would require about 100 pounds oi 300 worth of straw this would constitute a litter for approximately 7000 pounds of the mixture and the 7000 pounds of the mixture on the basis of the plantfood content that i gave you for a ton would he worth 402 so that if the mixture were well taken care of and not exposed to any great loss from precipitation drainage etc it should be worth the price they pay for the baled straw if this prcie ranges between gs per ton regarding the using of this mix ture for barley on your good clay loam soil i would point out the fol lowing comparisons nitro- ihos- pot- gen phoric ash 1 ton tankage acid carries 10 lbs 2 lbs c2 lbs 150 lbs 212c carries 3 lbs 18 lbs 90 lbs comparing these you will see that the nitrogen of the mixture is quite out of line with that of the fertilizer and the phosphoric acid of the mix ture is just oneninth of what the fertilizer carries i would not ad vise your using this on your barley crop you would get better barley if you would apply 250 ounds per acre of 2120 i would recommend that you apply the tankage mixture to the meadow corn and urnips al though for the latter crop you would do well to supplement it with about 250 pounds per acre of superphos phate b 3 ispsfe the engagement of the duke of norfolk premier duke of england to the hon lavinia mary strutt only daughter of baron belper and the countess of rosetery was announced recently no date for the wedding was given but it was thought it voulrt take place next may the duke is shown with his financee left baokground at a meet of the hoderness hunt of which he is master at everingham park in yorkshire runproof hcse until it starts raining newest kind of film colony hosiery being put on mary alice ivcc loespliine mckim and judith barrett movie starlets by louis philips thoy are painted on with liquid makeup and of course are runproof until they got wet they can he repaired out of makeup carried in handbag midget marmoset monkeys around new cage w ill rmfj him the smallest grown monkey in the country plays with a pencil as nls first picture is taken in bronx ny zoo hes a pigmy marmoset from peru weighing four and onehalf ounces girl college players rehearse for show varsity playcis of bryn mawr college who will be in the cast of holiday play by philip barry to bo presented by haverford and the bryn mawr colleges take time out for tea during rehearsal mary h hutchings of boston olga muller of forest hills ny and edith rose of mexico city left to right canadian envoy to japan hon randolph bruce new canadian minister to japan and mrs bruce as they arrived at the imperial palace in tokio where the new envoy presented his credentials and was received by the emporer tropical motif gown business looks up scientist makes a discovery regarding the common cold ilnfinitesimal varus bodies causing influenza and other diseases photographed for first time berlin an important step towards conquering that pest tho common cold is reported by the nachtausgabe to have been mads by dr kurt herzberg of dussel- dorf for the first time it is explained the infinitesimal virus bodies causing colds influenza smallpox and other diseases have been photographed after dr herzberg succeeded la making them visible by coloring them with blue so it has been rendered possible to study the activities of tho virus bodies the newspaper article gives tho following description of the virus and its activities hitherto the infinitesimal size of the virus has made it invisible under the microscope and disguised its character the virus body is com parable to bacteria in size as a cigar is comparable to a railway engine by his coloration method dr hertzberg has discovered that the virus bodies are so small that they can slip through a cell wall after which they multiply rapidly into thousands eventually the cell be comes overloaded and bursts tho bodies spreading into other cells of the body and continuing their un healthy work it was further discovered that flu was caused by tho iesence to gether of both virus bodies and n certain bacillus the bacillus must be surrounded by virus bodies before it is effective in causing disease scientists had already isolated this bacillus found in influenza patients but were baffled by the fact that tho transmission of these bacilli to otn- er people did not carry the sickness it is now seen that both the virus and the bacillus have to work together though it is not yet known whether they combine in harmony or discord women trustees for rural schoos the united farm women of on tario discussed the subject of women their recent provincial convention trustees on rural school cards a i and a resolution authc a cam paign to ensure that theie would ij a woman on every board was pass ed writes the gait reporter there seemed to be general sup port of the idea although the experi ence of women trustees in the past was not encouraging one woman related how she had been a trustee for nine years and was in continual conflict with the men members the teacher was opposed to taking orders from a woman another woman told how the board in her district had two women members and te men proceeded to exploii the situation by leaving the women to do all tho work such as measuring to fuel and putting up the storm windows on the school building it is likely that the active partici pation of women in school direction in tho country districts would bo beneficial to the cause of education they probably would enlist better community interest and that would help to remedy undesirable condi tions such as improper and inade quate lighting heating ventilation and sanitation if the women of the rural districts would take an active interest in an effort to ensure mat rural schools are brought uptodate in these departments it would bo de cidedly helpful the country districts that are indifferent concerning tho conditions prevalent in their schools are permitting a regrettable handi cap to the progress of their children i in a sphere where initial negect sci- dom can he overcome sckcclgirls scvi babies i when flat takes fire two girls aged 13 saved three babies from a blazing building at shoreditch london eng recently ellen wright was making the beds in her parents flat above a secondhand furniture shop in brid- port pi shoreditch her friend peggy mcclcnve was helping her mother and father mr and mrs charles a wright vero out george wright aged five and joyce aged three were playing bobbie aged one was asleep smoke suddenly filled the flat it came from the kitchen i ellen and peggy picked up george and joyce and ran for the staircase it was in flames they dashed down through the fire and reached the street i bobbie slept on kllen said i had to go bad lor him but all i could do was to pull him roughly off the bed i caught him by the leg and dragged him across tho floor to the head of the stairs i felt too faint to pick him up so i dragged him all tho way to the street he didnt have a scratch this stunning evening gown of black crepe combined with a print in a design of enormous tropical flowers is worn by wlnnifredshaw film player a real tropical flower pinned in her hair adds to color there are no knocks about tho gasoline service rendered by fran cis wells one of six girls who ac tually work at miami filling sta tion an onion growers group is con sidering a publicity campaign of nationwide scope it sounds feasible if the wind is with them detroit hens

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