stouffville ontario thursday nov 5th 193g town topics mr and mrs arthur wells and son clayton of tedford spent a couple of days with mr and mrs ii j malloy last week something to tell your children i can remember that on october 27 19311 the thermometer suddenly dipped to within a few points of zero but there was lots of fine weather after that e2sd r n n i z5 tablets r laxative cascara h bromide quinine lll- i compound each containing acetamud 2 grains 11 v for cotdl gup mthirte hwraloia i iiiivtitrnrniin uilill bo ad w a ys sloiinvillo ontario position wanted at general house work by girl experienced for particulars phone 670s mrs v wagg the only worry of the small boy who is privileged to attend these hot fowl suppers over the local dis trict is that he has only one stomach the chap who allows his leaves to blow around after his neighbor has cleaned up doesnt show much neighborliness take a look around you in the neighborhood of 4000 was gathered for the work of the york county chidrens aid society during their recent membership drive and tag day effort mr robert wilson former resi dent and tailor with mr john monkhouse quite a number of years ago was in town on sunday morn ing with mrs wilson attending the united church anniversary service it is announced that gordon lehman of stouffville has been appointed a deputy game warden for the province if ontario it is expected that he will keep a watch ful eye over the immediate district of stouffville and if he is the means of bringing to justice those who dis obey the law in taking game out of season or shooting on the sabbath day he will be commended for his zeal gordon is the eldest son of mr and mrs ah lehman and if you need bis services you will find him in the silvester block if you are planning to be a new- subscriber to the tribune at the first of january start at once and get the remainder of this year free rate 200 per year aud 250 to the usa mr douglas tidy of toronto was a recent guest of lambert malloy miss sadie stewart was in good wood on monday attending the funeral of her uncle the late james stewart casually looking at the accomp lishments of those american doctors who succeeded in grafting a fifth leg on a rat wouldnt they have done something more useful by grafting an extra leg on the christmas turkey during her visit in town assist ing at the united church anni- veisary on sunday and again mon day evening mrs nellie warmintou toronto was the guest of miss nettie rae aud mrs turner church street rev i brubacher of stouffville mbc church aud rev h moyer toronto are being advertised to conduct a series of special meetings down in the town of colborue about 30 miles west of belleville the special meetiugs will be con ducted during the present month the officers of the stouffville womens institute take this means of making known their appreciation and expressing their sincere thanks to plowmen and all others who in any way assisted them in catering to the great unforseeu host of visitors on the evening of the annual plowing match the beautiful lines and pleasing colors of the new range are a delight to the eye at the same time it performs all the functions of an efficient cooker baker and heater tho ovon is lintsriod insido in porcelain onamol and may bo washed like a china dish always shining and fiesh cooking top is of annoaled gun metal finish easily kept clean and gloaming with ldtup front section for broiling or fcoding fuel tho firepol ia tho deep ovalshaped typo which has provod such an officiont heater grates may bo set in either doop or shallow position for coal or wood according to amount of heat ruodsd in tho kitchen the oxtra largo wood firebox is 24 long and when grate is in lower position will hold largo chunks which make it easy to retain a good fire overnight construction is largely of cast iron with heavy steel enameled and rust proof- built to last a lifetime tho minute minder a handy timing device which warns you whon it is time to take a dish out of the ovon is a now and welcome feature mirror shelves and condimont holders can bo furnished to match range supor ovals also now havo chrome door handles always cool always shining made in throo sixes with ovon 16 18 and 20 inchoa wide tho colors au ivory ivory shaded wal nut or ivory shaded green stop signs were put up at every street in the village last week enter ing on main street the work was under control of the toronto york road commission who sublet this particular job to a firm prepared to give good service sixteen or eighteen signs were completed in a few hours including digging the boles erecting and painting the signs and always doing a first class job too mr williaim morgason of good wood told the tribune the other day that he believed tt was just 53 years ago this january since the old saw mill was burned down which stood a little south of main street during october said mr morga son i drew wheat to stouffville and sold it for 127 a bushel at wheelers and i recall that the saw mill burned the following january evidently the high price for wheat fixed the incident in mr morgasons mind william morgason reached his 87th year on october 20th this year and we know of no man his age or ten years younger who is quite so well preserved stouffville and markham horti culturists and others are invited to attend the lantern slide program at unionville on monday nov 9 at s oclock as guests of the unionville society mr and mrs j p clark are on the program at the receut gatheriug held in montreal rev c e mcleod of stouffville was reelected general secretary of the ontario aud quebec convention of baptist churches mr meleod has been honored with this appointment for quite a number of years dust of the earth the play scheduled for thursday nov 5 uuder auspices of the jr institute has been postponed owing to the free picture being given at the theatre on that date dust of the earth will be announced at some future date mr ambrose stover proprietor of the stouffville bakery and his son harry accompanied by their wives were in guelph for the annual con vention of the ontario bread and cake bakers association the entertainment feature was a ban quet tendered by dr harcourts on his retirement as a director of the trent institute at guelph sale of hats on saturday at mrs m watts the ambassador bible class of forward baptist church toronto consisting of some fortyfive young men will be in charge of the sunday evening service in the stouffville christian church the november meeting of the united church wms will be held on thursday evening nov 12 at s oclock this will be a special and open meeting rev l e atkinson will speak on some aspects of bis work among the indans thirtytwo years tax collector for the town of uxbrdge john g vicars is dead he was a kentucy- ian who came to ontario when a lad and settled iu uxbrldge with his parents remaining there until his death in his 78th year the weekly haltholiday for the season caime to an end last week with the winter timetable now in effect that is stores are open all day each business day of the week and tuesday thursday and satur day evenings until christmas c nothing you buy ts more important to the bealth and com fort of your family than fuel for your furnace more and more are people coming to realize the comfort and satisfaction they obtain from the coal dealer with a stock of good fuel in his binus at all times were it not for the dealer with the stock on hand the public could not bo sure of a dependable source of sup ply of fuel old company lehigh hard coal coke alberta coal stiver bros phone 4501 stouffville ont quality price ten acres of standing soft wood mostly popular and birch were sold in wood lots last friday at gormley from the bush of mr james brodie front lots sold up to 16 while those back and more difficult off access due to the hilly landscape went for less a minimum of damage was caused in town on halloween night a fact worthy of note as no special constables or precautions were tak en a few unthinking boys caused considerable damage down in the park however by destroying tables and seats these were paid for with taxpayers money and possibly the fathers of the boys implicated will suffer loss along with other rate payers all evening black faces and ghostlike figures from six years up were to be seen most every house had callers but they were ready for visitors with candies and other good things being treated so well the funmakers hadnt the heart to play any pranks and thus little trouble was cause findiiay products are backed by more than 70 years of traditional quality brathwaite hardware stouffville ontario cent a mile round trip bargain fares minimum fates adults 76c child 0c fru nov 13 from stouffville to guelph kitchener stratford goderich kincardine southampton owen sound and all intermediate points beyond guelph to st catharines niagara falls buffalo brantford woodstock london sarnia chatham windsor detroit and all intermediate points beyond brantford to barrie oriuiagravenhurst bracebridge hupteviue north bay callander meatord cbllingwbod ieneianvmidlnnd all towns on vines of temiska ming northern ontario rly n central rly cochran kapuskasing parr sound sudbury longlac geraldton jellicoebeardmore sat nov 14 to lindsay peterboro toronto and hamilton attractions toronto sat nov 14 art gallery of toronto exhibition of paintings by the famous artist vincent van gogh french post impressionist tho showing includes such masterpieces as sunflowers bridge at aries cyresses haystacks seen by 1 cd 000 people in chicago in a single month association of canadian bookmen national- book fair king edward hotel toronto prominent speakers sec also tho new talking film cover to cover deals with the whole romance of books and bookmaking from an cient to modern times fares tickets return limits and train information from agents ask for handbill canadian national t99g a municipal nominations are about eight weeks distant and while it may seem too early yet to give much thought to this annual event there are things that might better be done now than as the date draws nearer if you have in mind a citizen whom you know will serve well the com munity in public office it would be a good plan to approach him and tell him of your faith in him a word of praise to those who are ser ving and whom you consider have served well would not be amiss either too often municipal service is rightly termed a thankless job be just as free with your praise as you are with your criticism both j are a very necessary part of public lire and if given in sincerity are both appreciated making a hurried call in town at the home of his sister last week mr e ib williams basc man ager of canadian chemicals shawinigan falls and mr rolph williams student at toronto university visited mr and rev chas mcleod we find on looking up some old records that the late j t daley whose obituary appeared in this paper last week served stouffville as a councillor for five years and sat in the reeves chair for four years prior to 1s9s in those days a contest for the reeveship was fought as enthusiastically as a run for the house of commons today and the best man had to be the best to win miss a b clark president of the stouffville old girls and boys accompanied by her mother motor ed from toronto on sunday to attend the anniversary service in the united church here sunday murning mrs clark who wth her deceased husband kept store in the herb porter stand about 30 years ago has closed her home in mark- ham village and will spend the winter in toronto with her daughter mr ken walker one of our well known local farmers sold a line looking team of percheron fillies to bert wetheral of unionville the other day for what was considered a fancy price heretofore mr wether al had nothing but clyde horse flesh about his farm and had al ways been partial to them how ever this pair of fancy percherons changed all that as one can readily understand when they see the pair it must have resembled the olden days when great piles of wood were being bought by mr thos william son for reshipment from the local depot to see that six car loads of hardwood lying at gormley station and consigned to frank harvey this wood is advertised for local sale in this issue and may be pur chased at a very low price in quant ity lots for school houses or church buildings if you are short of feed for your hogs or cattle buy sampson feed sampson feed is a good heavy course grain mixture which can be used as a basis for any live stock ration it contains cornmeal hominy feed oat chop barley meal wheat bran rye middlings and oilcake meal sampson feed may be purchased with 10 pc of cane molasses added this is sweetened sampson feed and there is no extra cost sampson feed is economical and efficient call at our mills for a sample and price dicksons hill mills established 1842 markham ontario bethesda ontario stouffville ontario persons who wish to take ad vantage of the dominion govern ment home improvement loans are invited to interview the bank of nova scotia where full details are available the bank announce their intention to cooperate with the government in this matter and the manager will be pleased to discuss the matter with prospective borrow ers the regular meeting of the jr institute will be held at mrs tranmers bloomington on wednes day afternoon nov 11 at 230 pm roll call tor the day a character istic of a good homemaker the motto he who does not strive after something with eagerness finds everything hindersome and tedious a paper the ideal home and a demonstration on ways of using cheese is also on the program sounds interesting lets be there the death of duncan m morgan claremont on october 28 removes a widely known man of the district mr morgan was 76 years of age death occurred at st michaels hospital he is survived by his wife hannah h jack mr morgan was a member of claremont masonic lodge of which organization he act ed as secretary for years in religion he was a baptist and in politics a stauncn liberal tho funeral on saturday was attended by a number from stouffville inter ment being in the claremont union cemetery radio operating train for canadian government certificate aviation-marine-broad- casting register now for fall term limited number only being accepted government approved equipment government licensed instructors write radio college of canada s63 bay st toronto west end service station motorists beware one of these nights many car radiators will be nipped by the frost and a lot of money will be spent in repairs as a result will you be one of this long army bottcr resolve now not to be bring your car to us and we will fill it with a reliable safe antlfrecze at lowest cost do it today dont court trouble for jack frost will get you in the long run carl boadway opposite the mansion house phone 266 the death occurred at london ontario last saturday of an old resident of this locality milton pipher who passed away in his 49th year milton was a son of the late lewis pipher of lemonvlllo he was a bachelor and is survived by one sister mrs dan gibner of stouffville and two brothers lemon and tross his father died only four years ago milton was a member of the masonic order and an oddfellow the remains were brougiit here for burial on wednesday afternoon at bloomington cemetery the funeral service was held in the christian church notwithstanding services held in every church in and around stouff ville last sunday at least special meetings on sunday evening at tracted capacity houses in three churches anniversary services at sixth line baptist and stouffville united were each greeted with fill ed churches while at the stouff ville christian church almost every available seat was taken for a special service there we have often wondered why there is not a ministerial association formed by tho ministers in the stouffville area there is need of one which could function in such matters as keep ing anniversary dates and special meetings from overlapping other matters that we might mention could well bo under the watchful eyo of such an organization on thursday evening last a de lightful time was spent at willow rill farm when about seventy friends and neighbors gathered to express their goodwill to mr thos hastings and his bride formerly miss kathleen wurm of markham the evening was spent in games and music during a few very appropri ate remarks by rev jno mcbwen he stated that it was a very fine thing to see a young couple settling down on the old homestead to carry on the family traditions the young couple were presented with a beautiful walnut table mirror and lamp after lunch was served all left tor home leaving behind them the oiest wishes of the community for a long and happy life together the stanley theatre thursday nov 5 7 and 9 pm art swifts annual free show keeper of the bees friday and saturday november 0 and 7 13 hours by air starring fred mcmunray zazu pitts joan bennett mon tue wed nov 9 10 11 anything goes with bing crosby charley ruggles and an all star cast pictorial shorts thur fri sat november 12 13 14 shirley temple in captain january plus service cream summer or winter in all kinds of weather much or little for best results ship to us note we have for you a free booklet on the care of cream which you will find interesting and full of valuabltt information we close each evening at 6 ocock excepting saturday nights stouffville creamery co phone 18601 dining room suite for sale table buffet and g chairs leather seats solid walnut and good as now miss g eckardt lawson block messrs brn ratcliff and harvey wideman left for north bay on saturday enroute to their hunting grounds 50 miles north of that city a reorganization meeting of the hockey club is called for this thursday evening nov 5 at 8 pm at the mansion house all interested in getting a team to gether for the coming winter please attend this is your opportunity to present your ideas on this matter miss clara sherrick of oak ridges and formerly of bethesda who had been keeping house alone since the death of her brother has decided to give up the residence aud will make her homo with rev arthur and mrs lehman who are at present on the mbc circuit in scott township miss sherrick will hold an auction sale on nov 13 having rentod her property the regular meeting of the sr womens institute will be hold at the home of mrs w watson on wednesday nov 11th program in cludes a demonstration of pumpkin pie reading by mrs bunker current events echoes from the hand book this is a hardtime party so come in hardtime costume or pay a fine there will be music and usual social hour note the change in date mado because of the w i convention at the royal york lem0n s plan to attend tho harvest homo supper to be served in lemonvlllo united church on monday evening nov 9 from six oclock an entertaining program will follow the supper and alto gether a real social evoning is certain to bo enjoyed by everybody present come and share it adults 35c children 20c wanted a boarder all con veniences centrally located reasonable rate mrs tindall no2 queens court notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of abraham h raymer late of the vulage of stouffville in the county of york retired farmer deceased notice is hereby given pursuant to the trustee act that all persons having claim against the estate of the above named abraham h ray- mer who died on or about the 7th day of october 19 3 c at the said village of stouffville are hereby re quired and notified to send to the undersigned solicitors for the ex ecutors of the said estate full par ticulars of their claims duly verified on or before the 7th day of novem ber 193g after which said date the assets of the said estate will be dis tributed amongst the parties en titled thereto having regard only to tho claims of which the said execu tors shall then have had notice dated october 20th 193g lambert stouffer frank harvey elsie pllkey executors mccullough button solicitors for executors stouffville ont thoros only one way of finding out how desirable our pastry is tako a cake try a pie and youll say this la fine whon youre fed by our bread you will say this for mine all of the products of our bakery enjoy a firstclass familyreputation stouffville bakery ambrose stover proprietor