demists praise value of soybean nutritive value of protein declared as high as that of milk there was a symposium on the soybean in kansas city kminent chemists got up to pay their respects to the bean which has a history going back 5000 years theie was dr a a uorvath of the university of delawares agri cultural experiment station for example in 1132 some nine mil lion pounds of soybean oil were used for soapmaking he pro claimed in fact it is because the cheap soybean consists of about 20 per cent oil that the soapmakers were among the first industrialists to take it up in a big way dr uorvath referred rather scornfully to the advertising lads who insist that cocoanut oil is an essential in hardwater soap soap made of soybean will lather well he vouches dr 1 true sang of the soy bean as a food for centuries the bean has been eaten in the far kast the nutritive value of its protein is as high as that of miik hence the growing use of soybean milk and soya foods for babies there arc significant amounts of vitamins 1 and c reported dr true in fact the lowly soybean seems to he so excelient a food that it is mixed with candies soda- fountain beverages chocolate health drinks ice cream macaroni and prepared sauces fermentation by molds an american farmer who saw mold growing on his soybeans would probably wring his hands the chinese farmer would rejoice in fact be likes his soy foods fer mented by molds just as we like pickles and cheese fermented with the aid of bacteria the soybean sauce that the chinese waiter hands you with chop suey is a fermented soybean product in case you dont know it most of the soybean foods are made from beans from which the oil has been squeezed what be comes of the oil the soapmakers cannot possibly use it all dr e f ware illuminated this pnase of the subject vaintmakcrs use enormous quantities of the oil the buildings of chicagos century of progress exposition were coated with soybean paints millions of automobiles glisten with enamels in which soybean oil is an ingredient yet dr true admitted that soy bean oil is not ideal for paint it does not dry fast enough so paintmakers blend it with other oils multiplicity of uses soybeans can be used for every thing from hay to hairpins it seems mix the meal of the bean with for maldehyde after the oil has been pressed out and you have a plastic that can be molded when hot papermakers use the protein se parated from the meal to coat and size their stock soybean glue holds piles of wood together dr h e barnard director of re search of the farm chemurgic council even expressed the opinion that artificial wool might be made out of these same proteins the italians are now trying to make wool out of the casein of milk in a wcllslike glimpse of the future dr liarnard saw the passing of the cow and sheep if the soybean lives up to his hopes pie would release them on senti- the result of all this chemical acti vity about 5000000 acres in this country are given over to their cultivation but the worlds center for commercial beans is still in man churia but we arc doing better and better thirty years ago only eight varieties were grown in this country today more than sixty are listed in secdmens catalogues if the industrial and food uses of the soybean increase it will rank with corn as a major american in despair with rheumatism had given up hopes of relief now finds life a joy whether you have rheumatism as badly as this woman had it or whether you merely get an occa sional twinge you will certainly be interested to know how such a severe case was relieved i feel i should like to tell you the woman writes how much better i am since this time last year for taking kruschen salts i could al most say i am quite relieved of rheumatism in my legs as i can now go up and down stairs like a normal person last year i couldnt bend my right knee without suffering terrible pain it is such a pleasure to be alive now at one time 1 really began to think i could find no relief 1 was also a great sufferer with constipa tion and i find nothing better than kruschen salts mrs ma rheumatism is commonly caused by deposits of uric acid which lodge in the body kruschen helps to break up these deposits and converts them into a harmless solution whivh is promptly removed through the na tural channels scouting hete there y everywhere a brothel to every other scout without regard to race or creea m a collection of sampler of wood of trees growing in ontario sent by the boy scouts of acton ontario to the boy scouts of acton england nas acknowledged by a letter irom j eiirart smart director of education of the borough of acton the collec tion was shown to boys in attendance at the various school handicraft cen tres of the borough before being han ded over to the scouts for permanent display iu their headquarters linking the world by telephone the linking of all ports of the world by the telephone is proceeding at an amazing pace it is now possible lor a telephone subscriber to sit in his home or office and telephone almost any country without delay there has for instance just been established a direct radiotelephone service between great britain and kenya a british colony and protect orate in east africa the liuks are combined in london and at xgong near nairobi for connection to the respective telephone networks the wire and the wireless system work together the charge for the new service is c4 10s for a threeminute call and it is believed that there will be fair use of the convenience despite the cost major tryon the postmastergen eral believes that the near future will see the completion of a telephone net work which will afford communica tion by the spoken word between all parts of the british commonwealth thus will empire distances be still further shortened edmonton journal a new 100acre camp site within hiking distance irom cue end of the ecsterri toronto street ear line wil be the biking and camping mecca of many of torontos 9000 scouts and cubs this summer the size and top ographical feoturcs of the site will permit of numerous individual troop camps sea scouts of the 2nd edmonton st faiths scout group are compet ing in making models of hie famous ship recently featured in the movies ii ms bounty the 23rd hamilton which last year had 12 scouts out under canvas over the 2ltli of may this year will have 20 scouts and 3 leaders tho scouts including the viking sea scout pa trol the vikings will take along a boat vhlch they have recently acquir ed eighteen boys appeared on one meeting evening as applicants to join the sib kitchene st marys scout troop as a result plans are under way to organize a second troop a truly international boy scout tro is that at the canadian acad- em kobe japan its membership includ s boys from canada the unit ed states england austria guate mala holland spain denmark ice- laud the channel islands and a jew ish hoy of a family exiled from ger many a contingent of boy scouts under leadership of the headmaster of the harrow county school will repres ent great britain this summer at a large- scout camp to bo held near colmar alsace to celebrate the jub ilee of the eelaireurs scouts union- istes do france that rover scout training had prov ed a valuable foundation for other study by theological students at bishops college ienuoxville was the tribute paid by the rt kev phil lip carrington lord bishop of que bec mosquito pests much can be done by community action in reducing tho number o mo squitoes which affect tho comfort and health of citizens generally mosqui toes breed largely in temporary bodies of water such as snow and rain pools and river flooded areas they develop only in water and the method of con trol which ultimately gives most sat isfaction consists in eliminating tho breeding places by drainage or by fil ling and in the case of large flood areas by dyking and pumping filling and levelling of low pjaccs where the water accumulates should be carried out whorevcr possible caro should also be taken to prevent mosquitoes breeding in artificial containers such ns water barrels cither by emptying or screening them j tox nttwt dysons miracle yeast bakes bread and rolls in 5 hems pare dryfajl riling does not require refrigeration will do your baking in 5 hours price 10c package if your grocet has not re ceived his sup ply send 10 cents coin for 1 ot re gular sizo pack- ago enough for 10 bak- lnge or write for free sample to dysons limited dept a winnipeg canada jobbdionisuv- prdaicn she says the mailer of dis tribution is to blame countries self contained bl 25 yea indigestion a thing of the past gastronox will kvo you relief from indittcstlon and k lirlcral ltt it help you to hu 1ki thousand iasl itonox an amazing alkaline stomach ponder neutralizes acid and peps you up dusinesa and social cucecss depend upon physical fitness eat and drink what you like and take gastronox i get it today faolu at all drut etorca keep slim with ton ton prescription tablets an aid to aunderncs and body chemical balance a pre paration to ellmlnata waste material frica 9100 and 9200 par box out of town ouatom era sand money with order sole distributors for domin ion of canada ton ton pbodtjcts beod box 122 station h 1420 st catherine west montreal pq barking for beer rah a birken head black retriever has drunk 4000 pints of beer in eleven of his twelve years he takes it from a class drinking it beside his masters feet and barks for it every night live stock marketing shipping on the cooperative plan has been productive of splendid results selling on the open market means real value for tho owners get in touch with us write wire or telephono awndhnxtt 1143 the united fabmebs coopebative company limited live stock commission dept union stock xardx west toronto cape town dr cora hind of winnipeg man interviewed here on her tour of south africa said xo canada is not producing too much wheat this idea of over production is all tommy rot there is not sufficient wheat today to meet the requirements of the world it is all a matter of dis tribution she explained that in her travels she found a tendency among all of the countries to be selfcontained this feeling grew as a natural se quence of the war and resulted in scientific oiganization on the contin ent trying to increase the output and the quality of their countrys products in several of these coun tries the scientists wore trying to cross the hard spring marquis wheat with their own winter wheats this hybrid wheat was doing well in several countries that i have visited i found that they have fixed high prices for homegrown wheat to encourage local production the effect of this is that several coun tries which have been wheat im porters now produce sufficient wheat for their own requirements and are even being faced with the problem of what they are to do with their surplus dr hind covered russia for her paper by going down the volga for 2000 miles and then cutting across the country by air for 1500 miles what she saw in russia was enough to convince her that in another five years time that country would swamp the world with wheat pro duced and distributed at a price with which no other country could hope to compete dr hind travels through the union and up africa as far as alex andria from where she wil fly to india and then on to colombo aus tralia new zealand and finally to south america grow strawberries our hardy gcorclan bay plants succeed everywhere improved senator dunlap 120 100 coo 27s 10009500 giant mary washington asperasrui 50050 1009100 shipped safely anywhera prepaid with full cultural directions w j galbraith mapledene stayner ont greater than in fast 75 years if there js peace says dr tory montreal development of canadas natural resources during the next 25 years if there is peace will grow more than it has during the past 75 dr ii m tory ottawa honorary director of the aassociatioii of canadian clubs said at the an nual meeting of the womens can adian club here recently there was every justification for an optimistic attitude in canada he said the right combination of land and climate had created conditions to make a civilization canada was a large country com munications were easy centres of population were close at hand lie continued tho people the two greatest civilizing and colonizing races in the world combined into one nation were virile intelligent and progressive the past generations had made a magnificent job of canada dr tory said mistakes had been made he admitted canada was even now paying the piper for stupidity in early transportation development but he said there never would have been a canada had it not been for the railways dr tory praised the tendency to study national problems unity must be maintained he said and provin cial barriers should bo broken down even more than they now are can ada must take leadership in intel lectual movements he concluded for an educated people was the found ation of civilization thought he was dead avy father is dead where can 1 get a doctor shouted i small hoy as tie rushed into a store in st catharines alex jtinkin bell telephone installer was in the store and suggested that dr e d coutts be called trained by the hirst aid courses provided by the telephone company for just such an emergency ar junkin followed the hoy to his home lie found the father lying on a couch where he had been placed by his wife who had discovered him lying in ihe bathroom overcome with gas fumes mr junkin at once applied aniticial respiration at ihe same time asking that hot coffee be made and plenty of blankets be supplied in a very few minutes the heart action could be felt and in a short time he was sufficiently conscious to swallow a little hot coffee when doctor coutts arrived he assured the bell telephone man that his intelligent and speedy action had undoubtedly saved the mans life british farmers visiting canada victoria fortyfour members of tho british national union party of agriculturists arc in victoria on the last leg of a tour that has token them to india south africa austral ia and new zealand the party head ed by majorgeneral francis j dun can will study canadian farming me thods before returning to england they plan stopping at niagara falls ontario visitor if your mother gave you a large apple and a small one and told you to divide with your brother which applo would yon give him junior do you mean my big brother or my little one the sales managers wife had cal led at tho office to he told that he was in conference he when conference was over were you terribly bored while waiting for me dear she io darling i amused my self with those ducky little colored pino in that map on the wall 1 changed them around and made them look much prettier man have you noticed how a woman lowers her voice whenever she asks for anything neighbour oh yes but have you noticed how she raises it if she doesnt get it life insurance money that a mon provides for his widow and then borrows from her yet there are people who spend money for beefsteak when they have not seen a moving picture for more than a week and usually you can recognize an only child it has a thermometer sticking in its mouth boaster yes when i was in africa a lion ran across my path i had no gun in my hand so i took a pail of water and poured it over his head and he ran away bored listener i can vouch for that i was in africa ot the same time and tho lion ran into mo and when 1 stroked his mane it was still quite damp with ono woman in every- eight working at a job outside in 1910 it looks as if the day of the woman in the home may be reaching the van ishing point about 1950 tho minister to his milkman i want to speak to you about tho milk you have been delivering to mo late ly we dont require it for christen ings man and wife should have the same religion the same taste and the same idea about the proper frequency of baths jefferson what do you think of tho two candidates for mayor pennington well im glad only one can be elected the contester a weekly bulletin service for contestants artists and authors this service consists of international prlzo contests markets for car toons illustrations borders designs for magazines advertising greet ing cards and verses articles limericks poems slogans and stories s2so for 1 yar 150 for c months 8100 for 3 months eca for 1 month and a samplo sheet ioc send a 3o stamped addressed envelops for other money niavtng ideas giff baker 39 lee avenue toronto canada new seed potato certified warba tho new wnrba potato is without a doubt the finest origination or a century in the early potato elank it has been tried in many parts of united stites and canada and all results havo shown that it la fully two weeks ahead and more productive than tho well known early variety irish cobbler its shape is roundish skin and flesh white eyes about the samo depth as those of tho cobbler variety but pinkish in color tt cooks well is dcllclout and keeps very well our trial at macdonnld college last summer has con vinced us that it will soon be tho leading early variety of potato for our northern climate while our stock lasts 6 lb 3 75 10 lb 120 30 lb 300 co lbb 4s0 100 lb 600 i o b store best ever put up in north america free on request our 1c2i seed catalogue th w h perron co limited seedsmen and nurserymen 935 st lawrence blvd montreal tel lane 4191 lew model man british architects use cana dian materials extensively london ens for feminine visitors to the british industries fair one of the outstanding displays was a complete model kitchen de signed by the wellknown bri tish architect frederick barber lkiua flbd in recent years enormous strides have been made in housing throughout great britain and the housewifes chiet work room has not been overlooked to canadians some of the kitchen terms will be interesting but un familiar the word cooker is used instead of stove and an elec tric fire is included in tho equip ment to take care of the heating of the room the larder is an essen tial as well as hatch fitments on investigation much of this new british kitchen originates in canada metals are widely used the windows for instance being metal and the natural canadian al loy of nickel and copper monel me tal is used for practically all work ing surfaces for table tops larder shelves and the hotwater boiler cooking utensils are of pure cana dian nickel while niotelehromium alloys are used for electric heating and cooking elements road mileage almost onethird of the highways ot the world are in the united states tho total road mileage in the entire world is a little over y2uo000 miles of this mileage almost 3100000 miles are in north america and south am erica europe has 3300000 miles asia a little over 1000000 australasia a little over 500000 miles and africa just under 400000 miles of the mile age on the two american continents the united states has over 3000000 miles ont of a total of 3800000 miles classified advertising ikventobs i jn ofielt to evehv inventor 1 1st of wanted inventions ana full intoi million sum fret the ramsay company world iatent attorneys 273 hank street ottawa canada ron sam daspberry canes viking 2000 thousand alsonla farms coolisvllle washo motorcycles large stock used guaranteed machines terms arranged new machines on display write for catalogue walter andrews ltd 531 yonge st toronto washo cleans everything used daily every home harmless economic- i free needle threader with each package heats all sales records gooi repeater good commission ex- ceptlonal proposition write quick wiisho bid alexandria out a25 bulbs qladiomjs ifitt for 100 post- paid blooming size rainbow mix ture r gorman harriston ont salesladies wanted caijsnie fast seizing can- adlan magazine with liberal com mission write to knitting and home craft department 7 knit v uuildlng montreal quebec educational felt imm km ell every m now awakes full of life and energy fruitatives rid his system of dang po its a poisoned system t hat makes you wake up with a nagging headache a furry mouth listless and tired and now you can get lastingrelief easily economically use fruitalivcs rcgu- larlythcy arc the discovery of a famous physician natural fruit-a-tivescon- tain extracts from fruits and herbs effective they cleanse the entire elimination system and their special tonic effects help bring new energy safe fruitativcs do not contain anyhabitformingdrugsprraiajkte fruitatives is the largest selling rcniedyof its kind in canada real proof of its results technical books pih sale its the following subjects itaitio aviation diesel kef rigrn lion alrcondftlonlns iros- poctliiff engineering etc write for list teelinlral hook co s63 hay st toronto poultices ot mtcca icticvc pain brlrts out coici liroll ouickly no kit 25c 35c 50c 100 ice box opalite refrigerator good as new suitable for small restaurant or large family make offer room 421 73 adelaide street w toronto elgin 3101 issue no 19 36 h lllgl h pisii women who suffer women who suffer in flloncc often pay a double jkunlty for wearing tills gag of unschlshnoss or silly pride iuiiiful period pro natures warning tliat komethlnff is wrong anil noeita im mediate nttentioji failure to heed ami correct tlifi first painful symptoms may load to chronic conditions with some- tlnifh nail consequences growing girls as well as women in middle life aro often 8ii iter era from female irreguln ti tles catarrhal drains ir iiercos fa vorite prescription is a dependable tonic for women and can ixi obtained at every drug store buy now new size tablet to ets- liquid 100 large size tabs or liquid si 35 write for free medical advice to dr threes clinic buffalo x y u cuts sorts apply minard frc jt jl vlie out poison and 1 1 jnss any wound hcalt ml quickly ahtr its use 20 therox nothing bltcr