ifcifttitt volxlvi no 35 stouffville ontario thursday november 29 1934 a v nolan publisher remember those who remember you get your christmas cards now made in canada cards that are different cards that are exclusive personal greeting cards itadios philco victor make your selection now to be delivered anytime before christmas old age pension board retired total expenditures for twelve months were over 136000 in ontario county mrs t arnold markham pioneer in sailing vessel a month way to canada j m storey druggist the home of quality drugi legal harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary public etc stouffville ontario phone 18003 mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers etc buttons block stouffville money to loan briarbush hospital convalescent home main street stouffville license no187 graduated nurses in attendance private semiprivate and public wards phone 191 mrs er good superintendent medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 196 coronek for york county dental d c smith ldsdds neil c smith ldsdds oflice over the bank of commerce office hours 9 to 12 130 o 530 phone office 1011 residence 1016 there was paid to old age pen sioners in ontario county during the twelve months ending october 31 1934 the large sum of 13677690 the county of ontarios share of tec per cent was 1307769 these interesting figures were contained in the report presented by owen davies secretary to the county council at whitby last week the report was noteworthy for its com pleteness and mr davies of ux- bridge regarded as one of the best secretaries in ontario was warmly commended during the year 144 applications were received 13s granted and six refused the number of pensioners in the county at the present time is 675 and of this number 24 are over the age of 80 the average amount of pension granted was 1754 there were 14 transfers in the county 11 out and seven refused administration costs were 926- 16 which includes fees to members of council filing cabinet printing postage and investigators reports and applications 12 meetings were held one at longford mills one at beaverton one at the secretarys office and nine at the council chamber whitby the secretary received 456 com munications during the year show ing the enormous amount of work involved he replied to 2s9 a summary of how pensioners are receiving their cheques follows 464 receiving 2000 2 1900 1 1s46 3 1800 2 1700 ii 1650 1 1649 1 1600 110 1500 i 1300 12 12 44 10 i 850 1 800 1 750 and 1 600 markham couple 50 years married mount albert nov 23 one of the pioneer residents of mount albert community mrs thomas arnold died here on thursday at the home of her daughter mrs w d stokes the late mrs arnold was m her 91st year she was born in ireland and came to canada at the age of eight in a sailing vessel which took over a month for the trip she spent part of her early life in markham township and after her marriage lived in mount albert district she retained all her facul ties and could relate many inter esting experiences of her long life she was a lifelong presbyterian until church union and until the last few months was a regular attendant at the church services she leaves four sons and one daughter of a family of eight william of montana david john and james of ruddell sask and mrs stokes of mount albert 11 grandchildren and five greatgrand children altona moke appreciation 034 mrs dear i e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am see h o klinck obrien avenue for your insurance needs in fire life automobile burglary and all casualty lines laflecke sask nov 17 george hoover markham irr 2 friend am writing these lines to tell you how lucky a mother i am to have received that coat which you placed in the relief car shipped from stouffville it just fits my little lad i am the mother of six children and we are very much in need it is six years now since we have had a crop or grown ifeed of any kind for 3tock so you will understand our circum stances with a family of six you will see that any kind of clothing sent us brings joy to our family we are in pressing need of everything i can knjt over anything mend etc and make over if only we had the old cloths to do this with my husband goes without a winter coat ho takes size 44 but has to go through our rugged winter as best he can now dear friend i have four children going to school and if any one can send us anything at all we will meet the express charges here and i give you a mothers word that i will pay you back it we ever get going again and i will do it as soon as i can many thnnks again for that childs coat it was wonderful to get it mrs j a mcdonald laflecke sask mr and mrs kenneth betz spent sunday with mr and mrs stanley lewis mr and mrs edward wideman spent sunday with mr and mrs barkis reesor sorry to lose mrs mong one of our neighbors who has gone to western canada mrs armstrong and mrs spark- all spent sunday with mr and mrs r j mann the regular meeting of the twinkling star class of the altona sunday school has been postponed until doc 4 it will be held at the home of mrs murray dunkeld atha a pretty golden wedding cele bration took place on sunday nov 25 on the sth line north markham when mr and mrs man r fretz held a reception during the after noon to mark their 50th wedding day invitations had been issued to friends and relatives as far away as british columbia saskatchewan kansas south america sarnia and other ontario points as well as to friends in the neighborhood many of these guests assembled at the re ception in addition to the members of the family including sons daughters and grandchildren a dainty buffet lunch was served at 2 oclock and a program rendered very appropriate to the occasion old man in home is aged 104 years men and women in york county institution happy after lives of struggle veterans of army and navy there melville douglas klnch spent the weekend with jack nigh mr claude nesbitt of gilford spent sunday with mr and mrs edgar bateman lou lehman arrived home from the north country last week with his deer mr and mrswm mcewen of clinton are visiting at the home of the rev john mcewen mrs gordon shirk of selkirk made a short visit with her parents mr and mrs robson jewitt last week miss anne murison and mr car son wideman spent sunday evening with mr and mrs j w lehman and family a number of our young people are taking in the royal this week the weather being so warm it is hard to imagine it is so late in the season on sunday evening the junior bible class from the united church no more bonds nexl five years approval of a recommendation of its finance committee that no further debentures be issued for the county for a period of five years was given by york county council on monday it is the unanimous opinion of every member of the finance com mittee that the credit of the county has been much improved by living within our budget and not increas ing our debt by issuing further debentures said dr h m cooke of forest hill it is an amazing thing that less than ten years ago we had no de benture debt while now we have a debt of 1500000 he said what we should do now is backpedal and not try to increase our obligations auctions brisk bidding a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co also automobile and fire thomas birkett insurance agency everything in incurance phono 25902 stouffville ont m m gibson ontario land survoyor aglncourt ontario l e oneill t successor to w j mather r stouffville funeral director and embalmer night and day service business phone residence phone 9801 9820 new repair shop i am prepared to repair your wheelbarrow ladder or anything in wood at moderate charge a g brooks stouffor street just beyond christian church royal duke gets increase ox wedding prince georges official snlary will ho increased s7fl000 to s12s000 yearly a salary raise of 75000 a year will bo the states present to the duke of kent when he married princess marina of greece today according to law the dukes present annual slice of the civil list is 50000 it is automatically raised to 125000 when he marries altogether the state pays the royal family 2820000 every year the main item of this amount is the 2350000 the king receives the duke of york and the duke of con- naught got 75000 the duke of gloucester and at present the duke of kent get 50000 the princess royal 30000 and prin cess victoria princess louise and princess beatrice get 30000 each the prince of wales income is not included in the civil list it is over 1230000 a year and is deriv ed principally from the wealthy duchy of cornwall the kings income is appropriat ed as follows their majesties privy purse 550000 salaries of the household 625000 expenses of the household 965000 works 100000 and royal bounty 65000 this leaves 41000 unappropriat ed for emergencies the king augments his private allowance with revenues from the duchy of lancast er these average about 300000 annually 86th anniversary the sixth line baptist church will hold their anniversary services next sunday december 2 largo congregations are anticipated as this is the 86th year of activity tor the church services morning and evening at 11 and 7 oclock a form er pastor rev wm miller has been secured as speaker for the occasion he is now pastor at boon avenue baptist church toronto the home choir will assist in the morning services with miss alma baker as soloist music in the even ing by a mixed male quartette from ringwood and 6th line churches watch for the big one day sale of coats suits and dresses at shaws store on saturday dec 1st it will pay you to see this handplck- ed selection of the very newest styles at low prices that represent a real saving to you the womens association of the claromont united church will hold a baazar and concert in the com munity hall on friday dec 7 baazar at 3 pm when an afternoon tea will be served concert t 8 pm when a drama entitled tho strike of tho ladies aid will be given admission 25c children 10c the public auction sale of farm stock implements and poultry supplies on the farm of frank week- on the 5th concession of ux- bridge was very largely attended on tuesday afternoon buyers came from great distances and bidding was particularly brisk horses were in good demand selling up to 8250 which was something of a surprise as farmers are pretty much through with horse power for- this fall cows too were in very good demand de spite the heavy condition of the cattle market the highest went to john scott of claromont at 4750 while a poor critter 10 years old said to be fitted with false teeth went at 3250 young pigs demanded 7 and 8 the farm was offered but no sale was reported mr weekes ex pects to turn the place shortly however auctioneer a s farmer was in the territory for the first time and made a good impression with his snappy manner of handling the sale and picking off the bids in so well to him mr weeks who came to the section six years ago is giving up farming to remain in toronto where he is now located at churchill spent the evening with their former teacher mrs mcewen which seemed to flow and family it makes us vexed to report that once more harvey houcks herd of sheep has been raided the damage to the flock incurred by the five raids is serious and if it is dogs as no doubt it is somebody should pay through the nose for the loss a greater effort should be put forth to catch the mauraders how about council putting on a watch to solve this trouble mrs hilmer loehr of delavan illinois mr and mrs harrison newell and mr and mrs roy parrott- and bobby scarboro jet visited their aunt and mrs w e redman smithfield visited her sister mrs david watson main street stouffville dominion organ for sale or exchange for wood apply n brlgnall goodwood fortunes stings and barbs no longer worry 104 aged men and women in the york county home at newmarket for they enjoy com panionship good food and peace in their declining years many come to the home because they cannot support themselves others through sickness and in ability of their relatives to care for them and still others for the fellowship and comfort which a boarding house cannot give oldest of those in the home is john graham who will be 104 in july he is a veteran newspaper man and used to write under the penname of the owl confined to tho hospital at the home lie is deaf and blind the youngest is exchief willard of woodbridge who is 46 he is taking a rest cure and is loud in his praise of the home and its benefits stouffville is represented among the inmates by bill smith so who never had any of the socalled luck for gathering money in his more youthful days he enjoys the home but takes a day off now and then to visit friends gave daughter homo were it not for the home the world would be a cold place one man of 73 who came to canada from scotland 30 years ago said he gave his home to his daughter when his wife died but she refused to look after him when he was taken ill another man related that he spent all his money on his invalid wife and was penniless when she died i was a tailor in sutton until two years ago when my business went on the rocks said another i was gassed at vimy ridge explained a whitehaired veteran of 58 years served with navy years have not dimmed the en thusiasm for the sea of an old sea dog who served with the british navy for 11 years i am 65 and if ever they want a seaman gunner they can send for me he declared in civil life he was a laborer and was unable to save enough to keep him in his old age just as fond of a joke as ever another inmate said he had been born near a montreal brewery brought up on the bottle and never weaned since i like the home better than any place i have been in remarked the 75yearold exmanager of a playing card company the average age of the men and wemen in the home is 80 oxbridge town may get paved outlet also new pavement from sutton line to york county road with the churches adjourned tax sale the adjourned tax sale for the township of whitchurch will be held on saturday next at vandorf at 2 pm all properties up for sale that were not sold at the original sale on november 17 will again be offered at this adjourned sale the council have the right to bid for any proper ty and those that do not find pri vate buyers will likely be purchased by the municipality for the taxes against them at the first sale the municipality could not do this as the properties to be offered are all said to be well worth tho taxes it is likely this will be the only adjourned sale to be held to clean up the ten or twelve properties still to be sold ontario county council will take steps to have the road from uxbrldge i town to the lindsay highway pav- ed next summer it was learned at ontario county council in whitby the report of the road and bridge committee affecting roads was inter esting new pavements suggested the committee recommended to the council of 1935 the paving of that portion of county road no 7 extending northerly from the sut ton line on the townline between york and ontario counties which carries a very heavy summer traf fic to and from the city of toron to and the village of beaverton and the summer resorts of lake siiri- coe adjacent thereto the warden was asked to name a committee of three to act in conjunction with the committee from york county to further this proposal by interview ing the hon t b mcquesten minister of highways for ontario the paving of county road no 9 a of the townships of reach and uxbridge thus providing an all year road from kings highway no 12 to the town of uxbridge was recommended this road was recon structed and widened this year under the unemployment relief scheme new type of road the adoption of a new type of road construction known as re tread in portions of the county during the summer months was re ported by the committee this type of road has proven very satis factory in places visited by the committee this summer including a stretch in wentworth county and the town of barrie and a mile and a half built by the oshawa subur ban road commission this summer the roads outside of oshawa were built in 1930 and were found by the committee in good condition stand ing up well under the traffic so much impressed was the committee with this type of road that they authorized the construction of ap proximately one mile of it in and through the village of claremont on county road no 123 this work has been completed and the committee recommended that the county should continue to construct a certain mileage each year of this class of continue to construct a certain road dustless highway the committee also reported favorable on the construction of a mile of dustless road in the town ship of pickering immediately north of duilin creek the cost was approximately 350 a mile the committee recommended that tht engineer should study this type of road with a view to its more gen eral adoption the superintendent d j kean tabled for councils perusal tho statement of expenditures on coun ty roads from january 1st 1934 to november 1st 1934 the report was adopted stouffville united church rev thos lnidlaw ma pastor sunday december 2 1934 1100 am service rev s w dean dd secretary of tho departments of the united church will preach 230 pm s s bible classes 700 pm evening service let us alone s00 pm monday yps 800 pm wednesday prayer and bible study you are cordially welcome to all these services bloomington and ringwood christian churches rev e morton preacher sunday december 2 1934 what a wonderful inspiration it would be if we would all turn out to our regular sunday services with the same amount of vim as was mani fested towards tho service at rat- cliffs hall last sunday night tho lord himself would be delighted with such earnestness services next lords day 1100 am bloomington- 230 pm iringwood 700 pm altona it is not our aim to entertain but to help stouffville mbnnonitb church rov s crcssman pastor sunday november 25 1934 sunday december 2 1934 great subjects are being discussed at the mennonite church stouffville by rev p wiseman evangelist teacher great day on the sabbath services each evening except saturday at 8 oclock special questions discussed wednesday is christ coming back again thursday is there life after death or if a man die shall he live again friday is there a judgment day friday afternoon 230 a bible reading on divine healing on sabbath the last great day of the messages will centre in the wonderful christ dont miss this opportunity of re ceiving help and helping some per son it is your opportunity your fuel dealers investment pays you dividends it takes more than just a few dollars to become a fuel merchant these modern days investment is required in land in equipment in trucks and more than that to be sure that his customers have the kind of fuel they want at the time they want it a fuel merchant must purchase large quantities in advance of seasonal requirements but it isnt financial backing alone that makes a good fuel merchant talk to your dealer and you will find that he has a wide knowledge of all varieties of fuel he is a heating expert whose knowledge has been gained in the school of experience he can help you nothing is more important to your familys health and comfort than the fuel you burn that is why it pays to recognize your fuel dealer as a resonsible progressive merchant who performs a valuable role in this community york boys win dominion championship ronald bagg of unionvillo and lome petch of markham represent ing the markham dairy calf club brought honour to york county when they won the dominion dairy calf club competition at the royal winter fair teams from seven provinces competed namely ontario new brunswick quebec british columbia nova scotia alberta and prince edward island ayrshlres guernseys holstein and jerseys were judged and in addition an oral examination was conducted on club work care- feeding and management of dairy cattle ronald bagg was the high individ ual boy in both judging and oral examination the ontario team was coached by agricultural representative r e white assisted by jerry walker of don alda farm congratulations are extended to these boys who have been the first ontario dairy calf club team to win the dominion championship brougham mr and mrs bruce morton at tended the funeral at brougham of mr mortons uncle tho late edward wilson who passed nway in his 82nd year at the homo of his son warren tho wilson family arc closely associated with the history of tho township of pickering during his earlier life mr wilson was a mem ber of the christian church but sine its withdrawal from brougham he attended the methodist and latterly tho united ho was a sun day school superintendent temper ance- worker and a publicminded citizen stouffville baptist church rov charles mcgrath pastor sunday december 2 1934 1000 am sunday school classes for all ages 1100 am worship celebration of the lords supper therefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the lord unworthily shall be guilty ot tho body and blood of the lord 700 pm service prayer meetings wednesday at 800 pm andsunday at 630 pm the bible class will meet at the homo of mrs hamilton church st south on friday night at 8 oclock but take heed lest by any means tills liberty of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak wherefore if meat make my brother to offend i will eat no flesh wliile the world standeth lest i make my brother to offend the bible we most heartily invite the public to all our services stouffville oongregationaij christian church harry worling pastor sunday december 2 1934 stoiutviuo 1000 am bible school classes for all ages 1100 am church service church hill 200 pm sunday school classes for all ages 300 pm church service we heartily invito tho public to all our services thursday november 29 800 pm the church hill christian endeav our will meet at the home of mr mrs walker friday november 30 730 pm a joint meeting of the christian churches of this district will bo hold in tho stouffvlllo church tho rev georgo w hunter of toronto and rev w s alexander of newmarket will be with us and bring short messages matters of vital interest to us all will be dis cussed this will bo followed by a time of fellowship in tho sunday school hall apples for sale no 1 quality spy apples by tho bushel or barrel sam golden at ponnocks livery