stouffville ontario january 23 1936 soda biscuit special westons royal creams 2 lbs for 25c combination offer no 1 1 pkg rennies bird seed 1 pkg bird gravel 1 cuttlebone tonic seed mixture combination offer no 2 1 large pkg lux with 1 regular size pkg free all for 0c only lljl 25c heinz or crosse blackwells soups 3 tins 25c broken japan rice 7 lbs 25c alphabet macaroni 4 lbs 2oc homes sundryd coffee per lb 35c claremont tomatoes 3 tins 25c soap flakes 2 pkgs 15c rowntrees elect cocoa reg 19c 15c choice pumpkin 3 tins 25c sliced beets 3 tins 2oc dried green peas 4 lbs 25c fresh vegetables smoked fillets frozen salmon oysters dried herrings r atcliff co stouffville ontario winter dairying pays you best prices are usually higher throughout the winter period and farmers have more time to attend then- dairy herd to get the best results you should ship your cream 0 stouffville creamery co closed every evening excepting saturday phone 18601 ontario income taxes announced all annual incomes exceeding 1000 for single persons resident in ontario and exceeding 2000 for married persons will be taxed by the hepburn government the rates will range from 1 12 per cent to 2s per cent in the lowest and topmost brackets respectively single persons earning 1000 in excess of exemptions shall be sub ject to a tax of 15 or 1 12 per cent and 2 per cent on the amount by which the income exceeds 1000 and does not exceed 2000 married persons who are childless earning an income of 2000 in ex cess of exemptions shall be subject to a tax of 3300 and 2 12 per cen upon the amount by which the in come exceeds 2000 and does not exceed 3000 exemptions amounting to 400 per child or dependent are permitted not easy to do the government of saskatchewan believes 5000 farmers have left the driedout belt and gone to land far ther north at least 1000 have done the same thing in manitoba and alberta it has often been sug gested that such a movement should take place but it was generally be lieved the obstacles in the way were too great it is easy enough to say to a farmer you are in a bad dis trict you have been dried out for live or six years so why not pick up and go somewhere the answer to that was given to us by a man who knew the west well it was this many of the farmers ar middleaged men they went west years ago all they have is invest ed in their land and buildings in many eases they have relatives or sons who have taken land not far from them having gone through several years of crop failure they have no cash left they have noth ing with which to start over again and many of them are too old to do so in the reason given above one must admit there is something for midable a farmer cannot move his land nor can he take with him all the improvements he has made neither can he take along his house nor his buildings it is easy enough for one to suggest that farmers should clear out from a dry area but it is an extremely difficult thing tor the farmer who has been settled there for some years to do so it seems remarkable that 6000 of them should have been able to make the move i real midwinter specials i a special in street and after- clearance of childrens g j noon frocks pyjamas te a a splendid lot of dresses in the newest in this lot are sizes 6 years to 14 years sc and most uptodate styles and materials plain and floral patterns in pink rose green dainty and unusual neck and sleeve treat- bi maize and white and in a variety of ment and smart trim effects make these styles regular to 139 to clear at 89c 3 frocks unusuallv attractive and desireable m most sizes from 14 to 50 in this lot table oilcloths m regularly priced at 225 to 1050 less 2 on r do not torget that a new low price has m pei cent been placed m tawe ojlcloths we calty rf p rxr a large stock in all patterns and shades and j fancy and work aprons meet your requirements m made in a good quality print in floral and 54 j width per yard 49c ffi s conventional patterns these products of the 45 w per yard 39c js w blind institute are serviceable and r attractive bloor oilcloths wrrrn arvoks in assorted stvles an attractive line of floor oilcloths in the jj jg women s apions in assoiteci styles most desireable patterns and colours in one r at each 25c29c39c and 49c two and two and a half yard widths w childrens aprons 2 to 4 years 15c p square yard 50c childrens aprons 6 to 8 years 19c wall papers new spring prints qur g v waupapers wi soon be our new spring prints are now in stock here and we are clearing out the balance of s new patterns and new colouring that will our j yea stock at greatly reduced prove exceedingly attractive and all are sun prices in order to make room for the new iftj aid tubfast and 36 wide you will be stock if you contemplate doing any decor- jjig sfl pleased with these new and entrancing at this spring it will pay you to pur- fe js prints priced at 20c 25c and 29c c now all sunworthy papers and high i quality at a low price come in and see them 5 j- factory yarns is k a new shipment of the wellknown turn- sale of wash dresses bull two and three ply yarn just in stock house dresses of every style and shade fine even thread and good colouring are included in this lot a real money saving itf grey yarn per lb 90c opportunity to supplv your seasons require- y dyed yarn per lb 100 men 6 regular up to 125 sale price 89c jft all wool blankets regular up to 149 sale price 119 m s have you seen the lovely soft all wool regular up to 250 sale price 149 fa 2 blankets we are showing beautiful soft rfft gji white blankets and large size a real cold new china if w weather blanket pink and blue borders and an unusual shipment of odd pieces of 9s fa plaid per pair 750 and 795 less 20 pc chjna mostly ro beyreuth and english ffi it bone china just in cake plates casseroles j f winter hats below cost j trays egg cup sets cruet stands 3g there are still a few of those fine hats and many other useful and attractive pieces i which we are clearing out at averaging low will be found in this lot these were bought prices these must be cleared out to make at a low price and we are offering them at room for our new stock your choicewhile exceedingly attractive prices come in and they last 95c see our display the w h shaw store phone 9511 stouffylllo ontario 9g open letter makes an urgent appeal gormley lady explains gods early call and beginning of its mission dear editor and interested friends as an ambassador of jesus christ i am coming to you at this time with greetings in his precious name 1 also wish you one and all a happy and prosperous new year not alone from a financial view point but 1 trust our hearts have once more been strangely warmed as we have once more been spared to celebrate the anniversary of the greatest event in the history of the world namely the coming to earth of the one whose coming brought such joyand gladness to the humble shepherds on the hills of judea many hundreds of years ago he came to earth with a mission which none other could fulfill and while all the powers of heaven were at his disposal yet he humbled him self as a child became obedient un to death even the death or the cross that he through the shedding of his own precious blood might purchase for us eternal salvation who tan fathom the love which prompted almighty god to make this great sacrifice of his only begotten son that whosoever be- lijveth on ii im should not perish but have everlasting life my prayer is that it may cause each one of us to be zealous and to arise to our godgiven privileges during the year 1936 to live for the good and welfare of others thereby following the example he laid down for us i rejoice because he has become my own personal saviour and that 1 have tlie witness within that i have been accepted of him i am also glad that i have learned to appreciate his great love to me because i realize there is nothing in me to merit this favor but it is alone through the grace of god that we can be lifted from a life of sin and reinstated into fellowship with god however only as we truly re pent and confess our sins forsaking them and making restitution where necessary can we enter into this blessed fellowship with christ and thus the natural outcome will be a life of deep consecration and ser vice for him he will be willing to take up our cross ami obey the great commission go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature reminding us al so that he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned mark 161516 beloved god has a work for each of us from the least to the greatest ami while some may be called to cross the briny deep to carry his message to those in heathen darkness others are called to use their talent in the homeland to promote the growth and development of his cause may we remember then that only a close walk with our lord will enable us to discern his will for us we are only called according to the ability god has given us as in i peter 411 matt 2515 acts 1129 dan 14 some may have a personal work to do which requires only the assistance of the holy spirit to guide and direct for without him our feeble efforts would be vain indeed but on the other hand there are those whose calling demands- cooperation if it is to be a decided success i trust then beloved you will readily understand the purpose of my appealing to you at this time gods call and revelation many of you already know the work god has called me to but for the benefit of those who do not know possibly a brief explanation at this time would be in order at about the age of twelve years or just previous to entering into the teen age god gave me a revelation or vision which could never be erased from my memory and which reached beyond the shore of our own beloved homeland but having a very timid and backward disposi tion as a girl i naturally kept it to myself it is just possible that my early home training was in a measure responsible for this also i thank god that he had given me good christian parents whom 1 am confident were willing to walk in all the light they had at that time however since the constitution and the bylaws of their beloved brother hood did not call for the sending forth into heathen lands of foreign mission workers i fell handicapped and never having made any pro fession at this time i myself was not in a poslton to fully under stand that all things are possible with god to those who are railed according to his purpose conse quently since i did not obey my first convictions i have always felt that i was permitted to wander in the wilderness for a time until i was willing to obey and step out for the lord many and varied were the experiences he led me through be fore i fully understood his will for me but thank god when i became willing to take the death route he enabled me to die out so completely to my own selfish will that my carnal nature instead of serving the 1 realized the need of safeguarding lu conclusion i would say that the youth of our laud from the whether your contribution be large modernistic teachings which are so or small it will be highly appreciat- prevaleut in some of our high j ed and used for the advancement schools and colleges of today aland promotion of his cause as well bulletin has been issued recently as for the benefit of those iu need lusts or the flesh became sancti fied and made meet for the masters use beloved we are commanded not to remain babes iu christ but rather to go on unto perfection hebrews 61 and only the refining tire of gods love can perform this operation successfully and enable us to become holy as he is holy a holiness without which no man shall see the lord it was during a period of more than two years in which for the greater part i was confined to my home owing to an illuess of my late husband which left him an invalid as many who knew him will recall that the lord through the inspiration of the holy spirit definitely revealled to me his desire to transplant me from the brother hood of the mennonite church to that of the brethren iu christ known as tunkers now it was only as i became willing to walk step by step in obedience to his will that 1 was able to understand this act of providence but beloved 1 can truthfully say i have no regrets for obeying my convictions nor have i any apologies to offer since he has so completely satisfied every long ing of my heart as regards the carrying out of the discipline the lord gave us in holy writ for worshipping him fn this dispensa tion but i do want to say to my mennonite brethren and sisters that though this has meant isola tion in part at least here some day if we are faithful and obedient we shall meet as an unbroken circle over yonder when christ shall come and receive his bride unto himself praise his holy name forever shortly after the passing or my husband the holy spirit very vividly pictured to me the parable or the rich young ruler and the danger or having our heart set on riches we read in matt 1922 that lie had great possessions and while he had faithfully kept every com mand previous to this it was sad indeed that he should become sorrowful when jesus said if thou wilt be perfect go sell what thou hast and give to the poor and come follow me it is our entire will that god demands with a deep consecra tion and a complete dedication of the means he has entrusted to us this does not mean that god demands every dollar he has blest us with but it does mean that when our will is yielded to his will and we can truly pray thy will be done we will be ready to tithe and at least recognize any need which may arise and be willing to share our blessings with others there is no greater joy than that which comes through sacrifice and service to our rellowmen and jesus says in as much as ye have done it unto the least of one or these my brethren ye have done it unto me matt 2540 in matthew 1042 he pro nounces a blessing upon those who shall give a cup or cold water only in the name of a disciple now as some are already aware i realized that god definitely called me through the fiftyfourth chapter of isaiah impressing upon me the need of establishing a home for the poor and needy particularly those who have spent years in the service of the lord and are now dependent on the superannuation fund as also others whose welfare the church is responsible cor no one can deny the statement jesus made when he said the poor ye have always with you as ye will ye may do them good matt 2611 and since jesus also said seek ye first the king dom of god and his righteousness and all other things shall he added unto you we are therefore not to despise the poor james 215 16 and 17 reads if a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food and one of you say unto them depart in peace be ye warmed and filled notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body what doth it profit now there is only one source through which the lords work may be carried on namely through human instrumentality and for this reason jesus sent his spirit into the world that he might inspire and direct his followers giving us dis cernment to know his will so wo do well beloved to acquaint ourselves with gods word that we may be able to prove the spirits as we may learn from 1 john 3 and 4 safeguard the youth now i should like to call your attention to another phase of his work equally important as that or founding a home which pertains more directly to the youth of our laud this need had also been clearly revealed to me about the same time namely the need of a school where our precious young people can be educated in bible and also secular subjects which qualify them for service in his vineyard this project for a time proved to be the greater need or the two revela tions and since others also had realized being called to this under taking consequently by the united efforts and cooperation or all inter ested god has given us a bible school and academy the work or which promises to equal that of any hibli school furthermore wo have thanking you one and all in ad vance i desire to extend to the publisher of your paper a hearty vote of thauks for their interest manifested the use or their valuable paper and their kind cooperation iu this work a coworker iu his glad service mrs clara wideman gormley ontario c o ontario bible school ni which will clearly explain the work already in progess aud the growing interest manifested the part god called me to do in this all import ant venture is clearly emphasized in the foregoing verses of isaiah 54 through which chapter gods will aud purpose were revealed to me and while many of my personal ex periences have been clearly verified through this chapter none have brought greater blessing to me than the first clause of the 17th verse when my consecration was made god sauc-iilie- the girt and sealed it with this promise and in my endeavor to tollow his leadings untold blessings have been the re sult one thing beloved that i deep ly appreciate is that god is no re- spector ot persons his blessings are lor all who will cooperate willi his holy spirit in the carrying out or his great plan of salvation ii true all is not gold thai glitters aud these undertakings bring with them tests and trials which orten bring us upon our knees heroic the lord but through faith in his promises we can arise above every difficulty for he has promised to take all our l j r or- aa mountains away bless his i 1 kooiti 3111 1031 5uu name jesus himself was a man of the tribune published every thureasy at stouffvllle ontario yearly subscription rate canada united kingdom j200 untied states points j25 a v nolan mansion house stouffvllle ontario home cooking bread cakes pies 21 meals 500 sorrows and acquainted with grief what we are wng to suffer or bear for him here will only in crease our joy over yonder so let us not become weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not gnlaiioiis 69 the appeal is urgent now dear readers i am com ing to you with an urgent appeal for contributions on behalf of either or both of the above men tioned enterprises there is an ur gent need tor funds and both are worthy of our consideration god will not start a work of this nature without furnishing the means to accomplish his purpose we are urgently in need of funds to build a school and also for equipment to furnish same for the past three winters it has been entertained in the home which god has placed me and his blessing has rested upon the work to the extent that already we are threatened with overcrowding the meagre charge for room rent as also the reasonable board rate lias been an incentive to steadily in creasing interest and each year has brought us increased numbers of boarding and rooming students un til this year we are not able to accomodate all who have come from distant localities i thank god for each one he lias gathered them from the north south east and wesl and it is interesting to note tlrii one of our students was born i the far away island of malta where the apostle paul was shipwrecked truly god moves in a mysterious way his wonders to perform it might be interesting to know we have an enrollment of fourty three students the rules and regulations have been carefully considered and ad opted with the welfare of each stu dent at heart it had been my per sonal work to attend to the needs of the kitchen and dining room with the assistance of willing helpers whom i appreciate very highly 1 demand no wage for my labor since the good book says if we have food and raiment we are to be therewith content but 1 do believe the servant is worthy of his hire and therefore he will supply my need i would also desire to thank all those who have so kindly given provisions for the schools need may gods richest blessing abide with you as also on all others who may con tribute to these funds may we re member that the caule on the thousand hills are his and through the prophet malachi we are exhort ed to bring all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house and prove me now herewith said the lord of hosts for i will not open yon the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it the inspiration to make this appeal i am confident was prompted by the holy spirit otherwise 1 should not have attempted it it has been the burden of my heart for some time and while i never thought i would make a good beggar yet one thing is certain i am not ashamed to beg for christs cause since he was not ashamed to bear his cross for me now friends may i ask those who are more directly interested in the home effort to send your remit tance to the writer of this article whose address will be given stat ing definitely for which rund it is to be used also that hie contribu tions to the school fund may either be sent to the treasurer of the board of trustees bishop alvin l winger gormley ontario or elder p j wiebe secretary whose present address is also gormley ontario rit 1 care of ontario bible school aud whose home address is petersburb ontario contributions for the school fund can be sent to the writer also providing they are definitely marked ror that project the board of trustees have under consideration at this lime the selection of a permanent loca tion for a school but thus far no definite decision has been arrived at per week ladies and gents rest rooms e a grubin registered optomerist will be at his office in stouffville every other moday and tuesday february dates 3rd and 4th hi and 18th 7th unary 20th and 21st 6th and eyes examined glasses tilted and repaired phone stouffville 2405 briarbush hospital stoiiirville main street license no 25 graduated nurses in attendance private semiprivate and public wards phone 191 mrs e r good superintendent a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffvilu monday wednesday and friday 9 to 12 am stewart beare phone markham 2603 or te brathwaites hardware 9601 radio repairing a service you will appreciate alvin s farmer licensed auctioneer farm stock sales a specialty sales conducted anywhere address gormley post office medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york count dental d c smith ldsdds neil c smith ldsdds office over the bank of commerce office hours 9 to 2 130 to 530 phone office 1011 residence 1015 e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college ot dental surgeons and ot the university of toronto office in grubins block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary public etc stouffville ontario phone 18003 mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers etc buttons block stouffvlll money to loan l e oneill stouffville funeral director embalmer and continuous telephone service day and night business phono residence phono