j queer things men eat foolish diets are to be found all over the world some of them just as sensible as the reducing regimes on this contin ent man lias some very strange and extraordinary food fancies and some of the foods eaten are decided ly not conducive to health writes mckenha masterton in se w health it is a fact that most of us jn this country are satisfied with a mixed diet and people who regard health as the keyword to a happy life live is plainly as possible and eating the plainest of foods they know that a sense of fitness har mony and vigour both mental and physical springs from their natur al living film stars publicity agents of film stars re sorting to every device to keep their stars in the public eye often tell us the queerest things about the foods the stars cat these often untrue stories are calculated to arouse pub lic interest the food that man eats is always of interest to the world at large but if clark gable wants to cat pancakes swimming in catsup it is no reason why lesserknown mortals should follow suit such fare might i agree with him but might not with us again we arc told that greta j garbo likes koldommer this mix ture might give ordinary mortals the tummyache it is made up of well- seasoned steak together with raw eggs the whole folded up in cabbage leaves john miljan likes butter in his coffee and not sugar ralph morgan sprinkles salt on his ban anas another star prefers sugar with tomatoes lionel barrymore cats vast quantities of potatocrisps miriam hopkins delights in a big bowl of sour cream while another star has the liabit of consuming twenty to thirty cups of tea each day if english film stars have eccen tric tastes where foods is concerned they rarely broadcast such harmful propaganda via their publicity agents bad food habits are best kept in a dark corner where they can do little harm it is mostly for eigners who pander to the public for instance one american lived on peanuts for a year he developed a scurvy skin as a result of such a diet mans stomach is not suited to such fare and he ought to have known it ho was getting a supply of vitamins but not the right pro portion of them to meet the needs of the human body odd menus frenchmen arc lovers of queer menus and have always been re garded as epicures they may be lovers of palatable food but their tastes are not the average english mans we shrink from svich dishes in which frogs and snails have pride of place but ve have had various men in england who have subsisted on such queer diets mostly these men have been re cluses who have for some reason ostracised themselves from their fel lows one man living in a tumble down cottage so liked rats and mice that he made them his principal diet another living alone on a lonely moor existed on a diet of hedgehogs until he was over seventy years old borrow and walton have told us also that hedgehogs and the like have always been cooked and eaten by the old gypsies and romanies fond newts sand lizards and green lizards were eaten for many years by another eccentric these he would catch and roll in clay then bake them in the embers of a wood fire ho said they were fit for an epicure the chinese but the chinaman is the worlds most perfect epicurean so we are told it is a certain fact he has refined if peculiar tastes at one time of day he ate the strangest of fare dogs for instance chows were the variety most preferred and these were prepared into stews and broths and served with rice the fins of sharks and the maws and flippers of other species of fish were also in great demand for thick ening and giving flavor to the cel estials soup a greater dainty was the nest of the seaswallow which was made into seaswallow nest soup the nest composed of muci laginous seaweed is highly esteemed the birds pick up the seaweed on the seashore on the coasts of the malay- archipelago but most highly cs- tcmed of all is the bechc demcr which is procured from torres strait ask the foreigner what de lights his eye and appetite and hell often plump for his bechcdemer in java believe it or not a kind of mud is eaten while a greater delicacy is the foxbat a birdliki mammal that is one of the wonders of the world these strange creatur es that indulge in what is called perpeutal flight arc caught in their hundreds and made up into a variety of dishes his lumbago has not come back keeps free of it with kruschen tliere can be no doubt about the effectiveness of the remedy this man uses against lumbago read his tet ter about four years ago i had a bad attack of lumbago after being in hospital for two weeks taking heat treatment i started takins kruschen salts since then i am happy to say i have not been troubled with lum bago i shall still continue taking kruschen to be sure the lumbago wont come back a c c why is it that kruschen is so ef fective in keeping lumbago at bay simply because it goes right down to the root of the trouble and removes the cause which is an impure blood stream the six salts in kruschen keep the bloodstream pure and vigor ous by promoting a clockwork regu larity of all the organs of elimina tion theyre telling us whatever violates infringes or abrogates fundamental american liberty violates the life principles of america as a nation herbert hoover jgely responsible it will bo our t childrens work to rectify matters i in later years whether they will be t capable of the task depends on the tare and training they are receiving today a seiles of these articles will ap- kly in this paper next the childs physician many people feel perplexed be cause of th- municipality of church es and the conflict of their claims jclm dewey the ii s constitution was not designed to establish for tall time any particular economic theory whether of the organic relationship of the in dividual to the state or of laissez- faire if ve would guide by the light of reason we must let our minds be bold louis i urandeis religion is not narrow bigoted unreasonable thing any more than is art or poetry to which it is akin sherwood eddy now science explains why so many people past 40 feel that theyre slipping losinrtlieirgriponthnigs many people round 10 think theyre growing old they feci tired a lot weak have headaches dizzi ness stomach upsets well scientists say the cause of all this in a great many cases is simply an acid condition of the stomach nothing more all you have to io is to neutralize the excess stomach acidity when you have one of these arid stomach upsets take phillips milk of magnesia after meals and before going to bed thats all try this soon youll feci like another person take cither the familiar liquid phillips or the convenient new phillips milk of magnesia tabids made in canada ji0 is tablet form phillips milk of magnesia tab lets arc now on sale at all drug stores everywhere liach liny tab let is the equivalent of a teaspoonful of gen- 5 uine phillips milk of magnesia phillips laz or laaftesicu made ix canada sweet peas sweet peas must be planted just as soon as it is possible to get a spade in the ground there are usual ly one or two days in early april when it is possible to work up the soil in the warmest part of the gar den and this is the lime and place for these flowers they have best results in a climate where the sum mer nights are inclined to be cool they must have extra water during dry weather it is advisable to sow in a trench and support on brush strings or poultry netting the trench should be dug a foot deep and in it put three or four incites of well- rolted leaves or manure this in addition to plant food provides open material in which a deep root sys tem can be developed on top will be three incites of fine garden soil and place in this the seed about two inches apart tjie same deep gradu ally the spring and summer rains will fill in the remainder of the trench assuring stout stems and ab undant deep roots if the flowers are picked daily they will bloom from early july until frost starting plants in beds where many plants are wanted the best arrangement tor starting seed indoors is a hot bed though where only a few plants are requir ed a shallow box in a sunny window will be sufficient a hot bed simply consists of an old window assh laid on a wooden framework about is inches high which contains two in ches of fine garden soil on a layer of fresh slightly strawy horse manure in an open place and facing south dig a pit of the same dimensions as the window frame and about a foot deep into this put the manure if frost prevents digging simply pile on top ot the ground when well press ed down the layer of manure should be about is inches thick it is held in place by the sides of the pit and the frame on top is placed two in ches of light garden soil preferably- mixed with a little sand the window- is fitted snugly into place on top and should be about 15 inches above the soil at the back and 9 inches at the front to allow rain to run off and also to catch the full rays of the sun at first the soil will heat rapidly but in about three days it will have cool ed to around so degrees which is the proper temperature the seed is planted in rows about two inches apart and the bed watered frequen tly on warm days it will be neces sary to ventilate by raising the win dow frame an inch or so when the second set of leaves develop thin the seedlings are transplanted to a cold frame which is the same as a hot bed only without the heating manure about three weeks before going outside here they are hard ened thoroughly before being set out in their permanent quarters no heating material is needed in the house otherwise the procedure is earning capacity determines fare paid earning capacity and social sta tus will determine how much a man pays for his fare on the hamburg germany elevated railway under new fare scales just introduced bachelors earning less than 100 marks 5 at par a month and fathers of familes earning less than 150 marks a month will pay only 10 pfennigs id for each journey on the municipallyowned lines people who are better off will pay 20 pfennigs students will continue to i pay only 10 pfennigs the lift and energy of cod liver oil greater efficiency vitamins a and d abundantly found in scotts emulsion bolster up tired winterworn bodies restoring vitality and strength but scotts emulsion gives you more emulsification the minute breaking up of the particles making for quicker assimilation easier digestibility ycc none of the virtues of pure cod liver oil arc lost one of the plus values you get only in scotts emulsion i6uild bones im vitamin o healthbtrencth oepend the cod liver oil with the plus value for sale by your druggist x practically the same boxes bout three inches deep are filled with a mixture of sand and light soil and placed in a bright window where preferably there is a double glass to prevent cold droughts at nlgjt theres flu in the air titure reginsld h wiggins m lmcc cm wise precautions and prompt treatment may keep you from this disabling af fliction child training is the most impor tant problem before the nation to day frank it cheley upon the proper care and adequate training of our children today de pends the peace and order of our homes the character ability and personality of our citizenship to come and the future of the race so that canadian mothers and fa thers might have the requisite up-to- date information of the rearing and training of their children these ar ticles are appearing in the press the press is the most effective means of making this knowledge available to those who need it mothers always and increasingly fathers too are showing more and even more interest in this vital pro blem mothers of young children to another young mothers surprised by the first unexpected resistance of a small infant to authority older mothers unable to adapt their meth ods of child training apparently suc cessful with one child to the vary ing needs of their several children mothers and fathers of adolescent boys and girls fathers who really desire to know the nature and needs of their growing boys grandmothers who find their own tried methods of discipline ineffectual and in conflict with those of their children and their grandchildren all these desire some uptodate and sound advice on the care and training of children and are demanding it as we all know conditions in the world today are not satisfactory for this state of affairs we are very lar- there are still many illnesses the causes of which remain unknown writes a doctor throughout the world research is going on day after day in the hope that the cause and cure of these conditions may be dis covered one of these is influenza liut although its actual cause re mains a secret there is now not the slightest doubt that it is due to a germ which is too small to be seen it is so tiny that it can pass through a close filter which would stop the passages of many organisms experiments have so far progress ed that it is now only a matter of time for it to be possible to isolate tins germ ami probably produce an antidote meanwhile we can only- do what we can to prevent this dis abling infection from leading to com plications and to cut short its at tacks as soon as we are able in the first place it is well to re member that influenza is infectious- it can be passed from one individual anything which tends md baffled to lower the powers of resistence t makes it easier for infection to take place two factors seem to be worth considering the first of these is fear although at this season of the year there are usually in the air seeds of influenza it is asking for trouble to go about in fear of catch ing it when you are afraid your general health suffers and you are less likely to resist infection there is little to be afraid of if you do catch it provided treatment is prompt and your general health is good you stand an excellent chance of making an uninterrupted recov ery the second factor again con cerns these same powers of resist ance which are definitely lowered by the bad habit some people have ac quired of setting out in the cold mornings of winter without any breakfast late nghts hot stuffy atmos phere and fatigue also lower resist ance the perfect chewing tobacco i made up my mind years ago that nobody knows much about polit ical economy including the socalled economists bruce barton apartments arc inconvenient they have no attics in which to hide the gifts you are afraid to throw away sooner or later the disturbing realization comes t us that even that which we cannot understand may be true will durant color renaissance in mens clothes a color renaissance in mens wear is predicted by raymond twyeffort new york tailor for the swanky we are sick of gloom and black he said addressing the annual convention of the national shoo retailers associa tion color is the necessary vitamin to stimulate mens desires twyef fort displayed a dijrvk blue cutaway coat and tailcoat with gold fixings on the lapels lie also displayed a red velvet coat for home wear a brown cocktailhour suit and plenty of brilliantlycheck vests ttow the faithful slave girl saved her masters life- how the robber was foiled through a great eastern cus tom regarding salt is told in picture and story in new book for children yours free send coupon now for salt all over the world strange engagingsaltcustomsinmany lands every your mouthwaih home should windsor salt have this m teaspoonful in class book send of water ia mild uuua usu pleasant effective and coupon how 1 harmless regal table salt free running a windsor salt pro duct for talile cook ing and oral health uniformly pure maintained so by chemical control chest womans ailmnts mrs mary c kuby of 11s main st woodstock out says i was in a rundown condition i liaj no rest at ntght felt completely exhausted most of the time ami had frequent headaches it re quired only one bottle of jr pitrues favorite prescription to give me strength to carry on with my duties all dnikkists new fixe tablets 50 cts liquid 100 large size tubs or liquid 135 write dr liircea clinic buffalo x y health means charm and happiness sparkling eyes and smiling lips speak of health and vitality clear skin attracts the healthyactivegirl is both bappy and popular perhaps you are not really ill yet when the days work is done you are too tired to enter into the good times that other women enjoy for extra energy try lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound it tones up your general health gives you more pep more charm remember that 98 out of 100 women report benefit let it help you too classified advertising an ofcfkh to bvbky inviintuk list of wanted inventions ami lull information sent free tlie uainsay company world patent attorneys j j liank street ottawa canada good luck ckicks 119 increase 1 answer 1 tomkrs chatham over iltu4 nusmes r is satisfied cus- wrjte lor eataloyue ontario beauty parloxt 1ck 5a1i rmouty laiuor roll sale in toronto cood locality stcougu box 2 73 adelaide st w toronto be a conquering ke33 danish nerves peak wo ii i v a n i overcome inferiority com plex live successfully institute ot practical psychology 9i confeder ation building montreal i q poultry raisers check roup i bronchial hu with a few drops of i6 at first sign of a cold on the die st apply a mecca poultice with the addition of bustard the wannth in combination with marvellous healing properties of mecca ointment will rive quick relief full directions in each package 38 new map and 20 page booklet igoldl sturgeon river writs fafar itr fru cow st sew ll i fflutrskj fcmnstintn rim ill srailcattt is conpialii inclktl hint asthintli lares sup rrtparis ibm mth rmiroi anil aumi cojlil aiallabli llaiited wrlli tssy more iijply tsbasim no tlljlllin natikai resources agency j20 reford duildinp toronto canada alert millions enjoy bubbling energizing tear off and hail today canadian industries limited salt division windsor ont without obligation pleaso bend apecinl children a booklet t i r world lycme salt all over the tested eczema remedy is prescription of doctor your siin trouble whether it is ec zema ncne hives dandruff ringworm infection or pimples and blotches will bo positively benefitted by ddd becauso ddd is a tried and tested jhysicians prescription ddd was developed originally for his own pa tients by dr d d dennis it is now manufactured by tho makers of cam- pnas italian balm in 35 years ddd bas brought clear healthful skins to millions at druggists trial alia f 9 to instant relief or money growing deaf with head noises try this if you are growing hard of hearing and fear catarrhal deafness or if you have roaring rumbling itissing nois es in your ears go to your druggist and get 1 oz of parmint double strength and add to it 4 pint of hot water and a little sugar take 1 tablespoonful four times aday this will often bring quick relief from tho distressing head noises clogged nostrils should open breath ing becomo easy and the mucous stop dropping into tho uhroat it is easy to take anyone who is threat ened with catarrhal deafness or who has head noises should give this pre scription a trial dont expect your boss to pay you a dollar an hour for your working hours when you use your leisure hours as though they were not worth five cents a dozen isnipnmaa ko draft jf httnt f19taas inaiswcu 31 m bmillj 14 j b is uj l h k 4 wttkj m if ta i ocs system cmrmmd7ablxltu6nsla xeyxh fails utjttt rvftmfeii fttm 3 tvrr ui vna feo 51000 complete write now details free malcolm ross helffht specialist scarborough ens small tin 25c urflettn goe extra urt bottle 75c scott turivr uu nwcrtiyyrxiitrne enj itittnlaittd in canada lrj mcgiuimy tiro uirju1 torotto 22 issue no 11 35 bell veterinary medical wonder the animal life saver dose by drops first aid home treatment- quick relief for preliminary coughs colds cvlic fever distemper scours no drenching chills dr bells condition powdcra the body builder dr bells cattle cathartic the guaranteed purgative dr bells kidney blood powder the blood purifier sold wherever drugs are sold booklet frst aid for sick animals- writo for it dr bell wonder medicine co kingston ont winnipeg man alexandria bay ny be sure dr doctor is in front of the bel