htje wtftowwi volxlviii no31 stouffville ontario thursday nov 5th 1936 a v nolan j j publisher nyal pinol kxhhtornt lieu li uk remedy and prompt relief for coughs and colds bronchitis and irritated conditions of the throat lelieves tickling dry or tight coughs loosenes the phlegm and expels it from the bronchial tubes whats behind all the talk baptists mark mount albert man 88th mile stone rhtinsdale gone a i the ssth a of at the bell telephone offices sixt une cn reveals much to amaze observed on sunday last with the visitor rev w s whitcombe ba of the j toronto baptist seminary and a on wednesday evening invited former pastor as the special j was the was alount the first principal albert continu ation school of united folk enjoy anniversary j m storey the home of quality dniga druggist felt ol latest innovation in permanent waving no pedestal no excessive overhead weight no direct heat steaming time 3v4 to ti minutes complete freedom at all times spiral combination and croquignole prices 350 500 750 cascades of soft selfsetting curls firijjtjjrwuvt f haircut 21c 20c oil shampoos facials manicuring bleaching tinting dyeing special prices for girls under it east end beauty shop marie brown corner main montreal sls phone 176 dental neil c smith ldsdds oilice over the bank of commerce office hours 9 o 2 130 to 530 phone otiice 1011 residence 1015 e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office iu grublnb block phone 8 201 markham every tuesday office in wear block insurance thomas birkett general insurance agency representing reliable companies including lloyds of london england phone stouffvllle 25902 h o klinck obrien avenue tor your insurance naede in fire life automobile burglary and all casualty lines a c burkholder insurance oanada life assurance also automobile and firs ts guests from stouftville joined with the stouffville old girls and boys association in toronto as the special guests of their president miss a b chirk and the bell telephone co iu the bell building at 76 adelaide west it proved to be an evening of not only real social enjoyment but one of in struction and revelation to the visitors special guides and demonstrators of the bell telephone company escorted the visitors in groups of ten on a tour of the various points of interest throughout the building and gave them a peep behind the scenes of a most intricate and wonderful telephone development and the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the story behind the telephone the tour lasting more than an hour was followed by an hour with the talkies with two splendid pictures a modern knight and a transoceanic hookup and a most thrilling type of picture of a fast moving detective drama replete with siren shrieks and kindred alarms the various developments in telephone play their important part in the breaking up of the kidnap lot tile gateway of the world was the other picture depicting an interesting travelogue showing cus toms and use of the telephone in countries all over the world mrs richard warminton render ed two solos which were well received and appreciated mr f w mertens mayor of weston formally thanked miss clark and the bell telephone co for their wonderful entertainment extended the association and the guests from stouffville as one of thorn put it the visitors are going to have a great deal more respect for the telephone after becoming acquainted with the almost human mechanism involved in the system among the stouffville guests to enjoy the evening were reeve hw and mrs sanders harold sanders miss ethel sanders miss evelyn dougherty mr and mrs a v nolan charies ratcliff harry pen- nock and mrs lud hoover speaker his text in the morning was from 1 tim 215 showing many ways in which we can be zealous to be approved also many kinds of ser vice that cannot meet the approval of god his evening text was from john 667 6s telling how many of the people in that day thought of jesus only in terms of the physical realm viz loaves and fishes and therefore went away because he did not measure up to their ideas or conform to their preconceived opinions while others who were capable of thinking in the spiritual realm saw the prophecies fulfilled in him who had the words at eternal life and so they remained with him he also pointed out that the same principle divided people today into two classes the baker hill church cancelled their morning service to unite with them and assisted in the singing by two numbers by the quartette approach my soul the mercy seat and i do not ask that life may be a pleasant road and a solo by miss alma baker we would see jesus during the evening service mr a- s farmer and miss cherry of gormley sang im going higher some day and the meeting in the air and miss baker sang the ninety and nine being favored with fair weather the attendance was large the regular seating capacity was tax ed in the morning and every avail able space being taken in the even ing with a few children seated on the platform it was a day of great blessing for which we thank god said pastor smalley for many years business repre sentative aud correspondent of the era at mount albert ralph hammond tinsdale died there in his eightieth year after a weeks illness funeral services took place on monday afternoon when he was laid to rest with masonic rites there was a largely attended service in the masonic temple rev dr duncan of mount albert rev george murray of zephr as a mason and members of the lodge architect and contractor has a vivid recollection of erecting edifice 42 years ago an elephant head on gluttons body with the churches sunday collections 700 bloomington mrs w sisson e a grubin registered optomerist will be at his office in stouffville very other moday and tuesday november dntcs 2nd and 3rd 10 and 17 and 30th december dntcs 1st 14th 15th 2sth and 29th eye examined glasses fitted and repaired phone stouffville 2406 briarbush hospital main street stouffville license no ims graduated nurses in attendance private semiprivate and public wards ambulance service phone 191 mrs e it good superintendent a patient at the brierbush hos pital for a couple of months mrs wm sissou passed away on thursday morning at 10 oclock following an illuess of a couple of months she was 58 years old and was laid to rest at dickson hill cemetery on saturday afternoon the funeral service was held in the stouffville mennonite church con ducted by rev i brubacher assist ed by rev l e atkinson of the united church the late mrs sisson was iborn on lot 3 concession 6 whitchurch on what was known as the john hoover farm her maiden name was esther stouffer daughter of the late daniel stouffer she was married in 1903 at aurora to william sisson who survives her together with two daughters and one son all living in toronto as well as two grandsons two brothers of the deceased are george stouffer of cole lake alberta and wilmot in york county another brother died at 17 years of age in 1903 mrs sisson was a kindly disposed woman in dustrious and for some years had lived in markham village prior to locating in stouffville about seven years ago mrs malinda snowden of tor onto is visiting hj5r brother and sister henry and martha memullen and with other nelatives gss8sa she kings uig liiuay wsafe direct economical leave stouffville 715 am am pm pm 925 345 840 eastern standard time leave toronto 1100 am 130 pm 530 pm 545 pm 1015 pm daily except sun ho b sun hoi only c sat only e daily except sat sun hoi attractive round trip fares new york 1735 chicago 1670 washington 1885 los angeles 6410 tickets and information at mansion house stouffville phone 161 miss jessie mahon of markham visited with relatives on friday mr and mrs e a starry and family visited relatives alt mount albert on sunday mir and mirs root leask of greenhank spent sunday at wm focklers the yps held a halloween social at lemonville one evening last week there were about 45 present and a fine time was enojyed rev s littlewood of vroomonton preached in the united church on sunday while rev jeffrey took the anniversary services on his old charge of 20 years ago mrs ferguson mother of mrs albert smith has returned from conquest saskatchewan after hav ing spent a delightful holiday with her daughter mrs wilbert smith the womens association held their monthly meeting at the home of councillor and mrs jesse cook on wednesday evening it took the form of a halloween social there was a large crowd and an enjoyable evening was spent conducted the services at the temple and afterward at the cemetery the pallbearers were marvin rntledge w r steeper lyman pearson thomas smith lindsay fair and byron stiver mr tinsdale was born iu tor onto dec 27 1s57 he was of scotch descent he moved to bruce county as a child and attended kin cardine high school and ottawa normal school he taught at cayuga newburg and at sault ste marie he came to mount albert in 1ss9 and taught there 11 years in all he taught first in the mount albert public school a mile north of the village and was principal of the two roomed school he was subsequent ly the first principal of the first con tinuation school in the village he learned printing during his spare time and iu summer holidays as a hobby at the urging of busi ness men he opened his printing shop in mount albert 37 years ago aud has carried on ever since mr tinsdale was a school trustee for 20 years and was secretarytreasurer of the school board at the time of his death he was a liberal an anglican and a mason and last year received a 50year medal from the masonic order he was a pastmaster of sharon lodge and a charter member and pastmaster of rowland lodge mount albert he is survived by a daughter miss olive of mount albert by one brother william g windsor and by one sister miss millie tinsdale north bay the poor d the following have left for the deer hunting season in northern ontario in camp near ardbeg fred nighswauder win armstrong wm reesor wm mcnair ken reesor vince baker jack momullen and wm birkett of claremont messrs f l and e a button are spending this weekend near the letters camp at halls lake warning signal at cnr needed public service on armistice day church hill misses ruby and mildred clark spent sunday at home mr and mrs horce pope also norma paisley and girl friend from toronto spent the weekend with mrs w paisley jote that the christian endeavor meeting will be held friday even ing instead of thursday evening this week at the home of mr a clark topic three years of repeal will bo taken by mr j martin everyone welcome we were glad to see almost sixty at church sunday afternoon and hope this will continue we were certainly delighted to have with us the male quartette from the bible college and heartily invite them back woo wins woodstock are ontario champions of the oba district in which stouflville figured and sunderland were close contenders woodstock earned the championship by de feating webbwood two straights after elemlnating sunderland in a closo race business change having sold my general store busi ness at goodwood to mr c d jones 1 take this means of thanking one and all for their liberal patronage in tho seven years i was in business and i bespeak for my successor mr c d jones whom you all know a continuance of your trade chas feasby goodwood the main business before the municipal council meeting on mon day evening was the passing of accounts the war veterans were granted permission ito hold a poppy day on saturday next and it was decided to formally request the citizens and merchants to observe the hour of service on armistice day nov 11 to attend a memorial ceremony to be held at the park gates at 1030 in the morning a grant of 10 was made ito defray cost of wreaths ireeve sanders introduced a matter long overdue when he ask ed council to take steps to have some sont of wigwag or other signal system installed at the cnr crossing where many accidents have happened bj1 motorists colliding with oncoming trains a formal resolution called upon the toronto york road com mission to look into the matter and take such action as is necessary for better protection at this crossing accounts passed t birkett collectors bond 800 t rennle cartage 2150 road ways book 100 goudies hard ware 15c j gower work 448 selecting jurors 900 b s telephone 979 tribune health printing 1275 l e oneill funeral expenses 5000 tribune cemetery bylaws 1450 treasurer york county hospitalization 5187 firemen practise 250 ii burgees cement walks 4 4 800 canadian oil co walks 5200 ii c qulbell court costs 500 water works fred gibner 1200 geo kiloh 665 goudies hardware 10664 e a button 770 patterson co 5550 pipes valves 52785 brathwaito hardware 12141 barkcy bros 595 canadian brass 733 lindsay ww 20 j h sllverthorn 350 j graham and avers 5433 dent law 1880 fred castle 1740 g branniman 2550 j castle 645 j roy 10 on the identical site on which church services had beeu held since 1872 sixty four years ago anni versary services were held on sun day in the united church stouff ville ministers from toronto churches occupied the pulpit morn ing aud evening and mrs richard warminton nellie george noted radio artist rendered special solos while the choir under the direction of mr robt leslie also rendered several impressive numbers prior to 1s72 the former metho dist congregation worshipped on a site south of the present church which was a remodeled building once a school house for 19 years they carried on in the old school but with a membership of 200 a new building was necessary and it was built at a cost of 4000 where the present church stands for 20 years this building served the needs of its day but under rev w j stewart whom we understand is living in toronto and is over 90 years of age the church continued to expand and in 1892 or 42 years ago the present structure was erected the contractor was mr nathan forsyth whom the tribune found reading his newspaper at his home on monday afternoon when we call ed tell us something about your activities at that time we asked mr forsyth well first of all i drafted the entire stmudture and the plans were adopted by the official board i was appointed architect and contractor he said how about the cost mr forsyth well said this s4 year old citizen with a mind as clear as a bell on this matter 1 had to use all my persuasive powers to induce the people to spend 4400 but i remember that dave stouffer w p hartry and chris stoutter were very strong for my viewpoint and we got it over other members of the board were jules bruels and matt rae i think that was all the members at that time the building would cost 25000 today mr forsyh recalled that services were held in the old daly hall dur ing building operations he had to tear down the old structure and in addition to the cash outlay mention ed the old building material was utilized so that the church cost more than the actual 4400 the seats and the glass for the windows were extra outside the contract senator george cox laid the corner stone iltev dr carmen preached the open ing services the services last sunday were very successful the morning preacher being rev d wallace christie pastor of rhodes ave church and chairman of the toron to east presbytery from the words in pauls gospel i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ the speaker brought a most convincing mess age rev walter almack of glen- mount church spoko to the evening congregation on the parable of the wind stressing the subject of his text everybody needs religion a collection on sunday totalled 706 which is the largest offering lifted in the church for years in fact it exceeded anything in recent times 612 of this amount was given specially as a thankoffering proceeds of the monday evening supper reached 9000 an enter tainment of music and addresses followed mrs warminton guest soloist was presented with a bouquet of roses idol worship in india as seen first hand by a canadian anthiyur coimbatore dist south india sept 1936 ch1ust church anglican rev f hernutu hector suuday november 8 1936 300 pm public worship york finances gardhouse has balanced bud get for county council await scarboro settle ment when york county council con venes on november 17 for its final session county treasurer w w gardhouse for the fourth consecu tive year will present a balanced budget according to information from county officials most of the munlcpalltles in tho county have cleaned up their levy arrears entirely while scarboro township whose unpaid levy ex ceeds the other municipalities is expected to arrive at a suitable agreement with tho county within the near future practically all members of the 1936 council are seeking reelection and there are three aspirants for 1937 wardenship they are reeve w j macdonald of new toronto recvo r j wallace of swansea reeve r h corner of georglna dear friands on evening after our prayer meeting i went tor a walk to the old anthiyur fort with mr dawson this tort of which only the ruins now remains dates back for hundreds of years and no doubt was a place of grandeur while also a formidable fortress for one of the indian kings of antiquity part of tho huge embankments still stand and here and there you can see old stone cannon balls measur ing up to about 12 inches in diameter in front of the entrance to the fort is where the annual firewalk ing and buffalo slaying festivals take place on the west side under a large tree is an idol of the god ganesa widely worshipped here represented by an elephants head on a gluttons body as you pass through the high archway large mud horses are on either side and before you is an idol of the monkey god we wend our way to the first of three temples at this temple we stop and con verse with the priest his son and some others at our side is a stone altar upon which cocoanuts plan tains rice etc are offered to the god looking through the dark dingy arches of the temple we could see by means ot small oil lamps lit before it the god of that temple garlanded and being wor shipped in the midst of such heathenism we witnessed to tho saving power of jesus christ we then climbed to the top of one of the ancient embankments it pro vided an excellent vantage ground for it is higher than the surround ing palm trees from it we can see many of our neighbouring villages and temples 189 villages within seven miles as we were returning by another route we came to another old temple with three small shrines where evening worship was about to begin the people are fond ot watching us so i thought this would be a good time to watch them and even things up a little the band of five musicians strike up a tune once again i realize this is a land of discords the priest then gathers up his brass bowl of water bell and incense lamp goes to the small shrines sprinkles a little water on the gods to cleanse them rings the bell to attract the gods attention and then he waves his incense lamp around it when this performance is finished at the three shrines they all go to the large temple and there they worship yet another god a sad sight indeed as they perform their worship and prostrate them selves before the god in the small group of worshippers two persons were prominent one a temple woman a courtezan common to most temples and the other because of his innocence a chubby boy about two years of age his entire dress consisting of a silver chain around his waist the sad part is this he will grow up in this atmosphere he faithfully followed every action of the priest even to putting the sacred ashes on his nude body my heart ached as i watched him pray for us as we labour here satan raises many barriers but the victory shall be ours so we go on in faith yours in furtherance of the gospel harry worling cnr excursion rate from stouffvllo to toronto over weekend of november 14 only 60c return children halt fare lood going saturday returning monday stouffville congregational christian church arthur greer pastor wednesday 800 pm prayer service and bible study sunday november 8 1936 1000 am sunday school 1100 am worship 700 pm the ambassador bible class of toronto under the lead ership ot mr morris hughes ba will be iu charge of the service commencing at 645 there will be a bright song service led by the pastor we invito you to worship with us stouffville mennonite church rev i rrubacker pastor sunday november s 1930 regular preaching services stouffvllle presbyterian rev w h fullerba sunday november 8 1936 200 pm sunday school 300 pm afternoon worship everyone cordially invited stouffville baptist church chas s mcgratli preacher wednesday s pm prayer meet ing in tho church basement 1000 am sunday school 1100 am preaching service 700 evening service the public are invited to our services sixth line baptist church ltev w e smalley pastor telephone 100s wednesday s 00 pm prayer and bible study service sunday november s 1936 1000 am sunday school 1100 am church service subject the bonctof love bible though for this week gal 513 for brethren ye have been called unto liberty only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh but by love serve one another lemonville bloomington ballantrae united churches rev c b jeffery pastor sunday november 8 1936 1045 am ballantrao 230 pm bloomingtou 700 pm lemonville harvest home service rev w j johnston m a peachs quartette remember the annual supper and program on monday evening november 9 biamwhngton and ringwood christian church rev e morton preacher sunday november 8 1936 special services will be held at bloominjjton for two weeks start ing next sunday 1100 am when miss dilts and miss e hollingshead from the faith mission toronto will carry on an evangelists these two young pllgrimes will have charge ot the 700 pm service at ringwood on sunday good times are expected come along and enjoy every service no service saturday in memoriiim raymer in loving memory ot ida raymer who passed away nov 3rd 1933 days of sadness still come oer us tears in silence often flow memory keeps you ever near us though it is three years ago only for a hope we shall meet you in a brighter better land when god will reveal his purpose only then will we understand sadly missed by mother and sister stouffville united church l e atkinson minister wednesday nov 41th 8 pm prayer and fellowship service sunday november 8 1936 1100 am morning worship subject is war coming 230 pm sabbath scliool 700 pm evening worship subject is our christianity appealing to our softness or our strength monday evening 8 pm the weekly young peoples society meeting you aro cordially invited to worship with us births bnker to mr and mrs murray baker gormley ontario nee aura kllnck on oct 30 1936 the gift of a daughter diamond at brierbush hospital stouffville on nov 2nd 1936 to mr and mrs paul diamond claremont ontario a daughter morgnson in ever loving memory of matilda stover wife of william morgason who departed this life october 30th 1924 twelve years have gone and still we miss her weep not for me nor wish me hack i am now from pain and free and in my jesus arms i rest where i have longed to be you watched for me beside my bod now i will watch for you and when you reach the golden gates ill come and lead you through too dearly loved ever to be forgotten husband aud niece ladies and gents rest rooms mansion house stouffville ontario full course meals iwc room and board by the week 600 tobaccoes chocolates soft drinks sandwiches our specialty