ih i womans world by mair m morgan varying the menu with lamb dishes what shall we have for dinner tonight is the question housewiv es must ask themselves every day of the year sometimes the answer is quite simple but often the point is reached where there seems noth ing left to choose for just such times as that there is no meat that offers such a range of delectable variations as fresh lamb lamb is available at all times of the year but is more plentiful and more economical at this time of year than at any other season and there are enough cuts that can be included in the family menu without danger of monotony the leg of lamb is the best known lamb roast usually weighing about six or seven pounds it is the ideal roast for the company dinner or for the goodsized family dinner a small roast and still a very choice one is the shoulder which may be roasted as is or it may be boned and stuffed a still smaller roast suitable for the family or two or three is the breast of lamb which may also be boned and rolled or stuffed then there arc the lamb chops loin rib and shoulder which are quickly and easily prepared by broiling the neck of lamb is a nicely flavored cut to choose for stewing or braising and is very economical the lamb shanks or breast are al so very often cut for ctew and what a tasty dish they make the flavor of lamb combines well with practi cally all vegetables so stews made with lamb need never lack variety ground lamb makes an excellent meat loaf one which has a flavor a little out of the ordinary season ings such as onion tomato juice ketchup a bit of bayleaf or mint may all be used in making a tasty- lamb loaf ground iamb balls cooked in toma to sauce and patties wrapped with bacon and broiled are still other ways to use ground lamb to ad vantage scotch jumper diets directions if ycu use a pencil just wind small strands around it pull j the pencil out and pin the curl in place attractive meals the plainer and more inexpensive your meal is the more pains you ought to take to make it look pretty one of the easiest way to improve the appearance of the ordinary meat- andpotato meal is to arrange the potatoes or their substitute in the form of a border with the meat in the centre and the other vegetables as a garnish on the outside the border may be made of irish or sweet potatoes mashed squash or well cocked rice greens cabbage and sauerkraut present a more inviting appearance when served cither in a molded form or in the form of a border arrange in a ring and fill the centre with fluffy mashed potato piled high in irregular contour surround the bord er with brown sausage cakes or crisp link sausage this saves dish washing too because one serving dish does the work of three preparing mashed potatoes to make a mashed potato border rice or thoroughly mash potatoes then for each two cups of mashed potato add 4 tablespoons milk or cream z teaspoon salt and 2 table spoons melted butter more milk may be needed to make the potatoes the right consistency and of course the more milk you can beat into the potatoes the more nourishing they are beat with a slotted spoon until light butter a deep pan or bowl on the outside and place it in the centre of a hot platter or chop plate press a mound of prepared potatoes around the bowl then remove bowl and fill depression with meat or fish or a creamed vegetable macaroni spaghetti and noodles make rice borders too fricasseed chicken in a border of noodles with a garnish of candied sweet potatoes is inviting stuffed tomatoes stuffed peppers glaced and buttered onions beet marbles and grilled tomatoes add beauty to any hot main dish daughter will love this its so new looking in green woolen the scotch plaided bodice in green and brown that gives the effect of a jacket is really sewed to the skirt the blouse is sep arate see small viewj another idea with jumper all in one material and with contrasting blouse style xo 2525 is designed for sizes 6 8 10 and 12 years size 8 requires 1 yards of 39inch material with 4 yard of 39inch contrasting for bodice how to order patterns write your name and address plainly giving number and siza of pattern wanted enclose 15c in stamps or coin coin prefer red wrap it carefully and ad dress your order to wilson pat tern service 73 west adelaide street toronto finger waving not as difficult as it seems if she has the right equipment and a good deal of patience it is possible for any woman to care for her hair at home she can very easily give her scalp a hot oil treat ment once a week nightly brushing is simple if she wants to take the time and trouble to learn the tech nique even finger waving is pos sible to set your own hair you ought to have a really good waveset lotion and a comb with fine teeth after a thorough shampoo followed by sev eral careful rinsings part your hair comb it until not a tangle remains j and using a cotton pad saturate it lightly with waveset lotion that has been mixed with a dash of plain water or your favorite hair tonic now grasping the comb firmly pul the hair forward just above the spot where you want the first wave to be hold this ridge with the left hand forcing the hair below it backward with the comb held in the right hand this makes one wave which should be pinned sacurely before you go on to the next incidentally hold it in place while you form the next one repeat to the ends and finish there cither with a backward swirl or ringlet curls ringlet curls arc no trouble at all and whether you master the finger waving procedure or not may be used between visits to the hairdress er to freshen up the coiffure he ar ranged and to give your head a neat wellgroomed look if you use patented curlers follow chicken fricassee one four pound fowl cold water 2 teaspoons salt teaspoon pep per 4 tablespoons flour 2 cups noodles cut chicken in pieces for serving and put in kettle with cold water to more than cover bring to the boil ing point and cook slowly from two to three hours adding salt and pep per when half done remove from stock to hot platter and drop noodl es into boiling broth cook twenty minutes drain from broth and ar range in a border aroiuid chicken stir flour in a smooth paste with a little cold water and stir into broth from which noodles were drained bring to the boiling point stirring constantly and boil three minutes serve in a separate sauce boat before winter really sets in and then they are frozen back considerably in case this should happen this year protect your roses from damage by a light covering of straw make an effort to purchase your roses from a nurseryman who has clean stock certainly you do not want to start your rose bed with diseased roses table of oven very hot oven 450 degrees hot oven 400 to 450 degrees moderately hot oven 375 to 400 degrees moderate oven 350 to 375 degrees moderately slow oven 325 to 350 degrees slow oven 300 to 325 degrees very slow oven 275 to 300 de grees hfnts when whitewashing a ceiling push the handle of the brush through a piece of cardboard then the white wash wont run down the brush and up your arm plant roses now in the past too often when select ing roses for our gardens we have considered only the beauty of the flower but those of us who have struggled with blackspot cankers and other rose ills will demand of our nurserymen which are your most vigorous and stronggrowing bushes which have the healthiest foliage which iicd their flower color best etc it is best to plant roses of the hardy climbing and hybrid perpetual types in the fall also the hybrid teas where the winters arc not too severe they can be planted from october to december depending on the location but they should be placed in the ground before freezing weather there are times when we have a long warm fall in which the newlyplanted roses begin to grow if you are making a bread and butter pudding add a little ground rice to the milk before pouring it over its much more tasty the kiddies love it quiet weddings are preference of british girls only one asjts for grand slam london would you like mar riage with a jazz band accompani ment would you like 5000 women hav ing hysterics on the doorstep of the register ollice just because you have said i will to tbo man you love would you like 50 policemen to bold back tho crowds rom gaping at your blushes tiic wedding of harry roy to miss elizabeth brooke has brought into the news that difficult question con- sdered by every bride a public or a quiet wedding it is the penalty of fame that every year dozens of engaged cou ple are compelled to bring the de tails of their marriage and even honeymoon into icie searchlight of public attention free lights on the steps of church es or register offices are inevitable at the weddings of social or stage celebrirje and special cordons of police have to be hired to keep the enthusiastic crowds from tearing ule couple apart the daily sketch showed tho pic- lures of harry roys wedding to ty pical working girls and asked them to answer these questions here are their answers and no jazz band miss vera greenwood a reception ist of st marks crescent regents park i wouldnt have a public wedding if they offered me west minster abbey and all its ohoir i want a quiet wedding friends and relatives only a church a white wedding gown and a happy but short reception and no jazz band or special wedding song the words my husband whispers will be enough miss thelnia kirk mannequin at whitoeys takes another point of view i was green with envy when 1 saw the daily sketch pictures so many people to give the happy bride and bridegroom their blessings yes t think i want a grand slam wedding after all it only comes once in a lifetime and i think 1 woud enjoy the floodlights for one day no one beyond the family miss p clynes of holt villas put ney shop assistant says love just dogs her loves all right in its place but this kind is all wet to patricia obrien boston beans may be a prize winner in his class dut when it comes to pleasing the ladies he takes the prize for lack of finesse i want no policemen on my wed ding day this is a peaceful affair be tween my young man and myself beyond tho family i cannot seo who else is concerned miss joan wilkin- of medina house st erbans road is a wait ress i am not a famous person so no one will be interested beyond my relatives and friends i think it is a very heavy pen alty to have to pay for fame these scrambling weddings it is a great pity and must be a terrible ordeal for the bride mis billie barber eynham road secretary to a general manager in a big store say unto them as i live said the lord jehovah i have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn from his way and live turn ye turn ye from your evil ways for why will ye die o house of israel a yearning tenderness here manifests itself still seeking unday esson tons of porridge eaten by farmer berlin wis theres a new one for the record books irving jones 49yearold farmer ate his 3052nd pound of porridge the other morning it has been the piece do resistance of his breakfast for 40 years he figures he consumes 91 pounds a year a local statistician estimated that jones gruel consumption spread two inches thick would cover a fiveacre area 39 ezekiel teaches personal responsibility ezckiel 33 716 golden text each one of us shall give account of himself to god romans 11 12 the lesson in its setting time ezekiel began to prophesy five years after the capture of jehoiakim ie in 592 bc and it is during this year probably that the instructions contained in chapter eighteen were given the message of chapter thirtythree was uttered a few years later probably in 585 bc place ezekiel was settled with other exiles at telabib by the river chebar a stream or canal in babylonia so thou son of man i have set thee a watchman unto the house of israel therefore hear the word at my mouth and give them warning from me the trouble with many who ought to be true watchmen in that they are not close enough to the lord to hear his word or their ear3 are not sensitive to his voice and consequently they have nothing to give when i say unto the wicked o wicked man thou shalt surely die and thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way that wicked man shall die in his iniquity but his blood will i require at thy hand how many ministers today are real ly warning wicked men of the ter rible punishment in store for those who refuse obedience to god and re ject his son the lord jesus christ the only way in which god can speak to the wicked and warn him is through a yielded prophet who will hear the word of god and be lieve the word of god and will com municate the word of god nevertheless if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it and he turn not from his way he shall die in his iniquity but thou hast delivered thy soul it is clear that god never promises that all the wicked faithfully warned by his messengers will actually turn from their sins and thou son of man say unto the house of israel thus ye speak saying our transgressions and our sins are upon us and we pine away in them how then can we live the calamities of their country were un paralleled and equally unparalleled must have been their guilt lam 1 914 2 13 4 13 5 7 and their calamities seemed final their sin was enpiablo only by their com plete destruction notwithstanding all that has taken place the return of those who sur vived in the way of peace and thou son of man say unto the children of thy people the righteousness of the righteous shall not deliver him in the day of his transgression and as for the wick edness of the wicked he shall not fall thereby in the day that he turneth frcm his wickedness neither shall he that is righteous be able to live thereby in the day that he sinneth it is too true that the evil of mans past prolongs itself into the future and that sin cannot at once be done with yet we be lieve in the forgiveness of sin and this is the truth which the prophet desires to teach his children over whelmed with the thought of their own evil past when i say to the righteous that he shall surely live if he trust to his righteousness and commit in iquity none of his righteous deeds shall be remembered but in his in iquity that he hath committed therein shall he die cf 3 20 18 24 it was a widespread delusion among the jews that they possessed an hereditary righteousness that whatever they might be themselves yet the righteousness of their right eous fathers from abraham down would avail them and if they ex perienced the contrary in their mis fortunes they held themselves justi fied in murmuring against god again when i say unto the wick ed thou shalt surely die if he turn from his sin and do that which is lawful and right if the wicked restore the pledge give again that which he had taken by robbery walk- in the statutes of life committing no iniquity he shall surely live he shall not die cf 3 18 18 27 for instances of a return to right eousness on the part of the wicked see 18 7 ex 22 1 4 num 5 0 7 none of his sins that he hath committed shall be remembered against him he hath done that which is lawful and right he shall sure ly live the bad past may be for saken the grace of christ will help us to break loose from the tyranny of habit the bad past may be for given apple growers asleep at switch apple growers in the province ot ontario should wake up to the fact that they have dessert varieties of apples to sell and have competition to moot ontario has been from the begin niug a barrelled apple province in contrast with british columbia where only the finest fruit goes into boxe3 for long distance marketing ontario has grown not dessert apples but utility variolic sue as spvs bald- ivirs greenings stark ben davis and many others suitable for all- round family use during these last ton or fifteen years the situation has been gradually yet surely changing thovsuntis of new trees are coming into bearing and these new trees are producing the finest dessert apples in the world delicious and mcin tosh reds so far a market has been found for the product of these oncoming orchards but ie time is here when ontario growers will have to realizo that the whole ontario market is needed for the production ot snows mcintosh reds and delicious boy scout organizations in the various cities have what is called an apple day when they offer apples for sale on the streets naturally they prefer to sell the choicest apples grown in ontario graded wellcolor ed and sound with some organiza tions the mcintosh red is preferred for that variety is at us best when the apple day is held about the mid dle of october as an immediate market for a large quantity of apples it may not be attractive but its ad vertising possibilities are tremen dous the sale is usually given free window display space generous news paper publicity and often free radio announcements in what better way could ontariogrown mcintosh reds be introduced to ontario consumers the boy scout organizations in ontario could handle close to 5000 bushels meaning more than half a milion apples sampled by roughly tie 5amo number of people one would think the growers organizations would be heartily in sympathy with the movement and give it every sup port so far they have treated it with indifference one organization needing more than 150 bncels received no reply from one fruit growers cooperative refusals from four others a refusal from all extensive individual grower and finally purchased from the seventh attempt it would have been much easier to buy british columbia mcln tosh reds in the beginning and save all the trouble and worry ontario apple growers are well or ganized and well equipped for export shipments but there is apparently no organization no cooperation and no coherence that will popularize mcln tosh reds on the home market the oldtime barrel and bulk methods ot the past are altogether out of date when applied to tho merchandising of ontarios large production ot a choice dessert variety the growers should wake up canadian gets important post london eng william hamilton fyfe principal and vicechancellor of queens university kingston since 1930 has been appointed principal of the university of aberdeen in succes sion of sir g a smith very rev sir george adam smltb resigned last june after 25 years in the post he has also been chaplain to the king in scotland since 1933 sir george has lectured in many parts of the world as an educationist and has published a great many re ligious studies and essays he is 79 years old dr fyfe is one of canadas most distinguished educationists he was born in london england july 9 1s78 and was educated at fcltes college edinburgh oxford university and queens dakiousie and western on tario universities fu manchu nayland smith and 1 wcro in inspector weymouth room at scotland yard whither i had hurried from detec tive cadbys room shenyans h a dopo shop off ratcliff road said the inspector singapore charlies they call it its a center for chinese societies but by sax rohmer the severed fingera flight and a promise woymourh picked up ono of the fragments bofwooo stubby thumb and finger the pigtail again ho exclaimed ai tkroe of us bent again ov w a largo shoof of foolscap upon which were arranged some of the charred fragments i had salvaged from detective cadbys grate tooyco prised baffling puxde over which w had boon mosng for mmurei well lefs led whaf w mate of tfcs laid smrhi girl child stephen vincent ijenet in the atlantic monthly like a flower like a tulip so frosh so hardy so slim so hasting the nose tiptilted tho mouth her mothers the eyes brighter than rabbits or squirrels suddenly peering from bough or burrow all this in motion motion and swaying as ir all life were a wave of ocean as if all life were the clean stalk springing brightly greenly from earth unworn to sway with sunlight to drink clear freshets swiftly oh swiftly to swell its bubble the stanch red flower hardy and mortal tho bright flag on the new hill mortal gallant as a cockerels cry to this child to all swift children my great thanks for their clear honor the hound running the flying fire