Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 20, 1934, p. 5

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stouffville ontario september 20 1934 town topics the wctu meet this thursday sept 20 in the baptist church at 3 pm rev archie wallace editor or the onward united church paper has been secured to preach the anni versary sermons in stouffvillo church in october the brathwaite hardware stouft- ville have just been appointed issuers of hunting trapping and gun licenses and are now prepared to transact the business with the appointment also ot mr x e ilyer as an issuer the requirements of the locality are well served do not ail to see martha in the price at ratclitts hall on the evening ot sept 27 house to rent six roomed house with every convenience hardwood floor garage main st apply miss gertrude todd wanted woman or girl for housework mrs j f white rri stouftville 9th concession ten dollars monthly mr and mrs harold gray and mr and mrs hanmer all of toron to were in town sunday visiting the formers mother mrs irwin a gray ua tlieo madill one of our retired citizens on main street east has found that he can grow products right in the village just as he could when on the old farm last week he showed the scribo samples of wonderful growth in tomatoes which wo have seen quite a few this fall the madill garden produced them running a pound and live ounces and smooth in the skin and without blemish mrs david watson left last week on a trip to delavau illinois where she will spend a few weeks ut tho home of her sister mrs t xattress mrs watson will also take in tho chicago fair richard ward the garage man has a walnut tree standing twenty leet high which has several nuts on tills season r o started this tree lrom a nut planted seven years ago two and a half hours solid enjoy rneut be sure and see the price drama on sept 27 miss myrtle watson teacher of piano cordially invites new or old pupils in the opening of the fall term at her uouie main street phone 500s mr and mrs e j davey have returned from island grove after living at tho hkeside for the past three months the stouftville lawn bowling club will hold a mens double tournament on wednesday sept 20 starting at one oclock a num ber of outside rinks are coming r s coulter mpp for haldi- mand with his daughter who has been called to the bar were among the enthusiastic cayuga fans at the baseball game hero last saturday the visiting team brought along a big crowd of supporters young hammill who was un fortunate in receiving a broken leg while playing baseball for beeton against stouffvillo here two weeks ago will be sulllciently recovered as to be able to leave the brier- bush hospital here this week for his home at beeton there is some talk of putting on a benefit game for him tho proposal having boen ad vanced that earl cook of the maple leafs be secured to pitch for stouff villo in fact cook has signified his willingness to cooperate provided the consent of amateur and pro fessional big shots can be secured stanley theatre stouffville alltalkie the householders in whitby have placed their stamp of approval on the hepc hot water heaters with 32 homes having them installed the chronicle states that they are entirely satisfactory and more arc likely to be put in the cost is around 230 per month patrons ot the stanley theatre please note political meeting as previously advertised will aoi be mrs dales widow of the late dr f a dales was in town on tues day evening for the reception held by the eastern star mrs dales was the first matron of jubilee chapter here dr and mrs gilbert richardson and mrs wilomt brown were iu town also mrs william thompson of newmarket and mrs duncan hisey toronto for tho special service in the united church sun day morning these former well known citizens were warmly wel- while on holidays in northern ontario rev charles mcgratb of the baptist church occupied the pulpit at timmins one sunday evening the service being broad cast for the benefit of the northern folks quality service we want it stoutfville eliminates cayuga in tho third round of the baseball semi finals they will be called upon to meet hygate or courtright in the chatham district otherwise a team in the napaneo district or pawassin in the north these are about the only districts left iu the provincial playdown in a grouping barley oats mixed grain wheat wheat buck- highest market price for all grains we have clean fall wheat held at this theatre showing as coined by may old friends as they usual uight this friday and saturday under auspices of the local chapter oes the drama the price will bo presented in rat- cliffs hall on the evening of sept 27 by uxbridgo talent reserve the date mr and mrs leslie powbotham were in whitevale on monday at tending the funeral of her uncle the late william burton who died in his s9th year mr burton fre quently visited in stouftville ana was a well sustained man never show ing his great ago mr in the the tribune is indebted to louis v steckley missionary south africa tor a copy of bulawayo chronicle a daily paper of saturday august 11 containing 2 pages the chronicle is a high class newspaper and the issue re sembles a london england daily in style friday and saturday septesriler 21 and 22 wharf angel victor short subjects mclaglen mr j k agnew ot the brath waite hardware has rented frank rowbothams house on church street immediately north ot the furniture and undertaking parlors and which place was recently vacat cd by l e oneill miss todds house vacated by mr agnew is therefore advertised for rent in this issue possession by nov 1st cauliflower and early cabbige are being left on the growers hands in this district at the present time owing to the great glut on the market growers say they cant et a bid for these products came to worship occasion on this special rev s cressman left on mon day for new dundee accompanied by mrs cressman for the annual conference of the mbc church mr ab stouffer is the local dele gate who will attend the conference also comedy tuesday and avedxesdav september 25 and 20 lady for a day may robson warren william chap 7 tarzan the fearless and comedy friday and saturday september 28 and 2f melody in spring mr noah baker who on friday of this week will reach his 76th birthday mr baker is in very good health and still retains that school boy complexion it is something of p coincident that on saturday night lie was called from his home to bo presented with a birthday cake to which ho was entitled at the big draw which took place at the dominion stores where the firm was commemorating their fifteenth anniversary by giving away a birth day cake to the lucky ticket holder it certainly went to an appropriate winner and friends unite with tho tribune in wishing our citizen who has been a good community builder many happy returns on this occasion mr baker in turn wishes to thank the chain store for their generosity in providing a prize on this occasion which turned out to do double duty in such a manner a sample of potatoes grown on fred w silversides farm in tho township ot scott near leaskdale are on exhibition in stiver bros store the sample is certainly choice and the veteran auctioneer sends down word that he has a large acreage just as good as the sample dr neil smith and a number of his officers and brethren of richard son lodge attended a reception tendered ir w bro john nes ddgm at the orient and river- dale masonic temple toronto last monday evening dr smith is ruling master of the local cratt the womens institute ot stouft ville catering on the grounds tor tho school tair last friday after noon had receipts of over ss000 this of course does not represent their profit which is small how ever the institute rendered a ser vice for the day that is appreciated by the fair promoters and the children the instituto also assist the fair by giving it financial sup port last spring they contributed 10 to r e white district repre tentative for tho fairs of this dis trict and also donated 10 to the local school for prizes won here western canada visitors in town this week aro mrs vera appleton and the misses lyle and janet appleton from yorkton sask who are on a motor trip and are at pre sent visiting with mr and mrs walter talbot church street they being relatives of mrs talbot the appleons aro uative born western ers and are spending a year hero in ontario on holidays treat your fall wheat with ceresan fectant a dust disin- fertilizers of all brands for hand fall wheat on stiver bros phone 4501 stouftville ontario mr and mrs g f llddle and mr and mrs lye all of toronto were guests of tho button families in town on sunday mr lye is the head of the firm which installed the new pipe organ in the united church while mr- liddle wvs the guest organist at the dedication service last sunday in honor ot her marriage to take place today thursday to mr bert silverthorn a shower was held for miss lillis morton daughter of rev e and mrs morton on mon day evening this week at the home of miss ruth walls miscellaneous gifts numerous and useful were received by tho young bridetobe all coupled with the hearty con gratulations of their friends electors of north york in tho byeelection on monday sept 21 you have an opportunity of expressing your desire for new policies and bettor times do this by voting for mr and mrs beattie arnold of acton were guests on sunday with mr and mrs a v nolan tho arnold glove co of which mr arnold is one ot the proprietors are makers ot the storey gloves sold iu almost every town in canada the firm has eighteen travellers on tho road snd employs 150 men bill mulock liberal candidate a vote for the bennett candidato is placing your stamp of approval on tho record of tho bennett government this time vote for a policy to revive industry increase trade help agriculture and bring prosperity once again to the people of canada september seems to be tho birth day month for many of our citi zens of more mature years and we note with pleasure these- men who are now chalking up another year aro all active and able to be about in fact some of them are working every day william crossen tor- instance is tho baby of the group whom we are about to mention william conducts a cartage busi ness and works every day although on friday he will be 7g or 77 years old ho will be able to celebrate the event by giving noah baker a ride behind his reliable old steed for he too is to celebrate his 7gth year that same day others whom we might mention are nathan forsyth who will celebrate his s2nd year this month and who could still con tract for a house and carry the job to completion according to his youthful spirit and agile body then we mention george urquhart who was the loading painted in the vill- ago 50 years ago ho is coming so years this month and save for a poor memory is qulto smart and active mr urquhart doesnt look anything like the great age ho is this month is popular with the ladles as well as the men or least it was a way back whon these pcoplo wo mention were born all in tho days before stouftville became an incorporated village what we claim to bo ontarios oldest twin sisters count september their birth day month mrs henry hodgson and mrs gcorgo bowers will be s3 years ot ago shortly mrs hodgson has mado a remarkablo recovery from a sickness which confined her to the houso for somo weeks but she is ablo to be about again and attended church last sunday we congratulate all these cltlzons on their great age and others in our community and district of whom wo havo no record over 150 guests united with the officers and members of jubilee chapter order eastern star stouff- ville on tuesday evening in ten dering a reception to mrs a v nolan district deputy grand matron tor the current year for toronto district no 11 the affair was held in ratclifts hall which was decorated with ever greens and flowers provided a pleas ing setting for this social event the ddgm who is entering upon her year of office was presented with a beautiful oval desk by her local chapter as well as being the re cipient of a handsome bracelet on behalf of the 193 2 matrons club and numerous gifts from intimate friends in the order the program preceding the banquet was con tributed by the following artists miss evelyn brownscombe ux- bridge mrs laidlaw and mr carl boadway soloists misses ann lehman and eva hoover instru mental piano duet and recitations by miss edith borinsky a feature of the evening was a drill by mem bers of the local chapter mrs j borinsky presided interesting and instructive short speeches were heard twentynine chapters were represented coming from as far east as bowmanville in addition to the presiding matrons club of 1932 which arrived in a body by motor bus there were among the guests mrs s robertson past grand matron of the grand chapter of ontario dr cation past grand patron mrs e malcolm grand secretary lmrs l cation grand marshal mrs e downer mrs l davidson members of the grand executive and the district deputy grand matrons of districts no 10 and 19 mrs quilin and miss wilcox roy strong who is giving up farming will hold a public auction salo on wednesday sept 2g as per large posters throughout the countryside he has two well matched teams for sale also a full lino of implements many of them practically new a solid walnut dining room suite and other house hold furniture will also be sold this opening sale of the fall season to be conducted by as farmer will bo largely attended for it is a genuino clearance without reserve the summer cottage of charles r leaske who was burned to death in the summer residence at maple beach the other day was quite well known to our local banker mr f marshall whoso summer home is ony a tew cottages away lrom the illtated one which was destroyed on monday leasko had lett his tor onto home to go to the beach and close the cottage tor tho season he had been burning rubbish in tho stove and was overcome with smoke it would appear and could not escape when the building took fire trom delective pipes or stove there was no one about to witness tho tragedy cream for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery our prices are the highest and our service is unexcelled- stouffville creamery co open tuesday thursday and saturday evening j natiye son died in saskatchewan the death took place last week at saskatoon saskatchewan of a tormer stouffvillo boy bert leh man who passed away in his 55th year on sept 15 ho was a son of tho late mr and mrs joseph leh man and his mother was sister of our mr isaac boadway interment took- place at saskatoon on mon day this week the lato bert lehman was born in this town in 1ss0 learned the shoo making trade with mr amos lehman about 30 years ago he went to mount albert and after re maining there for five years answered the call togo west young man so popular at that time he located at saskatoon where he re mained until his demise he married a sister ot isaac sheffield and sho predeceased him by two years an only daughter unmarried lived with tho father the late mr lehman is also survived by three sisters and threo brothers namely mrs f l gardener florence of springfield ohio mrs w pollock loretta of northandover u s a mrs hockiday rachael of littletown denver col john lehman ol stouffvillo and jacob and wilmot of north bay tho late mr lehman was an up right citizen and his demise long before the alloted span at least is something to be regretted ho is well remembered by many of our citizens e a grtjbin registered optometrist i september dates 4th 17th and 18th october dates 1st 2nd 15 16 29 80 at stouftville every other monday and tuesday eyes examined glasses fitted and repaired phono stouftville 2405 save money for your separator for a limited time your opinion is wanttd in exchange for it we offer two rubber bowl rings for your separator any sue or make free and postpaid we will also tell you about the cheapest separator in the world to buy and use the only separator made in america with a gnr an teed selfbalancing bowl a separator with twelve valuable features not found on any other separator in the world just send postcard to address below telline your address name and age of your separator and name of this paper full details will be sent promptly port huron mich boxttft ftrarraatfma and have your summer leisure by letting us bake your cakes pies tarts rolls etc this season visit our cake shop or order from our drivers stouffville bakbky ambrose stover proprietor bank of canada capital 5000000 divided into 100000 shares of tsojx each the minister of finance pursuant to the provisions of the bank of canada act offers for public subscription 100100 shares of the capital stock of bank of canada issue price 6000 a share payable as follows on application on lain 2 1935 s1z5 a shun 375 a shan the bank of canada has been incorporated by the parliament of canada and given wide powers to operate as a central bank of issue and rediscount for canada the bank is authorized to pay cumulative dividends from its profits after provision for expenses depreciation etc at the rate of 41 per annum payable halfyearly surplus profits are to be applied to the rest fund of the bank or paid into the consolidated revenue fund as provided by the bank of canada act not more than so shares may be held by or for the benefit of any one person share holders must be british subjects ordinarily resident in canada or corporations organized under dominion or provincial laws and controlled by british subjects ordinarily resident in canada subscriptions should be mailed to the minister of finance ottawa in envelopes marked bank of canada shares payment must be mado by a certified cheque on a chartered bank or by a bank draft or post office or express company money order payable to the receiver general of canada as soon as possible after subscriptions have been received allotments will be made and notice of the allotment will be mailed to the post office address furnished by the subscriber further particulars will be found in the official prospectus and application form which may be obtained at the department of finance the offices of the assistant receivers general post offices any branch of any chartered bank and other financial institutions the subscription list mill open on september 17 1034 and close on or before september si 1ss4 with or without notice at the discretion of the minister of finance dvutum or fjkixcs ottawa snun 17 mm

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