Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 17, 1936, p. 4

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stouffville ont thursday december 17 1936 toronto flashes goodwood and district in particular mrs e j hill visited her sister and brothers in toronto mr howard harper the potato king called at the home of the scribe on thursday last glad to know stouffville is to have another hockey team we wish them the best of luck our friend sandy brown has made alterations to their store- windows on broadview ave another church service each sun day evening in stouffville like tor onto the town of churches some of the christmas trees offer ed for sale look as though the barber had trimmed them up we welcome mrs jas mccullougb back to toronto we hope her stay in the city this winter may be a very pleasant one to bruce beach of slloam and his bride the scribe and friends in toronto send their best wishes in their married life lako simcoe at island grove looks like a tented city ice and snow and fish houses scattered over the ice mr charles blueman called on mr and mrs lang blueman on tues day business in general at wood stock is booming says mr blueman we congratulate stouffville for deciding on a town christmas tree also the management of the theatre for the show nothing like co operation in work the coming events column on the front page of last weeks tri bune was much commented on by toronto readers mr editor this idea is a first class one mr and mrs jas morris visited in the city last wednesday mr and mrs morris live in aurora and mrs morris is a daughter of mr mrs george lee of jones ave mr and mrs george lee visited our good friend mrs geo robinson on sunday last we hope mrs robinson will again have her good health and this rwiuter be one of her best despite the cold weather our esteemed friend john mccullougb kc tnakes his regular trips to his office 15 toronto street speaking to his secretary miss hunter this week she was pleased to say that mr mccullough is feeling fine he en- 1 joys reading the news each week from the old home village of good wood and surrounding country century baptist church on mcfherson av is sometimes called the church of uxbridge and good wood its pastor rev c h schutt labored on the uxbrldgegoodwood charge 35 years ago and if we are not mistaken got his wife at vx- brldge mis- o ottowell and geo morganson are members of this church and the lewis family worshipped here in their day toronto calling goodwood what no news this past weeks issue well we will forgive you this time but try not let it happen again there is a song we miss you truly well we truly miss the news of our old home and by the way nomination days at hand how about it fellows be sure and attend put in the names of some of your good men boost the home village three men of island grove lake simcoe were walking on the ice towards snake island when they broke through but by their screams and calling for help they were rescued by mr babbs of the holly wood lodge and another man mr babbs and one of the men on the ice are well known to the scribe the accident occurred about 400 yards opposite the scribes summer home last winter in the coldest of weather the ice on this spot measured 37 inches thick miss edna loney sister of our friend rev clifford loney who met a tragic death by being struck by an automobile on monday evening deo 7 was well known to the scribe and other toronto friends to the family toronto friends express their sympathy rev clifford loney who is well known to stouffville the home of his wife and where they lived 30 years ago attended century baptist church of which the rev ch schutt formerly of uxbridge and goodwood was pastor it was then the scribe and mr loney were much together the correspondent was delight ed to receive a letter this week from mr dan wagg we were glad to read where our friend dan had been appointed supt of the baptist ss we congratulate them on their choice of leader what a good habit it is to be regular especially at school and church the scribe was informed that in this sunday school no less than six scholars had attended regularity every sunday for the past year a wonderful record- at their christmas tree may i say a small gift to each of these scholars will be given by their supt the gift promised was originally meant for the one outstanding regular atten dant but there being six makes the gift somewhat smaller still though small it will be most suitable and is given with a large heart by one of goodwoods former boys to the winners and to each and every one of the sunday school best of wishes go to them last week the editor of the tribune received a letter from a reader down in florida and this week one from a resident of minde- moya manitoulin island both en quiring about the identity of the writer of toronto flashes for that reason we took the liberty to report his name last week and do so again at this time it all indicat ed and emphasizes the wide range of readers which go to make up the tribune subscription list editor dear sir as a reader of the stouffville tribune i have followed your column flashes with great interest and my curiosity impels me to make enquiries about the author i was raised at goodwood and am inter ested in those articles about old times in the village you mention the different business places b s davidsons saw mill arthur lasher collins todds carriage shop shells blacksmith bluemans store tom carreys mcculloughs store tom storeys also john sander sons hotel i am just a little ahead of my story for if my memory is right it says mike chapman kept the store ahead of tom carey and jim todd was hotelkeeper you wrote in your last article about an old picture which called all of them to mind you also made reference to some of the old people who had passed on suoh as wm kelllng- ton james collins mr hackney well do i rememiber some of his favorite songs i can and i will and i do believe and others i am thinking of the old home town and how the years have rolled on this last 40 years i have been away from the old place practically 30 years but have made frequent visits there i have put in 22 years on manitoulin island and am liking it fine there are some prosperous farmers here and some good land also some farmers not so good with their nose to the grind stone john wagg mindemoya earths limits will entertain just so many worlds increasing population rapidly taking up all reserve habitable area ioe ioooc x0e30i si christmas will soon be here and it will be well to have your list made out so that your shopping may be done leisurely and your choice will be greater and more complete we are showing a wide range of articles suitable for gifts to old and young and we invite your inspection all wool blankets pure all wool blankets white with pink or blue borders these blankets are the very best quality soft and cosy an ideal gift to the housewife price per pair 750 down comforters down filled comforters with sateen cover ings and satin panels in very attractive designs and assorted colours a delightful gift at 450 to 750 all wooi- reverseable blankets green and gold mauve and gold and rose and gold satin bound size about 60x80 these are the best quality procureable price each 750 bath robes a warm and comfortable bath robe x make a very useful and acceptable gift attractive styles and colours all sizes for women and children priced at 125 to 695 christmas gift values wool and silk scarves a most complete showing of scarves in silk and wool in all styles and in a great range of colourings priced at 25c to 195 wool gloves of all kinds for women and children plain with colored cuffs sports gloves in bright colours wool boucle gloves with cuffs gloves for school or sports or for ordinary wear priced at 15c to 95c royal bayreuth china very seldom is it possible to obtain such special value in royal bayreuth dinner services and we are fortunate in being in a position to offer these at this season of the year when a 97 piece set would be a most appropriate gift two patterns one a plain white with conventional border in blue and the other a dainty pattern in pink rosebuds and conventional border remember this is genuine royal bayreuth china and the stock is limited while they last per set of 97 pieces 2500 gift things in china and glass an interesting display of gift things that will be sure to afford entire satisfaction and the prices are so attractive 23 piece tea sets for 129 tea pots 50c each em bossed chop or cake plates 100 cut crystal stemware alsace pattern each 25c console set consisting of large bowl and two candle sticks clear or pink gass- ware per set 75c handled bon bons 25c and numberless other articles priced at 25c to 195 fine silverware many lovely articles in silverplate covered casseroles pyrex pie plates on stand bread and cake trays sugar and cream on tray serving trays candle sticks bonbons salt and peppers etc all reasonably priced a special in dinner services english semiporcelain dinnerware frontenac pattern plain white with em bossed panels an excellent everyday service at a special price per set of 96 pieces 1095 washington dec 3 if the worlds millions are to increase in unlimited fashion it is well time to consider where do we go from here james thorp former soil advisor to the chinese government and now with the us department of agriculture believes that it might be a good idea for those folk who advocate unlimited increases in the family to look around and try to find a place for them to live all this is important thorp says because if people cant find homes then there will be wars over who is to live in any given section just as a matter of protecting peace he thinks it might be well to take a quick survey of the unsettled farm lands of this globe here we go in north america there are available sections of canada and of central america but in both the more available farm land is already under cultivation and only by in tensive cultivation or by lowering the standard of living there can more farmers be poured in it is not an easy matter it seems for two farmers to live where one lived before brazil land idle in south america the same story ts true except for areas in brazil the best lands already have been taken in the tremendous land area of brazil which is larger than con tinental united states there are sections where good farm land has not yet been reclaimed europe as everyone knows is crowded but dictators still offer prizes and tonuses for large fami lies while carrying forward their campaign for colonies over the seas africa today has some laud which might be put under cultiva tion but after subtracting the deserts and the tropics in which it is questionable whether mass mi gration of white people would be either possible or even advisable the areas left are not so impressive siberias future uncertain southern asia especially india and china has traditionally suffer ed from overpopulation siberia does not have large settlements it is true but there is no unanimity of opinion among experts that the land can support large groups of settlers the former province of man churia thorp said could absorb approximately 25000000 additional farmers that is one of the prin cipal reasons why japan seized this territory from china the islands of new guinea and borneo large areas of which still are inhabited by primitive peoples offer smaller outlets for crowded populations australia does not have a large population but huge sections of island continent have so little rain fall that settlement on any large scale is impossible unless the pros pective farmers are willing to ac cept the chinese standard of living on rice and unheated houses china offers warning thats the outlook around the world continent by continent thorp who returned to this country only a few months ago after three years in china on soil survey work believes that china offers a clue as to what the united states may be like 500 years from now if present aoil practices are allowed to continue their depleting effects and if population increase is not checked then this country will have the same problems now con fronting china like the chinese americans may deplete the natural resources o their soil within a few hundred years 62 relief families markham twp the regular monthly meeting of the markham township council was held at unionville the session open ed early in the morning and the members adjourned in timo to at tend the official opening of the new richmond hill post office if the december meeting is any criterion things are going to be very quiet in the township municipal elec tions there was a notable absence of any deputations or any conten tious discussions which usually pre cede an election demands of relief while totalling a considerable amount show an im provement over the previous year and things in that department appear to be running as smoothly as can be expected there is the persistent complaint from those who do not think they are receiving enough in the way of relief but the stand of the council has been that the abil ity of the taxpayer to pay must be taken into consideration direct re lief for november totalled 92220 there being at present 62 families and a total of 186 persons on the re lief rolls unemployment relief work cost 20500 on inovember 3rd and j1ss50 on november 27th road foremens accounts amount ed to 130752 general road ac counts 50135 and general accounts 42482 the usual bylaw was passed pro viding for the annual nomination meeting and the taking of the votes of the electors if there should be an election the following places and dros were appointed thornhill findlays hall n j smellle and j e francis elgin mills mrs allens house george topper dro but- tonville cline burr djrovictcria square community hall thomas frisby dro unionville commun ity hall james gibson and w a noble dros cashel herbert spoffcrd dro lot 5 con 8 geo cowie dro lot 16 con 8 alvln wideman dixons hill edgar brownsberger dro d ramers house d ramer dro mongolia william rennie dro notice tbe attention of those whom it may concern is directed to the foll owing the municipal act section 5c subsection 3b every person of the full age of twentyone years and a british sub ject by birth or naturalization and not disqualified under this act or by bylaw from voting who has paid in full an income tax of not less than 1500 under the provisions of the income tax act of ontario 1936 within the twelve months next pre ceding the las day for making com plaint to the judge under the voters list act shall be entitled to vote at a municipal election in the munici pality in which he resides either in respect to his place of residence or place of business therein and to ob tain a certificate entitling him to so vote upon producing to the clerk of the municipality at any time within thirty days prior to the day of poll ing for such election the official re ceipt evidencing pament of the said icome tax stouffville dec 10 1930 j s dougherty clerk garage mechanics must be licensed a law that has been hanging fire for some years is to be put into effect after the first of january when all mechanics employed in garage work must secure a license and give proof that he is a capable and qual ified man the new legislation has been brought down by the depart ment of labor of the ontario govern ment and penalties are provided for those who do not obey the law every motor vehicle repairer with more than five years experience and less than seven years experience in the motor vehicle trade at the time such trade became a designated trade and who successfully passed the ex amination prescribed by the advis ory committee shall be granted a certificate of qualification on pay ments of the prescribed fee the act also makes provision for the issuing of certificates in cases of repairmen with more than two years and less than five years experience every motor mechanic repairer who fails to pass such examination may try such further examination as may be prescribed by the provincial advisory committee at the end of a period of one year this move will prevent any gener al handy man from putting up a sign inviting the general public to have cars reconditioned by him whether he is a licensed repair man or not and should prove a boon to the motorist who knows what it is to have a good motor ruined by the hands of an unskilled mechanic- durham chronicle the w h shaw store new accommodation for agriculture officers of newmarket turnips for jam ioe30i ioexoi 10e30e locaoc o the province of ontario savings office and the york county branch of the ontario department of agri culture have this week moved into their new quarters in the old tor onto jobbing house at 98 main st- newmarket with the savings office occupying the ground floor and the offlco of the agricultural repre sentative upstairs when mrs chr clark sold her block to anthony wolfe local har ness maker early in october the agricultural offlco which had been in that building for about twenty years had to secure a new location and the government leased the old jobbing house from mr david lip- son and provided quarters in the one building for their two branches extensive alterations have been made throughout with a modern front hot water heating new partitions stairway vaults and completely redecorated situated in the heart of the business section these two departments of the governments should bo in a position to render even greater service to the people of the community a feature included in the agri cultural office is a board room to provide accommodation for he holding of meetings by agricultural organizations we have known for some years that pumpkins were used in the manufacture of some grades of jam but we were interested in reading recently that a farmer near water loo sold 6000 wortlf of turnips off his farm this year which were ex ported to the states to be used in the manufacture of cheap jam so many of our friends across the bor der when enjoying raspberry jam at their meals may only be eating some nice srweet canadian turnips best sale in years county lands for taxes ninetysix parcels of land were listed for public auction held yes- i terday in the county treasurers office for arrears of taxes smallest lot offered was one in the township of pickering listed as one twentyfifth of an acre larg est group was in rama township listed as 540 acres which was in a group of 840 acres against which 24919 was owing plus 761 costs ovor 2s0000 was realized from tho auction and two thirds of the lots wore disposed of the remainder to bo sold at an adjourned sale in january ontario county municipalities still adhere to the system of return ing their taxes to the county treasurer while in york county each municipality looks after its own arrears a system adopted a couple of years ago whitby gazette special christmas offer with every purchase of any 2 of our well known products will de duct 20 per cent of the price even the most severe cases you will bene fit by the use of our remedies termusol the outstanding inhaling and rubbing compound against asthma hayfevcr catarrh head- colds lumbago kliciimhtic pains sprains etc price 000 alvin s farmer licensed auctioneer farm stock sales a specialty sales conducted anywhere address gormley post office phone stouffville 6312 stewart beare radio service of newmarket formerly of markham in stouffville every friday at braithwaites hardware phone 9601 harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary public etc stouffville ontario phone 18003 mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers etc buttons block stouffville money to loan a c kennedy chiropractor ihurch street stouffvllla monday wednesdny and friday 9 to 12 am medical rheumata j the most effective anil pendable herbal reinytly rheumatism neuralgia neuritis and other rheumatic ailments gives lusting relief bottle lasting 7 wcjeks 135 dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and miln phone 19k coroner for york ounty r g clendening funeral director ambulance service tarina this improved and highly recom mended salve heals the most stub- borne cases of dry and weeping eczjcmsi and psoriasis barbers itch without leaving spots or scars price 0s5 sold by storeys drug stork f a zimmerman oakridges po ontario phone markham 9000 l e oneill stouffville funeral director embalmer and continuous telephone service day and night business phono residence phone genuine values ford delux fordor 1934 ford delux fordor 1934 ford victoria coupe 1931 ford standard tudor 1930 oldsmobile sedan 1930 nash sedan 1930 whippet cabriolet 1928 chandler sedan 1928 hudson sedan 1929 ford 2 ton truck 157 wb 1934 ford 1 12 ton truck 131 wb 1930 ford 1 12 ton truck 131 w b 1929 a fordson tractors reconditioned also a number of other good reconditioned used cars bargain price d f holden dealer stouffville phone 18401 markham phone 120 grain wanted we arc in the market for alsike seed timothy nnd alfalfa and will pay highest market prices get our prices heforo selling poultry feeds on hand nt all times salt cement tile at warehouse or delivered order your coal now welsh scotch pen nnd pocohontas also coke american stove nut s w hastings phone 169 stouffville ont cream summer or winter in all kinds of weather much or little for best results ship to us note we have for you a free booklet on the care of cream which you will find interesting and full of valuable information we close each evening at 6 ocock excepting saturday nights stouffville creamery co phone 18601

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