poets editors and fallibility tne canadian authors associat ion is starting a new magazine to be devoted entirely to canadian poetry those who ean really write poetry wl fills have a chance to have it pab lished and they will also be paid for it instead of bavins to send it to the newspapers whose editors frankly do not know- good poetry when they see it fergus newsrecord commenting upon the last state latent tiiat editors dont know good poetry when they see it the tor onto star says it can prove it one r its editorial writers sent a few hues of verse to the editor of the a little of everything column on the stars own editorial page and in order that tjiere should be no chance of favoritism on account of his idea lity he had the lines typewritten and a strange name signed to them tiiev were never published well joking aside wuy should ed itors always know good poetry any way or what the world might regard rs good poetry or for that matter why should they always know what is good prose often ttiey have shown that they didnt know only recently the 1 tor of the atlantic monthly confess ed he had rejected the manuscript which made hemingway famous london editors or a good many of 1eni rejected things which harris wrote and which turned out to be classics more than that and worse there was an editor oner- and famous who scorned kdgar allan roes ka- van the story is told of bret llarto that in lis heydey be once disguised him self as a patiprr and called on an ed itor with ihe manuscript of one of best stories he had ever written the editor not penetrating the dis guise ganced at the manuscript and pronounced it of no wortti and told llartft to leave when the editor dis covered his mistake he was profuse in his apologies hut from that time forth bret harte never submitted a manuscript or spoke to him again it all illustrates how in the matter of good writing as in other things in life judgments may he terribly arti ficial oven nonsensical most of us are more interested in show than in substance indeed we appear unable to find ihe substance unless the show is visible almost every great writer has been compelled to create an ap petite for himself and until that ap petite is created editors ami publish ers are too apt to be critical the truth is that in literature as in 3110s other spheres in life success usually hangs by a slender thread one thinks of thomas ijchbes one of englands most remarkable philoso phers he was an obscure thinker who had been private secretary to lord bacon in his youth and all the indications were that lie would die poor and virtually unknown bat one day some of the clergy made their appearance at the palace of king charles informed him there was an irreligious writer in the oiling who siould get his just deserts well he king was not a scholar nor much of a reader though he was the wittiest i man who ever sat on the tlrone of i england and as good matured as he was witty bui good natured as he i was in disliked the idea of persecu- ion and especially the persecution i or free speech accordingly ami al- i though he had never heard of thorn- 1 as llobbes he promptly hough all of the philosophers works ordered ihe greatest painter in london in paint his portrait whioh ever after- hang j in ihe kings bedchamber ami ret- lied a big pension on ihe man whom bis own ancestors would have burned i so we welcome this new v nice of canadian authors if ihey can discov er even one good pent ihey will have ilane canada a firs clas service i ottawa journal aircijzft insurance presssd in britain london civil aviatfon in britain is to follow in the steps of motor- j ing with the introduction of com pulsory tlvrd party or liability in- j siiiance in a hill which is to be one of the measures considered by par liament proposals in the bill include a mill- inuim insurance of 50ft0 pounds for powered aircraft up to 5000 pounds in weight and up to 25000 pounds for planes of 25000 pounds and over the intermediate figures would be the rate of 100 pounds per each 100 pounds weight balloons would rated at a maximum of 5000 air ships at 250110 and glides at 1000 the new insurance will cover da mage caused by civil aircraft when taking off landing or in flight if this is caused by willful misconduct or negligence the owuw would lose me benefit of his insvrftucc injury i lo persons carried in aircraft is al ready provided for by legislation there are many other proposed de tails which will be hammered out when the bill is discussed what to do about acid indigestion a way that reueves the cause in a few minutes many people who think they have weak stomachs or indigestion doctors say sulter in reality from nothing more serious than uad stom ach ami this common ailment can usually be relieved now in minules all you do is take familiar phillips milk of magnesia after meals this acts lo almost immediately neuttatize the stomach acidity that brings oil your trouble you feci like a new person try this just once take either ihe familiar liquid phillips or the new phillips mill of magnesia tablets but watch out that vim get the genuine phillips milk of magnesia made in canada a1so ix taultr vohmi phillips milk of magnesia tab lets are now on yilc at all tlrtig stores everywhere lacli tiny tablet i the sk equivalent of 5- a tespoonful xsrc of genuine phillips milk of magnesia v phillips why i visited denmark the mcdonald movement by prof s b mccreajy editors note this is the third of a relies of articles which were pub lished recently in the harriston re view while written specially for the review and addressed to resi dents of minto township particu larly we believe they will be found interesting to many of the leaders of this paper because the problems of the farm folk of minto township are the same problems that con front rural people throughout the province in order to explain my interest in denmark and tile purpose of my visit to that wonderful little coun try in the summer of 1934 it will be necessary for me to disclose a little of my personal history thirty years ago i was a teacher of science in london collegiate in stitute when 1 received an invitation to apply for the position of profes sor of nature study at the maeiion- u1 institute at guclph my appoint ment to the work brought me into tile service of tiie ontario agricul tural college to help in bringing in- ihe ideals of one of the that this country in tne iff iii jla m asks for more j humane paetkocls of distributing relief public health more humane meth ods jf distributing relief ami an ef- fort to biinjr womanly sympathy ami understanding to the problems of women children and agred people will hi the aims ot mrs rosamund e vilk only woman member of the 1936 calgary cty council she was elected social credit candidate in tlie civic elections november 20 a trained nurse who operates a physiotherapy clink irs wilk inson is a strong opponent of pres ent methods of relief i believe ev ery person is entitled to employ ment she said if that is not pos sible they should not he subjected lo tlie humiliaton they have to en dure at present i shall make every effort to have greater dignity maintained in the administration of relief born in ireland mis wilkinson has lived in canada for 20 years she is a grad uate of st georges hospital and studied physiotherapy work under sii kobert jones the famous bone specialist canada does better national city bank of xew york to ihe north canada has enjoy ed further recovery during the year improvement in the mining and pulp and paper industries and in agri culture has been the bas of cana dian gains compared with the united suites industrial recovery not only has pro ceeded more evenly in canada but it has gone farther in the three months ended october las the cana dian index of industrial output over age s3 per cent of the 1020 level compared with 7 per ecu recorded by the federal keerve index for this country also the percentage increase from the extreme low has been greater in canada amounting to 70 per cent against 01 per cent for the united stales a farmer boy known medical w8r wi men in the united ww m statc was dr i v pierce of buf falo new york who was born on a farm in pa lie noted daily in bis medical career that many of iits prescriptions prepared from nols pol ami herbs mich j- golden medical ilisrovery produced astonishing results lie early founded clinic and hospital in lillffalo x v advice ly letter is free dr tierces golden medical discovery is an licilial extract- which eliminates poisons from the intestines and tones up the digestive system pimples and hloiehcs cans d by faulty elimination disappear and you feci the ionic and strengthening effect of this well tried medicine ak your drugdst rorv tablets 0 cents liquid 100 and s1s5 to effect greatest men t my opinion ever had name late james w kobertson though born and reared in scotland be was a great canadian and second only to kyerson in his ambitions for the best sort of schools ami the best sort of education for the country folk of ontario and he other cana dian provinces there will be many oldtimers in llarriston ami minto township who will remember him as the manager of the cotswold and other neighbor ing cheese factories in the early sos he made ilariiston his headfpiar- ters and was intimate with the mc- killops and coplands at that time lie represented a firm of british cheese importers afterwards he became the first dominion dairy commissioner and in that capacity put canadian cheese on the map he wjts a man of the highest ideals and a very lovely gentleman 1 was very proud to be his disciple knowing the needs of country life as he dirt and sensing the inade quacy of our school system to meet those needs he conceived the idea of establishing a now sort of coun try teachers training school at guelph in association with the agri cultural college where he had been at one time an instructor in the dairy department sir william macdonald the mil lionaire tobacco manufacturer of furnished prof kobertson necessary funds and the ss named the macdonald this experiment in mak- ital al md efc aimed to if your ears ring with bead noises give instruction to a wise man ami he will be wiser teach a just man and he will increase in learn- j bible if you have catarrhal deafness or head noises go to your druggist and get 1 oz of paramint double strength and add to it u pint of hot water and a little sugar take a tablespoonful four times a day this will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises clogged nostrils should open breath ing become easy and the mucous stop dropping into the throat it is easy to prepare costs little and is pleasant to take anyone who has catarrhal deafness or head noises should give this prescription a trial montreal with the school w institute ing school more natura sought to bring about a reform country life education it offset the town and university trend towards professional and whitecol lar jobs which has always character ised our school system by substitut ing handicrafts homeniaking and nature studies for the academic bookishness required by our exact ing examination system my first duty was to take chars of an interproviiicial class of about fifty teachers representing xova scotia xew brunswick prince ed ward island quebec and ontario i do no need to say it was a thrilling experience 1 felt that we were hav ing a hand in breaking down pro vincial prejudices that work ceas ed after three years unfortunately wouldnt it be a great thing for can ada if there could still be some sort of national meeting ground for coun try teachers say at the central experimental farm at ottawa a sccckssklt iaiiukk as most of you know this socall ed macdonald movement for bct- er rural education failed the job has still got to be done perhaps itobertson was ahead of the times conditions were not ripe for a for ward movement and there is no doubt mistakes were made it was made too dependent on consolida tion for one thing but i have never ceased to believe in robertsons ideas anil ideals and some day they will be accepted by ontario country folk so 1 prophesy those of us who had a hand in that macdonald movement thirty years ago heard a great deal of den mark that land of the vikings was held before us as an ideal for cana dian school masters to emulate the wonderful accomplishments in co operation amongst danish farmers were we were told due largely to their system of rural schools the macdonald movement ami den mark were parts of the same idea what denmark had done we could do we foolishly thought in 1014 just at the time of the out break of the great war we had all the ontario school inspectors at guelph for a week to be instructed by dr foght about the danish sys tem but nothing came of it i sup pose the war prevented anything being done and besides educational reforms can not be initiated by school inspectors that was about the last kick of the macdonald movement for rural school advancement i had a little hand in the adventure for ten years from 1905 to lulj they were 1 think the best years of my school masters life though we had fail ed it was worth while i have al ways believed the mistakes we made should serve as warnings for those who attempt the next advance believing that there was no poss ible chance for progressive changes in rural education in ontario under our rigid educational system i re signed from the government ser vice in j15 to follow other educa tional work but i never ceased to dream about denmarking ontarios school a bit so in ltiit nineteen years aftet withdrawing from the service of the department of kduaton 1 went to denmark to try to find out if the devastating depression from which ontario agriculture suffers could not be helped by copying some of the methods that proved successful for the danes in like distress 1 went 1 saw 1 learned i be lieve that the only hope for the per manent and successful reestablish ment of ontario agriculture is by cooperation and ednvation this was robertsons faith in that satr- faith 1 write these articles xext weeks article will be about denmark and the danes a man isnt licked until he begins to blame his parents his community or bis family harper do you see that man through the window he hasnt moved for 24 hours he cant be asleep he must be dead i am go ing to call the police kenneth oh its all right theres a chess tournament going on in there petty thoughts memories are nice but anticipa tion gets a bigger play in these modern times a love affair seldom outlasts one application of lipstick a professional man is one who would be out of a job if he always succeeded why not let the wo men who insist on wearing pants assume the family obligations if other people werent bad how would we know how to be good mothers vacation begins when she can say now run along to school darlings the reason there are so many cross words in some fam ilies is a puzzle puppy love never turns out to be as serious as the symptoms- indicate bain on the roof is swell music provided there are no leaks you will find it is always safe to trust the man with baby fingerprints on his collar iife is one bundle of cancelled checks after another romantic love is a dangerous fever too often fatal all the world loves a lov er except the electric light com panies there was a time when charity began at home but nowa days no one stays at home long enough to start it political egg are hatched or thrown as the occas ion may require he critical of yourself a selfserve cafe teria is a good place lo practice self- resistance law of improvement your best today isnt good enough tomorrow you can tei an honest man he thinks all crook edness is illegal he who laughs last certainly is a nit wit the knowitall never has any secrets a mouth full of clothes pins is the best cure for the cigarette habit purchaser will the color in these stockings run seller- oh no purchaser then it is fast seller certainly purchaser well how can any thing be fast that cant run there arc showers for the bride but it is the bridegroom that catches thunder white friend so youre a sales man now eh sambo do you stand behind the product you sell sambo no snh ah sho dont white friend why sambo im surprised at you you should til- ways stand behind your product what are you selling sambo mules women dress for men to look at and other women to talk about hattie the colored maid was deeply interested in the efforts of one of the neighbors to prepare a pedigreed dog for the dog show after much combing brushing and other careful grooming the dog was duly entered in the canine show and received the first award in his class peacemakers that make war frank ii siuumds in cuueitl h story xot ioiik ao i was skei iuy a frkiul of mine usgti in the ofieal cirelss of one oi uie best known f american ptace societies for crit icism of the activities ot her associa tion in bruf my response must be that not alono her association but also the ikmusiic neacc movement as a wbole 4ins become the graces ieril to peace the united slates has to deal with in ihe present hour rf the world crisis in a word if there is d we shall become involved i it in asia africa or euroji my judgment the danger reason is to be discovered machinations of th militari war be and in sts the ot m the is but in the performances of the pacifists it is not the munition makers the inter national hanker or the war ioner ing admirals and generals who are today pushing towards participaikm in otier peoples wars but icse peacemakers whose aim it is ty prev ent war the explanation of tins paradox discoverable in great britain as well as in the united states is very simple as the professional peacemakers in both countries still remain convinced that there is some peaceful way to prevent war even in tho present hour when the rulers of at least three jrreat powers have adopted war not merely as the chief instrument of na tional policy hut also as the sals means of assuring personal and nat ional survival alike in the japanese action n mantviuria the german in austria and the italian in ethiopia it is pos sible to discover precisely the same resolution dictated by exactly the same considerations japan has more over already taken lanchuria ger- dixie gives you a long cool smoke and its always fresh in the plug many has tried once to get austria and is visibly preparing to try again as to the italian determination in tte matter of ethiopia patently that needs no elaboration here tis a base reason to resign thought- byron bandonment- our itght here there 1 vtt everywhere a brother to every other scout without regard to race ot crcea the 1st sudbury rover scouts lave assumed the secretarial duties of tiie ontario institute for the blind of the district they will inform cen tral headquarters of new cases and will act as guides for blind persons when required the nth niagara kails troop out were the guests of troop 22 of new- fane nv at a sunday evening in vestiture service at the xowfane me thodist church a tus of war scouts vs dad fur nished excitement at the parents nigh of the with toronto st mat thews scout troop- skits were pre sented by each of the six patrols and refreshments were served by the ladies auxiliary fifteen edmonton scouts quaiified for the friend to animals proficien cy radge after inking a four weeks course in the care of pels under city humane officer mcdonald small christmas trees for the aged ami shutins of the island each tree trimmed ami bearing candy bags were dislribuled by ihe isi grand manan north mead xh scout troop the town council of kindersley sask following- the example of a number of other saskatchewan com- in unities has indicated its readiness to provide a lot upon which the lo cal scout association may erect a permanent scout headquarters ten selected scout text hooks for the use of leaders of cub packs scout troops and rover crews have been installed by the public library of walheeburg out rooks for cubs and scouts will be add d in the near future the fortunate aylmer out scouts have been provided by the aylmer inn syndicate with a meeting place wthich comprise separate rooms for each patrol and a large for assembly and games and electric lights were the carnation company funds for equipment the been making and selling main hall the wiring put in by to raise boys have popcorn a message on birch bark carried a challenge to a hockey game from the 13th saskatoon scouts lo the sth troop a weekly luncheon of the calgary kiwanis club was held at the scout hall of the still calgary group and resulted in a contribution of iuq0u to the troop funds the hoys put on a physical exercise display compris ing tumbling pyramid work and box- at the show naturally hattie was told immediately neighbor well hal lie my dog- got the first prize hattie no aint dat nice what was it neighborthe blue ribbon hattie thinking a moment how many yards tip for lovers your modern gill has no time for empty compliment above all she values frankness extract from mushy article the love scene of course running something like this do you really think im pretty honey no minnie i dont your nose is cockeyed for one thing and your ears are too big darling sweetheart what you think of my face minnie i try not to darling it reminds me of n blancmange my love my own charming dont you think no education deserves the name unless it devclopcs it k v whip ple issue no 6 36 maple syrup evaporators price low quality high makes teat huli das syrup r- hiliiiiik ilic maple flavor ymi like so muii kvapitiktors that will mttkt- profitable your maple bush for a small investment write fer cata logue of equipment it ik interesting w gordon steel works limited tweed onta3io stops itching in one minute for quick relief from llic itching of pimp les blolclics eczema rashes am olherskin eruptions apply dr dennis pure cooling liquid antiseptic i i i prescription tmrtyyears worldwide success itsgchlte oils soothe the irritated and inflamed skin thus aiding nature itself to heal the disor der no fuss no muss clear greascless and staiidess dries up almost immediate ly stops the most intense itching instantly try 1 u i noiv a 13c trial iwltle nt drug stores will prove it or money back 1 1 i prescription is made by the own ers of iiaium halm live stock marketing shipping on the- cooperativo plan has been productive of splendid results selling on tho open market means real valuo for tho owncra get in touch with us writ wire or telephone xyndhum 1143 the united tabmers coopebative company limited lives stock commission deft union stock yrd wett toronto ottawa an increase of more than 1000000 was shown in the value of wheat exported to the unit ed states during november as com pared with the eorrespoiidinj month last year according to a report is sued of statistics wheat exports to the united states were valued at 72t02 compared with if220i in nov ember 1984 exports of all farm products to the united states during november totalled 3730238 against 37 ls in november 13j classified advertising inventors an olfku to icvkitv ixventul v list of wanted invention and lull information sent free thjc ramsay company world patent attorney l hani street ottawa canada champion seed gkadeh i ink kanxino mil i iltovkd champion seed oratler testimonials 1 21 kmpress ens toronto k wont mvmamkmax get we is convalescence dishearteningly slow dont despair take phosferine and restored vigour is just around the corner youll feel better from the first day you take the few tiny econ omical drops of phosferine sleep better too and eat well start back to health quickly with phosferine now for fatije secplrssncr grncri1 debility retarded con vnlcs nice nerves anaemic condition indht riicn- matism grippr neurijcia ncurilis ia of appetite take the great british tonic at your drug slotc in liquid or tablet fotm at the followins reduced prices 3 sizes 50c 100 150 tht 5100 ili it needy lour timel the 20c slit and ihe st so lilt i twice the 100 lite the bodybuilding qualitiet of cod liver oil additional bonebuilding minerals strong bodies straight bones and sound teeth are builr from the mineral salts and vitamins in scotts emulsion scotts emulsion is vitamin rich cod liver oil emulsified for quick easy digestion and com bined with the bone and body building mineral salts hypo- phosphites of lime and soda plus values you get only in scotts emulsion the digestible cod liver oil with the plus values fon sste by your druggist