Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 17, 1934, p. 6

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wings of fortune by leslie beresford cjiapter i other peoples luck if i may rouble you so much little lady im wanting to off to taris and the kiviera as soon as possible and id like you to fix things up for ine the pleasant baritone voice drift ed to sykva darnleys- ears awaken ing her from a daydream she had been gazing out over the great marble entrancehall of the mal- chester palace hotel which was warm and brilliantlylighted and crowded with those welldressed comfortablycircumstanced people who were usually to be found in this expensive typ of place perfumes from beautifullyficcked women lingered caressingly on the heated air an iioma of choice cigars same from the lips of opulent men distantly an orchestra lilted a dancemelody a soothing shimmer of strings floating above the chatter of those who lingered in the palm- lounge over their afterluncheon coffee in the big kiosk of moorish design which was the hotel travelbureau set in a corner of the entrancehall i ilea- the lift and palmlounge sylvia had just been considering the irony of her lot when the pleasant- bari tone voice intervened with its polite request she looked up at the owner of the voice whoso dark eyes were regard ing her meanwhile with ar expres sion which suggested unlimited ap- pvovak of her of himself of the world in general she was sorely tempted to lean forward over the shiny glass- covered counter between them ad dressing him something like this well thats why im here but you neednt look so disgustingly pleased with yourself about it anyhow youre not the only person wanting to go to paris and the riviera or anywhere else out of this beastly foggy xalchester youre just one of the lucky ones with enough horrible money top lease yourself thats all if only i were in your shoes the last was foolish suggestion anyway for he was rather a tall young man and built in proportion so hei very small feet would have been completely lost in the substanl ial pair of brogues he was wearing besides such things were not said however true they might be in sub stance when one tas a job which must be held at all costs lastly and the thought called a quick flush of color prettily to syl vias cheek he was quite a nice young man as well and meant no harm aa had been about the hotel foyer a good deal in the last week he had spoken to sylvia often begin ning with some business excuse ga- ing on from that to talk of the weather or about malchcster which it seehied he had known when he was younger not that he was at all old now lie looked little more than thirty at tle most sylvia had liked both his voice and quiet manner had felt un usually interested in him even found herself wondering who and what he might be and now he was off to paris and tl3 riviera she would never see him again he would join the long procession of people in this hotel who had come and gone with her to help them on their way ies oofs for more than eighty years preferred and jj sylvia caught at her breath felt that she was giving way to very fool- is thoughts drew towards her the continental timetable and other pap- ers necessary to go through the usual routine paris and the riviera she smil ed ui at him he nodded i if you dont mind you looked at me just now you know as if id i no earthly right at all to be go i j there he laughed did it she turned embarrasod eyes from his quizzical gaze felt the colour more warm than ever in her cheek and stammered an awkward evasion 1 really im afraid you caught me miles away in thought when you spoke as a matter of fact he inter rupted her smilingly i was on the point of offering you a penny for those faraway houghts of yours only that would perhaps have sounded rather a cheek wouldnt ill it would have been a shocking waste of good money she retorted laughing now in turn a little em boldened as well because after all they had been on speaking terms and he really was rather nice if it would interest you to know the truth she found herself con fessing uite frankly i was think ing something like that about you when you came along wanting to go paris and the riviera i had just been telling myself what hard luck it was on me that i have to stay here helping you fortunate people to go away and enjoy yourselves in all those nice places im just dying to see and probably nver will oh dont say that he protested smiling youve plenty of time yet for the luck to change besides it isnt always a guestion of luck pleasure when people go where im going it may heas in my case business i shouldnt care what took me there so long as i could go out of this dreadful malehester and its fog and sylvias impulsive tongue stumbled to silence she realised suddenly that she ought not to be behaving in this way and opened the timetable hurriedly oh let me get rid of you to paris and the riviera she laughed a little shakily ive no right to be talking about myself and if youre in a hurrv to to get across the chan nel she glanced at the clock began to look up trains he had just about time she told him to get through to southampton for the midnight boat to havre unless he prelfercd to go b air from croydon he wasnt it seemed in such a hurry as all that so cii as he reached paris next day that was time enough for him two days there for business and then on to monte since he chose a most expensive hotel for his stay in paris and an equally exclusive one in monte with gootlpriced rooms at each it was obvious to sylvia that money was o consideration with him whether he was going on pleasure or not he cud afford to do himself veil meantime his name which she had to enquire for hooking purpose proved to be fellowes john christ opher fellowes while making sure that his passport was in order she could not help seeing that he had orange pekoe blend m fresh from the gardens in r soaks in deeper because the acv- instaot hit possesses one element that no other tint or je possesse it sozkf the color right in dissolves com- fletely dyes beautifully evenly and istj and lasts and lasts- free- sent thi frcn of 2 ml package for frefc copy of the a b c ot home hug making to john a huston co ltd rjaledoni kd loronto wtthmrieins war with exercise right food holiday substitutes if you have that tired feel ing and cant get away this advice may help along about this time of year vitality is at a low ebb and a girls reflection in the mirror isnt apt to please her her complexion seems to be grayish tired lines appear around mouth and eyes her neck is stiff when she wakes up in the morning something must be done of course no one wants to go on feeling out of sorts and looking tired and wan a vacation probably is the most effec tive way of getting rid of spring fever if you possibly can take a trip somewhere and get away from the typewriter sewing machine children or what have you youll be surprised at what one short week will do for your disposition and your looks as well however if youre one of those people who never seem to be able to take a vacation substitute exercise the right food and some home beauty treatments for a holiday in the country or on a boat theyre inexpensive substitutes and really quite pleasant first make sure that your drink ing ten glasses of water each day a dash of lemon juice when you get up in the morning- walk to the of fice or if your work is confined to the home take a brisk walk as soon as the mornings housework is done get ten hours sleep every- night and do some settingup exercises when you get out of bed new argument about a political career albany ny there is no doubt but that a legislative career agrees with misd doris byrne only woman member of the new york legislature she has gained six pounds really im getting worried about it declared the comely young bronx democrat my only hope is that ill lose it all in the excitement of trying to get reelected this fall silver jubilee the smart bedroom is done in modern or classic manner oktabio department of public welfare provides for the dependent aged through the old age pensions plan the dependent widow and children means of mothers allowances by neglected children through childrens aid societies the socializing of problem boys and girls- in trainng and in industrial schools needy veterans through the soldiers aid commission and veterans welfare service ontario leads in social legislation honorable w g martin uitla minister m a sorsoleil deputy minister holds false teeth tight as cement plate cant possibly dip when you iprinklo on dr wernet v powder largest seller in world holds plate so tight they cant annoy yet to comfort able they actually feel and act like your otrai keeps mouth sanitary breath pleasant special comfortcushion pre vents sensitive gums from getting eorei small cost any drugstore great britain india and the british dominions lay plans for king georges silver jubilee one year hence may 6th 1935 is expected tc usher in a celebration equalling queen victorias golden jubilee in 1887 since the union of the crowns of england and scotland 13 sovereigns have sat upon the throne only four of them longer than george v al ways popular the great war and the great depression afforded real op portunities to which this democratic ruler rose to find a cat with loyalty would be like finding one with five ears albert payson terhune come from china that he was con cerned in some financial corporation in shanghai that sho decided was lather what she might have expect ed of him to be to be continued vh my threo baby toys were reat- legb with colic or peevish from their teeth i gave them o babys own tablet nnd they were toon aeleep say a- mrs- t tweedy 475 nlill- wood rd toronto theteeweet little tablettfrcmovo the causa of fretmlneesand tbo child becomes happy and well again all the com mon ailments of little folk are promptly and taftlu corrected with dr williams babys own tablets price 25c at your druggists llc drwilluim- m 15t issue no 20 34 l artists and authors amateur or professional send stamped addressed en velope for information on how to sell illustrations and short stories 5 wa will criticize your work and act as agents in selling your work for a small snni art literary service 39 lee avenue- toronto j naturally you want your bedroom to convey an impression of peace and repose but whether you fur nish it in modern style or use some of the lovely adaptations of period pieces depends entirely upon your in dividual taste a walk through the furniture shops or departments of any of the fine modern stores will furnish you with plenty of inspiration you will see fine woods wrought with skilful craftsmanship into pieces of rare and enduring beauty pieces that you will be proud to own and to hand down to our children for one of the out standing characteristics of the new furniture is that it is soundly and substantially made if the modern trend has done nothing else at least it has reestablished a regard for value and lasting worth in furniture for it is a type of furniture that ad- wits of no slighting in construction everything must be sound and sub stantial simple restful designs one of the most distinguished of the modern bedroom suites was modern in inspiration the pieces were made of beautifully matched woods the grain of the wood form ing an important integral part of the design the twin beds had plain head and footboards with the grain meet ing in the middle to form an cltec- ive pattern the beds and each niece in the set were outlined in ebony the drawer pulls were formed of ob long blocks of righly polished wood the large round mirror over the dressing table was set in a black ebony base the top entirely without a frame above the mirror a long cylindrical light of frosted blass was fastened giving a clear bright illumi nation for makeup another dressing table also in the modern manner wjs illumined by indirect lighting the bulbs set into the top of the table throwing the light upward and di rectly on the face so that there were no shadows a very important feature as every woman who has struggled with oldfashioned methods of illumi nation can tell you low triangular or square stools are used before the dressing tables an especially notable feature in bedroom furniture of modern design is the efficient way the chests of drawers are designed any man will delight in the easy sliding drawers that open to display large storage place for mas culine belongings additional bedroom pieces if you aro doing your bedroom in the modern manner youll be fas cinated by a lovely chaise longue up holstered in soft beige fur fabric it is luxurious in the extreme ind there is a small arm chair to match these pieces are typical of the comfort and ease of this modern furniture it is severely simple in design yet highly effective new york dresses up in new clothers new yorks new night season is in full swing there were some prophets who would have bet that no night haunt would open ever again and that the revolutionists would take over all the best locations but new york is getting riotously gay and dressing itself up in the newest clothes to be found the woman who has pouted man who created hot dog dies first started in 1900 alsc publicized doublejoinlec peanut new york harry mozely stev ens who created the american ho dog and built a fortune on it is deac at 78 the englishborn cateier to 1 hungry appetites of millions of tl countrys sport fans succumbed tc arteriosclerosis at his home here early this month after a long llnesj starting in a small baseball part at nilse o stevens lived to see hi business develop until the farflung stevens concessions covered every major league ball park many of the largest race tracks old madison square garden and the new grand central palace stevens sold the first hot dog so- named by the late tad dorgan sports cartoonist at the polo grounds in 1900 sausages had been sold in rolls before that time but the hot sausage in the hot roll with mustard or pickle was his own idea the nev delicacy met with immediate aeclam frovi hungry sports followers and quickly developed into a national institution almost as well known were his doublejointed peanuts harry pnyie whitney once defined stevens as the man who parlayed a bag of peanuts into a million dollars stevens leased many acres of ground in virginia where he grew the goobers and had them shipped to new york by tho carload born in london stevens came to this country in 1882 and settled in niles where his wife had friends after working as an iron puddler and through a few years with a 3250 dress on her back is now flouting a a book salesman for a while he hit 75 number the place piquale one upon what turned out to be his life of the gayest spots in town after theatre is bidding for the smart wo men they definitely have biught the best of the molyneux mainboeher lastcollectionparis clothes and that means the japanese trend bordered largepattern prints tunic silhouette etc porridge stays on menu till summer london eng all is well again jon county council institu tion in fulham road porridge is to remain on the breakfast menu until summer there was pandemonium at the home when the master introduced a uotiv tnd cut out the por ridge the chairman 0 the lcc central committee controlling the in stitution and a public assistance offl- cer went around aud smoothed the ruffled inmates they also decided that objectors need not say grace before meals or prayers hi the morning and eveuing the only true source ot politeness is considerationthat vigilant moral sense which never loses sight of the rights the claims and the sensibill ties of others simms career while watching a baseball game he noticed the scorccards were amateurish and contained no advertising forthwith le obtained the concession fcr selling scorecards quickly lined up adverlig and soon was realizing a mat income gradu ally he extended his business to other ball parks the sale of refreshment and cigars was the next step boy scouts in canada gain j i atlantic city te preeminent rotelachlevement ease pain headache in few minutes i pes im frahticth1s work i must be done and ive a splitting headache dont worrynlst some aspirin tablets and your hea0ac8e will be gone before yoo know it i knew it would i aspirin is the qufcxest lsafe reuepfrom paiu kuowm 2 later look what ive done ps aspirin sure stopped that awful headache in a jiffy never felt better i membership is up canad ian council meets in ottawa ottawa steady growtli of tho boy scout movement in canada was reported at the annual meeting of the canadian general council of the boy scout association held here under the chairmanship of his excellency the governorgeneral chief scout for canada the year just ended was an active one owing to the special relief activi ties of the organization which now numbers more than 65000 boys and leaders more than 5000 badges were issued during the year to scouts quali fying for specific public service postponement until next spring of the visit to canada of lord and lady badenpowell was confirmed and plans for their entertainment previ ously made were carried over until next year a report was presented upon the participation of a representative pa trol of canadian scouts in the fourth world scout jamboree in hungary and a letter read from lord baden- powell stating that the canadian scouts had distinguished themselves by their bearing and scout efficiency a wide variety of direct and in direct relief work during the year in cluded the placing of scout relief barrels in a large number of gro- eery and chain stores in hamilton toronto and montreal and smaller places and the obtaining in this way of large food contributions for local relief the tenth annual christmas toy re pair shop chain operated toy shops in 175 towns and cities across the dominion arid provided christmas gifts for well over 80000 chidreu including over 9000 on prairie home steads for quick relief say aspirin r7i6n you buy now comes amazingly quick relief from headaches rheumatism neuri tis neuralgia the fastest safe relief it is said yet discovered i those results are due to a scien tific discovery by which an aspirin tablet begins to dissolve or dis integrate in the amazing space of two seconds after touching moisture and hence to start taking hold of pain a few minutes after taking the illustration of the glass here tells the story an aspirin tablet starts to disintegrate almost instant ly you swallow it and thus is ready to goto work almost instantly be on sureithcname bayer iff 1 a cross is on every tablet of aspirin why aspirin works so fast drop an aspirin tablet in a sbsj or water note that be fore it touches bot tom it has started to disintegrate what it does in this glass it does in your stomach hence its fast actlorf madiihcahjum does not harm the heart learns english girl now in philadelphia usee to lay bricks in ru mania philadelphia a girl of 20 whi wasa bricklayer in rumania is learn ing english at night school here helen ruck was born in harris burg pa but her parents returnee to the tiny town of szemlak ru mania when she was two years old there- at the customary age of 12 she left school and went to work witl her father she laid bricks f or n year then devoted her time to farm work she plowed the fields planted an reaped in addition to the customarj farm chores in the evening she knit stockings of sheep wool a few months ago miss ruck re turned to this country and settled ii philadelphia- she works in a mill ii the daytime arid studies at an exten sion school at night she iilansto return to rumanit niter becoming a nurse in order u relievo the suffering i sow among th yigjgbx ot that iaaa4

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