womans world by ftlair m morgan a friend of ours tells us she has difficulty in planning her luncheon menus she wants to maks them as meatless as possible and asks for suggestions we think a thick substantial soup followed by a salad and dessert of stewed or fresh fruit with tea cof fee or milk is sufficient for lunch eon when dinner is being served at night main courses of fish and cas serole dishes with macaroni spag hetti and noodles are always good for the midday meal cheese and onion soup 2 large onions cut fine 4 table spoons shortening 2 tablespoons flour 1 quart hot milk 2 egg yolks slightly beaten fait and pepper 12 cup grated cheese 6 silces bread cook onions in shortening until transparent mix in the flour then add milk add stir well cooking for 20 minutes in a double boiler strain and pour milk slowly onto beaten egg- season to taste toast bread sprinkle with cheese and put one piece into each plate pour boiling soup over and serve at once potato soup 3 potatoes 1 qt milk 2 slices on ion 14 teaspoon celery salt or piece of celery stalk 2 tablespoons snort- ening i tablespoon flour 1 tea spoon salt few grains pepper few grains sayenne 1 teaspoon parsley minced cook potatoes in boiling salted water until soft drain rub through pure strainer scald milk with on ion and celery salt remove onion and add milk slowly to potatoes stirring constantly melt shortening add dry ingredients stir until well mixed then add to hot soup add also minced parsley and cook 1 min ute before serving serves i split pea soup 1 pt split peas 4 qts water m lb salt pork 1 large onion silced 2 tablespoons celery diced 1 table spoon flour 1 tablespoon shorten ing 1 teaspoon pepper 1 sprig par sley pick peas over that there may be no blemished ones among them then wash anil soak in cold water over night in morning drain off water and put them into the soup pot with cold water and salt pork onion and celery simmer a or 4 hours when nearly cooked add seasonings strain through sieve beat flour and shortening together till creamy and stir into soup sim mer 30 minutes longer if salt pork has not seasoned the soup suffic iently add a little salt vegetable soup 1 12 qts boiling water 13 cup carrots diced 13 cup cabbages cut 1 12 cups potato dices 12 cup on ion sliced 1 cup strained tomatoes 4 tablespoons butter or other fat 1 teaspoon sugar 2 teaspoons salt 112 teaspoons chopped parsley use all or any and as many var ieties of vegetables as you wish us ing half as much vegetables as li quor wash pare scrape and cut vegetables fine then measure mix vegetables all but potatoes and to matoes heat fat in spider add veg etables cook 10 minues stirring con stantly add potatoes and cook 2 minutes longer then add the boil ing water and tomatoes and boil 1 hour or longer or until all vegetables are tender add parsley season to taste and serve hot any cold boilea vegetables leftovers may be add ed to this soup casserole of fish 2 lbs fish 3 tablespoons flour 3 tablespoons shortening salt and pepper to taste 1 small carrot dic ed 1 onion sliced 1 cup canned to mato cut fish into cubes and dredge with flour heat shortening in cas serole and brown fish add season ings and vegetables and cook tight ly covered until both vegetables and fish are thoroughly cooked if juices evaporate while fish is cooking add few tablespoons hot water as needed serves 4 salmon pudding 1 can salmon 1 tablespoon but ter 1 cup bread crumbs 1 cup hot milk 12 teaspoon salt 18 tea spoon pepper 2 eggs remove skin and bones from sal mon rub fish fine with potato mash er melt butter in milk and add bread crumbs and seasonings com bine with fish last add well beaten eggs put into buttered deep bak ing dish and bake serve with a thin white sauce tuna fish may be substituted foi salmon adding to recipa 1- tea spoon each chopped parsley and green pepper and a teaspoon lemon juice hake in moderate oven 12 hour tuna fish is also good cream ed and mixed with green peas serve it on toast fish cake 1 cup cold boiled fish salt and pepper 1 cup cold mashed potatoes celery salt 1 egg beaten kqual quantities of cold mashed potatoes and shredded cold fish dried codfish is good for this pur pose follow directions for prepar ing on package mix season to taste add beaten egg shape in rounds and cook in spider with 2 1 tablespoons hot butter till nicely browned bean loaf 1 can beans 1 cup mashed pota toes 1 egg well beaten 1 onion minced salt and pepper cracker crumbs add potatoes well beaten egg and mash beans and rub through siee onions season to taste form into loaf dust with cracker crumbs and bake till nicely browned slice and serve either hot or cold if hot with tomato sauce if cold with salad dressing peanut butter macaroni 2 cups elbow macaroni 2 cups milk 12 teaspoon salt 4 table spoons peanut butter boil macaroni in boiling salted water till tender drain and put in casserole scald milk add salt and peanut butter boil till it thickens slightly pour over macaroni ana bake in moderate oven for 15 min utes noodles with cheese cook noodles in boiling salt water til oft drain through strainer and pour cold water over them to event pieces from adhering make 1 12 cups white sauce as follows 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour teaspoon salt 1v4 cups hot milk dissolve a speck of soda in a little hot water and add to milk heat butter add flour and season ing and then gradually hot milk put a layer of boiled noodles in butter ed baking dish sprinkle with grat ed cheese repeat pour over white sauce cover with buttered crumbs and bake till crumbs are brown tomato sauce may be substituted for white sauce take 2 teaspoons butter 14 teaspoon onion juice 2 tablespoons flour 12 cup water 1 cup strained tomato i teaspoon salt and speck of pepper heat butter remove from fire and stir in flour add water stir well add tomato onion juice salt and pepper boil 5 minutes macaroni or spaghetti may be us ed instead of noodles for this re- third divorce lady game warden urges field sports for her sex instead of favorite feminine quarry man she suggests shooting and hunting animals the single state is again desired by jean harlow above ac cording to rumours from the coast which say she will soon file suit for divorce from hal kosson cameraman who is now in europe dressing and served on crisp lettuce leaves will appeal to the family delicious bread ruddjng soak the bread in coid water un til soft and squeeze as dry as pos sible thickly butter a dish and cover with a layer of jam apricot is ex cellent mix the bread with brown sugar the grated rind of a lemon one egg and sufficient milk to make a thin batter bake a golden brown in a slow oven the butter gives it a delicious toffoc flavor sunday school lesson man of the house often the man of the family has fewer hours of enjoyment of his home than any other member there has been an accepted theory that a mans work must all be done out side and so this condition of affairs seems unavoidable the woman who aims to make her home as useful and pleasant and happy as possible may do well to consider that her husband may have no place of his own that he can call private and into which he can go when he wants to be alone even though he may use it for only a short time after dinner a room of his own may mean a real chance for quiet relaxation to him one woman on waking to the fact that her husband had no place of his own in the house calmly turned her own guest room into a study for her husband for said she the christian as witness golden text but ye shall re ceive power when the holy spirit is come unto you and ye shall be my witnesses both in jerusalem and in all judea and samaria unto the uttermost parts of earth acts 18 and the the lesson in its setting place first thessalonians was written in corinth time it was written during pauls second missionary journey probably in ad 52 paul and silvanus sulvanus is the latin form of silas greek pauls travelling companion who took the place of barnabas pauls compan ion on his first missionary journey and timothy timothy was a young man of lystra in asia minor whom paul probably met on his first missionary journey when the apostle was stoned in lystra unto the church of the thessalonians in god the father and the lord jesus ohrist church is ekklesia in greek whence our ecclesiastic it means called tut separated a congregation that bound together by one purpose grace to you and peace grace is t le sum of all blessings that god be- cipe cheese souffle two tablpespoons butter 3 table spoons flour 12 cup scalded milk 12 teaspoon salt few grains cayen ne 14 cup strong chcesee grated yolks 3 eggs whites 3 eggs melt butter add flour and when well mixed add gradually scalded milk then add salt cayenne and cheese remove from fire add yolks of eggs beaten until lemon colored cool mixture and cut and fold in whites of eggs beaten until stift and dry pour into buttered baking dish and bake 20 minutes in slow oven serve at once etows through christ peace is toe my guests cannot possibly nerd bjnl of a spiritual messing that man this room as much as my husband r3ce and experiences does and what was her rtward iv0 thanks god always tor her husband had been a rather gilt- l ou a counse can on be ed amateur scribbler he had en- jven eftectivel in a wi s irlt joyed writing now and then but he whm wfl tru pray fqr our correa seemed never to find a quiet place to write when the mood was upon m lii our prayers pauls prayers were but now with a room and a desk prayers o thanksgiving and praise- jiondents we can write to them with making mention of you as to the salad we suggested at the beginning of this discourse on meatless recipes fresh tomatoes are always good raw shredded cabbage is tasty and almost any leftover cold vegetables marinated with salad and an inviting typewriter all for himself he began to do a little writ ing every evening in the end he did some very creditable work and the reward was hours of happy work and many unexpected dollars the cost of this venture was next to nothing the articles purchasea were a huge red leather chair it is said that all men love huge red leather chairs three pairs of cur tains a roomy desk and some frames for her husbands cherished college pictures there is hardly a home which could not be squeezed a bit to pro vide a room for the lord of the manor and there is hardly an in vestment of time and loving thought which will reward the homemnkor more richly you know him h alwaya down and out and he blamea other for every error but he could tee hla enemy if he looked in a mirror all of his letters except one galat- lona begin with expressions of thanksgiving remembering without ceasing your work ot fatib that was the only faith that was genuine that was the only faith paul believed in the faith that worked and labor of love paul unites these three faith hope and love as the obief christian graces in his incomparable hymn of love the thirteenth chapter of first corinthians ending with the famous estimate the greatest ot these is lffve and patience of hope pat ience is the very heart of hope in our lord jesus christ before our god and father a hope in our lord jesus christ so different from every other hope before our god and father all that is affirmed in the entire sentence being in the pres ence ot our god and faer securing his approval and taking place with the utmost sincerity and earnestness knowing brethren beloved of god your election god does not permit us to climb a ladder and go into his secret archives and turn the pages and see if a mans name is written in the lambs book of life- but he does permit us to know whether we are elect or whether anybody else is elect how tiat our gospel pauls preaching that the good tidings ot gods free love in christ jesus came not unto you in word only but also in power the love on the cross was not merely a historic fact but a spirit ual fact and the living presence that we find in nature and in the human heart iias a definite character which is the character of jesus christ and in the holy spirit this is a most necessary addition for no one can obey christ perfectly in his own strength he must have the aid ot the holy spirit or he will fail in his best endeavors and in much assur ance this gives us to understand that the man that is renewed through the gospel of our lord jesus christ knows it and has no doubt of it in his heart even as ye know whet man ner of men we showed ourselves to ward you for your sake paul silas and timothy are joyfully able to point the thessalonians to them selves as showing the kind of chris tians christ wants and ye became imitators of us paul challenged his friends in thes- salonica in corin ii and elsewhere to take his life as a pattern ho was an example to them as they were to be an example to others and as the lord jesus christ was to bo an example to him and the standard for him and of the lord our lord has told his disciples that he would dwell in them as they in them having re ceived the word in much affiction with joy of the boly spirit afflic tion with joy the ixirase describes the life of jesus who was the great est sufferer the world has known and who yet had the greatest joy in the world victory who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame so that ye became an example to all that believe in macedonia and in achaia the thessalonians had so far advanced that they who were for merly imitators had now become a model and an example to others for from you hath sounded forth the word of the lord the sentence 1 as a martial ring the thessalonian t ample was a trumpet like summons t christ not only in macedonia and aohaia but in every place your faith to god- ward is gone forth by the time the members ot the thessalonian church had listened to the reading of the letter thus far they would probably have conceived a rather more than fair opinion of themselves but as it proceeds they would be likely to dis cover plenty of room for improvement so that we need not to speak any thing the macedonian christians and their godly manner of life were the best evangelistic address possible for they themselves that is the people to whom paul went in mace donia and aohaia report concern ing us what manner of entering in we had unto you entering here re fers not merely to the outward en trance the mere preaching of the gospel among tho thessalonians but to the access tho internal entrance which the gospel found in their hearts and how ye turned unto god from idols this turning was their con version for conversion means a turn ing about to serve a living and a true god living because idols are dead and true because idols are so false and empty and to wait for his son from hea ven to await in eager expectation tho return of his son from heaven whom he raised from the dead paul could never be long without wondering mention of christs resur rection the great truth which meant so much to him even jesus who dclivereth us from the wrath to come our lord is very emphatically spoken of as the deliverer and tils ever pre sent deliverance implies a past he redeemed us once for all ho is ever delivering us chemical in the body at present prices they are worth about 70 cents the price of admission to a dance hunting theres a truly thrilling p recently at the massachusetts sporting experience for women itt f technology was th is edith stoker of south wethers- nmr price of the chemicals in the field connecticut talking the only bod of tho young women j woman game warden in the united the nove admission charge focuses states with the fivemile fishing pre- attention on the fact that the worth i pf the human body in t of chemicals that compose it has drop ped to an average of 70 cents- from an even dollar in 1931 seventeen different chemical ele ments have been found in the hu man body oxygen carbon hydro gen chlorine fluorine sillicon so dium potassium lithium calcium magnesium iron manganese and iodine of these oxygen carbon hydro gen and nitrogen comprise nearly the whole bulk of the fluids and softer portions of the body the others mostly in a state of combi nation and in comparatively small quantities enter into the composi tion of the various tissues the or ganic compounds of the body con tain carbon oxygen hydrogen and some nitrogen the most important of these being albumins fats and carbohydrates the chief inorganic compounds are water common salt carbonte of lime and phosphate of lime dr e f lawson of london has 300acre hunting grounds especially set aside for fair nimrods as her spe cial provinces huutings a thrill most women still can look forward to here in connecticut for instanco in spite ot the preserve where tihey can hunt far from the critical masculine eye only about 50 women turn out for th sixweek quail woodcock pheas ant and partridge season those who come are overjoyed that they can hunt in privacy acts as instructor they dont resent mens presence but knowing the hunting district is jheirs alone is pleasant knowledge most of tho women ar already ex perienced hunteic but occasionally one turns up who must bo taught how to handle a gun and look for game i have even loaned my dog to several miss stoeher is proud of her war dens uniform ther is something very intrigu ing about the brass buttons and gold badge she laughs the breeches given the following chemical analy- am high hoots all lend dignity to sis of the hunlan body the attire of course i sow but my clothes are mostly of the simple tailored designs aeter wearii a uniform all day i suppose i should lan toward fluffyruffle dresses but i dont wardens duties fun when miss stoeher departs for the lrauford or farmington preserves she leaves her family home in south wethersileld about 4 in the morning its fun and i wouldnt exchange my job for anything she says this woman game warden is versa- ilo she rides a horse with perfect the average man weighing 140 pounds is composed of enough wa ter to fill a tengallon barrel enough fat for seven cakes of soap enough carbon for 9000 lead pencils enough phosphorus to make 2200 match heads sufficient magnesium for one dose of salts enough iron to make a mediumsized nail sufficient lime to whitewash a chicken coop and enough sulphur to rid one dog of fleas the whole at the rates then prevailing 1931 could be bought dr lawson said for the sum of 1 and he added that the value is raising calves ease and enjoys sports golf and much the same whether tho body is tennis she finds are relaxing and that of a village idiot or an ein- pleasant but there is littl time for stein them during her busy seasons mu- sc her eyes sparkle when she dis- tusses her favorite art has fascin ated me for years she has studied voice and devotes much time to sing ing sho is 2s cooks bakes and sews a fine seam and i have a hobby too she confesses its raising setters and pointers she insists that with a little prac tice under a competent instructor tae average woman can soon master tie art of angling as well a3 hunting last season 315 young and old wo men fished under her careful eye many of the number were taught how to cast their flies and iuold a reel properly the man who wins of a man is the fight he the test makes the grit that he daily show3 the way he stands on his feet and takes fates numerous bumps and blows a coward can smile when theres nought to fear when nothing his progress bars but it takes a man to stand up and cheer while some other fellow stars it isnt e victory after all but tho fight that a brother makes the man who driven against th wall sim11 stands up erect and takes the blows ot fate with his head held high the man who will win in the by and by or ho isnt afraid to fail ts the bumps you get and the jolts you get and the shocks that your courage stands the hours of sorrow and vain regret the prize wiat escapes your hands that test- your mettle and prove your worth it isnt the blows you deal but the blow3 that you take on this good old earth that shows if your stuff is real farmers who sell whole milk will i find the following suggestions help- ful 1 leave the calf with its mother for one to three days after birth 2 feed whole milk during the first two or three weeks be care ful not to overfeed 3 it is best to feed the milk di rectly after milking and always from clean utensils milk that has been allowed to cool should be warm ed to 95 degrees f 4 start feeding powdered skim- milk or powdered buttermilk mixed with warm water at the rate of one pare powder to nine parts water a3 a substitute for whole milk make all changes in feed gradually 5 semisolid or condensed butter milk may be used as a substitute for whole milk this should be mixed with about three times their weight of warm water to a feeding 6 feed the prepared milk mix tures to calves in the same way and in the same amounts as ordinary skim milk 7 calves may be weaned from milk when about 70 days old al though better results are secured from feeding longer 8 there are several satisfactory prepared calf meals on the market bottled canadian honey mutj and jeff by bud fisher canadian honey is enjoying in creasing popularity in the british islos and bottled canadian honey seems to be the demand of the bri tish consumer in a survey taken recently it was found that tho glass jar was by far tho most popular typo of container for extracted honey in tho shops of britain in london 92 per cent of tiho shops stocking honey showed glass jars while in glasgow the percentage was 91 the almost universal use of the glass jar container is attri buted to the fact that the honey and presents a clean appearance this is visitimg pay at the tail ill 60 u to see mutt and then drop the charges i hate to wearthls but if i domt muttwillthink im not practising kypartinthesirl ofthe gay nineties hellcmutt im sorry for mat happened but to make up for it im ractisln6j real hard for our picture ill bet risht now youre glad to seg meujearin6 k this costume silver birches birches their dusky tresses powder ed with gold tremble and sigh in a forest now empty and cold sadly they remember aprils flutter ing green wimple of shimmering fabric mete for a queen her perfumes her winged pages her minstrel choir jcwols that flshed in the sunshine like sparks of fire her train that swept like a poacocki over tho grass the lakes pellucid water her look ingglass the silver birches are dreaming through tho still air the last gold leaf of november falls from their hair h e holland in the christian science monitor