womans world by mair m morgan strawberries are in do you remember the oldfashioned strawberry jam that was given to us as children something so dark- colored so rich and sweet that there tks hardly any real strawberry flavor left and a little of that old- fashioned jam went a long way or tlse one got a stomach ache that strawberry jam was made by such longboiling methods that it lost much of its flavor as it depended up on the sugar to make it thick but now strawberry jam may be a thing of beauty both in looks and in taste that gorgeous fresh strawberry flavor is retained because of bottled fruit pectin which calls for such short boiling that even the lovely color and shape of the berries can be retained and as for strawberry jelly our grandmothers would have said straw berry jelly was an impossibility or at least a miracle as strawberry juice couldnt be made to jell wouldnt she be astonished to see and taste the strawberry jelly the modern house wife can make it is one the high lights of the jam cupboard and how- good it is all year with hot biscuits or with soft cream cheese on toast did you ever taste strawberry jam or jelly with devonshire or clotted cream that is a last course that will give any hostess a reputation for smart desserts strawberry jelly 4 cups 2 lbs juice imt cups 3u lbs sugar 1 bottle fruit pectin use only fully ripened berries crush thoroughly and drip through jelly bag do not drip overnight as uncooked juice ferments quickly measure juice and sugar into large saucepan stir and bring to a boil at once add pectin stirring constant ly and then bring again to a full rolling boil and boil hard m minute remove from fire let stand 1 min ute skim pour quickly cover hot jelly with film of hot paraffin when jelly is cold cover with vs inch of hot paraffin roll glass to spread paraf fin on sides requires about 3 quarts berries makes about 11 eightounce glasses a few weeks later along come the raspberries and this recipe may again be used for raspberry jelly asparagus dishes asparague rine with chicken salad a molded ring of asparagus in gelatine or aspic jelly the centre fill ed with chicken or chicken and ham salad is an attractive and delightful dish for refreshments for afternoon or evening or for a guest luncneor or supper it is also a great advant age to the busy housewife as it may be prepared the day before if pre pared in form of individual rings it is quite professional looking as well as very- dainty asparagus hotpot this is layers of cold holed pota toes cooked asparagus and tiny dice of cold cooked lamb between the lay ers with thick well seasoned cream sauce bake in a hot ivcn until heated well through and brown on the top asparagus siortcake mike your regular baking pwder biscuits in huge sixes when baited split butter cover lower half wti hot creamed asparagus put top on buttered side up cover with mora ot die creamed vegetable mixture rprinkle with grated cheese an 1 pa- piika and place under the toiler for j moment until cheese is mrdtsj asparagus cold platter asparagus with mayonnaise placid in the centre of the platter slices of bardcoo egg and tiny liotimw fif cucumber cubes or of mustard pickes i a delicious to look at a to eat this weeks winners we use this recipe for making our orangeade at our ball games socials and picnics orange drink c oranges 3 lemons 1 oz tartaric acid 9 cups white sugar 12 cups boiling water slice up the oranges and lemons with the skin on put in acid and sugar pour on boiling water leave stand in a crock for 24 hours strain and seal in sterilized jars yours sincerely mrs earle pretty rr- 4 lanark out rhubarb drink 1 lb rhubarb 3 quarts water 1 lemon 3 u cups white sugar cook rhubarb in three quarts water until soft strain and add 1 lemon li cups white sugar when cold makes very refreshing drink mrs hoover baker ave stouffeville ont attention we will pay 100 on publication for the best salad dish or refresh ing drink recipe received how to enter contest plainly write or print out the in gredients and method and send it to gether with name and address to household science room 421 73 wist adelaide street toronto stars meet stars tie w old days looking over some old papers we noticed the report of a wedding 3t vears ago and at that time it was customary to publish a list of the pre sents given to the bride observes the peterborough examiner in the list were two pickle dishes and a kruet stand people do not give kruet stands today and it is not likely the pickle dish is as popular as it was some years ago the pickle dish always stood up straight there was a glass container on a silver base and a handle running up over the top and at the side was a place for a pair of tongs or pincers with a clawlike arrangement at the end the glass container was generally green or pink the pickle dish never got worn out from being used too much it gener ally stood on the sideboard and it was much handier to put the pickles in a dish and spear them with a fork but the kruet dish stand did come in for more use it was like an ele vated cake plate flat on top with places tor a salt and pepper dish and for the vinegar and generally room for another to hold mustard or any such thing when it got put in the centre of th e table it looked as though the table were partly set already but it generally needed a fair amount of shining to keep it from tarnish ing and it made people at the far end of the table do a lot of reaching both the kruet stand and the pickle dish had quite a run in the season ot weddings we dare say a good many homes could produce the kruet stand from the top shelf today they never came in handy for anything else not like a spoon holder the spoon holder could he used for a long time and as there were always spoons to be held the holder was useful then after a spell when the children came the spoon holder was often a good thing to use when came to biting through tile first teeth the child could nut swallow the thing nor could it possibly get the spoon holder down its throat to produce choking and if it fell on the door it would not break probably thats why the spoon holder outlived the kruet stand and the pickle dish if you go on being reactionery long enough you will always find that you have become revolutionary g k chesterton stars of the motion pictures recently presented awards to the stars of the aquatic world at swim ming meet held in los angeles cal pictured left to right as awards were made are norene roruos olivia tie haviiand jean bennett gordon warner who set breast stroke record sonja heme and ruby keeler flattering heres a perfect town or coun try dress that will flatter you no matter what your age the cape sleeves with plaits cut in one with the yoke it but tons up to youthful rever neck line it is onchantingly lovely in violet and white or navy and white dotted swiss nothing looks cooler or fresher on a warm summers dav it is practical too for it will tub and tub and always come up smiling to the bitter end h will be easy on your budget style no 2084 is designed for sizes 10 is years 30 38 40 42 44 and 40inches bust it takes only 3 3s yards of 35inch ma terial linen and linenlike weave sheer voile prints cotton lace tub pastel silks etc are other popular suggestions ir patterns and address how to qrd write your name plainly giving number and size of pattern wanted enclose 15c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully and address your order lo wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide street toronto fu manchu by sax rohmer tate him out ho u not dead i said after a quiet llook at tho mastiff i and hurryl cried istrnh ib1 we vcro not mcieslod as we loft that haunted plice j no sound disturbed i the now porfect still mm wo must see that the villain docs not escape ex- elaimod the rev j d eltham will you attend to caesar dr potrie his laco was hard end sot tho fighting missionary onco more dcnby had joined us and edwards the gardener ci6 t r- so no skittish young things allowed spinsters eligible for member ship in wives club must be at least 25 skittishness is definitely not ap proved of in croydon eng women there at least married women- like to ho taken seriously this has loakd out because a wives club has been started in croy don under the auspices of the yw ca spinsters ar nsc eligib for item- bership but here is the rub they must say they are more than 2o years old and thev rrif loo- it when we held our inaugural meeting the married women said they did not want anyone too young and skittish in the club the secretary said membership they decided will be confined to ladies who have sober ed down a little a minimum age of 25 was fixed for spinsters wishing to join when asked if spinsters must pro duce their birth ceritficates before joining miss howey replied of course not we just look at them well if they seem to be 25 wc admit them miss howey said she could not de scribe that over25 look the spinsters ot croydon however are apparently fighting shy of the club many married women have joined but no spinster the club is holding a dance soon and whisper it members may be come just a wee bit skittish on that occasion woman mp speaks to gra duating class of ottawa ladies college ottawaagnes macphail uf olabor gieybruce first woman member of the house of commons and a member for 12 years recently gave her four point philosophy of life 1 cut out nonessentials dont do things which are no use to you and give neither help or joy to others dont belong to clubs that are of no value to anybody and waste time and energy and make you less effective by blurring your per sonality 2 be natural polish the natural but do not distort it all great souls are natural and simple 3 do not rely completely on any other human being however dear we meet all lifes greatest tests alone 4 live in the present yesterday is gone tomorrow has not arrived live today dont live for today only but in today speaking to the graduating class of ottawa ladies college at a pri vate dinner recently miss macphail said life is a great teacher but so slowly do we learn life is nearly- over before we have found out how- to live that is the best argument i know of the need of a world beyond she urged the girls in deciding what to do in life to follow what the unresting urge suggests yes compels we have many vrges but one which persists and should be obeyed it is the voice of instinct of intuition wiser far than reasoned conclusion the greatest joy in life is deep satisfaction in work a feeling of fulfilment through it the money pay ment is quite secondary if ones iield is well chosen and one is faithful in that field eariier in her address miss mac phail told her audience one of the great tasks of the young is to keep their ideals whole and untarnished as they grapple with life and meet the disillusonment and cynicism of those older new england farmers stub- frank palmer in yankee new england farmers arc a born lot who think in terms of hay ant gar den plot who seldom care for loveliness a whit but live in beauty unaware of it to them a robins muted notes arc shrill and timber hill the fruited vine mean piquant wooded tree or grows upon and purpleladen cider effervescent and jelly in the applesauce crock while growing corn is fodder on the stalk but something moves a farmer now and then which makes him seem like more esthetic men for always in the spring ho takes a stroll across tin greening field or up the knoll and then with no good reason why he should he makes a beeline toward the near est wood but should you find him there hed cast his eye along his timber standing straight and high or should he think your curious hed say he feared his acres might have blown away and you not he would be the one who found a million mayfiowers pink upon the ground british interest rate canadians who feel disappointed at the reduction of interest on de posit accounts to one and onehalf per cent may derive some consola tion from the fact that the rate paid by british banks is only onehalf ner cent st thomas timesjournal literary fly this fellow was possessed of eonsiderable talent i shall have to read another page not really bad rehabilitation some of the 2000 crippled and blind men and women who gathered recently in griffith park los angeles to launch international movement to make place for themselves in industries puzzled searchers unruly boys often of t who are cranwed bv routine ne he is so affectionate that i cant understand why he is so stubborn he will do far more when pponle are pleasant and ask him nicely than when hes commanded how often do mothers of recalci trants sigh these words they were puzzled fifty years ago by the fact that no one understood their hot headed sons they were still puzzling a decade ago before the word psycho logy iumped out of the dictionary at us but the worst of it is that the bewildered mother of the stubborn unruly bey is still aona with her problem he continues to be regarded by teacher father neighbor and friend as a bad bay on one side of him in school may sit a smug little girl who r her sisters letter on the other side possibly is a boy who bullies 1ttle fellows yet butter wont met in their mouth and they yesm the teacher and are never late mother sole defender our henry who wouldnt stoop to either but sits on his shoulder blades and often right under the teachers nose so he can shoot spit bails is considered a heartbreak and a no- good by almost every member of or ganized society except his mother wei mothers are blind wc have to acknowledge this at least they develop astigmatisms but most of them are pretty sharp too and shrewd when it comes to certain characteristics in their young and there is something so consistent in their plaint about this fellow that no body understands and about its hav ing stood the test of the centuries without a dent that the others cant be right all the time he is seldom a routine child that means he belongs to a class of human beings who become restless incapacitated and really unhappy by a tooregular program and too much conformity while we have to live and work in a routine world undeni ably there are some whose tempera ment cannot stand it it would interest the public to know- how many really great people live entirely disorganized lives regular mealtime bedlime and work hours stifle them as well as community habit or whatever is expected they fit into no known pattern but other wise are hard workers generous and nearly always affectionate however if there is too much pres sure for their own temperamental happiness they store up a tremen dous amount of restless resentment and resentment usually means out breaks and trouble beware critics beware reformers this is analyzing henry not bat tling for him that would undo one of the essentials credited in charac ter building workhabit at least some conformity to routine and co operation must still be our guide to advise anything else is to encourage license and laziness but our true henry is not a bad boy he is a type he has a right to his own nature and usually he can be handled well by the astute and the sympathetic person who knows exactly what he is and the problems that face him ie many mothers do all they can t make their children smart hut not in the right place brandon sun a man gets back at his best friends when he kicks himself ottawa journal who pays 200000 losses in oats deal asks the regina leader- post now isnt that what taxpayers are for financial times it is said that senator borah neither drinks nor smokes so far as we knew the man has no redeem ing vice the argonaut prosperity may be said fo have arrived when there is a shine on the shoes instead of on the seat of the trousers london opi lion the worlds four outstanding dic tators stalin hitler mussolini and g b shaw are vegetarians pass the roast please brandon sun a london novelist is moving to a small island in the hebrides in search of peace maybe he has mistaken gulls for doves detroit news sault ste marie boasts of an old couple who live comfortably and npy their taxes on 30 a month of course they do not give many gar den parties peterborough kxam- iner one trusts that mr roosevelts remarks at baltimore were not lost on the youth of the land it must be strong and unafraid and a better taxpayer than its fathers barrons in frames new border fortresses more than 100000 men arc now tem porarily underground in wartim the man who is only temporarily underground is the lucky one bor- loii herald