ffee elver lis circle glone me canadian shot rated best sequence more films news from mining district montreal canadas moose ri ver tnues films according to current reports circle the globe judging by the receptions these liewsreeis bare received i leading- v s theatres they me the outstanding stories made by canadian newsreel units in years film trade paper rate the canadian shots as the best sequence uoai any country on their showing in the new york newsreel theatre where two dit- ferent stories in celluloid covering the heroism of the rescuers were the features of the bill at the same time moose river lias stirred up interest in other film stu dies of canadian milling and two such sound pictures both canadian- made are running one is magic of cold which is released from assoc iated screen studios and has gold- mining in the canadian rockies us its background the other has both french and english narrative and is set in the quebec goldcopper country around ronyit both of these shorts aro fact films canadas cadets from royal milit ary college at kingston leads the academic parade in the nesvsreels of this year newsreeis showing a dress review of t lie undergraduates of the rmc were released recently on the atlantic coast off the nantucket light the cameras have caught the rescue at sea of the crew of a sinking canad ian freighter following a collision other film news showed lord linlith gow succeeding canadas former governorgeneral lord willingdon as viceroy of india mounting the golden throne at bombay employ what we have be fore geting more says hon diaries stewart calgary canadas small popu lation was to be regarded in the light of an asset rather than a liability at the present time hon charles stew art former minister of the interior and at present chairman of the inter national joint commission canadian section declared in an interview here what would we do with twice the population we have he asked if you cant pay debts with tiie people you have youll never pay them by getting more people we cant talk of getting more until we can employ what we have he said mr stewart believed canadas debt burden was unimportant in the light of her tremendous undeveloped nat ural resources and her small popula tion when we get to selling our sur plus wheat well pull out of our troubles so fast it will surprise ev eryone he added styled for comfort british deelinelaid self isli spirit lord horder finds many women simply cannot be bothered kansas city lord iiorder physician to king edward put his an- ti-noisi- campaign in the background to discuss the declining birth rate of western nations lord iiorder accompanied by dr morris fishbein editor of the amer ican medical association journal was in the vanguard of 6000 american doctors gathering here for their stth annual convention one factor in the lowering birth rate undoubtedly is the tcmler-mind- edne3s of many women who aro heal thy and have healthy husbands but who shrink from facing the work that is womans chief function lord hol der said they refuse to bear child ren either because of psychological aversion to risk and pain or from a thinly disguised selfishness they cant be bothered the field goes over the brush in the rose tree steeplechase retiring viceroy of india created a marquess by the king is london the king has approved that a marquessate be conferred on the earl of willingdon who has just completed a fiveyear term as viceroy of india the king received lord willingdon in audience at buckingham palace and afterwards the retiring viceroy and lady willingdon had luncheon with bis majesty and queen mary freeman freemanthomas was rai sed to the peerage as baron willing don in 1010 in 1921 ho was created a viscount and in 1031 on his appoint ment as viceroy of india after com pleting a term as governorgeneral of canada he was created first earl of willingdon as a marquess lie will probably retain his association with willingdon sussex taking the title marquess of willingdon gags on beauty- shouts of hello handsome irk mp toronto denton masses- the member of parliament for toronto- greenwood and handsomest member according to agnes macphail member for greybruce arrived home deter mined to squelch the first person who mentioned the words handsome good- looking or beautiful awaiting him at his home was a handful of telegrams and letters the latter containing mostly saccharine and fatuous poetry and a few dainty gifts prominent among the latter was a bunch of carrots carefully and daintily arranged into a corsage bou quet and enclosed with another note and poem he later traced the veg etable offering via a telltale type writer to a close friend one more crack about this and im going to bust wide open declared the young parliamentarian never did i see anything like it in all my life people i never saw before in all my life hail me with a big grin and shout hello handsome and things like that its enough to make a fellow go nutty frank fisher toronto commercial air pilot who has flown mr massoy many times nearly earned himself the role of victim no 1 when he re marked sotto voice that bo felt per turbed about the increasing value of his passenger anil would lie greatly worried the next time they travelled together just then mrs massey entered the room yes she said i can understand how- you would feel mr- fisher on knowing that you had miss canada of ltd in the plane wearing a shortslccvcd turtle neck navy blue sweater and white slacks irene hcrvey winsome actress shows real comfort for a quiet day in the country worldwide drop in unemployment washington a worldwide drop in unemployment was reported recently by the international labor organization canada great britain germany japan australia belgium norway poland sweden chile france fin land estonia south africa and lux emburg along with the united states were among thd countries where the number of jobless decreas ed from march 1035 to march 193c denmark the irish free stale ru mania and switzerland wcro tho only nations reporting an unemployment gain four of the horses rose tree fox hunting clearing the brush jump in the twomile corinthian plate steeplechase at the club media pa the race was won by crooning water reveotive for the ead paralysis nasal spray balks virus results assuring vac cines of little value washington a united states treasury deficit of 5960000000 tho biggest in peacetime history was forecast by secretary morgen- thau for the current fiscal year in urging congressional eiytctinent of president roosevelts lull tax pro gram- morgenthau said that the prepay ment of the bonus was partly respon sible for the huge figure which he said expenditures would exceed income in the 12months ending june 30 lit recommending this the senate should add to the s03000000 house tax bill the temporary processing taxes asked by mr roosevelt mr mr morgenthau also estimated that the 1937 deficit would be 2875000- 000 mr morgonthau8 deficits estimates were given as he was questioned by the senate finance committee appearing a si be first witness as the committee opened hearings on the bill passed by a 207 to 93 house of ropreseni tires vote be said that fe deral credit depended on scrupulous adherence to an orderly program look ing to a balance of the federal bud get just as soon as the needs and ab ilities of our people make that pos sible and thereafter upon a steady re duction in the public dc scientists new plan to re move germs from swim ming pools london microbes to keep bath water safe a dutch invention that has been tried in amsterdam havo been successfully experimented with by scientists in london in a room high above the strand a london scien tist lias been watching a daily battle between microscopic armies bacter ia and protoza the latter always win ning this fact is the basis of a new filtration system for swimming balhs most methods of water purification for swinvming baths according to ed ward i ellis he scientist in ques tion rely on some killing agent such as chloride the ne wmcthod consists of syphoning the swimming bath wa ter through a seris of filters of spe cial earthly material inoculated with cultures of protoza the natural en emy of bacteria- a form of eczema induced by changes of feed a common trouble with horses at the commencement of hot weather is summer itch it is usually a form ot eezejnia and is induced by change of feed sudden allowances of the green grass or of new hay or new oats tend to bring it on flies dust and lack ot grooming are also contributory caus es a horse that is suceptible to the trouble should not be given young grass new hay new oats during the hot weather if grass must be fed to the horse should be gradually accus tomed to it and not suddenly turned on to pasture a good supply of old oats and hay should always he reserv ed for tho feeding of work horses in the summer new bay and oats should complete their sweating and maturing before being fed to the horses in many instances the sores form on the legs and are licked and bitten until they become chronic and very difficult to heal in some cases they occur just behind the knee or in front of tho hock joints where the skin is i bin some horses have itching jelly covered sores upon their legs in the summer that disappear in the winter when summer sores start iodo form one part and lard seven parts should he applied daily chronic sum mer sores have to bo cut out or else sloughed out by a veterinary bathe itching part of a horses body with a solution made of epsom salts and water two or three times a day a y woman haters club at al berta university is exclusive foronlo barber uses sunday leisure for practical relief work toronto this is the story of a barber who gave up his sunday leisure and instead cut the hair of children of families on relief to help them retain their selfrespect his name aw that doesnt matter it started one saturday evening when his daughter made him promise to remain home the following day he did and his daughter 11 years old went out and came back with what looked like all the youngsters in the neighbourhood there wasnt one of them had a haircut all winter says the barber there were boys 10 and 11 and a little older with curls down over their cars to their shoulders i went to work on those tousles and it was worth it when t saw those kids look at themselves in all the mirrors of the house since then every sunday is hair cut day for the youngsters as the barber explains i got kimla in terested in it and began to look forward to those sunday afternoons it wasnt much to do if it made them feel better edmonton despite the fact there is only one rule and regulation a member must observe the woman haters club has remained the most exclusive fraternal organization at the university of alberta tho term just closed wont down in the annals of the club as one of the most successful in its history a new member was added in becoming the second member to join the club since ils founding in 1929 w lloyd hutton director of the university ma gazine and a prominent athlete had boosted the total membership to five- there is also one assoclato member e e ted bishop founder and lifelong president saw only one rea son to prevent the club from spread ing to eastern colleges in the east he said there was a dearth of genuine womanhating material and woman hating is the sole purpose of the club wo dont give them any recogni tion whatsoever bishop said the president issued a firm denial to a widelyspread rumour that he had authorized the formation of a womens auxiliary no definite piir- poso for the imaginary auxiliary had been found by the gossipmongers 32 wottek life mrs sykes stood on her doorstep sermonizing the milkman now look ere mister she said im not saying its owt to do vi theo an thy milk hut tha cant deny that ivvcr sin tha started coming round twelve months ago tpapers bin sayin things about tremarkablc shortage of water i in the soup restaurant waiter for 50 years through thick and clear consumers will benefit from ments heavy shipping- windsor canadian consumers will benefit from downward revisions of tariff on articles from tho united stales gasoline printing and auto motive machinery agricultural imple ments cotton and rayon clothing ac cording to the babsou report for may 11 british exports some benefit will accrue to consum ers from concessions to british ex porters on cotton and rayon yarns and fabrics earthenware and iron and steel machinery the report asserts shipping concerns should prepare for heavy business for the canadian grain carriers will have an advantage over those of ihe united states in inland transportation of grain after august 1st when the canadian ship ping act will be proclaimed- looking at foreign trade as a whole total exports states the report ot 779000000 for the year ended march 31 should be eclipsed by figures for tho current fiscal year the value of imports for the current period should overshadow the s5g2000000 totaled in the year ended march 31st which was s per cent above the preceding months march exports exports for march were the highest since november 1930 imports were the greatest since 1931 continuation of this rate of improvement says the report would force foreign trade to 1929 peaks exports to the united states aro already 22 per cent over last year imports from the united states increased only 5 per cent sales conditions have improved in british columbia more rapidly than in any other province during the last month a betterment of about 40 per cent over last year is in evidence in the prairie provinces although mani toba comparisons are relatively weak with the exception of winnipeg selling higher selling in ontario is at a rate near ly 10 per cent above the same time in 1935 reporting on the grain situation the report stales that crop scare upturns will prove temporary unless tho crop of wheat is hard hit or war breaks out the report advises caution in the silver speculation the market trend is still uncertain and ihe situation is artificial employment figures for windsor according to the report for the month of april show an increase of 115 per cent over march 1930 but a decrease of 11 per cent from april 1935 the report believes that tho new short term outlook for railroad business is decidedly more encouraging and that railroads will give more employment kansas city mo plans at the roeketfelr institute to try a newly discovered method of protecting chil dren against infantile paralysis this coming summer and fall are announc ed to tho american medical associa tion here unseen under glass thomas m rivers md of rocker- feller institute one of the foremost virus experts in medicine told of the hoped for infantile paralysis preven tive the paralysis is caused by a clr- tis a disease agent loo small to be found with a microscope f experiments in the past year at the rockefeller institute and elsewhere have revealed that several simple na sal sprays seem able to prevent entry of the paralysis virus into living bo dies the experiments will be made with these sprays although the use of vaccines and sera said br rivers at present offers little of value in the prevention and treatment of poliomyelitis the results of work with agents of an other nature seem to present hope that a method of controlling tho dis ease eventually may be evolved testing substances it is now believed that tho virus ot poliomyelitis enters the brain from the nasal mucous mombrances by way of the olfactory nerve with this idea in mind a number of workers have con ducted experiments with several vir uses in more than one host in order to ascertain whether the entrance of a neurotropic virus into the central nervous system can he blocked by the application of simple chemical sub stances to the mucous membranes of the nose a neurotropic virus is ono which attacks nerve cells- a host is tho animal receiving a virus inoculation three nasal sprays which seem to block entry of virus were described by dr rivers one is tanuis acid which protected horses against the virus ot encephalompelitis monkeys protected another is sodium alum which pro tected mice against the typo of en cephalitis or sleeping sickness virus which caused the st louis outbreak a few years ago alum spraying re peatedly protected monkeys against the human type of infantile paralysis lately a dilute solution of picric acid has been substituted for alum from the results of the work just described dr rivers said one can predict with a degree of certainty that during the coming summer ex periments will be made in the field in the hope that progress in the preven tion of poliomyelitis in man will be achieved let me suggest however that this type of experiment should bo conducted only by those who have had proper training argentine to protect birds under new laws buenos aires newspaper opens strong drive buenos aires arg the rat- ages comitted against argentine fauna continue to merit the attent ion of newspapers in this country la presna the leading daily has made the subject an editorial page spec ialty the latest official reports from the argentine naval chiefs corroborate the charges they call attention in particular to the scarcity of pen guins along the southern shores they say that the same greedy hands which are exterminating the seal despite the prohibition to hunt those animals are doing the same to tho most typical representative of the southern fauna the penguin due to the fact that certain feminine fashions demand the feathers and skins of those birds the buenos aires provincial sen ate has passed a law which is almost an exact reproduction of that sub mitted to the provincial legislature in 1032 but allowed to lapse it en acts that during the close season from may 1 to september 1 in argentina only partridge duck and wild pigeon may be killed but this does not apply to animals re garded as pests by the farmers the law forbids during the close season the sale of birds the killing of which is allowed wherever they may come from even if they are from refrigeration plants this obviously restricts killing to the sporting com munity and will tend to stop the ac tivities of trappers the wholesale capture and de struction of birds and the sale of eggs nests and fledgings for sale or exportation is forbidden except in regions where the destruction of certain animals is required a matter which will be decided by the exec utive there must be no hunting on reserves hi br klei lives ottawa a government bill in corporating many changes in the cri minal code will be introduced tins ses sion minister of justice lapointe an nounced last week in the house of commons at the same time he told mr t- l church cons torontoisroadview ho could offer as amendments all clauses in his bill amending the code in re lation to reckless driving on the high way with this assurance debate on the church bill was adjourned women who drive moderator of presbyterian church says there never was a finer generation kingston ont speaking nt a special service rev dr d t l mckerroll moderator of the general assembly of the presbyterian church in canada paid tribute to work tho young peoplo are carrying on in the church- the moderator said some people held the belief that the young people were a queer lot but it was his opin ion there never was a finer generation of yung people than today he appealed to all members work harder on the job of course writes the st thomas timesjournal there arc careless drivers among the gentler sex but they are not so great proportion ately as men drivers women drivers must not be judged by the few who are fond of driving about with only one hand on the wheel while the other hand is waving at passerby or patting the hair of the driver to the majority of women motorists driving a car is a very serious business which requires all ones attention the drivers among the weaker sex have an innate dread of being in volved in a messy accident and the thought is ever present with them that the best way to avert accidents is to drive safely and sanely so if you are in a car with an experienced woman driver nt the wheel put your mind at ease and sit back and enjoy the scenery for you arc just as safe as i there were an experienced male motorist doing the driving and probably safer since the wom- pilot will naturally take fewer chances than the lardly wheelsman privileged retainer mrs browne why ever do you allow your maid to take such liber ties my dear mrs smythe oh shes an old to family servant shes been with us for week first book of series on u s canada relations is published toronto for years canadians and citizens of the united states have been dealing with each other across a boundary line which service club speakers are happy to empha size and marked by no guns the movement of people across the border an of investment funds has been so natural so untrammeled by formality that no official record of its magnitude exists in any easily reachable form the carnegie endowment for in ternational peace believes there is a significance in this movement and which should be documented and placed within the reach of all who may be interested canadianamerican industry is the first of a series of 30 or more volumes covering the many and var ied aspects of canadianamerican relations for two years men havo been at work on the enterprise of international cooperative research the results are to be published joint ly on each side of the border canadian american industry dealing with international invest ment on both sides of the lino is the first of a series which is expected to reach 30 or more volumes written by herbert marshall of the dominion bureau of statistics kenneth w taylor of mcmastcr university and frank southard of cornell it treats thoroughly the financial exchange between the two countries lew mm london eng final touches are being given to londons new airvort at gatwick this landing ground to the south of the capital and some 20 miles distant is claimed as one of the most uptodate in the country fully equipped for international air traffic the company owning this airport plans to build another with similar conveniences at gravesond nearer the centre of london and more use ful for north sea air travel london is considerably handicapp ed in aerial development by the fact that all large landing grounds must be some way distant from the centre of the city many plans have been put forward for airports in the middle of london one suggested site being the top of a railway terminus but none have yet been found prac tical oatwick airport will have special fast rail services it has its own rail way station with a covered way leading from the platforms to the ports offices