womans world j by mair m morgan delicious home made candy heres a bate or homemade candy with a truly professional air see how the contrast in colour and shape and the dainty wrappings add to the at tractiveness of the box filled with chocolate caramels and bonbons and how the little paper cups set oft the sugared pecans how rich dark choc olate nut fudge lustrous thin cream wafers and coconut cherry divinity all enhance one another homemade candles are a real treat particularly when they turn out per fectly you know the fudge the just meltinyourmouth kind and then nippy mints it really isnt difficult to make real good candy but the recipes must be reliablo and ingredients of the finest quality the recipes given here have been carefully tested and will give perfect candy if they are followed ac curately chocolate nut fudge 2 squares unsweetened chocolate cut in pieces 23 cup milk 2 cups ot sugar dash of salt 2 tablespoons of butter 1 teaspoon vanilla i cup of broken nut meats add chocolate to milk and place over low flame cook until mixture is smooth and blended stirring con stantly add sugar and salt and stir until sugar is dissolved and mixture boils continue cooking without stir ring until a small amount of mixture forms a very soft ball in cold water 232 degrees f remove from fire add butter and vanilla cool to luke warm 110 degrees f then beat till mixture begins to thicken and loses its gloss add 1 cup broken walnut meats and pour at once into greased pan sx4 when cold cut in squares makes 18 large pieces coconut cherry divinity is a new and delicious candy with its line com bination of fruit flavours 2 cups sugar 23 cup water cup light corn syrup 2 egg whites stiffly beaten dash of salt vi can coconut southern style shred toasted and crumbled 1 teaspoon vanilla 34 cup candied cherries thinly sliced cook jfr cup sugar and 13 cup ot water together until a small amount of syrup forms a slightly firm ball in cold water 210 degrees p cook remaining sugar water and syrup to gether until a small amount of syrup forms a hard hall in cold water 250 degrees k kemovc first sydup from fire cool slightly and pour slowly over egg whites beating constantly until mixture loses its gloss ly min utes then add second syrup slowly as before fold in coconut vanilla cherries and salt and turn immediate ly into buttered pan sx8 inches cool until firm cut into pieces lxms inch es roll in additional toasted coconut if desired makes 3 4 dozsn pieces this weeks winners here are this weeks winners together with recipes in the main course contest combination meal dish l slic ed round steak 5 slices cooked ham 1 lb veal minced 2 eggs hard boiled 1 tablespoon grated onion 1 teaspoon worcestershire sauce salt pepper 2 cups of tomato soup wipe round steak cover with slices of ham mix minced veal with onion sauce salt and pepper spread evenly over ham along one edgo lay slices of egg roll as for jelly roll tie securely place in greased pan pour- over tomato soup or 1 cup tomato and 1 cup ot mushroom soup cover and simmer for two hours until tender it served hot use remaining liquid as sauce is quite delicious and very attractive sliced cold mrs s g spray park- hill ontario lima beans and cheese roast li cups of cooked lima beans 1 cup grated cheese 1 cup soft bread crumbs cup milk 1 teaspoon chopped green pepper salt and pepper 3 strips of bacon put in a layer of beans in but tered baking dish sprinkle with the cheese a layer of bread crumbs a few pieces of pepper continue this until all is used pour over this the milk and lay on strips of bacon hake in moderate oven mrs harry matt hew care of mr charles leach rr no i blenheim ontario how to enter contest plainly write or print out the in gredients and method of your favor ite maincourse dish and send it to gether with name and address to household science room 421 73 west adelaide street toronto i have no definite policy for the settlement of diplomatic affairs other than the use of common sense premier koki hcrota just as digestions are being ruin ed by the soft foods we eat charac ters remain undeveloped because of soft living emily post not brilliant atarithmetic lady tweedsmuir makes confession about childhood 39 ottawa lady tweedsmuir spoke recently at the opening ceremonies of national education week and ad mitted that as a child she was poor at arithmetic a difficult and dis tressful science cites advantages in the modern world where condi tions are changing with such lightn ing rapidity she said it is vital that we all set our minds to devising a system of education at once elastic enough to meet our needs and strong enough to stand the strain of the everchanging conditions of the 1930s after outlining her idea of educa tion which included the three rs and a g geography lady tweedsmuir mentioned mechanical advantages ac corded the modern child over those of his predecessors but added to stare stupidly at the movies and listen unintelligently to the radio is not going to help people to have minds that work for themselves one of the curses of modern life is a tendency to smatter and never go deeply into anything the mind may become boneless and flabby because it has never used its mental muscles and its sinews bane of childhood the governorgenerals wife admit ted that arithmetic was the bane of her childhood but added none of us can survive without this difficult and distressful science in a world where problems are becoming more those of economics every day that we live of geography lady tweedsmuir said a comic poet has written geography is about maps biography about chaps and an enlightened un derstanding of maps and chaps should be the slogan of the worthy citizen a new version there is a grotesque contrast be- tweeen the capabilities and achieve ments that people have ascribed to me and what i really am and can do albeit einstein men do not resent the intrusion of women in government affairs but they do resent hysterical women who have obsessions and lack an open mind mrs franklin d jtoosevclt here is something just a little different from your newest shirt- maker dress with flattery and soft detail theres femininity and charm in the shirt collar with bow pos ed at one side the wide shoulder- line gives emphasis to a slim young waist its tremendously smart in roughfinished cottons linens and tub silks the bow will fall more softly if picot edged or rolled by hand style no 2923 is designed for sizes ii 13 15 and 17 years size 15 requires 3 yards of 39- inch material with v yard of 35- inch contrasting how to order patterns write your name and address plainly giving number and size of pattern wanted enclose 15c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide street toronto grounds not safe j o roscoe turner famous flier and his wife pictured in ios angeles court where jack si holliday is suing for 10000 claiming turners car struck him and caused serious injury turner denied liability qunday hoo lesson v may 3 jesus teaches forgiveness humility and gratitude luke 17 golden text be ye kind one to another tenderhearted forgiving each other even as god also in christ forgave you ephesians 4 32 the lesson in its setting time the teaching in verses 110 occurred in january ad 30 that recorded in the rest of the chapter occurred in february and march of the same year not many weeks be fore jesus passion place the teaching throughout this chapter was given in peraea the miracle of healing the ten lepers vs 1119 took place on the border of samaria and he said unto his disciples it is impossible but that occasions of stumbling from this it is made to indicate any person or thing by which one is made to stumble or is drawn into error or sin should come while the world remains what it is some will always set snares and stumblingblocks in the path of their brethren and some will always fall over them and some will make them for themselves 1 cor 11 19 1 peter 2 s but woe unto him through whom they come christ has often pronounced woe before this for various reasons in the gospel we are studying g 2126 10 13 11 4217 52 it were well for him if a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were thrown into the sea rather than that he should cause one of these little ones to stumble see for a similar teaching matt is 0 mark 9 42 take heed to yourselves if thy brother sin rebuke him apparent- jy from the next verse we are to judge that the particular sin here for which we are to rebuke anotherjs a sin which the other one has com mitted against us and if lie repent forgive him and if he sin agains thee seven times in the day and seven times turn again to thee saying i repent thou shalt forgive him cf matt 18 22 seven is simply a number indicating completeness and the apostles said unto the lord increase our faith the faith which they ask for here is of course faith in the lord jesus and in his promises and the lord said if ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed ye would say unto this sycamine tree be thou rooted up and be thou planted in the sea and it would obev you cf matt 17 20 mark 11 23 the sycamine seems to be a generic name for various kinds of mulberries which were freely culti vated in the eeast but who is there of you having a servant plowing or keeping sheep that will say unto him when he is come in from the field come straight way and sit down to meat and will not rather say unto him make ready wherewith i may sup and gird thy self and serve me till i have eaten and drunken and afterward thou halt eat and drink this parable s far as we can see has absolutely n connection with the preceding words there is no evidence that this parable was spoken especially to the apostles the words almost might imply that they were addressed to a mixed audience of welltodo person doth he thank the servant because he did the things that were command ed this does not of course re present the actual attitude of god towards his creatures but it does re present the claim of the creature upon the creators rewarding grati tude even so ye also when ye shall have done all the things that are commanded yon we have never met the man who could truly say that he had done everything that god had commanded him to do say we are unprofitable servants the word here translated unprofitable occurs in only one other place in the new testa ment matt 25 30 literally the original word means without use useless good for nothing we have done that which it was our duty to do even when i have done my very- best i am to feel that i might have done more i am to remember that i have served him so poorly at the very time that 1 gratefully acknow ledge his own sustaining grace with out which i could not have done even that ana it came to pass as they were on till way to jerusalem that lie was passing along the borders of samari and galilee samaria is mentioned first here because it was on the right as he was going eastward along the border between samaria and galilee and as he entered into a certain village the entire narrative of the healing of the lepers is original with luke who also recorded the miracle of healing a leper early in jesus ministry 5 1214 the geographical and chronological details are meagre and weak there met him ten men that were lepers for details of the disease of leprosy see the treatment of the isson for fbruary 2 who stood afar off for the law compel ling tenors to keep at a certain dis tance from all men see lev 13 45 40 num 5 2 the distance was not fixed by law but by tradition by some it was set to be one hundred paces and they lifted up their voices jesus master the word here trans lated master is the one which else where st luke puts into the mouths of the intimate disciples 8 24 especially peter 5 5 9 33 and johr 9 49 have mercy on us their very prayer would surely in dicate some faith on their par in christ and his power to heal and when he saw them he said unto them go and show yourselves unto the priests for the law re quiring a leper to go to the priest not for cleansing but for determin ing whether the leper had been heal- wi of his disease see the thirteenth and fourteenth chapters of leviticus and it came to pass as they went they were cleansed in the previous account of healing a leper christ first cleansed the leper of his foul priest here he commands him to go to the priest and heals him after ward and one of them when he saw that he was healed turned back the original text here would indicate that he had not yet seen the priest but he had a deep conviction that he was disease and then sent him to the healed with a loud voice glorifying god the loud voice may mean that he still stood afar off as having not yet acquired the right to mix with others and he fell upon his face at his feet giving him thanks the nine had thought only of his wonderful power the poor despised samaritan thought also of his deep compassion ating love a love that pitied and healed even him and it is love alone that ever leads to thankfulness and he was a samaritan for the meaning of samaritan see the ex position of luke 9 52 and luke 10 33 and jesus answering said were not the ten cleansed but where are the nine were there none found cause and cure of indigestion even in question of diet patients peculiarities must be considered that returned to give glory to god christ was actually hurt by the in gratitude of these other nine save this stranger this man was a stranger to the covenants and pro mises that belonged to the jews a limestone block has recently been found belonging to the ancient temple in jerusalem in which this very word here translated stranger is used an inscription which may have been read by christ himself let no foreigner enter within the screen surrounding the sanctuary and ho said unto him arise and go thy way thy faith hath made thee whole undoubtedly the lord is hero bestowing upon the healed samaritan an added blessing many people are under the inipres- siou that it is an easy matter to sup- gest a remedy when the digestion is upset writes a doctor in the london daily herald itis too often forgotten that there are a great many types ot indigestion and that unless the cause is kuown any treatment must be in the nature ot an experiment this experimenting should how ever be left to the expert for nothing tends to make stomach disorders worse thau the jumping about from one remedy to another in the hope that one may be successful it is therefore of supreme import ance to discover exactly what type ot dyspepsia you have to deal with be fore your begin treatment if the cause is known the first steps lo be taken should aim at getting rid of that cause healthy teeth for instance much of the trouble may be due to constipation this should most certainly bo put right if it exists in every type of indiges tion and incidentally it may here bo stated that by far the best remedy for this condition is the formation of a regular habit a time should be set apart after breakfast is best tho condition of the teeth is also of the utmost importance defective and deficient teeth are a common cause of dyspepsia you should re member that the first part of diges tion takes place in the mouth where the food well mixed with saliva is partly digested by this juice this cannot be carried out if there are in sufficient teeth to make certain that the saliva reaches every particle ot food taken into the mouth chewing should be done slowly to be of any value improperly masti cated food gets down to the stomach in indigestible portions and lies there like a lump of lead bolted food causes irritation and the stomach and intestinal juices can never get at it little wonder theu that such treatment leads to stomach trouble eating alone peoplpe who live alone are apt to bolt their meals there is no inter ruption or conversation at their tables to slow up the meal they would do well to prop a book or paper on the dining table and read whilst eating a damaged stomach requires a certain amount of rest and it is a good plan to lie down before a meal for a quarter of an hour or so and to rest for a similar period when the meal is over this puts the least possible amount of extra strain on the stomach and helps digestion meals should alwajg be at regular intervals this allows the stomach to recover from its work although the question of diet is one of extreme importance the pa tients peculiarities must be consid ered there are many who cannot take certain articles of diet even al though these may be of the type generally considered easy of diges tion a diet must be built up acconding to the cause ot the trouble and its type and it will be obvious that th same diet will not necessarily suit every kind of indigestion tho most that can be done in an article of this kind is to indicate the digestible and indigestible foods your doctor is the best qualified per son to suggest the actual diet itself pork and beef are usually consid ered only fit for those with good di gestions they should be avoided when the stomach is damaged made- up dishes are indigestible as a rule that is to say food which has been cooked twice of tho vegetables cabbage is per haps the one which causes most trouble to the dyspeptic pickles vinegar and the like should not ba taken where indigestion is present fu manchu by sax rohmer parson dan insists o sax r9hntr j n u 3iv-t- im you tould be a dead man now if it wee not for your friend in chew smith told mr btham earnestly china today not the china of 98 it is a hug secret machine mud fay the seven you mot not return k cmmt nosirrep8odfte clergyman mi us ok a strang mature of deep spiritual re ami mens reeohshoa 1 an cabed to nan yaogt heap ffce wairtfcrj m far ton dan iag through 4a surface of fbe rar j d btham nan yang it a banal of ganpowdor yea would ba the agbted etc smith stated mmibrtycmibamiioayamvitofumeaor of china tv ysftw peril today if a mat aad terrible threat tv peace of the world is l state i wlieoconsidcr my decision mr eltham laid the storm he blown over yet tho very atmosphere of rodmoat jecmed impregnated with eastern devilry and then through the silence cut a throbbing scream tho scream of a woman in agonized fcarl the wonder house im building nc a wonderhouse apart from busy ways and there i mean to sluilei me in gladness all m days the fabric is the loveoffriends cemented strong and stout with foursquare walls cf loyalty to keep unkimiess out the porch is broad the threshold wide ill have no bolt nor bar and for a hospitable sign the door shall stand ajar the light of trust and sympathy in every nook will shine and laughter like a breeze shall boft through all this house of mine the house will never be complete but adding one by one tho soaring gables buildcd firm ill rear it toward the sun until the turrets pierce the clouds and starry crests wear when angels walk upon the roof and god comes down the stair