stouffville ontario thursday may 28 1936 corn borer growers in counties under the corn borer act are urged to co operate with the inspectors and rot wait to be forced to clean up their fields they should remem her too that standing corn or long stubble cannot be plowed under completely by any plow used on the ordinary farm hence the standing corn must first be cut low with a hoo or mower or some other imple ment and then gathered and burned before plowing long stubble may be cut with a mower or be disced twice to break it up or a leveller com posed of four planks lapped one on the other and firmly nailed together may be run both ways over it or even a roadscraper may be used then the plowing should be done very carefully and a skimmer or chain used to roll the refuse into the furrow if proper care ana thought are given to the work very little handpicking will be necessary yellow label 28c h lb brown label 31c lb canada dry flavour beverages 2 large bottles 25c prince edward island seed potatoes hornes coffee fresh ground special 2 lbs 35c gardening special dutch settes per pound 5c wax paper in the handy cut ter pkg per box 10c picake or domestic shortening lb 12c table figs 3 packages 25c evaporated apples per lb 15c madarens jelly powders 6 p kgs 25c picnic shoulder per lb 19c fresh fish weekly fresh vegetables and fruits in season ratgliff co stouffville ontario look i let us clean your seed grain for you we have the best of machinery for such work also we can beard your barley so that it will feed through your drill evenly ask our prices on alfalfa red clover alsike timothy seed grain spring wheat barley no 1 malting also velvet and seed oats poultry feeds we have chick starter chick grit and all kinds of poultry supplies agricultural lime cement salt and land tile all sizes s w hastings the masons goat gait reformer may 5th 1s69 in every masonic lodge a live goat is an indispensible institution the men of the square and com pass say that it is all nonsense but the general public cant be hood winked that way it is not known to the public exactly what they do with it but rumors float around the village that the elora masonic lodge keeps a real live goat if a member ot the lodge is asked about it he answers that the accused goat belongs to mr dalby proprietor of the dalby house which of course as the public knows is just harm less way ot sidestepping the issue two weeks ago the masons billy wandered out on to the street saw the door of georgo prasers store open strolled in and spying some tempting corn proceeded to help himself mr fraser who was out for the moment returned to find his green corn disappearing and forthwith kicked billy out of the store and slammed the door behind him but instead of going away billy hung around and presently got his eye on some vegetables in the window of the same store and took a short cut to them by butting in the large square of glass in righteous indignation mr fraser smote him fore aud after with shoe leather and billy retreated down street fraser is not a mason ibut recognizing the animal as the one reputed to be the masons property he sent in a bill for the damage done to the local lodge the hill read irvine lodge in account with george fraser general store to one pane of glass broken by masons goat on april 7 75c report has it that the account gave rise to a heated argument at the next meeting of irvine lodge hut that a motion to pay the account was eventually carried notes comments suggestions for early summer buying voiles for summer wear dainty voiles in lovely floral patterns and in many delightful shades full yard width per yard 15c to 59c curtain materials have you considered replacing those wornout curtains on your windows this summer we are showing many new patterns and weaves in scrim marquisette tuscan lace etc also frilled curtain material by the yard all at very moderate prices 15 to 65c smart summer frocks new patterns in attractive designs these wash dresses are well made properly pro portioned and generous size trimmed in contrasting colours in all sizes 14 to 52 prices are 59c to 195 handbags and purses womens handbags in assorted shapes pouch and underarm styles with hand strap or carrying handles in pebbled or grained imitation leather change purse and mirror some with zipper pasteners in black navy or brown smart designs with metal ornaments 125 chamosuede fabric gloves plain pull on and fancy cuff gloves in delightfully new and attractive styles in white gray brown biege and black priced at 49c to 95c womens cotton underwear womens sleeveless vests made from line pure cotton with shoulder strap each 25c to 50c same with broad shoulder strap 35c womens cotton vests good quality v neck short sleeves each 29c to 45c womens cotton bloomers with elastic at waist and knee each 29c to 59c dainty collars one of these lovely collars would make your last years frock look like new they come in satin crepe pique and lace and moderately priced at each 29c to 125 womens and childrens ankle socks good quality cotton ankle socks in all colours and sizes per pair 15c 19c womens ankle hose fine quality 25c 39c mosquito netting green and white barred netting cover your windows now before the flies and mosquitos get in with this good quality netting per yard 12c plain netting yard 10c turkish towelling replenish your stock of towelling at this low price good quality towelling in striped patterns about 14 wide at per yard 15c about 16 wide per yard 18c to 29c new floor coverings printed linoleum 4 yards wide in at tractive patterns per yard 85c 90c congoleum tile pattern 3 yards wide best quality per running yard 195 floor oilcloth 1 yard 2 yards 2 12 yards per yard 50c feltol 2 yards wide per running yd 86c sunworthy wallpapers are the last word in wallpaper manufac ture yet they come at prices that all can afford the colours employed for the print ing of sunworthy are specially made by experts who are masters of their craft consequently sunworthy wallpapers retain their strength of hue and remain in har mony with rugs and draperies with which they have been selected to accompany make your selection from our large stock sun worthy wallpapers per single roll 10c up glassware for everyday use never before have we been able to show such values in crystal and coloured glass ware bowls salads pitchers and tumblers cake plates platters fruit servers cereal bowls creams and sugars and many other attractive dishes in crystal green and pink at astonishingly low prices col price announces his retirement wouldnt the conservative party and the electorate have seen to that that new customs regulation al lowing tourists in the us to bring back to canada goods to the value of100 without paying any duty is going to encourage truthfulness in the people of this country more than kissing the bible in court cases the travelling public will be in terested to learn that the railways have decided to reduce the first class passenger rates by approximately 13 per cent on june 1st thus bring ing them within range of the pre war level such a move will un doubtedly encourage people to travel by rail and the railwayswill benefit to that extent the surpris ing feature is that the powers con trolling the destinies of our great railway lines did not embrace such a plan long ago instead they allowed bus and transport lines to gain a considerable foothold in the business before coming to life 1037 markers havk two crowns prisoners at the ontario reforma tory have started work on the manu facture of provincial auto markers for 1937 the coronation year plates of the top corners are of scarlet which will have a small crown in each background with white letters and will be entirely dif ferent from the plates in former years one million markers will be turned out for the years supply saving kate consideration is ibeing given by the canadian chartered banks to a reduction in the prevailing rate of interest on savings deposits from 2 per cent to 1 12 per cent according to financial counsel no definite decision it would appear has been reached but the probability is that the change will go into effect in the comparatively near future this step would he in conformity with the steadily downward trend of interest rates all over the world which as yet has shown no signs of receding if the cut is made it will repre sent the third of that kind in a period of about three years in may 1933 the oldestablished rate of 3 per cent was reduced to 2 12 per cent after that nearly is months went by without further change but on nov 1 1934 a new rate of 2 per cent went into effect another is months has elapsed and the subject has come up once more denton massey member of parl iament for torontogreenwood and handsomest memiber according to agnes maophail ufolabor mem ber for greybruce arrived at his home in toronto on monday deter mined to squelch the first person who mentioned the words hand some goodlooking or beautiful awaiting him at his home were tele grams and letters the latter con taining mostly saccharine and fatu ous poetry and a few dainty gifts prominent among the latter was a small ibuncli of carrots carefully and daintily arranged into a corsage he later traced the vegetable offering via a telltale typewriter to a close friend one more crack about this and im going to bust wide open declared the young parliamentarian never did i see anything like it in all my life people i never saw before in all my life hail me with a big grin and shout hello hand some and things like that its enough to make a fellow go nutty and now our own impression of this man who we have seen only from a platform at public gatherings wo thought he made every effort to look handsome the w h shaw store phone 611 stoufftllle ontario store open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings when the third worlds poultry congress was held in ottawa in 1927 the large contingent of visit ors from germany carried away with them feelings of the deepest appreciation of the open hospitality they received in the canadian capital and other parts of canada they visited they made a point of making this appreciation widely known and now after nine years the kindly thought is to bo trans lated into deeds it is canadas turn to visit germany for the sixth worlds poultry congress which is to be opened at leipzig on july 24 next not only the germans who visited ottawa in 1927 but the officials of the congress and the german government are making special preparations to welcome the canadian contingent and repay the selfimposed debt of gratitude to canadian hospitality several messages official and otherwise foreshadowing a grand welcome to canadians have been re ceived in canada and as crystallis ing all the various expressions of pleasure the forthcoming visit of canadians has aroused an extract from a letter received in ottawa from the chairman of one of the congress committees in leipzig may be quoted in recollection of the wonderfully kind reception which the german representatives enjoyed while attending the ottawa con gress the authorities of the congress and the people of leipzig wish to assure canadian visitors ot a most hearty and cordial welcome goodwood toronto flashes sorry to report mrs george lee is not so well this week probably due the changeable weather best of luck to the stouffvllle ball club this season we are glad to learn they won their game with futton on empire day george morris of aurora grand son of mr and mrs georgo lee won a bronze medal for violin playing we wish hm every success the armstrong boys robert and oscar are planning to take a trip hack to goodwood no doubt they will be looking up old friends to miss blanche todd who has gone to guelph as nurse we wish every success only those who have been patients in tnese hospitals real ize the worth of a good nurse deepest sympathy to mr and mrs thomas of stouffville in the loss of his sisterinlaw who died may 9th atoier homo in flint michigan where she has resided for many years mrs thomas was in her sixtyninth year mr and mrs w gladwell have moved to their summer cottage near oshawa mrs gladwell is well known in stouffville before her marriage her name then being miss feaster a new pavement on the lake 9hore road from keswick to jack son point is to be laid starting june 1st this road passes the corres pondents home at island grove and will be welcomed by the family sunday may 17 no less than seven persons were seen in bathing naturally they did not tarry long in the water with a new roof on the mill at siloam it certainly will be noticed especially if the new cross country paved road goes along that way ernest tweddle and wife are mov ing north to their summer cottage at musselmans lake their cottage is just east of our friend charles lees summer holidays will soon be here again and how often we have heard those words be careful and another old saying be sure and not throw stones the correspon dent is informed of what might have been a very serious accident happening a few days ago allan moore little son of the late mrs moore who before her marriage was miss ruby brown daughter of our friends alex and mrs brown allan was playing when a stone thrown from a strange boy hit little allan on the upper part of the nose injur ing the nose and blackenig his eye nathan storry well known goodwood old boy employed for years driving for wholesale grocery concern called to see mrs lee who is sick truck driving may be ok but nathan still sticks to driving a team of horses and may he seen on the city streets any day ofthe week the correspondent this week met mr may the barber at his shop where he is employed on queen st west mr may says the city is the place in the winter but for summer he prefers the country the long looked for visit of the goodwood cemetery board to toronto has not been made yet but the toronto representative is still living in hope anyway our friend distin mcdonald need not be afraid of the cocker spaniel dog as he has been turned in for a 193g boston terrier new model pup so come along soon as wo guarantee this fellow will not ibite anyone the davey family are now locat ed at their summer home alderney wood island grove lake simcoe well so long folks have a happy holiday well ho seeing you soon hepburn and fergus ix same 11ag court of revision municipality of township of whitchurch county of york public notice is hereby given uhat a court ot revision of the assessment roll for the township of whitchurch will be held in the council chambers vandorf saturday june 13th 1030 at 2 pm standard time to hear and adjuicate upon all com plaints against the assessment roll of the township of whitchurch for the said year 193g all parties inter ested are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly john crawford clerk of the said township vandorf may 13 193g court of revision municipality of the township of markham county of york public notice is hereby given that a court of revision of the as sessment roll for the township of markham will bo held in township hall unlonville on monday june 1st 1030 at 10 oclock am to hear and adjudicate upon all com plaints against the assessment roll of trie municipality of the township of markham for the said year 1936 all parties interested arc requested to take notice and govern them selves accordingly charles hoover clerk of the said municipality unionvlllo may 11th 1936 challenging the conservative party in ontario to get new blood into its veins aud to pledge itself to wipe out both the separate schools in ontario aud the beverage rooms dr t t shields militant pastor of jarvis street baptist church in tor onto invaded the home constituency of premier m f hepburn at st thomas last week and vigorously assailed him aud his alleged work ing agreemeut with the roman catholic church at a largely attend ed meeting held in the masonic auditorium under the auspices of the local orange order put the two together the separ ate schools and the beverage rooms and wipe them both out dr shields challenged here is an op portunity for the conservative party at its forthcoming convention dr shields saw the need of care being exercised by the conservatives in the choice ot a leader he made it clear that he was not advocating a return of any of the old stalwarts ot the party in fact ho turned from condemnation ot premier hep burn to place hon howard fergu son in virtually the same category he had heard that the conservatives were talking of seeking mr fergu son as their leader again well if the conservatives re tain howard ferguson as their lead er i dont believe the party will ever need to call the undertaker because it will be suuk without a trace be said mr ferguson was just as great a betrayer of the peoples in terests as mr hepburn insurance ix china insurance has become practically worldwide and companies are oper ating in nearly every country it may come as a surprise to many to to learn that four canadian companies dominate the life insur ance business in china where there would appear to be a great future tor life insurance among the chineso population all four companies re port a satisfactory year during 193u two reporting the best year since being established in china according to the industrial depart ment of the canadian national rail ways why buy new implements when you can purchase go price and with years and i have the largest stock ev seed drills 2 and 3 drum walking or riding also b the best makes stiff too and horses we can also offer you new have an agency with the w son company b raxlin phone 192 stouffville highest market price for live fowl wool and hides see me before you sell od used ones at half the years of service er including cultivators land rollers plow inders and mowers by all th cultivator for tractor implements for which we ell known tudhope-ander- quality price announcing still greater values in dixie egg mash and dixie growing mash thro the cooperation of the the blatchford calf meal co of canada ltd we are now in a position to supply to our many customers and dealers strictly hi gh class products in these lines and offering the following advan tages 1 formulas and mixed conce ntrates supplied by canadas oldest and highest grade poultry food manufacturers 2 big mill research facilities and buying power with our low production and packing costs 3 increased protein content permitting a more generous use of scratch grains egg mas h now 20 per cent protein and growing mash 17 per cent protein and a full supply ot minerals and vitamins abd and g 4 full 24 ingredients prod ucts 5 same ingredients for grow ing and egg mash avoiding feed changing difficulties at the critical period g blatchfords triplemix ni illing methods 7 no appreciable advance in price secure your supply of either of these proven feeds thro any of our local dealers or direct from dicksons hill mills bethesda ont phone 7207 plus est 1842 markham ont phone 5505 service nowat 79 perjall the best brands of prepared house paint the underacted top quality brands of white lead paint are now reduced la price to 373 per gallon thele famous quality ii unchanged why risk using paints of less tellable qua lity when you can have the assured beauty and protection of these time- tested brands at this popular figure any one of them will give you a job of outstanding beauty long paint life and economy from ftrtt to last therols a store in your vicinity that can supply yon- martinsenour sherwinwilliams canada paint