Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 10, 1934, p. 8

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stouffville ontario may 10 1934 report outlook for livestock better for 34 improvement in all lines expected for this season a favorable outlook for the live stock industry in canada in 1934 is contained in a special report of the committee of the national ad visory committee on agricultural services for canada appointed to make an annual study of the agri cultural situation for beef cattle tho report shows that the trend of production in canada has been up with substan tial increase in the past three years in the prairies provinces some in crease in british columbia little change in ontario some decrease in quebec and some increase in the maritimes for 1934 tho committer sees a smaller output of grainfinish ed stock than in 1933 it attributes discouragink markets in the fall of last year and crop failure as a central factor responsible for a re duction in winter finishing in commenting on the improve ment in prices particularly for better grades of cattle in 1934 it emphasizes that the course of iprlces is being set by the british market representing the chief ex port outlet for canada and links this up with the definite steps taken recently by tho british minister of agriculture to reduce available supplies of beef in tho united king dom by restriction of imports by killed and frozen beef and of live cattle while indicating more satis- actory prices for canadian export business this move is interpreted as showing clearly that the policy of the united kingdom is to place all im ports of beef irrespective of origin on a quota basis tho domestic market for beef cattle according to this report promises stronger support to the industry than in 1933 whitby spent sunday with mr and mrs j f april reid 29th goodwood mr and mrs j f keid attended the funeral of wm balaier of whitby on saturday miss anderson miss andrews mr donald forsyth and mr chas perry ail of toronto visited friends on sunday mr justico todd has taken a position in toronto with his brotherinlaw mr george rolanz mr and mrs russel colins son robert and daughter isabol of two streams of profit from your separator cream to sell skim milk to grow another crop of calves pigs or chickens the surest safest and most profitable system of farming stouffville creamery co renderers of a most efficient crearatry service since 1918 open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings telephone 1sg03 quite a number from here attend ed the minstrel show in stouffriile last wednesday night the following is what happened to some who were present on may the 2nd there was held you know- in stouffville town a minstrel show the roads were fine the weather fair and a great big crowd was certainly there some folks came in their motor car and others went on the cnr tho truth of it is that one fair lady had to come home in shuddering sadie and lucky she was to arrive though late as the poor little bus had too much weight and the next day the writer seen on tho side or the road a part of the machine but were glad well herein to state that the motorcycle as sure as fate is all fixed now and over tho plight for sunday soon comes after wednesday night now for all we know all else went well and anyway were far too busy to tell other things wo know of if it comes to that but wo must have some fun if were brought on the map the object of this is just a lark be advised now dont go out after dark for some folks see by the cars bright light lots of the things that happen late in the night but the minstrel show was enjoyed by all perhaps therell be another between now and fall and if there is the writer will try to see it all with her own best eye in the meantime good luck to the actors apologies an open letter to the liberals of east york the people of ontario are prepar ing to take part in the most im portant election in their history this is a time for every citizen to offer his best for the common good the men who govern our province for the next five years will largely determine whether we are to have a rew christian order with liberty and justice tor all or a province morally and financially bankrupt surely selfrespecting citizens of ontario are not satisfied with the leadership given iy the present cabinet ministers conscious of the seriousness of the situation and complying with the wishes of todmorden liberal lead ers i am allowing my name to be presented to the east york liberal convention on friday as a candidate for nomination as a teacher with several years experience i feel well qualifid to dis cuss education with the sitting member for east york i challenged mr henry to debate the whole question in a series of meetings to be arranged mr henry replied that he has no time no time to tell about 450000000 spent on schools in the past 11 years with200000- 000 more tobe spent on education before the election following i think our educational system has many faults which could easily be corrected the same schools the same teachers the same money could give better results if inspiring leadership were given education should be more practical and make people useful it should produce lawabiding citizens it should bring refinement and culture it should make our young people familiar with canada her industries her literature and her problems it should make them students of the great changes at ipresent going on in the world it s imports scottish horses i have just made a new importa tion of four clyde stallions from scotland these are an exceptionally good lot of horses with plenty of seize and the best of quality and l might mention i still have the good breeding horse milton moncur parties with good mares should see these horses before breeding nelson wagg claremout melville melville spring sale may 17th mr and mrs albert king called on mr and mrs w rlsebrough sunday afternoon mr and mrs george hillson of agincourt had tea with mr and mrs a king sunday miss marjorle lehman is very efficiently doing her duties as nurse at mrs a tates these days mr and mrs harvey houck spent sunday evening with the latters parents mr and mrs george baker at gormley misses blanche and constance schragg of toronto spent the week end with their friend miss evelyn grant mr and mrs grant imr and mrs overland mr and mrs bridger and family of toronto were sunday guests of mr and mrs ka grant mr and mrs a fleming and family visited with her mother mrs burroughs of locust hill sunday mr and airs a longbottom and daughters doris and ruth of toron to visited with mrs j nigh on sunday mrs o k carruthers and family of toronto visited under ths parental roof mr and mrs wm carruthers on saturday mr and mrs harvey wideman and daughter carol of new toronto spent sunday with their parents mr and mrs j s wideman feed news bulletin we have now on hand a supply of shurgain hog con centrate product of canada packers ltd this is an animal and mineral feed supplement so designed as to correctly balance your proseut grain ration thus prevent loss thro feeding improperly balanced rations as straight grain feeds invariably are shurgain hog concentrate fed hogs will be thrifty free from rickets worms and stiffness and will make a gain of one pound on each three to four pounds of feed consumed each sack of shurgain hog concentrate contains full feeding instructions also sufficient worm powder for one litter of pigs purchase your supply now 250 per cwt in jutes dicksons hill mills phone stouffville 5505 markham ontario gormley turnip rate lowered mr and mrs arthur honsberger should train the youth to cooperate and son kenneth also imrs george in creative activities of vineland spent the weekend with mr and mrs harvey houck we are sorry mrs a tates con dition is not very encouraging as yet her many friends and neigh bours are hoping for brighter re ports by next week- some of the children and grand children visiting at mr tates on sunday were a daughter mrs h cole of barrie mr and imrs earl tate and family of goodwood and mr and mrs byer of toronto judging from the almost doubled attendance at church and splendid turnout for sunday school at the new early sunday morning hour for melville the change is going to be for the better we hope the line spirit and interest continues and grows there are 5 cars to choose from in the lowprice field yet more than 1 out of 3 buyers pick new 1934 chevrolets tvtaturally wc are proud to have created canadas most popular automobile all the more so because people are counting values comparing quality checking on delivered prices as never before in automobile history chevrolet has always been stronger on proof of value than on mere claims people recognize this in chevrolets many exclusive features fullyenclosed protected knee- action body by fisher valveinhead six cylinder engine with blue flame head fisher builtin ventilation exclu sive yk frame to mention just a few and pm as long as motorists go on comparing check ing and testing chevrolet will hold and increase its great sales leadership because chevrolet refuses to compromise on quality the industrys leading engineers the great general motors proving ground and an organization with an car to the ground and an eye to the future take care of that low delivered prices easy gmac terms a geo motors value produced in canada t yourself see the car check these features fullyenclosed kneeaction blue flame cylinder head bigger positive brakes sturdy smart body by fisher exclusive yk frame builtin nodraft ventilation safety glass in windshield and ventilators syncromesh with silent second gear octane selector closed models wired for radio i am a temperance man and realize the temperance question can be finally solved only by education at ipresent there is no temperance education in secondary schools 1 was raised on the farm and am familiar with the farmers problems i am also of the working class and am familiar with the conditions fac ing them though not personally acquainted in all parts of the con stituency i am a resident of east york and shall be able to visit every section before election if chosen as the candidate only the realization of the gravity of the present situation with its moral and economic conditions impels me to offer myself if entrust ed with the heavy responsibilities i shall give all my time to conduct a vigorous and dignified campaign free from all personal abuse in a series of meetings in various places i shall outline a constructive pro gressive educational policy which will appeal to all people who must feel that educational reform is long overdue i shall also discuss finances hydro and all matters under tho control of the provinces let the premier give the people of east york an account of his stewardship as minister of educa tion kindly give this your serious attention f w rayfield chevrolet master six tom priced as lmo as chevrolet standard qf a priced as low as lw delivered fully equipped at factory oihawa onl freight and government license only extra new chevrolet w s widdifield dealer stouffville ont glasgow mr lewis smith and lady friend spent the weekend at his home here lliss addie davis spent a couple of days with misses feme and ella slack last week misses edna and leatrice nicholson spent sunday with miss gertrude slack mr and mrs albert brown and baby visited with his parents at mongolia on tuesday mr and mrs jack spang and family visited with her parents mr and mrs jesse davis on sunday oomo to sunday school at the usual hour 230 as next sunday is mothers day there will be a special message for everyone mrs wm drewery returned home on sunday after spending some days in tho toronto hospital to complete an operation on her eyes mrs drewery had a successful operation last fall to remove a catarac from tho other eye her many friends hope to see her soon restored to health and strength again the cottage prayer meeting was held at the homo of mr and mrs henry slack with about forty present tho meeting was under the leader ship of rov chas mcgrath his text taken from tho gospel of st mark 1021 ouo thing thou lackest tho next meeting will be on may 21st at the homo of mr and mrs w i smith what might have been a case or kidnapping or lost or strayed or stolen occurred hero on saturday afternoon when the two small daughters of mr and mrs stanley slack started out for an afternoon visit at the home of miss grace latcham not coming home at the appointed time tho parents began to make an investigation only to ii a i they had never reached their desti nation frlends and neighbors turn ed out to assist the alarmed parents when it was discovered they had been picked up by a friend- and taken to his homo for tea promising to bring them home on tholr way to i town tho old fablo still stands i alls well that ends well george watson sold an attractive pair of horses this week when ac barkey bought a grey percheron gelding weighing 1500 pounds and william mcnair a hay belgian mare around the same weight and a pretty pair they were the tribune is informed that mr c e heise of gormley after three years effort is finally succeeding in convincing the cnr that a lower freight rate from gormley on tur nips for export to the usa is advisable and that it would pay the railroads as well as tho shipper word comes to the effect that the company is at present revising their tariff on this product and when this is done gormley will bo includ ed in the revised tariff with a rate as favorable as that obtaining at stouftville and blackwater parties desirous of growing this product in tho gormley district should get in touah with mr heise in order to learn the varities best suited for export also the best manner of cultivation for sale banner oats suitable for seed lot s con 10 whit church w e wideman lost truck license plate 7911c howard finder please leave at tribune office for sale quantity of dooley potatoes also two bull calves o w zellar mongolia potatoes for sale white giant variety good and sound for seed or eating seneca baker phone 209 very satisfied says cress corn or bunion salves are worth 3 they do tho work at j m storeys drug store stouffville for sale seed potatoes certified dooleys and limited quantity of irish cobblers h w harper goodwood or phone stouffville 5910 plants about ready i will have ready for sale by may 15 4 of tho best varieties of tomato plants r stewart albert st phone 120s lawn mowers sharpened bring in your mower and have it reconditioned and knives sharpen ed less irowbotham next the fire hall bethesda general store special sale on friday and saturday slay 11th and 12th many flowers palmolive and java palm toilet soap all per bar 5c puritan laundry soap 9 bars for 25c sugar 10 lbs for 71c surget macaroni per pkg 8c ginger snaps 2 lbs for 25c rice 3 lbs for 25c cute salmon per tin 10c feed your chickens meat scrap at 10 lbs for 25c r wilson prop why not come and dance durham cow for sale fresh this month roy alsop con 4 uxbridge phone 4 013 claremont hatching eggs from plymouth rock and leghorns also chicks for sale for may and june delivery f a bruels phone 2s14 june chicks we are prepared to accept orders for june hatched chicks barred rocks from blood tested stock henry miller phone 4914 for rent or will sell bungalow c rooms and bath with all conveniences with clothes closets good celler with furnace will give lease to good tenant apply to isaac boadway albert street stouffville possession given at onee card of thanks i wish to express my sincere thanks to the many neighbours friends and local organizations for the thoughtful sympathy ready assistance and beautiful flowers given me during the sad and trying hours following mr sniders sudden passing away mrs d snider cedar glen park pavilion musselmans lake south side of lake hear the glen echoes toronto orchestra saturday may 12th coffee served free at intermission admission 25c theres a reason why marmill chick starter in mcmorinm aifco in loving memory of sarah hastings who passed away may 11th 1933 the happy days we once enjoyed how sweet the memory still but death has made a vacant place this world can never fill ever remembered by brother sister niece this year makes new records again in giving rapid and healthy growth stronger better bone development better pigmentation perfect feathering no leg trouble mortality almost nil have tried almost all other starters find none that give equal results to marmill tested marmill with another good starter at 4 weeks leg trouble developed and was obliged to change entire flock to marmill best results ever experienced this year 11 oz chicks at 21 days 2 6 leghorns at 59 days perfect feathering strong bone no leg trouble and no mortality never raised such good stock before 19 oz rocks at 35 days losses almost nil- have been feeding starter chicks have gone off their legs send us marmill to bring them back many more unsolicited testimonials show the confidence poultrymen have in marmill for superior results we again state theres a reason for these remarkable results whats in the bag counts not whats on it why continue to kid yourself in buying chick starter and growing mash on price or as a matter of convenience when you can be assured of superior results feeding the marmill way insist on marmill theres no substitute way ask for our new folder feeding the marmill buy from the marmill dealer nearest you reesors marmill ltd markham ontario canadas outstanding feed specialists tenders wanted separate and bulk tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon of saturday may 12th 1934 for the masonry carpentry plaster ing and gal ironwork required in making alterations and additions to stouffvillo united church according to plans prepared by f f saunders architect tho lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted tenders to be in sealed envelope marked tender for church woik robert icurtis stouffvillo ontario gsshfjfi oliver cromwell a custom that perpetu ates wrong is not entitled to respect the right observance the proper ceremony of respect is tho guiding principle of our service to bring respectful dig nity to each occasion is our plan of ceromouy- r g clendening funeral director phono stouffville 263

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