Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 5, 1936, p. 3

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to make survey of waterways premier hepburn orders the study of system to aid expansion of pulpwood industry toronto complete survey of nor thern ontario waterways to discover bow they may be improved to make mature but inaccessible timber stands available to pulpwood operators has been ordered by premier hepburn of ontario announcing the survey mr hep burn saia his policy was to insure continuous cutting in great areas where the timber was beyond ma turity the government is requiring operators who get permits to post a cash deposit equivalent to onefifth of the estimated stumpago dues if the operators fall to renew their contracts to cut the area clean to allow for second growth their de posits will be forfeited he said the government will not permit united states paper mills to cut pulp- wood in ontario except through a canadian operator or a company for med in canada right reading to state a fact is not the same thin- as to endorse an opinion this truth which is of vital importance to all newspapers has lately been driven home by the british broad casting corporation observes the christian science monitor the brit ish empire union protested the b b cs decision to include the red flag and the internationale in a series of songs that made history but the b b c very reasonably pointed out that these songs were to be radiocast merely as a historic record of the part they had played in political development their in clusion meant neither approval nor disapproval of the tendencies of these poems this fact which should be self- evident to all fair readers is one that is all too often not recognized when a frenchman says that britain won the battle f waterloo no one takes the statement to mean that he is glad that the british were victori ous but it a newspaper records that to take a hypothetical example a certain country is oing socialist many readers will jump to the con clusion that the newspaper in ques tion is glad of this development and is even putting in a little propaganda it cannot be too clearly stated thai the recording of a fact is not in itself a comment either favorable or unfavorable an american writer once said it takes two to tell the truth one to speak the other to lis ten similarly it takes two people to make a newspaper article accur ateone to write it so and the other to read it so 250000 packets soloevervoay halt it i yw mt ubei 31c zwf a mow ubei 28c j lenjco cenetojltd torcntq t menvtel a worldwide favourite dominions sent fnvitations to the coronation london eng invitations to the premiers of canada australia new zealand and south africa to attend the king next may are being despatched by the duke of norfolk earl marshal this is in accordance with the statute of westminster which gave the dominion parliaments the right of direct access to the sovereign the dominion prime ministers who attend the ceremony on may 12 in westminster abbey there fore will be taking part at the coronation in a new historic role as representatives of the peoples of entirely selfgoverning dominions canada expected to aid us in war possibility of attack from far east foreseen by gov curley boston governor james curley paid tribute recently to the friendli ness existing between canada and the united states and expressed con fidence that an attack from the far east would find the neighboring coun tries joined in a common brother hood he spoke at a dinner of the can adianamerican reciprocity league and declared it was gratifying to find there are still no armed guards al ong the border in the event of a crisis arising between the united states and the far east he added i believe we can rely with confidence upon the support and assistance by our neigh bors to the north and since wo have been one in peace it is not unreason able to anticipate that stiould the ne cessity arise we will be found one in war joined in a common brother hood to a common end the preser vation of all that is worthwhile in christian civilization and progress portrait in few lines frances frost in the new york sun she walks within the hemlock wood and longs for shell and salt given perfection she must find its sure and secret fault fiicn the seven sca sne dreams of moss and maple leaves and given happness she sighs for long forgotten grief life is her ally and her foe and love her bitterest friend but death the rough quicktempered bully will have her in the end its a good thing the dionnc quins have suggested no new ideas to the movie exhibitors double features arc bad enough albany knicker bocker press in bed for weeks with bachache quick relief with kruschen it was advice from her mother that led this woman to take kruschen salts for her backache and before she had finished the first bottle she wm feel ing better this is the letter she writes about this time last year i had severe pains in my back and was prostrate or three weeks i could not even rise in bed i tried several well- known remedies but to no avail then i wrote to my mother telling her of my trouble she wrote to me by return of post urging me to try kruschen salts i immediately bought a bottle and i can truthfully say be fore i had taken the fifth dose i could sit up i kept on taking them and in less than two weeks i was about again i am never without kruschen now mrs a g unless the kidneys function prop erly certain acid wastes instead of being expelled are allowed to pollute the bloodstronm and produce trouble some symptoms backache rheuma tism and excessive fatigue kruschen salts is an excellent diuretic or -id- ney aperient valuable in assisting the kidneys to excrete acid impurities to be afraid is the miserable con dition of a coward to do wrong or omit to do right from fear is to superadd delinquency to cowardice dd field brengold mines has completed ar rangements for winter operations at its property in the sturgeon river area according to em hand sec retary underground work is pro ceeding and a raise has been start ed from the 200ft level to prove the dip of the vein an dcontlnuity of values as recommended by allan j anderson in charge of operations on the 100ft level the no 2 vein has been sampled over its full length of so ft so far opened up and this distance shows average width of 20 inches and average grade of 3g 22 gold per ton drifting is being con tinued with the face in ore the cross cut to the south has cut a number of high grade stringers with one section running 910 across width of 21 inches officials believe they are just entering the no 7 vein in this area it is planned to continue drifting on the showing to the west shaft was being enlarged to 500ft depth by the first of november mill- feed will be drawn from the under ground wotng3 on 2 or 3 stopes at the 200ft level which recently re vealed high values in gold and con siderable improvement in recovery is anticipated the mill currently treating 58 tons of ore daily is be ing gradually stepped up and will be handling close to c5 tons by the first of next month the shaft at the crescent kirk- land gold mines has been dewater- ed well below the 100ft level ac cording to company officials the shaft goes to a depth of 400 feet with stations and lateral work at 100 200 300 and 400ft levels most of the old lateral work was on the 200 and 300ft levels and it is the companys objective to complete dewatcring as quickly as possible and to carry on a complete check of all underground workings in the mean time four channel samples taken on the south breast on the 35ft level adit are reported as giving values of from 04 to 3c7 ozs across widths of 18 and 12 inches respectively or an average of 81 ozs across the 5 feet smiles and chuckles a lreading engineer of rich- mac gold mines in a wire to local officials reports that assays of re cent channel sampling on claim 432 indicates ore for a length of 128 ft averaging 3400 across 0 ft with the vein traced 200 ft further north sampling of the western sector shows consistent values across 200 ft and more the company has pur chased a diamond drill and will car ry on an extensive campaign of drilling on the west section of the property james boyle pies will supervise drilling which will be en tirely separate from no 1 vein where drilling is to commence im mediately the richmond develop ment co are developing the kichmac no 1 vein under an agreement whereby the richmac co are to re ceive 50 per cent of any net profits from the mining of ore on this vein without incurring any development costs diamond drilling is progressing on the gaffney mines property on man- itou island lake of the woods area where the first hole has been com pleted the total length of core as sayed was 133 ft from the hanging wall of the extensive sulphide ore- body and values of from 210 to s per ton in gold were secured across widths of 85 to 17 feet hamlin b hatch geologist reports the hole gives good width of commercial ore on the hanging wall and suffests j wide low grade orebody the dear old soul watched the cowboy dexterously swinging his lasso on the grounds of the circus wha a long rope she said at last what do you use it for waal lady he drawled when im out west on the ranch i use it to catch cows catch cows she echoed how very interesting tell me what do you use for bait we would be able to accomplish more things of value if we wouldnt scatter our forces too much too many scattered interests too many diversions make for makeshift work which can be nothing but mediocre imitations there are approximately 2100 miles of canals in the united states think of the weary millenniums during which the vitamins sat around patiently waiting to be discovered detroit free press to quickly ease pains of rheumatism asplrintablets dissolve almost instantly in 2 seconds by stop watch an aspirin tablet starts o disinte grate and so to work drop an aspirin tab let into a glass of water br trie time it hits the bottom of the glass it is disintegrating- what happens in this glass happens in your stomach assay results obtained from tn vein which was encountered at the end of the 33ft crosscut on the sec ond level at mooshla gold mines gave an average of 6020 across 18 inches according to a wire re ceived from the mine manager be fore continuing shaft sinking to the 3rd level the vein was drifted on for a length of 12 feet and samples across the last face are reported to have averaged 3298 over a width of 42 inches at this point accord ing to the wire the vein was getting stronger the shaft has now reached a depth of 255 ft and at the pres ent rate of progress is expected to be bottomed at 3c0 ft in about 3 weeks time following completion of this work the 3rd level will be op ened at 345 ft and several hundred feet of drifting carried on ask your doctor about aspirin any person who suffers from pains of rheumatism should know this two aspirin tablets taken with a full glass of water will usually case even severe rheumatic pains in a remarkably short time ask your doctor about this lie will probably tell you there is noth ing bctler for aspirin tablets not only offer a potent analgesic pain reliever but start going to work almost instantly you take them note illustration of glass try- this simple way youll be surprised at how quickly pain cases aspirin tabids arc made in canada aspirin is the registered trademark of the bayer company limited of windsor ontario look for the name bayer in the form of a cross on every tablet wendigo gold mines enlarged threecompartment shaft has been timbered to the 300foot level ac cording to h d tudor president while production for october will he curtailed somewhat due to the fact that millfeed has been drawn from the surface dump while the b h in victoria times observes almost every town in the united states is the exact replica of every other town the chief hotel all doll ed up with modern overstuffed fur niture and too vivid rugs with a bell boy overdressed in a fancy un- form and a coffee hop glittering with black tile the palatial movie ho o sordid with an almost babyl onian luxury like the temple of some halfmad tribe in the jungles of cen tral america the main street bright with neon signs and new stucco store fronts the other street all run down and belonging to another pre war era the young folks hanging ar ound the soda fountains trying to kid themselves that this is life everywhere is the cw york civil ization which has swept america like a vague disease a vague disease every town no matter how small is trying to be a little new york trying to dress up its stores to look like fifth avenue planting stcp-and- go lights at the corners to give it a feeling of importance as if it were crowded like times square every town in america seems to bo turned out of a machine like mr wrigleys gum in convenient packages and va rying sizes hut of uniform quality and content and yet you hear them complain ing that mr roosevelt is trying to regiment the nation the nation al ready has regimented itself more completely than any nation in hist ory but then you come to the red woods the sacred brooding red woods worshipped like gods of the forest and you realizo that there is another side to the americans na ture poultry raiser conquers roup praises minards liniment as remedy for roup or bronchial f la read in this letter from g minvlell fort garry how ha checked roup bron chial flu when it broke out among his youne hens after tryinn other remediea and obtaining no results whatever writes mr minvielle i tried minards liniment flva to six drops on the tonsuo end some times more depending on the birds i am positive that it helped me out a lot minards liniment is a tried and proven remedy for sprains burns bruises and skin diseases as well as for bronchial and rheumatic trouble for sal by all druggists 87 little old new york the new york times writes i life has become much quieter for former mayor james j walker who resigned under fire four years ago now he practices law helps his wife the former betty compton raise irish terriers watches over his adopted daughter mary ann and stays pretty well away from politics although recently he praised the new deal and criticized alfred e smith for a run out on tho demo cratic party he even reminisces sadly as last week before the grand street boys association on the good old days im a sentimental oldfashioned new yorker he said now and then i have been given the reputa tion of being a wisecracker a smart guy a playboy down underneath i have a deep abiding affection for the city this new york of today mrs cattermole i believe i wont keep my rubber plant any longer mrs gingerpop why i think it looks very nice mrs cattermole yes but ive had it two whole years and it hasnt raised a single pair of rubbers yet i dont believe it is going to bear o drink said the negro preacher is the greatest curse of the coun try it makes you quarrel with yer neighbor it makes you shoot your landlord and it makes yer miss him o life is what we make it but it salves our feeling to blame it on somebody else o a request all i ask is just enough of happi ness and pain enough that i can realize the worth of sun and ram for when both come into life may i real courage show and meet them wisely unafraid no matter where i go mrs clark has ycur husband given up golf mrs foster yes but he still uses the language when changing tires o hohum says he has stopped his subscription to the funny papers until the womens new style hats go out o be wiser than others but dont tell them o father sonny why dont you get tho habit of going to the dictionary when you want to know how to spell a word sonny i do sometimes but somehow the dictionary always has it wrong o judge to the prisoner take your choice ten dollars or ten days prisoner ill take the money your honor o our fathers sought to gjve credit where credit was due but this gen eration seeks to obain credit wnere credit is obtainable o conjurer now sir you hear your watch ticking inside this hand kerchief are you satisfied spector im more than satisfied im amazed that watch i grve you hasnt gone for six months o when a man is a bridge widower and his wife is a golf widow they ought to get along pretty well when they see each other mother arent you sorry you bit mary son yes i hated the taste regular loafers find that time hangs heavy because there are not so many busy workmen to watch o customer i suppose you are your own boss barber no sir id give anything to be single again dont hide em smart to brush your hair off your ears new york show your ears this fall unless they are inordinate ly homely uncovered ears give a youthful appearance coiffiire experts ex plained at the official hairdressers show and convention coiffures with the hair brushed off the ears and into open curls like those empress josephine wore were displayed as examples of how wom ens hair will look this fall and win ter simplified versions of elaborate re gal styles were stressed as the com ing vogue with brushedup curls sometimes circling the entire head like a crown to form the new cor onation hairdress the current revival of empire fashions and the forthcoming cor onation of king edward viii in spired the new coiffures but some of the hair ornaments borrowed ideas from swing music they were shaped with an upward swirl and one sparkling gadget was cap tioned bird in flight ten thosuand hairdressers from states east of the mississippi took notes at the demonstrations and heard that all hair is brushed up from the face smoothly groomed never flying never hanging down the mississippi river has 2j0 trib utaries ami drains 31 states and two canadian provinces fifty of the tri butaries are navigable streams eggs are tested for quality and graded by weight for tho national mark at the rate of 000 an hour by a new machine recently exhibited in london classified advertising fanning mill panning mill kline champion farm ers say best write kline company 121 kmpress cres toronto inventoks an offer to every inventok list oi wanted inventions and lull information bent tree the ramsay company world patent attorneys 273 bank street ottawa canada personal greying hair instantly darkened y no dje safe 50c trial size 2c an nette 220 mcdermot winnipeg for backache kidney and machinemade troubles henry goddard leach in the forum new york writes some economic inequalities of our day are due to the erratic ownership of machinery the man who owns a machine can perform the work of many men when a government is not the greatest new york i have j monopolizes machines it has a tie- known it started to decline when i mendous political advantage we it lost its neighborhood spirit demand and get- aspirin look rob thc bay kit cross mckenzie red lake recent developments at the mine their possible effects on earnings and market prices of this stock are dis cussed in our special report copy on request allan thompson co limited temple building bay richmond sts toronto canada have just seen how the fascists with their mechanized war overcame the ethiopians with their superior patri otism a few years ago a british publicist visited the ussr and the usa in the same year these 4two countries he said are alike in their worship of the machine the difference is the americans have all the machines and the kussians havent any since then the soviets have been busy repairing that dis- 1 crepancy and the mechanization of i the ussr in communal ownership in setting up one of the most pow erful units in human society in a democracy in amcrxa the problems of machine ownership and techno logical unemployment are far more complicated than in the simple totalitarian ntup of the ussu and the italian empire in our freeforall society each new labor- saving device gives us a new social headache madder i rouble slop gelling up nights and feel younger heros one good way to flush harmful waste from kidneys and stop bladder irritation that often causes scanty burning and smart ing passage ask your druggist for a 40cent box of gold medal haarl in oil capsules a splendid safe and harmless diuretic and stimulant for weak kidneys and irritated bladder besides getting up nights some symptoms of kidney trouble are backaches puffy eyes leg cramps and moist palms hut be sure to get gold medal its the genuine medicine for weak kidneys right from haarlem in holland stamp collecting 7anzibar also sudan somallland tlgcrstnmps togoland caribbean algeri an central americans british colonials this marjnlcaroclous collection free for 5c postage gray stamp co dcpt pc to ronto salesman wanted calesman wanted fin ancial house p desires the services of a hlch claps man to represent them in this locality we have a mining issue of real merit we handle nothing else cur last two issues were both winners with the properties in production commission basis apply box 69 wilson publishing co 73 adelaide st w toronto asthma sufferers a sthma a missionary from india cm- o pletcly relieved of asthma is yean ago will gladly send valuable informs- n to nnv uffercr send name and adiuss gladys roberts 302v avenue road toronto ont tuition free h airdresskrs not drins permanent wav- fur- ont- ing we teach and equip ynu free thcr particulars write bnx 8 ustnwel arlo proof fessons are wonderfully helpful and inspiring i have been able definitely to change the habit of you are a great help and i hope it is given me to measure up results are iconderful we could quote from many more tetters but the above extracts arc proof that oth ers are being helped if others why not you civ that mind of yours a chance write today for particulars of an intensive coure of mental training the institute of practical and applied psychology tin confederation pulldng montreal iti issue no 45 36 51 why fear jhe period in a womans life just before her child is horn need not he a time of illness and anxiety at such a time it is essential that good health and good spirits be maintained the tonic effect of dr pierces favorite prescrip tion nourishes and strengthens uie body of the expectant mother which means of course that it is also strengthening the child also for girls growing inlo womanhood and for women in middle life going through the change favorite prescription is just uie vegetable tonic needed buy nowl new size tablets 50c liquid 100 135 torture in a minute for quick relief from the hchicg of ccicms blotches pimples athle a foot wales rashes am other ikia eruptions apply dr dennis pure cooling antisep tic liquid d d d prescription its senile ob soothe tho irritated skin clear kreascless and slain- lesi dries fast stops the most btenso itching la- tantly a 35c trial bottle at dnut store proves it or money back ask for d dd prescription 28 she grsfpheskart shows how to read character irom handwriting at a glance 10c prepaid graphologist room 421 73 adelaide st w toronto

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