Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 20, 1936, p. 3

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pithy anecdotes of the famous speaking of favorite dishes when charlie chaplin last visited london his old home by the way he was guest of honor at a luncheon given by e v lucas of punch fame the piece dc resistance as the french so invitingly call it was a treacle pudding a particular weakness with the great little co median and it was u sight for sore eyes to see the way charlie walked into that pudding it was too a delicious surprise for him it may not sound very thrilling to every body but those who have been cut off from treacle pudding for any length of tme well theyll under stand e charlie chaplin and 11 0 wells who is visiting hollywood are old friends lady warwick tells of an evening spent with charlie at ii g wells house in essex england although he doesnt live there any more since his wife died after din ner relates lady warwick there were charades one was the flood charlie was noah and when he came out of the impromptu ark his antics with his umbrella were absolutely irresistible those quick movements to see whether the rain was at an end and the umbrella could be laid aside i shall never forget them she adds in her reminiscenses discre tions lady warwick adds that she and charlie chaplin became friend ly very quickly and that he op ened tip his heart to her this is what he told her if id had my will 1 would have wake up your liver bile- and youll jump out of bed in tha morning ruin to co the lirer tboulii poor oat two poasdj of bqajd bile into your boweuisily if thijbtl u not fiowinz freely your food doesnt digest it ist decay in the bowels gaj bloats up your jtotnach youget constipated harmful poisons xo into the body and yoa feel flour sank and the world looks panic a mere bowel movement doeantahjrsts ffet at the cause you need something that works on the liver as well it takes those good old carters little liver pills to get these two pounds of bile cowing freely and mako yoa feel up and up harmless and gentle they make tho bile now freely they do the work of calomel but have no calomel or mercury ia them ask for carters little liver pills by name 1 stubbornly refuse anything eke 25c winter care of goats in view of the increasing popular ity of goat keeping in canada it is observed that goats require approxi mately the same care as dairy cows goats should be housed in wet cold weather and during the fall months they should be brought into the goat barn at night as the weather be comes colder they will be more and more confined until finally in the winter months their only outing will be once a day for exercise clover or alfalfa hay is the best allround roughage and goats should be fed twice daily on as much as they will eat up readily cabbages or roots in the form of turnips or mangels are also relished and may be given re gularly oats should constitute the main grain fed twice daily morning and evening five to ten per cent of oilcake or 25 per cent bran may be added to the oats goats vary in their capacity for grain so that each goat should be given what seems to he the necessary amount to produce the greatest flow of milk been a tragedian for i feel the pity goats always like browsing and their and tragedy of life so intensely you craving jr this connection states a cannot imagine what it meant to me scouting here there everywhere a brother to every other scout without regard to race or creed to wake up day after day and re member that before bedtime i must have devised some fresh buffoonery to make folks laugh it is the one fly in the ointment and at times robs my success of its savor charlie chaplin once negotiated a 10000 a week contract while in the bathtub of a new york hotel it was shortly after charlie had burst into fame he had finished a 1250 contract made in los angel es and before signing again he de cided to go to new york and see what he could do for himself re lates benjamin b hampton in a history of the movies accom panied by his brother syd chaplin charlie registered at a new york hotel before they had time to un pack their suitcases a visitor was announced charlie was in the bath tub and while the visitor a movie magnate of course and syd chaplin tramped around the bed room the comedian conducted busi ness negotiations between splashes i want 10000 a week salary charlie presently announced the magnate wrote a brief memo randum agreement on hotel noe- paper and adds ben hampton chaplin climbed out of the bath tub to sign it a an amusing story about sir ed mund gosse noted critic and author is told by ernest rhys in every man remembers gosse a man with a tongue was host at a junch at the saville club london after lunch the company sat around the fire and as one man after anoth er rose to leave the circle gosse said something bittersweet about each one so it went until the circle had dwindled to four and the next to rise called out to x i wills the playwright are you coming wills no he said not till gose goe edmund gosse a brilliant conver sationalist and wit was a much sought after dinner guest by the great hostesses but on one occa sion he came a cropper when seat ed at dinner next to lady grifiin on whose other side was sir george alexander handsome actormanag er with whom she was obviously anxious to talk observing signs of inattention as he spoke to her gosse said if you would rather listen to sir george alexander pray io oh may i said lady griffin and at once did so maejiillan in the recently publish ed bulletin of which he is the author goat husbandry in can ada issued by the dominion de partment of agriculture may be satisfied if a few tree limbs from the bush are brought to the yard m which the goas are turned out for ex ercise in all my years n couaection with tho windsor juvenile court i have no recollection of a boy scout having appeared before me oa any criminal charge magistrate brodie ad dressing the annual meeting oi the border cities boy scouts associa tion tho highest roumanian scout decoration the virtutea cercetaseasca scout virtue has been awarded by his majesty king carol ii to lord baden powell a official announcement has been made by the international bureau of the boy scouts association of the in slitution of a now world wide scout decoration the bronze wolf the new award is somewhat similar in form to the silver wolf of the brit ish empire the ribbon is dark green with an edging of yellow the new decoration will be awarded by tho in ternationa committee for exception al service to world scouting the alberta scout census for 1935 shows 715g scouts cubs and rovers and 70 leaders seventytwo summer camps wore held the annual gift of australian boy scouts to roland house tho kast london settltiment and rosemary homo the scout associations conval escent homo at heme bay was not overlooked at christinas it was to eaeji a choice frozen lamb for their christmas dinner a party of scouts from tho 20th ssih 123rd and 13cth toronto troops were january weekend guests of the 1st huntsville troop for the local ski carnival in a ski race lionors went to tho local scouts during their slay the toronto hoys were shown the plant of the anglocana dian leather company where the dif ferent processes were explained and demonstrated boy scouts of rajpuiana india were highly commended for two days of continuous resoue work during the recent heavy floods in nearby dis tricts universal tribute vas paid by boy scout troops to his late majesty king george a notable example was that of a toronto troop in one of the poorer downtown sections which met on monday evening for its usual meeting before the scoutmasters ar rival word had been received of the kings death and when the scout leader appeared threequarters of the boys many of them of foreign par entage had voluntarily entered the chapel and were sitting in silence in token of respect to his late majesty dr e benes the new president of the czechoslovak republic has for many years been president of the czechoslovak boy scouts association tl the danish folk high school by prof s b mccready editors note this is the fifth of a series of articles which were pub lished recently in the harriston re view while written specially for the review and addressed to resi dents of minto township particu larly we believe they will be found interesting to many of the readers of this paper because tho problems of the farm folk of minto township are the same problems that con front rural people throughout the province ask mm doctor bacon exports up a million dollars canadas exports of bacon during the first lime months of 1935 show a gain of about one million dollars over the same period of 1031 kxports of canadian bacon to the end of sept ember totalled nearly 100000000 pounds with a value of 13750171 compared with oi2s6700 pounds valued at 14872331 in the first nine months of 1031 this incrtase amounting to 5153500 pounds in volume was mostly all in the british market which took 0ssi300 pounds or 091 per cent of the dominions total expert before you give your child an unknown remedy 1o take every day unthinkingly mothers take the advice of unqualified persons instead of liieir doctors on remedies for their children if they knew what ilia scientists know tiiey would never take this chance doclors say phillips ior your child when it comes to the frequentlyused milk of magnesia doctors for over 50 years have said phillips milk of magnesia the safe remedy for your child remember this and always say phillips when yoa buy your child deserves it for your own peace of mind see that you get it gen uine phillip milk of magnesia also in tablet form phillips mil of magnesia tab lets ire new on rale at a ilruk stores everywhere lich tiny tab let is theeqmvnlent of a teasnoonful of gen- c nine niilis milk o jx magnesia w j phillips tfilt cflfajitetia madc in canada a smil ok two a football player in a small col lege was extraordinarily dumb but to the surprise of everyone he pass ed of all his work including a spec ial examination in chemistry the chemistry professor was asked about it and he said i decided i would let him pass if he answered 50 per cent of the questions correctly i asked him two questions one he answered wrong one right therefore i let him pass the first was what colour is blue vitrei he answered pink that time he was wrong the other was how do you make sulphuric acid he answered that he didnt know that time he was right j visitor in florida tell me arc these alligators that you sec around here amphibious youth ill say they arc theyll bite hell out of you regain vigour quickly dont stay low in bodily health and spirits do what thousands have done take phosferine and recapture fresh vigorous buoyancy quickly phosferine the great british tonic will do that for you ns it has done for thousands in england and canada from the very first day you take phosferine you will feel better sleep better eat better phosferine is concentrated energy you take just n few tiny drops each day but they ore drops packed with new life quickly they build you up soothe your nerves drive out pains and stiffness and give you a new lease on life phosferine has been remarkably successful in al most countless cases of poor health and depressed spirits it will prove just as good for you phosferine is splendidly effec tive at all ages for combatting fatigue sleeplessness general debility retarded convalescence nerves anaemic condi tion indigestion rheumatism grippe neuralgia neuritis and loss of appetite get phosferine from your drug gist now in liquid or tablet form at the following reduced prices 3 sizes 50c 100 150 the 100 size u nearly four times the 50c sire and the 150 size is twice the 100 size so kome of the thing i dont like brisk people lots of cream in cof fee oneminute eggs ninety de grees in the shade wall mottoes- zero weather rare steak long goodbyes pep meetings commun ity singing narrow beds short beds excessively dignified persons potato salad spinach telephone solicitations smugness insistent cheerfulness applause over the radio slavish servants high press ure salesmanship secondrate hotels secondrate drug stores genuine tea parties reckless driving hab itual backshippers persistent cig- aret smokers lipstick application in public places cold floors warm bedrooms filosophee dont undo others as you have been undone by them growing deaf with head noises try this if you are growing hard of hearing and fear catarrhal deafness or if you have roaring rumbling hissing noises in your ears go to your drug gist and get 1 oz of parmint double strength and add to it 4 pint of hot water and a little sugar take 1 tablespoonful four times n day this will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises clogged nostrils should open breath ing become easy and the mucous stop dropping into the throat it is easy to take anyone who is threat ened with catarrhal deafness or who has head noises should give this pre scription a trial general manager of the cana dian national exhibition for 12 years and consultant to the bri tish empire exhibition at wem bley england h v waters has been retained as consulting ex pert by the president and direct ors of the pacific exposition on the worlds fair to he held in los angeles his first task will be the selection in conjunction with the civic authorities of a site for the forthcoming worlds fair and an examination of transportation facilities blessed are the meek for they shall inherit what is left of the earth after everybody else gets through the reason people dont vote as they used to is that voting presupposes an opinion and we are taught not to have any opinions the big ideas are not conceived by the timeclock system they are the spiritual ef florescence of humble minds this was true hist week but nob today there are too many people in the business lets you and i get to gether and have some of the other joints closed up if you cant say no you cant expect to live within your income if you werent speedy employers used to be satisfied if you were accurate but now you must be both loneliness is universal no human soul ever finds a perfect match woman goodness george this is not our baby this is the wrong carriage husband shut up this is a bet ter carriage than ours as intimated in the last article the danes have developed a very re markable system of education par ticularly suitable for farmers it is known as the danish folk high school at present there are 59 of them scattered over the country and in addition 22 agricultural high schools conducted on similar lines to tho folk high schools no two are alike they do not standardize schools in denmark as we do in can ada they are all boarding schools attended in the five winter months by young farmers and in the sum mer months by young farm women they believe that it is a very valu able educational experience to go away from home for a while about 10000 young farm folk attend these each year over onethird of the rural population of denmark has come under the direct influence of these inspiring schools since the first one was started in 1844 they have spread into the other scandin avian countries from denmark and have exerted a tremendous influence on rural culture in northern europe the nearest thing we have to them in ontario is the three month win ter short courses such as thai con ducted in harriston a few years ago by the county agricultural repres entative let me tell you of one i visited near the city of odense famous as the birthplace of hans christian an derson h was established in 1908 through the cooperation of the small holders agricultural societies of funen island these societies have a membership of about 10000 a joint stock company was formed and the noninterest hearing shares taken up by the local societies a beautiful building was erected in the midst of 20 acres of gardens experi mental orchards and demonstration fields in addition a farm of 35 acres was bought the school prospered and the orig inal stock holders donated their shares to the school so that the school now owns itself as they say in denmark this is the position of many of the folk high schools they are free of debt and they be long to the farm group or the labor group who use them they are in dependent schools some of them are owned by individuals no gov ernment department controls them they live their own lives there is none to make them afraid it is such a school as might come into existence in minto township through the cooperation of the womens in stitutes the agricultural society and the township council in swed en they are county folk schools the principal works under a board of trustees appointed by the small holders and the pupils of the school he is given a free hand in selecting his staff and managing the institu tion within strict financial limits the school must be self supporting there is no governmental fairy god mother to take care of deficits the farm orchards and garden must yield reasonable revenues for the support of the school five acres are a poultry farm operated on a paying commercial basis so with the dairy farm and apiary the regular courses conducted by the school are a fivemonth winter term for young men and a five- month summer term for young wo men when i visited the school in august the fifty or so young women were busy in cookery classes their average ago was about twenty- three and a fine looking group of young farm women they were just about as lovely i thought as the farm girls one meets in the junior womens institutes of ontario and here they were living to gether in a lovely schoolhome in the open country getting inspiring instruction in danish literature music and folklore in calithenic3 and play in history and theory of home making and this is one of many such schools wellington county might have such a school located on its county farm at the old folks home between fergus and elora it is no wonder that one common ly hears it stated by observers from abroad that the finest quality of danish culture is in the farm homes i of denmark or that the best educat ed farm folk in the world are in that country and for this greatly- tobeadmired achievement in den mark and greatlytobedesired un dertaking in canada such schools as this small holders folk high school must be given much of the credit the winter course is attended by from 50 to go young farmers whose average age is about 24 none is admitted before eighteen folk high schools are not for unsettled youth but for young adults who plan to live their lives on the land they are not so fussy in denmark as we are in canada rbout giving every one a complete high school educa tion topped off with a university course fourteen is the limit of their compulsory school age their philosophy of education embodies the principle that work is a valuable educative force and that honest-to- goodness manual labor is more worth while than loafing or aimless at tendance at a high school so the years between fourteen and eighteen are working growing and maturing years while the school is not call ed an agricultural high school in duction is given in animal husband ry plant cultivation and fertilizers for those who wish to prepare for milk control work we call it cow- testing an extra months instruc tion is required practically all milch cows on the danish farms are under strict and systematic testing much emphasis is placed on the cul tural subjects of literature and music and the social subjects of his tory and economics the folk high schools are not technical schools they are schools of culture they fit danish youth for the right use of leisure no less than the right way of working and their graduates are cooperators and not competi tors i shall tell you more of this school and of danish education in the next article keep up with the times catch up with the crowd theyv gone back to ogdens fine cut now that belter times are here thats why you see so many mora smiling smokers round yon they are again rollingtheirown with ogdens the headline attraction in cigarette tobaccos smoke this better fine cut yourself youll want to use tho best papers too like chantecler or vogue ogdens fine cut ps your pipe knout oijen i cm plug a new york lunch rhodes scholarship awarded to trinity college student sixth trinity student awarded coveted scholarship in 10 years we have noticed in recent years that people do not carry umbrellas like they used to and they go into hard rains without coats or hats and just take a good soaking what i like or do not like about modern hand lettering for the best essay of not more than 200 words on the subject of modern hand lettering her u a reil opportunity for artists authors everyone to express themselves on an interesting topic anil ato win a prize a possible sale offered for practical essays send your essay in on or before march 7th 193g with an entry fe of twsntyflva cents 25 er cent of tho entire receipts will be awarded to the winner is pct for the second prlie and 10 pot for the t prize all contestants will receive the results by mall giff baker 39 lee ave toronto the selection of mr george igna- tieff of trinity college toronto as one of the two lihodes scholars for 1si30 from the province of ontario is something which suggests several very interesting comments in the first place mr ignalieff is the sixth student of trinity college during the past ten years who has been awarded a rhodes scholarship the list is as follows 102g mr es- cott iteid of toronto 1027 mr w lyndon smith of windsor 1028 mr george s cartwright of toron to 1020 mr c h little of owen sound 1031 mr j l stewart of toronto at trinity college the number of students is strictly limit ed and it is therefore remarkable that so many of its students should have been chosen as lihodes scholars during the past ten years mr ignatieff is a grandson of a famous russian statesman of the nineteenth century his father count ignatieff was minister of education in russia before the revo lution of 1017 he is now residing in canada and is connected with the russian red cross mr ignatieff will proceed to the university of ox ford in the autumn for a period of three years to study these rhodes scholars arc selected from the universities of the province in accordance with the trust estab lished by mr cecil rhodes in the selection regard is had to a force of character devotion to duty courage sympathy capa city for leadership h ability and scholastic attain ments c physical vigour as shown by participation in gnmes or in other ways the law has become so strict that there is no legal way to rob people unless you are appointed receiver have you live stock marketing shipping on tho cooperative plan has been productive of splendid results selling on the open market means real valuo for the owners get in touch with us writ wiro or telephone lyndhnrlt 1143 tbs united pabmees coopesative company limited uve stock commission dbpt union stock yards west toronto issue no 8 36 is stomach upsets improve your stomach and build up the blood w i t h dr pierces golden medical discovery the en tire system feels the beneficial ef fect your appetite increases and you feel stronger mm fred uaghtu of jiicst ctirfph ont mid 1 n3 troubled terribly with lieauichr heartburn ana jnttccmion 1jin in my lacl were ro severe it voijld foe fm- pssime for we to lurn in feed thru a hlnil i learned of dr pltrcei comci medi- ctl diovcr- i look three botltc anf i know i vniil never lave bcea able tj keep tip it i had rot taken it hiiy of vsir ruis hotti nev size lab- k s3 c large lize ufcj o linjid j5 h v obrien of the chicago daily news writes home from new york as i say i had thought there was a depression but the price of my lunch today makes me wonder i had it in a restaurant which is not especially noted for high prices either i had oysters a small lamb chop some potatoes au gratin a glass of milk and a dish of choco late ice cream the check was 280 as an interesting exhibit in current sociology i recorded the items that produced this total they were bread and butter untouched 20 oysters 60 chop 100 potatoes 40 milk 20 ice cream 40 total 5280 in a spasm of economy i held the waiter to two bits thus keeping the total investment with tax only a trifle over 3 classified advertising inventob3 i an offer to eyepy inventott v list of wanted inventions and full information sent free the ba3hsay company world patent attorneys 27j uank street ottawa canada the famous rubbing liniment rub on pain gone- get the new large econ omy size also avail able in smaller regular size n instant relief from arc you toruicnled with llie itching tor tures of erupt ions eczema scales rashes or otherskin afflictions for quick n nil hnppjy relief use pure cooling antiseptic liquid d d d prescription its gentle oils soothe the irritated and inflamed skin thus aiding nature itself to heal the disorder no fuss no muss clear grcaseless and stainless dries up almost immediately stops the most intense itching instantly a 35c trial bottle at drug stores will prove it or money back o d d prescription ia made by the owners of italian iuijj all the vitamins of cod liver oil plus bone building minerals cod liver oi when digested sup plies many necessary elements for proper growdi of body and bone scotts emulsion of cod liver oil and the hypophosphites of lime and sodt prepared for easy diges tion helps insure proper body and bone development without the unpleasant taste of cod liver oil the dlgesr3lecod liver oil with the plus values for sdjf by vour drixscis1

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