have you heard a political platform is made of planks but we suppose the ladies will add a rug and a rubber plant full of enthusiasm she had gone in for polities and was out of the house most of the day the other night she returned at 0 oclock and sank into a comfortable armchair schools proposed for prison inmates her arms and legs immovable tea years with rheumatsm to this woman it must iiave been like commencing to live a new life when she began to use her arms and how is it you never have a new legs ag aher tncy had beeu i uit less for ten years it is this way replied the man i suffered with rheumatism she addressed and mine is a sad story writes and had been bedridden friend i once wore out a pair of since 1s20 i could not move arms or trousers sooner than the coat i legs and had to be fed like a child bought a reiv pair of trousers to everybody thought i should be an in- match the coat later i bought a valid all my life i forced myself to new coat to match the trousers and fight againat ir and tried a number i have been keeping that up ever of different things it was kruschen since and thats hy i never have hat eventually saved me and today a new suit j i consider it is saving my life my i condition has greatly improved and theres no present like the time m limbs are gradually becoming remarked the incorrigible punster as m su already i can eat with- he gave his wife a wrist watch out assistance and dress myself- 1 which i i had not done for ten years m ii two of the ingredients of krus- cheu salts are the most effectual sol vents of uric acid known to medical science they swiftly dull the sharp edges of painful crystals then con vert them into a harmless solution j other ingredients of these salts have a stimulating effect upon the i kidneys and assist them to expel the she everything s just grand dissolved uratic needles through the were going to sweep the country natural channel husband looking around wearily why not start with the dining room farmer and hows lawyer jones doing doctor doctor poor fellow hes lying at deaths door farmer thats grit for you at deaths door and still lying co when your troubles weight you down invest in a new set of think ing scales friend hows your business business man huh im just on my way to the drug store now to get some chloride of lime to sprin kle on it laws are much like cobwebs which catch many small flies but let the wasps and horncs break through mrs jones could only find two aisle seats one behind the other wishing to have her sister beside her she turned and cautiously sur veyed the man in the next seat finally she leaned over and timidly addressed him mrs jones i beg your pardon sir but are you alone the man without turning his head in the slightest but twisting his mouth to an alarming degree and shielding it with his hand mutter ed man cut it out kid cut it out my wifes with me if as is said the good die young the reason probably is lonesome- bess man are you afraid of the germs they claim are so thick on our paper money friend not a bit my money goes out so fast no germ could be quick enough to get from it to me while its in my possession pupil after lesson v creation but teacher daddy says we are descended from monkeys teacher we cant discuss your private family affairs in class to doso sh cncourased notable progress made j gives duchess shoe by royal bank of canada q canadian spruce to do so all efforts of the organization are directed toward making the ex- prisoner a self supporting citizen the report continued the best way to do this is to find him a job and not give him promiseuoi charity the association during the five vears of its existence has done everything possible socially xoveal so 193 reflects a nomically and religiously to keep them on the straight path during period of improved business conu- it ron m h0 ions figures of total assets depos- deposits increase 50000000 liquid assets 382172287 profits down slightly after heavier taxes canadas weekly london the financial statement of the royal bank of canada for the year the past six montlis 520 men have been placed or replaced in jobs the association has been successful in the complete reclamation of more than 85 per cent of first offenders out of the guelph refoimatory these men are given personal inter views before they are released jobs found if possible and in some caies tools bought france also to toronto compulsory school attendance for inmates of all penal institutions was suggested in the fifth annual report of the ctizen service association presented at their recent annual meeting here with a view to bettering conditions it recommended that every illiterate prisoner should be given schooling and every prisoner with the ambi- its cash investments commercial loans and note circulation all show an increase during the year total assets are t5s423904 of which j3s21722s7 are liquid being 561b per cent of total liabilities to the public compared with 5576 per cent a year ago cash cheques and bank balances aggregate 156s3031 or 2435 of public liabilities government and municipal scetir ities have increased during the per- export wheat od from su37s2c02 to 1332209 big gain in deposits london kng the big four the outstanding feature of the wheat exporters are prepared when statement is the increase of s3055i- wheat expert quotas for the crop 510 in public deposits of this iu- year 193135 are finally allocated to crease it is understood that 41317 make room for france as a temper 334 is in canada the balance abroad ary wheat exporter it was stated by canadian savings deposits being up the wheat advisory commissions si 1126330 permanent secretarist last week i after a steady decline in commer- thc statement indicated the comcial loans of banks in canada over missions 000000000 bushel esti- the period of the past few years it mate of the world export demand j is encouraging to note as further during the present crop year would evidence of business to note as fur- be divided so the 530000000 bush- 1 her evidence of business revival els tentatively allotted the four ov- that the royal banks figures under erseas exporters canada auss heading show an increase of sto- tralia the argentine and the united j 092494 the total standing at 225 states will be reduced to 520000- 94202 000 bushels j profits for the year were f39s217 the estimated quota of 10000- but are not properly comparable with 000 bushels for the smaller export- published profits for the previous ers hungary and bulgaria will be year because heretofore they were reduced to 0000000 with re- j reported after deducting provincial serve quota france will be allowed an export quota of 11000000 bushels apart from 0000000 quin- tals of denatured wheat one of canadas presents to prin- tajes but before federal taxes for cess marina now the duchess of he take of uniformity aud the fuller kent was probably unique for a information of sbaruiomers both considerable time experts have been cesses of taxes are now disclosed in carrying out 6itensive experiments the published report j with canadian spruce wood the ul during the year under review do- timate success attendant on these ex- minion and provincial taxes aggre- periments has resulted in the intro- gaied 1073016 making allowance ductlon of a new and intensely in fer the increase under this beading jteresting fabric to the mother couu profits are lower by 2cs44s net try and one which is destined to profits after taxes covered dividend immense popularity on account of its requirements of s2sooo0o annual j extraordinary durability and utility contribution of 200 000 to officers j through their experiments and dls pension fund the usual approprla tlon of 200000 for hank premises coveries in this direction canadians may well be instrumental in opening and left a surplus of 123200 to bo i up new and important trade couuec- added to profit and loss account in- tions with kngland and ether parts vt pip smokers fill up with golden virginia and enjoy a really good smoke al50 made up in cigarettetobacco creasing that account to 1506804 to be carried forward to the neit fis cal year the showing while giatifying to the shareholders will this year be of special interest to the public as it affords perhaps the most striking ev idence yet given of the extent of the improvement in trade throughout catiada the annual general mootug of the shareholders will be held at the head office of tie bank in montreal on thursday january lotn the principal accounts with com parative figures for the year are as follows of the kmpire the fabrie resulting from the ex periments with canadian spruce wood is startlingly similar in grain and texture to leather with all its com mendable features of durability yet the fabric is actually manufactured from the purified cellulose fibres of the spruce wood by means of a re cently discovered process these fib res can be moulded by intense heat sugar from wood german process successful but is not considered practical during the world war german chemists were hard at work trying to convert cellulose wood into su- pressure until this takes on the form gar u was a harder problem than 1031 1933 total assets i75s423904 s729260470 liquid assets 3s21722s7 202471045 don t jrov tlov mini sec 1332204s9 1137s2602 curr ioans in can 22c94202s 216s49534 pen bearing tut 4ss1204s3 442s460s4 free deposits 124452970 11917ssco conquering the royal bank of canada general statement 30th november 1934 worlds biggest nose the huge cavities in the skull of the sperm whale which seem like tanks for storing the valuable sper maceti oil of commerce have only recently been recognized as the creatures nostrils this huge nose is six times as big as the whales braincase and a whale with a head 12 ft long and 0 ft- high will have a nose 10 ft long and 5 ft high and a big whale may have as much as 5000 gallons of oil in its nose through the bones fat oil and consecutive tissue of this vast organ rim the nasal passages the right and larger one capacious enough to ad mit a man this can be expanded and has a much smaller aperture leading into the windpipe funnel than the left passage and it lias recently been ascertained that these passages to the throat can be closed by two enormous plugs which function ex actly like a stopper in a hath or washbasin this unique control of its breath ing apparatus enables the whale to hold its breath whenit dives to a depth of a mile and also prevents the tremendous pressure at that depth from forcing the air out of the whales lungs australia willing to cut wheat quota canberra australia the australian wheat advisory council recommended recently that australia accept an export quota of 120000- 000 bushels if a new wheat agree ment between the major exporting countries is reached the recom mendation was made subject to the stipulation that argentina abide by its quota the international wheat confer- once meeting in budapest recom mended australias quota be reduc ed to 100000000 bushels liabilities capital stock raid up s35000o0oo0 reserve fund s2000000600 balance of irouts carried forward 1 50680499 t21506s0499 dividends unclaimed 1219039 dividend no 189 at s per annum payable 1st december 1931 70000000 2221899538 5721599538 deposits by and balances due to dominion govern ment f 3659s417s deposits by and balances due to provincial govern ments 1107242962 deposits by the public not bearing interest 12445297076 deposits by the public bearing interest including interest accrued to date of statement 48si264s320 deposits by and balances due to other banks in canada 126638170 deposits by and balances due to banks and banking correspondents elsewhere than in canada 8851 10356 63747921062 notes of the bank in circulation 3322180674 advances under the finance act 900000000 bills payable 29460698 liabilities to the public not included under the fore going heads 44552702 letters of credit outstanding 2076375814 s758 assets cold and coin on hand 1 l75302j2 dominion notes on hand c3 17488329 deposit in the central gold reserves 300006000 united states and other foreign currencies 1784922638 9577713849 notes of other canadian banks 187135617 cheques on other banks 2199494416 balances due by other banks in canada 218959 balances due by banks and banking correspondents elsewhere than in canada 4603740336 6990589328 dominion and provincial government securities direct and guaranteed maturing within two years not exceeding market value 6983240607 other dominion and provincial government serorl- tles direct and guaranteed not exceeding market value 5666311024 canadian municipal securities not exceeding market value 672497312 public securities ohcr than canadian not exceeding market value 1748789587 other bvindt debentures and stocks not exceeding marker value 1244317098 call and short not exceeding thirty days loans in canada on bonds debentures and stocks and other securities of a sufficient marketable alue to cover 2343064546 can and short not exceeding thirty days loans else where than in canada on bonds debentures and stocks and other securities of a sufficient mar ketable value to cover 2990705366 38217228717 current loans and discounts in canada less rebate of interest estimated loss provided for 2269420282 current loans and discounts else where than in canada less rebate of interest estimated iom provided for a 9561615861 noncurrent loans estimated loss provided for 422134786 32678253473 bank premises at not more than cost less amounts written off 1683333067 real estate other than bank premises 268157101 mortgages on real estate sold by he bank 82133272 liabilities of customers under lenersof credit as per contra 2076375814 shares of and loans to controlled companies 6313031 60 deposit with the minister of finance for the security of note clrcula- tl t 1 60000000 other assets not included under the foregoing heads 45600884 75842390488 note thf roy rank of canada france han been incorporated undcrthelaws ef france to conduct the business of the hank in pari and the assets ard liabilitiet of the royal rank of canada france are included in the above general statement m v wilson s g dobson president and managing director general manager auditors report to tiik sharbnoldfrt tlip rovai bank of cakaia we have examined the above statement of liabilities and aueu at 30th november 1934 with the books and accounts of the royal bank of canada at head office and with the certified returns from the branches we have verified the cash and securities at head office at the clone of the ranks fiscal year and during the year we counted the cash and examined tho securities at scveral of the important branches we have obtained all the information and explanations that we have required and in ojr epinion the transactions of the bank which have come under our notice have been within the powers of the hank the above statement lain our opinion properly drawn up so as to disclose the true condition of the bank as at 20th november 1934 and it is as shown by the books of the bank jas c ross ca of p s rom a ion i w garth thomson ca- auditors of feat mawick mitchell company montreal canada 24th december k34 profit and loss account balance of profit and loss account 30th november smu60ill i rofni for the year ended 30th november 1934 after malting appropriations to contingency reserves out of which ketones provision for all bad and doubtful debts has been made 439821762 jl7siltji jo arrrorriated as follows llliidend no tgat s pcrannutn i 70000000 dividend no 187 at 8 per annum 70000900 dividend no 188 at 8 per annum 700o0o00 dltldend no 189 at t per annum 70000000 conttlbutlon to officers pension fund 200000 00 appropriation for dan premises 2ooooo0 reserve for dominion and irovlnr lalooverneo t tie 1075014 81 balance of rrohl and loss carried forward ism sl7m82lmi m w wilson e g dobson president and manaaln director ceneralclanaler montreal 34lh december 1934 general jnanajer influenza rests indicate it is caused by a filterable virus find me a suitable animal which can he infected with a disease and i will give you good hope of preven tion if not of cure said the late sir david bruce influenza has lit tle if anything to do with tropical medicine sir davids specialty yet like malta fever and nagana the diseases with which sir davids name is especially linked its nature has been made a little clearer by practically applying the principle of and me a suitable animal the animal in this case is the mouse it has long been suspected that influenza is caused by a filtrable vi rus in other words by some virulent organism too small to be seen in any microscope so small in fact that it flows thiougj the finest porce lain filter like water with that hy pothesis the medical profession had to be content until last year then it was discovered that influenza can bo transmitted to ferrets the call for a suitable animal had been ans wered the animal found further investigation removed any doubt as to tfio nature of the virus it did indeed belong to the filtrable vari ety xow come drs andrewes laidlaw and wilson smith with a new dis covery and a new step in the light against influenza strains of human and swine virus which had laid fer rets low were successfully used in infecting mice through the nose sera were then prepared against the fer- to intricate design an of a leatherlike fabrie which has jt seomed so hard in fact that not withstood remarkable tests enabling j u after the treaty of peace was it to be placed in the front rank of signed was success achieved tho durable fabrics victors in this struggle were profes sor friedricci von bergius nobel prize winner famous for his work in making gasoline and motor spir its out of coal gas and professor von scholler what the two chem ists gave the world is a way or mak ing wood palatable a goat can eat paper but a man cannot a difference in digestive processes is the reason hencethe problem that von bergius and von scholler faced was that of creating in the factory what was in effect an artificial stomach of glass and np and lottintr tfiat digest wood two of the first articles made from this new fabric for introduction into this country may be found among too wedding gifts of the duke and duch ess of kent although primarily de signed and executed for the personal use of princess marina they take the form of attractive soft brown shoes with a matching handbag both produced to a corresponding design the use of these articles by the duchess of kent will doubtless do much to introduce and popularize this unique canadian fabric to the people of this country when once tested the qualities of the fabric will commend themselves to users who are not slot to edge a thoroughly rel ible shoes made from this fairio are light soft and exceedin iri- wearing and the material tud if i ret strains of human and swine in fluenza injected into mice they had a neutralizing effect from tho story as the experimenters tell it in the lancet it is evident that the discov ery is complete in the large even if it has still to be shown that mice can be infected directly by man without the aid of the ferret influ enza has now been definitely con quered r ri- nokthampton mass the waltz tempo has a new significance at smith college the department of physical education has inaugura ted a new method of teaching swim ming it is music supposed to give rhythm and emphasis of stroke ac cording to miss gertrude goss swimming instructor the waltz tem po is suitable to the side stroke breast stroke and trudgeon but the foxtrot is better for the crawl the duchess of kents shooa hare interlaced instep strapplngi the experiments on tite crutilose fibres of spruce wood h c opened i a wide range of possibilities for the fibres can be utilized in many widely divergent articles from fabrics shoes and upholstery fabrics to as phalt roofs new products will no doubt be rapidly developed based w oufai berlin crushes the wild hopes that german economists have based on the work of von bergius and von scholler the process of converting cellulose into sugar is commercially cheap and efficient enough but it on the new discovery quite apart 00 t0 wq to from the vast improvements to pre- su ten according to the sent utility articles which will be sulustieally inclined sle only rendered possible 12 acres f plame to sugar during the process of perfecting beets are required the same area this fabric many severe tests were planted to potatoes will support but carried out after which tite finished ten and wheat but six because article bore no illeffects the proof i wood grows so slowly the same am- that a fabric of this nature can em erge unharmed from tho stringent and somewhat drastic tests of freez ing and boiling is sufficient testim- ount of forest land would make even a poorer showing than does wheet iver the year evidently a tit n a poor substitute for the sugar bes scouting here there everywhere a brother to every other scout without regard to race or creed ony to its reliability two subse- in germanys present econc quent tests to which the fabric was crisis submitted were those if baking and freezing and then baking again but neither process affected the material among other equally stringent tests the fabric was boiled in water soak ed in ammonia for a day and a night and afterwards dried immediately in an intense heat boy scout toy repair shops in well over a hundred towns and cities ac ross the dominion from coast to coast again helped santa claus to vi sit the many thcfufaiids of ohildren of needy families on christmas eve in the parade of scouts of many lands that opened the scout jambor ee at melbourne australia december 27th canada was represented by scout j g langley of peterboro ontario to express the appreciation of the alberta scouts for practically shown interest a thanks badge was pres ented by ltgov w l walsh the chief scout for alberta to col h g iteid jiead of the western arctic transportation system of the hudson bay company o o scouts ot wallaccburg ontario under direction of the scout leaders club cooperated with the town he- lief department in a saturday cloth ing collection 9 a diary report date by date of the doings of tho glenboro man pack and troop published in three issues ot the western prairie gazette was tho effective- form of annual report made to tho community the third annual hobby show of tho 1st queenston ontario group made a new record with 995 entries and 200 worth of prizes some mam moth apples pumpkins and vege tables were shown by scouts and by other- boys ot lincoln and wolland counties during a mountain climbing hike scoutmaster gale and several scouts of anyox bc shot a mountain goat thoy brought it homo and treated the troop to a goat meal banquet troop leader kirkwood gave a talk on assisting to get the scoutmas ters goat the reviewed 1931 activities of pic ton county ns scout groups co vered a skating meet a hockey league a bird house competition church parades a cub and scout athletic field day a first aid compe tition a scout applo day and a christmas toy repair shop r two patrols of lone scouts num bering nine boys have been organ zed at fenelou falls ontario under the leadership of two former scouts murray graham and douglas ward in recognition of good work done on poppy day the 1st grenfcll sask scout troop was presented by the canadian legion with a ciandsome troop flag scouts of kent england saved en ough small coins during last winter to entertain 300 unemployed boys at successive summer camps on behalf of the bpoe exalted ruler a e mogson presented the moowsjaw scout association with a shield for annual efficiency compet ition president o h zlmmcr ac cepted tho shield and awarded it to tho 12th moosejaw troop for 1934 a free skating rink is being oper ated this winter by the scouts at glenwood alberta with a member of the royal fam ily to set this new fabric on the road to popularity and with its own un disputed advantages canada has here every prospect of a new profitable line of commerce and stone of english abbey sent to kenilworth nj kenilwoiith district council nj- of the urban kenilworth little new jyiarinas loyal toronto has already had two girl babies named after the fairy princess marina in all piob ability there will be hundreds of others all over the empire who will be similarly named within the next year it is a pretty and unusual name but it seems rather a mistake to date the year of a girls birth so unmistabcably perhaps the wo man of the future will be above considerations of age perhaps classified advertising patents uank ktrcet ottawa canada baby chicks warwickshire england has sent to a v ukfbk to evjskv invkntuk i xt r i i of wanted inventions and fu i its new jersey namesake a stone i sent free the karauay from the ruins of the old abbey at company world paten attorneys 27j kenilworth castle for the new muni cipal library in the harding school founded in a d 1130 the old ab bey was dissolved in a d 1538 the inscription on the stone states that it was carved about ad 1300 and that it was taken from the ruins of the abbey at kenilworth by the council as a token of good will for inclusion in the building of this library at kenilworth n j neuh a users chicks uoou luck llauy each snide bloodtested live delivery guaranteed catalogue gladly mailed on request- chatham ontario interesting experiences as a scout leador in japan wero related to tho 5th st thomas ontario group by adjutant kenneth barr of tho salva- tion army a former canadian scout adjutant barr bad just returned from the far east 5 use leonard jear oil for deafness head noises a toothing and pcnclratinjt combination that has in- nraved tho iltarioff and irssentd head noisvf of many nolputntheearibut rubbed bade of eariaad inserted n nwtriss leonard karoilhas been on the market ahieo 190 made in canada 0125 at canadian drngiiita dcaeriptire ctreular sent on request a o leonard inc 70 fifth avenue new york city issue no 1 35 artists and authors service announcing a ntfvv monthly bulletin service to artists and au thors listing uptodate in formation on where to sell yearly subscription one dollar send a three cent stamped envelope for full informa tion on our other service de partments ideas unlimited thirtyninelee avenue j toronto ont i i