Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 21, 1935, p. 2

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australia is in third place britain and us are best customers of canada and sell must mere ottawa- australia is today can- nlas third best customer in point of domestic exports having risen from seventh place in 193 and eighth place in ids says the weekly re- view of tho trade and commerce de partment in imports australia stea- oily holds sixth position the netherlands which held the position now occupied by australia his been relegated to seventh place in exports and in imports from the eighth to eleventh position belgium has cumoed up one point to fifth po- siion in exports and british sautli africa has in the past year jumried tip from eleventh to sixth place new zealand his climbed steadily from jm place in 3932 18th in 1933 to ninth hist year while british india is now in l2lh place after having re mained stationary in loih position for a nunioer of years while great britain remains as canadas het market the united ktatcs is running a close second hav ing to a large extent closed up the gap which separated it from first position exports to great britain increased by 10000000 to 270833- 57 last yrnr while those in the united states increased by 552000- 000 and 224103 on the other hand in imoorts the united states reftr its first place having been 180000000 ahead of the united kingdom in 1931 and 119000000 in 1 935 canadian jubilee eventsplanned may 6 to be holiday with celebrations in ottawa and other capitals ottawa celebrations similar in their nature of the kings jubilee on may c in tie national and provincial capitals of canada as well as in tho town and villages are now being arranged for by dominion and by provincial authorities may l will be a public holiday it falls on a mon day which lits in with the custom of such holidays coming in succession to kie weekend in all lite capitals itoyal salutes will be fired the celebration at ottawa will be typical elsewhere those on the same lines arc suggested members of representative national and pat riotic gatherings school children and the public itt general wiil as semble on parliament hill in the morning his excellency the gov t ernorgeneral will attend and pre sent the silver jubilee medals to those to whom it is decided to award them members of the defence forces ate free to participate in the various celebrations there will he brief speech making appropriate to the day and patriotic music its true by wi padan tt3fce weil- known scmea newspatttmnwsoi saaift ajteh offig houm- hfrrtanj mansie- one disease curessecond liynui with ailment given those weak hearts re lieves strain new york two of mans worst ills heart and thyroid diseases are set fighting each other to restore health by a new surgical operation the operation deliberately creates the thyroid ailment called myxedema to relieve some of the bad hearts thai arc todays major health men ace it is one of several cited by sur geons as their idea of medical ad vances much newer and more impor- tnat to the average man than up side down stomachs all these new- operations have been hidden from the public by the veil of professional ethics myxedema s a wellknown disease resulting from failure of the thyroid gland 10 secrete sufllciently the re sult is lost weight slow mental pro cesses digestive upsets failure of vidou loss of hair and tendency to always feel cold at first glance it is nothing any physician would care to give a pat ient much less expect that it could be used to perform a modern scien tific miracle the sucal solution was an nounced tvo years ago and since it confirmed by about 100 operations in the united states had hearts are often weak the thought that they are carrying a heavier load of work than they should led to the new operation me thod of relief by removing the thyroid gland surgically the bodys energy would be cut down and the heart would not work so hard the thyroid is an en ergy motor its secretions govern the flow of bodily energy its surgical removal produces myxedema but it is possible to sub stitute medicine for the lost thyroid and thus control the myxedema so that it produces none of the painful effects of the natural ailment with the thyroid sane the patient takes thyroxin obtained from animals andj it is the same energizing substance his own gland produced this the surgeons tried and worked ontariomine output is high record is set production in 1934 valued at 144- 125139 i toronto mineral production in ontario sel an alltime record in 19m reaching hie value of 144125- 13 the nearest approach to this to tal was jllsltslts achieved in 1023 the total for wv was 1s1i37 for the first time mineral production in this province had a valuation in excess of field crops which accord- ing to dominion bureau of statistics figures had a value la 1 year of h5iom i gold production in the year was up lgpr cent from that of the previ- ou year canadian funds accord- 1 ing 10 a preliminary report issued by th ontario mines department silver pridui tion increased hahvey stephens excelled in fcdtsalt when he was in college was captain of hep sshodl mskftmll ttamplayfd hocrtex and even aertdasehees leader the markets produce prices 2sc a large li lie united farmers cooperative co saturday were paying the following pi ices lor produce eggs grade al with cas s returned a medium ice 13c kuttiii ontario no i 2tc no 2 23 vic hay and straw no 2 timothy hay baled ton 1550 to s1g50 no 3 timothy hay 12 per cent j ton 13 to 14 straw wheat haled and 10c c solids nickel v per cent copper 37 per ton 10 oat straw 850 to 1150 per cent ami platinum 312 per centl wholesale provisions some or the years totals were gold wholesale provision dealers are 70atili9h nickel 32139125 sil- fuo the following prices lo the ver 260232 copper 11822704 tovon retad trade it platinum metals 1s7992 the to tal value of these along with some miscellaneous metallic output was 127127151 compared with 95301- 365 in 1933 nonmetallic production including arsenic feldspar gypsum natural gas crude petroleum and 3nlt totaled 57201700 structural material including cement quick lime sand and gravel and stone s- 266597 compared with 6335977 in 1933 and clay products including pot tery 1230581 compared with 1- 021597 in 1933 in the year 212 mining companies were incorporated in the province compared with 95 in 1933 and 16s88 mining claims were recorded which more than doubled the recordings for kie previous year operations expanded in many new districts in eluding the sturgeon hirer area little long lac and albany river district and red lake field explora tion by means of toe diamond drill was more extensive than ever 26 drills being employed compared with 14 in the previous year although fewer ounces of gold were extracted in 1931 than in 1933 th totals being 2105981 against 2- 155513 the quantity of ore treated increased from 5621517 tons in 1933 to 8501885 in lsj an expansion of 139 per cent the higher price for gold gave the 1934 returns the great er value forty eight mines in the province now have mills and the to tal daily milling capacity is about 19500 tons dividends paid by metal mines in the year totaled 420841- 166 by gold mines 10126011 by nickelcopper mines and 260000 by silvercobalt mines collecting taxes iork ham ishc shoulders 13lsc butts 15c pork loins isvic picnics ishc lard pure tierces 13c tubs 13vic pails lie prints 13ie shortening tierces ic tubs 10c pails 10vc prints loac britain rallies entente powers against hitlers arms policy london cabinet in emergency sestion plans action on versailles repudiation german troops gcosetep through berlin voice of the press canada 4 to can potatoes planes set new record in winter flying charlottetown possibilities of a new industry for prince edward is land the canning of potatoes were outlined in a letter from h t iiol- man sumnierside mercl ant to j j trainor chairman of the provincial marketing hoard the more i have thought of it the more i 111 concivp that there are great economic possibilities in the project wrote mr holman he said many were ignorant of the proper way to cook potatoes and the process would have to be stand ardized the principal markets for canned potatoes would be auto tour ists camping and fishing parties and the housewife faced with an un expected guest our potato is second lo none and with water freight rates so extreme ly low we should he able to gel in to the english and european mar ket he added im i potatoes are at present barred from the united kingdom market because of the col orado potato beetle common po tato bug a few years ago uie position of tax collector was considered one of the easiest of all those in the muni cipality in days gone past it was only necessary to be in charge of the hooks that is for collecting rates about a month and a half of the whole year not so today we aro sorry to say it appears that when the tax collector is appointed his job commends immediately tax payers so it seems pay their taxes when evr the farmers golf well why not saskatoon- golf for farmers why not says t c main winnipeg engineer in sugesting a waterstor age basin at trossachs sask would be an ideal place for a golf course the time is coming when farmers will demand and get their golf he said minimum price set for potato sale marketing board takes steps to eliminate loss leader trade toronto the eastern canada potato marketing board has taken its first official step to eliminate potatoes as loss leaders in toronto retail establishhments according to j- t cassin head of the ontario division of the board the board with the promised co operation of the toronto retail trade including chain stores has fixed minimum prices which consumers must pay for potatoes to permit of prices to the farmer in line for what potatoes should be sold to pay the farmer for his labor retailers must charge consumers 83 cents per 90lb bag for no 1 ontario potatoes and i09 per 90- 1b bag of prince edward island and new brunswick potatoes in peck lots ontario potatoes will be priced at 15 cents and 19 cents for prince edward islands and new bruns wicks the retail trade was entirely in accord with an orderly plan of mar keting and uniform prices to the public which while still almost ridiculously low to the consumer would nevertheless provide a more i reasonable return to the farmer in his present distressed condition mr caswell stated koindon croat isritain decided sunday niit to send a sharp note to germany aud lead former allied powers in protesting against adolf hitlers summary scrapping of the treaty of versailles prime minister j katnsay mae- donald hurried bad from his coun try estate at chequers to preside over an extraordinary meeting with leading members of his cabinet in cluding stanley baldwin foreign secretary sir john simon and cap tain anthony kdon lord privy seal and aims expert as a result the fall cabinet at an ilistoric meeting will consider des patching a sharp note to berlin the present meeting was believed to have approved this course estab lishing britains leadership in this world crisis macdonald is working with the french however and the note will be worded alter consultation with paris the british feel however that kie situation is so clear that prolonged consultation is unneces sary beyond eliciting germanys atti tude toward a collective security alignment the note will emphasize that the reiohs action apparently has destroyed the basis for the pro posed anglogerman consultation on peace proposals since germany invited the british ministers to berlin to tall over these proposals now practically scuttled the government may like to know what the germans now intend to discuss may cancel berlin parley sir john and eden are due to pro ceed to berlin the end of law motiki but word 01 the projected note was seen as strong tutilcntiou the trip i again may be postponed if nut actu ally cancelled the llavas news agency said it learned authoritatively sun day night that the british cabin- 1 will take action to cancel the scheduled isit by the british ministers to berlin m- less germany can furnish new reasons to justify a conference government chios have been in dost- contact with the french and italian cabinets continuously for tho past 36 hours xotte wants hasty action but it is believed the british now are prepared to abandon their previous acquiescence to germanys breaches of the versailles treaty some members of the cabinet here favor postponement of the simon- icden mission to berlin without even giving a bad cold as the reason this cause ou whioi hitler based postponement ten days ago the government discerned an ominous hint that germany may frustrate the frenchbritish all- european security project in a pass age in hitlers proclamation in whicii he said security of the reich will be entrusted again to the strength of the german nation it self unless hitler explains this sent ence satisfactorily britain sees lit tle reason for sending a mission to berlin adolf hitler plans to apply conscription not only to the army hut to the navy and the new air force as well he was quoted early in an interview with the london daily mails correspondent at munich but he emphasized that the german people want to war a spokesman for he british government said an appeal through the league of nations was possible although that miht place the league in en embarrassing position since germany has given notice of withdraw- and is disinclined to deal with geneva salary is second there ars many categories of workers public men teachers cler gymen and doctors with whom money is a secondary consideration and for whom the challenge of tho task is a much more powerful in centive to achievement than the most lucrative of bonuses for which heaven be praised quebec chron icletelegraph times change one reason why the rich are get ting along without caviar is told by neal ohara in the new york post as follows half a dozen years ago the varuerbilt familys holdings in new york central were valued at 29000000 and yielded an annual income of 1100000 today the same shares have a market value of less than 2750000 witout returning a cent of income st thomas tim esjournal i wolf hitler now we know what is wrong witii hitler it all comes from the fact that someone gave him the name adolph which according to dr karl plumeyer a learned berlin professor is an ancient aud valor ous name derived from the edci- wold or noble wolf a vietory-and- fortunepromising animal there aint any sich animile the wolfs -re- putation for nobility is nonexistent and his reputation for ferocious ness so far as the human race is concerned is fake perhaps that is the fact with herr hitler too per haps he is busy howling at the world in the hope that just as many uninformed folk are afraid of the wolfs howl the world will be afraid of his howl on the other hand per haps he really is ferocious and is just taking the name noble wolf as a disguise sault star try some daily little drops of humor little rays of light knock our daily troubles higher than a kite ayimcr exprem new words a need of the times to pin down economic theorists new brain oil is product of stockyards pigs horses cows pro vide stimulant tourist bait sault ste marie out having 409 more flying hours than last winter ontario air service planes have beti winter flying director george ford said recently close cooperation j ir y t with olier government departments can do this i an manes u 3il job of collecting aten all previous records for taxes uraxs on indetinitelv flying director george pons- uiuiiinueiv d recently close cooperation ier government departments bnd extensive hying for the depaiti jnent of northern development was responsible for the flue showing mr jponsford said from november 1 mi lo the end bt february iwj the service has a record of 690 hou wxiilo in the sa vlotts years 1s1 hours jvore flown more than 20 utile for the firo season driving victoria what vancouver is- have a few dollars should do to become a tourists 1 paradise in the opinion of t ii estlick secretary of the trade de velopment association is to go eng lish id like to see you drive on the lefthand side of the road he said and sec two or three hansom cabs meet boats youre not drunk if vow can close your ryes and touch your nose with the lip ot your rikht index finger if you can stoop and pick i the canadian system of feeding rading and packing chicken in fact kansas city mo a shot of brain oil for tired business men is the depression cure advanced by dr george ciile head of the fam- our cleveland clinic they can gel it from pigs horses lambs and other animals and it will do just as much good as though it came from their own worn out thy roid glands dr crile said the famous doctor advised ihe boss to get an injection from one of these animals to jazz up his brain when his bank facto y or railroad starts wilting and save the concern from the rocks dr crile here for the regional meeting of the american college of surgeons addressed the citys busi ness leaders at a chamber of com- 1 merce meeting the executives ap- i peared startled to learn that a lit tle known product of the stockyards might save them from bankruptcy but they listened closely dr crile said this stimulant for lagging brains compared to the use of antiknock 7n gajlin by in creasing efficiency tho decrease in chemical and physical activity sets in at birth he said and the activity of the brain depends upon the activity of the thyroid gland when a deficient amount of this glandular product is secreted and this is common in the second half of a business mans life his brain begins to slow up and his business begins to lose dominance among competitors then the man can be given thyroid extract and his brain will be sharpened just as it was formerly sharpened by his own thyroid hormone dr crile warned the business man to audit his physical is well as his financial condition at least 17 once a year from the vancouver province it is probable that nobody knows the meaning of all the words in the english language there are more than 000000 of them accord ing to hie latest dictionaries and that would seem to he quite enough for anyone it is more than enough for the exponents of basic english who try to express all ideas with a vocabulary of about a thousand words but it isnt nearly enough for some of our journalistic con temporaries the london spectator feels the need of a word that will describe the people of the british isles taken as a whole they arent all eng lish and the word british lias a wider connotation applying as it does to an empire rather than to a group of islands the new york sun similarly wants a word that will describe the nephews and nieces of uncle sam it has described them as ameri cans and has been rebuked by ca nadian readers who say our ameri cans have no right to the use of the term american as a description of nationality the word united staleser it doesnt like the new york sun seems strange ly worried about geographical terms it has been getting into trouble with meticulous readers who call it to ac count when it uses britain instead of great britain and having to women in pulpits opinion differ throughout canada as to whether women should occupy church pulpits not long ago mani toba ministers voiced their approval the middlesex presbytery of the pay attention to the exigencies of united church of canada meeting space between those column rules in london voted against the ordin- which are the nearest approach to ation of women the decision was immovable bodies that the journal istic mind can conceive it pleads for a shorter better name for the bri tish commonwealth of nations as for ourselves we are not wor rying much about geography but we should dearly like to find a whole series of new words that could be used in arguments on mone tary reform and the new economics to pin the advocates of this and that theory down to something specific if we could only get one economic or monetary word with one meaning and force it to keep that meaning all through instead tf slipping and slithering all round the lot we feel that it might be possible to get some where perhaps now that we have a monetary reform mayor who makes no secret of his intention to put canada first in the ranks of re form we shall he able to get the words we need it shouldnt be neces sary to invent new words there must be quite a number in the 000000 now in the dictionary that arent working they have become denatured or immobilized a capable monetary reformer should be able to reissue them give them new mean ings and new currency and velocity very close though the standing vote being 40 to 38 the narrow margin points to a growing sympathy for women preachers many churchmen contend that the fair sex is better fitted for the role of missionary or deaconess others say certain women would make excellent pulpit orators with out taking sides one may say there isnt any doubt but that some would preach first class sermons border cities sar i aytime for screeni newes child find defective cars the law amendments committee ot the legislature hearing the views of the public on traffic control a few- days ago were told by the chairman of the safety week committee of the board of trade that 1346 cars went through safety lane last year and only 200 were found to be not defective in some way and he made the much more significant statement that only the better class of car went through the lane at all the others the cars that really needed it never came near inspector street of the winnipeg police department also told the committee of the results of a short period of inspection of motor cars out of a total of 862 cars 692 had brakes that were not working prop erly 78 had horns that were out of order 204 had defective rearview mirrors or none at all in the same period more than 1000 cars with only one headlight working were stopped on the city streets win nipeg free press sharp shod hats off to the st marys man who had the ingenious idea monday morning of attaching a pair of horseshoes to the soles of his boots every other expedient had falicd to help him walk the icyicy streets without slipping but the horseshoes did it what a boom to the black smiths if we would but follow his pioneering example st marys journalargus david jack holt new youthful film sensation his sister betty and lois maybelle right have a great time playing with his micro scopic set in the garden of their hollywood cal home prince as a scot the prince of wales has many ac complishments he told his scottisli corporation audience recentlv that he has learned gaelic and the pipes he made it clear to all of them that he is an excellent teller of scots stories he acts them to the very life and a trueblue scot who sat next to me said his royal highness scots accent was excellent the prince looks extraordinarily well in highland costume he wore of course royal stuart tartan kilt with a tightfitting tunic autolycus in the london sunday times

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