Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 6, 1936, p. 3

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the mollisons plan flight round world amy admits she and hus band sometimes quarrel while in the air although they want to start on a flight around the world together by the end of august jim and amy mollison are still hunting for a suit able plane amy said in an interview that if they could not get a big machine in time they night make the at tempt in two small planes and keep together m3 mollison went on to explain that they would first fly to australia from england and then across the pacific stopping at fiji and honolulu from san francisco they would ly across the american continent and the make an atlantic flight hack to england covering 27- 000 miles in all i just cannot help doing long distance flights the added looking back over her amazing career of the past few years since she made her solo flight to australia the light around the world that jim and i have planned is not easy because one of the three long hops will be 3100 miles across the paci fic then we must carry sufficient petrol gasoline for 4000 miles and that is equivalent to the weight of 20 men yet it must be carried in a plane built for two becoming mrc confidential amy went on i have been asked whether jim and i quarrel when we are in cne air we do quite often even in the best of regulated households that happens husband and wife cannot both be right and as jim has much more flying experience that- t have i bow to his experience although i often shout you arc wrong and i am right iut there are ways of making it up and it is rather fun after wards for both husband and wife to acknowledge they were in the wrong soviet scientists use method to hasten melting for irrigation how to make iced tea infuse lx heaping teaspoons of selecu black ted in a plot of fresh boiling water after six minutes strain liquid into twoquart container while hot add 1 cups of granulated sujar and the juice of 2 lemons stir well until sugar is dissolved fill container with cold water do not allow tea to cool btforw oddina th told water otherwise liquid will become cloudy serve with chipped ice partly chemi e uaims in central asia are vast stretches of arid land the soviet union is concerned about them if only they could be irrigated they would flour ish a few huge rivers cut through them there are the amudnrja and the sir darja for example their volume and flow are determined by the melting of the glaciers in dis tant mountains when the melt is small even irrigated farms dry up back in the 18th century benja min franklin laid white and black cloth on snow to ascertain if color had any effect on the absorption and radiation of heat it had he saw the snow under the black cloth melting faster than the snow under the white this familiar principle the mete orologist shukov would apply to make the glaciers melt more rapidly just blacken them and watch the water tumble down he told the authorities the scientists of the chanshanker observatory made the experiment just how and with what the glaciers are blackened is not revealed on warm days in june and july the melt on a sunny day was increased four and five times and doubled even on cloudy days cambridge mass color is partly chemicals in the human eye this is part of the latest theory of the mystery of color presented today by professor selig hecht of colum bia university to the color confer ence at the massachusetts institute of technology it is known that coneshaped nerve endings in the retina of the eye trans mit light and color sensations to the brain there are believed to be three- kinds of these cones said professor hecht each carries its own type of chem ical one chemical is capable of ab sorbing blue rays one green and the other red the nature of these sup posed chemicals is unknown but they are photosensitive profes sor hecht explained that is light of the right wave length will make each one active hut it is unaffected by other kinds of light in this way one nerve transmits to the brain the sensation of red it is like having professor hecht said redblue and green nerves from the eye to the brain when all three kinds of chemicals are in action the combined colors transmit the sensation of white light mixed in varying proportions the three give the other colors just as a painter mixes his hues from three primary shades this gives the eyes the same prin ciple used in mechanical photoelec tric eyes chemicals sensitive to light are used in three vacuum tube eyes the lightsensitive substances mostly used are the metal caesium silver and oxygen numerous other chemicals mostly metals are known to be sensitive to light ottawa world capital observes the london tret press ottawa is growing up as a world capital following the example of great britain and the united states france is now building its own le gation in the capital city it was a wise choici when ot tawa was selected as a capital of the new dominion it is on the boundary line of quebec and ontario so that it well represents the two great races of the nation it is naturally one of the most beautiful capitals in the world the parliament buildings occupy a superb position both parties have been in agreement in a plan of beautification for the capital this is one question on which there have been no political differences in recent years there have been erected a series a fine public build ings in ottawa and generally speak ing they have been in gooc taste and along a well thoughtout plan great britain united states and now france have legations in keeping with the dignity of the ciy as can ada grows in importance the time may come when most of the great nations will be represented in the capital city safety statistic wars do not happen they are planned welieslev mass a british economist mrs barbara frances wootton declared recently that wars continue because we are brought up in the outrageous doc trine that war is a normal function of human society and peace it self merely the interval between wars my conclusion is therefore that war is fundamentally irrational mrs wootton economist at the un iversity of london asserted in a symposium on how can we avoid war at the summer institute for social progress at wellesley col lege war she continued is not even nn effective way of satisfy our baser instincts of greed and acqui sition wars continue because we expect them to continue wars do not happen they arc planned she said it would be easier to keep out of them if people fully realized that there is almost no advantage which can result even to the victors tho great folly of all follies is the amazing attitude of civilized nations toward each other if this attitude is not changed i dont sco how our civil ization ah wo know it will survive richard e byrd ncal ohara in new york post notes you may kid scotsmen about their caution with money but scot lands last bank failure was way back in 1878 and hardly a man is now alive who remembers that fam ous date and year and that re minds us the best wall street chasers of securities in the united states are the professional trustees of large estates in boston but human nature being fallible even they were loaded to the gills with spurious kreuger toll shares half a dozen years ago lamps which were placed in paris streets when gas was introduced there 100 years ago arc still stand ing priced as low ns 5951 now you n iron in foal comfort in any par of the loiaa eyen outdoor henalh aahado tret th coif man iron la alfoat- lair no eorda nor connections carry u ulelt anywhere sev eral uxxma arallaba at hew low prices aak yoar denier cr write on fo ffte wet iriti fetiw and detalla tfia coleman lamp nnd stovo co ltd dtpt wl 317 toronto ont why you should havo it 1 com only yj an hour to use 2 lights instantly 3 heats in a few seconds 4 quicuy ready for uso st malntalmevenheit 6 hottest at the point 7 irons wlthlciacllbtt 8 saves i ironing time 9 no fires to build 10 no ashes to catty pests of forest need not disturb protectives mixtures aid repelling irritating insects in eafhess headkoises jlmdrohlsli ductijtln iihrrcarejaut also excellent for temporary deafneaa and head noise duo to congestion caused by cold flu and awimmlnx a o leonard inc 70 filth ave new york city writes the owen sound suntimes in the face of safely campaigns and warnings in face of fines gaol terms and suspension oi licenses the reck less driver still goes on his destructive way what to do with him is a prob lem how to keep his tribe from in creasing is another more as a preventive than a pun ishment sault star advocates the use of a red tag to b attached in a con spicuous place to the offenders car the tag ide i not new it is used in germany in slightly different form part of the penalty for reckless driving is having a large yellow spot painted on the cai more satisfactory than the tag for it cannot bo remov- ei tho tag idea is also catching on in california where a group of los angjles municipal judges havo- re commended it as a means to shame reckless drivers into being more cautious that plan of appealing to the driv ers sense of shame is rather good the fellow who tears along at a wild speed eits 1 rand out of truffle hogs tho road and otherwise makes himself a nuisance has an exaggerated ego ho imagines that he is it would a red tag stuck in his windshield or a red patch painted on his car have any effect in reducing the swelling it might and it might make others who see it say to themselves well 1 dont see one of those things on my car where the cai is a family one the tag might prove embarrassing when other than tho guilty party has to drive it but another psychologic al angle comes in tho fact that tho rest of the family would be very much down on the ono who let them in for such bad advertising so between fear of public ridicule and certainly of tho famiys attitude the reckless driver would probably think twice before exposing himself to the danger of being tagged coupled with suspension of license for a good long term instead ot the two or three weeks so often im posed the tag would wo believe be a real restraining influence it would bo worth trying at any rate to workers in the open during the summer months and to campers in the woods to fishermen and to pic nickers existence is made uncom fortable by mosquitoes black flies midgets sand flies and punkies bite- umnoseeums deer flies or dog- flies and horseflies or bulldogs blackies and mosquitoes are the most numerous and most annoying with regard to personal protection various essential oils applied to the skin are of great value in warding off attack none of the protective mixtures as yet evolved are abso lutely effective but several are of great value especially when the in sects are very numerous the ma jority of the patent protective mix tures obtained at drug stores are effective but are usually rather ex pensive equally good ones can be made by the individual at lower cost and the amount of the ingre dients used may be varied to suit individual requirements according to the sensitiveness of the skin the following are excellent recipes and methods of making mosquito dope for protection from pests of the forest no 1 recipe oil of citronella 3 ounces spirits of camphor 1 ounce oil of tar 1 ounce oil of pennyroyal ounce and costor oil 4 to 0 ounces depending on the sensitive ness of the skin no 2 recipe oil of citronella 2 ounces castor oil 2 ounces oil of pennyroyal oneeighth ounce no 3 recipe oil of tar 2 ounces castor oil 2 ounces oil of penny royal oneeighth ounce no 4 recipe gum camphor 3 ounces salol 3 ounces petrolatum 4 ounces the purpose of the castor oil in mixtures 1 2 and 3 is to pre vent injury to the skin by the es sential ingredients another popular remedy of pre vention is made by mixing together 1 ounce oil of citronella 1 ounce spirits of camphor and m ounce oil of cedar still another formula is oil of cassia 1 ounce camphorated oil 2 ounces vaseline 3 ounces another useful preparation is made as follows melt together over a gentle fire vaseline 1 ounce beeswax 1 ounce and medium hard paraffin 1 ounce cool until the mixture is just fluid then stir in 1 gram or onequarter teaspoonful of oil of cassia and 2 grams or a halfteaspoonful of oil of citronella among the remedie for relieving mosquito bites household ammonia glycerin and alcohol are widelj used in many cases irritation passes away when ordinary toilet soap is moist ened and gently rubbed over the puncture underground river the survey to find more depend able sources of water in the rural areas of ontario ha revealed that there is a giant artesian system stretching from toronto to wasaga notes the woodstock sentinei-ite- vlew this area is ave or six miles wide the geology suggests that there was a big river in this depression be fore the ice age following which it was filled in by glaciers and it has existed underground ever since the farms located in the area outlined ought to have no serious problem concerning their water supply in recent years the water supply for farms in a number of districts in ontario has caused anxiety farm ers havo found waterlevel in their wells steadily receding there are many causes for this including the sudden runoff jn spring the disap pearance of bush which formerly re tained the moisture resulting from winter snows and seasonal rains then there is the matter of intense drought affecting such large areas ot the american continent that there may be a widespread recession ot tho underground water level there is not aiucli authentic inior- niation on tho subject anywhere in canada for the reason that water supply has heretofoie offered no prob lem farmers instinctively knew where to sink a well and were uni formly rewarded with a plentiful sup ply of wholesome water tfiat situa tion is changing and it is only this year that governmental agencies have been called in to give aid in a scien tific hunt for underground water sup ply t the case of ontario the fed eral and provincial departments are cooperating welldrillers are being asked to provide a record of their op erations indicting depths at which they have located water and the kind of soil encountered the scientific as pect of the inland water supply will be given some official attention an ade quate supply of water for farms is vi tal to the agriculture industry laura wheeler crocheted design is fun to do and cobweb fine descendants of highland chiefs who fought in the battle of cullo- den in scotland havo protested against the erection of a gasoline station on the battlefield study business courses at home and flavo hvjng expenses all business and secretarial courses studied successfully through our homo study department hundreds of successful graduates during past thlrtyono years reduced fees mo extra chaboe it yon enter college to finish in say or night school wrlto for free particulars canada business college cmporlal dank bonding- bloor ana batbtmt toronto the very best things the best law the golden rule the best education self know ledge the best philosophy a contented mind the best war to war against ones weakness the best medicine cheerfulness and temperance the best music the laughter of an innocent child the best science extracting sun shine from a cloudy day the best art painting a smile upon the brow of childhood the best journalism printing the true and beautiful on memorys tablet the best telegraphing flashing a ray of sunshine into a gloomy heart the best biography that life which writes charity in the largest letters the best mathematics that which will double the most joys and divide the most sorrows the best navigation steering clear of the lacerating rocks of per sonal contention the best engineering building a bridge of faith over the river of oath kansas city kan optimist a maestros moment a correspondent in tho victoria times a scene i should have liked to see was maestro toscaninis visit back stage to helen hayes after he watched her in victoria rcgina the maestro they report threw his arms around tho actress shoulders babbled enthusiastically in italian about her great performance then kissed her miss hayes returned the affectionate embrace broke into tears and murmured i shouldnt be doing this i hardly know you tho great conductor wrapped his cloak nround him then spoke three words in english art unites us and fled issue no 32 36 28 comments the sarnia observer two young men douglas jackson and joseph berry of london perish ed on lake erie over the weekend when their sailboat encountered rough weather when the disabled craft was located by searchers it was afloat but water logged the body or one of the men was jashed to the deck the other was in the boat in water which filled it to within six inches of the deck some surprise was expressed that two vigorous young men should have died so soon from exposure they were on the lake only part ot one afternoon and a night however there was an icy wind blowing throughout the night and presumably both men b been in the water the ono who was lashed to the deck was clai only in trousers ai shoes com petent medical opinion is to the ef fect that th cold wind had so chilled the men that their vital organs would not function and death came in a period the duration of which could scarcely he credited with fatal results this double fatality 01 lake erie is a reminder that the operation of small boats on such bodies of water is precarious business there is too much tempting of fate in that man ner in canada and as long as people take these injudicious risks the death toll will grow boating is a pleasant and inviting pastime but it is one in which ma ture judgment should be employed in rating the risks that are associated with it to embark in a craft that is not big enough to weather the kind of waves that are likely to be encount ered is an invitation to disaster no matter how experienced the sailors may be here is the loveliness of tatting and the simplicity of crochet it is a tatting design worked out in crochet but even easier to do these crocheted medallions make handsome scarves cloths doilies and linen sets as shown the latter is composed only of the medal lions center rounds joined together pattern 12c5 contains complete directions for making the medallions shown illustrations of their and of stitches used material requirements sent 20 cents in stamps or coin coin preferred for this pattea to ncedlecraft dept wilson publishing co 73 west adelaide toronto write plainly pattern number vour name and address more cigarettes smoked in canada ottawa the consumption ot cigarettes in canada is steadily in creasing hut not to the extent indic ated by a recent despatch tho in- advertant dropping of figures made the consumption five years ago ap pear to bo four hundred million and whereas it should have been four bil lion four hundred millions in the last fiscal year consumption rose to five billion three hundred and ten million an increase of 010 millions which is quite a few cigarettes writes the broekville recorder and times more than 100 jacksonville fla business and professional men we read have reached a solemn agree ment to shed their coats from june 21 to september 21 this year the covenant marking this agreement tor- bids coats except at weddings fun erals or on such occasions when the hostess minister judge or personal satisfaction requires one for mem bership in good standing it is also required that a tie be worn that tbere he no vible suspenders and that the shirt be clean with all the buttons present jacksonville being situated geogra phically and climatically as it is it will be generally agreed that the 100 business and professional men or that city who have baudoc themselves to gether in a coatless club have taken a long time to reach this decision nor can they be censured for the step that they have taken one which must be voluntarily assumed by many other jacksonville men annually who have never though of asserting their right through the formation of a club or any other organization it is one of the most ridiculous things in the worlu that men who in dignantly deny that they are slaves of fashion will swelter in summers heat in canada as well as florida wearing clothing that is sufficiently heavy to withstand winters frosts men poke fun at women who for some unknown reason affect fur throws in inidsuiniiier but while they are doing so they themselves persist in many cases wearing heavy coats and other garments which are equally unnecessary and which must make them objects of pity on the part of the lightlyclad girls on women who dress according to the seasons even the animals shed their heavy coals of fur when summer- heat ar rives hut men presumably because they have always done so still wear coats and sometimes incur the wrath of the women attached to them be cause they have the temerity to re move them in public we admire the men of jacksonville for the emanci pating movement which they have launched may it spread to canada new type of airplane invented by lindbergh london eng the sunday graphic says co charles a lind bergh has invented a new type of airplane known as the flying cara van ths paper says a british firm is constructing the machine which is understood to have seats wliici could be converted into bunks and un- tsually large fuel tanks kematmlm cool mild tobacco 8 u c k i n ifnf fiife cu t mway levpe cnr june report shows 10275 1 1 increase in month of june montreal operating revenue for canadian national railways in creased 1027511 to 117307g5 in the month of june 1930 compared to tho same month last year it was reported recently operating expen ses for tho same period increased 5223s4 to 14730323 for the six mouths period to the 30th of june 1036 operating revenuo increased 5329g33 to s54c1428 over the coresponding period of 1935 vyhilo operating expenses increased 5022130 to s29s63ss why suitor any longer from tho dull depressed feeling caused by- faulty digestion and poor elfmfna- utton if on feel faggedout and your vitality is low avoid liablt- formlng drugs instead call write or phone if lei1 v for a free aariipvs of soil it a our expense thorokleen is natures remedy for young und old you make it like ordinal tea harmless and nonhabit forming sold at your local druggist or by mall tliethunaherboo have you an aim in life the race may not be the swift nor the battle to the strong hut the prizes in life do ko to the mentally alert and efficient vou can brln direction to hear on your life and learn selfmastery mental ulcuiey is a matter of training write for particulars of our courses the institute of practical and applied psychology 910 confederation building moktbea1 3pq the graphoehart shows how to read character from handwriting at a glance 10c prepaid graphologist room 421 73 adelaide st w toronto spbinohtjkst beach oh the georgian bay 3 mllei wut of waiaffa hard sand beach offers yon a lovely wooded lot b0 x 200 and a ncrf tmart 4room cottage with largo screened verandah xor 1375 s100 down and balance s2f quarterly wrlto w a wheeler colllngwood

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