stouffvtlle ontario thursday may 21 1936 ice in lakes doesnt affect weather the month of april was above the average for cold weather for what is considered the opening month of spring and vessels were damaged in trying to push their way through the ice flelds in lake erie the last week of april cold spring weather in the counties of western ontario bor dering on lake huron and georgian hay has always been attributted by almost every citizen to the ice in the upper lakes and now we have the expert opinion of meterologists to set us right on this coldspring ques tion these weatherbureau men who speak with authprity say that ice in the lakes has nothing to do with the cold weather that it does not make much difference whether the prevailing southwest winds flow- over ice or water the lake water ts so cold the winds will be chilly any way that seems a very logical ex planation the next time dear read er you hear some one complaining about this being a cold late spring and placing the blame on lake ice tell him or her what the man who reports on weather conditions has to say in defence of the ice flelds pine apples w 8 j y w i ijirge- i their ineopples for canning are at their peak for canning and lowest piice another week will show an advance in lrlce order your supply from us now monarch flour we handle the famous monarch flour ns used by miss jessie reld at tho cooking school try teabisck for quick tasty tea biscuits fresh veoetahles fkuits ratgliff co stouffville ontario mothers allowance act minting held in whitby told that 80 families in county benefitting under act with distribution of 2403 monthly look i let us clean your seed grain for you we have the best of machinery for such work also we can beard your barley so that it will feed through your drill evenly ask our prices on alfalfa red clover alsike timothy seed grain spring wheat barley no 1 malting also velvet and seed oats poultry feeds we have chick starter chick grit and all kinds of poultry supplies agricultural lime cement salt and land tile all sizes s w hastings the mothers allowance local boards for the county of ontario met in a joint meeting at the home of mr irobert thompson whitby saturday afternoon mr h bentley a member of the mothers allowance commission in toronto attended the meeting and discussed the administration of the act he pointed out that there were four classes of applicants that were eligible for the allowance providing they met with the provisions of the act a widow the wife of a man who is per manently unemployable by reason of a mental or physical disability the wife of a man who has de serted his family and whose where abouts have not been known for a period of at least three years if it can be established that his where abouts have not been known for that period his wife can be presum ed to be a widow within the mean ing of the mothers allowance act a fostermother who has the care of an orphan child or children pro viding such children are of the same family it was pointed out that the inten tion of the later clause is that assistance should be given to keep orphan children as a family unit rather than be distributed among several homes it was also pointed out that the applicant must be resi dent in ontario at the time of the death of her husband or at the time of the permanent disability in cases of incapacitation or of desertion in cases under that clase the appli cant must be resident in ontario at least two years prior to making her application providing of course that she was living in ontario at the time that she became dependent it is necessary that the applicant be a british subject and that she shall be a fit and proper person to have the custody of children in all cases the allowance shall only be paid if the applicant has in her care and dependent on her one or more children under 16 years of age and had not adequate means to other wise provide for them nova scotia coal ontario for send the tribune to absent friends suggestions for early summer buying voiles for summer wear dainty voiles in lovely floral patterns and in many delightful shades full yard width per yard 15c to 59c curtain materials have you considered replacing those wornout curtains on your windows this summer we are showing many new patterns and weaves in scrim marquisette tuscan lace etc also frilled curtain material by the yard all at very moderate prices 15 to 65c smart summer frocks new patterns in attractive designs these wash dresses are well made properly pro portioned and generous size trimmed in contrasting colours in all sizes 14 to 52 prices are 59c to 195 handbags and purses womens handbags in assorted shapes pouch and underarm styles with hand strap or carrying handles in pebbled or grained imitation leather change purse and mirror some with zipper pasteners in black navy or brown smart designs with metal ornaments 125 chamosuede fabric gloves plain pull on and fancy cuff gloves in delightfully new and attractive styles in white gray brown biege and black priced at 49c to 95c womens cotton underwear womens sleeveless vests made from line pure cotton with shoulder strap each 25c to 50c same with broad shoulder strap 35c womens cotton vests good quality v neck short sleeves each 29c to 45c womens cotton bloomers with elastic at waist and knee each 29c to 59c dainty collars one of these lovely collars would make your last years frock look like new they come in satin crepe pique and lace and moderately priced at each 29c to 125 womens and childrens ankle socks good quality cotton ankle socks in all colours and sizes per pair 15c 19c womens ankle hose fine quality 25c 39c mosquito netting green and white barred netting cover your windows now before the flies and mosquitos get in with this good quality netting per yard 12c plain netting yard 10c turkish towelling replenish your stock of towelling at this low price good quality towelling in striped patterns about 14 wide at per yard 15c about 16 wide per yard 18c to 29c new floor coverings printed linoleum 4 yards wide in at tractive patterns per yard 85c 90c congoleum tile pattern 3 yards wide best quality per running yard 195 floor oilcloth 1 yard 2 yards 2 12 yards per yard 50c feltol 2 yards wide per running yd 86c sunworthy wallpapers are the last word in wallpaper manufac ture yet they come at prices that all can afford the colours employed for the print ing of sunworthy are specially made by experts who are masters of their craft consequently sunworthy wallpapers retain their strength of hue and remain in har mony with rugs and draperies with which they havetjeen selected to accompany make your selection from our laige stock sun- worthy wallpapers per single roll 10c up glassware for everyday use never before have we been able to show such values in crystal and coloured glass ware bowls salads pitchers and tumblers cake plates platters fruit servers cereal bowls creams and sugars and many other attractive dishes in crystal green and pink at astonishingly low prices ontarios premier hon mitchell f hepburn recently announced that nova scotia coal is to be tried out in the engines of the temiskam- ing and northern ontario hallway and that it successful this fuel will be purchased by the government in lieu of that imported from the united states this will mean much to the mine owners in the province by the sea and of course to those who work in mines but it would mean a great deal more if the coal of nova scotia said to be of very high quality could be- used more generally throughout but there is another side to the picture and that is the circulation of money through the patronage of canadian industry if nova scotia coal can be brought to ontario and laid down at the consumers coal bin at a price as low as that paid for united states importations we can see no reason why its use cannot be universally adopted perhaps premier hepburn after the coal has been tried out in northern ontario engines and prov en to be successful will lead i movement to make the importation of nova scotia coal possible the largest question we imagine would be that of freight rates but perhaps a satisfactory solution can be found after a little careful study the foregoing editorial is from the whitby gazette and while not by any means a new idea is never theless a good one however we believe a still better solution re garding this coal business is to have a freer exchange between canada and the united states for instance why haul coal for thousands of imiles from east and west to serve ontario when the pennsylvania fields are much closer to us and likewise why haul pennsylvania coal to the people in the western states when canadian mines are right at their very door separated only by the border between the two countries surely in the interests of the great mass of people wiho have to pay for the coal an exchange of this kind would be far more sensible and would it not be more brotherly and neighborly all round goodwood toronto flashes the w h shaw store pnon ml atoasrllle omurlo store open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings sunday may 10 mr vaughan blueman was at fisherville mr and mrs alex brown of broadview ave visited goodwood miss ivy knight of toronto visit ed iher parents mr and mrs james knight at uxbridge mr p h davey visited his eldest brother it j davey of paimerston ontario on saturday last mr and mrs george lee visited their daughter mrs morris at auroro on saturday mr john mccullough is improv ing each day and is looking forward to ibe iback at his old stand very shortly miss aulda and mr george lee spent mothers day with their parents mr and mrs charles lee mr lang blueman and wife spent sunday with his mother in uxbridge after tho long hard winter and his illness this was his first trip when making out your list for tho summer cottage one important item a weekly copy of the tribune without delay subscribe today the correspondent had the pleasure of meeting one of good woods old boys none other than mr daniel baker of markham who attended the funeral of the late mrs baston tho tulip beds at the goodwood cemetery looked their best on mothers day and were admired by many these with the lovely floral tributes to the late mrs baston made one feel that goodwood certainly has a peaceful resting place for those who have labored here and have passed to the groat beyond sofry to hear of mrs george taylor being on the sick list mrs taylor is another one whose girl hood days were spent in goodwood we hope mr wagg and his wife will find their new home near goodwood a pleasant place to live and much more convenient to his school being nearer his father and mother in tho lovely homestead too bad that goodwood is short of houses we read of some having to live in stouffville while their work is more or less at goodwood may be some day we will hear of some new homes going up the vacant store on the corner if alter ed might house a couple of families this would ibe better than having tho building go into disrepair the correspondent was asked the other day if the community park was used very often the answer could not be given but with a park so near no doubt ball players use it probably when tho new road comes along we might see an old boys reunion held there mrs c meoder has loft to visit her mother mrs tobias heyward near mount albert wiho has been sick for a long time mrs meader is a niece of mrs minnie and charles lee of goodwood mrs mcmurchy mary walking- ton died at the residence of her daughter mrs robertson 11 glen- grove avenue she was buried on saturday interment was at king cemetery mrs mcmurchy was an aunt to mrs geo lee and mrs tion gone but not forgotten accept our sympathy reading the different directions and roads for a cross country high way one would think they are planning a line to show off bells mountain north of goodwood curv es and twists may be found on high ways all over ontario goodwood is still ou the map why dodge around wheu there is a direct hue through to uxbridge the township hall is still iu goodwood why not have a paved road so strangers can drive and look it over a good rood brings people a bad road scares them away build up the old town by a good road we read of church attendance droppiug off these days well folks if all the services had the crowd that filled the united church good wood on mothers day in the after noon there would be no feeling of discouragement the church with its display of flowers and the number of mothers who were there would gladden the hearts of any person yes the correspondent was there and it brought back past memories looking around we saw the smil ing faces of mothers we hadnt seen for years among them were our esteemed friends mrs middleton mrs john may mrs ottowell mrs nelson wagg we must not forget that wherever you see the ladies well the men folk are around yes our friends one of goodwoods best known none other than mr isaac wagg everybody knows him their our friends thos dowswell john reid amos stafford may boys ted and jim wagg ernest morgason and so many more wthicti altogether with the service made goodwood look like old times back again the total milk production in can ada in 1935 is provisionally estimat ed at 16310836700 pounds which is approximately the same as in 1934 provide outlay of six millions to build roads ontario to match 3000000 contri bution by federal government to aid jobless of the 9000000 voted by the dominion parliament to assist pro vincial public works programs on tario will get 3000000 hon t b mcquesten minister of highways announced on ihis return from a con ference at ottawa since tlhe ontario government will match the federal contribution dollarsfor dollar 6000000 road construction program will be inaugurated at once for the construction of roads into proven mining areas of northern ontario the federal government is contributing 300000 and the pro vince will add 200000 to swell this total the main road program will in clude southern ontario roads as well as highways in the north but details of the program have not yet been released altona school report ss 17 pickering ss no 17 pickering honors 75 or over pass 60 or over sr iv douglas drewery 77 elsie eckardt 75 barbara barkey 55 jr iv norman fretz 51 srlll lucille howsam 76 doris baker 72 ruth slack 67 jr ill merle slack 64 harry tindall c3 herbert hoover 60 sr ii lois fretz 86 clyton davis 02 orval frotz gl mary davis 52 jr ii audrey slack 83 audrey baker g9 keith howsam 61 clarence baker 57 i evelyn davismurray tindall pr eileen baker levi fretz lois baker elsio tindall bob lewis fred davis edna stevenson teacher court of revision municipality of township of whitchurch county of york pud lic notice is hereby given that a court of revision of the assessment irqli for the township of wliitchurch will be held in the council chambers vandorf saturday june 11th 1030 at 2 pm standard time to hear and adjuicate upon all com plaints against the assessment roll of the township of whitchurch tor the said year 1936 all parties inter ested are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly john crawford clerk of the said township vandorf may 13 1936 court of revision harry flumerfelt deepest sympathy is extended to the relatives of this family let us not forget friends the esteomed and respected family who mourned the loss of of kindly mother mrs baston known by so many her kindly face and disposl- municipality of the township of markham county of york public notice is hereby given that a court of revision of the as sessment roll for the township of markham will bo iheld in township hall unionvllle on monday june 1st 1910 at 10 oclock am to hear and adjudicate upon all com plaints against tho assessment roll of the municipality of the township of markham for the said year 1936 all parties interested are requested to take notice and govern them selves accordingly charles hoover clerk of the said municipality unionvllle may 11th 1936 youpqn have to co any further blue coal delivered in gormlev stouffville and district four cars just arriving stove nut sizes to sell at guaranteed summer prices frank harvey gormley elevator phones office 7303 residence 7307 why buy new implements when you can purchase go price and with years and i have the largest stock ev seed drills 2 and 3 drum walking or riding also b the best makes stiff too and horses we can also offer you new have an agency with the w son company b raxlin phone 192 stouffville highest market price for live fowl wool and hides see me before you sell od used ones at half the years of service er including cultivators land rollers plows inders and mowers by all th cultivator for tractor implements for which we ell known tudhope-ander- quality price axxou xcixg still greater values ix dixie egg mash axd dixie growing mash thro the cooperation of the the blatchford calf meal co of canada ltd we are now in a position to supply to our many customers and dealers strictly hi gh class products in these lines and offering the following advan tages 1 formulas and mixed conce titrates supplied by canadas oldest and highest grade poultry food manufacturers 2 big mill research facilities and buying power with our low production and packing costs 3 increased protein content permitting a more generous use of scratch grains egg mash now 20 iper cent protein and growing mash 17 per cent protein and a full supply of minerals and vitamins abd and g 4 full 21 ingredients prod nets 5 same ingredients for growing and egg mash avoiding feed changing difficulties at the critical period 6 blatehiords triplemix m illing methods 7 no appreciable advance in price secure your supply of either of these proven feeds thro any of our local dealers or direct from dicksons hill mills bethesda ont phone 7207 plus est 1842 maikham ont phone 5505 service special notice fell can now buy the bist brands of prepared house paint 75 ft per gallon i or why take a chance on paint of doubtful quality when you can now obtain the undernoted top quality brands of white lead paint at this popular figure insist upon one of these famous timetested brands for all your exterior painting any one of them will assure you a job of outstanding beauty long paint life and economy from first to last there is a store in your vicinity that can supply you sherwinwilliams canada paint martinsen0ur