resuscitation every canadian should learn shaeffer method in toe view of the coiitiiiinil urown- througliout the province canadian red cross society has stressed the importance of holidaygoers familiarizing them telves with methods of resusclatlon the most recognized resuscitation method today and which the red cross hes demonstrated to some 2- 600 students in toronto schools and institutes is that known as the shaeffer or prone method an out- line of which ii given below kfforts at resuscitation should be continued until signs of life reappear or vigor mortis sets in olliciats of the hcd cross stated and these ef forts should be persisted in for lour bours or more if necessary the method which lias proved in valuable in saving lives that might otherwise have been drowned is as follows 1 bay the patient face down wards wilh one arm extended di rectly ovcoieacl the other arm bent at the elbow and the face resting on hand or forearm so that the nose ami mouth are free for breathing 2 kneel over tlie patient strati illing his hips place the palms of toe bands on the small of the back with lingers resting on the ribs the little linger just touching the lowest rib tie thumb alongside of the lingers just out of sight i with arms held straigtli swing forward slowly so that the weight of your body is gradually brought t bear upon the patient the lower part of the iciest and also the ab domen are thus compressed the air is forced out of the lungs the dia phragm is kept in natural motion and tlie circulation of tlie blood in creased 4 now immediately swing back ward so as to completely remove the pressure thus returning to tile orig inal position ftie choit walls expand and the pressure being removed the diaphragm descends and the lungs are supplied witli fresh air 5 atter two seconds swing ror- ward again then repeat twelve to fifteen times a minute the double movement of compression and re lease if a watch or clock is not visible follow the natural rate of your own breathing toe proper rate may be determined by counting swinging forward with eacli expira tion and backward with each in spiration li while this is being done some one else should loosen any tight clothing about the patients neck olest or waist try t keep the patient warm by having someone cover him witli a blanket and by placing hot water bottles near his body but outside tlie blanket to pre vent burning him 7 continue this artificial respira tion without interruption until natik ral breathing is restored if neces sary lor four hours 8 wien the patient revives he should be kept lyng down live him a drink of hot ginger tea or coffee or half a teaspoonlul of spirits of ammonia in a glass of hot water al ways send lor a doctor watch he patient until the doctor comes and if normal breath ing stops artificial respiration should be started again at once this khaeffer method is used also in resuscitation from gas poisoning and electric shock do you know your salt facts can be used in a hundred ways on the farm line open which marketing schemes honey the dominion marketing hoard lias recently been given considera tion to a scheme to regulate the mar keting of honey produced in on tario tlie seriome has tlie fillip of tlie ontario beekeepers association and representatives have waited upon the dominion mar keting hoard to explain tlie market ing conditions which the scheme is intended to improve tbo scheme is si ill subject to further review arid amendment by the dominion market- lug hoard copies of i be proposed scheme are available on request from tlie secre tary of the dominion marketing hoard at ottawa those who wish to make representations with respect to the scheme may make ihem in writing or may make a request for a hearing before the dominion market ing hoard any such written briers or requests for appointments should he made to tlie secretary of the hoard before august istli those requesting j appointments will later be notified i of the exact date of hearings burley tobacco hurley tobacco growers ol the pro vince of ontario have submitted to tho dominion marketing hoard a hurley tobacco marketing soiiemo miitcr which it is proposed to regu late the marketing of hurley tobac co grown in ontario the scheme has the sponsorriip of the kssex hurley growers association and the kcnl hurey growers association tlie wilkorion heraldtime de clares pnpn dionne is in clover he receives 100 a month from the mlihuplets fund and the govern- incut walks the floor with his babies i i of all materials purchased for farm use salt properly applied is the most consistent money maker and money saver it is truer eco nomy to buy a bag too much than one pound too little the things that interest a practical farmer arc such topics as lard livestock field crops barns fertilizers butter and cheese meat and eggs for all of these salt has some definite prac tical money saving or money mak ing use in feeding of livestock it has been shown by dominion gov ernment tests that the cost of salt properly fed is returned to the farmer 3 to 14 times over because salt is so universally ne cessary it often used a vehicle to carry otiier food necessities which nature fails to supply this is the reason for such products as iodized stock salt and iodized table salt there are large areas in ontario and tlie western provinces where natural foods contain almost no iodine iodized stock salt in block form or loose should be given the j farm stock this simple step saves thousands of young pigs calves iambs and foals for the farmers of canada every year take no chances if you suspect iodine de ficiency use windsor iodized salt regularly it means stronger healthier more productive livestock i in any case choosing farm salt coarse salt is salt or large grain size fine salt is salt of relatively small grain that is all that the words coarse and fine imply as applied to salt neither word has any reference to quality purity or price coarse does not mean crude and cheap nor does mean refined and dear coarse salt is made by tho pan evaporation of brine uses heat less efficiently than the closed pan method employed to make fine salt and it is therefore more expensive to produce than fine salt fine salt is purer and drier than coarse salt it contains more actual salt per 100 pounds because it is in smaller grains it is more adaptable to mixing with feds for spreading oi hay etc fine salt is actually cheaper coarse salt should be purchased only for such special uses as curing hides and for freezing mixtures for those purposes specify coarse salt for other farm needs specify fine salt salt facts a mixture of ie and sail three parts ice to one part salt will give a temperature well beow freezing in which many dainty desserts may be readily frozen remember this on hot slimmer days use coarse salt for this purpose a top dresing of salt binds dirt roads and paths making the ullinrtl and smooth it dampens and lays the dust yet prevents excessive mudding in wet weather keeps dirt from be ing tracked into the home the cause of heat cramps and neat exhaustion is los of salt through ex- cesivc perspiration salt in drink ing water makes up the loss and pre vents such conditions at haying and harvest time give your work horses extra salt they will work better salt is a controlling factor in an animals use of mineral substances such as calcium phosphorous iodine and iron no mineral supplement is complete without salt proper feeding of salt increases the value of mineral mixtures a handy salt chart wiiich can be sponsor- hung for ready reference can ho ob tained freen of charge by writing to canadian industries limited salt division windsor ontario oilier free information the romance of salt interesting facts about salt scores of special uses salt all over tho world for hoys and girls and grownups colored pictures uses how salt is made etc oral health all about windsor salt for den- tifrce mouthwash and gargle spontaneous combustion greatest eaiho of barn fires except lightning all about windsor salt for curing hay salt the farmers friend all about the special uses of salcon the farm why deprive yourself have r heard why deprive yourself of the best when you dont need to times oie beller so get back to ogdens fine cut cigarette tobacco yel get more pleasure from ogdens because its better to bacco and it rolls best in chanlecler or vogue papers 52 poker hands eny numbers now accepted as a complete set fine cut your pipe knows ogdens cut plug indians of canada by diamond jenness published by the national museum of canada 200 beauti fully printed and bound is a book everyone who prides himself on his library should have many photos and illustrations throughout the four hundred pages lend interest and are highly instructive the chapter on the eskimo i found excep tionally informative as these people living in the far northern hinter lands have always fascinated me an eskimo song music and words is reproduced on page 207 i found it a charming little melodv mm fourteen errors of life to expect to set up our own stand ard of right and wrong and expect everybody to conform to try to measure tiie enjoyment of others by our own to expect uniformity of opinion in this world to look for judgment and experi ence in youth to endeavor to mould all disposi tions alike not to yield to unimportant trifles to look for perfection in our own action- to worry ourselves and others about what cannot be remedied mot to alleviate if we can all that needs alleviation not to make allowances for the weaknesses of others to consider anything impossible that wo cannot ourselves perform to believe only what our finite minds can grasp to livo as if tlie moment tlie time tho day were to important that it would live forever to estimate people by some out side quality for it is that within which makes the man wifey john theres a burglar in the silver and another in the pantry eating my pies get up and call lor help hubby at window police doc tor youth am i the only man who ever kissed you girl friend why will every man ask a girl that same question owners son dad all of our board ers got mad this afternoon and left they said this place was advertised as one of tlie most magnificent re sorts in the world but that was just a fake summer resort owner no wonder they said that young man dont ever let me catch you wading across bot tomless lake again it may be possible to obtain a re putation for being wise by simply keeping still and saying nothing but there is one person that will not be fooled yourself joe 1 never clash with my boss man no joe no go his he goes bis way and 1 horses die of epidemic strange disease strikes quick and sure at manitoba if quines 75 already taken expect 3 million in a year from amusement tax heard of a man the otier day who really enjoyed going to a dentist he was henpecked and it gavo him his only opportunity to get his mouth open young man may 1 have the pleas ure of the next dance sweet young thing you may i know 1 wont get any pleasure out of it some people are now installing re volving doors in their homes so that they can go out the same time the bill collector comes in shavings a posage stamp sticks to just one thing and succeeds many a selfmade man might bo happier it lie cocld blame the job on somebody else if you play with your money how can you expect it to go to work in some cases tho life of a very sick patient might be saved by show ing him the biography that the min ister expects to read at his funeral they used to beat the swords into plow shares but now they beat the plowshares into niblicks a checkered career often end 3 in a striped suit the world contains an over supply of average men generally the fellow who enakes the most fuss about the way the elec tion goes did not vote the fool thought requires just as much time as that which turns out to be a big idea love is the sweetest story ever told until somebody pulls the trap door from under you winnipeg new supplies of serum vero being rushed to manitoba to combat an outbreak of disease which s killing horses in central and south west sections of the province provincial and dominion autnont- les cooperated to fight the strange ailment the naturo of the disease winch has taken a toll of at least 75 horses was not definitely known but it was believed to be encephalomyelitis which attacks the brain and spinal columns of horses the bite of a new- typo of mosquito was thought to trans mit the minute virus viscera of the dead animals has been sent to ottawa for laboratory diagnosis in the meantime local quarantine measures in the infected area are being enforced at a meeting at which preventive measures were discussed hon d g mckcnzic manitoba minister of ngri- j culture promised the cooperation of his department with the dominion health of animals branch whatever measures may be ordered by federal authorities will be backed by the pro vince serum for combating the outbreak has becii exhausted and orders have been rushed for fresh supplies the serum is difficult to obtain and is ex pensive the three applications re commended by veterinaries costing s25 per horse tho outbreak southwestern spread north two monllis revenue amounts to s504574 for treasury of the govern ment first appeared in manitoba rapidly and northeastward provincial authorities have no accur ate estimate of death or the number of horses attacked one report told of 126 deaths in one area reports of new outbreaks were received ironi hartney elgin hoissevain and pear son toronto based on returns for the first two months operation of the new act the provincial treas ury will be enriched more than 3- 000000 through the amusements tax in 12 months at the expense of theatre owners sport organizations and patrons according to statistics compiled by the allied sports and amusement association taking heavy toll this will be mere than four times greater than the amusements tax revenue of 715050 for the fiscal year of 1934 and 200 percent greater than the tax total of l01b- 793 collected in 1932 when the gov ernment granted exemption on ad missions of 25 cents and under amusements tax returns for the last two months plainly indicate how the people of moderate means and children are being badly hit by the new impost declared w m ghuiish secretary of the associa tion which is waging a campaign against the entertainment levy the chief changes in the new amusements tax act were the wiping out of the exemption on lowpriced admissions and a tax in crease of 150 percent on the 30- cent ticket which was the lowest admision previously assessed the tax revenue for july was five times greater than that for the same month one year ago therefore it is the ordinary man and his family who are shouldering the burden the figures only emphasize the need for amusements tax modifications without delay the one big blunder is in calling the english simile when they are subtle g k chesterton canadian national exhibition stop that itch in one minute v d p d pisaiptio spttdt rtlicf a view of the princes gate showing a small section of the huge crowds that are seen daily on he grounds of the largest yearly exhibition in vvii it is really surprising toscc how drdd dennis pure cooling liquid antiseptic d d i prescription quickly stops itching tortures of eczema pimples mcrtouito or other insect bites rashes and other skin afflictions korty years workwide suc cess its gentle oils penetrate the skin toothing and healing the inllamed tissues no niss ho muss clear grcasclcss and stainless dries up almost immediately try d ix i prescription today stops the most intense itching instantly a 3c trial bottle at any drug store is guaran teed tn prove it or money back d d o is made by the owners of italian balm issue no 34 35 2d when in toronto save your exhibition expenses by buying your used car or truck from canadas largest automobile dealers a d gorrie co ltd head office and showroom 354 victoria street brandies 14 shuter street opposite massey hall 400 yonge street at gcrrard phone elgin 9171 raise mink bargain prices must sell to make room proven rreeders and young stock easy to raise i k martin galt ont we have a number of quality used trucks at our show room see them during the exhibition week general motors products of canada ltd 208210 spadina ave toronto vva 1331 artificial limbs trusses and abdominal belts 3slz church st tobohto 9721 ieakk hahtdeessino while visiting the toronto kx- lilmtion you are cordially invite 1 to inspect our academy where all in formation will he given regarding ii10 different coarsen in ilalrdrcss- ing anil llcauty culture write for free llonklct robertsons haiudbebsino academy 137 avenno road coles at the exhibition 3 dining rooms ontario government liuiiding coliseum nnd womens building in toronto call at canadas greatest superservice station see and duggans ten minute car wash irwin avenue 13 block below ijioor between vongc and liny calcic service- ah makca of cam see the 1504 roebi ywca residences offer accommodation to inhibition visitors at dufferln house 24s dufferln st fakesldc iri7 pem broke house ic pembroke st midway tilliis kim house is2 bim st adclalde 00s3 ywca cafeteria 91 vongc st acovo king st the most important thing in life is work king carol harley- davidson 1935 models s now on display at our soe also large assortment of used motorcycles to choose from prlcen lower than any time in our history wo invite you to call anil inspect our stock of motorcycle while at tending the exhibition phono wavortey s3cg kennedy and menton 421 college st toronto harlcydavidson distributers