ttv c rapers s ay editorial here comment from there and everywhere canada those millions first we have the drought and we are told it is going to cost the coun try millions of dollars then we have a shower and it is described as worth a million dollars a shower is never worth two mi- lions nor even half a million it is al ways an even million then we have a rain and it is worth a million too then there la another dry spell that is to cost millions which are partially wiped out by another mil liondollar rain what wo want to know is what becomes of all these millions and who keeps tabs on them windsor star trade their new shipping container embodies in a packing case the prin ciples of the wardrobe trunk the ar ticles being hung inside instead of packed as is usual thus eliminating creasing and damage and landing the goods ready for the show room or window canadas weekly easy go the c3tato of the late arthur w cutten former guelph boy who died in chicago is estimated at 350u0u considering the fact that at one time when the late mr cutten was a suc cessful operator in the stoc kmarket ho was reputed to be worth a hun dred million the old adage come easy go easy seems still to express a great truth chatham news too much speechmaking telling of the visit of the motor party of english tourists to gauon- oquo and the thousand islands our ganonoque correspondent writes that some of the guests stated that they thought future parties from england could rearrange their visit so that there would be less speechmaking and more time to view the scenery ot this beautiful country kingston whigstandard as well as shipping and agriculture if the slogan is taken up seriously beneficial results should be obtained as there is nothing like getting all classes aroused with the need of pro gress st thomas timesjournal the empire return of canadians the sight of these men in their crowds in the london streets re called vividly the war london with its darkness and rumors they are middleaged no a- and had little of the soldier about them except the medals they all wore 1 saw sev eral with six and the look of men who had come through a lot one remembered that it was the canadians who withstood the first gas attack in the war and how their heroism thrilcd england at the time many of them had a puzzled look in their eyes as they went about the new monumental london that had replaced so much of the homely lon don that was in their memories some of them were taking their sons to hotels and restaurants that have long since disappeared such as the tavistock hotel in covent garden and the golden cross at charing cross they were relieved when they could show their sons st pauls and the cheshire cheese aboard for the see eleanor guenther riding one of the new paddleboards equipped with glass bottoms on which one can take a peek at king neptunes domain and view the wonders of the submarine gardens at santa catalma island cal while skimming over the waters now the canadians have vanish ed too back to the land whence they had come so manfully and hopefully in 1914 the thing that many of them took back in their minds was that the men here still take off their hats as they pass the cenotaph manchester guardian a strange case a strange quirk in the law of can ada is revealed in a speeding case dismissed by an ottawa magistrate a soldier of the permanent force was arrested for driving a truck at an ex cessive speed who nbrought before tho court the magistrate found that the soulier had been driving too fast and in a manner dangerous to the public yet because the driver was a soldier and because the vehiclo was a government truck the magistrate found that he had no jurisdiction the case was dismissed that may be sound law but it is not sound common sense supposing a soldier in a government truck killed some one ir would be of little consolation to go to the bereaved and tell them j it was all right the victim was killed by an army man in an army car the mourners would get no consolation from that just because a man is in the per manent force he should not enjoy unbridled license to go careening over the highways to the peril of ev- eryono else windsor star our language we do not bother to hold conver sations any longer but we do make certain animal sounds in our throats which we can interpret and which can communicate simple ideas while we reserve our better notions for pol itical speeches letters to the editor or for sale by this means we have reduced communication of thought to a remarkably brief and compact pro cess where a man like dr johnson would require several hours and prob ably twenty pints of tea and several loaves of bread and a couple ot cheeso to convey a thought to his companions of the coffee shop a mod ern young person can do the whole job in a word or two ill 111 zat you baby yeah bow- ya okay howz everthing swell ugh hunh whatcha doin tnight nothing how bout a show okay about 8 uh huh okay okay this is what we call a conversa tion bh in victoria timles r m modem times marriage by capture symbolized in presence of many attendants misty veils chosen insulation of houses the sault star argues that use of insulation in al houses in northern districts should be made compulsory that might be going a bit too far but anyone who can possibly carry the extra initial expense would be foolish not to have a new homo insulated for the saving in fuel would pay tor it within a comparatively few years the saving is marked even if it is an old house that is insulated ed monton journal mc- mcgills comeback heartening news comes from gill university for the first time in over a decade during the past financial year mcgill met its budget without dipping into capital funds the annual deficit was cut from 5303000 to s1s10uo and this remaining deficit was met by the gov ernors out of their own private funds that shows both generosity by the governors and real cooperation be tween the university staff and the board for note that the deficit was cut by 122000 involving the strict est economies in which the staff loy ally cooperated montreal star smart exporting the canadian walt company ltd of montreal one of canadas oldest exporters of ladies dresses of all kinds has introduced a new idea in to the packing of goods for export honey bees on strike the peculiar type of weather that lhas been characteristic in ontario this summer has produced quite a few abnormalities including water shortage bad crops forest fires and ruined pasturage from lindsay comes a report of a strike among the honey bees famed for devotion to industry and habits of thrift exem plary for human beings it seems that bees in that district have not done any honeygathering for more than a month they quit their activities during that spell of terrific heat a month ago and the owners will have to provide sugar to keep them from starving the reason seems to be that there is virtually a failure of flowers from which the bees gather honey in tense heat and shortage of moisture has practically obliterated wild and cultivated blooms and consequently the bees are without the raw mater- i lal for their work the net result will be that there will bo a considerable shortage of honey during tho coming winter for it requires a percentage ot the crop to feed the bees sarnia canadian observer new york the bridesmaids marriage rings and showers of rice which mark the modern brides wed ding day originate in customs dating all the way from cave men to knights of the middle ages centuries ago marriage by capture was the rule primtive man stole his bride from a neighboring tribe and carried her off to his cave regarding her as a trophy that attested to his courage and prowess the suave best man and colorful bridesmaids who will take part in weddings are believed to be survivals of the days when the wouldbe bride grooms friends helped him make his getaway with his prize and the brides relatives tried to prevent the theft ring old custom too the wedding ring tradtion is also credited to prehistoric days though its real origin is unknown many au thorities believe it dates from the an cient custom of primitive man to weave a cord and bind it around the waist of tho woman he wanted isi the belief that her spirit entered his body when the rite was performed when the hilarious friends of a de parting bride and groom dash after them with rice they copy a custom of primitive peoples to whom the grain was a token of productiveness and who showered it on a newly married it on a newly married pair as symbols of f ruitfulness for the union the reason for throwing old shoes after the bride and her new husband is more obscure many think it signi fies a change of authority it is generally conceded that the misty tulles and filmy laces used to day for the bridal veil hark back to the custom of various ancient peoples to keep the bride hidden from the bridegrooms sight until the wedding day orange blossoms good luck the orange blossoms twined in so many veils are considered a portent of good luck and happiness medieval custom is believed to be responsible for the inclusion of the flower girls and their baskets of fra grant blossoms in the modern wedding pageant in the middle ages it was customary for two little girls to walk in front of the bridal procession strew ing in its path the grains which sym bolized the wish that the union would prove fruitful and the flower girl at tendance has gradually evolved from it some call em practical jokers but it aint necessarily so for years its been apparent that sometime wed have to hunt up hugh troy whose exploits include secreting 10centstore pearls in the oysters of fellowdinner guests and digging up suburban heights by gluyas williams copyright 1934 by the bell sy incij i wake up scotland in scotland the land of the hea ther and thistle a new slogan is be ing heard on every side it iswake up scotland such a slogan could be advantageously adopted by many other places besides scotland scotland however has been suf fering economically as a wholo and the highlands and western isles are described by one authority as a tru ly distressed area the population is statutary at approximately 4900000 persons being threatened at the same time with decline the new campaign is intended to create a desiro to develop the coun trys great resources in coal and iron 727 fred perlevwho lflsf year callep the police to investigate l16ht in ernie plumers supposedly ekiplv ho0se not kn0wim6 that ernie had unexpectedly retdrnep poesht believe ih makin6 the sfime mistake twice so last week when lights were seen durirte trie plumers absence he persuaded the neighbors hot to do aroyyhln about it and the thieves made a prettv good haul and ernies b0ilin6 map about it uiltiarts 54th street without a permit com ments the new yorker not to put too fine a point on it mr troy is a practical joker people ought to be mystified more than they are is an expression of mr troys philosophy life goes along too regularly he played a lot of practical jokes in college hes cornell 27 of which well set down only one there was a professor noted principally for his habit of constantly wearing rub bers one rainy day while the pro fessor was in the classroom mr troy got ahold of these painted them to resemble feet and then covered them with lampblack it wa3 still raining when the professor left the building and the rain washed the lampblack off in no time leaving the educator to his pained bewilderment and the students general amusement walk ing along apparently in his bare and very large feet once mr troy and two friends sneaked into central park with a bench they had purchased they car ried it about until they met a cop he arrested them of course for stealing park property and took them to the arsenal police station where they produced the bill of sale for the bench and were x they kept showing up in the arsenal station all day each time with a different cop until the sergeant got mad and had them escorted out of the park mr troy is a bad man to have as an enemy he used to go to loews sheridan theatre a lot and sit in the balcony being six feet five inches tall he would get in the way of the light beam from the projection booth when he stood up and people would boo at him he got madder and mad der at this and finally on the opening night of garbos first talkie turned up with a can of moths which he re leased about nine oclock they flew right up into the light beam where they stayed all evening raising cain with the picture postmen benefit by us ruling law declares they can skip houses with vicious dogs washington the post office de partment reckoned today that section 936 of its laws and regulations ha saved thousands of pairs of post mens pants carriers reads the terse para graph are not required to deliver mail at residences where vicious doga are kept the division of post office service is particularly proud of this section letter carriers look upon it as one of the blessings of their job youd be surprised how many people who get letters keep dogs said a m thomas assistant super intendent of the division just think of the suburbs practically everyone has a dog out there section 936 thomas recalled is a very old one written into the postal book as an emergency measure by a thoughtful congress back when a pair of mailmans trousers went unscarred about as long as a flag on a bullet- swept battlefield determined to carry his mail at any cost explained the official the postman was constantly running a gauntlet of snapping dogs it was pretty bad in the old days while the post office department does not consider them seriously there were stories of people setting out vicious dogs around the fiist of tho month to ward off bills when congress decided that it was asking a little to much of its carriers to brave the dogs the department worked out a system that is in ef fect today the carrier determines that a cer tain dog is vicious said thomas he reports this to the postmaster and the postmaster informs the owner of the dog to tie up his ani mal or come to the post office for his mail it nearly always works section 936 is not foolproof how ever for there is no set rule in ad vance of a bite by which to deter mine whether a dog is vicious at least the post office hasnt found one just recently said thomas we had a case of a carrier being attacked by a dog he kicked the dog which he isnt supposed to do were trying to work out something to cover this sort of situation place equipment for convenience the best workers it matters not that there are better workers in the world provided we have done the best we could the size of our completed work is all in pro portion to the concentration we have put into we do not do better things because we do not concentrate enough perhaps it isnt in our nature to con centrate only just so far beyond that distance the effort is unnatural and the work strained that is why it pays to be ourselves and not copy somebody else people unaffected and simple in their manner attract by their natural magnetism more than any pre tense could do there is something sincerely and deeply fine about such people we trust them comfort and efficiency in separable in realm of house work attention send in your favorite recipe for pie cake maincourse dish or pre serves we are offering 100 for each recipe printed how to enter contest plninly write or print out the in gredients and method and send it together with name and address to household hints room 421 73 west adelaide st toronto table tennis is booming there are now more than 2500 clubs with 30000 registered players attached to the english table tennis association is i kitchens that are conveniently ar ranged welllighted and adequately equipped add much to the comfort and efficency of the homemaker to create a convenient kitchen it is desirable first to consider how the kitchen equipment and arrangement affect the homemakers time health and disposition and the wellbeing of the whole family a large outlay of money is not required for the first needs of kitchen planning but an open mind about kitchen tasks is needed for the routine always used in the past may not be the best one possible an open mind helps to determine the most satisfactory way to do each kitchen job and to arrange work cen tres and equipment to make this way possible pieces of furniture that aro used together should be near each other the table to set dishes on af ter they are washed should be either permanently located next to the sink or movable on rubber wheels equipment and utensils should be chosen which will do the kitchen tasks in the easiest way and give the best results for the least money for ex ample- it is more economical to buy a good eggbeater than to continually replace a cheap one an attractive color scheme good window space sheer curtains that do not shut out tho light and nn arti ficial light well placed so that tho workers shadow does not fall on her i work likewise promote both comfort and efficiency fu manchu by sax rohmer oim y im ft imtitm tywlqu i larger wedding rings women today are wearing larger wedding rings larger gloves rings that fitted the victorian and edwardian miss are too small two generations ago said a jew eller the average wedding ring was 1 in to 1 ins in circumference today it is 2 ins to 2 vi ins driving cars playing golf and tennis arc the causes and a glover women today are not selfconscious about the size of their hands ah they demand is com fort where true fortitude dwells loyally bounty friendship and fidelity may be found gay flattery corrupts both the receiver and the giver and adulation is not of more service to the people than to kings burke berlins percentage of police is 24 per thousand of population while that of england is 605 and france 318