bows bands and beauty wjl lip m 3 t rfnfnn 3 t 5p- k a left coiffures go frivolous this season in a new way joan crawford displays the fashionable new velvet hairribbons to be worn with the dressier afternoon frocks center here we have a moie formal versioiiof the hairribbon the hairband flexibly woven the metallic band fits tightly over the top of the head and is snapped down behind the ears right as to makeup the newest fashion decree is that soft ingenious unmakeup look eyebrows not too perfect eyelashes not too uncom promisingly stiff and skin scrubbed and clean looking thats curious 1emiyiutheslot insurance is now effected in new york upon the in sertion of a coin in the machine a policy is delivered covering the holder against any accident for sev en days the rector of haecombe devon one of the smallest parishes in kng- land is archpriest and can claim the right of wearing lawn sleeves and sitting next to a bshop he also claims freedom from all ecclesiasti cal jurisdiction excepting the visi tation of the archbishop of canter bury sound as a bell after ninetythree years as the rooftree of a stone house demolished at montreal a beam of yellow pine 05 feet long and a foot square was taken out and sold for 0 its next sphere of ex istence will be spent as a ships mast buy the best tea i n g s of o r tu n e uy leslie beresford synopsis sylvia iarnlc tin wmlmn is etnpluv u ul u truwl bureau she uieels joht christopher leilowea suing to 1aru mid monte curlu mrs iuula qmulcliuel aim ton malusoii slaying ai the iioki tell hei etiu la helresa to a fortune let r by ui uncle luhe masskiigtiuni tin the way lo luiite catlo lugettiet with iaula una tuny the iraln i wreeueu and sylvia is under me 1m- uresiini thai tuny rescued lier fauii warns net against turlune seekers uuliig lo a leashop alulie sylvia over hears john belluwes tell a trlund ul his rescue of sylvia on the tram sylvia euufroma tuny with ihla in formation tony then tells her thai a later will was made by her uncle henellttiiik john bellovvs sylvia runs in lo john kellowee when a lire breaks oul at his hotel and tells him or hie will he advises hei lo curry on ihe de cent ion john christopher tells tony and sylvia that iho fortune has been wiped out by market manipulations florrie the maid steals the will what youve done with that will doesnt interest me a bit tony was sayng in cynical undertones im only concerned in getting rid of you my girl and thats simple if a girl goes walking on a dark and dan gerous road like this at night its quite to be expected that an accid ent could happen and she could break her pretty neck as youre go ing to do down this cliff sylvia horrified heard the black ness ahead stabbed by the faint sound of florries halfstiffled voice raised in a terrified cry for help sylvia reckless as to her own safety in her panic to prevent this horrible crime dashed forward wild ly her voice raised to a shrill scream of reassurance im here florrie its sylvia and then above the muffled boom of the torrent below her voice rang out in frantic appeal help help out of the darkness ahead came an oath of surprise and malignance in tonys voice a cry from florrie a sound of scuffling feet this was followed by fresh sounds both of feet and voices rapidly approaching from the oppositedirection the darkness was pierced by mov- first mother before you give your child on unknown remedy to take every day unthinkinfily mothers tnlc the advice of unqualified persons rr instead of their doctors on remedies for their children if they knew what the scientists know they would never take this chance doctors say phillips- for your child when it comes to the frequentlyused milk of magnesia doctors for over vjir said phillips milk of magnesia the safe remedy lor your child 4 is and t ways say pliiilws when you buy your child deserves ltifor your own peace m tat y ret it gen uine phillips milk of magnesia also in tablet form phillips lil of masnii tab- lets are now on sale at all druz jtorcicvcryuherc each tiny tab let i the equivalent of a teaspoonfui of gen uine phillips milk of magnesia inj rays of light which sylvia re cognised to be the thin shafts flung from electric torches three of them she counted and the voices behind them were even more in number all of them men some speaking eng lish one called her by name sylvia are you there sylvia are you safe in a sudden rush of gladness mingled with amazement she knew that voice at once and answered here i am john here on the road one of the three torches picked her out instantly with its white shaft the other two sweeping to and fro over the road picked out the figures of tony livid and frightened of florrie crouching on the low stone wall which separated the road from the abyss below who stood behind the light shafts of the torches sylvia neither knew nor cared at the minute saving that john christopher was among them his b shape loomed towards her out of the blackness next instant and she felt his arm round her as one of the lights was focussed on her face youre all right he was asking anxiously it wasnt me she answeed breathlessly it was florrie florrie and tony mallison he was threat ening to throw her down below from the road as if she had fallen by ac cident clever mallison john christo pher laughed moving away from sylvia towards the other so clever that its a pity his cleverness hasnt been put to better uses we must see what we can do at any rate to prevent it from being quite harm ful matter of fact mallison he went on we were just coming up to pay you and the dabbatos a visit so obliging of you to meet us on the way quite welcoming some body please throw a little light on us so that our friend can see who we all are sylvia following the trail of light saw and recognised first with complete surprise lester vander- duyl the rest four men were un known to her but one at least of them was obviously not unknown to tony he was a stockilybuilt man with keen grey eyes and a sardonic smile pleased to meet you again mal lison he addressed toiiy ive come all the way from shanghai for this glad reunion say drawled lester vander- duyl lets get back to that nest of vipers and start busying ourselves clearing it up sylvia felt again the touch of john christophers arm round her waist as the whole party began slowly to mount the steep gradient on the way to the villa she was wondering what this could mean how john christopher and lester vanderduyl and the detective from shanghai all came together in this way and had happened on the spot so conveniently she could only wait with patience till they came to the villa and her curiosity would be gratified mean time what intense if only moment ary comfort thoie was in the pro tective strength of john christo phers arm round her waist what de light in the suond of his voice in her ear im afraid youve been finding the waiting game rather trying little sylvia but its over now your wings of fortune will give you safer flying after tonights over youll character analysed from your hand- a herd of australian cows re- 1 writing you would find it very help- cently gave a dymnostration of roadlful to you and the author of this ar drill when a motorcar approached i tide makes an especial invitation to the herd divided to allow the car to j you to take advantage of this oppor- pass and iefoimed when the road tunity see the following article was clear jjy remarks in some earlier ar- among captive birds the bigger j tides regarding the extent to whcli caused entirely by constantly aching i the bird the longer it lives tlic i graphology can help in forming your feet a dcetor recently remarked peacock and the goose have long future have inspired a number of what does your handwriting show i5y ueufftlky st cla1u 1 graphologist all rights reserved editors note have you had your discover germs live in the air harvard experiments indi cate time periods they survive foot ills bring wrinkles so toe beauty mark i have seen many a furrow be tween the eyes of a lovely woman shortlived six- readers to write and ask for more de your best cosmeticians realize lives the hen this fact he continued it explains teen years at the most none of the finite information on this point tins why many beauty salons not only rre j small birds has a long life larks seems an opportune time for me to giving pedic massages to their cusj probably live longest they have do so as it is the beginning of a tomcrs before proceeding with facial been known to reach seventeen years new year treatments but also why they often j twq t j i what yo are and what you do give sensible advice m regard o the h umure cv01 made depend to a large extent on your need tor properly fitted shoes have beem manufaclm j leicester i l for akenzua ii oba or chief of ben in the umbrellas wheih cost ilu each have been made for state pur poses councils will be held under their shade a wife told the marylebone mag- istnto that her husband attended all- in wrestling matches and came home and practised the holds on her for more than a generation phy sicians have been taught that gerai- carrying droplets ejected wen wo cougb sueez and talk drop to the floor more or less like grains of saud there to ifo and die two harvard investigators william f wells graduate of the school of public health and wyman r stone of the school of engineering sbat ter this comforting doctrine with discoveries which will mako it neces sary to reexamine tb possibility of transmitting diseaiu by means of the air it was fluegge who thought he sonably look forward lo a better fu- j had demonstrated lato in the nine ture one doesnt need to be a crys- iee century that infectious drop talgazer or fortuneteller to con- lets fall to the ground he exposed elude that the first jiar thc one sn i containing sterllo gela- with charcter will improve his po- t around a cougher and sneezer another wellknown authority on foot health pointed out the necessity for careful bathing of the feet and the value of exercising their muscles regularly still another speaker deplored high heels and urg- make sure their ed all women to shoes really ft these theories on correct care of the feet were backed up by sound facts based on carefully compiled statistics in addition a good many helpful rules on care of the fee were passed out here are a few of them feet should bo scrubbed and rinsed as carefully and frequently as any other part of the body j cotton and woolen socks- absorb more moisture than silk ons and should be worn for active sports am other occasions when the ieet per spire freely along with setting up exercises to keep the figure trim and supple every girl should do foot exercises to strengthen her arches and ankles and she never should wear high heels for walking on those days when she has to stand up for hours at a time it such as education environment upbringing opportunities and so on but these are all relative and can be influenced by ones character people with suffcient strength of character can overcome all defic- iences in these other angles by ap plying themselves to the task take two men to ihistrate my point one of them is strongwilled the crawfish has an eye in its determined persistent and persever tail it is sensitive to light but sition whilst the other one will lose ground now iiaphology the science of character keading from handwrit ing can tell your characteristics it can tell each of the two men whose cases i have quoted exactly where in lies his strength and weaknesses graphology can encourage each of these men but in a different way and it provides the man who is weak witi knowledge of wherein he needs to strengthen his characteristics and eliminate weak traits to the extent that it can help you to make the most of yourselvos and enable you to strengthen your char acter to ibis extent graphology can carried inland for fifty miles whose noso ami mouth had been fil led with harmless microbes only dishes within a small circle gave any evidence of bacteria colonies after incubation hence the easy conclu- coughing sneezing and talking indoors are not attended with special danger all this reflects no great credit upon the medical profession uoctois us a clas are bad physicists and not especially good chemists any pliy sicist could have told the medicos that minute particles in air are waf ted about for hours it was known for decades that the salt crystals lrcm evaporated ocea spray ceri be 1 ll influence yoult future nellie toronto the outstand ing characteristic in your nature is your procrastination nellie you put off doing things that demand imme diate attention this is one of the worst of the minor ices of character mg sees much more slowly than the eyes along certain lines in order to reach he makes up bis mind to proceed and 1 strongly advise you to culti- honey colour and flavour honey varies in colour and flav ourso that there is no difficulty in finding a honey to- suit every taste on account of this variation of char acteristics honey is classified and graded according to its colour and quality the colour classes most com monly used as white golden amber and dark colour how ever does not affect the food value of honey from the nutritional stand point all colours have equal value but the flavour of the darker colour ed honeys is generally much strong er than the lighter coloured kinds the quality grades of honey are nos 1 2 and 3 indicating texture den sity and flavour the lighter coloured and highly graded honeys are espec ially adapted for table use and as a rule are more expensive than the dark or low graded honey a fact that must be taken into consideration by the buyer when purchasing honey for cooking purposes the lower grades of honey are equally as good as the higher grades when used as a substitue for sugar in cooking but when delicate flavours are desired be sure to use light honey to the beekeeper who produces honey for his own use value is of secondary importance so that in addition to substituting honey for jams jellies and marmalades he is in the position of being able to use honey for sugar in cooking with most pleasing re sults in the- creatures bead a cat owned by the lac mr cecil caivswilaon of strawberry hill middlesex was left 13 a year under its masters will the ncwcastleumleriyme bache lors club reports a decrease in mem bership its members are cheerfully paying the fine of os on becoming engaged and 1 when they marry an offer of 5000 for two meals a day for the rest of his life exclus ive of wine and cigars cash paid in advance was made by a patron of the trofadero restaurant lon don lie was forty yeais of age isaac small aged sixtyfour of orleans massachusetts decided a year ago that sleep was a waste of time since then ne has never gone to bed and his rest has been limi ted to a catnap of one hour in twentyfour he spends his nights in reading and says his brain power has been doubled in consequence sums done for threehalfpence a time is the notice that has been put up in the window of a shop sit uated opposite a school in zagreb near belgrade the proprietor does a roaring irailt every evening stu dents deliver their mathematical ihlnework nutl every corning on their way lo school they call for it correct in every detail a definite peak of progress lie has the strength of character to apply himself and to keep on even though obstacles present themselves lie may at times become a i rifle down hearted but it is merely a tempor ary feeling and he reassures- oilm- self by calling on his selfconfidence and by renewing his efforts the other man is indefinite vacil lating and weak he has little or no willpower cannot make up his mind what he wants to become nor how to go about tho work of getting some where lie procrastinates hopes for something to turn up but doesnt make tho necessary effort to achieve things for himself then things turn out badly or he cannot see anything in the future to hope for or to look forward to he gets dejected and he starts blaming conditions or lack of opportunity anything and every thing but himself which of these two men can ran- carriers of disease the germs tected at harvard were sprayed in distilled water into a ster ile microbetight chamber most of tb droplets were smaller than a hundredth of an inch in diameter they evaporated before they fell to the floor from samples of air taken from th ohamber at intervals of half an hour to eight days thriving col onies of bacteria were raised that could be seen with the naked eye th harvard investigators make vate more promptitude and definite ness you have a rather affectionate nature and express your feelings rea dily and you have a fairly good me mory although you arc none too strong on details a little more care j an important distinction between in small things would be to your ad- j large and small droplets it is true vantage ihat large droplets fall but the would you like to have your own sma ones smaller than granulated character analysed from your hand s or sand dry up leaving nuc- writing have you any friends whose j lei s0 line that they are wafted about perceptible cur- know you can get the servces of true characters you would be glad to i easily by 1 rents geoffrey st clair wellknown graph- somo ologist and he can help you as he has helped so many of our readers send specimens of the writing ycu want analysed stating birthdate in each case send 10c coin for each specimen and enclose with 3c stamp ed addressed envelope to geoffrey st clair graphologist room 421 73 adelaide street west toronto ont in confiding in mr st clair you may be sure that whatever you write will be confidential joyces job is unique highwayman style coats for small girls llips m ofma phi macs s mki4 sec clear flight how she was to see that sylvia did not know for she really had no wings of fortune at all they be longed to him and now were on the eve of being handed to him meantime with the villa present ly reached other things occupied her mind more immediately the radio was still thundering out jazzmusic as she stepped into the salon with jhn christopher their appearance by way of open french windows was exhibit of u s paintings j travelling through canada toronto the exhibition of contemporary painting by artists of the united states selected by the carnegie corporation of new york to be shown throughout the british empire is on display at the toronto art gallery highwayman style coats for small girls to wear to parties are being launched in london in uncrushable velvet they have wide sleeves to cover puffed ones underneath and three tier caps princess elizabeth had some new- frocks for the festive period for one party there was a model in pale blue corded taffeta it has square neckline pointed bodice and puff sleeves and is embroidered with two rows of white daisies from either shoulder to hem it reaches just below the knees as opposed to the ankle length styles she has worn in former years thirteenyearold girl engineer on short rail way line in augusta arkansas is king turns down new yacht plan so silent or at least drowned by the noise of the music that it was at j first unobserved by those inside it was the conte who suddenly realised their intrusion swinging to- j wards them with surprise in his swarthy face hullo he exclaimed mr fel- j lowes come over from spiza i j thought it was for tomorrow 1 thats what i left you to imagine conte john christopher laughed with one or two friends of mine j intended to look in tonight together i but as a matter of fact i had really intended to look in tonight together j with one or two friends of mine to bo continued london king george spiked a movement to provide him with a new yacht by popular subscription in honor of the silver jubilee of his reign next year a spokesman for his majesty said in the first place he is tremendously fond of the britannia present royal yacht and would hate to give her up he also feels that the 30000 lbs wheh would be equircd could better be applied to people out of work from girl to woman mrf n varey of 47 burich st woodstock ont saifl when i was ktowinfc into womanhood 1 suffered terrible pain periodically i would have to stay in bed for sev eral dayj all this misery was soon corrected after taking dr pierces fa vorite prescription all druggists new siie tablets 50 cts liquid 100 large sie 4135 write dr pierces clinic buffalo n y for tree medical advice issue no 1 35 43 joyce short 13 of augusta ark and red headed holds a place unique among girls she is of all things engineer on a railway tho line to he sure only runs a mile hut it has like any other rail way system directors officers and stockholders and it is ranked as a regular road too the us bureau of economics declaring it is the shortest railway of which we have any record knows her dusixess so it is not an unusual sight to seo the young engineer chugging along in her little locomotive pi ling its one coach her hand on the throttle eyes glued to the tracks yanking every now and then at the wellworn whistl cord commuters havent a worry when joyco is at the controls they say in fact that there ij a touch of gentleness about the starting and stopping of tho train that seems to bo missing when a masculine hand is at tho brake controls hut engineering runs in joyces family when tho first locomotive was purchased for th lino in 1900 her grandfather john a short was tho engineer that list locomotive bucked liko a billy goat and tho peoplo had a free show every time it went through town in 1901 business grew to such pro portions that a real railway coach was purchased and threo years later joyces father earl short became engineer on tho line ho died in 1922 threo years ago his daughter joyce camo to augusta to mak hor home with her grandparents sho took an instantaneous liking to the little road which had become almost a family i affair j tho line tho augusta tramway and transfer company has had a colorful past the distanco was first negotiated by mulo power tho old mulo car is still in existence and there aro plenty of memories- about the old coach with its varnished in terior and upholstered feats rairoading her ambition the faro for tho little lino is 10 or any fraction thereof and should you climb into the coach and look out to see that a pretty curlyheaded girl is manning the throttle you neednt have the slightest fear for joyce is a real engineer and railroading is jojces ambi tion in life th business womens clubs all argue that women have a place in the business world and why not in the railway world v asks this trim lass yes thats what i want to be an engineer erms thus carried about live for days others die in less than an hour the studies indicate that microbes expelled into the air and therefore easily inhaled live longer than those carried by liquids and foods have the respiratory germs become adapted to air trans mission is their toughness thus to be explained wells thinks to at any rate microbes from the throat and nose live long enough in air to transmit disease by inhalation the longevity in air of lifteen dif ferent kinds of germs was tested pneumonia diphtheria scarlet fever remained alive fortyeight hours but none of the intestinal or ganisms more than eight strange to soy the least resistant of all was the pfeiuer bacillus an exceptional respiratory microbe it could not bo found alive an hour after it had been injected into the chamber a pusforming microorganisni sta- j phylococcus aureus was still alive after three days of wafting about the poet at church robert burns attended church one sunday and had difficulty in secur ing a seat a young lady perceiving his difficulty made room for him iii her pew the sermon was a de nouncement of sinners with liberal quotations from the scriptures to verify the scotch pastors threats of punishment the young lady appeared much impressed and not a little agitated burns perceiving this took her bible and wrote these lines on a blank leaf fair maid you need not take the hint nor idle texts pursue 1vas only sinners that he meant not angels such as you women of the east are wary of west have ii i g h concept of family life says press club head christian science monitor the pleasures of philosophy are like the heights of love to which no mean soul can come will durant calgary fear that features of western civilization might make in roads on their family life women of tho east are inclined to look ask ance at their increasing contacts with tho west the high concept of family life of the east was ono ot the deepest impressions she carried away with her from the panpacific womens conference at honolulu mrs j f price national president of the canadian womens press club told members of the calgary branch the 50 delegates representative of 11 racial groups who gathered to gether at thc conference made no attempt to lift the world out of chaos by passing resolutions mrs prico declared it was a conference entirely of study built around the idea of international peace and bound up with the idea of the family ol tho future problems of birth control the in creasing death rate from abortions tho idea that professional men and women might marry younger if tain sly limitations were generally accept ed were all frankly discussed she said the discussions were led by scientists and experts a question in the niirs of many at the close of the conierence she said was will there be a new civ ilization built on a new plane of in ternational understanding and email atig from the lands bordering on the pacific no pep when you feel liko a log and your muscles tiro easily its more than likely that wastes that shouldnt be in your body are sending out poisons into your blood at times like these take a bubbling bracing glnss of andrews liver salt each day till the trouble clears up then tako an occasional glass once or twice each i yve must dress more or less like weckand youll stay perfectly fit olhcrs llnicsg wo glvc llp an thinks get andrews now small tin 35c ii i large tin 60c extra large bottle od readytowear go out for ex- 76c proprietors scott turner ample and try to buy some string 44 cents that is for the whole milo ltd newcastleupontyne enjf ties