farm flashes canadas exports higher ottawa canada canadas dom estic exports showed a slight gain in july amounting to 56239000 compared with 50121000 in juiy 1934 exports to the united kingdom more than 5000 applications from farmers in the prairie provinces had been received up to august 17 1935 j 823043000 in july by the water development commit s2 a decrease of teo for assistance under the prairie c cnt wh rfs the farm rehabilitation act tie bead- uja states rose from 517211000 quarters are in swift current sask j in july 1934 t0 521125000 in july 1335 and increase of over 22 per six die as liners collide in fog increased abundance of mosquitoes 11- aninniriul iirrvinn in 1935 as compared wih previous there was a sharp increase in the export of agricultures implements in the three prairie provinces and from tile kamloops and caribou districts of british columbia where lliey con stituted ah exceptionally severe pet years were reported from new brus wick stutlcrn quebec certain sec-jj- the va risil llom s38u0 tions cf ontario niagara falls and a year ag0 to i copper in- stamford areas of weliand county i creased from 51701000 to 2511000 ana nickel from 2051000 to 3- 3090c0 there was a comparatively i small increase in lead but aluminium i dropped from 999000 u 303000 there were declines in wheat wheat 1 hour fruits cheese fish furs lumber pulpwood and wood pulp i and automobiles but gains were j shown in barley whiskey meats leather binder twine raw wool machinery asbestos and silver for the first four months of the i present fiscal year canadas dom- 1 estic exports had a value of 20 1- 203048032 in the corresponding period of the preceding fiscal year a gain of 2 per cent britain is the worlds larg- ie importer of fresh fruit yearly average or 1370000 against 1400000 tons pur chased by germany prance sweden denmark and norway combined croat est sijp vilh a tons as isles and the canada the briish united states supply 70 per cent of the import of bar- bados british west indies and abj compared with weed spread e one sorb more than so per cent of her exports canada supplies biscuits butter olmeal and oilcake cheese confectionery apples oats hour hay lard bacon and hams beef pork condensed milk canned vegetables onions po atoes canned preserved and pickled lish lumber shingles staves and shocks hosiery wearing apparel cotton goods millinery hardware sugar machinery nails rivets motor cars trucks and vans canvas boot cement tires and tub es sulphate of ammonia medicines and drugs paints and colours puper furniti re and tourists when the threshing machine pulls results of physical and chemical the f fust job should studies and milling and baking tests bc th dsposal of weed seeds re ef bleached wliea in victoria i moved durln the threshing the australia indicated that aside from i practice of shovelling them outside the barn is too prevalent and should he discouraged when this is done millions of seeds are carried by the wind by water by blrls and by man himself and new rvs are in- grey eyes are britains loveliest voice of the press betty balfour selects girls with most beautiful orbs canada margate england british girls kevicw unquestionably possess the most beautiful eyes in the world dcj place of the shine an omployer can judge an appli cant for a job by noting where the- shine 13 on the shoes or the scat of the pants woodstock sentinei- j six men sleeping 111 their bunks were kill ed and five injured when the cunardwhite star liner laurentic and the napier star a freighter of the blue star line collided in a thick fog in the irish sea go miles out from liverpool the iaurentic 18724 tons which carried 020 passengers on a 14day baltic cruise was badly holed in the bow when the stem of the napier star bound from glasgow with a cargo of iron cut into her the p hoto shows the hole in the laurentics side as she docked at liverpool direct cause of weed problem on farms today cd that aside from lowered bu hoi weight and bleached appearance the exposure of ripe grain in tle spike to heavy rain foil 1 lowed by drying before harvest had appreciable de etsrous efiect on hour yield hiking quaiy cr ither char acteristics canning in canada ottawa canada fruit and vege table canning in canada is carried on most extensively in the provinces of ontario british columbia and quebec where climatic conditions are favourable for the growing of fruits and vegetables the principal fruits canned in ontario are apples pears plums peaches cherries cur rants gooseberries blueberries raspberries and strawberries in ad dition british columbia has the apricot and the loganberry the vegetables canned include tomatoes peas corn beans beats carrots pumpkin squash spinach and as paragus the canning season begins in june and continues through the summer and autumn until october being at its height in july august and september a development of the last few years of great importance and pos sibilities is home canneries it is estimated that in 1934 there were about 1700 registered establishments operating in quebec with a product ion of probably 230000 cases the movement is spreading into eastern ontario and other important vege table- growing district these small unit canneries are largely operated by individual vegetable growers the commodity is processed in a fresh state and with proper treat ment n product of unexcelled quality results in 1933 the pack of the canadian fruit and vegetable canning industry consisted of 1201275 cases of fruits valued at 2oi95l and 4531512 cases of vegetables valued at 8- 257290 of the canned vegetables packed tomatoes rank first in the number of cases with 1059850 bak ed beans with 1045790 cases comes next followed in order by peas with 822890 cases and corn 401850 cases of the fruits canned pears came first with 394374 cases followed by apples with 230704 cases peaches 101015 cases and plums 135710 cas es other important canned gjod was 1438523 cases of soups if all kinds and 402478 cases of tomato juice fested caricjsre in the disposal of wc3d koclis is one direct cause of the weed problem which we have today it is very important that all weed seeds bo gathered up im mediately after the mill has left and that they be burned buried deeply cr well rotted outdoor threshing is now a com mon practice throughout the prov ince much can be said in its favor however if a field which is badly in- fested with sow thistle or canada thistle is threshed from the slcok on a windy day enough seeds will be carried for miles to infest an entire community the threshing machine has been one of the agencies responsible for our present weed problem if the machine is not well cleaned after threshing and before moving weed seeds may be carried from one farm to another and be distributed along roadways and lanes some thresh ers have always taken pride in their work and cleaned their outfits be fore moving others have never done so weed seeds are shaken or blown oflf such mills when moving and roadsides fence lines and fields become polluted legislation has recently been in cluded in the weed control act which makes it necessary for every threshing machine and all equip ment used in connection therewith to be thoroughly cleaned before moving from farm to farm or before travelling upon a public roadway the fact that one wild mustard seel will produce a plant and that an average plant will mature 15000 seeds is a clear indication of the importance of thoroughly cleaning the mill before moving this oper ation will take only a few minutes and will save many dollars and much hard work dozens of far mers can trace the presence of cer tain weeds on their farms to the threshing machine this source of infestation need not exist any long er the matter of removing weed seeds from the grain when thresh ing and of cleaning the machine be- fare moving is one for cooperation between the thresher and the far- ottawa the elecion campaign is getting hot the primo minister is in full stride via the radio and the response to his series of half hour broadcatts has been gratifying lie is now headed for the west but will come east again before the cam paign ends within four weeks time there is plenty of speculation among the various political wiseacres as to the outcome of the voting on october 11 varied are tho predic tions which are not lacking in a cry j for national government even mac- kene king has called the shot lie predicts thai mr bennett will advo cate national government during his i speaking tour that remains to be i een mainly however the conservative strateglans place reliance upon the performance policies and campaign ing capacities of the prime min ister he has gone into the campaign with a vigour which despite his ill ness last winter is comparable with that 1930 his four broadcasts will be developed in detail on the hust ings and will not be lacking in ap preciative response from the thinking public what appeal the proposed retire ment on a species of pension of work ers at sixy or thereabouts will carry appears to be problematical while tho criticisms are plentiful and the difficulties constitutional and other wise of great magnitude at least the idea is commended as being delinite and specific and having the force ot an idea which i not new is relative ly zo the huge undertaking of debt con version can be accomplished only after much cooperative effort ami legislative sanction the delinite trend of times is toward lessening the burden of carrying oharges this schecne would develop it on most en- insects eat onetenth of worlds crops clarcd miss betty balfour the film star she was judging a competi tion at the bathing pool for the most beautiful eyes in margate five hundred girls took part and 7000 people crowded into the pool to see the judging it was the most difficult task of my life miss balfour said afterwards the clear grey eyes of miss joan ebbels a tall blonde of southgate gained her the first prize- miss kubyj carter of park head road dudley black eyes was second and miss claire tucker of hatchford crescent west olton pale blue eyes third first motor cars tho first automobile owner lu can ada was a resident of hamilton a native of malahide sir william mu- lock was the first pioneer of gasoline machines built in canada he order ed six motor tricycles and quadra- cycles for the use of the post ollice department and soon the streets ot toronto wero frantic witli the chuck ing ot these red machines st thomas timesjournal auto death toll in us cities tis a worthy place tho rise of stratford in the realm was of baseball is one of the phenomena of tho age and to choose a shin ing mark like st thomas showed an audacity that had much to do with our neighbors success next thing hizh we wi be hearing that the classic city has developed a football team few people realize that onetenth of the worlds crops is eaten every year by insects in america the boll weevile exacts an annual toll of 105000000 from the cotton fields canada pays 35000000 a year for the ravages of the spruce bud worm queensland sugar growers suffer losses of from 3500000 to 5000- 000 a season through cane grubs while south africa endures terrible washington the census bureau of the department of commerce re ported that during the first 35 weeks of this year 5498 persons lost their lives in automobile accid ents in 8g principal cities of the united states this total was 26 less than that for the corresponding 1934 period the bureau recorded 151 auto mobile fatalities last week as com- st thomas timesjournal curiosity satisfied princess ottaboni reported to the police at montreal tier purse had been stolen and it contained 320 of course thatt too bad but at the same time it satisfies a certain curiosity 1 we havo always possessed to know 1 how much a princess carried in her compassing lines to include all pub- locust devastations costing seveial lie indebtedness federal provincial millions annually municipal and simultaneously to our greatest safeguard against embrace the financially embarrassed these mew attacks declares dr s home dweller 1 a neave cf the imperial institute 1 of entomology who is at present wiiilo the campaign which soon will develop rapidly is conceded now to have elements of obscurity it 13 believed that well before the end of tour weeks ttie situation will be very much clarified the prospects will better be appraised in the light of tlie meetings east and west the re ception j accorded party leaders and the response which is indicated very likely the camoakn may lose some of t amiability and some persons and things s far largely ignored may come in for some criticai atten ion witli consequences upon the outcome so far as tlie campaign lias gone it is reported that there is evidence of lc5 3 rigidity in ordinary party adherence with very large but slight ly demonstrative meetings there is about a million new voters to whom particular appeals are being direct ed what is very conceivable is that any idea of uncertainity of the out come may cause a swing to tlie maj- or poliical party whose chances as the election approaches are consider ed more likely to eiuure stability ot government engaged en a monumental work classifying all known insect speci mens lies in matching one species cf insect against other ladybirds scientifically reared in this count y have already brought great relief to natal orange growers by preying on their deadly foe the mealy bug i today there are over 190000 gen eric names cf insects comprising a million or more different specimens so teeming indeed is the insect population that in a country such as africa the combined weight of in sects would it is estimated far outbalance the weight of all the ani mals elephants and rhinoceri in cluded roaming that mighty contin ent parred with 102 the previous week nurs0 and 155 in the corresponding seven day period last year stratford beaconherald astronomy is a fascinating study famous woman stargazer talks of her pro fession easier you see its easier to mortgage the home to buy a car than to mor tgage the car t buy a home bran don un the markets united farmers cooperative co saturday were paying the following prices for produce eggs with cases returned a large 29c a medium 28c a pullets 23c b 21e c isc butter ontario no 1 solids 22 no 2 22c back of neck index to character world us nose cutting conditions declared poultry quotations iii cents a a a dressed live dressed milk fed liens a a a over 5 lbs 12 4 to 5 lbs 11 3 to 4 lbs 10 old roosters 7 spring chickens- over 0 lbs 15 5 to g lbs 14 414 to 5 lbs 13 under av- lbs 12 spring broilers 1 to 24 lbs 12 better wholesale provisions j wholesale provision dealers are conditions quoting the following prices to the paris economic throughout the world show improve- j toronto retail trade lifes span short ment jean tannery governor of pork ham 23c shoulders 18jc i the bank of i ranee said recently 21c pork oins 23c nlenlc3 chicago efforts of scientists to he emphasized the sound position 17c nake man live longer are being of the french franc the reduction r pure tierces 1514c tubs hwnrtcd by crying babies shrieking j in the bank of frances discount 1cc pail3 ig prints 10c wlkes and screeching automobile rate last week testified to the pro- 1 shortening tierces 104c tubs ioffe the american medical associa- grcssivc return of normal credit conj lv p n prints 1194c i ditions facilitating business he said throughout the world there loijtcomplaincd recently tle american scene has ijblsy ffie associations fijj3cjj that c are very clear indications of economic become journal it is cutting amelioration which have been ob- months al econ- sikjji8s only by only pursued by france without rc- jteclinisffthk brajiiiand senses of spite for several years is sufficiently i ojnpb jos j vcs i served during the pan few jp0mqgmin the normal adaption of the nation ffljrf life leahdlfetmnde only by only pursued by france wit trclinjslay bxaiwjand senses of spite for several years is suf fis5rh3sfe rc advanced so that the new sacrifices wprevjh53e and of little sig- accepted courageously throughout i jenfre or hmia7fvantnnt the country are bearing fruit fur- ijfjuwrjlstyf- thermore the men piwyfifn6iervcirilyj disequilibrium to 1 s 5o than e asipfjfjiwrc-t- ace of budgetary france is vanish- ever our money is ztjglkmjjjfcaccted from all attacks he said grain quotations following are yesterdays closing nuotations on toronto grain trans actions for car lots prices on basis cif bay ports manitoba wheat no 1 northern 954c no 2 northern 92ic no 3 northern s9v4c no 4 northern si vic no 5 northern 78c manitoba oats no 2 cw 41 ac no 3 cw 3gc extra no 1 feed oats 3gc no 1 feed 35v4c mix ed feed oats 32c hollywood from a cameramans angle the best physical index to human character and personality is the back of the neck now a neck is really something to tie to said sol polito one cf the movie photographers if youre interested in reading human types and temperaments a good neck is practically a blue print of the make up of the person who owns it polito said his theory was evolved from years of squinting through cameras at players who had their backs turned to him you take jimmy cagney for in stance he said the first time i saw the back of his neck was long before he ever played his first im- j portant part in pictures i was fas cinated i it is short inclined to be thick through and the rear of his skuli sort of overhangs like a cornice on a skyscraper what does that show well to me it meant determination stubbornness plenty of curage and intelligence the long arching neck he said is most interesting of all types because it seems to be contradictory a woman with such structural form he said usually is cool aristocratic dignified and more than normally intelligent but strangely enough he said if a man has the longarched typo of neck it frequently is a sign of sel fishness bad temper and untrusl- wonhiness toronto astronomy is a fas cination dr anne j cannon for 50 years a stargazer said recently between sersions of the american astronomical societys convention my interest has never weakened ive had others much younger than i complain their interest has waned- but for me there is still the same thrill perhaps it is because there is always something new to find the scientist who at 70 years of age is the most famous woman astron omer in the world remarked dr cannon shared with the late madame curie of france and others the honor of receiving the ellen richards prize for outstanding work in research bv women odd book markers a librarian in manchester makes known some of the things which he finds used as book markers in the vol umes which are reurned they in clude needles safety pins pieces ot wire joveletters pieces of biscuit and slabs of bacon what we wonder was wrong with the pieces of bacon that they were put to such use and what if some swain left a loveletter from a girl and the book was next taken ou by a rival zowie st thomas times- journal montreals horses one of the beautiful sights in tho city of montreal is the horsedrawn vehicle provided always that it is conducted by a driver who has a re spect for his horse the horse goes proudly forward with his ears set to cach the noises that come from in front because he has no fear of tho man with the reins one of the ugly sights in the city is the horse with i was the last recipient of the his ears tl back or tear or what prize she said it was founded to raay be coming fl t man wi i- encourage women to study science reins we occupy a city that is one ol but because it was felt women no t las strongholds of the horse longer needed encouragement to en- v have some charming happy hors- ter it was discontinued i have con- esr am j w want to keep them wo i tinued it however for woijjen in had better see that we keep them astronomy it is called after me now with their ears expectant tor what is i and goes to women astronomers in front and fearless of what is be- the prize was given dr uannon hind montreal sar i for classification of stars according to their spectra she has classified 400000 she belevcs women par- in the sublime ticularly adapted to the obervation a speaker at the american so- field this she said was more im- c t sanitation engineers con- portant than the theoretical i veltio asserted that in time every observations do not change the bedroom everywhere will have is theory of 10 years ago may bc dis carded for a new one but observa- j tions are unchangeable andthey are the basis upon which all theory is i formed of course women areen- tering the theoretical side and i see no reason why they cannot oc suc cessful she said i own bathroom the idea is in the nature of the sublime and at lea t is calculated to encourage the plumber or raher the sanitary engineers montreal gazette one thing is certain it a town does not look liko a good place to live in it isnt earnest elmo calkins barley no 3 cw feed screenings 1150 manitoba loic no 1 per ton south african corn c5c ontario grain approximate prices track shipping point wheat 58 to file oats 2g to 29c barley 30 to 35c corn 48 to 51o rye 35 to 38c malting barley 38 to 42c monarch of speed sir malcolm campbell was knight ed by the king of england for ills contribution to the cause of mechan ical locomotion anyone who thinks sir malcolm is a madcap should meet him as i havo he is a seriousmind ed individual for all ills nonchalance when riding at a diiizy speed with death perched upon his shoulders sir malcolm is the worlds land speed king he hung up a record of 27cs1c miles per hour last year at daytona beach fla this year at wendover utali with throttle wide open and oxhauss naming tho hu man bullet si malcolm campbell achieved his life ambition by travel ling 301337 miles per hour more than flvo miles a minute his bluebird is 11 years old its a rollsroyce british made develop ing 2500 horsepower and revs up to 3c00 per minute good in worst of men a group of men will rogers among i them sat through a long evening in i the lobby of a hotel in the cuban income taxes gain capital and in the course of the con- 309 943 further veraation several famous political figures in europe and america wero ottawa hon j earle lawson mentioned with disparagement by one minister of national revenue an- member or another of the group in- nounces that income tax revenue variably it turned out that rogers collected in august totalled 2s80- 507 compared with 2570564 in 943 receipts for the five months per- 1 knew the man mentioned and had found something attractive about 1 him finally ho admited with a grjn august 1934 an increase of s309- lt scen di8h anybcly i ever met if i want to hate him ive got to stay away from him lod april 1 to august 31 wore 61- c lamb thc same cnar 288412 as against 45203540 fr asterlstic y011 h that man thc same period of 1934 an mj somoone aske1 hlm on ono occasion crease of 10084867- the toron- bju e hook h j- ca to and montreal districts again led hao hlm he aske i know all others in net gains recorded to- ronto with a revenue of 19615985 an increase of 5863816 and mon- treal with a revenue of 18540027 an increase of 400789g i there aro some men like rogers and lamb who have tlie actuteness to see tho attractive qualities that llo in cveryong often under a cov in imaginative work for children be- i came children snoht children only fivo other men have driven a themselves contends harry furniss car 200 miles per hour aid all fivo in some victorian women mr aro dead for once campbell seems furniss a famous punch artist perfectly satisfied with himself and of days gone by says that hans bluebird and why not andersen cried at tho table if he our hats are oft to you sir malcolm was not helped first and was not campbell and to you gallant blue- given more jam or his bread than bird j anyone else totals for other districts showing crlng ot very scurr substantial gains were london most pe0iie however aro suspicious c0895s4 increase 2135903 and take t0 get acquainted hamilton 4405578 increase 1- thcy aro like the two london linan- 089849 vancouver 3544789 in- cial men hl one ot thc iab ballads crease 023747 ottawa 3305- every reader of gilbert will recall how 153 increase 432533 winnipeg t tlvo nien u bitterest of enc- 1527505 increase 35g315 cal- m wcn on an excursion together gary ssg30g5 increase 238618 j a wero tho sole survivors when their ship was wrecked on a desert ah those who have been famous island gilbert describes the trans formation thus tiioy soon becamo like brothers in community of wrongs they wrote each other little odes and sang each other songs they told each other anecdotes disparaging their wives on several occasions too they saved each others lives vancouver province