tk home is fte jeeessaiy we have knonn for a song tune that i home was ceasing to be any good for most of the purposes for which it used to be considered important and useful we are horn in hospitals we are educated in schools our social life is carried on in iioicls am clubs we die in hospitals again and we are buried from an undertakers establish ment thus are scattered most of the activities which formerly made the home important and kept it busy the lastest blow 10 that time honored in stitution has been delivered by the british parliament which has decid ed that the home is not the proper place for doing homework when ever practicable preparation on the school premises should he substituted for homework says the resolution which was adopted hy the british leg islators recently their decision has beeti greeted by three cheers by ev ery school hoy and every school girl in al parts of the british empire but there seems t us to he some mis understanding about it all nothing is said about reducing the hours of the school day now devoted to actual teaching if any preparation is to he done at all therefore it will evi dently have to be in timo additional to the lime already spent in the school building is it intended that the chil dren shall come 10 school earlier or that they shall stay there longer or thai i hey shall come back again in the evening it the legislators had had the courage to say something about this in their resolution instead ot saying noshing about anything except the abolition if homework they would have evoked fur less enthusiasm among the voters of the future but it is the habit of legislators always to be very definite about the things that will make them popular is15 a month for example and completely indefinite or completely silent about anything which will have the oppos ite effect we ilo not believe that tne school children of today are seriously over worked either in tlreat britain or in canada we do not believe that they can acquire anything oven resembling an education with a reasonable am ount of preparation and we do not see why the taxpayers should have to pay a large body of public servants not merely to teach and examine the children during their instruction hours but also to invigilate them during the preparation period however we rea lize that the average modern home with three bridge tables in the front parlor a radio in the nack parlor a motor car in the garage and two mov ing pictures just around the corner is a place in which the preparing ot lessons is becoming increasingly dif ficult besides ihere is the distress ing fact that children themselves do not like preparation they no longer object to school itself modern meth ods have made it a place of agreeable entertainment rather than of difficult work but preparation consists of ac tually learning things or writing things or figuring things it cannot he done without work and ihe child ren do not like it they will not like it any better when it is carried on at the school premises so the next step will prosuniabbly be to abolish it al together toronto saturday night illtis iiants like japanese farm house foi our restaurant of the week we would like to mention jisaku or tsukiji we have been there on sev eral occasions hut never knew until this week that they had three nice japanese rooms fixed up in japanese country style with all the gadgets to make them look like the farm house of tohoku while we usually abhor japanese rating houses during the winter because of the bad healing system this ono particularly appealed to our taste and comfort a large charcoal fireplace in the centre of the room over which is suspended a pot of hot chicken soup called jlizutaki which is supposed to have originated in the province of hakata its a thick chicken soup and you add whatever amount of shoyu pou like snd eat it with rice of course a bolle of sake wouldnt do you any harm in this cold tokyo weather if you dont like chicken there are any number of line fish dishes some rooms not the farmers kind arc directly over a huge pond full of black and red carps about two fed long and if you clap your hands theyll come right under the room if you clap too loud the maid will bring you a bill how to get there just tell the cabman the water police station suijo keisatsu its right across from it japan times tokyo ltoses arc grown for cut flowers in a glasscovered garden covering 70 acres in the iea valley of eng land the plants giving four crops n year from a miscrcscopical exaininn- tioq of he dusl ound jrj watch a french scientist caims that he can tel the kind of work in which the man owning the watch it on- gaged letter in toronto globe our giant sweet chestnut trees of the for ests of north america have gone for ever the terribly destructive chest nut blight was introduced with nurs ery stock from china in 1003 what shall we do about it shall man lie down and quit this blight kills both the american and europ ean sweet chestnuts by girdling them it also kills the cross between those trees 1 had many of them on my place bearing very large crops the cross trees were extra heavy bearers and bore while quite young the small sweet japanese crenata is also af fected by the blight as is the ameri can chinquapin the very large ja panese sweet chestnut is blight re sistant as are both the korean and chinese mollissima the chinese have a beautiful long glossy leaf and bear large nuts when only six or seven feet high on the other hand our native sweet chestnuts do not bear until quite large in fact do not even throw blossoms out until at the least tweityfjvc feet high the eur opean chestnut is even a larger giant than the american and one tree known as the chestnut of one hundred horses had a circumference of 190 feet of the two chinese sweet chest nuts the glossy eifd variety is the handsomest as its leaves are a most brilliant green and fully twice as long as the chinese hairy sweet chestnut in the united states where the na tive sweet chestnut grew iu such ab undance landowners are now planting the chinese blightresisting varieties i am myself planting the three var ieties of blightresistant sweet chest nuts right beside the trees that died on my pxpeijmental acres thus they will have an excellent test as to their resistant properties so far tho new trees have passed through three win ters in fine shape southern ontario could grow enough sweet chestnuts to more than supply home demands and accomplish this in a very few years oeorge ilebden corsan echo val ley islington add to your stock of lace work the simple laura wheeler way just try cream pie made with christies graham wafers theres a recipe with every box try it and see how the neighbors will envy your piebaking of course christies graham wafers can be used in a number of different ways eaten any way they are delicious nourishing and as fresh and pure as any biscuits can be 3kens a christie biscuit for every taste knitted square pattern 1104 youll fee a real glow of pride when this your lace work is admired though the actual knitting square by square was all so amazingly simple anyone can learn that easy key square by heart so simple are the stitches and when a goodly number are finished begin to join them for a bedspread tablecloth or pillow cover to name but a few possibilities the cost is low too for you use just humble string pattern 1101 comes to you with a chart and complete instructions for making the square and joining it to make a variety of articles illustrations of all stitches used material requirements send 20 cents in stamps or coin coin preferred for this pattern to needlecraft dept wilson publishing 73 west adelaide st to ronto write plainly pattern number your name and address stained materials gain in popularity for many homes whether the pain remedy you use is safe dont entrust your own or your familys well being to unknown preparations hpile person o ask whether the preparation you or your family arc taking lor the relief of headaches is safe to use regularly is your family doctor ask htm particularly about aspirin he will tell you that before the discorery ot aspirin most pain remedies were advised against by physicians as bad lor the stomach and often for the heart which is food for thought il you seek quick safe relief scientists rate aspirin among the fastest methods yet discovered for the relict ol headaches and the pains ol rheumatism neuritis and neural gia and the experience ol millions of users has proved it sale lor the average person to use regularly in hour own interest remember tins aspirin tablets arc made in canada aspirin is the registered trademark ol i lie bayer company limited cook for the name bayci in the form of a cross on ivory tablet demand and get many homes have been built with the wrong materials for best expres sing the i rue character of the design in mind this is mostly the fault of the designer whose plans were used every design calls for one or maybe some one other material that will best carry out the softness of line the tended both of these- materials should be explained to the patties building so that everyone interested will under stand why the shingle or brick or stucco is tho only thing to use to get the effect desired in the case of stained shingles the double value is the soft color and the line effects obtained with all tho long- lived dualities of cypress or cedar- hy staggering the shingles a wavy lino is secured that greatly adds to the softness or texture of the wall and the roof that is especially desirable in the treatment of exteriors on the small homes the country home is very beauti ful in shingles as in the colonial cot tage with its white walls and green roof rural english homes are also built with this wall finish in fact it does not depend so much on the clas sification of design as it docs on tho setting and tho setting and atmos phere you are trying to create no place for divorce it is the old case of the body and its members canada can not di- vo ce her provinces any more than a man can divorce his hands or his feet or his eyes if canada tries she must suffer the sensible course is to work for them and with them and that is the course that has been followed but this course implies the cooperation of the provinces if tho members of the body rebel if the hands refuse to carry food to the mouth or if the throat re fuses to swallow things are ob viously in a bad way and some thing must be done to find a remedy but divorce isnt the remedy it can not be because the divorce of the parts will moan the destruction of the whole vancouver province glands may cause child to tell lies little white ship oh a little white ship sailing far from its slip bears a gift lovejewelled from me pray the wind and the tide steer it gently to glide to its harbour at rest with thee now the little white ship sailing far from its slip is the spray on a stormtossd sea and the gift on its breast oer the waves surging crest is the gift of my heart to thee amherst ns mabel black meyers once you have convinced your self it is not hard to convince others james p warburg cleveland if your child de liberately tells lies dont always blame it on his morals it may be his glands dr henry c schumacher director of tiie child guidance clinic said in his annual report that glandular disturbances have definite reactions in personality and behavior problems among children but the glands dr schumacher explained are only one of many rea sons for a childs aptitude to tell stories it may be that the child is influenced by home environment or that overplaccd in school he finds it necessary to resort to cheating to get by learn te care for mies democracy is an attempt to deal with universal envy by means of so cial equality bertram russell amaiing new invention of w c coleman uses 96c air 4 f brings convenience of city gas to small town and rural homes tiioje who know seeds buy from wh perron co ltd specialists in seeds and garden accessories 935 st lawrence blvd montreal their 1030 garuon book 153 pages bilingual and the most complete and beautiful seed cata logue ever put out in north america is sent free on request utilizing the principle of car- burization used in present day auto mobile engines w c coleman noted inventor and pioneer manu facturer of gas- pressure appli ances has invent ed an amazing new cooking stove that makes its own gas from or dinary leadfree gasoline wccoleman an ingenious device converts liquid fuel into vapor gas then mixes it with fresh live air so that the fuel when it reaches the burner is actually about sg air and 1 vapor gas this remarkable invention has ef fected fuelsaving economies which combined with the heating effi ciency of tho coleman patented bandaillu burners makes the new coleman safety range cheaper to use than wood coal or kerosene housewives everywhere express appreciation for the convenience safety economy and beauty of a stovo which provides cooking equalling that of the finest city gas range headers of this paper wishing full informantion about these won derful coleman flanges will receive beautifully illustrated literature and name of nearest dealer by ad dressing a postcard to mr w c coleman dept wl241 9 davics ave toronto ontario youll be well repaid for time you devote each day rules for good taste in dressing are the same for every woman whether she has an extremely lim ited budget or a very liberal clothes allowance she should buy simple dresses and suits well cut and make of the best materials she can afford it is far better to have one fine dress with two or three different collars than three mediocre outfits that stretch out of shape fade at the cleaners and look shoddy after the first weeks wear learning to care for your clothes is as important as knowing how to buy them why get a beautifully tailored skirt if you have no intent ion of keeping it pressed or a su perior feit hat if you never use a hat brush r pay special attention to your shoes several women we know in clude cleaning and heelstraighten ing allowances right in their beauty- budgets dont spend so much on hair and face that you have no money left for grooming it really is better in the long run to have home instead of professional facials and to d your ow nails than to spend huge sums on these and do without lifts for your rundown heels and stockings that actually flatter your legs speaking of stockings you know of course that you should wear a fresh pair every day rinse them out in soap suds and warm water the minute you take them off buy the kind and shade which make your legs look graceful and slender keep the seams absolutely straight un less you have legs worthy of a beauty contest dont go in for exotic nets and laces or contrasting arrows at the ankles be conservative when it comes to stockings and shoes businesslike evanstox 111 northwestern university members of zela tan beta sorority anticipating blind date re quests during their sorority conven tion catalogued all eligible male can didates according to age height and weight complexion and interests- vis iting coed delegates were rated simi larly rink no heal 111 the military and naval service of britain there is an order which covers just about every contingency that may crop up mew fleet orders have just been issued regarding the procedure in drinking the kings toast that it shall be drunk sitting except when the national anthem is played when it shall be drunk standing the custom is said to have originated in the days of the old wooden walls when there was insufficient head room for a man to stand between decks an interest ing survival of ancient custom by coincidence shortly after we hrd read the new order the sun- times was drawn into an argument on the correct procedure at ordin ary banquests whether the toast should be drunk before or after the national anthem sometimes it is done one way sometimes the other for the information of those who may be in doubt army regulations which govern in the absence of any other definite ruling prescribe the procedure as follows th- chairman rising calls on the company with the words gentle men if ladies are present ladies and gentlemen the king the national anthem is played or sung then all repeat the king and the toast is drunk we might mention that to smoke before the toast to his majesty is prohibited in military and naval gatherings and extremely bl form in others another point worth mentioning is the wording of the anthem the correct wording is god savo our gracious king long live our noble king god save our king send him victorious happy and glorious long to reign over us god save the king the mistake is made in the line which so many render save our king it may be quite true that we canadians consider king edward viii our king in a more intimate way than we have considered his predecessors but no matter how we may feel that in a special sense he belongs to us in the national anthem he is still the kiig potato is not irish it the irish potato is not irish is not even a potato sea island and egyptian cotton the two best varieties were develop- ed neither on sea islands nor in egypt down to the time of our grand mothers the tomato or love- apple was shunned as poisonous only the south america- indians knew what good food it was for these three and many other agricultural products modern man must thank the aboriginal ameri can probably the first certainly the best primitive farmer in the world tho until recently he got iittie credit for it your own home as low as 15 monthly catalogue rreo over 50 plans hallidays wi hamilton ijgffpleffiefls last god under living the thought too retirement present conditions of age of 70 may well be early for compulsory charles e hughes reunions tish hues wo will advance passage money without interest or other charges to british people desiring to bring out to canada their wives families relatives or friends apply for particular to neeittt stcarnahip agent or to british dominions emigration society eitabliihcd iu2 1312 sherbrookc st west montreal being inventive and original is not being extravagant and silly h g wells dees not require refrigeration will do your baking i 5 hours 7vmc77ymsy price dysons miracle yeast bakes bread and rolls in 5 hours pare dryfast rising 10c package if your urocei has not re ceived his sup ply send 10 cents coin for 1 oz re gular sjze pack age enough for 10 bait ings or write for fri3k sample to dysons listed dept a winnipeg canada the salvation army annual selfdenial appeal the work of the army has never been more necessary the problems have never been greater the urgency of the armys appeal has never been strong- er- than today few scientific men today defend the atheistic altitude arthur ii conipton i was a success at 10 thats bad for anybody huth chattelton one of the obvious deficiencies of our current theatre is tnal so many of its plays arc not being written by playwrights george jean nathan it is an interesting if obvious fact that nobody who talks bravely about war has ever been hilled in war a a milne your generous support of a great and necessary work is confidently solicited please send your contribution commissioner john mcmilkn 20 albeit street toronto one fact critically established is worth a thousand loosely arrived at joseph jastrow issue no 20 36 a get back your girlish figure with ton ton prescription tablets an aid to slcndcrncss and body chemical balance a pro paratlon to eliminate waste materia prlco 100 and 5200 per box ont of town custom- era send money with order sole distributors for domin ion of canada tom tou products eeot i box 122 station h m20 st catherine i west montreal pq j if yuu re seeking mental lmproe- nient ami efficiency you simiim write for particulars of the euurtovs offered at moderate tecs by the in stitute of practical and applied tfsychology read ti1k ilktiljll a new monthly miuzino of help for every body published ty the institute of fracticsl and applied psychology one dollar ft year sample copy ten cent write for your copy today dig confederation buiuding montreal quebeo rabbits rabbsts will pay highest market prices for live rabbits 5 ib3 and over for immediate delivery write m legrand 450 main st granby que