Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 10, 1936, p. 2

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a blend of the worlds most fragrant green teas green tea shanghai i loot household science by susan fletcher everybody likes screen babies efesissies lorna doone wsii protected shortbread ears ringln from the roar of shots toughing a little from the acrid pow der suiokt egypt stood there facing wu trying to collect his thoughts wu had shot the men he was working with vus saffron face siowcd no emo tlon ills eyes dwelt on the scene calmly he nodded toward ice wongs slayer stretched motionless on the floor hes dead he questioned egypi nodded you hilled him and which one of them killed lee wong he did said egypt i am glad wu said with au ef fort looking abstractedly at drown groaning on the floor egypt noticed then that wu was wounded hut the chinese seemed to pay no attention to his injuries he stood there calm and quiet and coined satisfied when i htard the shots 1 thought yon had arrived he explained calm ly i came as fast as i could where were you egypt demand ed downstairs on the ne- lloor going through their rooms and luggage dont understand wu turned back into the hall stag gering slightly ho bent down and lifted something it was a small cowhide travelling bag that he brought back into the room he drop ped it on the lloor i lost face and brought disgrace on myself said wu in steady life less words i gave a white woman my trust i told things that should not have been spoken and she be trayed me tonight in chinatown i heard what haponed my honorable em ployer lee wong had been killed and the jewels he had brought here were stolen the police were looking for me a woman whose description i recognized had been a party to it wu raised a shaking hand and pass ed it over his eyes she had asked me to meet her and when she did lot appear walk ed over to jhinatown he went on tonelessly when i heard i realiz ed what she hac led mo to do she perhaps was unaware that 1 had look ed over her shoulder in shanghai when she sent a cablegram and read nn address here in san francisco i knew 1 would find trace of h there it was til- house so i came here looking for her you stooped me mr civsc i was eorry to do what 1 did but was a matter for mo alone you thonght 1 was guilty if you had ar sed me i would have failed so i left you there and came hero i v- iked in and found her with another woman ah she was surpris ed lo see me an 1 frightened but she was clove she asked me to come upstairs where wo could talk i did so and accused her of betray ing ne she finally admitted it and refused to tell me where the jewels were hut i made her said wu and when she old i killed her that slio might never disgrace another man as she did me she shot you egypt suggested wu nodded yes afterward i left her there and went through the door she had told me about down in the rooms they occupied i lookci cor the jewels in their luggage where she said they were hidden i had just found them when 1 heard shots up here and knew you had come wu touched the cowhide bag with foot they are here he sr simply ovencooked meals a whole oven meal consists of a menu so planned and selected that every item meat vegetables des serts even rolls may fce cooked at one time entirely in the oven fur thermore it may be served in the very containers in which it is cooked popped from oven onto table piping hot j a sot of casserole dishes of various sizes and in the wide range of inter- i esting shapes and materials available i these days at a modest cost is the i only equipment necessary for prepar ing and serving the whole oven meal these dishes have color schemes which may be selected to harmonize with linen table accessor ies and dining room decorations the ensemble is most effective the whole oven meal has other practical advantages such as the con siderable saving of time and fuel in its preparation convenience in serving and the attractive appear ance of the food in the containers are other factors contributing to its growing favor there is a health argument which also should he noted because all experts on diet nutrition and medi cine agree that there should bo a much larger proportion of ovencook ed foods in our daily meals than most people actually eat and that ovencooking retains important food- elements which too often are lost or impaired in other forms of cooking as an example of whole oven meal menu and the recipe accord- pat out the size of the casserole and place on top of the peaches cut 2 or 3 gashes in crust to allow steam to escape bake ono hour in a mod- crate oven cool servo with cream or lemon sauce this weeks winner souffle a favorite way of using leftover meat or fowl 2 cups milk 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon salt a dash of pepper a litle onion if lik ed a little finely chopped celery leaves or celery seed cup dry bread crumbs 2 cups cold meat minced or dried yolks of three eggs beaten whites of three eggs stiffly beaten mako a cream sauce of the milk butter flour and add seasonings re move from the fire add bread crumbs and meat then yolks of eggs then fold in stiffly beaten whites turn into a buttered baking dish and bake in a slow oven about three quarters of an hour or till dry in the centre mrs frank tape highgate out attention send in your favorite recipe for pie cake maincourse dish or pre serves we are offering 100 for each recipe printed and the man who slew lee vong in getting thorn has paio i have j ing to which it should be prepared saved my face the following is offered with the sug- hurried steps sounded tlirough the gestion that it show liow to build oper closet doorway scott burst into similar original menus of ones own he room gun in hand his fue was from favorite recipes i study in speechless airazement as he took in the scene good lord what happened he capped i heard shooting and got up ere as fast as i could egypt told him so thats it said scott slowly thin s were happening so fast they tad me dizzy a woman came hurry- iig around the side of the house i rabbed her and w i i was trying to get her to tail a man came slip ping out the back door i collared him too he wouldnt talk either and then the shooting started i drag ged them in the house cuffed them around a steam pipe down there in the front hall and came upstairs i found that woman dead in the other room heard youi voices and found trip way in here what shall i do charles wu was leaning against tho wall his eyes closed as egypt looked at him his knees slowly gavo and be sank to the floor call an ambulance and then notify headquarters egypt said to scott as the young detective ataited out of the room egypt looked around the room and said slowly get hold of carewc and toll him the case is dos edwith justice for everyone the end tabloid food lcttrn to dance coin or foxtrot waltz siamps beginners course at home new ltvrtike book ho photographs write dept o 32 prof vaciion hh statkn c montreal ladies aprons made ir beautiful patterns of tub- fast prints two coverall styles one pinafore style colours rose hlue green red mauve yellow sizes small medium large o for 100 postpaid j lambton textile company lambtoi mills ontaio fsrge quick action ms home course vltll kvkity stb1nc1 ix8trumenl new number system no music pi ay a tune in 20 minutes lowest prices eveu guitars from 615 violins from 39s cornets from 1695 saxophones from 3900 accordions from 345 seoo instruments to chooro irom sen i tor our hew biq musical instrument catalog via finest ever ctvi fksb peate musical co ltd hm3133 mansfield st montreal pq the st catharines standard writes is the world in for tabloid food a british master mariner not ing the tremendous cargo damage done by moisture has evolved dehy drated foods on display in an office in london are three small bottles each con taining two ounces of powdered sub stance one represents a pound of steak and the others forty heads of lettuce and forty heads or spinach respectively there are strawberries shriveled and weighing almost no- hing which when placed in liquid resume their normal weight taste and consistency a black currant dried for nearly two years becomes tender and full flavored when placed in the mouth as for the powdered foods ail the essential nutriment remains and they can be used in many ways say scientists one method is to add water to make a paste for spreading between bread or biscuits lavender the inventor of the pro cess saw the mummies in the brit ish museum and came to the conclu sion that if they could be preserved for thousands of years other lings could be loo what will science do next arter producing concentrated dehydrated food is the canopener of the bride to become an anachronism menu cottage ham horseradish sauce ovenbaked rice carrots a la king peach pudding lemon sauce cottage ham method rub a cottage ham weigh ing 3 to 4 pounds with vi cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon prepared mustard stick surface well with cloves place in a baking pan sear in hot 150 de gree f oven 20 minutes reduce heat to slow oven 275 degrees f and con tinue baking for 3 hours servo with horseradish sauce add 3 table spoons prepared horseradish and teaspoon salt to 1 cup cream whip ped ovenbaked rice yx cup raw rice cups boiling water teaspoon salt method add washed rice to boil ing water with t o salt put into a casserole or baking dish bake in oven till flakeb of rice aro tender and water absorbed cover dish during cooking carrots a la king method pare dice and cook car rots till tender drain prepare 1 cup medium white sauce to which has been added 1 teaspoon grated onion 1 tablespoon each finely diced celery minced parsley and pimento arrange the hot carrots in a serving dish and pour sauce over them peach pudding preserved peaches 1 cup sugar nutmeg or almond flavoring 1 recipe for rich baking powder biscuit dough method into a greased baking dish put the peaches and sugar and nut meg or extract prepare biscuit dough how to enter contest plainly write or print out the in gredients and method of your favorite maincourse dish and send it to gether with name and address to household hints rcom 421 73 west adelaide street toronto protection urged for book workers toronto printing and bind ing of books read in canada should be done in canada rep e e wool- ion insisted at he meeting of the ad visory vocational committee- of the board of education he protested that a distorted re port of what i meant had been published when he objected to books from other countries being shown at the book week of the associa tion of canadian bookmen on the ground that it would create compe tition for canadian printers and bookbinders someone talks about me being a mad hatter well i think every body should read dickens and thack eray and the like but i think print ers and bookbinders in canada should have the benefit i think the printing and bookbinding should be done within the confines of this do minion if we import all things from other countries our boys are not going to be able to find anything here to do in refusing to wear a beard for screen purposes lest he jhock the feminine portion of his public clark gable forgets that cuties of brjfis sexes should be willing to suffer in the cause of art chicago daily news observers of the astrophysical observatory of the smithsonian in stitution have finally proved that the sun is a variable star that its heat varies from day to day and from month to month reeord service given s ren sic at a school in winsiord england the children have grown their own flax spinning and weavi g it into wearable articles which are sold profit going to the local cottage hos pital germany will boost the manufac ture of synthetic gasoline and rubber roffsce mem for ioyera the shaw f j ighcr account ancy coun by mail ban been lifting bookkeepers up to accountants posi tions and pay 500 expert accountants tastily to the excellence of the shaw coune and training- writ or par ticulars and advice shaw schools limited bay sitorpnt0 it ng fti- m aw m- lilmillx generosity of public permits care for all regardless of race creed or circumstance the hospital for sick children in toronto is surely an institution in which every citizen of ontario may well take real pride operated as practically one bis public ward it makes possible medical treatment and hospital care to needy children from every corner of ontario during tho twelve months just ended 8345 cot patients were serv ed for a total of 139717 patient days over 8000 operations were perform ed over 600000 meals were served and the outpalicnt department gave 84411 individual treatments every day dozens of doctors come to the hospital to donate their time and talent in the operating rooms the outpatient clinic end in bedside service it is n notable fact that the hos pital for sick children has one of the lowest ratios of expense per patient day among all similar hos pitals in worth america despite the fact that the care of children in volves so much extra service includ ing in many cases prcschcol train ing and despite the fact that the many many problem cases directed to this inttitujon create extra costs over and above ordinary hospital requirements t over 400 of the 420 beds in the hospital arc for tlioso in very mod- crate circumstances or those who are receiving municipal relief the rate per day chargeable to the patients parents if able to pay i be your reward or to their municipality is fixed atl s175 there are no extra charges the use of scrums modern health appliances and many other costly but vitally necessaiy items cannot be provided for out of the fixed allowances for needy patients nori do they provide for the medicines orthopaedic appliances etc supplied in thousands of cases despite the fact that kiddies re- quire especially expensive hospital- care the government allowances are the same as for those carir chiefly j for adults i the cost of serving patients is therefore 100 per day more than the combined income from parents or municipality plus the govern ment grant in spite of the low ex pense ratio and the free service of the doctors so each year lie hospital for sick children appeals to you for n donation to help meet the deficit resulting from ils service to tho needy this deficit cannot be elim inated in fact it must increase if the demand for service to more and more children is to be met everyone who understands the fact must want this great work to continue despite the fact that iho more patients who arc treated the greater the tmnual deficit becomes remember the hospital receives no support from the toronto feder ation for community service be cause patients are accepted from all parts of the province nevertheless no ontario child should be denied health if mere money makes the difference mail a donation today to the appeal secretary the hospital for sick children 67 college street toronto the thanks of little children will heres shortcake that rivals the finest you ever tasted baked to a light tempting delicious perfection from the finest and purest ingre- dicnts christies lorna doone shortcake is indeed a fresh delight- buy it and tiy it today all the family will like it and your guests will like it too ctfiereii a christie biscuit for every taste federal farm placement plan has provided for 17500 men- travel to arc from work in fumigated cars writer finds hollywood a grcup of eng hsb news apermen sent to hollywood to find out the working conditions for babies in ilms were informed the ca lifornia state law requires 1 a registered nurse mit accom pany the child and its mother from tho time they leave home until they return 2 an infant must be brought to and from the studio in a fumigated limousine 3 a qualified welfare worker must 3 a qualified welfare worker must the studio 4 an infant must spend not moro tha two hours in a studio of which only 20 minutes may be spent under tie lights twigs for vinegar for evening dutes these two smart princess line blouses are made with a single pattern they arc universally be coming and a life saver for the limited budget in bright shade of satin or in silk crepe they will answer daytime and evening dates long graceful lines are the out standing feature of the tunic with standing collar and peaked should ers closed down the front with selffabric or with jeweled but tons it gives the slim figure a better line and detracts from the heaviness of the fuller figure the peplum basquelike blouse of velveteen is very smart with the shorter sleeves and metal but tons another nice medium for is wool jersey metal lame or velvet is charm ing for eithen model and a bril liant top for cocktail and dinner parties these blouses are quickly made they cut in onepiece from shoul der to hem style no 3000 is designed for sizes 11 10 18 years 30 38 40 and 42inches bust size 30 re quires 3 yards of 39inch mater ial for full length blouse shorter length iousc requires 1 78 yards of 39inch material write your name and address plainly giving number and size of pattern wanted en close 15c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully and address your order to wilson pattern ser vice 73 west adelaide st toronto ont 6i wti m ii jpe says mrs joseph arsenault of tracadic cross p e i i am the mother of nine chil dren after tho last baby was born i was weak and rundown my friends said i looked horrid and i was afraid i was going to lie i could not eat or sleep until i took your good medicine now i feci like a new woman and take care of my family without any difficulty 93 out of 100 women report benefit why dont you try it liquid and tablet form vttaeimmun issue no 50 36 ottawa in a few weeks of op eration tho farm placement scheme has resulted in absorption of more i ban 17500 single unemployed men on farms the department of labor an nounced last week in western can ada tho scheme has been in effect since october 1 and in the east fr a shorter period placements in provinces for which recent figures are available were re ported by humphrey mitchell director of labor transference as follows british columbia 47 alberta 2sg7 saskatchewan 11113 manitoba 2- 7gs and quebec 435 in addition tho department as ap plications by farmers for about c000 men the farm placement s- heme is one of the methods by which the govern ment sought to find places for single unemployed men following the closing last july 1 of relief camps free transportation and clothing are supplied neii who want to take work on farms and available men are reached through the government employment offices the list of vacancies on farms is drawn up through cooperation of local authorities and provincial gov ernments who have agreed with the dominion government to put the scheme into effect in several of the dominionprovincial agreement there is provision for the federal govern ment and the province to make small monthly payments to farmers to make is possible for them to hire men cutting birch twigs for use ir iking vinegar is an old occupation england the twiggatherer hai inherited an eye for the most suit able wood neither too stocky nor toe slender and it must be green the twigs are made up in bundles of 1c faggots each in the vinegar factory the twig are packed crisscross fashion to 3 depth of three feet on the bottom oi a large vat called the acetilier the was of unfermented liquor is then passed through them in this pro cess it is oxidized and converted into vinegar sometimes beech shavings are used but most vinegarmakers prefer birch as it is clean easy to handle and does not degenerate into a spongy mass argentina will build a sulphuric acid concentrating plant to be used by the government petroleum enter prise in the preparation of lubrica ting oils al haarlem oil capsules fine for weak acid kidneys and bladder irritation rescuing the pumpkin fie our mind is bemused by the fact that a western newspaper is holding a great pumpkin pie contest open to all housewives in the city and is offering 100 for the best pie this looks to us like a very great public service for pumpkin pie rightly made is one of the greatest blessings available to sinful mortals the only trouble is that so many cooks dont seem to understand hot to make it some of them dose it with so mush giger and other spices that the fla vor of the pumpkin is lost others go to the opposite extreme and pro duce a pic that is flat and insipid some produce pies of a repellent mud color others make pitiably wan and pale pics some heap whipped cream on top the pumpkin pie in short needs rescuing if a newspaper can help with a prize contest more power lo it bsop getting up nights one 4ucent box of these famous cap sules will put healthy activity into your kidneys and bladder hush out harmful waste poisons and act and prove to you that at last you have a grand dluretli and stimulant that will swiftly cause these troubles to cease but be sur and get gold medal haarlem oil capsules safe and harm less the original and genuine right from hnarleni in holland mil s have kidney and bladder trouble and never sus pect it some symptoms besides visits to bathroom nt night ire backache moist palms puffy eyes and scanty passage that outlines smarts and burns ipkiiikhiiikei a great book how to be come n hockey star by t p tommy gorman manager and coach of the montreal maroons profusely illus trated and containing many valuable tips on how to play the game also autographed pictures el great players mutinied for framing group montreal maroonsi group 1a otnuliens or tmlitiituat picturta of bnldy korthcott paul flaytaa votnjttlpr kllh hlillco dirl robiusod hob graeio gus murkit howie morvlis joluinvcncnoa will curie marly barry ivto kelly davo krr poy wortfrfl aro bailey art ixiour frank fkiucbcf marty hurvo alex lcviilsky o your choice of the above o for n label from a tin of crown brand or lily white corn symp write on the back your name and address plainly ind the words hockey hook or the name 6 the picture you want one book or picture for each label mail the label to the address below an added blessing writes the christian science monitor a scotchman paid n visit to london and had some difficulty finding quarters to suit him during his wanderings about the strecls he met a man and related his difficul ty this man told him that he could put him up for the weekend should he not be able to get suited else where and the offer was readily ac cepted at the end of the third da tho man from the land o cakes prepar ed to leave and as the householder was a little apprehensive that lh guest had forgotten about payment he broke the ice as follows well how did you like your quar ters grand men room nice and comfortable splendid nothing better food all right best ive ever had so altogether you are vcrv satis fied mon im more than satisfied well then how about 10 shd- lings mon it would be a godscml wedding bells lucille benson in detroit saturday night here comes the bride all step asidt and jeer at daniel cupid whose archery in hollywood is definitely stupid his aim is quite amiss wed sry i when at the church hed tarry i to shoot his darts into the hearts of barrymore an barrio i i americas sweetheart he lias pierce i but sentimental goo i this aging miss is fortythree and buddys thirtytwo oh love is blind there is no dojfib i dan needs a pair of specs j when duponls wed the roosevelt i oh knave who can be next ee3wardsburg b 2 london it was understood last week that king edward has definite ly decided to sell his famous kp i ranch near calgary alberta i the decision was due to nn econ- the famous energy food 0 drive expenses at royal prop- a product of erties at windsor sandringhvt kal thnaiasmraifpanvunld c have u slashed mmm gyggyp

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