Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 10, 1936, p. 4

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stouffville ont thursday december 10 193c christmas candies our candy department is replete with good things for for the christmas season come in and look over these delicious lines school and class treats prepared in indi vidual christmas packages new hallowi dates with pits 3 lbs 25c fresh christmas fruits food colorings christies fruit cake per pound 25c christmas almonds per lb 25c filberts lb 15c mixed nuts per lb 20c walnuts lb the nuts this year are cut mixed peel per pound 25c candy fruit baskets each 15c rose water flavouring extracts cake candies nuts peanuts per lb 10c pecans per lb 23c brazils lb 20c 19c some of the finest we have the power question appeals seen for years the walnuts are all california budded and at a specially low price the pecans are fine quality paper shells at a new low price 25c peace makers melrose mincemeat 2 lbs alphabet macaroni per lb bulk spaghetti per lb maraschino cherries bulk per lb ratgliff co stouffville ontario genuine values ford delux fordor 1934 ford delux fordor 1934 ford victoria coupe 1931 ford standard tudor 1930 oldsmobile sedan 1930 nash sedan 1930 whippet cabriolet 1928 5c 5c 45c chandler sedan 1928 hudson sedan 1929 ford 2 ton truck 157 wb 1934 ford 1 12 ton truck 131 wb 1930 ford 1 12 ton truck 131 w b 1929 chesley enterprise it will be remembered that su the session of the ontario legislature of 1935 there was a great hubbub raised in financial circles by the power barons of montreal when premier hepburn and his cabinet put through a b1u to cancel the contract made by the ferguson government with four power companies to supply power and light for 40 years for hydro users in ontario art a cos over the four decades of approxi mately 400 millions the opposition to the bill took the view that the credit of the province would be ad- l versely affected by repudiation of a signed and sealed contract premier hepburn and his supporters in anil out of the legislature contended that the high price for unwanted power for such a long term was a millstone around the neck of light and power users the next move of the power barons of quebec was to seek re dress in tho courts contending it was beyond the power of a provin cial legislature to cancel an agree ment entered into by a former legislature the attorneygeneral refused a fiat to allow an appeal to ba heard in the courts against this fiat the ottawa valley power co one of the four companies to suffer from tho long term bargain being cancelled appealed and the case was argued recently in osgoode hall toronto and chief justice j rose decided the attorneygeneral had the legal rights to refuse a suit being brought against the province the defeated company took the case to the ontario court of appeal and on nov 19th tho decision of justice rose was reversed three judg es being against justice roses decision and two in favor the case now goes to the privy council of great britain the highest court in the british realm com menting on the court of appeals decision premier hepburn in his well known laymans style declared the decision was a hogshead of law and a thimbleful of justice 3 fordson tractors reconditioned also a number of other good reconditioned used cars bargain price d f holden dealer stouffville phone 18401 markham phone 120 mansion house stouffville ontario puui course meals sbc room and board by the neck 000 tohaccoes chocolates soft drinks sandwiches our specialty ladies and gents rest rooms ioxaoi aonoc christmas gift values wool and silk scarves a most complete showing of scarves silk and wool in all styles and in a great range of colourings priced at 25c to si 95 christmas will soon be here and it will be well to have your list made out so that your shopping may be done leisurely and your choice will be greater and more complete we are showing a wide range of articles suitable for gifts to old and young and we invite your inspection all wool blankets pure all wool blankets white with pink or blue borders these blankets are the very best quality soft and cosy an ideal gift to the housewife price per pair 750 down comforters down filled comforters with sateen cover ings and satin panels in very attractive designs and assorted colours a delightful gift at 450 to 750 all wool reverseable blankets green and gold mauve and gold and rose and gold satin bound size about 60x80 these are the best quality procureable price each 750 bath robes a warm and comfortable bath robe will make a very useful and acceptable gift attractive styles and colours all sizes for women and children priced at 125 to 095 in wool gloves of all kinds for women and children plain with colored cuffs sports gloves in bright colourswool boucle gloves with cuffs gloves for school or sports or for ordinary wear priced at 15c to 95c royal bayreuth china very seldom is it possible to obtain such special value in royal bayreuth dinner services and we are fortunate in being in a position to offer these at this season of the year when a 97 piece set would be a most appropriate gift two patterns one a plain white with conventional border in blue and the other a dainty pattern in pink rosebuds and conventional border remember this is genuine royal bayreuth china and the stock is limited while they last per set of 97 pieces 2500 gift things in china and glass an interesting display of gift things that will be sure to afford entire satisfaction and the prices are so attractive 23 piece tea sets for 129 tea pots 50c each em- bossed chop or cake plates 100 cut crystal stemware alsace pattern each 25c console set consisting of large bowl and two candle sticks clear or pink glass- ware per set 75c handled bon bons 25c and numberless other articles priced at 25c to 195 fine silverware many lovely articles in silverplate covered casseroles pyrex pie plates on stand bread and cake trays sugar and cream on tray serving trays candle sticks bonbons salt and peppers etc all reasonably priced a special in dinner services english semiporcelain dinnerware frontenac pattern plain white with em- bossed panels an excellent everyday service at a special price per set of 9g pieces 1095 the w h shaw store 30e30e aomocs ionoc soca f contributed the womens christian temper ance union at first spent most of its energies in combating the liquor trallic then narcotic drugs were in cluded and more recently the organ ization has a department known as peace and arbitration the subject of war and peace should be of vital interest to every woman and especially every christian woman there are more forces at work for peace today than ever before and we hope to see the day when all women and men too will love peace and hate war that day will onie more quickly if all of us who love peace are really peace makers let us consider some of the reasons why we should love peace in the first place tm thinking per son can he happy unless they have peace peace is an inward thing which springs from a feeling that everything is alright that we are secure and have nothing to fear the fruits of peace are goodwill and kindness and it is based on righteous ness we say that we have peace because hostilities have ceased and a peace treaty has been signed forc ing the losing nations to keep peace in reality we know that true peace is not something which can be im posed on any nation and the treaty of versailles is not a peace treaty because it was not based on right eousness and has produced tho fruits bitterness resentment fear in security and even hatred the joint commission to which all disputes between he united states of america and canada are referred is an outstanding example of the suecessfulness of the arbitration method it is possible to keep peace and to have a greater degree of peace than the world has ever known we must have that peace if men are to he really happy and live the abundant life let us all share the peace ideal and be peace makers let us remind ourselves of some of tho reasons why we should hate war first we think of its results the loss of life according to the swedish society for the study of the social consequences of war must be put down at 10000000 lives the money cost was 9000000 an hour for every hour of the duration of the war this would give every person in the world a university education the physical breakdown cannot be estimated hut the special ists in eugenics have shown that the physical standard of all nations has been greatly lowered because of the loss of life of tho physically fit men who would have been the fathers of this generation also the children of people who lived through the war years are nervous and high strung the moral breakdown is the most terrible result of war the first casualty or war is truth because war propaganda is based on lies once a nation gives itself to war il must force its men to win at any price no matter how low the enemy stoops you must meet him at his own game and use the worst gun the worst gas or the worst trick and use it first cruelty deception and immorality hold sway and there is no honour in modern international warfare war is demoralizing to the last degree we rate war because of its meth ods the methods of war are based on tie theory that the end justifies the means the chivalry of ancient wars is gone and the brutalities of modern warfare are unspeakably awful it is mass murder or whole sale butchery and no method is too diabolical we hate war because wo ace bo- ginning to understand its causes first there is the story of mans greed xutions aro envious for raw material and natural resources of other countries and this leads to rivalry and exploitation in the scramble for larger markets compe tition is so great that hatred is aroused then there is tho greed of tho vast armament concerns which have governments in their power and are spreading their propaganda everywhere investigations by sena tor nye and others have definitely proven that the armament firms havo deliberately postered strifo and thwarted efforts toward peace this is one of the most sordid disclosures of our time and we cannot learn of it without hating war with a strong and righteous hatred finally wo hate war because it denounces the highest christian principles it denies the power of love tho sacredness of human per sonality and tho unity of man it is interesting to note that the early christian took tho teachings and ox- airplo of the prince of peace seriously for the first s00 years of christianity although soldiering was an honored occupation no christian was a soldier the historians tell us plainly that all men knew that a christian was a conscientious ob jector but later they began to com promise and join the army and later still we know how christians par ticipated in the crusades or holy wars the childrens crusade is one of the darkest blots on the pages of history for it shows just how the socalled christians departed from the true way the attitude of some christians in the last war greatly disturbed some deeply religious peoplo and today there is a great host of christians who declare that never again must pulpits be used as recruiting stations if war is un christian and wrong and ttseless and unnecessary we must use our god- given brains to bring peace what can we do to be peace i makers first we must have the j peace ideal firmly in our mind and be enthusiastic about it any spirit spreads so lets have the peace spirit then we can through conver sation and other educational methods spread the facts about the benefits of peace and folly of war we can stand behind every movement which is endeavouring to bring peace and have faith in the league of nations with its arbitration methods in spite of its recent fail ures it is the only organization for promoting international cooperation and achieving international peace and security the ideas embodied iu the league covenant are the wisest and most practical that have yet been devised and they need the support of public opinion in the last place we need to be really christian if we wish to be peace makers we will always show kind ness love and goodwill and be true peace makers at home in the church and community when men have the spirit of the prince of the christmas message will yearround fact peace on goodwill to men let us be peace bo a earth peace makers toronto flashes goodwood and district in particular paragraphs under this heading for tho most part concern the happenings of former residents of uxbridge township or perhaps their descendants items may be telephon ed to mr walter davey s stanton ave any evening and will be grate fully received rev mr luuau is at aurora on his annual yearly visit to his sister miss greta lee visited her sister living in north toronto on sundav last mr percy brown of stouffville was in the city this week with a load of stock our goodwood yps is visiting stouffville yps on dec 7 we were pleased to read of this visit nothing like being sociable mrs middleton of goodwood has been on a visit to toronto and took time to call up some of the former goodwood friends to the boyd family not forgetting the late mrs boyds sister and brother at goodwood the scribe and all toronto friends send their sympathy mr and mrs f c butler visited the michell home at whitevale on sunday last glad to hear the tribune was found at the homo of these whitevalo folk speaking to our friend mrs simeon morganson last week the writer was informed of our friend mrs crosby of stouffville visiting the city we hope she will enjoy her visit here will some of our goodwood friends answer the question iu the goodwood news column of last week item no 2 with a big yes how about it you have had one before and you sure can do it again glad to read the arena notes in last weeks issue this was read with much interest by the toronto friends and to mr baker and to all the hockey players and skaters we hope this winter season will be one of your best the store windows are being dressed for christmas osbornes dry goods store at gerrard and jones have a nice display step inside and meet our friend miss cora bewell a well known girl at uniouville stouffville and goodwood mr and mrs e i davey attended the cnb veterans annua banquet at the oakroom toronto uuion station many representatives and their wives attended this gatheing on wednesday december 2ud e j has been very ill since returning home the offer which was advertised in the tribune last week to many in the city here looks to be a very good bargain the number of magazines and with the stouffville tribune for 300 should interest many especially at this time of the year pleased to report our friend mr gladwell is very much better in health on thursday december 3rd at the riverdale unite d church rev george coulter pastor there was held the annual bazaar of this church also iu the evening supper was served tho scribe was inform ed nemerous stouffville and good wood folk were present at these events visitors to the city especially the united brethren are always given a warm welcome by rev mr coulter and also by the many form er stouffville and uxbridge twp people who attend and at one time lived in these places in the country christmas of some fifty years past iu the old home village is well re membered by many in goodwood and the many former residents here in toronto just about the same as nowadays we had the skating rink and the brass band and tho wo church christmas trees well do we remember them and still have friends who were present at these enter tainments lets not forget the ex amination or closing day at the old wooden school in the afternoon before their parents the pupils would recite sing etc but the real windup was when the trustees would decorate or iu other words shell out by giving the paper bag of candy nuts and the odd apple or orange those things to the ordinary girl or boy of goodwood looked like a hundred dollars i wonder how many folk remember the lady who used to skate at our rink with the rocker skates and could she skate if you care to know who this lady was just some day ask tom dows- wll and he will tell you special christmas offer with every purchase of any 2 of our well known products will de duct 20 per cent of the price- even the most severe cases you will bene fit by the use of our remedies tekmusoi the outstanding inhaling and rubbing compound against asthma hayfever catarrh head- odds lumbago rheumatic pains sprains ftc price sono tarixv this improved and highly recom mended salve heals the most stnb- borne cases of dry anil weeping erynm ami psoriasis barbers itch without leaving spots or scars price n st sold by storeys drug store f v- a zimmkrm n oakit idgts po ontario grain wanted we are in the market for alsike seed timothy alifalfa and will pay highest market prices get prices before selling pou1try feeds on hand at all times salt cement tile nt warehouse or delivered order your coal now welsh scotch american stove pen and pocohontas also coke s w hastings nod our nut phone 169 stouffville out crea summer or winter in all kinds of weather much or little for best results ship to us note we have for you a free booklet on the care of cream which you will find interesting and full of valuable information we close each evening at 6 ocock excepting saturday nights stouffville creamery co phone 18601 i ifoa con taxt ma howl money for repairs or improvements to your home may now be had on unusually advan tageous terms our nearest branch manager will gladly tell you how the plan will operate in your case you do not need to be a cus tomer of the bank to secure this service write or call for descriptive booklet ihe bank of nova scotia over a century of banking service

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