stevens to head new party exminister announces de finite reform policy to be basis of group ottawa hon h h stevens onetime member of the bennett government originator of ie price investigation and crsuader for strict federal regulation of business an nounced sunday to press gallery cor respondents on parliament hill his indention of heading a new political party the endeavour of which will lie to enter a candidate in every rid ing in canada in the forthcoming general election as yet the party has no name and no headquarters within the coming week it will have both and a general platform designed to en list the support of all citizens who believe that both the old parties are equally helpless from the standpoint of their ability to conduct the do minion out of the economic diffi culties in which it is involved two points emphasized in making his intentions known mr stevens emphasized two points to which he attached particular im portance the first was that in his opinion a new party was absolutely neces sary if the canadian people were to have the opportunity in the coming election of voting upon a reform policy since neither of the old par ties was espousing it the second was that he had made no personal move towards the for mation of a new party until he had liccomc convinced that the present governments reform policy was totally inadequate and that even such as it was there was no sin cere intention on the part of the ministry of enforcing it the new party will have no funds it will rely upon the generosity of a host of friends throughout the dominion of whose existence it is assured and upon voluntary work ers whom air stevens described from his own experience as better than paid wardheelers the party lieadquaitcrs will he in ottawa no compromising there will be no compromising on the part of the new organization with the conservative party with which mr stevens himself has re cently been so prominently associat ed to the suggestion that a num ber of conservatives might like to run as stevens candidates as well the new leader replied briefly that while the party would welcome men of experience and standing in any community they would have to be 100 per cent behind us he be lieved that it would be very diffi cult for any candidate to run in vthe combined interests of the two i parties and declared emphatically for himself that he would not ac cept any conservative nomination he intimated that he might run in some other seat than east kooten- ay the one which he represented in the last parliament touching up the queen mary peace so still i feared to touch a leaf lest i should smear the artists paint i hesitated as a thief when first he looks upon a saint those on holiday watch for poisonivy dont forget that when you are voice of the press so still the silence hung a veil canada police radio equipment the equipment of canadian police hiking or stopping for a picnic by the roadside that poison ivy hazards exist care should bj taken to keep wii radio broadcasting sets is inter- children from contact with poison i esling in viuiv of the fact that that clunb to life to breathe was wcec ii n f fnmird white star liner queen mary as she now looks in her fitting out x clvde g the clyde celebrated the 95th anniversary of the maiden voyage of the reeemtarder britan from liverpool to halifax and boston the voyage commenced on july pionee 4th 1840 the week in ottawa the ottawa in the twilight of the final session of the present parlia ment the commoners heard prime minister bennett on thursday even ing tell mackenzie king that the government was ready for an elect ion at the soonest possible date the opposition leader made brief re ference to the liberal victory in new brunswick but there was grim de termination in the face of the gov ernment leader when he said he was ready for the federal battle then both leaders went into a halfhour huddle what they said was not made known but they spoke not of union government according to mr king the bill to set up a grain board for government supervision of wheat marketing is the major ksuc yet be fore the house of course titers will be votes en supply and supplemen tary estimates but these are not ex- pected to take up much time back in january the speech from the throne forecast amendments to strengthen the powers of the natur al products marketing act of 1934 last week hon robert weir min ister of agriculture introduced these amendments to the house bringing pulp and paper and other forest products within the scope of the measure should another amend ment go through local boards set up under the provisions of the act will be enabled to carry on until funds have accumulated in the natural course one million dollars have been set aside in supplementary estimates for this purpose while some opposition members staged another attack on the market ing act the minister of agriculture forecast a price differential scheme for the dairying industry details of this scheme have not been worked out but the general idea would be to place levies against one section of the industry for the purpose of butler prices were above the world market producers shipping to creameries might be taxed and the proceeds used to bonus farmers who shipped their milk to cheese factor ies with prices considerably lower the governments 10000000 hous ing bill hit a few bad curves on its road through the house but there was no division on third reading there was practically a general as sault upon the measure the pot shots however did little damage and on the suggestion of some op position members sir george perley amended the bill so municipalities could deal direct with the govern ment and not through a loan or in surance company as it finally pass ed the bill provided a fund of 10000000 under the control of the minister of finance from this ad vances could be made to a limit of 20 per cent of the cost of the house providing loan or insurance com panies or municipalities put up 00 per cent and the owner the remain ing 20 the interest to be charged by loan companies will be 516 per cent with the government rate 314 per cent in the parlance of the pugilistic ling unscrupulous directors and pro moters got one right on the button when the commons passed a bill re casting the law governing company incorporations a n d management along the lines suggested by the price spreads commission in effect the blow would cause company dir ectors to pass a resolution that money received for par value stock was just and equitable then if a court found otherwise the directors would be liable to the company for the balance produce prices united fanners cooperative co saturday were paying the following prices for produce eggs with cases returned a large 10c a medium 18c b 10c c 15c butter ontario no 1 solids 10 lie no 2 10c poultry quotations in cents dressed live dressed inllhoi hens a a a i to 5 lbs 10 over 5 lbs 11 old roosters 7 9 spring broilers li to 2vi lbs 11 214 to 314 lbs 12 3a to i lbs 11 oicr 1 lbs 1g selling prices united farmers cooperative co saturday were offering produce to re tail dealers at the following prices butter no 1 creamery prints 22c no 2 2114 c eggs grade a1 31c a large loose 21c a medium 23c b 21c c 20c hay and straw no 2 timothy hay haled ton 13 to 11 no 3 timothy hay ton 1150 to 1250 straw wheat bal- od ton 10 oat straw 750 to 850 j i wholesale provisions i wholesale provision dealers are quoting the following prices to the toronto retail trade pork han 23c shoulders 1714c butts 1914c pork loins 2214c pic nics lfi4c lard pure tierces he tubs 1 ic pails 11 14c prints mo shortening tierces 10ic tubs 10e pails 11 vic prints ii lie couplets of hate these are the things that i do not like highheeled women who love to hike vegetable salads with beans and beets virgin snow in the city streets the oversung poem of god and the tree nails that are filed in public places the first five days of six day races dresses with frills and lacey trim- min senility bragging of wine and wimmin trains that leave at a certain min ute those who make friends for what there is in it music as played by his kingship wayne a hat on my head whi it starts to rain honey in jars instead of the comb all signs reading god bless our home people wdio drive their cars too slowly rooms built for looks instead of for fun rolls with their insides only half- done guests who call when i dont want to see em these are the things that i do not like when at the shore take particular care dont swim when overheated and dont go in the water for an hour or so after eating if the water is very cold it is advisable to splash water over the head and shoulders before diving in to minimize the shock dont dive until sure of the depth of the water and dont go in the water alone dont expose yourself too long to the suns rays the result may be quite painful and even serious uses for old oil quite some time and money has been saved on this farm by the use of a pot of used tractor lubricating oil and a paint brush the machinery which has to stay outdoors is paint ed with this just on the exposed threads and nuts about once in two years as well as any similar parts that would rust the result is that when repairs arc necessary it is comparatively easy this was prov ed today when a plow that had been away from the farm a couple of years had to be repaired another use where a horse bites the woodwork of stall just paint the woodwork with this oil and in one case at least the horse lost his appetite for splinters not so slow appearances arc apt to be decep tive in the matter of horses and buggies as in other respects two big foreign nations are evidence on this point one is great britain where king george has recently been moving around a good deal in a coachandsix which for all teehni- logical purposes is a horse and buggy the carriage in which geo- gre v rode to st pauls is a couple of hundred years old the lord mayor of londons coach is still older and heavier and has to be pull ed by brewery horses the whole ensemble of jubilee ceremonial and pageantry has an air of antiquity compared with which thomas jef ferson is almost as contemporary as habe ruth yet no one will say that the british empire lives in the stagecoach age new york times one of tho surest signs of a feeble aw is the admiration of everything forcible he traud russell holiness is conquered territory man himself must achieve holiness through battles struggles and ef fort edwin markham missing the violets the new outlook some motorist has discovered that at 40 miles an hour he cannot see the violets he can see many other things which are more obtrusive but the violets are hidden from the man travelling at high speed is it not most emphatically true that our age travelling at an unprecedented speed misses some of the most charming beauties of life we are in too much of a hurry to spend any time over things which if we took more time we should discover well worth the time to stop and appreciate an art gallery cannot be visited at a mile a minute it takes time to appreciate the beauties of any great painting and it takes time toj appreciate the beauties of any great work of literature we are not arguing that speed is not useful for it is but the very speed which gets us to the end of our journey in shortest time has the defects which we might expect and it necessarily misses much that is well worth seeing the man who is ceacelessly rush ing here and there may think that he is exceedingly busy but he will miss some of the chief things of life we must take time to think time to read time to discover our neigh bors time to discover god the best things in life must be lone carefully time is essential to a proper appreciation of the virtues and values of life l dont minimize the effect of con- as though the very soul were frail tact with poison ivy uo oak or as gauze a hush benumbed thej po sumac if you brush against brain though all time were so still dead i dared not shout to find release i hugged a stone until i bled and heard it whisper this is peace inez rice in the spinners skeet in the new york herald tribune through the work of the radio patros in old london the number of auto mobile thefts has been reduced from 100 per inonth in 1132 to about 10 these wash exposed parts carefully 1935 a car is no sooner reported and use recommended remedies in i stolen than its nu serious cases consult a physician the pigeon returns editor and publisher to the limitless catalogue of at tributes which ought to be possess ed by the ideal journalist recent developments at the new york journal plant threaten to add another pigeon fancier considerable enthusiasm has been aroused on the journal staff and on some competing staffs in the ex perimental use of homing pigeons for transmission of pictures from points separated from the news paper shop by an almost impene trable barrier of street traffic or un- bridged waterways in an age when publishers are thinking in terms of milliondollar wirephotos hundredthousand dol lar airplanes naval architects are doubling construction and operat ing cost to add a single knot to a ships speed railroads experiment ing with borrowed millions to re- due train walls to the thickness of a baking powder can and the presi dent wondering how he can spend five billion dollars before july 1930 the news of the journals homely re searches comes as a welcome june breeze steel production in britain jumps london the steel output of bri tain during may amounted to 853- 000 tons which is the highest since october 1929 and 73000 tons above the output in may of last year if the rate is continued throughout the year the total production would be 10000000 tons a figure never before attained exports of steel for the first five months of the year are 15 per cent higher than they were in the cor responding period last year and un employment among steel workers which was 50 per cent in 1932 is now only 22 per cent the house fly bitter sweet wonder of pain of song faith in you that cant go wrong rapture of sunset young new dawns flaming colour of leaves on lawns strange sweet kisses weve shared we two are all in my bittersweet dreani3 of you francis smith household hints buttons are fashionable again you may have some pearl ones which have gone dull with keeping or washing to make these like new jaint the entire surface with color less nail varnish or natural if you wish to give them a pinky cast let them dry and they will hve a lustre as when bought rub a little of any furniture or floor polish into the wrong side of your duster then fold it in the ordin ary way and dust you will have a perfect polish and not a smear and your dusting will look twice as well done before vacuumcleaning a carpet rub it well with a large lump of salt then pass the cleaner over it and you will be surprised to see how many tones lighter the carpet looks clean and with its colors wonder fully revived to clean a bunny wool article sprinkle with powdered starch then place in a paper bag with more starch shake the bag well then take out the garment and shake in the open air this is done in a few minutes and saves time washing the article if wicker furniture is scrubbed well with salt and water without the aid of soap it will look like now as the salt cleans and stiffens the cane in a wonderful way now is the time to swat the fly with every one a thousand die if thus you act twill keep you free from millions of such progeny doctors and scientists have found these little insects carry round infectious microbes on their feet and leave them on the food you eat be warned in time your home pro tect if you decline to kill eject the nasty pestilential fly tis better he than you should die a good rule duchess of kent as fashion arbiter the duchess of kent has been un officially elected fashion ubitcr by british women two new evening fashions have been launched by the duchess who appeared recently in an evening cape of stiffened tulle and whose curls are piled high on her head in the evening and held by diamond stars within a week women were following her example every ensemble in which the duchess has appeared has become famous and her hats have been copied by the tens of thousands she has set more fashions in the space of a few months than any other woman in london following the pidobx fad of her trousseau hats she launched the feather trimmed picture hats by wearing one on jubilee day the queens continued use of lace in various tones for all the great i ship the occasions of the jubilee has empha- 1 b orves sized its outstanding position with ail women in and outside the em pire mber and descrip tion are broadcast over tie entire metropolitan area st thomas times journal treatment given trekkers is praised editorial comment on the visit ot the relief camp strikers tu ottawa appearing iu newspapers throughout the country is practically unanim ous in approving cf the manner iu which ilia federal premier and hi3 colleagues received them and of the answer the prime minister gavo them the woodstock sentinelre view feels that canadian farmers and other industrious citiens arc rather tired of the demands of single men who are beinj comfortably housed and fed pending their reabsorplion into gainful occupations the st tlioma timesjournal declares that the strikers claims are altogether preposterous that they were quite aware that these claims could not bo granted and that what they really wauled was ihe refusal whioi they got the brahtford expositor says the people of canada without re gard to political alllliations will he constrained by good judgment and their interest in the welfare of the country to support premier dennett in his attitude toward the reier strikers the whole tenor of this interview at ottawa showed that the strikers were endeavoring to insti gate trouble and premier bennett is to be sincerely commended for the firm manner in which be dealt with the men for them to leave the camps under the conditions which prevail at a time when the country is burd ened with the problems of unemploy ment and when it is endeavoring to do it- utmost for those who through no fault of their own are out ol work is a perversion of loyal citizen- kingston whigstandard more hearts pine away in secret anguish for the want of kindness froni those who should he their com forters than for any other calamity in life ycung the pleasure a man of honour en joys in the consciousness of having performed his duty is a reward he pays himself for all his pains la bruycre when you hear an ugly story about some one you know its your business to deny it unless youre sure its so and then be very sorry if this tale is true for friends are sad when other fail next time it might be you repeat no idle gossip for gossip grows and grows and comes back greatly magnified as everyone knows the rule that is the best one and the safest too youll find is think three limes before you speak and then say what is kind perfect woman where are the characteristics of the perfect woman a danish maga zine for been asking its readers and from responses to the amusing in quiry it is gathered that the perfect woman is she who reads the paper wihout putting the pages in the wrong order who reads the leading article in the daily paper who docs not always try to have the last word in an argument who speaks well of her friends in their absence who pays no attention to the neigh bors gossip who never goes to the bill gain sales who always gives her exact age who never wishes she were a man gems from lifes scrop book kindness there is no dearth of kindness in this world of ours only in our blindness we gather thorn3 for flowers gerald massey there is no beautifier of com plexion or form or behaviour like the wish tq- scatter joy and not pain around us emerson if selfishness has given place to kindness we shall regard our neighbor unselfishly and bless them that curse us but we shall never meet ibis great duty simply by ask ing that it may be done mary baker eddy great ability without discretion comes almost invariably to a tragic end gambetta j too much idleness i have observ ed fills up a mans time more com pletely and leaves him less his own master than any sort of employment whatsoever burke life is made up not of great sacrifices or duties but of little things in which smiles and kindness and small obligations given habit ually arc what win and preserve the heart and secure comfort sir humphry davy ey ken edwards rags to riches one ot the strangest chapters in prizering history has been attached to james j braddocks unusual lite story the story runs that a jersey stevedore broko and considered washed up in tho ring fights aud beats the mighty worlds champion our hero became a fighter by ac cident this is just one of tho un usual chapters that have dolled brad- docks carcor ho was embroiled in a street argument ono day a terrific fist fight followed with james emer ging as the winner tho victim was a fighter wbo had knocked out one of braddocks brothers all threo ot which happened to bo boxers thus james became a professional fighter our liero has boon messenger boy longshoreman printers devil and un employed father of threo children and a flop as a fighter however jimmy didnt quit his fighting irish spirit ot never say die guided him to the top braddock is a family man ilia hap piest moments bolng spent at home this simple living man liked his job as stevedore when he had it he en joys a good game of hearta likes to wo may scatter the seeds of j a play courtesy and kindness around us at so little expense bcnthara i it wi 1 be generally agreed ills t mr dennett adopted the only pos sible altitude in refusing to enter tain the demands of the deputation clearly the lirst of these for wages of firty cents an hour and an abbrev iated working day and week is quite out of reason as a wliole the demands were only partly related to camp problems specially for the most part they represent an extremely social ized programme that would effect the whole population of the country the deputation can hardly have expected any ouier reception than they receiv ed and there is little to show in the reports of the interview that they were prepared to discuss or offer suggestions as to how the work and life of he camps could be made more satisfying and productive of greater benefit to the men in them the chatham news asserts that it would be impossible for any ottawa government to grant the strikers wishes that the striker are clearly led by red agitators who ate seek ing to sow seeds of strife throughout the country and that their real ob ject is to overthrow canadian insti tutions and subtitute therefor im possible communistic practices not one of ihe newspapers thus quoted is conservative in stripe every ono of them is an independent publica tion in dealing with the subject un der discussion they all have the wel fare of the whole canadian people in mind it should be added by way of post- ciipt thai the red agitators have bad unfortunately too much encourage ment from such men as mayor gerry mcgreer of vancouver and attorney- general roebuck of ontario it was tho latter who told a crowd of hun ger marchers some months ago to go hack homo and organize until they got strong enought to return and force their views upon any govern ment in queens park if the trekkers at regina are well advised they will continue to accept tho governments generous hospitality until work can bo provided for them toronto mail and empire would establish communism arthur evans leoder of the van couver relief camp strikers has never been in a relief camp in his life he is in the argument not because ho is anxious about the wel fare of camp workers but because he is interested in establishing com munism iu canada and ho thinks thli is his chance to help along the idea- chatham news king george king george has been the recipi ent of many richly deserved com pliments during his jubilee year but nono moro aptly phrased than an appreciation voiced during the course of an address by rev job n gardner in the cathedral of the in carnation long island ny his ref erence was as follows kins george v of england is a man of rich and raro sanity and a great deal of hl3 power comes through his sagacliy in knowing what o say when to say it and when not to say anylhin tills summarizes an ideal which it would profit all to foowbiantford ex- 32 posltor