tottfftnlle wmbnnt vol xlvii no 40 stouffville thursday march 12th 1936 a v nolan jp publisher nyal strengthening tonic choice laying fowl mother in 94th stolen thursday year moorned night sure youths hadihorse prices are miss kate darrach no part imparts vim visor and vitality a reliable tonic and bloodbuilder aids digestion improves appe tite and builds up the nerous system a tonic of real merit for convales cents suitable for adults and children 100 it large bottle j m storey the home of quality drugs druggist chicken thieves spring raides farmers start on mrs john allin knew stouffville refore incorporation sleighs for sale why be without a set of sleighs or bother your neighbor for his set sloop sleighs for only 3500 also a new diamond set marrow 4 sec only 52000 bexl hex lin lhone 102 highest price for live fowl insurance thomas birkett insurance agency everything in insurance phone 25902 stouffville out h o klinck obrien avenue lor your insurance needs in five life automobile burglary and all casualty lines a c burkrfolder insurance canada life assurance co also automobilo and fire last thursday night chicken thieves entered the premises of mr george iiarkey who lives on the 7th concession of whitchurch just north of the markham townline and carried off over 33 laying fowl mr barkey was away from home on thursday evening and after return ing did no retire until about 1230 oclock he heard no noises about the place that were unusual in fact ho is not sure whether the birds were stolen while he was away dur ing the evening or taken later in the night the hen house is within 150 feet of the home hence the robery was carried out in a professional manner in order that no alarm was given farmers may now commence to speculate on whether this is the be ginning of another onslaught on their chicken roosts this spring the authorities do not seem to move in any way to combat the trouble so what about a public meeting of the farmers in south whitchurch audi north markham to discuss ways and j means to deal with roost raiders or chicken thieves call them what you like our own real brand of them wouldnt look well in print the thieves tramped through the snow from the townline across the farm of arthur paisley entering barkeys farm through- the bush on paisleys place returning laden with the chickens they circled the bush to avoid the deep snow two thieves carried away the 33 hens with one trip which must have been some load evidence of them being loaded at the townline was found con stable sid barraclough was called and assigned to the case mrs catharine hare allin widow of john allin parsed away on tues day morning last week at her home on main street chippawa near niagara falls the remains were brought to stouffville for interment on saturday march 7 the long journey being made by motor funeral reaching here at one oclock airs allin is one of the eldest persons to be buried in the local cemetery for she was in her 94th yea r the late mrs allin was chipp- awas most beloved and best known citizen and maintained her interest in lite to the very last although it is long years since she left stouff ville she kept constantly in touch with happenings in the home district and was a weekly reader of the tribune born in the township of markham she was a young married woman ere this village was incorporated her husband the late john allin who came from aberdeen scotland was the village jeweller here half a century ago his shop stood on the lot where mr james mowats house description of markham gunmen convinces police of innocence of trio held ringwood look permanent 1 wave shampoo finger wave included 150 beautiful croquignole with ringlet ends reg 5750 croquignole 350 unconditionally guaranteed l keeping main st phone s114 4 doors east presbyterian church this is for a very limited time only stouffville toronto single 85c ict n rn 1 55 standard time leave ieavo stoultvllic mansion house 715 am 925 am 345 pm s40 pm toronto bay at diuulas 1100 am 130 pm 530 pm 545 pm 1015 pm a daily except sunday holidays b sunday holidays only c satur day only c daily except saturday sunday holi days connections at toronto for buffalo detroit and all usa points gray coach lines mansion house phone 101 stouftvillo walter jacobs sale was well attended and lair prices realized walter vague and miss jean grove spent sunday evening at e s barkeys lemonville miss helen abell has been under the doctors care lately with a fractured rib mrs j m grove is spending a few weeks with mrs harvey quautz at mount joy mr and mrs arthur bassett spent sunday with mr and mrs wes lotton at lemonville mrs milton gillhnm has been holidaying with her mother mrs miller at scarboro nearly all ot our roads are open for motor trallic again with the highways nearly cleared of snow rev thos ii mitchell and miss bell mitchell were visitors with rev and mrs thos laidlaw stouffville on wednesday morley brown who is in the sick childrens hospital recuperating from his recent operation we are glad to report is progressing nicely alex jones is erecting a new cement building at the dickson hill mill south of his present mill to be used for cleaning and grading grain up to the government standard we understand the building is to be 30xg0 ft with two storeys james cronan who is having a sale next tuesday has disposed of his farm to george irodanz of tor onto the reported price being 2700 mr rodanz is now the land king of the district with about 500 acres purchased in two years our district has created a record for itself this early spring for the number farm stock sales held there being four public auctions with in a few weeks two have just been held and there are two to come right away those that go to make past history are the miller short horn sale and the walter jacob sale of general farm stock to come is george staleys sale on friday this week on the alex mitchell farm and the james cronan sale on tues day the 17th march george staley is unable to rent a suitable place while jim cronan war veteran finds he cant go on without his de ceased wife as a partner a years trial has satisfied him on that score and so he gives up it will he a large furniture sale that jim has to offer henco the ladles will be interested in this provincial police are convinced that the two youths arrested in windsor found in possession of a 3s calibre automatic pistol re volver bad nothing to do with the shooting of the stonehouses at markham every possible avenue of i inquiry is still being checked by the provincial police it is understoo- that the descrip tions of the men involved in the markham shooting in the possession of the provincial police indicate that the gunmen were of middle age one of whom is reported to have had a bald head provincial police officers stated that there were no new develop ments but that intensive investi gation was being carried out into all angles of the case the three two of them from montreal and the third from williamsburg were remanded at windsor yesterday until march 17 questioned there on the suspicion they might have knowledge of the markham tragedy the boys denied they had been in markham they also said they had no know ledge of the markham shooting un til asked about it after their arrest they denied knowledge of the gun found in the car but police doubted their story in this respect j ne pistol has been sent to tor onto for tests by dr e r frankish provinvial medicolegal expert photographs of the youths have also been sent to authorities in toronto feature of farm auction animal around 20 years snapped up at s10o jersey cons s70 at charles hoovers sale is located he died dec 25 1s9c for 20 years mrs allin had resided in chippawa prior to which she lived in toronto in religion she was a presbyterian she was the lost surviving member of a family of ten children born to the late samuel hare and her last surviving brother was samuel hare who died on obrien avenue about three years ago he being over 90 at the time of his death mrs allin is survived by four daughters janet frances and maria allin all at home and mrs gray wife of dr andrew gray of chippawa funeral services were hold at the late home in chippawa on friday afternoon at four oclock the rev j t hall presbyterian minister there officiating at the ser vice which was attended by many during the service mrs milton bacon and mrs c hallam sang a favorite hymn of the deceased abide with me burial service was conducted by dr thos mitchell at stouffville cemetery on saturday the bearers were rcesor elias hoover ger percy harry brillinger small farm sold mr ab stouffer one of our prominent farmers has sold the 41 acres of land just north olringwood on the sth concession to mr elmer ferguson mr stouffer purchased the place some years ago tor additional grazing land the house and barns are on the sideroad north of groves store the new owner mr ferguson sold the old boyer farm just south of town last fall and has been living in stouffville since that time while looking for a smaller acreage probably the top notch public auction of the local season was held on tuesday at gormley of the chattels belonging to chas hoover township clerk and treasurer of markham township who is giving up farming to locate in unionville seven horses sold at record prices the top animal selling for 166 to albert heise of gormley a 3-year- old colt sold to robert mcllwain for 147 while two aged horses around 20 years each brought 100 and 65 other animals went for 154 115 114 the seven head averaging 123 a fancy figure despite cattle market prices cows went well two jerseys brought 70 each and holsteins 5s seeds oats went at 40c bushel and alfalfa hay 4 a ton in the mow implements saw brisk bidding and sold well a hay tedder went for 40 a set of harrows 20 and sloop sleighs 24 per set the crowd was tremendous the weather warm and the sunshine in viting deal setting for an auctioneer and a s farmer worked hard to realize the success the sale was the total proceeds were close to 2400 dominion president comin at the march meeting ol the wms of the united church held at the home of mrs delbert holden there was an unusually large atten dance and an especially interesting program it was announced that the dominion president mrs forbes would be present as the guest speak er for the april meeting of the society cephas raymer dead since the local pages of this issue went to press tuesday afternoon announcing his serious illness from hardening of the arteries cephas raymer eldest son of mr ana mrs ab h raymer passed away that same evening about nine oclock he was 56 years of age and was born in the township of whitchurch on his fathers farm on the 7th con cession and had spent all his life there until he came to town with his parents about ten years ago cephas was a bachelor and is survived by his parents one sister mrs fred pilkey and one brother alberthis aged father was 85 years old on the 2nd of march the funeral on friday will be from the mennonite church at 230 oclock he was a member of this church and a faithful living man passes on a resident of this town until about 23 years ago miss kate darrach passed away at her home 43 garnock avenue toronto tues day morning following a lingering illness funeral service was held at the home on wednesday evening attended by mr and mrs fred button mr and mrs blake sanders and other friends from stouffville interment was to take place today thursday in the family plot at stayner on arrival of motors from toronto the late miss darrach with her sister lived in stouffville for a good many years the girls conducting a millinery establishment on the south side of main street while their father the late john darrach was the local cabinet maker he was a widower and an expert workman in his trade since the family moved to toronto the deceased and her sister mrs janet adair have lived to gether and made frequent visits to the old town at the time of the old boys reunion in 1927 the late miss darrach and the late william todd took a leading part in the parade representing the bride and groom emblematic of bygone days such was miss darrachs jovial nature and happy disposition heart trouble claims highly respected man john forsvth was 71st year in his postponed owing to the mild weather and downpour of rain this wednesday the hockey clubs night at the arena was postponed also the draw suffering for years from a chronic case of heart disease mr john for syth aged 70 years passed away on friday night at his residence near the public school on main street the funeral on monday afternoon to stouffville cemetery was attended by many relatives and scores of old neighbors from the altonaglasgow district who had known him all their lives born on the second concession of uxbridge just west of altoua ho was a typical type ot his scotch ancestry a quiet careful thorough farmer his father was the late chas forsyth and he is survived by his bereaved wife formerly miss selena grice they had no children two brothers ralph and frank prede ceased him owing to his ill health he gave up the farm six years ago and retired to his fine residence here which he had built in 1918 in anticipation of his retirement his demise is generally regretted and the town has lost a good citizen the funeral service was in charge ot rev thomas laidlaw interment being in stouffville cemetery the pall bearers were all old friends and neighbors john turner sandy jones alfred s collins harmon hoover george dowswell all of stouffville and john scott clare- mont the church notices cheaper hydro possible now attorney general roebuck aims to pass benefit to consumers in form of lower rates fore casts rack to niagara policy messrs albert henry brillin- and walter address ox horticulturk bethesda bffiths itoake at richmond hill on march 9 1936 to mr and mrs mrs albert boake nco margaret mcmullen a daughter glcbnor in stouffville on march sth 193g to mr and mrs otto giebncr a son hodgson at brierbush hospital stouffville on march ii 1936 to mr and mrs charles hodgson rrno3 stouffville a son the regular meeting of the sr womens institute will be held on wednesday march is at the home of mrs grubin main street a guest speaker has been secured in mr miller of agincourt who will speak on horticulture all interested in this subject are welcome to attend there will be an exchange of seeds and bulbs by the members the usual social half hour will follow farm prices ruled high walter jacobs farm stock sale a ringwood on thursday attracted buyers for many miles and a successful cash sale resulted totall ing close to 3000 horse sales featured the ringside prices going to 17250 for a heavy mare in view of the depressed cattle market cows sold at good prices the top cow of the tb tested herd selling at 7s with an average for the herd around 50 rock hens 125 sold at a dollar each and laying leghorns 92c mixed hay went for 5 per ton and implements at fair prices prentice prentico were the auctioneers mr jacob is giving up the farm and may move to toronto miss edith atkinson is home again after having spent some time at gormley mr and mrs a b shaffer visited with mr and mrs peter brillinger of gormley one day last week we are very sorry to report mr ernest steckley in the general hospital toronto where he is suffering from a very badly hurt eye some time ago mr steckley had the misfortune of hurting his other eye we hope for a complete and speedy recovery the jr institute will meet on saturday march 14th at the home of mrs arthur steckley at 10 oclock miss betty wallace the coach in project work for womens insti tutes will be the guest speaker miss wallace is especially interested in the record books so remember all members please be present on time and bring your record books the maninthemoon witnessed another big tobogganing party last friday night although the air was rather cool and frosty everyone for got about it there were several up sets which caused some scratched faces twisted limbs and torn cloth ing but nothing more serious everyono enjoyed themselves thoroughly especially some of those who decided they hadnt walked enough climbing the hills and strolled off afterwards for more exercise wo guess well say so anyhow intending to retire from a long life on the farm mr frank pipher has rented his acreage at lot 23 con s markham to mr a s stouffer son of mr abram stouffer mr pipher will hold a public sale early in april to clear the decks for his tenant details of the new contracts made by the ontario hydro com mission with the gatineau and maclaren companies were given to the legislature on tuesday by attorneygeneral arthur roebuck who declared that due to the sensational cut in the cost of power to the commission as a result of the new agreements all ontario municipalities would benefit sub stantial reductions in power charg es in the very near future in this connection may i give the positive assurance that it is the policy of this government to hand on to the powerusers of our system such benefits as good management may warrant and its courageous battle against the exsessive and un justified exactions from the system may have secured said the attorneygeneral instead of paying 15 per horse power for the full contract amount from gatineau of 260000 hp the commission had now agreed to pay 1250 per horsepower for the pow er actually taken by che commission with a minimum of 100000 hp mr roebuck explained in compar ing the old and new agreements the price of the 33000 horsepower of standby power would be paid for at the price of 10 per horsepower with 15175 per horsepower for the general reserve the purpose ot the standby power was to provide im mediately available spare capacity in case ot temporary stopage of the commissions other purchased supply or from its own generating plants apparatus or equipment stouffvllle rresbyterian rev w h fuller b a sunday march 15 1936 200 pm sunday school 300 pm church service everyone cordially invited t t t t lemonville bloom3ngton ballantkae rev c b jeffery minister sunday march 15 1936 1045 am ballantrae 300 pm lemonville 700 pm- bloomington t t t t stouffville baptist church c s mcgrath pastor sunday march 15 1936 1000 am bible school classes for all ages 1100 am divine worship 700 pm gospel service preced ed by song service wed 8 pm prayer meeting in the basement of the church t t t t stouffville mennonite church rev i brubackcr pastor sunday march 15 1936 elder m bricker will speak on friday evening at 8 oclock and on sunday at 1045 sacramental service sunday school 945 700 pm gospel service altona elder bricker 7 pm the young people are continuing the bible study and singing lessons next meeting in the church on monday march 16 at 8 oclock stouffville mjens bible class nondenominational meeting each sunday afternoon at 230 in oddfellows rooms button block a cordial invitation is extended to all men of the community who are not connected with any other sunday afternoon group funeral notice the funeral for tho late cephas raymer will be held from the family homo on baker avenue stouffville friday afternoon march 13 at 2 oclock- with a public service in the mennonite church at 230 interment dick son hill cemetery please omit flowers stouffville congregational christian church william tyler pnslor sunday march 15 1936 stouffville 1000 am sunday school classes for all ages 1100 am morning worship 700 pm gospel service bright song service preceding the regular service wednesday 715 p m junior endeavour wednesday s pm prayer meet ing in the church basement mr a s collins will lead the service no christian can grow spiritually while wilfully neglecting the prayer meet ing verily i say unto you except ye be converted and become as little children ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven irepent ye therefore and ibe converted that your sins may ibe blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the lord matt 183 acts 319 church hill 200 pm sunday school 300 pm church servico wo invito the public to our gospel services each sunday t t t t sixth line baptist church rev w e smalley pastor telephone 1903 sunday march 15 1936 1000 am sunday school 1100 am church service subject 7 some facts about heaven wed s pm prayer meeting bible thought for this week prov 1810 my son hear the instruction of thy father and for sake not the law of thy mother for they shall he an ornament of grace unto thy head and chains about thy neck my son if sinners entice thee consent thou not t t t t stouffville united church rev thos laidlaw minister sunday march 15 1930 1100 morning worship 230 s s bible classes 700 evening service beginning with a song servico rev e a btigden ba will preach at both services monday at 8 p m young peoples society wednesday at s pm prayer and biblo study you are cordially welcome to these services t t t t bloomington and ringwood christian churches rev e morton preacher sunday march 15 1936 gods church on earth seems to grow very slowly but what is to last forever takes a long time to grow services next lords day 1100 am bloomington 700 pm ringwood to shut christ out of your heart life is to shut yourself out of heaven tho house of god has been and is a great meeting place lost stolen missing the following unique notice was fixed to a- church door recently in england missinc last sunday some families from church stolen several hours from the lords day by a number of people of different ages dressed in their sunday clothes strayed half a score of lambs believed to have gone in tho direction of no sunday school