womans world by mair m morgan chocolate meringue pie with a flaky tender crust is the star of this silent movie the piemaking hints illustrated above from top to bottom cover the rolling of the chill ed dough pinching the edgj together if it cracks making a double up right fold of pastry for a fluted rim and fluting it with the lingers pil ing a meringue lightly from the edge in pushing it into each crinkle chocolate meringue pie canadians need desserts rich in heat and energy during the snappy cold days of wnter and early spring chocolate meringue pie is one of the most delicious of these desscits with its good filling and perfect pastry perfect pastry is the basis of all good pie and it is easily made by the new method of using a fine cake flour to give a light flaky crust one of th5 first rules in pastry making is to use cold ingrelients and handle them lightly a second important pointe- is to iso watr cautiously too many cooks dump the water on the flour and shortening mixture then have to knead and handle a soggy dough mixture and this is one of the commonest causes of tough pastry the best way to add water is to sprinkle i teaspoon of cold water over a portion of mixture and toss to gether lightly with a fork just enough to make it hold together then leave it add water to another portion and form another damp ball continue until all flour is dampened then wrap dough in waxed paper and chill thoroughly the finest plain pastry is made from this simple recipe 2i cups sifted cake flour ii teaspoon sail 23 cup cold shortening 13 cup cold water about sift flour once measure add salt nnd sift again cut in shortening until peces are about the size of small peas add water a small amount at a time mixing lightly otc 1 1 with fork handle a little as pos sible wrap in waxed paper chill thoroughly roll out on slightly flour ed bjard bake pastry in hot oven 450 degrees f makes enough pastry for one 9inch twocrust pie or fifteen shi inch tart shells chocolate meringue pie 3 squares unsweetened chocolate cut in pieces cups milk cup sifted cake floui teaspox salt egg yolks slightly beaten tablespoons butter teaspoons vanilla baked much pie shell egg whites tablespoons sugar add chocolate to milk and heat in double boler when chocolate is melted beat with rotary egg beater until blended combine sugar flour add salt and gradually to chocolate mixture and cook until thickened stirring constantly then continue cooking 10 minutes stirring occasi onally pour small amount of mix ture over egg jolks stirring vigor ously return to double boiler and cook 2 minutes longet remove from boiling vvater add buttet and vanilla cool turn into pie shell beat egg whits until foamy throughout add sugar tablespoons at a time beat ing after each addition until sugar is blended the continue beating until mixture will stand in peaks pile lightly on filling bake in moderate oven 350 degrees 1 15 minutes or until delicately browned on exhibition at fair si w i warded as paintings regarded as the most important and representative of contemporary american art are being displayed at the palace of fine arts at the san diego cal fair above is i photographic reproduc tion of gitri melchers the pot hunters cinnamon before baking winter diet in the old tlays of sailingships jrhen men were at sea for months at a time barrels of sauerkraut were usually part of the ships stores as a safe guard against scurvy that wastng disease caused only by lack of fresh vegetables and eating no fresh meat says jessie marie de both the ships cooks even iti those days knew that a varied diet with a proper bal ance between foods was vital to health the modern homemaker with faelities and a range of vegetables fruits meat fish and fowl at her command even in midwinter which a queen could not have bought with the crown jewels a hundred years ago is still no differently situated from the queens chef or the ships cook when it conies to providing her family with a balanced diet the modern homemaker must pay even more attention to the subject because today her family are leading mostly an indoor life it takes real thought and planning to provide the correct diet for that the best way is to plan meals for the entire week building each day progressively from breakfast through dinner and then linking each day to the next days meals there must be some bulk and roughage a balanced oven meal menu slufted pork chops candied sweet potatoes creamed cabbage tomato salad date meringue pudding stuffed pork chops 1 thick pork chops cut for stuf fing 1 cup cooked rice 1 tablespoon butter 2 chopped pimientos salt and pepper to taste method wipe chops stuff with rice to which the butter pimiento and seasoning have been added place in a hot skillet and brown on both s cover and reduce heat cook an hour candied sweet potatoes method peal the boiled or steamed sweet potatoes and cut them in thick lengthwise slices lay hem in a pan which has been rubbed lightly with fat dot potatoes with butter season with salt pepper and sprinkle thckly with brown sugar bake until a rich brown stew over a litt desired ueamkd cabbage 2 level cups cooked cabbage cut tine u cup melted butter 2 table spoons ilour teaspoon salt 1s teaspoon pepper 1 cups milk method add the seasoning to the flour and then all to melted butter blend well before adding milk cook over low fire stirring constantly until thick stir in cambbage and reheat serve vote for a hearty luncheon dish melt a level cup of cheese in the sauce before adding the cabbage serve with poached eggs on toast date meringue pudding 2 cups cooked cereal u- cup chop ped dates 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups milk 1 cup sugar 2 eggs method mix all ingredients except egg whte pour into buttered bak ing dish bake vj hour cover with meringue of beaten white to which 4 tablespoons sugar have been added and orown in oven threehour oven dinner oven baked rice carrots a la king showmedessert cottage ham method rub a cottage ham 3- 4m lbs with onefourth cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon mustard stck sur face well with cloves place in a baking pan and bake at 300 deg f 35 minutes to the pound serve with horseradish sauce horseradish sauce method pare dice and cook car- pared horseradish and u teaspoon salt to 1 cup cream whipped oven baked rice m cup raw rice 2 cups boiling water teaspoon salt method add the washed rice and salt to boiling water pour into a casserole or baking dish bake in oven until flakes of rice are tender and water absorbed use cover on dish carrots a la king method pare dice and cook car rots until tender drain prepare 1 cup medium hick white sauce to which has been added 1 teaspoon grated onion 1 tablespoon each finely diced celery minced parsley and pimiento pour sauce over carrots showmedessert vi cup butler vi cup sugar 2 beaten egg yolks l cup flour 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon baking powder 3 tablespoons milfl method mix all ingredient- as for cake spread in a pie pan whip the whites of two eggs add i rup extra of sugar and beat well spread on top of pie sprinkle some chopped nuts on top bake in slow oven 25 minutes serve with whipped cream if desired swagger shirtmaker from january to march is the best time to plant carnation cuttings for the reason that at this period the plants arc strong and vigorous later on the plants will be weakened by- flower production a great deal of information on the subject may be gleaned from the circular on carna tion culture issued by the dominion department of agriculture ottawa dont you love this little rig its the new shirtmaker frock with shoulder yoke and soft bodice ful ness simple to sew the sleeves cut in one with the bodice this model is stunning in cra vat print silk crepe it will look so gay neath your winter coat and you can wear it light through the spring cotton linen and tub pastel silks are nice to fashion it for later season wear style no 34 87 is designed for sizes 14 10 18 years 30 38 and 40inch bust size 10 requires 314 yards of 30inch material how to order patterns wrilc your name and address plainly giving number and size of pattern wauled enclose 15c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide street toronto the duke of connaught is winter ing at bath england and was pre vented by failing health from mak ing the trip to london to participate in the strenuous activities of the roy al funeral the duke 85yearold uncle of king george attended a commemorative service at bath ab bey unday chool more books more reading lesson x march 8 jesus teaches neighborliness luke 10 golden text thous shalt love the lord thy god with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy strength and with all thy mind and thy neighbor as thyself luke 1027 the lesson in its setting time november and december ad 29 place all the events of this chap ter occurred in ieraea the territory at of the jordan river extending run the city of pella southward half way down the eastern coast of the head sea the last five verses of this iiipiir are located in the city of liethany on the east slope of the mt f olives and behold a certain lawyer we should not allow this word to bring before our minds the typical lawyer of today in the new testament law yer means teacher of the law and is a synonym for the more frequently used word scribe stood up and made trial of him the fame of jesus as a teacher had reached this schol ars ears and he now undertakes to prove jesus skill to discover if he really is the teacher of divine truth as others claimed he was sying teacher what shall i do the tense supplies that by the performance of one thing eternal life can be secur ed what heroic act must be perform ed or what great sacrifice made to inherit eternal life this man was a legalist a man who conceives of eter nal life as an inheritance and he said unto him what is written in the law how readest thou the very business of this man ques tinning jesus was to know the law and he answering said thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thy heart the quotation beginning herr is from dent g3 and 1012 and with all thy soul and with all thy strength and with all thy mind and thy neighbor as thyself the last phrase is quoted from lev 10 li these words need no exposition and he said unto him thou hast answered right this do and thou shalt live the verb here translated do is a present imperative and could be literally translated contin ually do ie not merelv do it once for all but he desiring t justify himself said unto jesus and who is my neigh bor the laywer saw at once that he had convicted himself of asking a question that he really knew in his embarrassment he asks another question to show that he did have a point at first jesus made answer and said a certain man was going down from jerusalem to jericho and he fell among robbers who both stripped him an exceptional act of violence and brutality cf matt 27 2s 31 and mark 1520 and heat him it was because he tried to keep his clothes and also to disable him that they ad ded blows to robbery and departed leaving him half dead one must be reminded of our lords words con cerning the destructive work of satan in the lives of his subjects in john 0 10 12 11 and by chance a certain priest was going down thai way by co incidence we might say by that won derful fallingin of one event with mother which often seems chance to ts being indeed the mysterious woav ingin by a higher hand of the thread of different mens lives into the one common woof and when he saw him he passed by on the other side i am quite sure that if any one had asked this priest in the temple what shall i do to inherit eternal life he would have answered him thou shall love the lord thy god with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy strength and with all thy mind and thy neighbor as thyself but the trouble with this priest that as soon as he got his temple du ties over he forgot all that about his neighbor and iu like manner a levite also when he came to the place and saw him passed by on the other side the levjtes were appointed to assist iho priests but were not themselves like aaron and his sons to approach the most holy things but a certain samaritan a sam aritan was one absolutely despised by the jews and it was to the jewish people that jesus was speaking as 1 ho journeyed came where he was and when he saw him he was moved with compassion the feeling that j one would expect from the heart of a samaritan was one of actual and j powerful hatred instead of that he was touched with the mans suffering i having regard io the pulling pow er of the movies bridge church and social attractions it is interesting to learn from the annual report of tho st thomas public library that was i aoou pc o the population the city are ticket holders or at average of two persons in evei household the total number of books etc issued during ast year was 188111 which shows how much the library is appreciate and how- great a servk6 it renders to the community there never was a time when it was so efficiently managed ami conveniently arranged and as it is to some extent below standard owing to financial conditions the ex tent of the patronage should be a reminder to the city fathers that they should be willing to strech a point to still further improve a ser vice which is so much needed and so much taken advantage of there are few ways in which money could be as well spent it is also interesting to learn that 10000 new books were published in old london last year the highest total on record many people have the urge to write a book about some thing or other even if they are not writers by instinct or profession ami a great number of books are publish ed mainly at the expense of the writ ers themselves which would other- and came to him and bound up i his wounds possibly with strips torn j from his own garments pouring on hem oil and wine oil and wine were recognized household remedies and j he set him on his own beast and he brought him to an inn and took caret of him i i wise never get bevond the dream and on the morrow he took out gt large as the growth of bri- two shillings literally two denarii l pulishin flfrures a h is sur equivalent to a sum 0 between thir- prisim to know that the book ty and forty cents and gave them bli is uvo am a haf timcs to the host and said take care of the g it vvas 10 vearg agq t him and more i when i come back again repay thee the expression of the i i ing public is two 1 1 the size it was 10 vcars ago s of books has rhcn an awl iof two per cent annually readers i at 15 per cent so that in spite of and its emphatic position show that t is meant to imply come exclusive- j other mole ly to mo for money and payment readers which of these three thinkestj perhaps quality i proved neighbour unto him that quantity but on the attractions there are not only books but a great many more thou fell among the robbers- behind this question our lord rebukes the law yers previous question and he said he that showed the mercy on him and jesus said unto him go and do thou likewise the command of jesus is in the present imperative and might be literally translated thou also habitually do likewise it was not to be a single act but lifelong conduct slim ankles sacrificed to whole it is a healthy thing that the public is pat ronizing the libraries private and municipal more and more and these services deserve every support mistaken kindness ay attention to doctors orders and keep conva lescent child in bed every woman wants a slim ankle a large ankle may be thick fat or swollen thickness may be by rea son of the formation of the bone and sometimes is the result of special conditions of exercise stretching the toes standing on the toes moving the foot in a circu lar motion brisk rubbing with eau- decologne are beneficial for fat ankles do the same exer cises and massage as for thick ones and rest with compressed cotton wool soaked in warm water and eau-de- cologne followed by steady mass age this helps to reduce the tissue feet and ankles often reflect diet errors more quickly than any other part of the body unless specially forbidden any one who suffers from puffy ankles should drink more water lastly see that your shoes fit and your heels are well balanced wealthy young people should have to work the day will come when young people who have incomes front es tates will- bo required to work be cause unless they do their indolence causes unsatisfactory mental vibra tions this is shown when the young people commit suicide or indulge ini excesses which are detrimental to themselves and those around them this opinon was expressed by t w read in a paper on the psych ology of the human in industry which he delivered to members of the industrial transport association in london fu manchu by sax rohmer fate of fu manchu my noxt recollection was of sitting up nayland smiths arm about me and inspector ryman holding a glass to my up my first confused thoughts wcro of the girl smith i asvcd did you bring tho pigtail with you that wo fourd on cadby yes petrie i hopod to meet the owner find i did i handed it back to her aftor we got up tlio ladder and you fainic disguised she man aged to slip away in tho oxcilemcnt i owed her your life i had to squaro the account x co pi inspector ryman had lent ma reefer arid ha and smith vera helping ma into a cab whan another quaiiton de- maoded ao answer of my bawilder cd seme fti manehu did he get away no one knows better than the doctor how futile it is to tell an in valid not to go out too soon the adult skeptic learns to his sorrow that his lowered resistance after grippe or flu or a hard cold is doubly ready to pick up another germ and its all to do over again perhaps he wont be sick the same way most likely not because there are literally dozens of socalled lowgrade germs and symptoms are rarely the same this should teach us something about children when a hoy or girl has been ill abed and the doctor says stay there for a few more days he means exactly what he says the child may feel all right and fever may be gone sc he wants to get up and about please mother cant i put my bath robe on and go down stairs perhaps it is warm down there and perhaps not who notices the draught under the living room door that teases bare ankles who sees him slip to the door and call across the street to hi- friend later his mother cannot imagine where he got another spell of grippe not the same kind mind you but something that isnt even a collateral cousin of the first that laid him low this time he stays sick longer in all probability because he has al ready used up much of his resist ance on the first attack xow he has to defend himself with what is left there is furthermore another reason why children should be care ful for awhile after an illness especially after a high temperature siege tissues are depleted naturally blood chemistry is not up to normal muscles and bone material are not at par nerves have suffered in the fight wba kn 1css aggra v ates strain when he is better he feels well but is just a bit weak his eyes are bright he eats like a hungry wolf his spirits mount lie insists on action denied this he reads if not denied he perhaps goes out with his sled or skates and makes up for lost time who suspects that eye muscles and nerves are weak or that heart muscles are tired or that foot muscles are flabby in later years he will remark in all perplexity to the specialist look ing after his eyes or his heart or the orthopedist trying to relieve the pain in his flatarched foot what has caused all this trouble doctor strain of some sort or other when you were run down very like ly he nay answer sometime when you were sick you may have gotten ap too soon these things often start in childhood when vital ity is low nnd spirits too high why didnt mother watch me then sighs the sufferer mothers are always too kind