keep your pigs through the management of brood sows and their litters the most successful way of ex pelling intestinal worms of pigs is to uivcthem santonin in sloppy foci in the evening divide the pigs into lots of 5 to 10 so that each pig will be likely to take only its right share of the drugged slop if any pigs seems to he taking more than its share tap it on the snout with a stick ami so drive it a v a from the trough the correct doses of santonin arc pig one month old tvo grains add one grain fo each additional month of age up to eight grains for pigs of seven months or over twelve hours later give the pigs epsom salts in a large quantity of tepid milk or water to act as a physic the doses of epsom salts are pig one month old vi ounce two months la ounce three months a ounce four months one ounce five months 1 ounces six months and over ivi ounces if the pigs do not care to take the water or milk con taining epsom salts add some solid food such as ground grain and mid dlings the usual feed can be given on hour after the dose of epsom salts one dees is usually sufficient but if a secend treatment wit sant onin is thought necessary it may be given in 18 hours as soon as the medicines have ceased actin move the pigs into new sanitary quarters preferably on new seeding and then let them graze green crons as long as available clover and alfalfa are the best graz ing crons for pigs and all swine and should be provided each year rotate the plots on which these legume crops are grown so that there may be clean grcund for each crop of pigs oats and peas and essex rape will also e found good pasture for hogs as to the management of brood sows and their litters that is most important so that the pigs will not become infested with worms carrowing pens by scrub bing clean with hot water and con centrated lye after removing all trash and loose equipment then disinfect everything by spraying with a mixture o one part of compound cresol solution and 30 parts of water or oie part of coaltar disinfectant and 20 parts of water next spray with freshly made limewash and fin ally flood the floor with the wash and put in clean bedding prepare the farrowing pen for each sow in that way financial the diagnosis of cancer j by dr j e hett 607 stirbourne st toronto 223 kins st e kitchener monetary metals ltd hat award ed a contract for a programme of diamond drilling to be cartied out on the property in the red lake dis- rict according to c e powell presi dent surface work will be continued in addition to the drilling further exploration of the large quartz vein recently disclosed on the golden arm mines no 2 group of clairrs adjoining rowan hall gold mines red lake district is being continued and according to company officials blasting of the vein started on july 14th the vein which show ed a width of 20 ft of juartz were discovered now appears to 03 about 50 ft wide it is stated the management of itahii red lai e mining co reports that diamond drilling is beirg done north and slightly eastward along the gobi eagle line intending to cut the ex tension of the latters ore zone no 2 drill hole it a depth of 308 feet has intersected 8 feet of shearing heavily mineralized and the recent disclosures on the gold eagles 000- ft level are reported within 200 ft of the rahill boundary an advance diamond drill hole cut ore within 30 feet of the boundary officials of paulore gold ijinss stat- that the company is amply fin anced for extensive exploration work on the two red lake properties at resent operations are proceeding on both the north and south groups and favorable results are being obtained from preliminary work discovery of seveia new breajts paralleling the main occurrence is reported by mine manager morrison oi the north group diamond drilling is now under way dh the main break with tin first hole spotted to intersect the break at a point 100 ft further west of i former drilling darwin gold mines is opening up highgrade ranging from 1 to 10 oz across a quartz width of 1 to 3 ft in a second lens on the newly ds- covcred vein at the gth level the face was still in highgrade at last wars over 88 ft of highgrade has n w been opened in the new vein in the past 6 weeks the first lens west of the grace vein yielded 72 ft of ore which ran 6495 over 3 ft width the second lens east of the grace vein was cut july gth and work has since been in highgrade has been opened up in other sections of the mine further commercial ore has been opened up development at brengold mines property in sturgeon river area is well ahead of schedule ii m par- vingon mine manager reports an add 53 ft drive has been made on no 2 vein on 200ft level bring ing present total length to 73 ft average value is 03 oz and average width 11 inches a further drive westward is also behig made on the 100ft level xo 7 vein and mr parrington expects within two weeks to reach the area where the no 5 drill hole disclosed rich ore plans for a campaign of development on 35 claims adjoining argrsy gold mines will he completed shortly the concentrating unit of the new plant at the cuniptau mines pro perty in the temagami district is no in operation and is showing a very satisfactory grade as well as a satisfactory extraction according to company officials all units of the plant are ready for operation and pro duction of highgrade matter started this week shipping and marketing arrangements have been made with a british house development work is continuing on two levels and the company has over two years ore in sight 1nce oaxcku causes the death oi one out ef every ten persons over the aye of 35 years th suttering is so terrible and indescribable and such a great percentage f uses ure not diagnosed until they are very lar advanced it is thought that my observations from the examination f the histories of hundreds of suffer ers uuy be of interest at the present time isscna 1acis there has been u great deal written about early diagnosis there has been a great deal spoken over the radio as regards the importance of early diag nosis 1 do not propose to go into any details and review these points lor they are almost all of the same cali bre but i do desire to bring certain tacts before the public which are essen tial james kwing in a paper given at the international congress for the preven tion ot cancer madrid spain ij2i statd the great extension of our knowl edge of the liner diagnosis of malignant tumors the perfection of smgieal technique the rapid ad vance in radiation therapy the growth in modern service consti tute one of tlie outstanding achieve metts of twentieth century medl- clne but all these agencies fall to sensibly alxect the recorded death rate f oni the major forms of can cer the reason is that these major diseases cannot be recognized at an early stage and when recognized are generally or always incurable lr lames kwing is the most noted authority on cancer in the united states this is a very grave statement 1et us look at the records in detroit meh five years cukes op cancer results in detroit hosiltais pc living living five five years years they should know it is difficult to understand why these facts luive not been given to the public before it they have i hav not seen them many xllueiona many women who are afraid of opera tions g to institution and have their breasts removed by cancer pastes if the cancers lire far advanced then there are no mistakes in diasnosis these patients are never cured by these methods there are always recurrences many women with small growths which are not cancer have had their breasts removed by the same method and then they iuuigiie they have had wonderful results and perfect cures the plaster treatments in these eases are terribly painful and to think that many women have to endure such a horrible torture for a harmless growth which is not cancer should be brought forcibly before the notice of the public repeatedly 1 have known harmless con ditions which were not cancer removed b these methods in institutions at great expense and time the public does not know these facts in speak ing of breast tumors 1 am very sorry to say that many women have had a breast sacrificed which was not at all necessary how does this happen a surgeon if he does not rtnd en largement of one or more glands in the axilla or nipple signs cannot tell whether t small growth in the breast is malignant or not some surgeons decide to operate and think that to be on the safe side it would be better to remove the whole breast and operate accordingly in the large hospitals at present quickfrozen sections can be made and the diagnosis of the growth determined cigarette papers none finer made n ors breast cervix fundus uteri stomach total cases 3s0 read 1er cert follow el- lost to follow its ro llss iks 2r7 lcs 1928 s4 1s27 192s 3j6 wao tectum i7 1s vc y 1929 olon o caecum ami sigmoid 191s 1929 90 83 1ago 4 1u surgery gynecology and obsteir what is meant here by cures are notc- 21 132 266 03 fcv 15 193 whats jury jrand about a grand the best of all shock absorbers is a sense of humor unless a man has scored at least one failure hes unable to appreciate so live that if you ever run for office not mere than threequarters of your campaign speakers will have to lie about you more food materials in plants that have deep rootage the shaft currently being sunk on the kirkland lake property of glen- ora gold mines has reached a depth of 188 feet officials report the station for the 150ft level has been completed and crosscutting is pro ceeding to the vein in gathering their food from the soil plants must be given the op portunity to have an extensive root system the composition of dry mat ter or that material in the common grains grown on the farm is made up of about three per cent of ma terials taken from the soil by the roots of the plants and about 97 pr cent of materials made from what the leaves take from the air notwithstanding the small propor tion supplied by the roots it is most important to consider because it regulates the amount made from what the leaves lake from the air it would be fair to say that for each three pounds supplied hy the roots the leaves can supply 97 pounds if the roots can secure only a pound and a half where they once secured three pounds the leaves will secure only the half of 97 pounds if the roots are enabled to secure six pounds where they once secured but three pounds the leaves are able to secure twice 97 pounds and there is twice as much product this shows the importance of the actions of the vootr themselves as well as the im- portance of supplying them with an abundance of food materials for the proper functioning of the plants a deep and extensive root system is especially important and cultivation and fertilizing should be conducted with this end in view during the grain forming period the roots arc being impoverished of food materials as these are being moved to the grain and the function of water is to keep the plant in a living condition that the leacs can function properly and keep them from drying out the water at this time carries no food but a supply is a necessary for the plant as it is for an animal blondes react badly to dentists gas according to dr donald blach- ley in the british medical journal such patients usually being prostrat ed after the administration mistress bridget i told you to let me have a glass of hot water the very first thing every morning bridget sure maam and i did i brung it up and left it at the door last night i lid so as you would have it in time this morning it is reported that campaign funds are so difficult to obtain this year that there will be a sharp curtail ment in the number of political speeches if this is true it will be one blow the public can bear up under very well detective is that loafer son of yours at home mrs murphy mrs murphy hes just gone for a ride with a couple of fellows that are going to give him a job praise be s detective whats that youre say ing about a ride and a job mrs murphy well i heard one of the fellows tell mike they was takin him for a ride to give him the works the chief objection to getting something for nothing is that it takes so much more work than working for it cures at all or at least but very few are real cures it means that the pa tients are still living suppose tha we admit that these pa tients were not seen early surely good percentage of these must ha gone to their physicians when the dls ease was in the early stages but the disease was not recognized tlie importance of early diagnosis is in my estimation so very important that having seen so many mistakes by tlie family physician and having dis covered in the histories of so many patients that these patients were first treated for other conditions and tiiat the true nature of their complaint was not recognized it seems necessary for me now to present ttiesj facts i cannot blame tile family physlciap for not discovering cancer in many cases at an earlier date the family physician in many cases does not see cancer until it is far advanced we admit that and as a rule he docs not see many cases in a year and is not well acquainted with tlie various forms which may appear in any place in the body even eludes the 2tbay some physicians like the public have an idea that if the xray does not show cancer it does not exist re peatedly we have seen cancer in the abdomen and pelvis that existed but tlie xray showed nothing it is im- nossihle on account of the location often show cancer by xray it is also impossible in the early stages for the xray to show cancer even in good positions in abdominal cases exploratory operations often clear up tlie diagnosis in abdominal cases we have seen numbers of rectal cases that were xrayed which shov d nothing and these patients were treated then by the family physician for haemor rhoids or mucous colitis and numbers of patients were treated for anaemia had a proper physical and rectal ex amination been made these diseases would have been easily diagnosed tlie important thing for an exact diagnosis is to remove a small piece of the growth and have it sectioned in a pathological laboratory i cannot stress tlie great importance of biopsy and our pathologists arc at present so efficient in fcir diagnoses that the possibility of making an error is almost nil on numbers of occasions i have sent speci mens to different laboratories and the diagnoses were always practically the sa mo about 25 per cent of small growths of the breast arc malignant the chance of error in diagnosis in many of these cases is great and often very difficult it is very important to women so i present a few points and facts that inside of eight to ten minutes a pa tient simply lias the growth removed and widle under a light anaesthetic waits until a report is had from the pathologist if tlie report is non- malignant the surgeon does not re move the breast if malignant then the whole radical operation of the breast is made in country districts and the smaller hospitals where they have not a competent person to make the diagnosis of tlie frozen section this cannot be done biopsy scrvlco necessary operations on the breasts of women if the women do not want to sacrifice a breast and have a very extensive operation should not be done outside of a large hospital where a quick- frozen section of the growth can be made 1 realize that this information will not be gratefully received by some surgeons where they have not this biopsy service at iiand but neverthe less these are indisputable facts and t ey should be known 1 am sure that i any women would much prefer to have a minor operation and would not hesitate so much the patient hesi tates to have her whole breast removed ml f that reason does not consult the family physician early consider able ink may be used in bringing to tlie attention of th people tlie great importance of early diagnosis but when it is so difficult to makexi diagnosis in l- ny early cases especially internal cases would it not be wise for people who hae the least suspicion of having cancer to be examined by specialists who se so many ciisct and all forms of this disease in conclusion 1 might state that there is a cancer commission fund of s 120000 vould it not be good plan to utilize a small art of that money in having paid wellqualified special ists appointed by the commission to examine any one who might suspect cancer or cases referred by tlie family physician as suspicious need of cancer clinics in orcr u exaniln a person for can eer there shoul- be a family history t ken bloo counts and x-rays- be sides all the other physical examination according to the location where cancer may be suspected the importance of experience in the rgnnsis of cancer is one of the great requisites necessary to make an early diagnosis wo have excellent tubercular clinics where -ixai-in- tions are made by spe cialists in their line why should there not e cancer clinics entirely for diag nosis that time must come and it should come soon north waterloo boy scouts thisj calgary elks own scout troop summer are camping on their new a jovolume library of books on 05aere camp site on the grand scouting has been purchased by the river j north bay scout association for the j use of local scout leaders his eminence cardinal villcncuvc j at a recent rally of quebec catholic scouts we must thank lord baden- powell for founding the boy scout movement there is no doubt that he is one of the greatest of psy chologists and must have under stood boys perfectly four hundred niagara falls boy scouts and 300 girl guides attended the annual open air scout- guide sunday service at queen victoria memorial park the boys and girls were addressed by provincial com missioner w j cairns and by g barrett rich of the national coun cil of the boy scouts of america a first aid station in calgarys first house an old log cabin on st georges island is being vised on sunday afternoons and other days when large crowds are in the park by an ambulance crew of the 4th if you really want to know how children should be brought up ask any spinster prospective farm buyer from the city i suppose id better buy roll ing land so the crops wont have any trouble rotating tifetone high spud mti jcut imfiiio there might be a bit more peace and contentment in this world if men didnt take their politics and women their religion quite so seriously first farmer i suppose your daughter takes settin up exercises a lot since she came home from takin that physical culture course second farmer i should say so she sets up all evening and with a different boy friend every night and youll jump out of bed iu the morning rarin to go tho hrcr should ponr oat two pounds ot liquid btlo into your bowels daily it this bile is not flowing freely your food doesnt digest it just decays in the bowels gas bloats up your blomacb you tret constipated harmful poisons ko into tho body and you fed tour sunk and tho world looks punk a mcrebowclmovement docsntftlwayatret at the cause you need som thing that works on the liver as well it takes those kood old carters little liver tills to ret these two pounds of bile flowins freely and make you feci up and up harmless and jrentlc they make the bile how freely they do the work of calomel but have no calomel or mercury in them ask for carter little liver pills by name stubbornly refuse any thine else 2sc jerry if your father knew what kind of a life youre living he would turn over in his grave harry oh no he wouldnt jerry you dont mean to infer that he would approve harry jo but he was cremated anadian- idea in use of salt of the lowcost secondary highway type states a f gill of the na tional research council consist of a clay bond in admixture with coarse minerals so proportioned and graded as to give maximum density under the compressive effect of traffic the properties of tlie clay are improved by an admixture of certain chemi cals notably calcium chloride and salt calcium chloride has been in use for many years as a dust layer its use in integrally mixed stabilized roads is a comparatively new devel opment and tho use of salt still more recent investigators claim that the salt has two major effects it re tards the evaporation of moisture when the load is first laid and the growth of salt crystals as the road eventually dries out tends to dimin ish shrinkage and cracking of the clay bond the latter is an import ant feature as the elimination of shrinkage tends to prevent ravelling of the mineral aggregates under power traffic as a feature of plans to beautify the town of ialleche sask local boy scouts this spring assisted the ia lleche board of trade in the plant ing of over 1000 trees along the streets more than 000 scouts of 20 troops and cub packs of northwestern tor- oronto took part in the annual dis trict scout jamboree held on tne york memorial collegiate grounds shields for highest points were won by the 80th a scout troop and 90th wolf cub pack the scouts of mervin sask have assumed the duty of assuring suffic ient water for spruce trees recently planted in the towns memorial park the boys alternate on the job each week classified advertising atto accessories sunday school teacher severely willie you shouldnt talk like that to your playmate had you ever thought of heaping coals of fire on his head willie no maam i hadnt but its a peach of an idea directly and indirectly salt plays i an important part in the agricultural industry for example apart from personal use it is fairly well known that about a million and a half lbs a scotchman swooned after paying for htving his shoes shined because he happened to think that he had his brothers shoes on blustering customer now no talk please i dont want any hair restorer scalp invigorator dandruff killer or shaving soap i want a shave only no massage rubdown or any thing else im not interested in boxing racing baseball the stock market or barber working at the next chair excuse me sir will you kindly write it on this slate hes deaf and dumb a woman is a person who thinks the greatest of all luxuries is plenty of hot water consumers societies in sweden now own nearly 4000 shops and stores issue no 30 36 id the greatest boon money brings to any of us is the privilege of pri vacy kmlly post in the good old days writes the new york times new york city sixty years ago was a much more uncomfortable place in the summer temperatures tho new york times reported a pleasant breeze tempering tho 99 degrees of heat on july 10 187g but the city had many more of its people living in the dumbbell tenements fevver breathing spaces no rapid transit the city in common with the rest of the country had a longer working day by several hours and that helps ac mew and used car and truck parts shipped everywhere satis faction guaranteed or money refunded prompt attention to enquiries levy auto parts head office 735 queen st west toronto ladies heaeii haikdbessing pomplete course s50 inxluoes room and board tones hairdressihg school listowel ont ritms developed any roll film developed and printed 25c coin reprints 10 for 25c windsor photo finishers 102 wel lington st windsor ont educational rjiesel engineering study immediately big field new book now ready write today for circular general publishing co toronto aoents attention 1xing edwards r1rthday june jt 23rd attractive photo buttons 250 100 or 40c dozen you sell 10c each tanscy co 2194 melrose mont real husky chicks fbom bio eggs 25- 33 ounce eggs selected from our own bloodtested 6- pound whlto leghorn 2yearold hens free catalogue gerald hegadorn poultry farm route 3 kingston ont insects ektesminated nedbugs cockroaches ants u moths lice ticks guaranteed ex termination with derpo puffer pack age scc druggists or dcrpo products toronto of salt are used annually in cana- u dian poultry and live stock feeds and j coun for the appalling casualty lists over five million pounds in canadian w a heat wave would pile up a good many years after 1876 pros trations running up into the hundreds deaths into the scores were a com monplace fruit and vegetable preparations ev ery year but the application of salt in making roads of the kind particu larly beneficial to farmers is not so familiar the use of salt in road- making is a canadian idea which is eing widely adopted in other coun tries as the result of experiments originating in the province of nova scotia following the experiments in nova scotia laboratory work was carried out by tlie national research coun- i of canada and by mcgill uni versity and subsequently the amat- tcr was taken up by the united states during the past three years considerable mileages of saltestab lished roads have been laid in the provinces of ontario and quebec as well as in the united states these roads which are essentially 1000 reward for any corn or callous that cannot be removed by the new scientific lloyds thymolatcd corn salve this new salve removes corns and callouses in 3 to 5 day thymolatcd corn salve desen sitizes corns and callouses with the flrftt application send 45c for a largo pack age postpaid lloyd chemical laboeatobies 72 hnbbarl blvd toronto dept w worth american land and minerals ltd bought sold quoted send for complete analysis regal securities corporation limited 45 richmond st w toronto propebty tob sale curnished house so acres land station close good business opening bargain llvelys chudlelgh ontario bicycle and auto tibe babgains c34fl up bicycles 52 up auto- i u niobllo tires freo catalogue transportation prepaid peerless 195 dundas west toronto photogbaphy vour roll films developed printed with free enlargement 25c photocraft 1s33 king east toronto the shows how to read character from jin nd writing at a glance 10c prepaid graphologist room 421 73 adelaide st w toronto torture stopped ih w mlnuu for quick relief from the itchinc ol pimples blotches eczema athletes foot rashes and other skin eruptions apply dr dennis cool ing antiseptic liquid d d d prescbipiiom its cntle oils soothe the irritated skin clear greascless and stainless dries fast stops the most intense itching instantly a 35c trial bottle proves it or money back recommended at dnic tores for forty years ask for it 19 ddd pajztcjiz7zot to end pain rub in minards checks colds taken in ternally ends skin blemishes at druggists in regular and new large economy sues w 1