black hole victims a aew ihejry that tbe victims of the lilac hole of calcutta died from beat stroke aii2 not of asphyxia was advined by professo j barcroft professor of physiology at cambridge in a lectre before tbo research de- feme society in london ono of the greatest living au thorities on respiration professor llarcrott has often risked his life while eairying out hi experiments on oio occasion during the war when there was a dispute among scientists as to efficacy cf prusoic acid gas in warfare he wrnt with a dog into a chamber filed with ihe gas the anl roa was dea within 1 minutes 35 seconds but mr tiarcrofl walked out unsoamea proessor brcioft who is a member of the chemical warfare covmitee of the war office refer red to the problem o the protection of liidon from air raids me possible procedure he con- timed would he e have subterran ean rooms in which the essential ser vices could be carried on and 1 was asked how manj pcisons could in an exteme case work in an unventilated room of a certain hzs the first is sue wis this if a certain number of pepte a in a closed room what is tbe jsential actor which will reduce the qrillty of thvr work in a small way t is the sime problem as that of what killed tte people in the black hole ot calcutri history has always assumed that they died of aspliyxia modern views of ventllrtlon ail point in a different direction namely that they died of heal stroke if there is no through curteot and tin amount of heat pro- dueu by persons in a room is greater than the walls f the room can carry awiy the temncraiure ci the inhabi tants tist rise and in the extreme cao latclly london daily tele graph w ings of f o rtu n e by leslie beresford synopsis sylvia oarnley an orphan is employ ed at a travel bureau in that way she meets john christopher fellowes going to paris and ilonte carlo because of poor business sylvia loses her job but at the same time mrs paula carmlchael staying at the hotel with her brother tony malllson sur prises her by telling her that she is heiress to a fortune by her uncle luke massingham accompanied by paula and tony sylvia goes on a shopping orgy in paris paula lends florrle her mala to help sylvia dress for her nrst big party in paris sylvia feels florrle has a de finite dislike for her paula warns her of fortune seekers she meef john rellowes see bouncing of lightning pittsfield mass photos of a stroke of lightning which bounced up and down ten times between the earlh and a cloud although to the eye it seemed a single flash were made pu blic recently the lightning was caught in storm here this month by a camera film travelling a mile a minute and operated by general electric engin eers the first stroke was down fairly bright and considerably forked it apptaied to grease a pathway in the air for what followed this grease was ionization a chain of air parti cles reaching from cloud to earth all so highly electrified that they prob ably made an air column more con ducive than the best copper wire for a millionth of a second after the first stroke the film was dark then down the ionized airway a thin dart of electricity shot from cloud to ground as it faded a streak of fire shot upward a tremendously heavy stroke travelling from the ground to the cloud the downward darts travelled at speeds ranging from about 2800 miles n second up to around 7500 miles the big upward strokes showed speeds of 14000 up to 23000 miles a second the light downward strokes are called leaders whether they are real darts or just long thin lines of electricity is in doubt the picture evidence at present indicates they are more dartlike than anything else sylvia simpiy rould not understand the problem at all i made john christopher appear such a different kind of man from what she had ima gined him darkened him with shad ows of suspicion which somehow she could not fcei lie deserved strangely even after what she had just ueard she could not resist be ing stirred by tlat attraction for him which she had expeiienced from the very first moment she had seen him perhaps hat was why although sorely tempted lc tell paula and tony of that malchesur meeting as well as what had passed between john chris topher and herslf ihlj ivening some thing urged uer so strongly to keep her ovn counsel that she did so as it happened anyhow tony was an xious for them set away from the hotel at once avd begin their even ings amusement sylvia was oniy too delighted to divert her tliougbts from this dis appointing opening to ber first night in paris she resolved to dismiss john christopher entirely from her mind when tlo three ol them were 5lkaymore i atlantic city 7ae preeminent hotel achievement whirled in a luxerlou car through the lively arclit streets as tony laughingly put it to paint paris red tony as a mtter ot fact had ra ther grown on sylvia in the short time they had been so much together when first she bad known paula and him from the otier side of the travel- hureau counter at malchester she had thought tony tbo kind of man for whom she would not care as a close acquaintance be had struck hoi as too fast al together not at al man whom a girl would be wlia to trust any fur ther than she ould see and even after he and panti har told her ot her good fortune abe ha at first been inclined to avoid him as much as possible but she had gradually believed her self wrong in this attitude felt ash amed ot it and quickly begun to res pond to the brotherly care he had taken of her the attentions he lavish ed on her tonight lu her disap pointment over john christopher perhaps even because she wanted so much to forget all about him she re laxed move than ever in her manner ti wards tony in a way reckless of mood she even encouraged him when their bands touched accidentally for in stance while they wero watching a sparkling revue from a box at tho polies bergeres she allowed him to clasp her fingers and hold them let him unchecked slip his arm round her slender waist as they left the box to go on elsewhere for supper and dancing he was a wonderful dancer a per fect partner and she lost all sense of realities as she moved with a de lightful rhythm to his will with a feeling of abandon to the beauty ot ihe music and the tomautic loveliness of the scene in wbkfc they whirled amid coloured lights and a throng of whispering murmuring couples you know its all wrong she heard tony saying a3 a deliciously dreamy waltz came to an end at a late hour and they were moving slowly to an alcove where paula was chatting to a little party of friends i they had joined tlmost as soon as they came here j whats all wioag tony sylvia smiled up at him quesiiouingly lang uorous from th cifectf of dancing ihinkiug that tony jeally was almost too terribly hindom for words this internal fortune of yours he said almost javajely oh i think its just lovely she laughed i was only just telling myself what a wonderful thing money is it makes lifj really worth living look where its brought me think what id have been doing tonight away in malchester and what would that have been fast asleep long since sylvia decided after a glance at a lovely i distinctive quality tea fresh from the gardens my diary by dece iving the partridge on a neighboring estate the pheas ants have been exaggerating an old but not a frequent eccentricity ob serves tho london spectator not one but half a dozen have laid eggs in partrdfre nests along with the partridges eggs tho partridge which both male and female are among the best par ents within the indom ot birds will on occaion fcratch cxi or kick out tho interlopers eggs and in any event the partridge nol tho pheasant will tako possession in brooding time why the birds should double up in this way when 3ltc3 are innumerable and no nest is built passes compre hension tho partridge may be aware of the difference between l own eggs and tho larger eggs ct the pheasant but tho nestegg quite deceives it this year several score of partridge nests made by road or pathside havo been tound and robbe1 of the eggs for which imitations are substituted the real eggs ore sot under hens nd as soon as they begin to chip they aro hurriedly restored to the real parent by thu device which has greatly increased tho block of part- thfgcs tho birds uu tho minimum jrlsk of being disturbed by man or tcrmln or predatory birds x surage swl kul 01 tho pajj- vnls when oncf uio chicks ste born tecure tho brood against most of the bangers that threaten the eggs in the aest its a mystery to me why some men cant take their foot off the accelerator once in a while i suppose its some kind of disease speeditis id call it and it takes a real shock of some sort to cure it like hiccoughs only its a sight more serious for in stance two days ago about tea- time a big car sailed past me this side of jonesville had a clear road all right but they were hopping to it so i thought id check up and maybe tell em to slow down a bit thats how i came to he right there when the crash came two minutes later did that foolish driver slow down through the village not ky a jugful just went right on as though the place wasnt there and right by the crossroads in the middle of the village it happened old man higgins big police dog ran out right in front i heard the brakes go on then the car almost lifted itself off the road i heard a wo man scream and the dogs last shriek the car wobbled for a second as it went over the poor tyke and then it struck the post in front of the store i was there almost on the second and what a mess radiator and bumper smash ed fenders crushed driver stunned and bleeding his wife in hysterics and a poor old dog dead in the road why cant people slow down going through towns and villages you tell me well ill be seeing you emstudded wristwatch she had bought for herself in london i should have gone to bea at ten oclock well in the dumps with three out of my seven days notice gone and star vation staring me in the face so thai i can claim to have helped you out of a nightmare tony mur mured in her ear and yet she reminded him you were saving my good fortune is all wrong from my point ot view it most certainly is lie drew her aside into a shadowe niche her hands suddenly drawn into his with a ten der clasp dont you know that youre lovely ravishingly lovely he was saying emotionally and a fellow like my self well cant you see what a ter rible temptation it must be to me temptation sbe looked up at him knowing quito well what he meant daring hni all tne same with her winsome smile to fall madly hopelessly in love with you of course what else all in scarcely three days she laughed softly give me a chance he said dont forget that id really known you longer than that my dear what about the first visit paula and i paid to malchester and paula said that no girl was safe from you in london tony dont forget sho reminded him im afraid youre one of that sort falling ir loves a habit of yours dont believe it paula knows bet ter than that ask her besides i havent admitted falling in love with you anyhow dont you see that its more or less impossible oh why silvia asked just that internal fortune of yours of course it stauds right in the way how can i of all men in the world et myself fall iu love with you evervone even you might think it was only your fortune that attracted me that wouldnt be very complimen- tary to me would it tony she smiled up at him smlied because she did not want to take him seriously a little afraid of her earlier reckless ness besides she added under her breath i mightnt have fallen in love with you anyhow meaning that you couldnt he asked hoarsely i think youre awfully nice tony im terribly grajul for all you and faula are doing for me giving me such a lovely time and as a sort of cousin or even a kind of adopted brother tony dear 1 could think a tremendous lot cf you and of course id no right at all to have been saying what i have ho pressed his lips to ber hands and released them looking so repentant lhat sylvia felt a wave of resentment in herself for her recklessness in en couraging him so foolishly dont think lhat tony she urg ed it makes ire unhappy 1 dont want to bo unhappy tonight or to think that you are oh im far from that he laughed gaily slipping an arm round her waist nor are you going to be either just forget all that silly rot ive been talking dear its like my cheek to have imagined you might think more of mo than as you say an adopted brother thats the idea and im more than content with it sylvia as ho led her to rejoin the others was not to know that his con tentment was real enough for the timo being ho lad indeed broken the ico with u tactfulness as deliber ate as it was successful ho had madi her think of him as a lover in waiting he know that ho did not mean to wait very long us colour seheiur of pale blue and old gold it seemed difficult to her to icallse once again the kind of room with which she had so lately been obliged to feel content to be continued gemf from lifes scrap book the eternal stars shine out as soon as it is dark enough carlyle the very circumstance which your suffering sense deems wrathful and afflictive love can make an angel entertained unawares mary baker eddy expert denies female is mqre deadly than male director of new york zoological park says male of the species is more powerful than its mate with every aaguish ot our earthly part the spirits tight grows clearer lowell fairer and more fruitful in spring the vine becomes from the skilful pruning of the husbandman mes- tastaslo let me be pruned grow bishop hall that may whatever purities sanctifies and consecrates hunnn life is not an enemy however much we suffer iu the processes mary baker eddy who rules us the regular daily and nightly homi cides the rgular stickups and hold ups the regular gang shootings and other crimes of violence continue at their regula- rate they are too lamiliar to be considered news so wo ask iu all good faith who runs this country uo dent see how the decent people can ciaim to ruu it we dont ever see how the city and stat and national governments can claim to run it ii the people or the government did run it do you think for a minute that a few thousand criminals could terrorize with im punity the richest and most power ful nation on earth new york journal n e w y o r k kipling was all wronj- ir the opinion of dr w ueid blair wnen he observed that the fe male of the species is more deadly than the male dr blair is in a position to know a lot about animals brh sexes he is director of the new vork zoologi cal park bronx zoo o the nature- loving bearfeeding and lawnlitter ing public the male of the species dr blair dcclaied today is more dangerous more powerful and mcie courageous than its mate- among the higher forms of ani mal life he said the males are larger fierrer and better equipped with defensive and offensive wea pons it has been mv experience hand ling all sorts of animals here at the zoo that the males are much harder to handle much more dangerous than the females the reason he said is that upon the males falls the burden of pro tecting and providing for the home he gave credit to the females for greater docility gentleness and adaptability he also hinks females exhibit more intelligence in captivity if intelligence is regarded as the ability of a creature lo meet new situatior s- tbo females are less oostmate and headstrong than their mates he as sented in some high orders c the animal world notably among ile birds of prey the female is larger than tho male even then dr blair said the male makes up for his deficiency in size by possessing more dash and courage so in dr blairs opinion kipling was merely taking advantage of his nicesouiding but unscientific adage its only basis in fact he said is that sometimes the females shows a little more subtlety in its method of attack dr blair lcntioned that down in the basement of the animal world among the lower and vnore primitive creatures such as insects and crus taceans the female is usually larger and wonger than the aiale frequently she kills and devours him after all biological responsibili ties have been met but going up ihe scale of life into the more advanced forms the mam mals fcr instance including man womans place s in the home and he3 is the subordinate domestic role 6inco this pattern of natures seems contrary to the ideals of staunch feminists such as public officehold ing transatlantic flying women dr blair discreetly declined to do any theorizing or interpreting tviodels flies marke fov rayon while production of rayon in cze choslovakia has notably increased it is still insufllcierffto supply domestic demand according to a report from mr sam e woods commercial at tache at prgue made lo the united stati3 department cf commerce be cause of faihiou changes an enor mous incrcaco in rayon consumption occurred in 1933 amounting to 5s00- 000 kilograms au compared with only 4000000 kilograms iu the preceding year three rayon factcrie- were operat ing during li33 although one of these was forced to suspend operations to ward the close of the year the total output of these plants amounted to 3200000 kilograms of viscose rayon woman is responsible for insect replicas at london museum and he won it was an early hour iii the morning before their gay lttlo party broke up sylvia was surprised to discover what time it was but she was not in the least tired she was wide awake and supremely happy tho friends who had joined them vcre quito charming people two of them were italians tho contc and contessa dabhato and tho third was a nicelooking american named vanderduyl who seemed im mensely rich and was staying with ihe italians they wero all it seemed going to monte carlo in tbo next day or o and would bo meeting there again so the parting outsido the nightclub in tho grey dawn ww only to bo a short one sylvia carried back to tho ho tel in the warmth and luxury of a big car wondered whatever- peoplo in malchester would think of her if they could have seen her now coming home at such an unearthly hour coming homo as well to such lux ury as was herg at this beautiful ho tel when after parting with paula and tony in tho corridor she let her self into her sumptuous suite with consider the recent campaign in the incomparable state of kansas one enndidato for tho state legisla ture boasted ot his honorable dis charge from a local madhouse in every stump speech ho waved the documents triumphantly i havo pa pers here to prove im not crazy ho would cry can my opponent say the same ps he got the job tho new yorker now that sho has learned how easy it is to drop cigarette ashes many a wife has decided her husband may be was right in saying they are good for the rug and keep the moths out cincinnati enquirer in hot weather stomach disorders and indigestion occur moro fre- oucntly also children may play too hard mrs mary mason 63 atlantic st halifax ns ey iwhcn tho children aro overtired rind restless in warm weather 1 givo them babys own tablet be fore retiring and in tho morning they aro happy contented cmi- dren safe even for the tiniest babythcacswectlittlotablctacflcc- tively relievo colic eummcr com plaint simple fever and all minor disorders trice 25o package no fir williimc babys own tablets down a long narrow passage made narrower by the procession of mam moth skulls stretching along it in dim perspective pas bays heaped night- manshly wih antloed heads and so at ast up a laddulike staircase to the west tower this is not th- opening of a thrill er merely a summary of the devious ways behind the scenes at the natur al history museum south kensing ton london eng by which one comes into the presence of the woman who is responsible for those enor mous wax models of flies and cater pillars and mosquitoes which placed in the glass cases ot the entrance hall have served as an interestquicken ing introduction to the museum titivating the monster see miss grace edwards in her towcrrooni titivating a monstrous waxen malaria mosquito at present it is nci quite itself its evil grey ish body hovers on its stand with only one wing its head glares hale fully waving outraged antennae from a neighboring stand but it is hotter met in this undressed state than n its finished glory because now the intricacies of its construc tion arc laid bare tho stages of its evolution aro many first of all there it is life- size and so small that you involun tarily cnnkle up your eyes at it- in a littlo glasscovered box magnify ing glasses 5 and bookillustrations assist at the various enlarged draw ings which must be rigidly accurate and to scale when these have been done the actual modelling can begin a plaster cast of tbo body having beon mado from a preliminary model the wax is bested correctly tinted and then poured into this mould to cool and harden over central wires authentic sheen when tho body ccmes out of tho mould the exact markings of the mojquito aro painted on it and since tho mosquito is a hairy fellow it la stuck with dozens of real hair bris tles or stiffeneu silk hairs tho wingframep aro then mado of fino wire bent and soldered into a beautiful tracery on to this a gum med fine silk mutlln which is var nished and tinted with the authentic roso and green sheen of an insects wing- a fine feathery edging has to bo gummed all rouud tho wings thsro is then the wicked head to be moulded proboscis and all and the delicate antennae carofully poised then tho monster is assembled and moanted poised bgh on a stand with wax models of its larvae and pupa bcclde it and behold it is ready to mrko its bow to the public how long doei ail this take at any rate several weeks such works of irt canmit b turned out to a fac tory timeschedule and that they are works of art experts ot all nmions will testify even the layniai can judgo how ex pert a modeller miss edwards is from a case in the museum entrance- hall shewing a meal of ham and a roll with hojseflies or it the ham looks succuiently real the roll rather dry a mouthful of wax would bo your reward if you bit into either of them the aspiring artstudent should weigh well the list of necessary qualifications before choosing this interesting but exacting career first painstaking accurracy of draughtsmanship in he preliminary sketches next an uncanny skill in modelling and thirdly a colorsenso keen enough to ccpe with the inde terminate mingling shades of nature that there are candidates who can pass thi searching test is evident by the fact that of late years somo of the provincial museums notably liverpool and cardiff have enlisted a ivoman modcllet to make such wax models as they may require ideas wanted artists and authors amat eur or professional are invit ed to send us saleable sket ches illustrations designs short stories and articles are you artistically inclined we offer you practical in struction and criticism on paintings landscapes and flowers in water colours send a three cent stamped envelope for full inform ation ideas unlimited thirtynine les avenue toronto cant slip or slide falseteeth dont use any old kind of remedy to keep false teeth in jdacc use a reliable recognized one which dentists prescribe such as dr wernets powder the largest seller in the world grips teeth co secure yet comfortable they feci natu ral positively no slipping or clicking blissful comfort assured all day long forms a special comfort cushion to pro tect and sooth gums no colored gum my pastekeeps mouth sanitarybreath pleasant inexpensive all druggists l issue no 2 34