warns against taking oneself too seriously pet vanities indulged in pri vate probably do no harm th late dwight morrow served on the international marine transport council in london during the last year of the war one day he had reason to call upon sir james mac- lay the british minister of shipping when he reached sir james office a senior clerk was showing what dis astrous consequences must follow from failure to adopt some course which he advocated presently sir james said quietly to him be care- f 1 you arc forgetting rule number six the clerk immediately took up his papers and left the room pres ently morrow asked and what is rule number six oh said sir james rule number six is dont take yourself too seriously that answered morrow sounds a good rule what are the others and the answer was there arent any there are other rules of course but this particular rule covers a good deal of the ground there are few of us who can afford not to ponder it i expect indeed that on some point or other we all take our selves too seriously we have our ret vanities and so long as we in dulge them in private perhaps no great harm is done but when they begin to make us self important in public it is time to take notice it is rather remarkable how much attent ion is paid to this matter in the new testament st paul warns his con verts not to think of themselves more highly than they ought to think and to think others better than oneself and there is one word which occurs again and again some dozen times i think in his writings and it is perhaps the one word of slang which has found itself in the english new testament for a slang word it must have been originally certainly it bears the mark of slang new testament slang word it is the word puffedup and it reminds us at once of the frog in aesops fable that so inflated itself with air in order to look big that it burst its skin perhaps one is more exposed to this condition in the field of religious life where actually it is more deadly to the soul than anywhere else certainly the fre quency of the word in the new testament suggests that there was a good deal of it in the young christian church a religious experience does no doubt induce a mood of exaltion and it is proper that it should do so the danger is that the exalted per son may be led to suppose that his experience is unique and that he has entered into a cirde of privilege from which his neighbors are shut out until at least they have pass ed through the identical experience themselves it is of people of this kind that ruskin speaks in sesame and lilis where he is explaining the meaning of the word puffedup converted children who teach their parents converted thieves who teach honest men converted dunces who after spending half a lifetime in a cretinous stupefaction suddenly be coming aware of the existence of god forthwith suppose themselves to be his chosen apostles and prophets most of all in religious life it is usual to forget rule number six dr richard roberts in the new out look tadio sets m in experiments how to make iced tea info six hoplas ttupoom of sub bttck tt in pint of froh boilin wattf after six nlnvta strain liquid into twoquart container while hot add 1v4 cop of wuulettd ttijer end the juice of 2 lemoai ssf well unlit iiw h dissolved fill container with cold water do sot allow tooto cool bofon odditis tho cold water otherwise liquid will become cloudy sen with chipped ice a chicago short wave experi ments in which six medical students were used as human radio sets were described recently by the coun cil on physical terapy of the ameri can medical assocation the students acted ns radio receivers they were tuned in on broad casts from short wave transmitters which destroy disease germs by creat ing artificial fever in patients the experiments announced in the a m a journal were undertaken to settle a controversy over whether some wavelengths heated some body tissues better than others a trans- mittet with u 12 18 and 24 metre wavelengths was used the students received tho current first through brass cuffs on their legs and then from an electromagnetic field thermometer needles were pushed into their muscle and power ranging from 400 t j 800s watts turned on after each wavelength was tried temperatures of the skin tissues be neath the skin and muscles were ob served the heat in oach case was approximately the same regardless of wavelength chicago pretty dorothy blum enshine 11yearold school girl ob ject of a widespread search by 500 volunteers who feared she might havc- been slain was found by a chicago times reporter missing from her home for nine days the daughter of dr emil blu- menshine a veterinarian of washing ton 111 dorothy told the newspaper she came to chicago on an impulse because she wanted to go to work in a copyrighted story the paper said the girl had obtained a job as a housemaid and had expected to go to work she explained she had been on a party with another girl and five boys and that her first highball went to her head after she was revived and returned to her home she feared parental reprimand and suddenly de cided to go to chicago i hate the thought of going back to washington she said explaining she had asked her newfound friends eleanor and florence kolek to re turn home with her and try to per suade her father to permit her to work here a belief that dorothy possibly had come to chicago was expressed by of ficials of tazewell county in which washington a city of 1700 popula tion 150 miles southwest of here is situated after bloodhounds had traced her from her home to a peoria-chi- cago highway two blocks distant there the trail stopped dorothy said she obtained a job as a waitress the morning she arrived but i didnt suit that restaurant nan she said he bawled me out for putting the coffee cups on the wrong side and then customers didnt seem to care for the sort of service i gave them i didnt collect a single tip all day the restaurant man bawled me out again about something or other i just up and quit and i didnt col lect a dime from him in wages either that night she related she met eleanor kolek 18 who took her home ive been living at her house ever since dorothy said large for her age dorothy said she had tired of the humdrum existence of a small town her only excite ment she said had been a movie once a week those movies taught me about the city and friends told me gorge ous stories about chicago life new yorks beggar writes the new york sun have warm clays thawed the beggars out and brought them to the streets or have the police driven them from the subway stations to the sidewalks some powerful influence has increas ed their numbers in tho open they accost the citizen on his way to work they descend upon him in his nooning if he chooses to saunter instead of rush they assail him as he takes his way homeward as for the windowshopper the comfort has been extracted from his study of styles radio parts hard ware travel displays haberdashery savings bank announcements fire works and firewater and all other in teresting things the shops offer to beguile and allure the beggars are a tribe unmistak able they arc net honest men out of work the victims f hard times or hard luck they practice their call ing with professional facility and persistence in a manner that stamps them at once their approach is not without a trace of threat they will bully if they dare their whine is their concession to caution better housing aids industry mayor of liverpool tells of double advantage in slum clearance toronto although unem ployed residents of the liverpool slums began keeping fish in the bath tubs of the sparkling new homes provided for them in the citys re cent housing scheme the surround ings soon raised the general stand ard of living and reduced unemploy ment h j hall lord mayor of liverpool eng said here recently youll have trouble finding a bricklayer or a joiner in liverpool today who is looking for a job he continued the 150000 men women and children who were placed in thci municipallybuilt homes soon felt a need for furniture men began to look more closely for work those who found it bought furniture and the industry was aided income tax return in us increased washington secretary mor- genthau of the treasury said recently that united states income tax collec tions during the first 15 days of the month of june showed an increase of slightly over is per cent over the com parable period last year what may be called theory is much more important than most modern people who pride themselves the depression has brought the world face to face with the realities yf true living evangeline booth fast selling profitable lines household insect spray or rowdcr deodor spray liquid incense grit- less hand soap paste or powder and many oiherw liberal trial order and particulars 9100 prepaid hoeeocks company windsor ont keep slim with tonton prescription tablets an aid to body chemical balance a helpful prepar ation to eliminate waste mater ial price 9100 and 8300 per box out of town customers send money with order tonton products herd solo dis tributors for the dominion of canada box 132 station h 14a st catherine st west montreal ottawa will supply two- thirds of 562000 re quired for program toronto with cooperation of the dominion the ontario gov ernment will build 5g2000 worth of roads into northern ontario mining camps hon paul leduc minister of mine s announced re cently the dominion will contribute twothirds or 375000 mr leduc said work will be started this summer though all roads planned may not be completed this year as the money may not hold out work schedule includes a road from dog hole bay to the pickle crowcentral patricia area a road from beardmore into the sand river area repair and improvement on the road from new liskeard into elk lake and matachewan a onemile road connecting red lake gold mine with water transportation of the road into delnite mines repairing roads serving park hill miivco dar win and other mines in the michi- piccten area communications with the stanley mine will be improved and a road will he built into fish siding on the canadian national railways to stur geon lake parts of the road be tween gourdreau and lochalsh arc to be improved and a road built into the woman lake district improve ment of the road fiom collins bay to the chrominum mine at ononga lake is also on the progrwi the road from elk lak to gow- gaida and tyrell township will be improved the wcndigo mine will he opened up by a road from the ienorafort frances liighwny a riud will be built fom jack pino to sturgeon river the graphochart shows how to read character from handwriting at a glance 10e prepaid graphologist room 421 73 adelaide st w toronto london newspaper slates red cross under a ghastly confession the london newschronicle says edi torially in march last abyssinia made an appeal to the international red cross committeo for gas masks the committee astonishingly re fused the reason is now disclosed to supply gas masks says the com mittee would have caused the inter national red cros3 committee to go outside its proper role the refusal to supply them has caused thousands of men women and children to die in excruciating tor tures to prevent that one wtfuld have thought was well within the power role of a professedly humani tarian committee some people would call a humanitarianism so limited by another name writes the woodstock sentinelre view remarking upon the factor ot publicity in relation to the wide spread interest and sympathy arous ed by tho plight of the men entomb ed in the moose river mine some weeks ago the sentinelreview re called that in france during the war trench caveins or shellfire buried men every day for years some were res cued many not but the incidents were not of course broadcast dr robertson of the moose river party had been with the 1st canadian bat talion in the war and doubtless in jeopardy for much longer periods than he spent in tho mine but in those days the holocaust was upon so gi gantic a scale as to baffle the imagina tion on this point one finds in the may number of the legionary an article by will r bird in which the blow ing of montreal crater is described he writes the blowing of this crat er entombed many of the enemy who had taken refuge in the bombardment dugouts and for hours the next day workers from the spot the tapping noises coming from under the tons of mud and debris that the explosion had hurled over the entrances the canadians traced the sounds to a small area and started to dig but the rescue could not be effected as the enemy shelled and bombed the workers from th spot the tapping grew fainter and finally ceased as the entombed men perished for lack of air from the same issue of the legion ary we quote a related but more cheerful paragraph appearing upon the editorial page the courage devotion and energy of the brave men who rescued dr robertson and mr scadding were be yond all praise it is with pleasure therefore that we recall to members of tho oanadian legion that three of those heroes george morrell now a national figure george fraser and joseph dakens draegermen who broke through the debris to reach the entombed men are members of the stellarton branch of the legion ex- soldiers who servod their country well 20 years ago they demonstrated that tho bravery which characterized them in france continues with them the canadian legion is proud to have such men within its ranks special medals commemorating the maiden voyage of britains greatest marine masterpiece the rms queen mary and 90 years of progress in ocean travel were recently presented to two aged nova scotian women the presentation was made in the council chamber government house halifax by the hon a s macmillan minister of highways and this photograph shows premier angus macdonald of nova scotia congratulating mrs fanny lenoir 103 the only living person to have set foot on the first cunarder britannia on her maiden arrival at halifax in 1840 beside mrs lenoir sits mrs loring w bailey 04 the oldest living client of the cunard line who was a passenger in the cambria in 184 both these charming old ladies have long been residents of halifax birthplace of sir samuel cunard founder of the cunard steamship company cunard white star photo face crop failure for third year bismarck nd drought sear ed spring wheat fields in portions of north and south dakota last week threatening crop failures for the third successive year in north dakota leading spring wheat producing state observers saw in prevailing conditions a repetition ot the 1934 drought last year the rust ruined many acres of wheat three other states in the spring wheat belt were optimistic nebraska termed us crop in fine shapo min nesota and iowa prospects were list ed as fair to good national prestige is a reputation for tht will to war a a milne increased mental efficiency means increased earning capacity you can learn to think positively and constructively you can learn to con centrate and cultivate a powerful memory you can overcome inferi ority complex and learn to live suc cessfully let us show you how the institute of practical and applied psychology 910 confederation montreal buixbino qaimo issue no 26 36 23 name albatross selected for 4engine type of monoplanes london the albatross is the name selected for the new four-en- gined monoplane two of which have been ordered by the air ministry for experimental flights across the at lantic ocean from the operational point of view these flights will be among the most important that have ever been made for they will enable information to be collected upon tho relative values of flying boat and fast landplane for long distance oversea commercial services the fust test flights are expected to be made towards the end of the year and when the airplanes have completed their performance trials they will be tried experimentally over the atlantic the airplanes will have a maximum speed of nearly 250 miles per hour and will be able to cruise at more than 200 mph yet they are large machines with a gross weight of 25- 000 pounds each and each powered with four gipsy 12 cylinder engines they are monoplanes of exceptional ly clean lines and embody the latest devices for reducing drag and obtain ing tho highest possible efficiency from the power available careful comparisons will be made between the results achieved by these fast landplanes and the new flying boats at the present moment opinion is almost equally divided as to which type is the better for long distance ocean journey but there is also a body of opinion which holds that there is room for both types the original argument that the flying boat was a necessity in order to eliminate the risk of accidents if the machine is forced to alight on the water has lost its force because modern multi engined airplanes are able to fly with any engine stopped and to maintain height without very marked loss of speed youll see colorful crochet on every hand says laura wheeler crocheted gloves pattern 778 children under 12 years of age are forbidden by law to act in british film studios france has nearly 9000000 wo men earning their own living about 2000000 run their own farms theres colorful crochet for every hand this season says laura wheeler whos designed these gloves for quick crochet crochet cotton makes the hands of simple mesh cuffs in lacy stitch while dainty roses are sewn on for extra- chic pattern 778 contains directions for making the gloves in a small medium and large size all given in one pattern illustrations of the gloves and of stitches used material requirements send 20 cents in stamps or coin coin preferred for this pattern to wilson publishing co 73 w adelaide toronto write plainly pattern number your name and address canal traffic shows big increase for may sault ste marie ont traf fic through canadian and american canals here in may was 2725281 tons greater than in may 1935 and was the largest for may since 1930 the total traffic for the season up to end of may was 8740578 tons or 1873- 529 greater than for same period last year this increase developed in spite of late start of season and in spite of fact only one vessel passed through canals up to end of april in contrast to 20 in april 193g hcesfsis b u c k 1 h 9 h a riv r in e ci it designed sales books for cash and charge sales 9 the new burt sales book improved nonsmudge carbon improved paper improved quality throughout manufactured by the originators of sales books for prices and complete particulars phone the office of this newspaper or writ the wilson publishing co limited 73 adelaide st w toronto