farm flashes canada continues to be the chief source of supply of tomato ketchup and sauces to the united kingdom increasing her shipments in the 193 lady kidnapper is through with men chicago mrs margaret waley 19 one of the kidnappers oz uearge weyerhaeuser heir to a northwest lumber fortune is through with men sho observed frere as sho treasures from china period to 90857 cases from cilauge trains en route to the ped is 709 in 1931 the tomato soup trade also is almost entirely in canadian hands the figures of imports of wheat into the scottish ports of glasgow id lsith for the first six months of era womens prison at milau mich to serve a 20year term without any bitterness mrs waley said 1 deserve what i sot 1 thought i was golug to gel more hut harmon waley didnt get a third ot what he deserved 1i25 show that scotland has taken j waley her husband pleaded guilty maie canadian wheat than in the corresponding period of the two previous years the shipments of canadian flour also were greater than for several years previous to the wcyerhaeu er kidnapping and s serving t 45year term on alcatraz island when i rorui out im going it alone mrs waloy said tin throurj with men i dont want any body to know when i leava prison fin going to lose myself mrs waley will be eligible tor the ontario approved turkey breeders association inspection work has been greatly increased with 2000 turkeys eligible far approval j parole in ai si wars inssectioh in 1935 against 082 j 931 the ayrshire cow onslow lass bread and owned by miss mary hooper pictou ns has recently completed a second record of over 20000 pounds of milk 20511 pounds to be exact the previous year at seven years of age she gave 200s5 pounds of milk butter cream eggs flour fruits milk cooking oils of corn peanut and soya bean are a few of the agricultural products used by the biscuit and confectionery cocoa and chocolate industries of canada which employed 10301 persons in 1931 since 1921 the statistics re lating to the canadian chewing gum industry were incorporated wihl the biscuit and confectionery industry the estimated short apple crop in the united kingdom for 1935 should stimulate a larger demand for canadian apples which have the further advantage under canadian export regulations of carrying with them a certificate of freedom from disease heres a job wkycuhn sask j w khar- rows wife is in hospital but it looks us though shell be out before he gets domestic hejp lib has travelled 1000 miles throura southern saskatche wan and found no takers on his of fer of a domestic job figuratively speaking how do you like me in my new gown i got it for a ridiculous price you mean you got it for an ab surd figure pure bred cattle british sailors seem unuconcerned as they cury fabulous wealth of chinese art treasures from ruise suffolk to dock at iortmouth england tie cruiser carried 93 steel lined trunks holding un- old millions ill art of the orient from peking to london for display at coming exhibition of chinese lit in royal academy safe and simple should be slogan for reducing can nothing be done about this winnipeg three kansas city tourists who registered here recently were prepared for winnipegs famed cold weather they carried winter overcoats and a supply of winter un derwear and asked as the city swel tered jn a heat wave how far do we have to go before we need these coats clergyman holds services in parishioners homes the week in ottawa the woman who wants to reduce never should map out a rigid diet without first consulting her doctor sho must not go in for strenuous intricate exercises intended origin ally fdr acrobat unless she does jhcni under the careful supervision f an experienced teacher she ought not to fool herself by imagining that extra pounds ac cumulated over a period of months or even years can be taken off ivithin a few weeks in other words sood judgment should be the key note of any dietminded womans putine after you have received your doc tors permission to omit certain foods from your diet decide at once what type of exercises you will have to do to reduce specific spots on your body if your measurements suit you except about the waistline concentrate on waistline exercises however do not try bending and stretching varieties which are so difficult that you cant learn to do them correctly this doesnt mean that only sim ple exercises are recommended practice intricate ones of course but dont expect to do them perfect ly tho first few days its much bet ter to remain overweight than to risk injuring ligaments or bones back binds for instance never should lie tried unless you have someone standing close by to sup port your back standing with feet wide apart sowly force your body backward until hands touch the floor rather close to your heels this is simple for- a dancer or an ex- ereise teacher but the average wo- i man ought to have support across the middle of her back until she a young vicar in newcastle-on- tyne kiiff has found a new way of keeping his flock in touch with tlie gospel he takes the church to them most of the parishioners of st ji des cannot afford sunday clothes to attend service so the itav ralph rumney decided to hold services in their home with a hand of willing workers mr rumney initiated his movement this woek in a tworoomed tenement the home of an s7yearod widow members of the church choir at tended the house service and the widows neighbors many of them wearing shawls joined in the hymns led by mr rumney his choirboys and church workers it is understood that this is the first time any clergyman has held such a service but mr rumney in tends if there is sufficient demand to hold them nightly ottawa last week was one ot the busiest politically in the capital in months it saw announcement ot the general election date as october ii appointment of some cabinet min ister senators and judges deputy ministers and tho personnel of the canadian wheat hoard prime min ister bennett was practically rucied off his feet but when he got through the decks were more or less cleared for thy election campaign in order to make it possible to hold the elec tions on october 11 thanksgiving day was moved up to october 21 as was forecat some time ago 1 karl iawson kc national organiz er for tio conservative party was the prime ministers choice for the post of minister of national revenue svccecdlng hon r v mathews re tinas lieut col r geary kc toronto succeeds hon hugh guthrie as minister of justice william g ernst of the maritime is new min ister of fisheries and samuel go- heii compton replaces hon arthur sauvo as postmaster general senate vacancies were whittled down to one witti the following ap pointments a j leger memram- cook n b dr smile fortin levis polar veather post planned by soviets balai her learns how to perfectly splits of various kinds a e other types of exercise that should not be attempted unless you have someone to guide you and hold you up in case you start to fall once 5ou have mastered the technique are especially good for legs and waistline moscow tho soviet unions preparations to establish the worlds first meteorological station at tho north pole is progressing with desig nation of icebreakers to carry an expedition and its airplanes to the top of the world the expedition will study not only atmospheric conditions at the north pole a virgin field for research but will furnish weather reports to transpolar commercial airplane ser vices projected between moscow and san francisco officials hope the station will be in operation next summer the ini tial expedition will sail from arch angel to a point as far north as ice breakers can batter their way throiigh he polar seas then the planes will take off with the station crew implies and meteorological equipment plans provided that ir airplanes cennot land at the pole men and equipment will be dropped in para chutes during recent years russians have weight experimented constantly with mass i parachute jumps at a recent air show co men cattle crates of gro ceries and other equipment were dropped simultaneously and suc cessfully r smith exmp for vietaria- carleton col ii a mullins exmp for marquette john t haig winni peg and dr eugene paquet former mp for bonaventure ontario men appointed to the bench william t henderson llrantford ontario court of appeals f d hogg ottawa and col j keitler mackay toronto trial division ont ario supreme court of interest to canada as a whole was the naming of the personnel of the new canadian wheat board john i mcfarland winnipeg is chairman with david livingstone smith winnipeg vice chairman and dr ft c grant pro fessor of economics at university of manitoba as member the advisory committee of the board is made up of robert mckee vancouver lew hutchinson duhamel alta l c brouillette winnipeg brooks cat- ion hanley sask s t smith win nipeg paul iiecil winnipeg and c g c short montreal deputy ministers appointed include robert k smith kc cumberland marino department and john a sul livan kc montreal deputy minist er postmaster general cabinet reorganization effected dur ing lat week witnessed an infusion of some young and new blood mr ernst has the distinction of being tho youngest conservative to hold a cab inet position he is us years of age the youngest liberal to hold a cab inet post was mackenzie king ho was minister of labour back in 1109 he was then 35 years of age no government has ever had so many appointments to make save for a couple they appear to have been well received hon edgar n rhodes will continue lo he minister of finance until the campaign ends or perhaps until a little before that time however his decision to hold on has taken con siderable weight off the prime min isters shoulders this same stock to an unidentified educational and scientific corpor ation in march ilhis holdings as june 30 were 2852570 shares worth about 534200000 in addition other commission reports show he held 2142422 shares of ctandard oil of new jersey common valued at nearly 100000000 and 1300828 common shares of standard oil of california valued at 515700000 the total number of pedigree certificates registered with the can adian national live stock records approved by the dominion minister agriculture during the month of july 1935 was 5012 of these 3255 were horses including 138 clydes dale 70 percheron 51 thorough bred 37 belgian draft 15 stand ard bred 14 french canadian 7 hackney and 4 suffolk cattle num bered 2787 comprising 821 ayr shire 708 shorthorn 51s jersey 250 hereford 231 canadian french 128 guernsey 88 aber deen angus 21 red poll and 10 brown swiss sheep totalled 591 of which 1gi were southdown 97 oxford down 90 suffolk 89 shropshire 50 lei cester 35 hampshire 20 cotswold 22 dorset horn 14 lincoln and 4 cheviot swine numbered 010 including 409 yorkshire 85 tamworth 58 berkshire 15 duroc jersey 10 chester white and 3 hampshire there were 30 foxes 010 dogs 3 poultry and 20 goats of which twelve were of the toggenburg breed and 8 of the saanen canada faith in humanity chinese lauudryman in bronxvitle ny went tor a holiday and lelt a note in the window telling people to get their laundry as the door was not locked we doubt whether this gen tlimnn has been thoroughly civilized and christianized tiuce coming to ibis country strattord beacon herald painting barns after a lapse of live lull years canadian farmers are beginning ta paint their barns again there is no genera rush but here and there through most of the mixed farming areas examples are readily uolcd while important enough in itself in view ot tho immense area to be coy ered in familiar red green or white the significance of the return of baru paint is that it means tho lirt real indication of a return of permanent ly better times to canadian agricul ture financial post lloyds war risks london lloyds famed through out the world for willingness lo take insurance risks on almost any thing believe an italoethiopian war is inevitable latest odds of the underwriters against war within a year were italy and ethiopia no rate war inevitable japan and russia 20 to 1 france and a major power 20 to 1 italy and a major power 15 to 1 the united states and a major pow er 100 to 1 invasion of the us by any pow er 500 to 1 better cooking will make for better husbands the corn from canada canned at border fort erie the height of economy was displayed here recently by a united states tourist who was stop ped at the american end of the peace bridge by a customs officer and informed that regulations pre vented his taking two dozen ears of corn into the united states there was no argument the motor ist turned onil drove back eight mil es to nie road in bertie township to get a refund they hips a smile professor s f morrison who holds the chair of american history at oxford university was calling at a friends home when his friends little daughter began to tell him the story of the discovery of ameri ca this had been her lesson for the day there was a sailor namel col umbus the little girl began and a queen sent him out on a voyage of discovery and his diips were named the nina the pima and the and the the santa maria suggested professor morrison yes the santa maria sail the little girl and the queens name it was isabella the professor asked professor said the little girl suspiciously have you heard this story before z brighter waitingrooms johannesburg star successful efforts art being made to make south africans travel con- scions and especially to encourage them to make the fullest possible use of tho railways the catering and service are generally excellent and train travel is ill every way quicker rleanor and more comfortable than formerly but there is still room for improvement in at least one direc tion there are of course exceptions to tho rule hut tie majority of our waiting rooms are dark stuffy and depressing their furniture is prim itive and forbidding and ho pic torial incitements to travel which adorn the walls sometimes empha- j size their aridity worlds fastest warrant officer francesco agello has travelled faster than any man in the world this italian flyer darts through the ozone at the terrific speed of 44007 miles an hour this undisputed speed king of the air who travjls faster than a bullet has taken his life in his hands many times before wearing this crown he is the only survivor of the italian- schneider cup team of 1929 agellos recordbreaking seaplane was a macchi 72 powered with 2 fiat engines developing 2500 horse power the machine weighed 3 tons and had a wing spread of 101 square feet which necessitated a speed of 130 miles per hour to keep in the air thus agellos landing speed must be terrific and any miscalcul ation on our friends part in resting his pontoons on the water would have the same effect as plowing through a brick wall at many miles an hour formerly lieutenant stainforth held tho title of tho fastest human until ageio flew 4237 mph 15 rockfeller gives j im ctfiw charitable organizations get oil holdings following wealth tax plan observes the toronto star unit- j niilc an hour faster than the bri el states citizen ai no doubt duly tjgh pilot grateful to the prophetic statisticians who cheer them with the promise lint ibis year only siooo of them are ti be killed by automobile- three molar killings a day fewer than last year record score later agello flew the same plane at the bloodfreezing speed of 44007 mph breaking his own worlds record seven and onethird miles a minute washington john d rockefel ler jr was reported last week as making a gift of more than 25000- 000 in oil securities less than a fortnight after president roosevelts wealth tax message the securities commission was told unnamed individuals and charitable organizations received 2100000 shares of socony vacuum corpora tion common stock this gift made june 28 reduced rockefellers holdings in three major oil companies socony standard of new jersey and standard of cali forniato 180000000 the commission report gave no in dication whether tho famous financier made his gift at this time in expec tations that congress would vote higher taxes on wealth contributions of this character usually take some lime to plan and the program may have been arranged prior to the presidents message the market value of the stock on june 28 was about 27300000 produce pricks united farmers cooperative co saturday were paying the following prices for produce eggs with cases returned a large 23c a medium 22c a pullets 18c b 17c c 10c butter ontario no 1 solids 20 vic no 2 20c poultry quotations in cents iressol live dressed milklml a a a hens over 5 lbs 12 4 to 5 lbs 11 3 to 4 lbs 10 old roosters 7 spring chickens over 5 lbs 10 4 to 5 lbs is 3vi to 4v4 lbs 14 314 to 3v4 lbs 12 spring broilers 1 to 2vi lbs 12 wholesale provisions wholesale provision dealers are quoting the following prices to the toronto retail trade pork ham 22c shoulders ltic butts 19vic pork loins 21vic pic nics 17c lard pure tierces 154c tubs 10c pails lovic prints 10c shortening tierces 10 ac tubs loftc pails llmc prints hvlc hay and straw no 2 timothy hay baled ton 1250 to 1350 no 3 timothy hay ton 11 to 12 straw wheat bal ed ton 8 oat straw 7 gains hitlers favor chicago simplified meat cooking to produce a roast or a steak with real palate appeal means better husbands less work for the house wife and a happier home dean w c coffey of the university of min nesota animal husbandry school de clared recently dean cogey heads a group of re search workers in cooperative in vestigations the workers holding their annual conference are ready to give the housewives some lessons in meat cookery the research workers upset some cooking theories of long standing when they ruled dont baste your roasts searing roasts is unnecessary when broil ing a steak turn it only once dont turn on the heat full blast when cooking meat dont cover your meats when roasting manners a matter of taste a popular woman once said that she always asked herself if a thing was in good taste before she did it applying that rule she said i have been able to avoid lots of mis takes this seems a sensible idea and one which might well be adopted generally says a writer in the weekly irish times we would not be so likely to drop bricks if we asked ourselves the question before making a remark in nine cases out of ten a brick is a remark in bad taste then again some letters that lead to trouble would never be posted if the writer murmured now is this in good taste the rule is helpful too when ap plied to the choice of clothes a hat dress pair of shoes ornament or coat may be quite pretty very cheap and of an attractive color but unless it is in good taste it is waste of money to buy it if only more people would remember this when making purchases fewer unsightly figures would be seen it is not good taste to pass re marks about people so that they cannot quite hear what is being said it is not good taste ho have too many flowers about the house to correct children in the presence of strangers to talk disrespectfully of a couple of decades ago when elder ly people are present nor if one is a woman to smoke in the street good salesman if the large number of people who have visited the canada shop in london since its opening last week is maintained until the kite ot clos ing the promoters should be moro than pleased with the publicity given to canadian food products through ibis practical advertising medium on saturday last the number of visi tors was cheeked no fewer than 2- 300 passed along the counters and inspected the food stuffs the ma jority of them purchased samples as a result of which it is reasonable to anticipate enhanced sales by re tailers in tho locality and in such other localities as were represented by the visitors canadas weekly london farm prices rising tho most satisfactory yqa tor livestock production since lli0 is the report made by a packing com pany there are many ether evidences of this condition prices in all lines of livestock have advanced a long way from the low point registered about four years ago the same thing applies to most ot the other minor products of the farm dairy produce poultry and eggs and all the many products from which tho wellanaged farm derives much of it 5 revenue winnipeg tribune pity poor motorist hard is indeed is the lot of the drunken motorist who gets caught most courts will ino him 10 to 25 occasionally give him ten days in jail and sometimes actually deprive him of the privilege ot driving a car for as such as a few months and all ot this simply because he delib erately placed a large number of fel low citizens in danger of instant death or of the loss of limbs or of horrible and painful lacerations toronto telegram a defender of modern girls no hankerer after a period some times referred to as the good old times is apparently mr lloyd george who in spite of years that aro occasionally considered rather advanced is sufficiently youthful in spirit and outlook to refrain from tho faultfinding in regard to the rising generation of which older people aro so often guilty far from bemoaning what he finds in modern youth tho former prima minister evidently considers mint it is quite all right at least the fe minine part of it he said so the ither day when he a product of tho victorian era denounced it as prim and grim and remarked that he preferred tho modern girl and the education which makes her what sho is the old academies for young ladles they wero not girls in thoso days he went on to say at best wore an expensive joke and at their worst they were an atrocity brockville recorder and times heinrich himmlcr chief of the nazi secrctpolice and dominant figure in 1934 blood purge who it is rumored is slated to replace wilhelm frick as minister of the interior himmlcr is also leader of the schulz staffel picked guards tickets to heaven are a regular business line in certain chinese temples a man can read a newspaper by the light produced by a costa rican lantern fly persuading pears to grow on apple trees was only one of the feats accomplished by ivan mitch- urin russias plant wizard who died recently in his private orchard he scientist grew black currants as large as grapes and plums as big as ducks eggs a birmingham horse attached to railway van having remembered the exact spot where it was knock ed into a motorcar by an omnibus six months previously bolted down a steep hill and struck another van thieves recently broke into the detroit zoo and stole s20000 from the office safe tho safe is now dc leprosy in canada leprosy is waning in this country and as dr murray maclaren said when minister of health the danger of contagion is very much exaggera ted but dr c p brown chief of tho division of quarantine and medical immigration for the dominion if ho is being properly quoted goes much further tho idea that a healthy person can get leprosy by touching a leper is mere nonsense he said no doctor or nurse treating lepers has ever been known to fall prey to tho disease then he adds the moro astonishing statement a nativo canadian never has been known to contract the disease moncton times knee plus ultra paris reports that the seasons first winter stylo showing at chanels this week revealed tho fcmlnlno knee you may romember that joint it was much in evidence before tho depression then along with stocks and things in general skirt iicms camo crashing down for the past live years it has been discreetly con cealed almost everywhere except in the nudist camps may there not be an outside cbanco that business and fashions are re lated in some way or another cer tainly business ii looking up and now skirls aro apparently following posited at night in the den where lfflj- pij off fifteen lions sleep inchc at one stroke uiiiui 11 v oitum an upswing as convincing as anything provided by economists charts r